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Individuals in wild populations face risks associated with both intrinsic (i.e. aging) and external (i.e. environmental) sources of mortality. Condition‐dependent mortality occurs when there is an interaction between such factors; however, few studies have clearly demonstrated condition‐dependent mortality and some have even argued that condition‐dependent mortality does not occur in wild avian populations. Using large sample sizes (2084 individuals, 3746 re‐sights) of individual‐based longitudinal data collected over a 33 year period (1976–2008) on multiple cohorts, we used a capture–mark–recapture framework to model age‐dependent survival in the snail kite Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus population in Florida. Adding to the growing amount of evidence for actuarial senescence in wild populations, we found evidence of senescent declines in survival probabilities in adult kites. We also tested the hypothesis that older kites experienced condition‐dependent mortality during a range‐wide drought event (2000–2002). The results provide convincing evidence that the annual survival probability of senescent kites was disproportionately affected by the drought relative to the survival probability of prime‐aged adults. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of condition‐dependent mortality to be demonstrated in a wild avian population, a finding which challenges recent conclusions drawn in the literature. Our study suggests that senescence and condition‐dependent mortality can affect the demography of wild avian populations. Accounting for these sources of variation may be particularly important to appropriately compute estimates of population growth rate, and probabilities of quasi‐extinctions.  相似文献   

Immunosenescence, the deterioration of immune system capability with age, may play a key role in mediating age-related declines in whole-organism performance, but the mechanisms that underpin immunosenescence are poorly understood. Biomedical research on humans and laboratory models has documented age and disease related declines in the telomere lengths of leukocytes (‘immune cells’), stimulating interest their having a potentially general role in the emergence of immunosenescent phenotypes. However, it is unknown whether such observations generalise to the immune cell populations of wild vertebrates living under ecologically realistic conditions. Here we examine longitudinal changes in the mean telomere lengths of immune cells in wild European badgers (Meles meles). Our findings provide the first evidence of within-individual age-related declines in immune cell telomere lengths in a wild vertebrate. That the rate of age-related decline in telomere length appears to be steeper within individuals than at the overall population level raises the possibility that individuals with short immune cell telomeres and/or higher rates of immune cell telomere attrition may be selectively lost from this population. We also report evidence suggestive of associations between immune cell telomere length and bovine tuberculosis infection status, with individuals detected at the most advanced stage of infection tending to have shorter immune cell telomeres than disease positive individuals. While male European badgers are larger and show higher rates of annual mortality than females, we found no evidence of a sex difference in either mean telomere length or the average rate of within-individual telomere attrition with age. Our findings lend support to the view that age-related declines in the telomere lengths of immune cells may provide one potentially general mechanism underpinning age-related declines in immunocompetence in natural populations.  相似文献   

