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Geography influences the evolutionary trajectory of species by mediating opportunities for hybridization, gene flow, demographic shifts and adaptation. We sought to understand how geography and introgression can generate species‐specific patterns of genetic diversity by examining phylogeographical relationships in the North American skink species Plestiodon multivirgatus and P. tetragrammus (Squamata: Scincidae). Using a multilocus dataset (three mitochondrial genes, four nuclear genes; a total of 3455 bp) we discovered mito‐nuclear discordance, consistent with mtDNA introgression. We further tested for evidence of species‐wide mtDNA introgression by using comparisons of genetic diversity, selection tests and extended Bayesian skyline analyses. Our findings suggest that P. multivirgatus acquired its mitochondrial genome from P. tetragrammus after their initial divergence. This putative species‐wide mitochondrial capture was further evidenced by statistically indistinguishable substitution rates between mtDNA and nDNA in P. multivirgatus. This rate discrepancy was observed in P. multivirgatus but not P. tetragrammus, which has important implications for studies that combine mtDNA and nDNA sequences when inferring time since divergence between taxa. Our findings suggest that by facilitating opportunities for interspecific introgression, geography can alter the course of molecular evolution between recently diverged lineages.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the history of colonization, diversification and introgression among major phylogroups in the American pika, Ochotona princeps (Lagomorpha), using comparative and statistical phylogeographic methods. Our goal was to understand how Pleistocene climatic fluctuations have shaped the distribution of diversity at mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA) loci in this alpine specialist. Location North America’s Intermountain West. Methods We accumulated mtDNA sequence data (c. 560–1700 bp) from 232 pikas representing 64 localities, and sequenced two nuclear introns (mast cell growth factor, c. 550 bp, n = 148; protein kinase C iota, c. 660 bp, n = 139) from a subset of individuals. To determine the distribution of major mtDNA lineages, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis on the mtDNA sequence data, and we calculated divergence times among the lineages using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. Relationships among nuclear alleles were explored with minimum spanning networks. Finally, we conducted coalescent simulations of alternative models of population history to test for congruence between nDNA and mtDNA responses to Pleistocene glacial cycles. Results We found that: (1) all individuals could be assigned to one of five allopatric mtDNA lineages; (2) lineages are associated with separate mountain provinces; (3) lineages originated from at least two rounds of differentiation; (4) nDNA and mtDNA markers exhibited overall phylogeographic congruence; and (5) introgression among phylogroups has occurred at nuclear loci since their initial isolation. Main conclusions Pika populations associated with different mountain systems have followed separate but not completely independent evolutionary trajectories through multiple glacial cycles. Range expansion associated with climate cooling (i.e. glaciations) promoted genetic admixture among populations within mountain ranges. It also permitted periodic contact and introgression between phylogroups associated with different mountain systems, the record of which is retained at nDNA but not mtDNA loci. Evidence for different histories at nuclear and mtDNA loci (i.e. periodic introgression versus deep isolation, respectively) emphasizes the importance of multilocus perspectives for reconstructing complete population histories.  相似文献   

The extent to which mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation is involved in adaptive evolutionary change is currently being reevaluated. In particular, emerging evidence suggests that mtDNA genes coevolve with the nuclear genes with which they interact to form the energy producing enzyme complexes in the mitochondria. This suggests that intergenomic epistasis between mitochondrial and nuclear genes may affect whole‐organism metabolic phenotypes. Here, we use crossed combinations of mitochondrial and nuclear lineages of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus and assay metabolic rate under two different temperature regimes. Metabolic rate was affected by an interaction between the mitochondrial and nuclear lineages and the temperature regime. Sequence data suggests that mitochondrial genetic variation has a role in determining the outcome of this interaction. Our genetic dissection of metabolic rate reveals a high level of complexity, encompassing genetic interactions over two genomes, and genotype × genotype × environment interactions. The evolutionary implications of these results are twofold. First, because metabolic rate is at the root of life histories, our results provide insights into the complexity of life‐history evolution in general, and thermal adaptation in particular. Second, our results suggest a mechanism that could contribute to the maintenance of nonneutral mtDNA polymorphism.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing has led to an unprecedented rise in the identification of cryptic species. However, it is widely acknowledged that nuclear DNA (nuDNA) sequence data are also necessary to properly define species boundaries. Next generation sequencing techniques provide a wealth of nuclear genomic data, which can be used to ascertain both the evolutionary history and taxonomic status of putative cryptic species. Here, we focus on the intriguing case of the butterfly Thymelicus sylvestris (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). We identified six deeply diverged mitochondrial lineages; three distributed all across Europe and found in sympatry, suggesting a potential case of cryptic species. We then sequenced these six lineages using double‐digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq). Nuclear genomic loci contradicted mtDNA patterns and genotypes generally clustered according to geography, i.e., a pattern expected under the assumption of postglacial recolonization from different refugia. Further analyses indicated that this strong mtDNA/nuDNA discrepancy cannot be explained by incomplete lineage sorting, sex‐biased asymmetries, NUMTs, natural selection, introgression or Wolbachia‐mediated genetic sweeps. We suggest that this mitonuclear discordance was caused by long periods of geographic isolation followed by range expansions, homogenizing the nuclear but not the mitochondrial genome. These results highlight T. sylvestris as a potential case of multiple despeciation and/or lineage fusion events. We finally argue, since mtDNA and nuDNA do not necessarily follow the same mechanisms of evolution, their respective evolutionary history reflects complementary aspects of past demographic and biogeographic events.  相似文献   

