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Summary Neural lobes of rats subjected to severe acute haemorrhage under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia were examined electron microscopically and the ultrastructure compared with that in anaesthetised and unanaesthetised controls. Changes in the localisation and numerical distribution of elementary granules and small vesicles in the neurohypophysial nerve endings of bled rats were consistent with the occurrence of exocytosis. The occurrence of exocytotic profiles was observed more frequently in freeze-etched tissue samples as compared with the material fixed for conventional electron microscopy. The ratio of small vesicles: elementary granules was shown to be significantly increased (P<0.005) in the nerve endings of neural lobes from bled rats. Equally, the numbers of exocytotic profiles related to 1000 m2 of neurohypophysial tissue area were significantly greater (P<0.005) in bled rats.The study was supported by Medical Research Council of Canada. The authors are grateful to Dr. W. Costerton, Biology Department, The University of Calgary, for use of facilities for freeze-etching, and to Miss Y. Carter for technical assistance.Research Associate, Consejo Nacional de Investigationes Cientificas y Tecnicas, Argentina.Associate, Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Posterior pituitary glands from normal rats, and rats which had been deprived of water for varying periods, were examined by the freeze-fracture method. This technique reveals large areas of the nerve cell membrane. Images consistent with exocytosis as the mechanism of release of the neurohypophysial hormones were observed. These modifications were most numerous after the rat had been starved of water for 2 days.In normal rats, the large number of neurosecretory granules within the nerve fibres caused a bulging of the nerve cell membrane. The bulges disappeared 2 days after removal of drinking water. Regions of the membrane displaying bulges were characterised by the absence of the typical membrane-associated particles.It is postulated that the close proximity of the neurosecretory granules to the nerve cell membrane may result in rapid fusion of the neurosecretory granules on stimulation of the gland. The change in properties of the nerve cell membrane overlying the neurosecretory granules, as suggested by the loss of membrane-associated particles, may represent a change in the structure of the membrane to a form which is more favourable for fusion.This work was supported in part by a grant from the New Zealand Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

The ventral prostrate was fractionated into one mitochondrial and three microsomal fractions. The different fractions were characterized morphologically and chemically. An interesting finding was that upon homogenization the endoplasmic reticulum membranes often turned ‘inside-out’ giving rise to microsomes with ribosomes attached to the inside of the vesicles. The secretion of the protatic secretion was studied by means of isotopic pulse labeling using radioactive leucine. Peak radioactivity in the secretory fluid was obtained at 2 h after injection with a relativity rapid fall. The radioactivity in the secretory fluid displayed a continuous increase up to 8 h followed by a plateau. When prostatic secretion was purified from secretory fluid and microsomes using a Con A-Sepharose column it showed a typical precursor-product relationship with an early peak at 60 min in microsomal prosatatic secretion protein followed by a peak in secretory fluid at 4 h. Vinblastine blocked the release of labeled secretion protein into the secretory fluid, a phenomenon characteristic for secretory proteins which are exocytosed by means of fusion between secretory granules and the plasma membrane. Following intravenous injection of [3H]estramustine, accumulation was seen in the secretory fluid. Some estramustine probably binds to newly synthesized protatic secretion protein and follows the same route of intracellular transport and extracellular discharge as does prostatic secretion protein.  相似文献   

A novel glandular epithelium lining the infrabuccal cavity and anterior pharynx is described in both workers and queens of the pharaoh's ant Monomorium pharaonis. The infrabuccal cavity, connected with the buccal tube, forms a ventral outgrowth of the anterior pharynx, and as such displays the tegumental lining with a cuticle and an epithelial layer. In its dorsal region, the cavity's epithelium reaches a thickness of approx. 11–12 μm in both workers and queens, which is considerably thicker than the epithelium lining the rest of the infrabuccal cavity. Also the possible role of the infrabuccal gland is discussed.  相似文献   

Lu YB  Zhou HL 《生理科学进展》2001,32(2):121-124
磷脂酶D(phsopholipaseD,PLD)水解其主要底物磷脂酰胆碱是细胞信号转导的重要途径之一。大量研究表明PLD激活是受体介导的胞吞和胞吐过程中关键的一步。本文主要介绍PLD在受体介导的胞吞和胞吐过程中的作用及作用机制的研究发展。  相似文献   