Declines in survival and performance with advancing age (senescence) have been widely documented in natural populations, but whether patterns of senescence across traits reflect a common underlying process of biological ageing remains unclear. Senescence is typically characterized via assessments of the rate of change in mortality with age (actuarial senescence) or the rate of change in phenotypic performance with age (phenotypic senescence). Although both phenomena are considered indicative of underlying declines in somatic integrity, whether actuarial and phenotypic senescence rates are actually correlated has yet to be established. Here we present evidence of both actuarial and phenotypic senescence from a decade‐long longitudinal field study of wild insects. By tagging every individual and using continuous video monitoring with a network of up to 140 video cameras, we were able to record survival and behavioral data on an entire adult population of field crickets. This reveals that both actuarial and phenotypic senescence vary substantially across 10 annual generations. This variation allows us to identify a strong correlation between actuarial and phenotypic measures of senescence. Our study demonstrates age‐related phenotypic declines reflected in population level mortality rates and reveals that observations of senescence in a single year may not be representative of a general pattern.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence of senescence has been reported from long‐term studies of wild populations. However, most studies have focused on life‐history traits like survival, reproduction or body mass, generally from a single intensively monitored population. However, variation in the intensity of senescence across populations, and to a lesser extent between sexes, is still poorly understood. In addition, the pattern of age‐specific changes in haematological parameters remains virtually unknown to date for any population of vertebrate living in the wild. Using repeated blood samples collected from known‐aged (2–15 years of age) roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from two populations facing highly different environmental conditions, we filled the gap. In particular, we investigated age‐specific changes in haematocrit, albumin and creatinine. We reported clear evidence of senescence in all haematological parameters. Moreover, senescence patterns differed between sexes and populations. The rate of senescence was higher in males than in females for haematocrit with no site difference. On the other hand, the rate of senescence in creatinine was higher at Trois Fontaines than at Chizé with no sex difference. Our findings provide a first demonstration of age‐specific declines in haematological parameters in wild populations of large herbivores and show that the process of senescence in vertebrates is not restricted to body mass or fitness components. We also demonstrate that the senescence pattern of haematological parameters is context dependent and varies both between sexes and according to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonal declines in breeding performance are widespread in wild animals, resulting from temporal changes in environmental conditions or from individual variation. Seasonal declines might drive selection for early breeding, with implications for other stages of the annual cycle. Alternatively, selection on the phenology of nonbreeding stages could constrain timing of the breeding season and lead to seasonal changes in reproductive performance. We studied 25 taxa of migratory shorebirds (including five subspecies) at 16 arctic sites in Russia, Alaska, and Canada. We investigated seasonal changes in four reproductive traits, and developed a novel Bayesian risk‐partitioning model of daily nest survival to examine seasonal trends in two causes of nest failure. We found strong seasonal declines in reproductive traits for a subset of species. The probability of laying a full four‐egg clutch declined by 8–78% in 12 of 25 taxa tested, daily nest survival rates declined by 1–12% in eight of 22 taxa, incubation duration declined by 2.0–2.5% in two of seven taxa, and mean egg volume declined by 5% in one of 15 taxa. Temporal changes were not fully explained by individual variation. Across all species, the proportion of failed nests that were depredated declined over the season from 0.98 to 0.60, while the proportion abandoned increased from 0.01 to 0.35 and drove the seasonal declines in nest survival. An increase in abandonment of late nests is consistent with a life‐history tradeoff whereby either adult mortality increased or adults deserted the breeding attempt to maximize adult survival. In turn, seasonal declines in clutch size and incubation duration might be adaptive to hasten hatching of later nests. In other species of shorebirds, we found no seasonal patterns in breeding performance, suggesting that some species are not subject to selective pressure for early breeding.  相似文献   

The processes driving age‐related variation in demographic rates are central to understanding population and evolutionary ecology. An increasing number of studies in wild vertebrates find evidence for improvements in reproductive performance traits in early adulthood, followed by senescent declines in later life. However, life history theory predicts that reproductive investment should increase with age as future survival prospects diminish, and that raised reproductive investment may have associated survival costs. These non‐mutually exclusive processes both predict an increase in breeding performance at the terminal breeding attempt. Here, we use a 30‐year study of wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) to disentangle the processes underpinning age‐related variation in reproduction. Whilst highlighting the importance of breeding experience, we reveal senescent declines in performance are followed by a striking increase in breeding success and a key parental investment trait at the final breeding attempt.  相似文献   

