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Most species of sturgeon are declining in the Mississippi River Basin of North America including pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus F. and R.) and shovelnose sturgeons (S. platorynchus R.). Understanding the reproductive cycle of sturgeon in the Mississippi River Basin is important in evaluating the status and viability of sturgeon populations. We used non‐invasive, non‐lethal methods for examining internal reproductive organs of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon. We used an ultrasound to measure egg diameter, fecundity, and gonad volume; endoscope was used to visually examine the gonad. We found the ultrasound to accurately measure the gonad volume, but it underestimated egg diameter by 52%. After correcting for the measurement error, the ultrasound accurately measured the gonad volume but it was higher than the true gonad volume for stages I and II. The ultrasound underestimated the fecundity of shovelnose sturgeon by 5%. The ultrasound fecundity was lower than the true fecundity for stage III and during August. Using the endoscope, we viewed seven different egg color categories. Using a model selection procedure, the presence of four egg categories correctly predicted the reproductive stage ± one reproductive stage of shovelnose sturgeon 95% of the time. For pallid sturgeon, the ultrasound overestimated the density of eggs by 49% and the endoscope was able to view eggs in 50% of the pallid sturgeon. Individually, the ultrasound and endoscope can be used to assess certain reproductive characteristics in sturgeon. The use of both methods at the same time can be complementary depending on the parameter measured. These methods can be used to track gonad characteristics, including measuring Gonadosomatic Index in individuals and/or populations through time, which can be very useful when associating gonad characteristics with environmental spawning triggers or with repeated examinations of individual fish throughout the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

From May 2001 to June 2002 Wildhaber et al. (2005) conducted monthly sampling of Lower Missouri River shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) to develop methods for determination of sex and the reproductive stage of sturgeons in the field. Shovelnose sturgeon were collected from the Missouri River and ultrasonic and endoscopic imagery and blood and gonadal tissue samples were taken. The full set of data was used to develop monthly reproductive stage profiles for S. platorynchus that could be compared to data collected on pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus). This paper presents a comprehensive reference set of images, sex steroids, and vitellogenin (VTG, an egg protein precursor) data for assessing shovelnose sturgeon sex and reproductive stage. This reference set includes ultrasonic, endoscopic, histologic, and internal images of male and female gonads of shovelnose sturgeon at each reproductive stage along with complementary data on average 17‐β estradiol, 11‐ketotestosterone, VTG, gonadosomatic index, and polarization index.  相似文献   

To determine the genetic origin of individual sturgeon that are morphologically intermediate to pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose (Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus) sturgeon, we combined previously published mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite data with additional microsatellite data. Two sympatric populations of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon from the upper Missouri River and a sympatric population containing pallid, shovelnose, and putative pallid-shovelnose hybrids from the Atchafalaya River were analyzed using an index of hybridization and a principle components analysis of individual relatedness scores. The addition of new microsatellite data improved our ability to genetically differentiate individual pallid and shovelnose sturgeon collected in both areas. Our methods distinguished morphologically intermediate Atchafalaya River sturgeon, which appear to be genetically intermediate between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. The results support a hybrid origin for morphologically intermediate individuals, although it is unclear whether they are all first-generation hybrids or if some are the result of subsequent backcrossing with the more common shovelnose sturgeon.  相似文献   

Demographic models for the shovelnose (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) and pallid (S. albus) sturgeons in the Lower Missouri River were developed to conduct sensitivity analyses for both populations. Potential effects of increased fishing mortality on the shovelnose sturgeon were also evaluated. Populations of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon were most sensitive to age‐0 mortality rates as well as mortality rates of juveniles and young adults. Overall, fecundity was a less sensitive parameter. However, increased fecundity effectively balanced higher mortality among sensitive age classes in both populations. Management that increases population‐level fecundity and improves survival of age‐0, juveniles, and young adults should most effectively benefit both populations. Evaluation of reproductive values indicated that populations of pallid sturgeon dominated by ages ≥35 could rapidly lose their potential for growth, particularly if recruitment remains low. Under the initial parameter values portraying current conditions the population of shovelnose sturgeon was predicted to decline by 1.65% annually, causing the commercial yield to also decline. Modeling indicated that the commercial yield could increase substantially if exploitation of females in ages ≤12 was highly restricted.  相似文献   

