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This study determined whether "living high-training low" (LHTL)-simulated altitude exposure increased the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) in well-trained endurance athletes. Thirty-three cyclists/triathletes were divided into three groups: 20 consecutive nights of hypoxic exposure (LHTLc, n = 12), 20 nights of intermittent hypoxic exposure (four 5-night blocks of hypoxia, each interspersed with 2 nights of normoxia, LHTLi, n = 10), or control (Con, n = 11). LHTLc and LHTLi slept 8-10 h/day overnight in normobaric hypoxia (approximately 2,650 m); Con slept under ambient conditions (600 m). Resting, isocapnic HVR (DeltaVE/DeltaSp(O(2)), where VE is minute ventilation and Sp(O(2)) is blood O(2) saturation) was measured in normoxia before hypoxia (Pre), after 1, 3, 10, and 15 nights of exposure (N1, N3, N10, and N15, respectively), and 2 nights after the exposure night 20 (Post). Before each HVR test, end-tidal PCO(2) (PET(CO(2))) and VE were measured during room air breathing at rest. HVR (l. min(-1). %(-1)) was higher (P < 0.05) in LHTLc than in Con at N1 (0.56 +/- 0.32 vs. 0.28 +/- 0.16), N3 (0.69 +/- 0.30 vs. 0.36 +/- 0.24), N10 (0.79 +/- 0.36 vs. 0.34 +/- 0.14), N15 (1.00 +/- 0.38 vs. 0.36 +/- 0.23), and Post (0.79 +/- 0.37 vs. 0.36 +/- 0.26). HVR at N15 was higher (P < 0.05) in LHTLi (0.67 +/- 0.33) than in Con and in LHTLc than in LHTLi. PET(CO(2)) was depressed in LHTLc and LHTLi compared with Con at all points after hypoxia (P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed for VE at any point. We conclude that LHTL increases HVR in endurance athletes in a time-dependent manner and decreases PET(CO(2)) in normoxia, without change in VE. Thus endurance athletes sleeping in mild hypoxia may experience changes to the respiratory control system.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that, in healthy subjects without pharmacological intervention, an overnight reduction in cerebrovascular CO(2) reactivity would be associated with an elevated hypercapnic ventilatory [ventilation (VE)] responsiveness and a reduction in cerebral oxygenation. In 20 healthy male individuals with no sleep-related disorders, continuous recordings of blood velocity in the middle cerebral artery, arterial blood pressure, VE, end-tidal gases, and frontal cortical oxygenation using near infrared spectroscopy were monitored during hypercapnia (inspired CO(2), 5%), hypoxia [arterial O(2) saturation (Sa(O(2))) approximately 84%], and during a 20-s breath hold to investigate the related responses to hypercapnia, hypoxia, and apnea, respectively. Measurements were conducted in the evening (6-8 PM) and in the early morning (6-8 AM). From evening to morning, the cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia was reduced (5.3 +/- 0.6 vs. 4.6 +/- 1.1%/Torr; P < 0.05) and was associated with a reduced increase in cerebral oxygenation (r = 0.39; P < 0.05) and an elevated morning hypercapnic VE response (r = 0.54; P < 0.05). While there were no overnight changes in cerebrovascular reactivity or VE response to hypoxia, there was greater cerebral desaturation for a given Sa(O(2)) in the morning (AM, -0.45 +/- 0.14 vs. PM, -0.35 +/- 0.14%/Sa(O(2)); P < 0.05). Following the 20-s breath hold, in the morning, there was a smaller surge middle cerebral artery velocity and cerebral oxygenation (P < 0.05 vs. PM). These data indicate that normal diurnal changes in the cerebrovascular response to CO(2) influence the hypercapnic ventilatory response as well as the level of cerebral oxygenation during changes in arterial Pco(2); this may be a contributing factor for diurnal changes in breathing stability and the high incidence of stroke in the morning.  相似文献   