Mesic southeastern Australia represents the continent's ancestral biome and is highly biodiverse, yet its phylogeographic history remains poorly understood. Here, we examine mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and microsatellite diversity in the brush‐tailed rock‐wallaby (Petrogale penicillata;= 279 from 31 sites), to assess historic evolutionary and biogeographic processes in southeastern Australia. Our results (mtDNA, microsatellites) confirmed three geographically discrete and genetically divergent lineages within brush‐tailed rock‐wallabies, whose divergence appears to date to the mid‐Pleistocene. These three lineages had been hypothesized previously but data were limited. While the Northern and Central lineages were separated by a known biogeographic barrier (Hunter Valley), the boundary between the Central and Southern lineages was not. We propose that during particularly cool glacial cycles, the high peaks of the Great Dividing Range and the narrow adjacent coastal plain resulted in a more significant north–south barrier for mesic taxa in southeastern Australia than has been previously appreciated. Similarly, located phylogeographic breaks in codistributed species highlight the importance of these regions in shaping the distribution of biodiversity in southeastern Australia and suggest the existence of three major refuge areas during the Pleistocene. Substructuring within the northern lineage also suggests the occurrence of multiple local refugia during some glacial cycles. Within the three major lineages, most brush‐tailed rock‐wallaby populations were locally highly structured, indicating limited dispersal by both sexes. The three identified lineages represent evolutionarily significant units and should be managed to maximize the retention of genetic diversity within this threatened species.  相似文献   

Distinct genetic markers should show similar patterns of differentiation between species reflecting their common evolutionary histories, yet there are increasing examples of differences in the biogeographic distribution of species‐specific nuclear (nuDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants within and between species. Identifying the evolutionary processes that underlie these anomalous patterns of genetic differentiation is an important goal. Here, we analyse the putative mitonuclear discordance observed between sister species of mole salamanders (Ambystoma barbouri and A. texanum) in which A. barbouri‐specific mtDNA is found in animals located within the range of A. texanum. We test three hypotheses for this discordance (undetected range expansion, mtDNA introgression, and hybridization) using nuDNA and mtDNA data analysed with methods that varied in the parameters estimated and the timescales measured. Results from a Bayesian clustering technique (structure ), bidirectional estimates of gene flow (migrate ‐n and IMa2) and phylogeny‐based methods (*beast , buck y) all support the conclusion that the discordance is due to geographically restricted mtDNA introgression from A. barbouri into A. texanum. Limited data on species‐specific tooth morphology match this conclusion. Significant differences in environmental conditions exist between sites where A. texanum with and without A. barbouri‐like mtDNA occur, suggesting a possible role for selection in the process of introgression. Overall, our study provides a general example of the value of using complimentary analyses to make inferences of the directionality, timescale, and source of mtDNA introgression in animals.  相似文献   