We quantified the bycatch of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus in Tennessee's shovelnose sturgeon ( Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) fishery by accompanying commercial fishers and monitoring their catch on five dates in spring 2007. Fishers were free to keep or discard any sturgeon they collected in their gillnets and trotlines and we were afforded the opportunity to collect meristic and morphometric data and tissue samples from discarded and harvested specimens. Fishers removed 327 live sturgeon from their gear in our presence, of which 93 were harvested; we also obtained the carcasses of 20 sturgeon that a fisher harvested out of our sight while we were on the water with another fisher. Two of the 113 harvested sturgeon were confirmed pallid sturgeon based on microsatellite DNA analyses. Additionally, fishers gave us five, live pallid sturgeon that they had removed from their gear. If the incidental harvest rate of pallid sturgeon (1.8% of all sturgeon harvested) was similar in the previous two commercial seasons, at least 169 adult pallid sturgeon were harvested by commercial fishers in the Tennessee waters of the Mississippi River in 2005–2007. If fishers altered their behavior because of our presence (i.e. if they were more conservative in what they harvested), the pallid sturgeon take was probably higher when they fished unaccompanied by observers. While retrieving a gill net set the previous day, a fisher we were accompanying retrieved a gillnet lost 2 days earlier; this ghost net caught 53 sturgeon whereby one fish was harvested but most fish were dead, including one confirmed pallid sturgeon.  相似文献   

The Missouri River sturgeon iridovirus (MRSIV) is an important factor contributing to losses during the hatchery rearing of juvenile pallid Scaphirhynchus albus and shovelnose S. platorynchus sturgeon. As the virus has not been isolated in cell culture, current detection procedures rely upon a combination of light and electron microscopy. Detection of characteristic virus-infected cells in the integument, usually of the fins, in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue sections provides a presumptive finding. Confirmation requires observation by electron microscopy of characteristic doubly enveloped hexagonal virions of the appropriate size in the host cell cytoplasm. To improve these diagnostic procedures, a conventional polymerase chain reduction (PCR) assay was developed as a sensitive and specific method for detection of MRSIV DNA as found in numerous tissues of both naturally and experimentally infected pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Sequences of amplicons obtained from testing of wild-caught shovelnose sturgeon and juvenile pallid sturgeon during hatchery outbreaks were identical, suggesting that the viruses found in both sturgeon are similar or closely related. In addition, a TaqMan PCR was developed that allowed estimates of the concentrations of MRSIV DNA present in the tissues of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon during acute and persistent infection. These new PCR assays are improved methods to detect MRSIV, but equally importantly, they provide insights into to the biology of the agent for more effective management of viral diseases in captive and wild Missouri River sturgeon populations.  相似文献   

This study found that introgressive hybridization of the pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus with the common shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus has probably occurred across the range of S. albus. Bayesian clustering found evidence of hybridization in all management units of S. albus. Some individuals were intermediate at both genetic and morphological characters, and some had discordant results. The results support introgressive hybridization throughout much of the range of S. albus, yet individuals consistent with being pure members of each species were detected in all management units. Simulations demonstrated that it would be very difficult to distinguish introgressed individuals from pure specimens after multiple generations of backcrossing with these microsatellite markers. Using hybrid or backcross fish as broodstock could artificially accelerate the loss of unique genetic variation in S. albus. Additional microsatellite loci or additional genetic markers, along with morphological data may be required to ensure that hybrid or backcross fish are not used. Introgressive hybridization requires at least two generations and generation lengths of S. albus are long, perhaps as long as 30 years. The proportion of individuals consistent with introgressive hybrid origins indicates that hybridization between S. albus and S. platorynchus probably has occurred for several generations and is not a recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

