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The sugars in fleshy fruits provide a rich source of energy to frugivorous animals. However, these carbohydrates also serve as a substrate for alcoholic fermentation by yeasts, ethanol being the main by-product of this process. Ethanol ingestion via frugivory thus occurs in a diverse assemblage of invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, including numerous species of birds. We tested the roles of ethanol as an odor cue for resource location by adult yellow-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos) and as a possible appetite stimulant in feeding trials with artificial food. We hypothesized (1) that the odor of ethanol does not serve as a food-locating cue in diurnal frugivorous passerine birds, and predicted that the choice of food source and the mass of food eaten by such birds will not be influenced by the odor of ethanol. We further hypothesized (2) that food intake in passerine birds is affected by ingestion of ethanol according to its concentration [EtOH], and predicted that food intake will follow a bell-shaped curve in relation to [EtOH]. In accord with hypothesis (1) and its prediction, we found that the odor of ethanol did not affect food preferences, in either ethanol-naïve or ethanol-experienced yellow-vented bulbuls, when presented at concentrations found in naturally ripe fruit (0.0–1.0%); this suggests that the odor of ethanol is not a food-locating cue for the bulbuls. Hypothesis (2) was partially supported, namely at low [EtOH] (0–3%), food intake was constant and at high [EtOH] (3%) food intake decreased, following only the right half of the predicted bell-shaped response. Ethanol-naïve birds showed no preference towards any [EtOH] presented in two-way choice trials. However, daily food intake in ethanol-experienced bulbuls in single option trials decreased by an average of 36% when the artificial food contained the highest tested concentration of ethanol (3.0%). We suggest that decreasing food intake when food ethanol concentration is relatively high may be a means of avoiding intoxication and is related to the ethanol-metabolizing ability of the bird.  相似文献   

Oocysts of Isospora ernsti n. sp. and Isospora blagburni n. sp. are described from the black-capped bulbul Pycnonotus xanthopygos from Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, Illinois. The bird came from southwestern Africa seven years earlier. I. ernsti oocysts are ellipsoidal to bluntly ovoid, 28–38 × 23–31m (mean 34 × 28 m) and have a single-layered oocyst wall. Micropyle, oocyst residuum and polar granules are absent. Sporocysts are elongate ovoid, 24–30 × 11–16 m (mean 27×13 m). Stieda and substiedal bodies and sporocyst residuum are present. I. blagburni oocysts are spherical to subspherical. 21–28 × 19–26 m (mean 25 × 23 m) and have a single oocyst wall. Sporocysts are ovoid and 17–23 × 10–13 m (mean 20 × 12 m). Stieda and substiedal bodies and sporocyst residuum are present.  相似文献   

基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值。"能量需求"假设认为,鸟类短期BMR的调整可以通过改变内部器官的大小来适应能量需求。以白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在10℃和30℃的不同环境中适应4周后,测定了其BMR、蒸发失水(EWL)和内部器官(心、肝、肾、胃、小肠和整体消化道)的重量,同时分析了白头鹎内部器官的变化及与BMR的关系。驯化4周后,白头鹎暖温组(30℃)的体重有明显降低的趋势;经协方差校正体重后,低温组(10℃)单位体重BMR与整体BMR明显高于暖温组,同时两组间EWL表现出显著差异。协方差分析表明,低温组白头鹎的肝脏、肾脏、小肠及总消化道重量显著高于暖温组。低温引起白头鹎能量需求增加,内部器官发生相应改变,要求摄入更多的氧气以维持代谢平衡,导致散失更多的蒸发水。  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (VO2) of juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) was investigated at low tempera tures (six temperatures; range -0.5 to 2.7°C). Small (mean wt. 6–8 g) and large (mean wt. 14 g) fish were acclimated, or adjusted to a constant temperature (0.4°C), for 5 months and then tested for metabolic cold adaptation (elevated metabolic rates in polar fishes). Short-term (2 weeks) acclimated fish showed elevated VO2 similar to previously established values for polar fishes, but there was no such evidence after longterm acclimation. Long-term acclimation caused VO2 values to drop significantly (from 86.0 to 46.5 mg O2·kg–1·h–1, at 0.4°C), which showed that metabolic cold adaptation was a phenomenon caused by insufficien: acclimation time for fish in respiration experiments. We also measured the effects of temperature and feeding on VO2. A temperature increase of 2.3°C resulted in relatively large increases in VO2 for both longand short-term acclimated fish (Q10 = 6.7 and 7.1, respectively), which suggests that metabolic processes are strongly influenced by temperature when it is close to zero. Feeding individuals to satiation caused significant increases in VO2 above pre-fed values (34–60% within 1–2 days after feeding). Respiration budgets of starved and fed Arctic cod at ambient temperatures in Resolute Bay N.W.T., Canada, were used to model annual respiration costs and potential weight loss. Low respiration costs for Arctic cod at ambient temperatures result in high growth efficiency during periods of feeding and low weight loss during periods of starvation.  相似文献   