Recurrent and intermittent nocturnal hypoxia is characteristic of several diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea. The contribution of hypoxia to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in these disease states is unclear, however. To investigate the impact of recurrent nocturnal hypoxia on hemodynamics, sympathetic activity, and vascular tone we evaluated 10 normal volunteers before and after 14 nights of nocturnal sustained hypoxia (mean oxygen saturation 84.2%, 9 h/night). Over the exposure, subjects exhibited ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia as evidenced by an increase in resting ventilation (arterial Pco(2) 41.8 +/- 1.5 vs. 37.5 +/- 1.3 mmHg, mean +/- SD; P < 0.05) and in the isocapnic hypoxic ventilatory response (slope 0.49 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.32 +/- 0.2 l/min per 1% fall in saturation; P < 0.05). Subjects exhibited a significant increase in mean arterial pressure (86.7 +/- 6.1 vs. 90.5 +/- 7.6 mmHg; P < 0.001), muscle sympathetic nerve activity (20.8 +/- 2.8 vs. 28.2 +/- 3.3 bursts/min; P < 0.01), and forearm vascular resistance (39.6 +/- 3.5 vs. 47.5 +/- 4.8 mmHg.ml(-1).100 g tissue.min; P < 0.05). Forearm blood flow during acute isocapnic hypoxia was increased after exposure but during selective brachial intra-arterial vascular infusion of the alpha-blocker phentolamine it was unchanged after exposure. Finally, there was a decrease in reactive hyperemia to 15 min of forearm ischemia after the hypoxic exposure. Recurrent nocturnal hypoxia thus increases sympathetic activity and alters peripheral vascular tone. These changes may contribute to the increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk associated with clinical diseases that are associated with chronic recurrent hypoxia.  相似文献   

In humans exposed to 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia, there is a progressive increase in ventilation that is associated with an increase in the ventilatory sensitivity to acute hypoxia. To determine the relative roles of lowered arterial PO2 and oxygen content in generating these changes, the acute hypoxic ventilatory response was determined in 11 subjects after four 8-h exposures: 1) protocol IH (isocapnic hypoxia), in which end-tidal PO2 was held at 55 Torr and end-tidal PCO2 was maintained at the preexposure value; 2) protocol PB (phlebotomy), in which 500 ml of venous blood were withdrawn; 3) protocol CO, in which carboxyhemoglobin was maintained at 10% by controlled carbon monoxide inhalation; and 4) protocol C as a control. Both hypoxic sensitivity and ventilation in the absence of hypoxia increased significantly after protocol IH (P < 0.001 and P < 0.005, respectively, ANOVA) but not after the other three protocols. This indicates that it is the reduction in arterial PO2 that is primarily important in generating the increase in the acute hypoxic ventilatory response in prolonged hypoxia. The associated reduction in arterial oxygen content is unlikely to play an important role.  相似文献   

Persons with acute altitude sickness hypoventilate at high altitude compared with persons without symptoms. We hypothesized that their hypoventilation was due to low initial hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness, combined with subsequent blunting of ventilation by hypocapnia and/or prolonged hypoxia. To test this hypothesis, we compared eight subjects with histories of acute altitude sickness with four subjects who had been asymptomatic during prior altitude exposure. At a simulated altitude of 4,800 m, the eight susceptible subjects developed symptoms of altitude sickness and had lower minute ventilations and higher end-tidal PCO2's than the four asymptomatic subjects. In measurements made prior to altitude exposure, ventilatory responsiveness to acute hypoxia was reduced in symptomatic compared to asymptomatic subjects, both when measured under isocapnic and poikolocapnic (no added CO2) conditions. Diminution of the poikilocapnic relative to the isocapnic hypoxic response was similar in the two groups. Ventilation fell, and end-tidal PCO2 rose in both groups during 30 min of steady-state hypoxia relative to values observed acutely. After 4.5 h at 4,800 m, ventilation was lower than values observed acutely at the same arterial O2 saturation. The reduction in ventilation in relation to the hypoxemia present was greater in symptomatic than in asymptomatic persons. Thus the hypoventilation in symptomatic compared to asymptomatic subjects was attributable both to a lower acute hypoxic response and a subsequent greater blunting of ventilation at high altitude.  相似文献   