The chronological age of an individual animal predicts many of its biological characteristics, and these in turn influence population‐level ecological processes. Animal age information can therefore be valuable in ecological research, but many species have no external features that allow age to be reliably determined. Molecular age biomarkers provide a potential solution to this problem. Research in this area of molecular ecology has so far focused on a limited range of age biomarkers. The most commonly tested molecular age biomarker is change in average telomere length, which predicts age well in a small number of species and tissues, but performs poorly in many other situations. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression has recently been shown to cause age‐related modifications to DNA and to cause changes in abundance of several RNA types throughout animal lifespans. Age biomarkers based on these epigenetic changes, and other new DNA‐based assays, have already been applied to model organisms, humans and a limited number of wild animals. There is clear potential to apply these marker types more widely in ecological studies. For many species, these new approaches will produce age estimates where this was previously impractical. They will also enable age information to be gathered in cross‐sectional studies and expand the range of demographic characteristics that can be quantified with molecular methods. We describe the range of molecular age biomarkers that have been investigated to date and suggest approaches for developing the newer marker types as age assays in nonmodel animal species.  相似文献   

Parasites can cause severe host morbidity and threaten survival. As parasites are generally aggregated within certain host demographics, they are likely to affect a small proportion of the entire population, with specific hosts being at particular risk. However, little is known as to whether increased host mortality from parasitic causes is experienced by specific host demographics. Outside of theoretical studies, there is a paucity of literature concerning dynamics of parasite‐associated host mortality. Empirical evidence mainly focuses on short‐lived hosts or model systems, with data lacking from long‐lived wild or semi‐wild vertebrate populations. We investigated parasite‐associated mortality utilizing a multigenerational database of mortality, health, and reproductive data for over 4,000 semi‐captive timber elephants (Elephas maximus), with known causes of death for mortality events. We determined variation in mortality according to a number of host traits that are commonly associated with variation in parasitism within mammals: age, sex, and reproductive investment in females. We found that potentially parasite‐associated mortality varied significantly across elephant ages, with individuals at extremes of lifespan (young and old) at highest risk. Mortality probability was significantly higher for males across all ages. Female reproducers experienced a lower probability of potentially parasite‐associated mortality than females who did not reproduce at any investigated time frame. Our results demonstrate increased potentially parasite‐associated mortality within particular demographic groups. These groups (males, juveniles, elderly adults) have been identified in other studies as susceptible to parasitism, stressing the need for further work investigating links between infection and mortality. Furthermore, we show variation between reproductive and non‐reproductive females, with mothers being less at risk of potentially parasite mortality than nonreproducers.  相似文献   

The concept of home ranges is fundamental to ecology. Numerous studies have quantified how home ranges scale with body size across taxa. However, these relationships are not always applicable intraspecifically. Here, we describe how the home range of an important group of reef fish, the parrotfishes, scales with body mass. With masses spanning five orders of magnitude, from the early postsettlement stage through to adulthood, we find no evidence of a response to predation risk, dietary shifts or sex change on home range expansion rates. Instead, we document a distinct ontogenetic shift in home range expansion with sexual maturity. Juvenile parrotfishes displayed rapid home range growth until reaching approximately 100–150 mm length. Thereafter, the relationship between home range and mass broke down. This shift reflected changes in colour patterns, social status and reproductive behaviour associated with the transition to adult stages. While there is a clear relationship between body mass and home ranges among adult individuals of different species, it does not appear to be applicable to size changes within species. Ontogenetic changes in parrotfishes do not follow expected mass–area scaling relationships.  相似文献   

Aging and age‐related diseases are accompanied by proteome remodeling and progressive declines in cellular machinery required to maintain protein homeostasis (proteostasis), such as autophagy, ubiquitin‐mediated degradation, and protein synthesis. While many studies have focused on capturing changes in proteostasis, the identification of proteins that evade these cellular processes has recently emerged as an approach to studying the aging proteome. With advances in proteomic technology, it is possible to monitor protein half‐lives and protein turnover at the level of individual proteins in vivo. For large‐scale studies, these technologies typically include the use of stable isotope labeling coupled with MS and comprehensive assessment of protein turnover rates. Protein turnover studies have revealed groups of highly relevant long‐lived proteins (LLPs), such as the nuclear pore complexes, extracellular matrix proteins, and protein aggregates. Here, the role of LLPs during aging and age‐related diseases and the methods used to identify and quantify their changes are reviewed. The methods available to conduct studies of protein turnover, used in combination with traditional proteomic methods, will enable the field to perform studies in a systems biology context, as changes in proteostasis may not be revealed in studies that solely measure differential protein abundances.  相似文献   