B. H. Satir  H. Zhao 《Protoplasma》1999,206(4):228-233
Summary The phosphoglycoprotein parafusin is a member of the phosphoglucomutase superfamily and has been shown, both via biochemical and localization studies, to be associated with the Ca2+-dependent regulated exocytosis process inParamecium tetraurelia. Stimulation of exocytosis in this cell leads to a Ca2+-dependent glucosylation of parafusin accompanied by its dissociation from the secretory vesicles and from cell membrane docking sites. These events are blocked in the presence of extracellular Mg2+ in wild-type cells and in either Ca2+ or Mg2+ in a temperature-sensitive mutant, nd9, stimulated at the nonpermissive temperature. Furthermore, laser scanning confocal localization studies with antibodies to parafusin whole protein versus antibody made to a specific peptide (insertion 2) show different localization patterns. While insertion-2 antibodies only label the organelles previously shown to have parafusin associated with them, i.e., cell membrane fusion (docking) sites and secretory vesicles, antibodies to whole protein outline in addition the alveolar sacs (subsurface cisterns) which are Ca2+ storage compartments in this cell. This may indicate tht other members of the phosphoglucomutase superfamily which interact specifically with this compartment are present inP. tetraurelia.  相似文献   

The female prostate has aroused scientific interest because it is subjected to the same diseases compromising the male prostate during aging. The objective of this work was to characterize structurally, cytochemically, and ultrastructurally the tissue compartments of the normal adult female prostate of Meriones unguiculatus gerbils. The morphological analyses showed that the gerbil's female prostate is constituted of a cluster of glands and ducts inserted in a musculofibrous stroma. The alveolar epithelium is differentiated and consisted of basal proliferating cells, intermediary cells, and secretory cells. The secretory cells are the most numerous cell type and continuously secrete glycoproteins. The basal cells are the source of the secretory cells and they are then responsible for the alveolus renovation. The prostatic stroma is abundant and rich in elastic and collagen fibers, which are closely associated with smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The results showed that the gerbil's female prostate shows morphological and ultrastructural homology to the human female prostate (Skene's gland), and despite being a small organ, it is a mature and physiologically active gland.  相似文献   

Summary Exocytosis has been demonstrated by electron microscopy in the external zone of the median eminence of the rat. Exocytotic profiles have been observed in nerve fibres characterized by the presence of granular vesicles with median diameters of 90–103 nm and agranular vesicles of about 50 nm. In addition to the small agranular vesicles, coated vesicles of the same size have been found in many nerve fibres, suggesting that at least part of the agranular vesicles in the median eminence originate by micro-pinocytosis. The nature of the fibres showing exocytosis is discussed. Attention is drawn to the possibility of identifying types of fibres in the median eminence by the occurrence of exocytosis.The technical assistance of Mrs. R. M. Y. Hartsteen is acknowledged with gratitude. We would like to thank Prof. J. Moll for his helpful criticism. We also thank Miss P. Delfos and Mr. W. van den Oudenalder for photographic assistance.  相似文献   

The red wolf (Canis rufus) is an endangered species with 194 individuals remaining in the wild and in various captive facilities. Breeding efforts at the Graham, WA site (Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium) have involved artificial insemination with fresh or frozen semen in an effort to increase population and maximize the genetic potential of the stock. Electron microscopic observations were made in semen specimens obtained by electroejaculation from mature males prior to their use in an effort to determine semen parameters that might be useful in guiding breeding procedures. Sperm samples were either fixed immediately or treated with capacitating media and fixed after 4 to 7 hr of incubation. Many of the specimens examined were pyospermic (white cell in semen) and showed evidence of spermophagy, primarily by neutrophils. Of the six animals surveyed, only one showed little evidence of spermophagy, and three had extensive pyospermia and spermophagy but this finding was not correlated with fertility. Samples fixed immediately as well as those incubated for several hours showed evidence of spermophagy, indicating that the phagocytosis was not the result of culture. Gene pool restriction and/or captive stress may be contributing factors of reduced semen quality. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The properties of protein kinase C (PKC) activity have been studied in cytosolic and membrane fractions from rat and human prostate. Ion exchange chromatography indicated the existence of different PKC isoforms, PKC from rat ventral prostate behaved as a classical Ca2+- and phospholipid-dependent enzyme and was activated by 1,2-diacylglycerol as well as by high concentrations of arachidonic acid. PKC activity in the cytosolic fraction was higher and presented different cofactor requirements than that in the membrane fraction. PKC from human benign hyperplastic prostate was also phospholipid dependent, activated by tumor-promotong phorbol esters, and appeared to belong to the group of PKC isozymes which lack Ca2+ sensitivity. Human prostatic PKC activity appeared to be of similar nature in both membrane and cytosolic fractions but the specific activity was higher in the particulate preparation which could be related to the stage of endogenous activation of the enzyme. These results extend previous observations in rat ventral prostate and present evidences on the human counterpart. Forthcoming experiments are needed to establish the exact nature of PKC isozymes and their physiological and pathophysiological role in this gland.  相似文献   

