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This work is the first to report the isolation and identification of bacteria colonizing the roots of tropical epiphytic orchids Acampe papillosa (Lindl.) Lindl. and Dendrobium moschatum (Buch.-Ham.) Swartz. and bacteria inhabiting inner layers of the aerial and substrate roots of A. papillosa. We showed by the example of this epiphyte that associative bacteria are present in large amounts on the aerial but not substrate roots. We isolated and identified bacteria from the substrate roots of D. moschatum and from its growth substrate (pine bark). The structure of the intercellular matrix of the associative bacteria was studied.  相似文献   

This work is the first to report the isolation and identification of bacteria colonizing the roots of the tropical epiphytic orchids Acampe papillosa (Lindl.) Lindl. and Dendrobium moschatum (Buch.-Ham.) Swartz. and bacteria inhabiting inner layers of the aerial and substrate roots of A. papillosa. We showed by the example of this epiphyte that associative bacteria are present in large amounts on the aerial but not the substrate roots. We isolated and identified bacteria from the substrate roots of D. Moschatum and from its growth substrate (pine bark). The structure of the intercellular matrix of the associative bacteria was studied.Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 73, No. 6, 2004, pp. 825–831.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Tsavkelova, Cherdyntseva, Netrusov.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic pathway of the roots (both the white velamentous main portions and the green, nonvelamentous tips) was investigated in twelve taxa (natural species and intergeneric hybrid cultivars) of epiphytic orchids having CAM leaves. All organs contained chlorophyll, and the a/b ratios indicate that the organs, especially the roots, are likely shade-adapted. Stable carbon isotope ratios of the tissues were near −15‰ for all organs, a value typical of obligate (constitutive) CAM plants. Values for root tissues were slightly lower (more negative) than those of the leaves. The presence of CAM in the leaves of these orchids did not ensure that their roots performed CAM photosynthesis. Further work is needed to address the questions raised in this study and to determine if the photosynthetic roots of these taxa are capable of assimilating atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Gerhard Zotz  Uwe Winkler 《Oecologia》2013,171(3):733-741
The velamen radicum, a spongy, usually multiple epidermis of the roots, which at maturity consists of dead cells, is frequently described as an important adaptation of epiphytic orchids. Yet, quantitative evidence for the alleged functions, e.g., efficient water and nutrient uptake, nutrient retention, reduction of water loss, mechanical protection, or the avoidance of overheating, is rare or missing. We tested the notion originally put forward by Went in 1940 that the velamen allows plants to capture and immobilize the first solutions arriving in a rainfall, which are the most heavily charged with nutrients. In a series of experiments, we examined whether all necessary functional characteristics are given for this scenario to be realistic under ecological conditions. First, we show that the velamen of a large number of orchid species takes up solutions within seconds, while evaporation from the velamen takes several hours. Charged ions are retained in the velamen probably due to positive and negative charges in the cell walls, while uncharged compounds are lost to the external medium. Finally, we demonstrate that nutrient uptake follows biphasic kinetics with a highly efficient, active transport system at low external concentrations. Thus, our results lend strong support to Went’s hypothesis: the velamen fulfills an important function in nutrient uptake in the epiphytic habitat. Most of the other functions outlined above still await similar experimental scrutiny.  相似文献   

Thirty-one sites in Nigeria were ordinated on the basis of 117 species of epiphytic orchids enumerated and on the basis of 144 most abundant and/or frequent trees. The orchid-based ordinations were most informative, reflecting rainfall, dry-wet season length, vegetation type and status.  相似文献   

