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The thermoregulation behavior of Lucilia sericata larvae (Diptera: Calliphoridae), a necrophagous species that feeds on vertebrate cadavers, was investigated. These larvae require high heat incomes to develop, and can elevate temperatures by forming large aggregates. We hypothesized that L. sericata larvae should continue to feed at temperatures up to 38 °C, which can be reached inside larval masses. Thermal regulation behavior such as movement between a hot food spot and colder areas was also postulated. The hypotheses were tested by tracking for 1 h the activity of single, starved third instar larvae in a Petri dish containing 1 food spot (FS) that was heated to a constant temperature of 25 °C, 34 °C or 38 °C with an ambient temperature of 25 °C. The influence of previous conspecific activity in the food on larval behavior was also tested. The crops of larvae were dissected to monitor food content in the digestive systems. Based on relative crop measurements, larvae fed at all food temperatures, but temperature strongly affected larval behavior and kinematics. The total time spent by larvae in FS and the duration of each stay decreased at high FS temperature. Previous activity of conspecifics in the food slightly increased the time spent by larvae in FS and also decreased the average distance to FS. Therefore, necrophagous L. sericata larvae likely thermoregulate during normal feeding activities by adjusting to local fluctuations in temperature, particularly inside maggot masses. By maintaining a steady internal body temperature, larvae likely reduce their development time.  相似文献   

Adult blow flies can deposit small spots (‘artifacts’) containing biological fluids like blood on various surfaces at a crime scene, either by regurgitation or defecation, and thereby create new or modify existing stains. These minute traces may represent evidence for the past presence of a certain person or victim in crime scene scenarios where nobody is present or all other crime‐related biological traces have been cleaned up. We analyzed artifacts on crime scene relevant surfaces (glass, wood, concrete, wallpaper, carpet, plastic wrap), produced by the forensically important blow fly Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) after ingesting fresh and degraded porcine blood as well as putrefaction fluid from a pig's trotter and evaluated the potential of these spots for short tandem repeat (STR) analysis at various time intervals after deposition. Genotyping was possible on single fly artifacts on all surfaces up to 300 days after deposition by the flies after both blood or putrefaction fluid intake. The results indicate that the suitability for STR typing of those spots mainly depends on the time since deposition. The activity of flies at a crime scene can lead to artifacts which are – even 300 days after deposition – a valuable source of case‐related DNA. Sometimes those traces may even be the only source of information for DNA profiling.  相似文献   

Traditionally the calculation of accumulated degree days or hours (ADD or ADH) involves the concept of a minimum threshold temperature below which development ceases. Hence in fluctuating conditions, where temperatures drop below this threshold, there may be periods of time when development is taken to be zero. This has important implications when the calculation of postmortem interval (PMI) is based on the ADD or ADH of larval dipterans. Normal development of larvae of the blowflies Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy and C. vomitoria L. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) at 20 degrees C was interrupted by cold episodes. The expectation was that total development time would increase by the period at low (therefore no development) temperature but the total ADD or ADH should be the same as non-cold treated cohorts. The results, however, showed that total ADH for both species decreased linearly with increasing temperature with no evidence of any minimum threshold temperature effect. The increased ADH at low temperatures may be due to either continued but reduced development or a delay in development restarting after the cold episode. Use of ADH in PMI estimations has shortcomings particularly during the winter period where low temperatures are involved or where there are sudden summer cold spells during the development period. As blowfly development progresses from egg to pupa such errors will be compounded.  相似文献   

The behaviour of 650 female Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was examined in a wind tunnel using odour, in combination with six artificial visual stimuli, ranging from a simple black square to a three‐dimensional model of a dead mouse. The carcasses of laboratory mice were used to provide a natural odour and visual source, and a blend consisting of dimethyl trisulphide, mercaptoethanol, and o‐cresol was used to provide a synthetic lure. Significant differences were found in attraction to these odour sources: 90% of the flies oriented upwind to the natural source and 62% to the synthetic lure. No significant differences were found in upwind orientation towards different visual stimuli, but flies showed significantly more landings if the visual cues provided a vertical contrast against the background. A horizontal contrast gave no difference in landing rate compared to treatments without visual cues. In a field study, the blowfly genera Pollenia, Calliphora, and Lucilia were caught. The overall blowfly catch was significantly higher when an odour lure was present (Pollenia: 3×, Calliphora: 15×, Lucilia: >79×). A significant three‐way interaction between visual cue, genus, and gender was found. The saprophagous Lucilia and Calliphora showed a gender‐specific response to visual stimuli, whereas the parasitic Pollenia did not. A 2:1 female:male sex ratio was found for Calliphora spp. and a 12:1 sex ratio for Lucilia spp. The data suggest that landing responses of male and female saprophagous blowflies, and consequently trap catches, result from olfaction, but also from gender‐specific visual responses when under the influence of odour.  相似文献   