Aim Hypotheses proposed for lineage diversification of tropical montane species have rarely been tested within oceanic islands. Our goal was to understand how basin barriers and Pleistocene climatic fluctuations shaped the distribution of diversity in Eleutherodactylus portoricensis (Eleutherodactylidae), a frog endemic to the montane rain forests of Puerto Rico. Location The north‐eastern (Luquillo) and south‐eastern (Cayey) mountains of Puerto Rico. Methods We generated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (c. 565 bp) from 144 individuals of E. portoricensis representing 16 localities, and sequenced 646 bp of cytochrome b and 596 bp of nuclear DNA (nDNA) rhodopsin exon and intron 1 from a subset of individuals. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis on the mtDNA sequence data and explored population substructure with maximum parsimony networks, a spatial analysis of molecular variance, and pairwise FST analysis. Coalescent simulations were performed to test alternative models of population divergence in response to late Pleistocene interglacial periods. Historical demography was assessed through coalescent analyses and Bayesian skyline plots. Results We found: (1) two highly divergent groups associated with the disjunct Luquillo and Cayey Mountains, respectively; (2) a shallow mtDNA genetic discontinuity across the La Plata Basin within the Cayey Mountains; (3) phylogeographic congruence between nDNA and mtDNA markers; (4) divergence dates for both mtDNA and nDNA pre‐dating the Holocene interglacial (c. 10 ka), and nDNA suggesting divergence in the penultimate interglacial (c. 245 ka); and (5) historical demographic stability in both lineages. Main conclusions The low‐elevation Caguas Basin is a long‐term barrier to gene flow between the two montane frog populations. Measures of genetic diversity for mtDNA were similar in both lineages, but lower nDNA diversity in the Luquillo Mountains lineage suggests infrequent dispersal between the two mountain ranges and colonization by a low‐diversity founder population. Population divergence began prior to the Holocene interglacial. Stable population sizes over time indicate a lack of demonstrable demographic response to climatic changes during the last glacial period. This study highlights the importance of topographic complexity in promoting within‐island vicariant speciation in the Greater Antilles, and indicates long‐term persistence and lineage diversification despite late Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

Closely related marine species with large overlapping ranges provide opportunities to study mechanisms of speciation, particularly when there is evidence of gene flow between such lineages. Here, we focus on a case of hybridization between the sympatric sister‐species Haemulon maculicauda and H. flaviguttatum, using Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial and nuclear loci, as well as 2422 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained via restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADSeq). Mitochondrial markers revealed a shared haplotype for COI and low divergence for CytB and CR between the sister‐species. On the other hand, complete lineage sorting was observed at the nuclear loci and most of the SNPs. Under neutral expectations, the smaller effective population size of mtDNA should lead to fixation of mutations faster than nDNA. Thus, these results suggest that hybridization in the recent past (0.174–0.263 Ma) led to introgression of the mtDNA, with little effect on the nuclear genome. Analyses of the SNP data revealed 28 loci potentially under divergent selection between the two species. The combination of mtDNA introgression and limited nuclear DNA introgression provides a mechanism for the evolution of independent lineages despite recurrent hybridization events. This study adds to the growing body of research that exemplifies how genetic divergence can be maintained in the presence of gene flow between closely related species.  相似文献   

Geographically clustered phenotypes often demonstrate consistent patterns in molecular markers, particularly mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) traditionally used in phylogeographic studies. However, distinct evolutionary trajectories among traits and markers can lead to their discordance. First, geographic structure in phenotypic traits and nuclear molecular markers can be co‐aligned but inconsistent with mtDNA (mito‐nuclear discordance). Alternatively, phenotypic variation can have little to do with patterns in neither mtDNA nor nuclear markers. Disentangling between these distinct patterns can provide insight into the role of selection, demography and gene flow in population divergence. Here, we examined a previously reported case of strong inconsistency between geographic structure in mtDNA and plumage traits in a widespread polytypic bird species, the White Wagtail (Motacilla alba). We tested whether this pattern is due to mito‐nuclear discordance or discrepancy between morphological evolution and both nuclear and mtDNA markers. We analysed population differentiation and structure across six out of nine commonly recognized subspecies using 17 microsatellite loci and a combination of microsatellites and plumage indices in a comprehensively sampled region of a contact between two subspecies. We did not find support for the mito‐nuclear discordance hypothesis: nuclear markers indicated a subtle signal of genetic clustering only partially consistent with plumage groups, similar to previous findings that relied on mtDNA. We discuss evolutionary factors that could have shaped the intricate patterns of phenotypic diversification in the White wagtail and the role that repeated selection on plumage ‘hotspots’ and hybridization may have played.  相似文献   