Associative cyanobacteria were isolated from the rhizoplane and velamen of the aerial roots of the epiphytic orchids Acampe papillosa, Phalaenopsis amabilis, and Dendrobium moschatum and from the substrate roots of Acampe papillosa and Dendrobium moschatum. Cyanobacteria were isolated on complete and nitrogen-free variants of BG-11 medium. On all media and in all samples, cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc predominated. Nostoc, Anabaena, and Calothrix were isolated from the surface of the A. papillosa aerial roots, whereas the isolates from the substrate roots were Nostoc, Oscillatoria, and representatives of the LPP-group (Lyngbia, Phormidium, and Plectonema, incapable of nitrogen fixation). On the D. moschatum substrate roots, Nostoc and LPP-group representatives were also found, as well as Fischerella. On the aerial roots of P. amabilis and D. phalaenopsis grown in a greenhouse simulating the climate of moist tropical forest, cyanobacteria were represented by Nostoc, LPP-group, and Scytonema in the D. phalaenopsis and by Nostoc, Scytonema, Calothrix, Spirulina, Oscillatoria, and the LPP-group in P. amabilis. For D. moschatum, the spectra of cyanobacteria populating the substrate root zhizophane and the substrate (pine bark) were compared. In the parenchyma of the aerial roots of P. amabilis, fungal hyphae and/or their half-degraded remains were detected, which testifies to the presence of mycorrhizal fungi this plant. This phenomenon is attributed to the presence of a sheath formed by cyanobacteria and serving as a substrate for fungi.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Populations of many epiphytes show a patchy distribution where clusters of plants growing on individual trees are spatially separated and may thus function as metapopulations. Seed dispersal is necessary to (re)colonize unoccupied habitats, and to transfer seeds from high- to low-competition patches. Increasing dispersal distances, however, reduces local fecundity and the probability that seeds will find a safe site outside the original patch. Thus, there is a conflict between seed survival and colonization.


Populations of three epiphytic orchids were monitored over three years in a Mexican humid montane forest and analysed with spatially averaged and with spatially explicit matrix metapopulation models. In the latter, population dynamics at the scale of the subpopulations (epiphytes on individual host trees) are based on detailed stage-structured observations of transition probabilities and trees are connected by a dispersal function.

Key Results

Population growth rates differed among trees and years. While ignoring these differences, and averaging the population matrices over trees, yields negative population growth, metapopulation models predict stable or growing populations because the trees that support growing subpopulations determine the growth of the metapopulation. Stochastic models which account for the differences among years differed only marginally from deterministic models. Population growth rates were significantly lower, and extinctions of local patches more frequent in models where higher dispersal results in reduced local fecundity compared with hypothetical models where this is not the case. The difference between the two models increased with increasing mean dispersal distance. Though recolonization events increased with dispersal distance, this could not compensate the losses due to reduced local fecundity.


For epiphytes, metapopulation models are useful to capture processes beyond the level of the single host tree, but local processes are equally important to understand epiphyte population dynamics.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions play an important role in community assembly. A basic ecological question is whether interactions are specialized (one to one) or generalized (many to many). Specialization of interactions should ideally be assessed across several populations because species could be specialists at a particular site but generalists when several sites are considered. Mycorrhizal interactions are fundamental for orchid life and distribution, but their level of specialization is still under debate. To understand the extent to which epiphytic orchids are specialists in their mycorrhizal interactions, we studied the richness and phylogenetic structure of mycobionts across different sites, and the similarity in the mycobiont composition between coexisting orchid species. We sequenced the nrDNA ITS2 region and explored the mycobiont communities associated with two epiphytic orchids, Epidendrum marsupiale and Cyrtochilum pardinum, at two elevations within two sites in Ecuador. We found 108 OTUs belonging to Serendipitaceae (66), Ceratobasidiaceae (22), Atractiellales (11) and Tulasnellaceae (9). Orchids at the highest elevations hosted the highest OTU richness. The two orchid species shared a high percentage of mycobionts between all sites. No phylogenetic structure within orchid mycorrhizal communities was found at any sites or elevations. Our results indicate that the studied orchids are generalists and share a broad group of mycobionts (16 OTUs) with no apparent niche segregation within or between sites.  相似文献   

This work is the first study of the localization of phototrophic microorganisms in the rhizoplane and velamen of epiphytic orchids, namely on the aerial and substrate roots of Acampe papillosa and Dendrobium moschatum and on the aerial roots of the Phalaenopsis amabilis and Dendrobium phalaenopsis. The composition of the bacterial community on the plant roots depended on the conditions of plant growth. Under conditions simulating climate of moist tropical forests, the aerial roots proved to be populated with phototrophic microorganisms among which cyanobacteria predominated. Interlaced fungal hyphae and filamentous cyanobacteria formed a sheath on the surface of aerial roots. The nitrogen-fixing capacity of the sheath of aerial roots was studied by the example of P. amabilis.  相似文献   