The utility of five species of necrophagous flies (Diptera) as pupal hosts for Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) was examined by comparing incidences of parasitism, fecundity, and several features of wasp development at three rearing temperatures. Species differences in host suitability were evident in all life history features examined, with the highest incidences of parasitism, largest clutches and adult body sizes, and shortest periods of development occurring when the sarcophagid Sarcophaga bullata Parker served as hosts, regardless of temperature in which the wasps developed. Puparia of the calliphorids Lucilia illustris Meigen, Phormia regina Meigen, and Protophormia terraenovae Robineau‐Desvoidy were also accepted as hosts by the female parasitoids, albeit not equally so, and each yielded large, female‐biased broods. By contrast, pupae of the calliphorid Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) were not well suited to serve as an oviposition site or support the development of N. vitripennis. When successful parasitism did occur on any host species, duration of parasitoid development increased, adult body sizes were truncated, male‐biased sex ratios were produced, and mortality from egg hatch to adult emergence elevated with increasing rearing temperature. Unlike with the four other fly species, Crufifacies did not yield any adult parasitoids when the rearing temperature was 35 °C. The results argue that developmental data determined for this wasp derived from a single host species is not sufficient for applying to all scenarios in which wasp development is necessary to estimate a postmortem interval or periods of insect activity.  相似文献   

Below‐ground interactions between soil microbial communities and plants play important roles in shaping plant community structure, but are currently poorly understood. Understanding these processes has important practical implications, including for restoration. In this study, we investigated whether soil microbes from remnant areas can aid the restoration of old‐fields, and whether soil microbes from an old‐field encourages further invasive establishment. In a glasshouse experiment, we measured growth and survival of two native grasses (Austrostipa nodosa and Rytidosperma auriculatum) and an invasive grass (Lolium rigidum) grown in sterile soil inoculated with whole soil from three locations: an old‐field, a remnant grassland, and a seed orchard planted with native grasses 7 years ago. Plants grown in sterile, non‐inoculated soil acted as controls. The orchard inoculant was included to test whether soil microbes from an area cultivated with native grasses induced plant responses similar to remnant areas. The remnant treatment resulted in the highest biomass and no mortality for R. auriculatum. All inoculant types increased the biomass of the invasive species equally. The native grass, A. nodosa, was the most sensitive to the addition of inoculum, whereas the invasive L. rigidum suffered very low mortality across all treatments. Overall, mortality was highest in the old‐field treatment at 42.9%. These results give insights into how soil microbes can affect community structure and dynamics, e.g. the high mortality of natives with old‐field inoculant may be one mechanism that allows invasive species to dominate. Poorer performance of native species with the orchard inoculant suggests it would not make a suitable replacement for remnant soil; therefore, more work is needed to understand the requirements of target species and their interactions before this technique can be exploited to maximum benefit.  相似文献   

The Drosophila serido haplogroup is a monophyletic group composed of the following four cryptic and cactophilic species that are endemic to eastern Brazil: D. borborema, D. gouveai, D. seriema and D. serido. Here, we investigate the mito‐nuclear discordance in these species found among the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene, the autosomal alpha‐Esterase‐5 (α‐Est5) and the X‐linked period gene (per). Our analysis indicates that shared polymorphisms in these three molecular markers may be explained by the maintenance of ancestral polymorphisms rather than introgressive hybridization. The primary structures of COI, per and α‐Est5 genes evolve primarily under purifying selection, but we detected some sites that evolved under positive selection in α‐Est5. Considering the high variability of cacti species in eastern Brazil and the role attributed to Drosophila esterases in digestion metabolism and/or the detoxification of several compounds found in cactus tissues, we conjecture about the role of natural selection triggered by host shifts as an important factor in the intraspecific diversification of the D. serido haplogroup.  相似文献   