Conflicting patterns of population differentiation between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes (mito‐nuclear discordance) have become increasingly evident as multilocus data sets have become easier to generate. Incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) of nucDNA is often implicated as the cause of such discordance, stemming from the large effective population size of nucDNA relative to mtDNA. However, selection, sex‐biased dispersal and historical demography can also lead to mito‐nuclear discordance. Here, we compare patterns of genetic diversity and subdivision for six nuclear protein‐coding gene regions to those for mtDNA in a common Caribbean coral reef sponge, Callyspongia vaginalis, along the Florida reef tract. We also evaluated a suite of summary statistics to determine which are effective metrics for comparing empirical and simulated data when testing drivers of mito‐nuclear discordance in a statistical framework. While earlier work revealed three divergent and geographically subdivided mtDNACOI haplotypes separated by 2.4% sequence divergence, nuclear alleles were admixed with respect to mitochondrial clade and geography. Bayesian analysis showed that substitution rates for the nuclear loci were up to 7 times faster than for mitochondrial COI. Coalescent simulations and neutrality tests suggested that mito‐nuclear discordance in C. vaginalis is not the result of ILS in the nucDNA or selection on the mtDNA but is more likely caused by changes in population size. Sperm‐mediated gene flow may also influence patterns of population subdivision in the nucDNA.  相似文献   

Cryptic species have been increasingly revealed in the marine realm through an analytical approach incorporating multiple lines of evidence (e.g., mtDNA, nuclear genes and morphology). Illustrations of cryptic taxa improve our understanding of species diversity and evolutionary histories within marine animals. The pen shell Atrina pectinata is known to exhibit extensive morphological variations that may harbour cryptic diversity. In this study, we investigated A. pectinata populations along the coast of China and one from Japan to explore possible cryptic diversity and hybridization using a combination of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, mtCOI) and nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, nrITS) genes as well as morphology. Phylogenetic analyses of mtCOI ‘DNA barcoding gene’ sequences resolved six divergent lineages with intralineage divergences between 0.4% and 0.8%. Interlineage sequence differences ranged from 4.3% to 22.0%, suggesting that six candidate cryptic species are present. The nrITS gene revealed five deep lineages with Kimura 2‐parameter distances of 3.7–30.3%. The five nuclear lineages generally corresponded to mtCOI lineages 1–4 and (5 + 6), suggestive of five distinct evolutionary lineages. Multiple nrITS sequences of significant variance were found within an individual, clearly implying recent hybridization events between/among the evolutionary lineages, which contributed to cytonuclear discordance. Morphologically, five morphotypes matched the five genetic lineages, although the intermediates may well blur the boundaries of different morphotypes. This study demonstrates the importance of combining multiple lines of evidence to explore species cryptic diversity and past evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Cytonuclear discordance in contact zones between related lineages is common, with mitochondrial clines often being displaced from clines in nuclear allele frequency. Proposed explanations for such a pattern include adaptive introgression of mtDNA or a neutral wake of mtDNA being left behind following hybrid zone movement. However, studies investigating these hypotheses are rare. Our previous survey of genetic variation in the long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) highlighted a potential case of cytonuclear discordance between two lineages in western Canada. Here, we use additional markers and samples to clarify the extent of this discordance. We simultaneously assess the feeding performance of individuals in a common environment to test for an association between mitotype and individual performance. The genetic results confirm a general pattern of cytonuclear discordance in the focal region. However, we also observed more limited introgression of a diagnostic nuclear marker. Intriguingly, although there were differences in individual performance associated with the transition between mitotypes, these differences were not fully explained by mitotype. Instead, the lowest performance was observed in individuals demonstrating the greatest mismatch between mtDNA and all nuclear markers, suggesting the potential for cytonuclear incompatibilities to be acting. These results highlight the complexity of understanding the causes and consequences of mtDNA introgression and cytonuclear discordance in contact zones.  相似文献   