Blood parasites such as malaria and related haemosporidians commonly infect vertebrate species including birds. Understanding age‐specific patterns of parasite infections is crucial for quantifying the fitness consequences of parasitism for hosts and for understanding parasite transmission dynamics. We analyzed longitudinal and cross‐sectional infection data in house martins Delichon urbica, a migratory bird suffering from intense haemosporidian infection. We separated within‐ from among‐individual effects of age on prevalence. Our results showed that the probability of blood parasite infection increased as individual house martins aged. We also showed that the prevalence of infection decreased with age at last reproduction when controlling for age, showing a selective disappearance of infected birds from the population (i.e. selection). The estimated effect of age on prevalence was underestimated two‐ to three‐fold if not accounting for such selection. This study highlights the importance of taking among‐individual heterogeneity in the capacity to fight a disease into account because such heterogeneity can mask age‐related patterns of infection. These findings emphasize the relevance of considering within‐ and among‐individual patterns of infection in order to understand parasite‐induced mortality and the potential for parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Understanding trade‐offs in wild populations is difficult, but important if we are to understand the evolution of life histories and the impact of ecological variables upon them. Markers that reflect physiological state and predict future survival would be of considerable benefit to unraveling such trade‐offs and could provide insight into individual variation in senescence. However, currently used markers often yield inconsistent results. One underutilized measure is hematocrit, the proportion of blood comprising erythrocytes, which relates to the blood's oxygen‐carrying capacity and viscosity, and to individual endurance. Hematocrit has been shown to decline with age in cross‐sectional studies (which may be confounded by selective appearance/disappearance). However, few studies have tested whether hematocrit declines within individuals or whether low hematocrit impacts survival in wild taxa. Using longitudinal data from the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), we demonstrated that hematocrit increases with age in young individuals (<1.5 years) but decreases with age in older individuals (1.5–13 years). In breeders, hematocrit was higher in males than females and varied relative to breeding stage. High hematocrit was associated with lower survival in young individuals, but not older individuals. Thus, while we did not find support for hematocrit as a marker of senescence, high hematocrit is indicative of poor condition in younger individuals. Possible explanations are that these individuals were experiencing dehydration and/or high endurance demands prior to capture, which warrants further investigation. Our study demonstrates that hematocrit can be an informative metric for life‐history studies investigating trade‐offs between survival, longevity, and reproduction.  相似文献   

The process of ageing was long thought to be too infrequent to affect life‐histories in natural populations. Long‐term studies have, however, recently demonstrated ageing to be ubiquitous even in the wild, although confounding factors, such as emigration instead of mortality, or inter‐population variation in rates of ageing have seldom been addressed. Here, we present analyses of female age‐specific reproductive performance in a Dutch island population of great tits Parus major. For this population with limited connectivity to surrounding areas, we show that, between individuals, reproductive lifespan positively co‐varies with recruit production, while within individuals performance improves up to 3 years of age, after which it gradually declines. We also show these patterns to be strikingly similar to those recently found in a less isolated British mainland population of great tits, characterised by different environmental conditions and life‐history strategies, in particular the frequency of multiple breeding. Our results therefore suggest patterns of age‐specific reproductive performance to be robust to both environmental and life‐history variation.  相似文献   