Associations between epiphytes and their hosts are among the main factors affecting the biodiversity and distribution of epiphytes. While several previous studies explored the association between epiphyte diversity and host characteristics, very little is known about the generality of such associations at larger spatial scales. We aim to explore the associations between diversity and distribution of epiphytic orchids and host characteristics in different localities in Nepal. Epiphytic orchids and their hosts were recorded along the transects in total of 23,539 host individuals. To describe the diversity of orchids in the different localities, a rarefaction function was used. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to explore the associations with locality, host characteristics, and their interactions with locality. In total, we recorded 141 species of orchids growing on 192 host species. The five localities significantly differed in orchid diversity and abundance. The number of orchid individuals per host species significantly increased with increasing number of host individuals. Species richness, abundances, occupancy of orchid species on host species and composition of orchids varied across the localities. Species richness and abundance was significantly higher on hosts in the higher strata and differed between families of host species. Abundance was higher on evergreen hosts. Composition of orchid communities are also associated with host characteristics, such as habit (shrub/tree/climber), bark texture, nature (deciduous/evergreen) and the plant families of host species. This study revealed a high diversity of epiphytic orchids in the localities studied and strong associations between the orchids and their hosts. Future studies looking at the relationships between epiphyte communities and host characteristics need to identify relationships at a wider scale in order to determine whether they are really general rather than site-specific.  相似文献   

植物根被组织是指存在于附生兰科植物、地生兰科植物、一些石蒜科、天南星科、薯蓣科以及百合科植物根部的典型适应性结构特征;成熟根被组织是由1~25层左右死细胞构成的白色鞘,其细胞壁多有螺旋式增厚,呈天鹅绒状或网状、羽毛状结构,具有海绵质地.该组织有六种应用于分类学特征的形态,依据这六种形态可将其分为12种类型;根被组织具有...  相似文献   

Leaf gas exchange of terrestrial and epiphytic orchids from the Atlantic Rainforest in northeast Brazil was investigated under artificial growth conditions. The terrestrial orchids showed higher values of all photosynthetic parameters in comparison to epiphytic ones. There was a close relationship between P N and g s for both terrestrial and epiphytic orchids. Taken together, our results demonstrated that the photosynthetic parameters were related to the specific growth habits of the orchids under study.  相似文献   

西双版纳片段化石灰岩森林附生兰科植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西双版纳石灰岩地区拥有丰富的兰科植物资源,但近年来随着橡胶树的大面积种植,使得该地区很多石灰岩森林呈片段化。为了解片段化石灰岩森林中附生兰科植物多样性状况以及片段化对附生兰科植物的影响,该研究选取了生境片段化的青岩寨和曼纳览,以及连续生境的绿石林和巴卡新寨等4个样地的29个样方进行多样性调查和对比研究。结果表明:4个石灰岩森林样共记录到附生兰科植物34属76种1 528株(丛)。通过对坡向、坡度、海拔、地形、郁闭度和森林类型等6个环境因子与附生兰科植物丰富度进行CCA分析,发现石灰岩地区附生兰科植物的分布主要受海拔和森林类型2个因素的影响,在海拔较高的青岩寨和巴卡新寨附生兰科植物物种丰富度高于低海拔的绿石林和曼纳览,而片段化对附生兰科植物的物种多样性和多度均无显著影响,这可能与片段化的历史较短有关。虽然目前来看生境片段化对石灰岩地区的附生兰科植物多样性无显著影响,但生境脆弱的石灰岩森林植被的保护对于兰科植物多样性保护则更具重要性。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Urbanisation has contributed to significant biodiversity loss, yet, urban areas can facilitate biodiversity conservation. For instance, there is evidence of urban trees...  相似文献   