The processes responsible for cytonuclear discordance frequently remain unclear. Here, we employed an exon capture data set and demographic methods to test hypotheses generated by species distribution models to examine how contrasting histories of range stability vs. fluctuation have caused cytonuclear concordance and discordance in ground squirrel lineages from the Otospermophilus beecheyi species complex. Previous studies in O. beecheyi revealed three morphologically cryptic and highly divergent mitochondrial DNA lineages (named the Northern, Central and Southern lineages based on geography) with only the Northern lineage exhibiting concordant divergence for nuclear genes. Here, we showed that these mtDNA lineages likely formed in allopatry during the Pleistocene, but responded differentially to climatic changes that occurred since the last interglacial (~120,000 years ago). We find that the Northern lineage maintained a stable range throughout this period, correlating with genetic distinctiveness among all genetic markers and low migration rates with the other lineages. In contrast, our results suggested that the Southern lineage expanded from Baja California Sur during the Late Pleistocene to overlap and potentially swamp a contracting Central lineage. High rates of intraspecific gene flow between Southern lineage individuals among expansion origin and expansion edge populations largely eroded Central ancestry from autosomal markers. However, male‐biased dispersal in this system preserved signals of this past hybridization and introgression event in matrilineal‐biased X‐chromosome and mtDNA markers. Our results highlight the importance of range stability in maintaining the persistence of phylogeographic lineages, whereas unstable range dynamics can increase the tendency for lineages to merge upon secondary contact.  相似文献   

Inferring the evolutionary history of lineages often becomes difficult when gene histories are in conflict with each other. Introgression, for example, can cause DNA sequences from one species to be more similar to sequences of a different species and lead to incongruence amongst gene trees. However, incorporating congruent and incongruent locus‐specific phylogenetic estimates with the geographical distribution of lineages may provide valuable insight into evolutionary processes important to speciation. In this study, we investigated mitochondrial introgression within the Hyla eximia group to better understand its role in illuminating the evolutionary history and phylogeography of these treefrogs. We reconstructed and compared the matrilineal history of the Hyla eximia group with estimates of evolutionary history inferred from nuclear genes. We tested for introgression within the mitochondrial and nuclear genes using a posterior predictive checking approach. Reconstructions of the species tree based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA data were strongly discordant. Introgression between lineages was widespread in the mtDNA data set (145 occurrences amongst 11 of the 16 lineages), but uncommon in the nuclear genes (12 occurrences amongst four of the 16 lineages). Nonetheless, the geographical structuring of mtDNA within species provides valuable information on biogeographical areas, ancient areas of hybridization, and unique histories of lineages within the H. eximia group. These results suggest that the combination of nuclear, mitochondrial, and spatial information can provide a more complete picture of ‘how evolutionary history played out’, particularly in cases where mitochondrial introgression is known to occur. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We investigated the extent and potential cause(s) of mitochondrial introgression within the polytypic North American Lycaeides species complex (Lepidoptera). By comparing population genetic structure based on mitochondrial DNA (COI and COII) and nuclear DNA (251 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism markers), we detected substantial mito‐nuclear discordance, primarily involving a single mitochondrial haplotype (h01), which is likely due to mitochondrial introgression between differentiated Lycaeides populations and/or species. We detected reduced mitochondrial genetic diversity relative to nuclear genetic diversity in populations where mitochondrial haplotype h01 occurs, suggesting that the spread of this haplotype was facilitated by selection. We found no evidence that haplotype h01 is associated with increased fitness (in terms of survival to eclosion, fresh adult weight, and adult longevity) in a polymorphic Lycaeides melissa population. However, we did find a positive association between mitochondrial haplotype h01 and infection by the endoparasitic bacterium Wolbachia in one out of three lineages tested. Linkage disequilibrium between mitochondrial haplotype h01 and Wolbachia infection status may have resulted in indirect selection favouring the spread of haplotype h01 in at least one lineage of North American Lycaeides. These results illustrate the potential for introgressive hybridization to produce substantial mito‐nuclear discordance and demonstrate that an individual's mitochondrial and nuclear genome may have strikingly different evolutionary histories resulting from non‐neutral processes and intrinsic differences in the inheritance and biology of these genomes.  相似文献   

Australian scincid lizards in the genus Ctenotus constitute the most diverse vertebrate radiation in Australia. However, the evolutionary processes that have generated this diversity remain elusive, in part because both interspecific phylogenetic relationships and phylogeographic structure within Ctenotus species remain poorly known. Here we use nucleotide sequences from a mitochondrial locus and two nuclear introns to investigate broad-scale phylogeographic patterns within Ctenotus leonhardii and C. quattuordecimlineatus, two geographically widespread species of skinks that were found to have a surprisingly close genetic relationship in a previous molecular phylogenetic study. We demonstrate that the apparent close relationship between these ecologically and phenotypically distinct taxa is attributable to mitochondrial introgression from C. quattuordecimlineatus to C. leonhardii. In the western deserts, Ctenotus leonhardii individuals carry mtDNA lineages that are derived from C. quattuordecimlineatus mtDNA lineages from that geographic region. Coalescent simulations indicate that this pattern is unlikely to have resulted from incomplete lineage sorting, implicating introgressive hybridization as the cause of this regional gene-tree discordance.  相似文献   