Harvest of the shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus for caviar has increased. To determine whether populations can withstand increased harvest, detailed information regarding sexual demographics is needed. We describe gender and reproductive development of 306 shovelnose sturgeon from the Middle Mississippi River (River km 0–322) during September 2001 through December 2003. Using dissection and histology, we identified three of the four gonadal stages described previously for male lake sturgeon and all seven stages for females. Males reached maturity at a smaller size than did females. Gonads can be rapidly inspected for sex and stage of development for the shovelnose sturgeon. The sex ratio was not different from 1 : 1. Seven intersexual fish occurred. Female fecundity was positively related to body weight (number of eggs = 30.24 × body weight − 8392; P = 0.013; r2 = 0.45) and weakly related to fork length (number of eggs = 146.37 × fork length − 66 176, P = 0.053, r2 = 0.23).  相似文献   

We produced pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus embryos at five pre-hatch developmental stages and isolated and quantified genomic DNA from four of the stages using four commercial DNA isolation kits. Genomic DNA prepared using the kit that produced the largest yields and concentrations were used for microsatellite DNA analyses of 10–20 embryos at each of the five developmental stages. We attempted to genotype the hatchery-produced embryos at 19 microsatellite loci and confirmed reliable genotyping by comparing the microsatellite genotypes to those of known parents. Embryos at stages 5 and 8 did not produce reliable genotyping while those at stages 14, 24 and 33 did. We used the same DNA isolation method on 262 wild-caught acipenseriform embryos collected from the lower Yellowstone River. A total of 200 of the wild embryos were successfully identified to stages 8 to 34 and the rest could not be staged. Using a combination of single nucleotide polymorphism and microsatellite markers, 249 of the wild-caught embryos were genetically identified as paddlefish Polyodon spathula, five were identified as shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus and eight failed to amplify. None were identified as pallid sturgeon. This study demonstrates that early-stage wild-spawned acipenseriform embryos can be genetically identified less than 24 h post-spawn. This methodology will be useful for recovery efforts for endangered pallid sturgeon and can be applied to other acipenseriform species.  相似文献   

The pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus), which is protected under the US endangered species act, and shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorhynchus), which is legally harvested in some locations, are sympatric throughout the range of pallid sturgeon. There is considerable morphological overlap between the species making discrimination problematic. The inability to reliably differentiate between species across all life stages has hampered pallid sturgeon recovery efforts. Furthermore, the two species are believed to hybridize. This study used allele frequency data at multiple microsatellite loci to perform Bayesian and likelihood-based assignment testing and morphological measures and meristics to discriminate pallid, shovelnose, and putative hybrid sturgeons from the middle Mississippi River. Bayesian model-based clustering of the genetic data indicated that two natural genetic units occur in the region. These units correspond to morphologically identified pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Some individuals were morphologically intermediate and many of these failed to strongly assign genetically as either pallid or shovelnose sturgeon, suggesting they may be hybrids. These data indicate that pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon are genetically distinct in the middle Mississippi River (F ST = 0.036, P < 0.0001) and suggest that hybridization between pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon has occurred in this region with genetic distance estimates indicating the greatest distance is between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon, while hybrid sturgeon are intermediate but closer to shovelnose. This study demonstrates that assignment testing with multiple microsatellite markers can be successful at discriminating pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon, providing a valuable resource for pallid sturgeon recovery and conservation.
A. W. SchreyEmail:

