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The diving capabilities of the Procellariformes remain the least understood component of avian diving physiology. Due to their relatively small size, shearwaters may have high oxygen consumption rates during diving relative to their available oxygen stores. Dive performance in this group should be strongly limited by the trade‐off between oxygen consumption and oxygen stores, and shearwaters could be a good model group for testing predictions of dive theory. Many earlier measurements of shearwater dive behaviour relied on observations from the surface or potentially biased technology, and it is only recently that diving behaviour has been observed using electronic recorders for many of the clades within the family. The diving behaviour of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding in Wales, UK, was studied on a large sample of birds using time–depth–temperature recorders deployed on chick‐rearing shearwaters in July and August over 3 years (2009–2011). Light availability apparently limited diving as dives only occurred between 04:00 and 19:00 h GMT. All individuals routinely dived deeper than traditionally assumed, to a mean maximum depth of 31 m and occasionally down to nearly 55 m. We compiled all available data for a comparison of the dive depth across shearwater species. There was a positive allometric relationship between maximum dive depth and body mass across Puffinus and Ardenna shearwater species, as expected, but only if samples of fewer than two individuals were excluded. The large intra‐specific range in maximum dive depth in our study illustrates that apparent diversity in diving performance across species must be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   


With the development and implementation of tracking technology, we are now able to monitor the foraging behaviour of seabirds while at sea. Time-Depth Recorders (TDRs) were fitted to Hutton's shearwaters (Puffinus huttoni), an endangered endemic New Zealand species, to measure how diving behaviour varies over the breeding cycle. Hutton's shearwaters (~350?g) dive up to 339 times per day (average 68.8) at depths to 35?m (average 5.6?m), and for periods up to 60?s (average 19.2?s). Incubating birds dived deeper than birds feeding chicks, and a significant difference in diving depth and dive duration were detected at different times of the day. Neither dive frequency nor dive duration differed significantly between years, but there was some annual variation in dive depths. The temporal variation we observed in the diving behaviour of Hutton's shearwaters suggests they are likely to exploit different types of pelagic prey at different stages in their breeding cycle. With on-going changes in the marine environment, monitoring changes in feeding behaviour using TDRs may provide a way to assess environmental change and improve the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Incidental seabird mortality associated with bycatch during longline commercial fishing is a conservation concern. An initial step to estimating likelihood of seabird bycatch and conceiving conservation strategies is determining amount of overlap between foraging birds and commercial fishing effort, identifying oceanographic features associated with foraging birds, and quantifying dive characteristics. We tracked 24 adult flesh-footed shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) breeding on Lord Howe Island located east of Australia during incubation and early and late chick-rearing periods from 6 January to 17 April 2005. At-sea foraging distribution of flesh-footed shearwaters was primarily confined within the jurisdictional Australian Fishing Zone. Foraging was strongly associated with sea-surface temperature >24°C. Spatial and temporal overlap of longline fishing with foraging shearwaters varied throughout the breeding season, but was greatest (63% overlap) during early chick-rearing. Mean maximum distance reached from the breeding colony during a foraging event was 804 km (SD = 280) from Lord Howe Island. Foraging behavior was strongly diurnal, with 91% of dives occurring during daylight, and most dives (77%) were <5 m. Given that longline fishing and flesh-footed shearwaters overlap substantially, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority should consider implementing additional regulations to further reduce bycatch. Conservation strategies such as setting longlines at nights may reduce flesh-footed shearwater bycatch.  相似文献   

The effects of temporal, spatial, environmental and operational effects on seabird incidental mortality in the legal Patagonian toothfish longline fishery operating, between 2003 and 2006, in French exclusive economic zones of Crozet and Kerguelen Islands were analysed. During the study period, the mean bycatch rate varied from 0.05 to 0.12 birds per 1,000 hooks. Two species were concerned by incidental mortality: white-chinned petrels (88%) and grey petrels (11.5%). Males of white-chinned petrel seemed more at a risk than females. Logbooks data tended to underreport mortality when compared with dedicated fishery observers. The results indicate that temporal (season or phenology) and spatial (area) factors reflecting mortality risk for seabirds played the most significant role in the incidental mortality of the two species. Operational (integrated weight mainline, number of scaring lines and number of hooks hauled) and environmental factors (wind/vessel angle, moon brightness) were also influential, although less significantly, in increasing this mortality risk. Our two steps analyses by separately modelling the probability of presence and the abundance given presence suggest that the decrease in seabird bycatch over the period was mainly due to an important decrease in probability (occurrence) of mortality.  相似文献   

