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Acyl carrier protein (ACP) is a small, highly conserved protein with an essential role in a myriad of reactions throughout lipid metabolism in plants and bacteria where it interacts with a remarkable diversity of proteins. The nature of the proper recognition and precise alignment between the protein moieties of ACP and its many interactive proteins is not understood. Residues conserved among ACPs from numerous plants and bacteria were considered as possibly being crucial to ACP's function, including protein-protein interaction, and a method of identifying amino acid residue clusters of high hydrophobicity on ACP's surface was used to estimate residues possibly involved in specific ACP-protein interactions. On the basis of this information, single-site mutation analysis of multiple residues, one at a time, of ACP was used to probe the identities of potential contact residues of ACPSH or acyl-ACP involved in specific interactions with selected enzymes. The roles of particular ACP residues were more precisely defined by site-directed fluorescence analyses of various myristoyl-mutant-ACPs upon specific interaction with the Escherichia coli hemolysin-activating acyltransferase, HlyC. This was done by selectively labeling each mutated site, one at a time, with an environmentally sensitive fluoroprobe and observing its fluorescence behavior in the absence and presence of HlyC. Consequently, a picture of the portion of ACP involved in selected macromolecular interaction has emerged.  相似文献   

Plant holo-(acyl carrier protein) synthase.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
1. An improved method was developed for the assay of plant holo-(acyl carrier protein) synthase activity, using Escherichia coli acyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthetase as a coupling enzyme. 2. Holo-(acyl carrier protein) synthase was partially purified from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves by a combination of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and anion-exchange and gel-permeation chromatography. 3. The partially purified enzyme had a pH optimum of 8.2 and Km values of 2 microM, 72 microM and 3 mM for apo-(acyl carrier protein), CoA and Mg2+ respectively. Synthase activity was inhibited in vitro by the reaction product 3',5'-ADP. 4. Results from the fractionation of spinach leaf and developing castor-oil-seed (Ricinus communis) endosperm cells were consistent with a cytosolic localization of holo-(acyl carrier protein) synthase activity in plant cells.  相似文献   