Recovery efforts for the endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) include supplementation of wild stocks with hatchery reared progeny. Identifying the extent of genetic stock structure, which has previously been detected in samples from the range extremes, will help to determine whether stock transfers might be harmful. DNA microsatellite genotypes were screened in pallid sturgeon from the upper Missouri River, lower Missouri River, middle Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River and analyzed using a combination of Bayesian model‐based and more traditional F‐statistic based methods to characterize genetic differentiation. Scaphirhynchus specimens were collected by researchers active in the recovery effort and genotypes were screened at 16 microsatellite loci. Because there is considerable genetic and morphological overlap between pallid sturgeon, shovelnose sturgeon, and their hybrids, a combination of morphological and genetic techniques were used to eliminate shovelnose and possible hybrids from the sample. Genetic differentiation was detected among samples (overall θ = 0.050, P = 0.001). Pairwise θ, genetic distances, and Bayesian assignment testing reveal that pallid sturgeon from the upper Missouri River are the most distinct group with pairwise comparisons of pallid sturgeon among all the remaining samples exhibiting lower θ values, higher genetic distances, and self assignment scores. Our results indicate that using local broodstock, when available, should be used for pallid sturgeon propagation. If local broodstock are not available, geographically proximate individuals would limit genetic differences between native and stocked individuals.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of substrate type, water depth, light, and relative water velocity on microhabitat selection in juvenile pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) sturgeon. Individual sturgeon were placed in an 18 927 L elliptical flume, and their location was recorded after a 2‐h period. Data were analyzed using exact chi‐square goodness of fit tests and exact tests of independence. Both sturgeon species used substrate, depth, and light in similar proportions. (all comparisons; P > 0.05). Specifically, pallid and shovelnose sturgeon did not use substrate in proportion to its availability (pallid: P = 0.0026; shovelnose: P = 0.0199). Each species used sand substrate more and gravel substrate less than expected based on availability. Additionally, neither species used woody structure. Both species used deep areas in greater proportion than availability while shallow areas were used less than expected based on availability (pallid; P < 0.0001; shovelnose; P = 0.0335). Pallid and shovelnose sturgeon used very dark areas in greater proportion than expected based on availability; however, very light areas were used in lower proportion than expected (P < 0.0001). Overall, neither species changed their use of habitat in relation to a change in water velocity (pallid, all comparisons P > 0.05; shovelnose, all comparisons P > 0.05). This study is the first investigation of juvenile pallid and shovelnose sturgeon habitat selection in a large‐scale artificial stream system. Field studies of microhabitat selection by juvenile pallid and shovelnose sturgeon should be carried out to substantiate the results of this study, and to identify critical habitat for recovery and management of sturgeon species. Due to the extensive range, longevity, and migratory behavior of these fishes, proper management likely requires river improvements that provide sturgeon with access to a broad range of habitat conditions over time, including system‐wide habitat diversity; natural variation in flow, velocity, temperature, and turbidity; high water quality; a broad prey base; free‐flowing river sections which provide suitable spawning and rearing sites, as well as protection from recreational and commercial harvesting.  相似文献   

Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus in the lower Missouri River are relatively unknown. Therefore, data collected from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Pallid Sturgeon Population Assessment Program was synthesized to (i) document the population structure of pallid sturgeon by origin (hatchery‐reared or wild), gender, and reproductive readiness, (ii) document the minimum size and age‐at‐maturity by gender, and (iii) document the fecundity rates of the fish that were successfully spawned in the hatchery. During this 4‐year study (2008–2011), relative abundance for wild and hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon collected with gill nets did not significantly change whereas relative abundance for wild fish using trot lines declined significantly. The proportion of hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon increased annually, with the population being composed primarily of hatchery‐reared fish. The proportion of reproductively ready females to non‐reproductively ready females was 1 : 2.0, compared to male ratios at 1 : 0.9. Minimum fork length‐at‐maturity was estimated for females at 788 mm and for males at 798 mm. Minimum age‐at‐maturity for hatchery‐reared released fish was age‐9 for females and age‐7 for males. Highest relative fecundity, based on the ovosomatic index, was 10% with an overall mean of 7%. The number of eggs per ml (egg size) was not correlated with fork length (P = 0.0615) or weight (P = 0.0957). Relative condition factor (Kn) for females was significantly different by reproductive condition (P = 0.0014) and Kn for males did not differ between reproductive conditions (P = 0.2634). Detecting shifts in population characteristics are essential not only to understand population dynamics since hatchery inputs and natural perturbations continue to change the population structure but also to assess species recovery efforts to ensure long‐term species sustainability.  相似文献   

