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跟随一队研究哺乳动物群在古新世-始新世变化的生物地层学和古地理学的学者,已故周明镇教授开始了他的古脊椎动物学事业。这是化石记录中偶蹄类、奇蹄类和灵长类(APP类群)首次出现的时期。随着北美西部Polecat Bench新的最晚古新世Clarkforkian哺乳动物群的发现,古新世作为一个独立于始新世的分期从1911年开始被接受。后来,研究证明古新世-始新世界线包括了一段时间,这期间发育了矮小型哺乳动物支系。古新世-始新世碳同位素漂移(CIE)与哺乳动物矮小化以及APP类群的首次出现是同时的。据此可以对CIE进行全球性总结,结果表明它与古新世-始新世极热事件(PETM)相关。PETM这一全球温室变暖事件不仅对地球气候和生物群有短暂的影响,而且对生物群同样具有深远持续的影响。我们所知的哺乳动物与CIE和PETM之间关系的大部分内容是通过对Polecat Bench周边剖面独特地层记录的高分辨率研究得到的。周教授早年曾在那里工作过,如今他的骨灰也撒在那里。  相似文献   

近期的研究极大地丰富了亚洲古新世和早始新世哺乳动物群信息,因此有必要对现存亚洲生物年代学和生物地理学框架做出调整。在定量和定性分析的基础上,将生物年代界线与主要的动物群更替事件对应起来,改进了古新世和早始新世亚洲陆相哺乳动物分期年代对比及生物地理学的认识。以往知之甚少的上湖期以原始啮形类和钝脚类为主,其后的浓山期则呈现出亚洲哺乳动物的地方性分异。随着新的基干啮形类以及真正的啮型类的出现,啮形类开始辐射。上湖期-浓山期的界线与北美Torrejonian-Tiffanian界线相当,并且动物群更替很可能是由全球变冷阶段的开始引发的。格沙头期哺乳动物进一步分化,亚洲土著类群急剧减少,以多瘤齿兽类、夜鼩类(nyctitheriids)、克莫土兽类(cimolestids)和食果猴为代表的北美迁入物种开始出现。而在北美,亚洲哺乳动物(包括北柱兽类和原恐角兽类)的第一次入侵发生于Tiffanian-5a期初期,第二次入侵发生于Clarkforkian初期,包含了啮齿类、裂齿类及冠齿兽类。因此格沙头期的开始可与北美Tiffanian-5a的开始相对比。伯姆巴期的开始以偶蹄类、奇蹄类和真灵长类的首次出现为标志,与古新世-始新世界线相当。这些类群在亚洲的出现与它们在北美和欧洲出现于始新世之初的情况类似。与格沙头期初期的动物群扩散不同,伯姆巴期的动物群扩散似乎持续了更长时间,并且也有可能直接发生在亚洲和欧洲之间。  相似文献   

怀俄明州大角盆地北部的Polecat台地和麦卡洛峰的重要发现对了解北美古新世哺乳动物生物地层以及古新世-始新世极热事件中陆生动物群更替模式和原因具有重要意义。1910年,普林斯顿大学和美国自然历史博物馆的古生物学者指出,古新世的哺乳动物与始新世的明显不同,这使得古新世是一个不同于始新世的时期的观点很快被接受。80年之后,密歇根大学和卡耐基研究院的古生物学者指出,陆相古新统-始新统界线可以用动物群的快速更替和小型化作为标志,并伴随着一次重要的碳同位素漂移,这使得古新世-始新世极热事件(PETM)作为真正的全球性温室升温事件得到了公认。1950年,投身古生物事业的年轻学者周明镇被介绍到怀俄明参加古新世哺乳动物野外工作。在那里,他积累了专业知识和经验,并促成了对中国古新统进行的类似考察。现在的挑战是如何将北美和亚洲大陆相似的古新世历史拼合在一起。  相似文献   

安徽嘉山晚古新世哺乳动物群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了在安徽省嘉山县土金山晚中新世地层中发现的 7种哺乳动物化石 ,其中包括两个新种———翟氏肉齿兽 ?(Sarcodon ?zhaiisp .nov.)和原始皖柱兽 (Wanostylopspromissussp .nov.)。这是目前为止有关嘉山土金山动物群最为全面的一次报道。动物群的性质表明含化石的土金山组的时代为晚古新世 ,很可能相当于格沙头期或稍早。  相似文献   