Seeds of coriandrum sativum (coriander) and Thunbergia alata (black-eyed Susan vine) produce unusual monoenoic fatty acids which constitute over 80% of the total fatty acids of the seed oil. The initial step in the formation of these fatty acids is the desaturation of palmitoyl-ACP (acyl carrier protein) at the delta(4) or delta(6) positions to produce delta(4)-hexadecenoic acid (16:1(delta(4)) or delta(6)-hexadecenoic acid (16:1(delta(6)), respectively. The involvement of specific forms of ACP in the production of these novel monoenoic fatty acids was studied. ACPs were partially purified from endosperm of coriander and T. alata and used to generate 3H- and 14C-labelled palmitoyl-ACP substrates. In competition assays with labelled palmitoyl-ACP prepared from spinach (Spinacia oleracea), delta(4)-acyl-ACP desaturase activity was two- to threefold higher with coriander ACP than with spinach ACP. Similarly, the T. alata delta(6) desaturase favoured T. alata ACP over spinach ACP. A cDNA clone, Cs-ACP-1, encoding ACP was isolated from a coriander endosperm cDNA library. Cs-ACP-1 mRNA was predominantly expressed in endosperm rather than leaves. The Cs-ACP-1 mature protein was expressed in E. coli and comigrated on SDS-PAGE with the most abundant ACP expressed in endosperm tissues. In in vitro delta(4)-palmitoyl-ACP desaturase assays, the Cs-ACP-1 expressed from E. coli was four- and 10-fold more active than spinach ACP or E. coli ACP, respectively, in the synthesis of delta(4)-hexadecenoic acid from palmitoyl-ACP. In contrast, delta(9)-stearoyl-ACP desaturase activity from coriander endosperm did not discriminate strongly between different ACP species. These results indicate that individual ACP isoforms are specifically involved in the biosynthesis of unusual seed fatty acids and further suggest that expression of multiple ACP isoforms may participate in determining the products of fatty acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The type II fatty acid synthase (FAS) pathway of Plasmodium falciparum is a validated unique target for developing novel antimalarials, due to its intrinsic differences from the typeI pathway operating in humans. beta-Ketoacyl acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (FabG) performs the NADPH-dependent reduction of beta-ketoacyl-ACP to beta-hydroxyacyl-ACP, the first reductive step in the elongation cycle of fatty acid biosynthesis. In this article, we report intensive studies on the direct interactions of Plasmodium FabG and Plasmodium ACP in solution, in the presence and absence of its cofactor, NADPH, by monitoring the change in intrinsic fluorescence of P.falciparum FabG (PfFabG) and by surface plasmon resonance. To address the issue of the importance of the residues involved in strong, specific and stoichiometric binding of PfFabG to P.falciparum ACP (PfACP), we mutated Arg187, Arg190 and Arg230 of PfFabG. The activities of the mutants were assessed using both an ACP-dependent and an ACP-independent assay. The affinities of all the PfFabG mutants for acetoacetyl-ACP (the physiological substrate) were reduced to different extents as compared to wild-type PfFabG, but were equally active in biochemical assays with the substrate analog acetoacetyl-CoA. Kinetic analysis and studies of direct binding between PfFabG and PfACP confirmed the identification of Arg187 and Arg230 as critical residues for the PfFabG-PfACP interactions. Our studies thus reveal the significance of the positively charged/hydrophobic patch located adjacent to the active site cavities of PfFabG for interactions with PfACP.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis in bacteria is catalyzed by a set of individual enzymes collectively known as type II fatty-acid synthase. Each enzyme interacts with acyl carrier protein (ACP), which shuttles the pathway intermediates between the proteins. The type II enzymes do not possess primary sequence similarity that defines a common ACP-binding site, but rather are hypothesized to possess an electropositive/hydrophobic surface feature that interacts with the electronegative/hydrophobic residues along helix alpha2 of ACP (Zhang, Y.-M., Marrakchi, H., White, S. W., and Rock, C. O. (2003) J. Lipid Res. 44, 1-10). We tested this hypothesis by mutating two surface residues, Arg-129 and Arg-172, located in a hydrophobic patch adjacent to the active site entrance on beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase (FabG). Enzymatic analysis showed that the mutant enzymes were compromised in their ability to utilize ACP thioester substrates but were fully active in assays with a substrate analog. Direct binding assays and competitive inhibition experiments showed that the FabG mutant proteins had reduced affinities for ACP. Chemical shift perturbation protein NMR experiments showed that FabG-ACP interactions occurred along the length of ACP helix alpha2 and extended into the adjacent loop-2 region to involve Ile-54. These data confirm a role for the highly conserved electronegative/hydrophobic residues along ACP helix alpha2 in recognizing a constellation of Arg residues embedded in a hydrophobic patch on the surface of its partner enzymes, and reveal a role for the loop-2 region in the conformational change associated with ACP binding. The specific FabG-ACP interactions involve the most conserved ACP residues, which accounts for the ability of ACPs and the type II proteins from different species to function interchangeably.  相似文献   

Polyketides are a medicinally important class of natural products. The architecture of modular polyketide synthases (PKSs), composed of multiple covalently linked domains grouped into modules, provides an attractive framework for engineering novel polyketide-producing assemblies. However, impaired domain-domain interactions can compromise the efficiency of engineered polyketide biosynthesis. To facilitate the study of these domain-domain interactions, we have used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the first solution structure of an acyl carrier protein (ACP) domain from a modular PKS, 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS). The tertiary fold of this 10-kD domain is a three-helical bundle; an additional short helix in the second loop also contributes to the core helical packing. Superposition of residues 14-94 of the ensemble on the mean structure yields an average atomic RMSD of 0.64 +/- 0.09 Angstrom for the backbone atoms (1.21 +/- 0.13 Angstrom for all non-hydrogen atoms). The three major helices superimpose with a backbone RMSD of 0.48 +/- 0.10 Angstrom (0.99 +/- 0.11 Angstrom for non-hydrogen atoms). Based on this solution structure, homology models were constructed for five other DEBS ACP domains. Comparison of their steric and electrostatic surfaces at the putative interaction interface (centered on helix II) suggests a model for protein-protein recognition of ACP domains, consistent with the previously observed specificity. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicate that two of the identified residues influence the specificity of ACP recognition.  相似文献   