The relationship between CO2 and ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia was examined in nine normal young adults. At three different levels of end-tidal partial pressure of CO2 (PETCO2, approximately 35, 41.8, and 44.3 Torr), isocapnic hypoxia was induced for 25 min and after 7 min of breathing 21% O2, isocapnic hypoxia was reinduced for 5 min. Regardless of PETCO2 levels, the ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia was biphasic, characterized by an initial increase (acute hypoxic response, AHR), followed by a decline (hypoxic depression). The biphasic response pattern was due to alteration in tidal volume, which at all CO2 levels decreased significantly (P less than 0.05), without a significant change in breathing frequency. The magnitude of the hypoxic depression, independent of CO2, correlated significantly (r = 0.78, P less than 0.001) with the AHR, but not with the ventilatory response to CO2. The decline of minute ventilation was not significantly affected by PETCO2 [averaged 2.3 +/- 0.6, 3.8 +/- 1.3, and 4.5 +/- 2.2 (SE) 1/min for PETCO2 35, 41.8, and 44.3 Torr, respectively]. This decay was significant for PETCO2 35 and 41.8 Torr but not for 44.3 Torr. The second exposure to hypoxia failed to elicit the same AHR as the first exposure; at all CO2 levels the AHR was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) during the first hypoxic exposure than during the second. We conclude that hypoxia exhibits a long-lasting inhibitory effect on ventilation that is independent of CO2, at least in the range of PETCO2 studied, but is related to hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity.  相似文献   

Ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH) consists of a progressive increase in ventilation and decrease in end-tidal Pco(2) (Pet(CO(2))). Underlying VAH, there are also increases in the acute ventilatory sensitivities to hypoxia and hypercapnia. To investigate whether these changes could be induced with very mild alterations in end-tidal Po(2) (Pet(O(2))), two 5-day exposures were compared: 1) mild hypoxia, with Pet(O(2)) held at 10 Torr below the subject's normal value; and 2) mild hyperoxia, with Pet(O(2)) held at 10 Torr above the subject's normal value. During both exposures, Pet(CO(2)) was uncontrolled. For each exposure, the entire protocol required measurements on 13 consecutive mornings: 3 mornings before the hypoxic or hyperoxic exposure, 5 mornings during the exposure, and 5 mornings postexposure. After the subjects breathed room air for at least 30 min, measurements were made of Pet(CO(2)), Pet(O(2)), and the acute ventilatory sensitivities to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Ten subjects completed both protocols. There was a significant increase in the acute ventilatory sensitivity to hypoxia (Gp) after exposure to mild hypoxia, and a significant decrease in Gp after exposure to mild hyperoxia (P < 0.05, repeated-measures ANOVA). No other variables were affected by mild hypoxia or hyperoxia. The results, when combined with those from other studies, suggest that Gp varies linearly with Pet(O(2)), with a sensitivity of 3.5%/Torr (SE 1.0). This sensitivity is sufficient to suggest that Gp is continuously varying in response to normal physiological fluctuations in Pet(O(2)). We conclude that at least some of the mechanisms underlying VAH may have a physiological role at sea level.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between changes in cardiorespiratory and cerebrovascular function in 14 healthy volunteers with and without hypoxia [arterial O(2) saturation (Sa(O(2))) approximately 80%] at rest and during 60-70% maximal oxygen uptake steady-state cycling exercise. During all procedures, ventilation, end-tidal gases, heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (BP; Finometer) cardiac output (Modelflow), muscle and cerebral oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy), and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAV; transcranial Doppler ultrasound) were measured