Summary The pinealocytes of the pig contain conspicuous dense bodies, the nature and role of which are not yet fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to demonstrate whether or not these structures are involved in the secretion process. The tannic acid-Ringer incubation (TARI)-method, which allows a clear-cut ultrastructural study of secretory discharge by exocytosis, has been used. The results indicate that pig pinealocytes release the content of the dense bodies with an amorphous inner structure into the extracellular space via exocytosis and that this secretion is quantitatively important. The secreted material is proteinaceous in nature; this indicates that polypeptides are released by the pineal.  相似文献   

The relationship linking Na+ and H+ transports and exocytosis/endocytosis located in the apical membranes of the frog skin epithelium was investigated under various conditions of ion transport stimulation. The exocytosis process, indicating insertion of intracellular vesicles, which were preloaded with fluorescent FITC-dextran (FD), was measured by following the FD efflux in the apical bathing solution.Na+ transport stimulators such as serosal hypotonic shock (replacement of serosal Ringer solution by half-Ringer or 4/5-Ringer), apical PCMPS (10–3 m) and amphotericin-B (20 g/ml), were also found to stimulate the exocytotic rates of FD. Acidification of the epithelium by CO2 or post NH4 load, conditions which increase the proton secretion also stimulated the FD release in the apical bathing solution. On the other hand, alkalization of the epithelial cells increased the endocytosis rate. Hypotonic shock, acid load and PCMPS induced an increase in cell calcium which is probably the signal within the cell for exocytosis. In addition, quantitative spectrofluorimetric measurements of F-actin content after rhodamine-phalloidin staining, indicated a decrease in the F-actin content as a result of cell acidosis, hypotonic conditions and amphotericin additions. It is proposed that the insertion/retrieval of intracytoplasmic vesicles containing H+ pumps plays a key role in the regulation of proton secretion in tight epithelia. In addition, it is suggested that cytoskeleton depolymerization of F-actin filaments facilitates H+ pump insertion. A comparable working hypothesis for the control of Na+ transport is proposed.This work was supported by grants from the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique UA 638.We would like to thank Dr. R.M. Hays and Dr. J. Condeelis (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York) for stimulating discussions. The confocal microscope observations were done through the courtesy of Dr. C. Sardet and C. Rouvière (Station Marine de Villefranche/mer France).  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-fracture images of exocytosis and endocytosis were studied in various kinds of secretory cells of the anterior pituitary of mice and rabbits. Exocytotic figures are frequently observed in thin section of the anterior pituitary cells. In freeze-fracture images, small elevated membrane areas without membrane particles are often seen on the PF of the plasma membrane of the secretory cells. There is a secretory granule in the cytoplasm just beneath the particle-free membrane area, and limiting membrane of the granule is also devoid of the membrane particles at the part facing the plasma membrane. The fusion of membranes for exocytosis may occur at this particle-free area.The limiting membrane of the granule which is continuous with the plasma membrane is almost always coated after release of the granule core. This invagination of coated membrane may be an initiation site for the membrane retrieval after exocytosis. In freeze-fracture images, this depressed region with an accumulation of the membrane particles is observed on the PF of the plasma membrane. This particle-rich depressed region is thought to correspond to the coated area of the plasma membrane observed in thin section. It is thought that the membrane retrieval by pinocytosis initiates at the particle-rich depressed region of the plasma membrane.This study was supported by a grant from the Japan Ministry of Education  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the interstitial gland of the ovary was studied in hypophysectomized rats and in hypophysectomized rats after denervation of the ovary or stimulation of the ovarian plexus. Hypophysectomized rats were used to eliminate gonadotropic influences on interstitial cells. In hypophysectomized rats, there was a large amount of intercellular space and cells had irregularly shaped nuclei and a large nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Prominent cytoplasmic features included small mitochondria with an electron-dense matrix, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes and large osmiophilic lipid droplets. Interstitial cells from stimulated ovaries had reduced intercellular space and a reduced nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Mitochondria had tubular cristae; smooth endoplasmic reticulum-surrounded lipid droplets, and large polysomes were present. After section of the ovarian plexus, intercellular space was increased and filopodia were numerous. Cytoplasmic features included mitochondria with a dense matrix and indistinct cristae, large electronlucent lipid droplets, and variously sized multivesicular structures. These observations suggest that stimulation of the ovarian plexus in hypophysectomized rats causes regressed cells to assume the fine structural features of active steroidogenic cells. In contrast, interruption of the ovarian nerve supply causes a qualitative and quantitative increase in ultrastructural features characteristic of regressed steroidogenic cells. These responses of interstitial gland cells to denervation and stimulation provide morphological evidence for a functional role for the adrenergic nerves to this ovarian compartment.  相似文献   