Holo-(acyl carrier protein) synthase (AcpS) post-translationally modifies apoacyl carrier protein (apoACP) via transfer of 4'-phosphopantetheine from coenzyme A (CoA) to the conserved serine 36 gamma-OH of apoACP. The resulting holo-acyl carrier protein (holo-ACP) is then active as the central coenzyme of fatty acid biosynthesis. The acpS gene has previously been identified and shown to be essential for Escherichia coli growth. Earlier mutagenic studies isolated the E. coli MP4 strain, whose elevated growth requirement for CoA was ascribed to a deficiency in holoACP synthesis. Sequencing of the acpS gene from the E. coli MP4 strain (denoted acpS1) showed that the AcpS1 protein contains a G4D mutation. AcpS1 exhibited a approximately 5-fold reduction in its catalytic efficiency when compared with wild type AcpS, accounting for the E. coli MP4 strain phenotype. It is shown that a conditional acpS mutant accumulates apoACP in vivo under nonpermissive conditions in a manner similar to the E. coli MP4 strain. In addition, it is demonstrated that the gene product, YhhU, of a previously identified E. coli open reading frame can completely suppress the acpS conditional, lethal phenotype upon overexpression of the protein, suggesting that YhhU may be involved in an alternative pathway for phosphopantetheinyl transfer and holoACP synthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

The molecular details that govern the specific interactions between acyl carrier protein (ACP) and the enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis are unknown. We investigated the mechanism of ACP-protein interactions using a computational analysis to dock the NMR structure of ACP with the crystal structure of beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH) and experimentally tested the model by the biochemical analysis of FabH mutants. The activities of the mutants were assessed using both an ACP-dependent and an ACP-independent assay. The ACP interaction surface was defined by mutations that compromised FabH activity in the ACP-dependent assay but had no effect in the ACP-independent assay. ACP docked to a positively charged/hydrophobic patch adjacent to the active site tunnel on FabH, which included a conserved arginine (Arg-249) that was required for ACP docking. Kinetic analysis and direct binding studies between FabH and ACP confirmed the identification of Arg-249 as critical for FabH-ACP interaction. Our experiments reveal the significance of the positively charged/hydrophobic patch located adjacent to the active site cavities of the fatty acid biosynthesis enzymes and the high degree of sequence conservation in helix II of ACP across species.  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase (CHS), a key enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis, catalyses sequential decarboxylative condensations of p-coumaroyl-CoA with three malonyl-CoA molecules and cyclizes the resulting tetraketide intermediate to produce chalcone. Phenylglyoxal, an Arg selective reagent, was found to inactivate the enzyme, although no Arg is found at the active site. Conserved, non-active site Arg residues of CHS were individually mutated and the results were discussed in the context of the 3D structure of CHS. Arg199 and Arg350 were shown to provide important interactions to maintain the structural integrity and foldability of the enzyme. Arg68, Arg172 and Arg328 interact with highly conserved Gln33/Phe215, Glu380 and Asp311/Glu314, respectively, thus helping position the catalytic Cys-His-Asn triad and the (372)GFGPG loop in correct topology at the active site. In particular, a mutation of Arg172 resulted in selective impairment in the cyclization activities of CHS and stilbene synthase, a related enzyme that catalyses a different cyclization of the same tetraketide intermediate. These Arg residues and their interactions are well conserved in other enzymes of the CHS superfamily, suggesting that they may serve similar functions in other enzymes. Mutations of Arg68 and Arg328 had been found in mutant plants that showed impaired CHS activity.  相似文献   