continuously. The effect of hypoxia on dynamic cerebral autoregulation was assessed with transfer function gain and phase shift in mean BP and MCAV. At rest, hypoxia resulted in increases in ventilation, progressive hypocapnia, and general sympathoexcitation (i.e., elevated HR and cardiac output); these responses were more marked during hypoxic exercise (P < 0.05 vs. rest) and were also reflected in elevation of the slopes of the linear regressions of ventilation, HR, and cardiac output with Sa(O(2)) (P < 0.05 vs. rest). MCAV was maintained during hypoxic exercise, despite marked hypocapnia (44.1 +/- 2.9 to 36.3 +/- 4.2 Torr; P < 0.05). Conversely, hypoxia both at rest and during exercise decreased cerebral oxygenation compared with muscle. The low-frequency phase between MCAV and mean BP was lowered during hypoxic exercise, indicating impairment in cerebral autoregulation. These data indicate that increases in cerebral neurogenic activity and/or sympathoexcitation during hypoxic exercise can potentially outbalance the hypocapnia-induced lowering of MCAV. Despite maintaining MCAV, such hypoxic exercise can potentially compromise cerebral autoregulation and oxygenation.  相似文献   

Exposure to hypoxia produces long-lasting sympathetic activation in humans.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The relative contributions of hypoxia and hypercapnia in causing persistent sympathoexcitation after exposure to the combined stimuli were assessed in nine healthy human subjects during wakefulness. Subjects were exposed to 20 min of isocapnic hypoxia (arterial O(2) saturation, 77-87%) and 20 min of normoxic hypercapnia (end-tidal P(CO)(2), +5.3-8.6 Torr above eupnea) in random order on 2 separate days. The intensities of the chemical stimuli were manipulated in such a way that the two exposures increased sympathetic burst frequency by the same amount (hypoxia: 167 +/- 29% of baseline; hypercapnia: 171 +/- 23% of baseline). Minute ventilation increased to the same extent during the first 5 min of the exposures (hypoxia: +4.4 +/- 1.5 l/min; hypercapnia: +5.8 +/- 1.7 l/min) but declined with continued exposure to hypoxia and increased progressively during exposure to hypercapnia. Sympathetic activity returned to baseline soon after cessation of the hypercapnic stimulus. In contrast, sympathetic activity remained above baseline after withdrawal of the hypoxic stimulus, even though blood gases had normalized and ventilation returned to baseline levels. Consequently, during the recovery period, sympathetic burst frequency was higher in the hypoxia vs. the hypercapnia trial (166 +/- 21 vs. 104 +/- 15% of baseline in the last 5 min of a 20-min recovery period). We conclude that both hypoxia and hypercapnia cause substantial increases in sympathetic outflow to skeletal muscle. Hypercapnia-evoked sympathetic activation is short-lived, whereas hypoxia-induced sympathetic activation outlasts the chemical stimulus.  相似文献   

Both hypoxia and hyperoxia have major effects on cardiovascular function. However, both states affect ventilation and many previous studies have not controlled CO(2) tension. We investigated whether hemodynamic effects previously attributed to modified O(2) tension were still apparent under isocapnic conditions. In eight healthy men, we studied blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), cardiac index (CI), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) and arterial stiffness (augmentation index, AI) during 1 h of hyperoxia (mean end-tidal O(2) 79.6 +/- 2.0%) or hypoxia (pulse oximeter oxygen saturation 82.6 +/- 0.3%). Hyperoxia increased SVRI (18.9 +/- 1.9%; P < 0.001) and reduced HR (-10.3 +/- 1.0%; P < 0.001), CI (-10.3 +/- 1.7%; P < 0.001), and stroke index (SI) (-7.3 +/- 1.3%; P < 0.001) but had no effect on AI, whereas hypoxia reduced SVRI (-15.2 +/- 1.2%; P < 0.001) and AI (-10.7 +/- 1.1%; P < 0.001) and increased HR (18.2 +/- 1.2%; P < 0.001), CI (20.2 +/- 1.8%; P < 0.001), and pulse pressure (13.2 +/- 2.3%; P = 0.02). The effects of hyperoxia on CI and SVRI, but not the other hemodynamic effects, persisted for up to 1 h after restoration of air breathing. Although