In striking contrast to the general increase in diving ability with body mass in seabirds, amongst the Procellariiformes, the deepest dives appear to be by the smallest species. Here, we use recently developed, miniaturized time depth recorders to provide the first accurate measurement of dive depth and duration in two small Procellariiformes: Common (Pelecanoides urinatrix) and South Georgian diving petrel (P. georgicus), and compare their diving performance in relation to body mass with that of 58 seabirds from four orders. The 20 common and six South Georgia diving petrels in our study dived to considerable depths and for long periods (respective mean ± SD of 10.5 ± 4.6 and 18.1 ± 3.6 m, and 36.4 ± 9.1 and 44.2 ± 5.9 s). In relation to body mass, these dives are closely comparable to those of small alcids, which are considered to be diving specialists, and much greater than in closely related petrels. Previous work has shown that diving petrels and small alcids share a number of convergent morphological traits; our data reveal these are manifested in terms of diving ability.  相似文献   

Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea is the main seabird species by-caught by the Spanish longline fleet operating in the western Mediterranean Sea. Identification of the principal factors that determine this by-catch and understanding how they could be controlled is fundamental for improving the management of fisheries and so carry out a better conservation of Cory’s shearwater populations in the Mediterranean. The aim of this paper was to model the longline by-catch of Mediterranean Cory’s shearwater in the Spanish Mediterranean longline fishery as a function of time of the year, technical characteristics of the fishing operation, and geographical location. We used data recorded by an onboard observer program monitoring commercial longline fisheries. During the 10 years covered in this study, 80 birds were captured in 30 fishing operations out of a total of 2,587 observed fishing sets. We used favourability functions and Random Forest analyses to relate the presence of Cory’s shearwater in the by-catch with the explanatory factors. The most explanatory factor in relation to incidence of by-catch was the geographical location (longitude and fishing over the continental shelf) and then the technical characteristics of the fishing operation (number of hooks and fishing during non-working days). Our conclusion is clear, because seabirds are more likely to approach longline vessels when trawlers are not allowed to operate (i.e. non-working days), activity of longliners should be limited to working days, and closing longliners activity during the month of October could reduce greatly reducing seabird bycatch.  相似文献   

The diving ability of juvenile animals is constrained by their physiology, morphology and lack of experience, compared to adults. We studied the influences of age and mass on the diving behaviour of juvenile (2–3-year-old females, n = 12; 3–5-year-old males, n = 7) New Zealand (NZ) sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) using time–depth recorders (TDRs) from 2008 to 2010 in the NZ subantarctic Auckland Islands. Diving ability (e.g. dive depth, duration and bottom time per dive) improved with age and mass. However, the percentage of each dive spent at the bottom, along with percentage time at sea spent diving, was comparable between younger and lighter juveniles and older and heavier juveniles. These suggest that younger and older juveniles expend similar foraging effort in terms of the amount of time spent underwater. Only, 5-year-old male juveniles dove to adult female depths and durations and had the highest foraging efficiency at depths >250 m. It appears that juvenile NZ sea lions attain adult female diving ability at around 5 years of age (at least in males), but prior to this, their performance is limited. Overall, the restricted diving capabilities of juvenile NZ sea lions may limit their available foraging habitat and ability to acquire food at deeper depths. The lower diving ability of juvenile NZ sea lions compared to adults, along with juvenile-specific constraints, should be taken into consideration for the effective management of this declining, nationally critical species.  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of the Shy Albatross Diomedea cauta was investigated using archival time-depth recorders (TDRs) and maximum depth gauges (MDGs). Data from birds carrying multiple devices and from diving simulations indicated that the degree of correspondence between TDRs and MDGs varied with the dive depth, duration and frequency, as well as with body placement. The MDGs were the most reliable when the diving depth was greater than 0.5 m, when the diving frequency was low and when gauges were placed on the birds' backs. The TDRs were used during late incubation and early chick rearing in 1994. Fifty-two dives (0.4 m) were recorded during 20 foraging trips of 15 individuals. The majority of dives were within the upper 3 m of the water column and lasted for less than 6 s. However, dives to 7.4 m and others lasting 19 s were recorded. The albatrosses dived between 07.00 h and 22.00 h, with peaks in their diving activity near midday and twilight. Mean diving depth varied throughout the day. with the deepest dives occurring between 10.00 h and 12.00 h. Two dive types were identified on the basis of the relationship between dive depth and descent rate. Plunge dives were short (5 s), and the birds reached a maximum depth of 2.9 m. Swimming dives were both longer and deeper. The characteristics of Shy Albatross plunge dives were similar to those of gannets Morus spp., which are known to be proficient plunge divers. Swimming dives suggest that Shy Albatrosses actively pursue prey underwater.  相似文献   