Long‐lived animals with a low annual reproductive output need a long time to recover from population crashes and are, thus, likely to face high extinction risk, if the current global environmental change will increase mortality rates. To aid conservation of those species, knowledge on the variability of mortality rates is essential. Unfortunately, however, individual‐based multiyear data sets that are required for that have only rarely been collected for free‐ranging long‐lived mammals. Here, we used a five‐year data set comprising activity data of 1,445 RFID‐tagged individuals of two long‐lived temperate zone bat species, Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) and Daubenton's bats (Myotis daubentonii), at their joint hibernaculum. Both species are listed as being of high conservation interest by the European Habitats Directive. Applying mixed‐effects logistic regression, we explored seasonal survival differences in these two species which differ in foraging strategy and phenology. In both species, survival over the first winter of an individual's life was much lower than survival over subsequent winters. Focussing on adults only, seasonal survival patterns were largely consistent with higher winter and lower summer survival but varied in its level across years in both species. Our analyses, furthermore, highlight the importance of species‐specific time periods for survival. Daubenton's bats showed a much stronger difference in survival between the two seasons than Natterer's bats. In one exceptional winter, the population of Natterer's bats crashed, while the survival of Daubenton's bats declined only moderately. While our results confirm the general seasonal survival pattern typical for hibernating mammals with higher winter than summer survival, they also show that this pattern can be reversed under particular conditions. Overall, our study points toward a high importance of specific time periods for population dynamics and suggests species‐, population‐, and age class‐specific responses to global climate change.  相似文献   

Gravid females of the common green bottle fly, Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae), readily locate recently deceased vertebrates as oviposition sites, particularly when these animals have been injured. We investigated semiochemical and visual cues that mediate attraction of gravid females to fresh rat carrion. Female flies were more strongly attracted to incised rat carrion than to intact carrion. They were also attracted to Porapak Q headspace volatile (HSV) extract of incised rat carrion. Analyzing aliquots of Porapak Q HSV extract by gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection revealed nine components [phenol, para‐ and/or meta‐cresol (could not be separated), guaiacol, dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS), phenylacetaldehyde, (E)‐2‐octenal, nonanal, and tetramethyl pyrazine] that consistently elicited responses from blow fly antennae. In laboratory experiments, a synthetic blend of these nine components was as attractive to gravid females as Porapak Q HSV extract, but blend attractiveness was due entirely to DMTS. In both laboratory and field experiments, increasing doses of DMTS attracted increasingly more flies. Coupled with DMTS, carrion‐type color cues (dark red, black) were more effective than bright color cues (white, yellow) in attracting flies. In field experiments, dark traps baited with DMTS captured a total of 214 calliphorid flies (200 Lsericata, 10 Lucilia illustris Meigen, three Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy, one Calliphora vomitoria L.), all of which were gravid females. These results support the conclusion that DMTS and dark color represent a bimodal cue complex that signifies suitable oviposition sites to gravid calliphorid females, particularly L. sericata.  相似文献   

Substratum quality and oxygen supply to the interstitial zone are crucial for the reproductive success of salmonid fishes. At present, degradation of spawning grounds due to fine sediment deposition and colmation are recognized as main factors for reproductive failure. In addition, changes in water temperatures due to climate change, damming, and cooling water inlets are predicted to reduce hatching success. We tested the hypothesis that the biological effects of habitat degradation depend strongly on the species‐specific spawning seasons and life‐history strategies (e.g., fall‐ vs. spring‐spawners, migratory vs. resident species) and assessed temperature as an important species‐specific factor for hatching success within river substratum. We studied the species‐specific differences in their responses to such disturbances using egg‐to‐fry survival of Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho), resident brown trout (Salmo trutta fario), and migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta lacustris) as biological endpoint. The egg incubation and hatching success of the salmonids and their dependence on temperature and stream substratum quality were compared. Hatching rates of Danube salmon were lower than of brown trout, probably due to higher oxygen demands and increased interstitial respiration in spring. Increases in maximum water temperature reduced hatching rates of resident and migratory brown trout (both fall‐spawners) but were positively correlated with hatching rates of Danube salmon (a spring‐spawner). Significantly longer incubation periods of resident and migratory brown trout coincided with relatively low stream substratum quality at the end of the egg incubation. Danube salmon seem to avoid low oxygen concentrations in the hyporheic zone by faster egg development favored by higher water temperatures. Consequently, the prediction of effects of temperature changes and altered stream substratum properties on gravel‐spawning fishes and biological communities should consider the observed species‐specific variances in life‐history strategies to increase conservation success.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that speciation‐with‐gene‐flow is more likely when the consequences of selection for population divergence transitions from mainly direct effects of selection acting on individual genes to a collective property of all selected genes in the genome. Thus, understanding the direct impacts of ecologically based selection, as well as the indirect effects due to correlations among loci, is critical to understanding speciation. Here, we measure the genome‐wide impacts of host‐associated selection between hawthorn and apple host races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae), a model for contemporary speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. Allele frequency shifts of 32 455 SNPs induced in a selection experiment based on host phenology were genome wide and highly concordant with genetic divergence between co‐occurring apple and hawthorn flies in nature. This striking genome‐wide similarity between experimental and natural populations of R. pomonella underscores the importance of ecological selection at early stages of divergence and calls for further integration of studies of eco‐evolutionary dynamics and genome divergence.  相似文献   