The synthases that produce fatty acids in mammals (FASs) are arranged as large multidomain polypeptides. The growing fatty acid chain is bound covalently during chain elongation and reduction to the acyl carrier protein (ACP) domain that is then able to access each catalytic site. In this work we report the high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure of the isolated rat fatty acid synthase apoACP domain. The final ensemble of NMR structures and backbone (15)N relaxation studies show that apoACP adopts a single, well defined fold. On conversion to the holo form, several small chemical shift changes are observed on the ACP for residues surrounding the phosphopantetheine attachment site (as monitored by backbone (1)H-(15)N correlation experiments). However, there are negligible chemical shift changes when the holo form is modified to either the hexanoyl or palmitoyl forms. For further NMR analysis, a (13)C,(15)N-labeled hexanoyl-ACP sample was prepared and full chemical shift assignments completed. Analysis of two-dimensional F(2)-filtered and three-dimensional (13)C-edited nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy experiments revealed no detectable NOEs to the acyl chain. These experiments demonstrate that unlike other FAS ACPs studied, this Type I ACP does not sequester a covalently linked acyl moiety, although transient interactions cannot be ruled out. This is an important mechanistic difference between the ACPs from Type I and Type II FASs and may be significant for the modulation and regulation of these important mega-synthases.  相似文献   

Acyl carrier protein (ACP) interacts with many different enzymes during the synthesis of fatty acids, phospholipids, and other specialized products in bacteria. To examine the structural and functional roles of amino acids previously implicated in interactions between the ACP polypeptide and fatty acids attached to the phosphopantetheine prosthetic group, recombinant Vibrio harveyi ACP and mutant derivatives of conserved residues Phe-50, Ile-54, Ala-59, and Tyr-71 were prepared from glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. Circular dichroism revealed that, unlike Escherichia coli ACP, V. harveyi-derived ACPs are unfolded at neutral pH in the absence of divalent cations; all except F50A and I54A recovered native conformation upon addition of MgCl(2). Mutant I54A was not processed to the holo form by ACP synthase. Some mutations significantly decreased catalytic efficiency of ACP fatty acylation by V. harveyi acyl-ACP synthetase relative to recombinant ACP, e.g. F50A (4%), I54L (20%), and I54V (31%), whereas others (V12G, Y71A, and A59G) had less effect. By contrast, all myristoylated ACPs examined were effective substrates for the luminescence-specific V. harveyi myristoyl-ACP thioesterase. Conformationally sensitive gel electrophoresis at pH 9 indicated that fatty acid attachment stabilizes mutant ACPs in a chain length-dependent manner, although stabilization was decreased for mutants F50A and A59G. Our results indicate that (i) residues Ile-54 and Phe-50 are important in maintaining native ACP conformation, (ii) residue Ala-59 may be directly involved in stabilization of ACP structure by acyl chain binding, and (iii) acyl-ACP synthetase requires native ACP conformation and involves interaction with fatty acid binding pocket residues, whereas myristoyl-ACP thioesterase is insensitive to acyl donor structure.  相似文献   

肽基载体蛋白(peptidyl carrier protein,PCP)是非核糖体肽合成酶(non-ribosomal peptide synthetase,NRPS)的核心结构域。根据NRPS的装配机制,每个模块都至少包含一个PCP,PCP对于非核糖体肽合成中氨基酸残基及多肽在不同催化结构域中的传递起着重要作用,并为氨基酸残基和多肽向模块内其他修饰酶的转移提供一个平台。本文主要对PCP的结构功能、与其他催化结构域的相互作用及重组模块活性降低的问题等方面进行了综述,期望为重组NRPS模块的构建提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Type II polyketide synthases (PKSs) utilize a dedicated and essential acyl carrier protein (ACP) in the biosynthesis of a specific polyketide product. As part of our ongoing studies into the mechanisms and control of polyketide biosynthesis, we report the second structure of a polyketide synthase ACP. In this work, multidimensional, heteronuclear NMR was employed to investigate the structure and dynamics of the ACP involved in the biosynthesis of the commonly prescribed polyketide antibiotic, oxytetracycline (otc). An ensemble of 28 structures of the 95 amino acid otc ACP (9916Da) was computed by simulated annealing with the inclusion of 1132 experimental restraints. Atomic RMSDs about the mean structure for all 28 models is 0.66 A for backbone atoms, 1.15 A for all heavy atoms (both values calculated for the folded part of the protein (residues 3-80)), and 0.41 A for backbone atoms within secondary structure. Otc ACP adopts the typical right-handed, four-helix fold of currently known ACPs but with the addition of a 13-residue flexible C-terminus. A comparison of the global folds of all structurally characterized ACPs is described, illustrating that PKS ACPs show clear differences as well as similarities to FAS ACPs. (15)N relaxation experiments for the protein backbone also reveal that the long loop between helices I and II is flexible and helix II, a proposed site of protein-protein interactions, shows conformational exchange. The helices of the ACP form a rigid scaffold for the protein, but these are interspersed with an unusual proportion of flexible linker regions.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the fatty acid elongating enzyme beta-ketoacyl [acyl carrier protein] synthase I (KAS I) from Escherichia coli has been determined to 2.3 A resolution by molecular replacement using the recently solved crystal structure of KAS II as a search model. The crystal contains two independent dimers in the asymmetric unit. KAS I assumes the thiolase alpha(beta)alpha(beta)alpha fold. Electrostatic potential distribution reveals an acyl carrier protein docking site and a presumed substrate binding pocket was detected extending the active site. Both subunits contribute to each substrate binding site in the dimer.  相似文献   