increased oxidative stress has been proposed as a cause of the cardiovascular response to altered oxygenation, we found no significant changes in venous antioxidant or 8-iso-prostaglandin F(2alpha) levels. We conclude that both hyperoxia and hypoxia, when present during isocapnia, cause similar changes in cardiovascular function to those described with poikilocapnic conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was 1) to test the hypothesis that ventilation and arterial oxygen saturation (Sa(O2)) during acute hypoxia may increase during intermittent hypoxia and remain elevated for a week without hypoxic exposure and 2) to clarify whether the changes in ventilation and Sa(O2) during hypoxic exercise are correlated with the change in hypoxic chemosensitivity. Six subjects were exposed to a simulated altitude of 4,500 m altitude for 7 days (1 h/day). Oxygen uptake (VO2), expired minute ventilation (VE), and Sa(O2) were measured during maximal and submaximal exercise at 432 Torr before (Pre), after intermittent hypoxia (Post), and again after a week at sea level (De). Hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) was also determined. At both Post and De, significant increases from Pre were found in HVR at rest and in ventilatory equivalent for O2 (VE/VO2) and Sa(O2) during submaximal exercise. There were significant correlations among the changes in HVR at rest and in VE/VO2 and Sa(O2) during hypoxic exercise during intermittent hypoxia. We conclude that 1 wk of daily exposure to 1 h of hypoxia significantly improved oxygenation in exercise during subsequent acute hypoxic exposures up to 1 wk after the conditioning, presumably caused by the enhanced hypoxic ventilatory chemosensitivity.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to hypoxia is accompanied by decreased hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), but the relative importance of peripheral and central mechanisms of this hypoxic desensitization remain unclear. To determine whether the hypoxic sensitivity of peripheral chemoreceptors decreases during chronic hypoxia, we measured ventilatory and carotid sinus nerve (CSN) responses to isocapnic hypoxia in five cats exposed to simulated altitude of 5,500 m (barometric pressure 375 Torr) for 3-4 wk. Exposure to 3-4 wk of hypobaric hypoxia produced a decrease in HVR, measured as the shape parameter A in cats both awake (from 53.9 +/- 10.1 to 14.8 +/- 1.8; P less than 0.05) and anesthetized (from 50.2 +/- 8.2 to 8.5 +/- 1.8; P less than 0.05). Sustained hypoxic exposure decreased end-tidal CO2 tension (PETCO2, 33.3 +/- 1.2 to 28.1 +/- 1.3 Torr) during room-air breathing in awake cats. To determine whether hypocapnia contributed to the observed depression in HVR, we also measured eucapnic HVR (PETCO2 33.3 +/- 0.9 Torr) and found that HVR after hypoxic exposure remained lower than preexposed value (A = 17.4 +/- 4.2 vs. 53.9 +/- 10.1 in awake cats; P less than 0.05). A control group (n = 5) was selected for hypoxic ventilatory response matched to the baseline measurements of the experimental group. The decreased HVR after hypoxic exposure was associated with a parallel decrease in the carotid body response to hypoxia (A = 20.6 +/- 4.8) compared with that of control cats (A = 46.9 +/- 6.3; P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study characterized cerebral blood flow (CBF) responses in the middle cerebral artery to PCO2 ranging from 30 to 60 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa) during hypoxia (50 mmHg) and hyperoxia (200 mmHg). Eight subjects (25 +/- 3 years) underwent modified Read rebreathing tests in a background of constant hypoxia or hyperoxia. Mean cerebral blood velocity was measured using a transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Ventilation (VE), end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) data were also collected. CBF increased with rising PETCO2 at two rates, 1.63 +/- 0.21 and 2.75 +/- 0.27 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) (p < 0.05) during hypoxic and 1.69 +/- 0.17 and 2.80 +/- 0.14 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) (p < 0.05) during hyperoxic