亚洲古近纪早期的年代学和哺乳动物群更替(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对广东南雄盆地、江西池江盆地、安徽潜山盆地、湖南衡阳盆地和内蒙古二连盆地古新世和早始新世沉积物进行的生物地层学、化学地层学和磁性地层学研究,第一次给亚洲早古近纪地层框架提供了严格的年代限定。亚洲古新世和早始新世地层划分为4个生物年代单位(陆生哺乳动物期),从老到新为上湖期、浓山期、格沙头期和伯姆巴期4个亚洲陆生哺乳动物期。南雄盆地古地磁数据显示上湖期的底界约位于C29r的上2/3位置。南雄盆地的古地磁资料及池江盆地最新的古地磁和同位素结果显示上湖-浓山期界线在C27n的上部和C26r的下部之间,接近C27n-C26r转换界面。这一记录支持将上湖-浓山期的界线与北美陆生哺乳动物期中的Torrejonian-Tiffanian期以及海相记录中丹尼-塞兰特期(Danian-Selandi-an)的界线相对比。二连盆地古地磁和同位素研究表明典型的格沙头动物群延续至C24r,并且可能向下延伸至C25r和C26n。南雄盆地的记录指示浓山组和古城村组可能相当于C26r的上部。这些结果表明亚洲哺乳动物分期中的浓山-格沙头期的界线可能在北美哺乳动物分期的Tiffanian期中。衡阳盆地的古地磁和同位素证据指示,以短暂的碳同位素漂移为标志的古新世-始新世界线出现在栗木坪组和岭茶组之间,位于C24r中,与海相记录中的坦尼特-伊普里斯期(Thanetian-Ypresian)界线一致。伯姆巴期岭茶动物群的时代似乎与北美Wa-satchian-0带的动物群可以比较。上湖期和浓山期动物群主要由亚洲特有的动物组成。发生在上湖期和浓山期界线处的动物群更替,与北美Torrejonian-Tiffanian期界线以及丹尼-塞兰特期界线一致。在相隔很远的生态系统上的这种巧合,可能反映出各自独立的对气候变化的生态和/或进化上的响应。格沙头动物群的地方性色彩更弱,有与北美Clarkforkian期动物群共有的属一级分类单元。伯姆巴动物群是全球性的。现生哺乳动物各目在格沙头-伯姆巴期界线处突然出现,与北美和欧洲的记录一致,显示动物群的更替与古新世-始新世界线处短暂出现的全球变暖事件(又称古新世-始新世高温事件)有关。  相似文献   

江西晚古新世南方有蹄目一新属及其有关问题讨论   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文主要记述了南方有蹄目北柱兽科一新属新种——南方沟柱兽 (Bothriostylops notios gen. et sp. nov.).化石发现于江西池江盆地晚古新世池江组.新属牙齿形态与其他已记述的北柱兽科种类均有一定的差别,但与稀少亚洲柱兽 (Asiostylops spanios) 和原"中华柱兽"进步种 ("Sinostylops" progressus) 在系统关系上比较密切.本文初步讨论了"中华柱兽"属中有关种的分类和归属问题.  相似文献   

本文记述了在湖南衡东下始新统中发现的软食中兽头骨化石——河塘软食中兽 Hapalodectes hetangensis sp. nov.,并根据头骨特征对软食中兽的系统分类位置提出修正意见,订 Hapalodectidae 科 (Szalay and Gould 1966) new rank.对与之有关的中国古新统某些中兽的分类位置进行了讨论.  相似文献   

山东昌乐早始新世五图组多瘤齿兽类(哺乳纲)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文记述了一种产自山东五图盆地的多瘤齿兽,在牙齿形态上类似在古新世绝灭的Mesodma和Mimetodon,取名为道森拟间异兽(Mesodmopsdawsonae)。这是亚洲晚白垩世-早第三纪地层中首次发现新斜沟齿兽类(neoplagiaucid)多瘤齿兽。文中也简单地讨论了我国目前缺少直接与大部分五图哺乳动物有关的古新世哺乳动物的原因。  相似文献   