Acyl carrier protein (ACP) is a required cofactor for fatty acid synthesis in Escherichia coli. Mutants lacking beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II activity (fabF1 or fabF3) possessed a different molecular species of ACP (F-ACP) that was separated from the normal form of the protein by conformationally sensitive gel electrophoresis. Synthase I mutants contained the normal protein. Complementation of fabF1 mutants with an F' factor harboring the wild-type synthase II allele resulted in the appearance of normal ACP, whereas complementation with an F' possessing the fabF2 allele (a mutation that produces a synthase II enzyme with altered catalytic activity) resulted in the production of both forms of ACP. The structural difference between F-ACP and ACP persisted after the removal of the 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group, and both forms of the protein had identical properties in an in vitro fatty acid synthase assay. Both ACP and F-ACP were purified to homogeneity, and their primary amino acid sequences were determined. The two ACP species were identical but differed from the sequence reported for E. coli E-15 ACP in that an Asn instead of an Asp was at position 24 and an Ile instead of a Val was at position 43. Therefore, F-ACP appears to be a modification of ACP that is detected when beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II activity is impaired.  相似文献   

The nodulation protein NodF of Rhizobium shows 25% identity to acyl carrier protein (ACP) from Escherichia coli (encoded by the gene acpP). However, NodF cannot be functionally replaced by AcpP. We have investigated whether NodF is a substrate for various E. coli enzymes which are involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. NodF is a substrate for the addition of the 4′-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group by holo-ACP synthase. The Km value for NodF is 61 μM, as compared to 2 μM for AcpP. The resulting holo-NodF serves as a substrate for coupling of malonate by malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase (MCAT) and for coupling of palmitic acid by acyl-ACP synthetase. NodF is not a substrate for β-keto-acyl ACP synthase III (KASIII), which catalyses the initial condensation reaction in fatty acid biosynthesis. A chimeric gene was constructed comprising part of the E.coliacpP gene and part of the nodF gene. Circular dichroism studies of the chimeric AcpP-NodF (residues 1–33 of AcpP fused to amino acids 43–93 of NodF) protein encoded by this gene indicate a similar folding pattern to that of the parental proteins. Enzymatic analysis shows that AcpP-NodF is a substrate for the enzymes holo-ACP synthase, MCAT and acyl-ACP synthetase. Biological complementation studies show that the chimeric AcpP-NodF gene is able functionally to replace NodF in the root nodulation process in Vicia sativa. We therefore conclude that NodF is a specialized acyl carrier protein whose specific features are encoded in the C-terminal region of the protein. The ability to exchange domains between such distantly related proteins without affecting conformation opens exciting possibilities for further mapping of the functional domains of acyl carrier proteins (i. e., their recognition sites for many enzymes). Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