动物的生理昼夜节律是对环境昼夜变化的一种重要适应。为探讨白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)体温、体重及能量代谢的昼夜节律变化,采用数字式温度计、电子天平及封闭式流体压力呼吸仪,测定了白头鹎的日体温、日体重和昼夜基础代谢率(BMR)。结果发现:白头鹎日体温及日体重变化存在显著差异,其中夜间体温明显低于白昼,并在4:00时体温呈现最低值;而白头鹎夜间体重显著低于白昼,在4:00时达到最小值,在18:00时达到最大值。另外,白头鹎的BMR也表现出了明显的昼夜差异,夜间BMR显著低于白昼。表明白头鹎体温、体重及能量代谢存在显著的昼夜节律变化,并调节达到自身生理能量平衡,从而适应昼夜环境变化。  相似文献   

甲状腺激素对白头鹎基础产热的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甲状腺激素对动物的基础产热有调节作用,甲状腺活性的增加往往与基础代谢的增加相伴行。通过每日饲喂甲状腺素(T4)研究了甲状腺机能亢进对白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)代谢产热的影响。代谢率的测定采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计测定,细胞色素C氧化酶(COX)采用铂氧电极-溶氧仪测定,反应温度为30℃,肝脏和肌肉的线粒体状态4呼吸采用铂氧电极-溶氧仪测定,反应温度为30℃,线粒体蛋白的测定以牛血清蛋白作为标准,采用Folin-phenol方法,测定肝脏和肌肉组织的蛋白质含量。与对照组相比,甲亢组的基础代谢率(BMR)明显升高;肝脏及肌肉组织状态4呼吸增加;肝脏和肌肉线粒体的COX活力升高。  相似文献   

本研究以吡虫啉为例,旨在探讨不同环境温度下亚致死浓度农药对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica急性毒性、免疫基因和解毒酶系活性的影响.通过人工饲喂法确定不同温度(25和35℃)下吡虫啉对1日龄蜜蜂的经口急性毒性,并根据毒力曲线计算得到25℃环境的LC10为4.032 mg/L.人工饲喂蜜蜂2μL该...  相似文献   

Dentin is deposited on a circadian basis, and daily layers manifest as bands on the medial surfaces of rodent incisors. Hibernation alters dentin deposition, and a distinct hibernation mark has been described on incisor surfaces of several rodent species; the factors that influence the morphology of this mark are poorly understood. We tested the effects of day length, torpor expression, and ambient temperature on incisor surface morphology in Turkish hamsters housed in one of four conditions: long days (LDs) at 22 °C, short days (SDs) at 22 °C, SDs at 5 °C, and SDs at 13 °C. Body temperature was monitored continuously with implanted radio transmitters, and teeth examined postmortem. Teeth of SD hamsters had narrower, less distinct circadian increments than those of LD hamsters, but the width of ultradian increments was similar in both photoperiods. Hibernation at both 5 and 13 °C was associated in most specimens with very narrow, sharply defined dentin increments and increased tooth heterogeneity. Hamsters in SDs at 5 °C that did not hibernate lacked characteristic hibernation increments. At 5 °C, but not 13 °C, the number and cumulative width of hibernation increments were related to number and cumulative duration of periodic arousals. Our results suggest that incremental deposition of dentin in rodent incisors may be a useful trait for characterizing hibernation behavior in both evolutionary and historical contexts.  相似文献   


A, assimilation rate
a, fractionation against 13C for CO2 diffusion through air
b, net fractionation against 13C during CO2 fixation
Ca, ambient CO2 concentration
Cc, CO2 concentration at the chloroplast
Ci, intercellular CO2 concentration
D, vapour pressure deficit
En, needle transpiration rate
Ep, whole plant water use
gw, leaf internal transfer conductance to CO2
gs, stomatal conductance to water vapour
L, projected leaf area
NUE, nitrogen use efficiency
PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate
Rubisco, ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase
TDR, time domain reflectometry
WUE, water use efficiency
Δ, carbon isotope discrimination
δ13C, carbon isotope abundance parameter
δ13Ca, carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2
θ, volumetric soil water content