本文记述了发现于潜山盆地中古新统望虎墩组上段的两件保存较好的(犭亚)兽类化石,它们分别代表了两个新属种:古井曙(犭亚)(新属、新种)(Eosigale gujingensis gen. et sp. nov.)和余氏棋盘兽(新属、新种)(Qipania yui gen. et sp. nov.)。在分析(犭亚)兽科各属及相关类群特征的基础上,重新厘订了(犭亚)兽科的涵义,探讨了(犭亚)兽类与亚洲其他古老真兽类之间的系统发育关系,认为(犭亚)兽科和假古猬科的关系最近。  相似文献   

河南卢氏盆地的中兽化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述了河南卢氏盆地的中兽科化石材料,命名了强中兽属一新种———李氏强中兽(Harpagolestesleeisp.nov.)。该种P4后附尖非常发育、向颊侧突出;M2的原尖长,前端偏于舌侧、后端偏于颊侧,冠面轮廓近于长方形。报道了东方强中兽(Harpagolestesorientalis)的第一件下颌标本,并对该种的特征进行了补充和修订。描述的一个厚中兽未定种(Pachyaenasp.)可能是该属已知最晚的代表。还鉴定出两件Mongolestes属的标本及一件属种未定的中兽科化石。  相似文献   

A lower jaw of the mesonychian Hapalodectes is reported from Nongshanian sediments (Upper Doumu Formation; middle Paleocene) of the Qianshan Basin (Anhui Province, China). The fragmentary mandible is only the third specimen of Hapalodectidae discovered in Paleocene deposits, and the first in south east China; it is moreover the oldest, the two other specimens having been found in Gashatan (late Paleocene) localities. The premolars and molars of the new fossil are morphologically similar to Hapalodectes dux (late Paleocene of Mongolia), which has been considered to be the most primitive hapalodectid, but their relative proportions recall H. paleocenus and the Eocene Hapalodectes species. As a result, the fossil described herein appears to be different from the other previously described species of Hapalodectes in being morphologically intermediate between H. dux and the other Hapalodectes species, notably the Bumbanian Hapalodectes hetangensis and H. huanghaiensis from China; it is thus identified as a new species, Hapalodectes lopatini (possibly a male individual). Its discovery is important because it sheds light on the initial radiation of hapalodectids. The presence of one primitive hapalodectid in Mongolia previously suggested the Mongolian Plateau as the centre of origination of this carnivorous family, but the discovery of H. lopatini in older sediments from south‐east China challenges this hypothesis. In the earliest Eocene, Hapalodectes dispersed from Asia to North America; this event being part of the ‘East of Eden’ dispersals. This event resulted in the geographical separation of two distinct Hapalodectes groups, in North America and south‐eastern China respectively.  相似文献   

The Caribbean archipelago offers one of the best natural arenas for testing biogeographic hypotheses. The intermediate dispersal model of biogeography (IDM) predicts variation in species richness among lineages on islands to relate to their dispersal potential. To test this model, one would need background knowledge of dispersal potential of lineages and their biogeographic patterns, which has been problematic as evidenced by our prior work on the Caribbean tetragnathid spiders. In order to investigate the biogeographic imprint of an excellent disperser, we study Trichonephila in the Americas. Trichonephila is a nephilid genus that contains globally distributed species known to overcome long, overwater distances. The results of our phylogenetic and population genetic analyses on T. clavipes suggest that populations over the Caribbean and North America maintain a lively gene flow. However, the single species status of T. clavipes over the entire New World is challenged by our species delimitation analyses. Combined with prior evidence from spider genera of different dispersal ability, these patterns coming from an excellent disperser (Trichonephila) that is species-poor and of a relatively homogenous genetic structure, support the IDM predictions.  相似文献   