The nodulation protein NodF of Rhizobium shows 25% identity to acyl carrier protein (ACP) from Escherichia coli (encoded by the gene acpP). However, NodF cannot be functionally replaced by AcpP. We have investigated whether NodF is a substrate for various E. coli enzymes which are involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. NodF is a substrate for the addition of the 4′-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group by holo-ACP synthase. The Km value for NodF is 61?μM, as compared to 2?μM for AcpP. The resulting holo-NodF serves as a substrate for coupling of malonate by malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase (MCAT) and for coupling of palmitic acid by acyl-ACP synthetase. NodF is not a substrate for β-keto-acyl ACP synthase III (KASIII), which catalyses the initial condensation reaction in fatty acid biosynthesis. A chimeric gene was constructed comprising part of the E.coliacpP gene and part of the nodF gene. Circular dichroism studies of the chimeric AcpP-NodF (residues 1–33 of AcpP fused to amino acids 43–93 of NodF) protein encoded by this gene indicate a similar folding pattern to that of the parental proteins. Enzymatic analysis shows that AcpP-NodF is a substrate for the enzymes holo-ACP synthase, MCAT and acyl-ACP synthetase. Biological complementation studies show that the chimeric AcpP-NodF gene is able functionally to replace NodF in the root nodulation process in Vicia sativa. We therefore conclude that NodF is a specialized acyl carrier protein whose specific features are encoded in the C-terminal region of the protein. The ability to exchange domains between such distantly related proteins without affecting conformation opens exciting possibilities for further mapping of the functional domains of acyl carrier proteins (i. e., their recognition sites for many enzymes).  相似文献   

Vaccinia DNA topoisomerase catalyzes the cleavage and re-joining of DNA strands through a DNA-(3'-phosphotyrosyl)-enzyme intermediate formed at a specific target sequence, 5'-(C/T)CCTT downward arrow. The 314 aa protein consists of three protease-resistant structural domains demarcated by protease-sensitive interdomain segments referred to as the bridge and the hinge. The bridge is defined by trypsin-accessible sites at Arg80, Lys83 and Arg84. Photocrosslinking and proteolytic footprinting experiments suggest that residues near the interdomain bridge interact with DNA. To assess the contributions of specific amino acids to DNA binding and transesterification chemistry, we introduced alanine substitutions at 16 positions within a 24 aa segment from residues 63 to 86(DSKGRRQYFYGKMHVQNRNAKRDR). Assays of the rates of DNA relaxation under conditions optimal for the wild-type topoisomerase revealed significant mutational effects at six positions; Arg67, Tyr70, Tyr72, Arg80, Arg84 and Asp85. The mutated proteins displayed normal or near-normal rates of single-turnover transesterification to DNA. The effects of amino acid substitutions on DNA binding were evinced by inhibition of covalent adduct formation in the presence of salt and magnesium. The mutant enzymes also displayed diminished affinity for a subset of cleavage sites in pUC19 DNA. Tyr70 and Tyr72 were subjected to further analysis by replacement with Phe, His, Gln and Arg. At both positions, the aromatic moiety was important for DNA binding.  相似文献   

Acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) from spinach and from Escherichia coli have been used to demonstrate the utility of proton NMR for comparison of homologous structures. The structure of E. coli ACP had been previously determined and modeled as a rapid equilibrium among multiple conformational forms (Kim and Prestegard, Biochemistry 28:8792–8797, 1989). Spinach ACP showed two slowly exchanging forms and could be manipulated into one form for structural study. Here we compare this single form to postulated multiple forms of E. coli ACP using the limited amount of NOE data available for the spinach protein. A number of long-range NOE contacts were present between homologous residues in both spinach and E. coli ACP, suggesting tertiary structural homology. To allow a more definitive structural comparison, a method was developed to use spinach ACP NOE constraints to search for regions of structural divergence from two postulated forms of E. coli ACP. The homologous regions of the two protein sequences were aligned, additional distance constraints were extracted from the E. coli structure, and these were mapped onto the spinach sequence. These distance constraints were combined with experimental NOE constraints and a distance geometry simulated annealing protocol was used to test for compatibility of the constraints. All of the experimental spinach NOE constraints could be successfully combined with the E. coli data, confirming the general hypothesis of structural homology. A better fit was obtained with one form, suggesting a preferential stabilization of that form in the spinach case. Proteins 27:131–143 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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