The effect of nitrogen stress on needle δ13C, water-use efficiency (WUE) and biomass production in irrigated and dry land white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings was investigated. Sixteen hundred seedlings, representing 10 controlled crosses, were planted in the field in individual buried sand-filled cylinders. Two nitrogen treatments were imposed, nitrogen stressed and fertilized. The ranking of δ13C of the crosses was maintained across all combinations of water and nitrogen treatments and there was not a significant genetic versus environmental interaction. The positive relationships between needle δ13C, WUE and dry matter production demonstrate that it should be possible to use δ13C as a surrogate for WUE, and to select for increased WUE without compromising yield, even in nitrogen deficient environments. Nitrogen stressed seedlings had the lowest needle δ13C in both irrigated and dry land conditions. There was a positive correlation between needle nitrogen content and δ13C that was likely associated with increased photosynthetic capacity. There was some indication that decreased nitrogen supply led to increased stomatal conductance and hence lower WUE. There was a negative correlation between intrinsic water use efficiency and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). This suggests that white spruce seedlings have the ability to maximize NUE when water becomes limited. There was significant genetic variation in NUE that was maintained across treatments. Our results suggest that in white spruce, there is no detectable effect of anaplerotic carbon fixation and that it is more appropriate to use a value of 29‰ (‘Rubisco only’) for the net discrimination against 13C during CO2 fixation. This leads to excellent correspondence between values of Ci/Ca derived from gas exchange measurements or from δ13C.  相似文献   

Summary The water balance of three different sized coexisting species of heteromyid rodents (Dipodomys merriami ca. 39 g;Perognathus fallax ca. 23 g;Perognathus longimembris ca. 9 g) was assessed while consuming two different diets (either wheat or hulled sunflower) at ambient temperatures of 15–30°C. The metabolism of wheat as the sole food source was calculated to provide a greater metabolic water production (MWP) than the consumption of sunflower seed because of their different composition. The state of water balance was assessed by measuring urine concentrations and body weight maintenance on each diet at each temperature. Both measures showed that (i) all species were able to maintain a more positive water on the higher MWP seed, (ii) for all species there was an ambient temperature above which water balance could no longer be maintained, (iii) that this temperature was higher with the higher MWP food source and (iv) water regulatory efficiency was negatively correlated with body mass.Dipodomys showed a reduced digestive efficiency compared toPerognathus. When presented with both seedsDipodomys showed no preference for either seed irrespective of the state of water balance whilst thePerognathus species showed a tendency for an increased preference for the high MWP food source at the higher ambient temperatures. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Yom-Tov Y  Geffen E 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):213-218
Latitudinal trends in body size have been explained as a response to temperature- or water-related factors, which are predictors of primary production. We used the first principal component calculated from three body parameters (weight, body length and the greatest length of the skull) of a sample of mammals from Israel and Sinai to determine those species that vary in size geographically, and whether such variation is related to annual rainfall, average minimum January temperature and average maximum August temperature. We used a conservative approach to discern the effects of precipitation and temperature by applying sequential regression. Variable priorities were assigned according to their bivariate correlation with body size, except for rainfall and its interactions that entered into the model last. Eleven species (Acomys cahirinus, Apodemus mystacinus, Canis lupus, Crocidura suaveolens, Gerbillus dasyurus, Hyaena hyaena, Lepus capensis, Meles meles, Meriones tristrami, Rousettus aegyptius and Vulpes vulpes) of the 17 species examined varied in size geographically. In five of them, rainfall was positively related to body size, while in one species it was negatively related to it. Contrary to the prediction of Bergmann’s rule, mean minimum January temperature was positively related to body size in five species and negatively related to body size in two species (C. suaveolens and G. dasyurus). As predicted by Bergmann’s rule, maximum June temperature was negatively related to body size in three species, and positively so in one (L. capensis). Primary production, particularly in desert and semi-desert areas, is determined mainly by precipitation. The above results indicate that, in our sample, primary production has an important effect on body size of several species of mammals. This is evident from the considerable proportion of the variability in body size explained by rain. However, low ambient temperatures may slow down and even inhibit photosynthesis. Hence, the observed positive relationships between average minimum January temperature and body size in four of the six species influenced by rain further support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Nitrogenous excretion in two snails, Littorina saxatilis (high intertidal) and L. obtusata (low intertidal) was studied in relation to temperature acclimation (at 4° and 21°C), including total N excretion rates, the fraction of urea in N excretion, corresponding O:N ratios and the partitioning of deaminated protein between catabolic and anabolic processes at 4°, 11° and 21°C. Aggregate N excretion rates in both species showed no significant compensatory adjustments following acclimation. Total weight specific N excretion rates at 21°C were higher in standard 3 mg L. saxatilis (739 ng N mg−1 h−1) than standard 5 mg L. obtusata (257 ng N mg−1 h−1) for snails acclimated to 21°C. Comparisons of Q10 values of total weight specific N excretion to Q10 values for weight specific oxygen consumption ({xxV}O2) between 4° to 11 °C and 11° to 21°C indicated that, while total rates of catabolic metabolism ({xxV}O2) and protein deamination in L. obtusata were essentially parallel, the relationship between N excretion and {xxV}O2 in L. saxatilis revealed the partitioning of a larger share of deaminated protein carbon into anabolism at 4° and 21°C than at 11°C. Urea N accounted for a larger share of aggregate N excreted in L. saxatilis than in L. obtusata, but in both species urea N is a greater proportion of total N excreted when acclimated at 4°C (urea N: ammonia N ratio range: 1 to 2.15) than in snails acclimated to 21°C (urea N: ammonia N ratio range: 0.46 to 1.39). Molar O:N ratios indicate that the proportion of metabolism supported by protein catabolism is greater in L. saxatilis (O:N range: 2.5–8.4) than in L. obtusata (O:N range: 7.3–13.0). In both species, regardless of acclimation temperature, the O:N ratios are generally lowest (high protein catabolism) at 4°C and highest at 21°C.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effects of 2% saline imbibition and water deprivation on the water balance of the gerbil were compared.
  • 2.2. The unchanged fluid intake and losses, body weight and several blood indices suggested little alteration in the state of hydration after saline imbibition.
  • 3.3. After 5 days water deprivation the animals lost weight and evidence of haemoconcentration was observed. These changes took place despite reductions in water loss (via the urine and faeces) and evidence of secretion of vasopressin and the two principal acidic neural lobe proteins.
  • 4.4. The gerbil appeared to be better adapted to water stress induced by saline imbibition than by water deprivation and this may be related to its habitat in Northern Asia.