Little is known about the diet of the endangered pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus. Because of this endangered status non‐lethal methods to ascertain their food habits must be evaluated. Tests of pulsed gastric lavage (PGL) were conducted on shovelnose sturgeon S. platorynchus, as a surrogate for the pallid sturgeon, to determine if PGL negatively affected their survival. Nine sequential trials containing eight shovelnose sturgeon (N = 72) were conducted with wild fish collected from the Platte River near Louisville, Nebraska. Each trial group was placed into one of two tanks, with each tank containing three pulsed gastric lavaged fish and one control fish. Fish were weighed, measured, and tagged with a passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) before being transported to holding tanks for acclimation and PGL treatment. Sturgeon were acclimated 4–6 days prior to PGL, then held for 15 days after treatment. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and nitrite were monitored daily. No significant difference between the survival of PGL fish and control fish was detected. Because the test required these fish to endure the additional stress of transport and handling, PGL seems a viable technique that can be safely used to evaluate food habits of shovelnose sturgeon, and could be considered safe for pallid sturgeon food habit studies.  相似文献   

Fecundity was estimated for two pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus, from the Lower Mississippi River (LMR). Sturgeon measured 827 and 886 mm fork length, weighed <3.2 kilograms and had 16 237 and 17 810 ova per kilogram of body mass (based on mean ovum density) with total fecundity estimates ranging from 43 357 to 58 913. Ovum size in the two sturgeon was 2.5–3.0 mm diameter. Pectoral fin ray sections showed distinct annuli and spawning bands. The smaller sturgeon was aged at 10 and the larger fish at 12 years. Spawning bands were present and suggest the smaller sturgeon first spawned at age 8 and the larger fish at age 9. When compared to published results, the data representing specimens from more northern populations suggest that pallid sturgeon from the LMR mature at comparable ages but at smaller sizes and have greater gonadal mass. These features and greater fecundity per mass unit (number of eggs per kilogram body weight) suggest that LMR pallid sturgeon populations exhibit greater potential for population growth and recovery than other populations with slower growth and lower fecundity.  相似文献   

Thirty gravid, female shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) were captured in the Lower Missouri River in March 2004 to evaluate the effectiveness of physiology, telemetry and remote sensor technology coupled with change point analysis in identifying when and where Scaphirhynchus sturgeon spawn. Captured sturgeons were instrumented with ultrasonic transmitters and with archival data storage tags (DST) that recorded temperature and pressure. Female sturgeon were tracked through the suspected spawning period. Thereafter, attempts were made to recapture fish to evaluate spawning success. At the time of transmitter implantation, blood and an ovarian biopsy were taken. Reproductive hormones and cortisol were measured in blood. Polarization indices and germinal vesicle breakdown were assessed on the biopsied oocytes to determine readiness to spawn. Behavioral data collected using telemetry and DST sensors were used to determine the direction and magnitude of possible spawning‐related movements and to identify the timing of potential spawning events. Upon recapture observations of the ovaries and blood chemistry provided measures of spawning success and comparative indicators to explain differences in observed behavior. Behavioral and physiological indicators of spawning interpreted along with environmental measures may assist in the determination of variables that may cue sturgeon reproduction and the conditions under which sturgeon successfully spawn.  相似文献   

The shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, is a freshwater sturgeon of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their tributaries. It is one of the smaller North American sturgeons, seldom weighing more than 2.5 kg over most of its range except in the upper Missouri River, where individuals of over 7 kg have been found. Spawning occurs in spring at temperatures between 17 and 21 °C over rock or gravel substrate downstream from dams, near rock structures, or in tributaries. most males reach sexual maturity at 5 years, most females at 7 years. Adults do not spawn every year. Shovelnose sturgeon are found in large, turbid rivers and frequently concentrate in areas downstream from dams or at the mouths of tributaries. Population densities range up to 2500 fish per km. They are commonly found in areas of current over sandy bottoms or near rocky points or bars, where they feed primarily on aquatic invertebrates. The shovelnose sturgeon is classified as a sport species in 12 of 24 states where it occurs. Commercial harvest is allowed in seven states, where fresh shovelnose sturgeon sell for 55 to 88 cents per kg, smoked shovelnose for about $5.75 per kg, and roe from 33 to 110 dollars per kg. About 25 tons of shovelnose sturgeon are harvested commercially each year. Shovelnose sturgeon are considered extirpated in three states, fully protected in four states, and rare, threatened, or of special concern in eight states. Populations are considered stable throughout most of the upper Mississippi, lower Missouri, Red, and Atchafalaya rivers. Three states, Wyoming, West Virginia, and New Mexico, have developed plans to reintroduce the species into rivers where it has been extirpated.  相似文献   