Costs of migration, in terms of time, energy, and mortality risk, have a strong theoretical and empirical foundation in the study of birds. We expect these costs to be most severe for extreme long‐distance migratory landbirds, whose demanding annual routines (e.g. non‐stop flights > 8000 km and return journeys > 30 000 km) may approach their maximum physiological capabilities. To explore whether this is true, we review evidence in long‐jump migratory shorebirds (Scolopacidae), focusing most on the prototypical example, the Alaska‐breeding bar‐tailed godwit Limosa lapponica baueri. Contrary to expectations, these and similar birds demonstrate high adult survival, little evidence for elevated mortality during migration, no apparent minimisation of non‐stop flight distances, and low inter‐ and intra‐individual variation in migration performance. Two key aspects of extreme migrants may explain these findings: 1) a counter‐intuitively conservative annual‐cycle strategy, which minimises risks and enables dissipation of carry‐over effects before fitness consequences arise; and 2) selection pressure during early life, which quickly removes low‐performing individuals from the population. We hypothesise that these two factors, applicable to extreme strategies in a wide range of taxa, act to truncate the range of individual quality in a population, and decrease the prevalence and detectability of carry‐over effects. Testing these hypotheses is challenging, as it requires comparative studies of demography and individual quality spectra along a continuum of extremeness. However, it has important potential implications for interpreting individual variation, designing studies of cross‐seasonal interactions or costs of migration, and recognising early‐warning signs of population decline. For example, the most extreme shorebird migrations rely on abundant but difficult‐to‐access resources; the high minimum individual performance required for survival predicts that degradation of these resource hot‐spots will propel rapid population collapse, rather than incremental declines in condition or performance. Therefore, in extreme migrants, we may paradoxically view populations as operating close to the edge, even while individuals are not.  相似文献   

Patterns of song plasticity in passerine birds beyond the first year are poorly studied. In general, songbirds are divided into two categories: open‐ended learners and closed‐ended learners, depending on the pattern of age‐related vocal plasticity. However, recent work based on longitudinal studies revealed a broader range of flexibility of song changes in adulthood. Serins sing very complex songs with large repertoires which are delivered in a very rigid way with little structural modification. However, there is little information on how serin song changes with age. We studied vocal plasticity in wild adult serins by recording male song over 2 years. The analyses show that male songs have only limited variation between years, with no increase in repertoire size and relatively small changes in their structural characteristics. Syllable production was very consistent within and between years with very little structural variation. New syllables represented only 8% of the repertoire, and they appeared to emerge from fusion or splitting of pre‐existing syllables. We conclude that serin song while structurally complex has a very limited age‐related plasticity after the first year. We hypothesise that this structural stability is a consequence of selection for performance consistency.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, adult male capercaillies Tetrao urogallus display on leks in the early morning. During the day, they occupy more or less exclusive home ranges within 1 km of the lekking ground, but little is known about their movements and range use patterns during this period. In three spring seasons we monitored the daily movement of 15 radio-tagged adult males, associated with six different leks, in a coniferous forest of southeast Norway. The objective was to relate dynamics of male movement and spatial distribution to changes in food resource availability and mating-related activities. In late winter, males exhibited a pattern of short daily relocations (distance between bird locations in successive days) within small ranges. Relocation distances and home ranges then increased markedly during two weeks preceeding the main mating period. During the mating and post-mating periods, movements again decreased, followed by another short peak at the time when females with depredated nests return to the lek for remating. These temporal changes in range use were not related to changes in food resources and probably not to shifts in anti-predator behaviour, and they differed between age groups: The increase in relocation distance during the pre-mating period was most pronounced among young resident males (3 and 4 year-olds), and range area of older males were smaller and did not increase as much during this period. The observed age-related changes in space use may reflect an alternative mating strategy by young and subdominant males; they seek out females outside the lekking ground where competition from more dominant males is less intense.  相似文献   