Most seabirds are visual hunters and are thus strongly affected by light levels. Dependence on vision should be problematic for species wintering at high latitudes, as they face very low light levels for extended periods during the Polar night. We examined the foraging rhythms of male great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) wintering north of the Polar circle in West Greenland, conducting the first year-round recordings of the diving activity in a seabird wintering at high latitudes. Dive depth data revealed that birds dived every day during the Arctic winter and did not adjust their foraging rhythms to varying day length. Therefore, a significant proportion of the dive bouts were conducted in the dark (less than 1 lux) during the Polar night. Our study underlines the stunning adaptability of great cormorants and raises questions about the capacity of diving birds to use non-visual cues to target fish.  相似文献   

In order to monitor the diving behavior of free-ranging cetaceans, microdataloggers, with pre-programmed release mechanisms, were attached to the dorsal fins of two female harbor porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena ) in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, in 1994. The two loggers were successfully recovered and a total of 141 h of diving data (depth and water temperature in 4,671 dives) was obtained. Both porpoises dived almost continuously, rarely exhibiting long-term rest at the surface. Maximum dive depths were 98.6 m and 70.8 m, respectively, with more than 70% of diving time at 20 m or less. Most shallow dives were V-shaped with no bottom time. The V-shaped dives were significantly shallower in dive depth and shorter in dive duration than U-shaped dives. Descent rate was not constant during a dive. The deeper the dive depths, the faster the mean descent and initial descent rates. This suggests that porpoises have anticipated the depth to which they will dive before initiating the dive itself.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of seabirds are killed each year as bycatch in longline fisheries. Seabirds are predominantly caught during line setting but bycatch is generally recorded during line hauling, many hours after birds are caught. Bird loss during this interval may lead to inaccurate bycatch information. In this 15 year study, seabird bycatch was recorded during both line setting and line hauling from four fishing regions: Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Coral Sea and central Pacific Ocean. Over 43,000 albatrosses, petrels and skuas representing over 25 species were counted during line setting of which almost 6,000 seabirds attempted to take the bait. Bait-taking interactions were placed into one of four categories. (i) The majority (57%) of bait-taking attempts were “unsuccessful” involving seabirds that did not take the bait nor get caught or hooked. (ii) One-third of attempts were “successful” with seabirds removing the bait while not getting caught. (iii) One-hundred and seventy-six seabirds (3% of attempts) were observed being “caught” during line setting, with three albatross species – Laysan (Phoebastria immutabilis), black-footed (P. nigripes) and black-browed (Thalassarche melanophrys)– dominating this category. However, of these, only 85 (48%) seabird carcasses were retrieved during line hauling. Most caught seabirds were hooked through the bill. (iv) The remainder of seabird-bait interactions (7%) was not clearly observed, but likely involved more “caught” seabirds. Bait taking attempts and percentage outcome (e.g. successful, caught) varied between seabird species and was not always related to species abundance around fishing vessels. Using only haul data to calculate seabird bycatch grossly underestimates actual bycatch levels, with the level of seabird bycatch from pelagic longline fishing possibly double what was previously thought.  相似文献   