Acipenseriformes (sturgeon and paddlefish) are basal actinopterygians with a highly derived cranial morphology that is characterized by an anatomical independence of the jaws from the neurocranium. We examined the morphological and kinematic basis of prey capture in the Acipenseriform fish Scaphirhynchus albus, the pallid sturgeon. Feeding pallid sturgeon were filmed in lateral and ventral views and movement of cranial elements was measured from video sequences. Sturgeon feed by creating an anterior to posterior wave of cranial expansion resulting in prey movement through the mouth. The kinematics of S. albus resemble those of other aquatic vertebrates: maximum hyoid depression follows maximum gape by an average of 15 ms and maximum opercular abduction follows maximum hyoid depression by an average of 57 ms. Neurocranial rotation was not a part of prey capture kinematics in S. albus, but was observed in another sturgeon species, Acipenser medirostris. Acipenseriformes have a novel jaw protrusion mechanism, which converts rostral rotation of the hyomandibula into ventral protrusion of the jaw joint. The relationship between jaw protrusion and jaw opening in sturgeon typically resembles that of elasmobranchs, with peak upper jaw protrusion occurring after peak gape.  相似文献   

Pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) captured in the Middle and Lower Mississippi River (i.e. below St. Louis, MO, USA) are morphologically very similar to shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). Available empirical data are limited to a few studies based on low sample sizes from disjointed populations. Geneticists are currently searching for markers that will differentiate the two species, but the need for unequivocal species‐specific field characters remains. Continuation of commercial fishing for shovelnose sturgeon in some states necessitates an immediate means for accurate field identifications. Previous studies of lower basin river sturgeon classified individuals with simple morphometric character indices and interpreted intermediacy as interspecific hybridization. In this study, morphometric variation among Scaphirhynchus specimens from the Middle and Lower Mississippi River is examined for evidence of hybridization. Data are compared for large (>250‐mm standard length) hatchery‐reared and wild pallid specimens and wild shovelnose specimens. Specimens are compared using two morphometric character indices, two morphometric/meristic character indices and principal components analysis. Results indicate substantial morphological variation among pallid sturgeon below the mouth of the Missouri River. The amount of variation appears to decrease downstream in the Mississippi River. Sheared principal components analysis of morphometric data shows complete separation of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon specimens, whereas character indices indicate overlap. Both character indices and sheared principal components analysis demonstrate that pallid sturgeon in the Lower Mississippi River are morphologically more similar to shovelnose sturgeon than are pallids from the Upper Missouri River. This similarity, explained in previous studies as hybridization, may be the result of latitudinal morphometric variation and length‐at‐age differences between populations of the upper and lower extremes of the range.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to test whether age‐0 shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) exhibited predator avoidance behaviour in response to a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) predator. It was hypothesized that shovelnose sturgeon would not exhibit any innate predator avoidance behaviour because previous reports have shown a congener of the shovelnose sturgeon, the pallid sturgeon (S. albus), to be an unfavourable prey item for channel catfish. The results, however, indicated that shovelnose sturgeon generally avoided space occupied by the catfish predator and spent a greater proportion of time in the predator avoidance zone within the experimental tank. Bitten fish, in particular, spent a greater period of time in the predator avoidance zone. Of all sturgeon used in this experiment (N = 30), 73% swam within the fork length (350 mm) of the catfish predator. The results seem to indicate that shovelnose sturgeon were initially oblivious to the risk of predation by the catfish predator, but after interaction (e.g. being chased or bitten) appeared to display predator avoidance behaviour. Predator avoidance behaviour in shovelnose sturgeon may thus be suggested as a learned rather than an innate behaviour.  相似文献   

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