In behavioural studies it has been common to quantify plumage colours or ornaments over a range of dates and link them to fitness characteristics without accounting for seasonal changes in these traits. Such changes are likely to be widespread among birds, yet we lack assessments of this variability within individuals. We studied both within‐ and between‐individual temporal changes in Great Tit Parus major ornaments, specifically the melanin‐based black breast stripe and the pigment‐free white cheek patch. During the non‐breeding season both ornaments varied. In juveniles and adult females, the area of the breast stripe first rose and then, from near the end of December, decreased. In adult males there was a linear decrease. In the cheek patch, the irregularity of the cheek borders showed either a linear (adults) or a non‐linear (juveniles) increase as the season progressed. In individuals repeatedly sampled during the same winter, the decrease in the size of the breast stripe was larger for males than females and there was an overall decrease in the regularity of the cheek borders. There was no relationship between the size of the breast stripe and the white cheek patch irregularities or the cheek patch area. These results imply that more attention should be paid to quantification, within individuals, of the components of expression of phenotypic traits. In addition, we suggest that further research should focus on explaining the causes and functions of ornament change.  相似文献   

The occurrence of contemporary ecotype formation through adaptive divergence of populations within the range of an invasive species typically requires standing genetic variation but can be facilitated by phenotypic plasticity. The relative contributions of both of these to adaptive trait differentiation have rarely been simultaneously quantified in recently diverging vertebrate populations. Here we study a case of intraspecific divergence into distinct lake and stream ecotypes of threespine stickleback that evolved in the past 140 years within the invasive range in Switzerland. Using a controlled laboratory experiment with full‐sib crosses and treatments mimicking a key feature of ecotypic niche divergence, we test if the phenotypic divergence that we observe in the wild results from phenotypic plasticity or divergent genetic predisposition. Our experimental groups show qualitatively similar phenotypic divergence as those observed among wild adults. The relative contribution of plasticity and divergent genetic predisposition differs among the traits studied, with traits related to the biomechanics of feeding showing a stronger genetic predisposition, whereas traits related to locomotion are mainly plastic. These results implicate that phenotypic plasticity and standing genetic variation interacted during contemporary ecotype formation in this case.  相似文献   

As organisms age, DNA of somatic cells deteriorates, but it is believed that germ cells are protected from DNA-damaging agents. In recent years, this vision has been challenged by studies on humans indicating that genomic instability in germ cells increases with age. However, nothing is known about germ line senescence in wild animals. Here, we examine DNA damage in sperm of a wild vertebrate, the blue-footed booby Sula nebouxii. One of the major types of premutagenic DNA damage generated by oxidative stress (a proximal cause of ageing) is loss of single bases resulting in apurinic/apyrimidinic sites (AP sites). We examined AP sites in the sperm of known-age males sampled during courtship on Isla Isabel, Mexico. We show that damage to the DNA of sperm increases with age of male blue-footed boobies. Moreover, we found that sexual attractiveness (foot colour) declines with age and is correlated with germ line damage of senescent males. By choosing attractive males, females might reduce the probability of their progeny bearing damaged DNA. This study reports the first evidence of senescence in the germ line of a wild vertebrate and future studies should investigate whether this burden of senescence is sidestepped by potential sexual partners.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that females face contrasting selection pressures when choosing the age of their mate. On the one hand, older males have demonstrated their ability to survive and they may be more experienced than younger males. At the same time, however, younger males are expected to have accumulated fewer deleterious mutations in their germline as compared to older males. These contrasting pressures on female preference may result in a preference for intermediate‐aged males. A preference for males of a particular age can only be expressed, however, if females are able to identify males of different ages. We have previously shown that male swamp sparrows display age‐related changes in vocal quality, such that males display sharp increases in vocal quality in early adulthood, followed by gradual senescent declines thereafter. We have also shown that territorial males discriminate these within‐individual differences, giving stronger aggressive responses to songs of peak‐aged males than to those of senescent males. Here, we use a copulation solicitation assay to test whether females also discriminate these within‐signaler markers of senescence in song. Contrary to our prediction, females did not show any evidence of discriminating between songs recorded from peak‐aged males as compared to songs from the same males following song senescence. We suggest that this difference in demonstrated discrimination between males and females may be the result of the two sexes attending to different song characteristics.  相似文献   

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