Both body size dimorphism and sex differences in the relative costs and benefits associated with acquiring energy for reproduction have been advanced to explain the evolution of sex differences in foraging behaviour. We examined the extent to which these factors influenced sex differences in the diving behaviour of a size-dimorphic, capital breeder, the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus. Using time-depth data loggers, we examined the diving behaviour of 46 male and 49 female grey seals for 7 months before parturition and mating. Males and females showed significantly different seasonal patterns in the characteristics of individual dives and dive effort. Compared with males, females showed significantly higher levels of dive effort immediately following moult and in the 3 months before parturition. Females also had longer dives (5.5 versus 4.9 min) and spent more time at depth (3.4 versus 2.7 min), whereas males dived deeper (57 versus 49 m). Males dived consistently throughout the day, whereas females showed strong diurnal patterns in dive depth, duration and frequency. The diving behaviour and rates of mass gain by females suggested a pattern of foraging consistent with early accumulation of body energy to support pregnancy and the subsequent lactation period during which females fast. Males, on the other hand, showed diving behaviour and rates of mass gain consistent with a more gradual accumulation of energy stores. Our results suggest that sex differences in the seasonal patterns of diving behaviour reflect sex differences in the costs and benefits of stored energy for reproduction rather than the influence of body size dimorphism alone.  相似文献   

The use of seabirds to assess marine contamination by trace elements in areas remote from pollutant emission points has already been done at various latitudes. Nevertheless, little information is available concerning the Southern Indian Ocean. Determining the contaminants levels, there appears necessary not only due to several deleterious effects reported in literature, but also as previous studies have highlighted elevated concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in mollusks, crustaceans and fish. Within this context, the white-chinned petrel appears as a key species due to its lifespan, diet and trophic position. Thirty-three accidentally killed (collision with lights/bycatch in longline vessels) individuals collected in Kerguelen waters were analysed for Cd, copper (Cu), Hg, selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) in liver, kidney, pectoral muscle, feathers and for mature males, testis. Elevated Hg concentrations (average 58.4 μg g?1 dw in liver) are likely due to the presence of mesopelagic prey in the diet of Procellaria aequinoctialis. Cd concentrations (average of 65.7 μg g?1 dw in kidney) can be attributed to a high level of fisheries offal consumption, as well as crustacean and squid ingestion. Correlation of Hg with Se indicates its detoxification by co-precipitation, and correlation of Cd with Zn suggests its displacement by Cd on metallothioneins binding sites. This work also indirectly confirms ecological data (range and diet composition) from the wintering period of the species, which is rather scarce. Seasonal diet change and moulting accounted more for the obtained results than sex of the birds.  相似文献   

Many diving seabirds and marine mammals have been found to regularly exceed their theoretical aerobic dive limit (TADL). No animals have been found to dive for durations that are consistently shorter than their TADL. We attached time-depth recorders to 7 blue whales and 15 fin whales (family Balaenopteridae). The diving behavior of both species was similar, and we distinguished between foraging and traveling dives. Foraging dives in both species were deeper, longer in duration and distinguished by a series of vertical excursions where lunge feeding presumably occurred. Foraging blue whales lunged 2.4 (+/-1.13) times per dive, with a maximum of six times and average vertical excursion of 30.2 (+/-10.04) m. Foraging fin whales lunged 1.7 (+/-0.88) times per dive, with a maximum of eight times and average vertical excursion of 21.2 (+/-4.35) m. The maximum rate of ascent of lunges was higher than the maximum rate of descent in both species, indicating that feeding lunges occurred on ascent. Foraging dives were deeper and longer than non-feeding dives in both species. On average, blue whales dived to 140.0 (+/-46.01) m and 7.8 (+/-1.89) min when foraging, and 67.6 (+/-51.46) m and 4.9 (+/-2.53) min when not foraging. Fin whales dived to 97.9 (+/-32.59) m and 6.3 (+/-1.53) min when foraging and to 59.3 (+/-29.67) m and 4.2 (+/-1.67) min when not foraging. The longest dives recorded for both species, 14.7 min for blue whales and 16.9 min for fin whales, were considerably shorter than the TADL of 31.2 and 28.6 min, respectively. An allometric comparison of seven families diving to an average depth of 80-150 m showed a significant relationship between body mass and dive duration once Balaenopteridae whales, with a mean dive duration of 6.8 min, were excluded from the analysis. Thus, the short dive durations of blue whales and fin whales cannot be explained by the shallow distribution of their prey. We propose instead that short duration diving in large whales results from either: (1) dispersal behavior of prey; or (2) a high energetic cost of foraging.  相似文献   