More than 1982 species in 90 genera were included in an analysis of the biogeography of the Phytoseiidae, a family of predatory mites. Seven biogeographic regions were taken into account: Nearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopian, West Palaearctic, East Palaearctic, Oriental, and Australasian. The number of species was particularly high in the Neotropical, Oriental, and West Palaearctic regions. These regions also present the highest levels of species endemism. The number of genera was quite similar in all regions except for the Neotropics, which also had a high level of endemism. The possible Gondwanian (Neotropical, Ethiopian, Australasian, and Oriental regions) origin of the Phytoseiidae, most probably in the Neotropics, and their possible radiation to Laurasia (Nearctic, West Palaearctic, and East Palaearctic regions) are discussed. The comparison between genera and species in the different biogeographic regions indicate the importance of both dispersal and vicariance events in the evolution of the group. Dispersal is assumed to have been most important between Neotropical and Nearctic regions and between East Palaearctic and Oriental regions, whereas vicariance could have been the dominating process between Australasian, Ethiopian, and Oriental regions, as well as between West and East Palaearctic regions. A parsimony analysis of endemicity showed the Neotropical and the Nearctic regions to be isolated from the other regions. This is certainly due to a diversification after the continents drifted apart and then a high dispersal between Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Different phylogenetic hypotheses and scenarios are proposed for each subfamily based on the results obtained and further investigations are proposed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 845–856.  相似文献   

榉属(Zelkova)是包含6个种的榆科小属, 呈东亚、西亚和南欧间断分布。该文基于DNA序列trnL-trnF和ITS构建了榉属的分子系统发育树, 大体上把此属分为3个分支, 分别对应东亚、西亚和南欧的种类, 与前人仅依据ITS序列的结果不同。生物地理的扩散和隔离分化分析(DIVA)表明, 榉属的原始祖先分布区可能是欧亚北温带, 包括了东亚、西亚和南欧的某个大的区域。分化过程以隔离分化为主要特征, 即3个分布区域是逐步隔离分化的。由于东亚的物种多样性, 北太平洋有可能是起源中心。榉属的现代分布格局可能主要是由于渐新世发生的古地中海西退、中新世发生的青藏高原大范围隆升, 以及第四纪冰川活动引起的分布区的收缩。  相似文献   

Abstract— A vicariance hypothesis of New World biogeography involving transport of living biota on fragments of an ancestral landmass to present positions ranging from southern Alaska to northern South America is developed. Geological, as well as biogeographical, ecological, and systematic data from plethodontid salamanders provide correlative support for the model. Other groups appear to have similar biogeographic histories and, along with further geological data, could provide means of corroboration of this hypothesis. Active biotic dispersal between the American continents before Pliocene closure of the Panamanian isthmus may have been less prevalent than previously believed, and tectonic transport may have dispersed many organisms. If corroborated, geologists may be provided a new method of analyzing relationships among "suspect terranes" using phylogenetic analyses of living biota, and biologists may be required to reassess previous concepts of New World historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Willi Hennig's (Beitr. Ent. 1960, 10, 15) Die Dipteren-Fauna von Neuseeland als systematisches und tiergeographisches Problem applied a phylogenetic approach to examine the distributional patterns exhibited by the Diptera of New Zealand. Hennig showed how phylogenetic trees may be used to infer dispersal, based on the progression and deviation rules, and also discussed the existence of vicariance patterns. The most important author who applied Hennig's phylogenetic biogeography was Lars Brundin, when analysing the phylogenetic relationships of two taxa of Chironomidae (Diptera) and using them to examine the biogeographic relationships of Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa. The relevance of Brundin's contribution was noted by several authors, as it began the cladistic or vicariance approach to biogeography, that implies the discovery of vicariance events shared by different monophyletic groups. Both phylogenetic and cladistic biogeography have a place in contemporary biogeography, the former for analysing taxon biogeography and the latter when addressing Earth or biota biogeography. The recent use of the term “phylogenetic biogeography” to refer to a posteriori methods of cladistic biogeography is erroneous and should be avoided.  相似文献   

Methods in historical biogeography have revolutionized our ability to infer the evolution of ancestral geographical ranges from phylogenies of extant taxa, the rates of dispersals, and biotic connectivity among areas. However, extant taxa are likely to provide limited and potentially biased information about past biogeographic processes, due to extinction, asymmetrical dispersals and variable connectivity among areas. Fossil data hold considerable information about past distribution of lineages, but suffer from largely incomplete sampling. Here we present a new dispersal–extinction–sampling (DES) model, which estimates biogeographic parameters using fossil occurrences instead of phylogenetic trees. The model estimates dispersal and extinction rates while explicitly accounting for the incompleteness of the fossil record. Rates can vary between areas and through time, thus providing the opportunity to assess complex scenarios of biogeographic evolution. We implement the DES model in a Bayesian framework and demonstrate through simulations that it can accurately infer all the relevant parameters. We demonstrate the use of our model by analysing the Cenozoic fossil record of land plants and inferring dispersal and extinction rates across Eurasia and North America. Our results show that biogeographic range evolution is not a time-homogeneous process, as assumed in most phylogenetic analyses, but varies through time and between areas. In our empirical assessment, this is shown by the striking predominance of plant dispersals from Eurasia into North America during the Eocene climatic cooling, followed by a shift in the opposite direction, and finally, a balance in biotic interchange since the middle Miocene. We conclude by discussing the potential of fossil-based analyses to test biogeographic hypotheses and improve phylogenetic methods in historical biogeography.  相似文献   