The control of exocytosis in plant cells   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  

It is now well-established that phospholipase D is transiently stimulated upon activation by G-protein-coupled and receptor tyrosine kinase cell surface receptors in mammalian cells. Over the last 5 years, a tremendous effort has gone to identify the major intracellular regulators of mammalian phospholipase D and to the cloning of two mammalian phospholipase D enzymes (phospholipase D1 and D2). In this chapter, we review the physiological function of mammalian phospholipase D1 that is synergistically stimulated by ADP ribosylation factor, Rho and protein kinase Cα. We discuss the function of this enzyme in membrane traffic, emphasising the possible integrated relationships between consumption of vesicles in regulated exocytosis, membrane delivery and constitutive membrane traffic.  相似文献   

The intracellular requirements for membrane recapture in permeabilized chromaffin cells were compared to the requirements for exocytosis from the same cells.In permeabilized bovine chromaffin cells, calcium-driven exocytosis also triggers, with a short delay, uptake of extracellular horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This internalized HRP remains compartmentalized within the cell and migrates to a low density band on a Percoll gradient which is distinct from the heavier chromaffin granules.The amount of horseradish peroxidase internalized is similar in intact and leaky cells and is approximately equivalent to the volumes secreted. Endocytosis in both preparations is blocked by botulinum toxin, operates in a collapsed membrane potential, and is inhibited by low temperature. In permeabilized cells, exocytosis and coupled endocytosis are activated by the same concentrations of Ca2+ and MgATP. Although secretion requires Ca2+ and MgATP, once exocytosis has occurred the subsequent endocytosis can proceed in the virtual absence of Ca2+ or MgATP, and is largely unaffected by a variety of nucleotide triphosphates (including nonhydrolyzable analogues), and cyclic nucleotides.These data suggest that endocytosis can proceed, once exocytosis has been triggered, under conditions that are quite different from those necessary to support exocytosis, and that the specific requirements for Ca2+ and MgATP in secretion are for the exocytotic limb of the secretory cycle rather than for the associated endocytotic pathway.We are grateful to Mr. John Gibbs for excellent technical assistance, and to the Medical Research Council (UK) for financial support.  相似文献   

The vesicular contents in bovine chromaffin cells are maintained at high levels owing to the strong association of its contents, which is promoted by the low vesicular pH. The association is among the catecholamines, Ca2+, ATP, and vesicular proteins. It was found that transient application of a weak base, methylamine (30 mM), amphetamine (10 microM), or tyramine (10 microM), induced exocytotic release. Exposure to these agents was also found to increase both cytosolic catecholamine and intracellular Ca2+ concentration, as measured by amperometry and fura-2 fluorescence. Amphetamine, the most potent amine with respect to evoking exocytosis, was found to be effective even in buffer without external Ca2+; however, the occurrence of spikes was suppressed when BAPTA-acetoxymethyl ester was used to complex intracellular Ca2+. Amphetamine-induced spikes in Ca2+-free medium were not suppressed by thapsigargin or ruthenium red, inhibitors of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and mitochondrial Ca2+ stores. Atomic absorption measurements of amphetamine- and methylamine-treated vesicles reveal that intravesicular Ca2+ stores are decreased after a 15-min incubation. Taken together, these data indicate that amphetamine and methylamine can disrupt vesicular stores to a sufficient degree that Ca2+ can escape and trigger exocytosis.  相似文献   

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