Marine megafauna, including seabirds, are critically affected by fisheries bycatch. However, bycatch risk may differ on temporal and spatial scales due to the uneven distribution and effort of fleets operating different fishing gear, and to focal species distribution and foraging behavior. Scopoli's shearwater Calonectris diomedea is a long‐lived seabird that experiences high bycatch rates in longline fisheries and strong population‐level impacts due to this type of anthropogenic mortality. Analyzing a long‐term dataset on individual monitoring, we compared adult survival (by means of multi‐event capture–recapture models) among three close predator‐free Mediterranean colonies of the species. Unexpectedly for a long‐lived organism, adult survival varied among colonies. We explored potential causes of this differential survival by (1) measuring egg volume as a proxy of food availability and parental condition; (2) building a specific longline bycatch risk map for the species; and (3) assessing the distribution patterns of breeding birds from the three study colonies via GPS tracking. Egg volume was very similar between colonies over time, suggesting that environmental variability related to habitat foraging suitability was not the main cause of differential survival. On the other hand, differences in foraging movements among individuals from the three colonies expose them to differential mortality risk, which likely influenced the observed differences in adult survival. The overlap of information obtained by the generation of specific bycatch risk maps, the quantification of population demographic parameters, and the foraging spatial analysis should inform managers about differential sensitivity to the anthropogenic impact at mesoscale level and guide decisions depending on the spatial configuration of local populations. The approach would apply and should be considered in any species where foraging distribution is colony‐specific and mortality risk varies spatially.  相似文献   

Although theoretical models predict that the quality of foraging patches has little effect on optimal dive time with increasing depth, many empirical studies show that dive time at a given depth may vary. We developed a model that incorporated patch quality as a parameter of energy intake as a nonlinear function of time, and applied it to the diving behaviour of Brünnich's guillemots, Uria lomvia. The model indicated that optimal dive time can vary widely depending on the parameter. It also explained the convergence of observed dive times with travel time. Assuming the birds dived optimally, this parameter can be estimated from travel time and dive time for each dive. Foraging patches with larger estimated parameter values were favoured by the birds, suggesting that the parameter indicated patch quality. We used this parameter to test an optimal patch use model in divers. The results indicate that Brünnich's guillemots adjust their diving behaviour adaptively depending on patch quality, and that the optimal diving model is valid for prediction of observed dive patterns if patch quality is incorporated appropriately. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Mortality during commercial fishing activities is a significant threat to many imperiled seabird species, and myriad technologies have been developed to reduce mortality during longline fishing operations. However, individual studies have never been combined in a quantitative manner to determine if seabird bycatch reduction devices (BRD) have a detrimental effect upon target species catch. We performed a meta-analysis of the longline fishery BRD literature to determine the general impact of BRD technology upon commercial fishing operations. There were relatively few papers with data suitable for a meta-analysis (15), therefore we pooled studies in the analysis with BRD and fishery related metrics included as covariates. Overall, we found no reduction in target fish catch. In fact, we found an increase in target catch of 9% (95% CI [1,17]) with BRD use. We show that this increase occurs while BRDs reduce seabird bycatch by 89% (95% CI [82,93]). These patterns do not change with respect to geographic location or BRD type, indicating that efforts to reduce seabird bycatch are generally effective under different conditions. Our review identifies research needed to ensure the generality of our findings and to better understand the impacts of BRD implementation upon seabird conservation and commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