rebreathing. VE also increased at two rates (5.08 +/- 0.67 and 10.89 +/- 2.55 L min(-1) m mHg(-1) and 3.31 +/- 0.50 and 7.86 +/- 1.43 L x min(-1) x mmHg(-1)) during hypoxic and hyperoxic rebreathing. MAP and PETCO2 increased linearly during both hypoxic and hyperoxic rebreathing. The breakpoint separating the two-component rise in CBF (42.92 +/- 1.29 and 49.00 +/- 1.56 mmHg CO2 during hypoxic and hyperoxic rebreathing) was likely not due to PCO2 or perfusion pressure, since PETCO2 and MAP increased linearly, but it may be related to VE, since both CBF and VE exhibited similar responses, suggesting that the two responses may be regulated by a common neural linkage.  相似文献   

Hemodynamics, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), and forearm blood flow were evaluated in 12 normal subjects before, during (1 and 7 h), and after ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia achieved with 8 h of continuous poikilocapnic hypoxia. All results are means +/- SD. Subjects experienced mean oxygen saturation of 84.3 +/- 2.3% during exposure. The exposure resulted in hypoxic acclimatization as suggested by end-tidal CO(2) [44.7 +/- 2.7 (pre) vs. 39.5 +/- 2.2 mmHg (post), P < 0.001] and by ventilatory response to hypoxia [1.2 +/- 0.8 (pre) vs. 2.3 +/- 1.3 l x min(-1).1% fall in saturation(-1) (post), P < 0.05]. Subjects exhibited a significant increase in heart rate across the exposure that remained elevated even upon return to room air breathing compared with preexposure (67.3 +/- 15.9 vs. 59.8 +/- 12.1 beats/min, P < 0.008). Although arterial pressure exhibited a trend toward an increase across the exposure, this did not reach significance. MSNA initially increased from room air to poikilocapnic hypoxia (26.2 +/- 10.3 to 32.0 +/- 10.3 bursts/100 beats, not significant at 1 h of exposure); however, MSNA then decreased below the normoxic baseline despite continued poikilocapnic hypoxia (20.9 +/- 8.0 bursts/100 beats, 7 h Hx vs. 1 h Hx; P < 0.008 at 7 h). MSNA decreased further after subjects returned to room air (16.6 +/- 6.0 bursts/100 beats; P < 0.008 compared with baseline). Forearm conductance increased after exposure from 2.9 +/- 1.5 to 4.3 +/- 1.6 conductance units (P < 0.01). These findings indicate alterations of cardiovascular and respiratory control following 8 h of sustained hypoxia producing not only acclimatization but sympathoinhibition.  相似文献   

Pregnancy increases ventilation and ventilatory sensitivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia. To determine the role of the carotid body in the increased hypoxic ventilatory response, we measured ventilation and carotid body neural output (CBNO) during progressive isocapnic hypoxia in 15 anesthetized near-term pregnant cats and 15 nonpregnant females. The pregnant compared with nonpregnant cats had greater room-air ventilation [1.48 +/- 0.24 vs. 0.45 +/- 0.05 (SE) l/min BTPS, P less than 0.01], O2 consumption (29 +/- 2 vs. 19 +/- 1 ml/min STPD, P less than 0.01), and lower end-tidal PCO2 (30 +/- 1 vs. 35 +/- 1 Torr, P less than 0.01). Lower end-tidal CO2 tensions were also observed in seven awake pregnant compared with seven awake nonpregnant cats (28 +/- 1 vs. 31 +/- 1 Torr, P less than 0.05). The ventilatory response to hypoxia as measured by the shape of parameter A was twofold greater (38 +/- 5 vs. 17 +/- 3, P less than 0.01) in the anesthetized pregnant compared with nonpregnant cats, and the CBNO response to hypoxia was also increased twofold (58 +/- 11 vs. 29 +/- 5, P less than 0.05). The increased CBNO response to hypoxia in the pregnant compared with the nonpregnant cats persisted after cutting the carotid sinus nerve while recording from the distal end, indicating that the increased hypoxic sensitivity was not due to descending central neural influences. We concluded that greater carotid body sensitivity to hypoxia contributed to the increased hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness observed in pregnant cats.  相似文献   

M Fatemian  P A Robbins 《Journal of applied physiology》2001,90(4):1607-14; discussion 1606