Huda MK  Wilcock CC 《Oecologia》2008,154(4):731-741
We investigated the relationship between habit, population size, floral traits and natural fruit set levels of 23 tropical orchid species of south-east Bangladesh. We showed that epiphytic orchids had lower fruit set levels than terrestrial species and that habit explained much of the variation in floral traits among the orchids. We compared our results with data from 76 other species occurring in the study area and hypothesize that a suite of floral and population characteristics present in tropical orchids combine in epiphytes to reduce their reproductive success. Characteristics which, in addition to their habit, are associated with low reproductive success are small population size, small inflorescences, non-sectile pollinia and self-incompatibility. Several of these characteristics were phylogenetically conserved and we predict that epiphytes might therefore generally have lower fruit set levels than recorded in terrestrial species. Nectar rewards are uncommon in tropical orchids and nectarless species have displays of larger flowers, which may represent an adaptation to increase pollinator attraction, although other rewards such as oils, waxes and pseudo pollen may replace nectar. We suggest that, like many temperate orchids, a high proportion of tropical orchids may lack floral rewards and be pollinated by deceit.  相似文献   

Epiphytes constitute over 70% of orchid diversity, but little is known about the functioning of their mycorrhizal associations. Terrestrial orchid seeds germinate symbiotically in soil and leaf litter, whereas epiphytic orchids may be exposed to relatively high light levels from an early stage of development and often produce green seeds. This suggests that seedlings of the two groups of orchids may differ in their responses to light and requirements for mycorrhiza-supplied carbon. The interactive effects of light, exogenous carbon and mycorrhizal status on germination and growth were investigated in vitro using axenic agar microcosms for one tropical epiphyte and three geophytic orchid species. The geophytic species strongly depended on their mycorrhiza for growth and this could not be substituted by exogenous sucrose, whereas the epiphytic species achieved 95% of the mycorrhizal seedling volume when supplied with exogenous sucrose in the dark. Mycorrhiza status strongly interacted with light exposure, enabling germination. Light inhibited or severely reduced growth, especially for the terrestrial orchids in the absence of mycorrhiza. For the first time, this study showed the parallel ecological importance of mycorrhizal fungi in overcoming light inhibition of seed germination and growth in both terrestrial and epiphytic orchids.  相似文献   

Tryptophan, tryptamine, or indolepyruvic acid were applied to 2 systems: a bacterial (pea stem sections containing the epiphytic bacteria) and a plant system (pea stem sections under sterile conditions). In the plant system, the production of indoleacetic acid and indoleethanol (tryptophol) from each applied indole derivative is clearly reduced by the aldehyde reagents bisulfite and dimedon, respectively. Indoleacetaldehyde is chromatographically detected after alkaline liberation from its bisulfite addition product. In the bacterial system, the production of indoleacetic acid and indoleethanol is likewise reduced by bisulfite and dimedon. However, after tryptophan or tryptamine application, we could not detect indoleacetaldehyde in the described way. In one case only, namely tryptamine application to the bacterial system, indoleethanol production (contrary to indoleacetic acid production) is scarcely reduced by the aldehyde reagents. This indicates a bacterial pathway tryptamine → indoleethanol which bypasses indoleacetaldehyde.  相似文献   

Previous investigations revealed that epiphytic orchids in a mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador formed mycorrhizae with diverse members of Tulasnellales. Using specific primers, we now show that the same orchids are also associated with Sebacinales. Ultrastructural observations confirmed the Sebacinales mycobionts in situ. Mycorrhizae of flowering individuals of Stelis hallii, S. superbiens, S. concinna and Pleurothallis lilijae were sampled in different forest types of the mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador along an altitudinal gradient between 1,850 and 2,100 m a.s.l. Phylogenetic analysis of fungal nuclear rDNA sequences coding for the ribosomal large subunit (nucLSU) showed the presence of eight sequence types based on proportional differences of <1% bp. All sequence types clustered in the Sebacinales subgroup B which also contained sequences of mycobionts from ericads and terrestrial orchids. Sequences of the nuclear rDNA 5.8S subunit, including parts of the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 (5.8-ITS) from the mycobionts of the epiphytic orchids, were distinct from published sequences of sebacinoid mycobionts of green terrestrial orchids and ericads. Sebacinales sequences from different epiphytic orchid species differed at least by 1% bp as was previously found for Tulasnella sequences. Sebacinales occurred less frequently and with a lower number of sequence types than Tulasnellales, but distribution along the altitudinal gradient was similar.  相似文献   

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