White-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis and grey petrels Procellaria cinerea are among the most frequently killed seabird species by accidental bycatch, and both species have received strong conservation concern. Data on population size are required to evaluate the impact of bycatch and to establish management plans. We estimated the population size of both species at Kerguelen, Southern Indian Ocean, from 2004 to 2006 by explicitly taking into account detection probability of burrows using distance sampling and burrow occupancy. A total of 31 line-transects were distributed across the eastern part of Kerguelen, representing a total length of 566 km. Detectability was low (from 0.19 to 0.54 for white-chinned petrels, 0.58 for grey petrels). Burrow densities varied from 1.37±0.67 to 25.77±5.23 burrows ha−1 for white-chinned petrels and was 2.78±0.79 burrows ha−1 for grey petrels. For white-chinned petrels, these densities were extrapolated to the entire surface area of vegetation and there were 234 000 (186 000–297 000) active burrows on Kerguelen. For grey petrels, the number of active burrows for the eastern part of Kerguelen was 3400 (1900–5600). Based on these estimates, the potential biological removal method suggests that the additional mortality on birds caused by the fisheries operating around Kerguelen can be considered a serious threat for the species at least at the regional scale of the Southern Indian Ocean, especially for grey petrels.  相似文献   

Bycatch in longline fisheries threatens the viability of some seabird populations. The Hawaii longline swordfish fishery reduced seabird captures by an order of magnitude primarily through mitigating bycatch during setting. Now, 75% of captures occur during hauling. We fit observer data to a generalized additive regression model with mixed effects to determine the significance of the effect of various factors on the standardized seabird haul catch rate. Density of albatrosses attending vessels during hauling, leader length and year had largest model effects. The standardized haul catch rate significantly increased with increased albatross density during hauling. The standardized catch rate was significantly higher the longer the leader: shorter leaders place weighted swivels closer to hooks, reducing the likelihood of baited hooks becoming available to surface-scavenging albatrosses. There was a significant linear increasing temporal trend in the standardized catch rate, possibly partly due to an observed increasing temporal trend in the local abundance of albatrosses attending vessels during hauling. Swivel weight, Beaufort scale and season were also significant but smaller model effects. Most (81%) haul captures were on branchlines actively being retrieved. Future haul mitigation research should therefore focus on reducing bird access to hooks as crew coil branchlines, including methods identified here of shorter leaders and heavier swivels, and other potentially effective methods, including faster branchline coiling and shielding the area where hooks becomes accessible. The proportion of Laysan albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) captures that occurred during hauling was significantly, 1.6 times, higher than for black-footed albatrosses (P. nigripes), perhaps due to differences in the time of day of foraging and in daytime scavenging competitiveness; mitigating haul bycatch would therefore be a larger benefit to Laysans. Locally, findings identify opportunities to nearly eliminate seabird bycatch. Globally, findings fill a gap in knowledge of methods to mitigate seabird bycatch during pelagic longline hauling.  相似文献   

For oceanic birds like king penguins, a major constraint is the separation of foraging areas from the breeding colony, largely because swimming increases foraging costs. However, the relationship between foraging strategy and breeding stage has been poorly investigated. Using time-depth recorders, we studied the diving behaviour of two groups of king penguins that were either incubating or brooding chicks at Crozet Islands (Southern Indian Ocean) at the same period of the year. Although birds with chicks had the highest predicted energy demand, they made foraging trips half as long as incubating birds (6 vs. 14 days) and modified their time and depth utilisation. Birds with chicks dived deeper during daylight (mean maximum depth of 280 m vs. 205 m for those incubating). At night, birds with chicks spent twice as much time diving as those incubating, but birds at both stages never dived beyond 30 m. Movements to greater depths by brooding birds are consistent with the vertical distribution of myctophid fish which are the main prey. As chick provisioning limits trip duration, it is suggested that it is more efficient for parents to change their diving patterns rather than to restrict their foraging range. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

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