The ventilatory sensitivity to CO2, in hyperoxia, is increased after an 8-h exposure to hypoxia. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether this increase arises through an increase in peripheral or central chemosensitivity. Ten healthy volunteers each underwent 8-h exposures to 1) isocapnic hypoxia, with end-tidal PO2 (PET(O2)) = 55 Torr and end-tidal PCO2 (PET(CO2)) = eucapnia; 2) poikilocapnic hypoxia, with PET(O2) = 55 Torr and PET(CO2) = uncontrolled; and 3) air-breathing control. The ventilatory response to CO2 was measured before and after each exposure with the use of a multifrequency binary sequence with two levels of PET(CO2): 1.5 and 10 Torr above the normal resting value. PET(O2) was held at 250 Torr. The peripheral (Gp) and the central (Gc) sensitivities were calculated by fitting the ventilatory data to a two-compartment model. There were increases in combined Gp + Gc (26%, P < 0.05), Gp (33%, P < 0.01), and Gc (23%, P = not significant) after exposure to hypoxia. There were no significant differences between isocapnic and poikilocapnic hypoxia. We conclude that sustained hypoxia induces a significant increase in chemosensitivity to CO2 within the peripheral chemoreflex.  相似文献   

Chronic hypercapnia is commonly found in patients with severe hypoxic lung disease and is associated with a greater elevation of pulmonary arterial pressure than that due to hypoxia alone. We hypothesized that hypercapnia worsens hypoxic pulmonary hypertension by augmenting pulmonary vascular remodeling and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). Rats were exposed to chronic hypoxia [inspiratory O(2) fraction (FI(O(2))) = 0.10], chronic hypercapnia (inspiratory CO(2) fraction = 0.10), hypoxia-hypercapnia (FI(O(2)) = 0.10, inspiratory CO(2) fraction = 0.10), or room air. After 1 and 3 wk of exposure, muscularization of resistance blood vessels and hypoxia-induced hematocrit elevation were significantly inhibited in hypoxia-hypercapnia compared with hypoxia alone (P < 0.001, ANOVA). Right ventricular hypertrophy was reduced in hypoxia-hypercapnia compared with hypoxia at 3 wk (P < 0.001, ANOVA). In isolated, ventilated, blood-perfused lungs, basal pulmonary arterial pressure after 1 wk of exposure to hypoxia (20.1 +/- 1.8 mmHg) was significantly (P < 0.01, ANOVA) elevated compared with control conditions (12.1 +/- 0.1 mmHg) but was not altered in hypoxia-hypercapnia (13.5 +/- 0.9 mmHg) or hypercapnia (11.8 +/- 1.3 mmHg). HPV (FI(O(2)) = 0.03) was attenuated in hypoxia, hypoxia-hypercapnia, and hypercapnia compared with control (P < 0.05, ANOVA). Addition of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (10(-4) M), which augmented HPV in control, hypoxia, and hypercapnia, significantly reduced HPV in hypoxia-hypercapnia. Chronic hypoxia caused impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation in isolated pulmonary arteries, but coexistent hypercapnia partially protected against this effect. These findings suggest that coexistent hypercapnia inhibits hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling and right ventricular hypertrophy, reduces HPV, and protects against hypoxia-induced impairment of endothelial function.  相似文献   

Short-term intermittent hypoxia leads to sustained sympathetic activation and a small increase in blood pressure in healthy humans. Because obstructive sleep apnea, a condition associated with intermittent hypoxia, is accompanied by elevated sympathetic activity and enhanced sympathetic chemoreflex responses to acute hypoxia, we sought to determine whether intermittent hypoxia also enhances chemoreflex activity in healthy humans. To this end, we measured the responses of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA, peroneal microneurography) to arterial chemoreflex stimulation and deactivation before and following exposure to a paradigm of repetitive hypoxic apnea (20 s/min for 30 min; O(2) saturation nadir 81.4 +/- 0.9%). Compared with baseline, repetitive hypoxic apnea increased MSNA from 113 +/- 11 to 159 +/- 21 units/min (P = 0.001) and mean blood pressure from 92.1 +/- 2.9 to 95.5 +/- 2.9 mmHg (P = 0.01; n = 19). Furthermore, compared with before, following intermittent hypoxia the MSNA (units/min) responses