Worldwide, extreme climatic events such as drought and heatwaves are associated with forest mortality. However, the precise drivers of tree mortality at individual and stand levels vary considerably, with substantial gaps in knowledge across studies in biomes and continents. In 2010–2011, a drought‐associated heatwave occurred in south‐western Australia and drove sudden and rapid forest canopy collapse. Working in the Northern Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest, we quantified the response of key overstory (E. marginata, Corymbia calophylla) and midstory (Banksia grandis, Allocasuarina fraseriana) tree species to the extreme climate event. Using transects spanning a gradient of drought impacts (minimal (50–100 m), transitional (100–150 m) and severe (30–60 m)), tree species mortality in relation to stand characteristics (stand basal area and stem density) and edaphic factors (soil depth) was determined. We show differential mortality between the two overstory species and the two midstory species corresponding to the drought‐associated heatwave. The dominant overstory species, E. marginata, had significantly higher mortality (~19%) than C. calophylla (~7%) in the severe zone. The midstory species, B. grandis, demonstrated substantially higher mortality (~59%) than A. fraseriana (~4%) in the transitional zone. Banksia grandis exhibited a substantial shift in structure in response to the drought‐associated heatwave in relation to tree size, basal area and soil depth. This study illustrates the role of climate extremes in driving ecosystem change and highlights the critical need to identify and quantify the resulting impact to help predict future forest die‐off events and to underpin forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

Telomeres in human fibroblasts shorten progressively during in vitro culturing and trigger replicative senescence. Furthermore, shortened telomeres can be used as biomarkers of disease. These observations have led to the suggestion that telomere dynamics may also be associated with viability and selection for life history variation in non‐human taxa. Model systems to examine this suggestion would particularly benefit from the coexistence of multiple phenotypes within the same species with different life history trade‐offs, since those could be compared in terms of telomere characteristics. This scenario also provokes the classic question of why one morph does not have marginally higher fitness and replaces the others. One explanation is that different morphs have different reproductive tactics with equal relative fitness. In Australian painted dragons (Ctenophorus pictus), males differ in head color, the presence or absence of a gular bib, and reproductive expenditure. Red males out‐compete yellow males in dominance contests, while yellow males copulate quickly and have higher success in sperm competition than red males. Males with bibs better defend partners against rival matings, at the cost of loss of body condition. We show that yellow‐headed and bib‐less males have longer telomeres than red, blue and bibbed males, suggesting that telomere length is positively associated with higher investment into self‐maintenance and less reproductive expenditure.  相似文献   

Host–parasite co‐evolution can lead to genetic differentiation among isolated host–parasite populations and local adaptation between parasites and their hosts. However, tests of local adaptation rarely consider multiple fitness‐related traits although focus on a single component of fitness can be misleading. Here, we concomitantly examined genetic structure and co‐divergence patterns of the trematode Coitocaecum parvum and its crustacean host Paracalliope fluviatilis among isolated populations using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI). We then performed experimental cross‐infections between two genetically divergent host–parasite populations. Both hosts and parasites displayed genetic differentiation among populations, although genetic structure was less pronounced in the parasite. Data also supported a co‐divergence scenario between C. parvum and P. fluviatilis potentially related to local co‐adaptation. Results from cross‐infections indicated that some parasite lineages seemed to be locally adapted to their sympatric (home) hosts in which they achieved higher infection and survival rates than in allopatric (away) amphipods. However, local, intrinsic host and parasite characteristics (host behavioural or immunological resistance to infections, parasite infectivity or growth rate) also influenced patterns of host–parasite interactions. For example, overall host vulnerability to C. parvum varied between populations, regardless of parasite origin (local vs. foreign), potentially swamping apparent local co‐adaptation effects. Furthermore, local adaptation effects seemed trait specific; different components of parasite fitness (infection and survival rates, growth) responded differently to cross‐infections. Overall, data show that genetic differentiation is not inevitably coupled with local adaptation, and that the latter must be interpreted with caution in a multi‐trait context.  相似文献   

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