The range size of a species can be determined by its current traits and by phylogenetic and biogeographic factors. However, only rarely have these factors been studied in combination. We use data on the geographic range sizes of all 26 Sylvia warblers to explicitly test whether range size was determined by current species-specific traits (e.g., body size, dispersal ability), phylogenetic factors (e.g., age of the lineage), or environmental, biogeographic factors (e.g., latitudinal position of the range). The results demonstrated that current traits and phylogenetic and biogeographic factors were interrelated. While a number of factors were significant in simple regression analyses, only one factor determined range size in the multiple regression analyses--dispersal ability. Species with better dispersal ability had larger ranges than species with poorer dispersal ability. Apparent increases of range size with latitude or with the age of the species resulted from correlations with dispersal ability. While the most significant factor that influences the range size of a group of species might differ from one group to the next, these results demonstrate that studies that focus only on a single, for example, phylogenetic, factor might yield misleading results.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances such as fishing, mining, oil drilling, bioprospecting, warming, and acidification in the deep sea are increasing, yet generalities about deep-sea biogeography remain elusive. Owing to the lack of perceived environmental variability and geographical barriers, ranges of deep-sea species were traditionally assumed to be exceedingly large. In contrast, seamount and chemosynthetic habitats with reported high endemicity challenge the broad applicability of a single biogeographic paradigm for the deep sea. New research benefiting from higher resolution sampling, molecular methods and public databases can now more rigorously examine dispersal distances and species ranges on the vast ocean floor. Here, we explore the major outstanding questions in deep-sea biogeography. Based on current evidence, many taxa appear broadly distributed across the deep sea, a pattern replicated in both the abyssal plains and specialized environments such as hydrothermal vents. Cold waters may slow larval metabolism and development augmenting the great intrinsic ability for dispersal among many deep-sea species. Currents, environmental shifts, and topography can prove to be dispersal barriers but are often semipermeable. Evidence of historical events such as points of faunal origin and climatic fluctuations are also evident in contemporary biogeographic ranges. Continued synthetic analysis, database construction, theoretical advancement and field sampling will be required to further refine hypotheses regarding deep-sea biogeography.  相似文献   

Lynch [1989, in "Speciation and Its Consequences" (D. Otte and J. A. Endler, Eds.), pp. 527–553, Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, proposed a methodology for assessing the frequency of occurrence of various modes of initiating species formation, using a combination of phylogenetic relationships and relative size of geographic ranges for sister species and sister groups. Historical biogeography provides an alternative criterion for assessing modes of species formation. Species whose distributions conform to a general (replicated in multiple clades) pattern of area relationships are deemed to be the result of vicariance (including microvicariance) regardless of the details of current geographic range. Species exhibiting unique biogeographic distributions are the result of peripheral isolates speciation and postspeciation dispersal. Lineage duplications indicate sympatric speciation. An empirical assessment of this alternative approach was performed using the most recent phylogenetic trees and geographical distribution data on the Mesoamerican poeciliid fish comprising the genera Xiphophorus and Heterandria . The single area cladogram produced by secondary Brooks Parsimony Analysis indicates 3 vicariant events (accounting for seven extant species and the common ancestor of the northern swordtails, which are not further analyzed) and at least 13 episodes of peripheral isolates speciation. Two of the 10 areas considered in previous analyses are vicariant areas of endemism, 1 is historically unique due to a single episode of peripheral isolates speciation, and the remaining 7 have reticulated histories of speciation. The results corroborate inferences of speciation modes made by Lynch for the same data.  相似文献   

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