to acute hypoxia [fraction of inspired O(2) (Fi(O(2))) 0.1, for 5 min] were enhanced (pre- vs. post-intermittent hypoxia: +16 +/- 4 vs. +49 +/- 10%; P = 0.02; n = 11), whereas the responses to hyperoxia (Fi(O(2)) 0.5, for 5 min) were not changed significantly (P = NS; n = 8). Thus 30 min of intermittent hypoxia is capable of increasing sympathetic activity and sensitizing the sympathetic reflex responses to hypoxia in normal humans. Enhanced sympathetic chemoreflex activity induced by intermittent hypoxia may contribute to altered neurocirculatory control and adverse cardiovascular consequences in sleep apnea.  相似文献   

Exercise blunts sympathetic alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction (functional sympatholysis). We hypothesized that sympatholysis would be augmented during hypoxic exercise compared with exercise alone. Fourteen subjects were monitored with ECG and pulse oximetry. Brachial artery and antecubital vein catheters were placed in the nondominant (exercising) arm. Subjects breathed hypoxic gas to titrate arterial O2 saturation to 80% while remaining normocapnic via a rebreath system. Baseline and two 8-min bouts of rhythmic forearm exercise (10 and 20% of maximum) were performed during normoxia and hypoxia. Forearm blood flow, blood pressure, heart rate, minute ventilation, and end-tidal CO2 were measured at rest and during exercise. Vasoconstrictor responsiveness was determined by responses to intra-arterial tyramine during the final 3 min of rest and each exercise bout. Heart rate was higher during hypoxia (P < 0.01), whereas blood pressure was similar (P = 0.84). Hypoxic exercise potentiated minute ventilation compared with normoxic exercise (P < 0.01). Forearm blood flow was higher during hypoxia compared with normoxia at rest (85 +/- 9 vs. 66 +/- 7 ml/min), at 10% exercise (276 +/- 33 vs. 217 +/- 27 ml/min), and at 20% exercise (464 +/- 32 vs. 386 +/- 28 ml/min; P < 0.01). Arterial epinephrine was higher during hypoxia (P < 0.01); however, venoarterial norepinephrine difference was similar between hypoxia and normoxia before (P = 0.47) and during tyramine administration (P = 0.14). Vasoconstriction to tyramine (%decrease from pretyramine values) was blunted in a dose-dependent manner with increasing exercise intensity (P < 0.01). Interestingly, vasoconstrictor responsiveness tended to be greater (P = 0.06) at rest (-37 +/- 6% vs. -33 +/- 6%), at 10% exercise (-27 +/- 5 vs. -22 +/- 4%), and at 20% exercise (-22 +/- 5 vs. -14 +/- 4%) between hypoxia and normoxia, respectively. Thus sympatholysis is not augmented by moderate hypoxia nor does it contribute to the increased blood flow during hypoxic exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether nocturnal hypoxia causes daytime blood pressure (BP) elevation. We hypothesized that overnight exposure to hypoxia leads the next morning to elevation in BP that outlasts the hypoxia stimulus. We studied the effect on BP of two consecutive night exposures to hypobaric hypoxia in 10 healthy normotensive subjects. During the hypoxia nights, subjects slept for 8 h in a hypobaric chamber at a simulated altitude of 4,000 m (barometric pressure = 462 mmHg). Arterial O(2) saturation and electrocardiogram were monitored throughout the night. For 30 min before the nocturnal simulated ascent and for 4 h after return to baseline altitude the next morning, BP was measured every 5 min while the subject was awake. The same measurements were made before and after 2 normoxic nights of sleep in the hypobaric chamber at ambient barometric pressure (745 mmHg). Principal components analysis was applied to evaluate patterns of BP response after the second night of hypoxia and normoxia. A distinct pattern of diastolic BP (DBP) elevation was observed after the hypoxia night in 9 of the 10 subjects but in none after the normoxia night. This pattern showed a mean increase of 4 mmHg in DBP compared with the presleep-awake baseline in the first 60 min and a return to baseline by 90 min. We conclude that nocturnal hypoxia leads to a carryover elevation of daytime DBP.  相似文献   

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