Behavioural Reproductive Isolation in a Rotifer Hybrid Zone   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A hybrid zone between two Brachionus plicatilis rotifer mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages was recently described in the Iberian Peninsula between a pond (Santed 2) and a lake (Gallocanta). The patterns of mitochondrial and nuclear genetic variation observed suggested that gene flow is mainly male-mediated from the lake to the pond. Here we test two hypotheses: (a) that male-mediated gene flow occurs through assortative mating between individuals from these ponds, (b) that behavioural isolation occurs between the two mtDNA lineages. We isolated, reared and genotyped rotifer clones from resting eggs collected in the sediments of these and two other distant ponds. We devised a quick, inexpensive RFLP method to discriminate between B. plicatilis and its sibling species B. ‘Manjavaeas’ and between both mtDNA B. plicatilis lineages. Behavioural no-choice tests using new-born, virgin males and females were performed between five clones. B. ‘Manjavacas’ and B. plicatilis were reproductively isolated. B. plicatilis clones did not show evidence of reproductive isolation, regardless of their mtDNA lineage, except Santed 2 males, which discriminated strongly against Gallocanta females. These results could help to explain the discrepancies between mitochondrial and nuclear genetic variation reported in the two populations.  相似文献   

The eastern sedge frog Litoria fallax (Anura: Hylidae) is common throughout the open forests and coastal wetlands along the eastern coast of Australia. Its range spans four biogeographical zones from northern Queensland to central New South Wales. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of 87 L. fallax individuals from 22 populations identified two major mtDNA lineages, differing by 11-12% sequence divergence. The two clades of haplotypes were separated by the McPherson Range, indicating that this mesic upland area has acted as a major long-term barrier to gene flow for this open forest species. Slight isolation by distance was observed within both the northern and southern lineages but was insufficient to explain the large sequence divergence between lineages. Within the northern lineage, additional phylogeographical structure was observed across the relatively dry Burdekin Gap which separates Atherton populations from all populations in the central and eastern Queensland biogeographical zones. There was less phylogeographical structure in the southern lineage suggesting historical gene flow across the drier portions of the Great Dividing Range. These data, together with recent observations of deep phylogeographical divergences in rainforest-restricted Litoria suggest that the east coast hylids of Australia represent an old (Tertiary) radiation. Individual species of Litoria have been strongly affected by climatic and ecological barriers to gene flow during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Discordance between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes is a prevalent phenomenon in nature, in which the underlying processes responsible are considered to be important in shaping genetic variation in natural populations. Among the evolutionary processes that best explain such genomic mismatches incomplete lineage sorting and introgression are commonly identified, however, many studies are unable to distinguish between these hypotheses, which has become a major challenge in the field. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Firneno et al. (2020) present an elegant exploration of mitochondrial‐nuclear discordance in Mesoamerican toads. Integrating genome‐scale and spatial data to test between these hypotheses within an empirical model testing framework, they find strong support that incomplete lineage sorting explains the observed discordance. Their work, along with many previous articles in Molecular Ecology, highlights the commonality of mito‐nuclear discordance among species despite the expectations of tightly concerted mitochondrial and nuclear genome evolution. It is increasingly clear that the nuclear genomes of many species are (at least for short periods of evolutionary time) functionally compatible with multiple, divergent mitochondrial haplotypes. As such, we suggest future research not only seeks to understand the processes causing spatial mito‐nuclear discordance (e.g. incomplete lineage sorting, introgression), but also explores those that maintain discordance through time and space (e.g. relaxed selection on mito‐nuclear interactions, heterozygosity, population demographics). We also discuss the vital role that taxonomy plays in interpreting patterns of mito‐nuclear discordance when data‐consistent yet differing taxonomies are used, such as treating allopatrically distributed taxa as multiple isolated populations versus multiple micro‐endemic species.  相似文献   

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