The osmoregulatory responses to warmer temperatures and hormone treatment in cold-adapted (5 degrees C) Rana catesbeiana tadpoles and newly metamorphosed frogs were examined. Tadpoles transferred to 11 degrees C and 18 degrees C and left for 5 days lost 7% and 10% of their body weight. Plasma [Na+] was elevated 28% and 21%, respectively. Control (5 degrees C) animals maintained their body weight and plasma [Na+] constant. Daily treatment with either ovine prolactin (oPRL) or ovine growth hormone (oGH) prevented the weight loss and the increase in extracellular [Na+] that occurred when tadpoles were transferred to 18 degrees C. Neither propylthiouracil (PTU) nor arginine vasotocin (AVT) were effective in countering temperature-induced weight loss in tadpoles. Newly metamorphosed frogs transferred to 18 degrees C also lost weight; this was not prevented by daily treatment with saline, oPRL, oGH or PTU. However, in frogs treated daily with AVT, initial BW was regained by day 6. When warm-adapted (18 degrees C) tadpoles were treated daily for 18 days with saline, bPRL, bGH, thyroxine (T4), ergocornine, cortisol, or cortisol + T4, bPRL was most effective in retarding weight loss and maintaining body water content, whereas T4 + cortisol caused the greatest loss of weight and body water. By day 20, the correlations between weight loss and both body water content and hematocrit were highly significant. These data suggest that reported increases in plasma solute concentrations in larval amphibians may actually reflect decreases in extracellular fluid volume, rather than increased amounts of solutes, per se.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates, VO2, were studied in four muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) swimming in a water channel at velocities of 0.2 to 0.75 m/s in water at temperatures of 25 and 30 degrees C. At both water temperatures, VO2 increased linearly with increasing swimming velocity. The VO2 was higher for muskrats swimming in water at 25 than 30 degrees C. The metabolic performance of swimming appears to be influenced by the interaction of swimming velocity and water temperature.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effect of ambient temperature on lipid content, lipid classes and fatty acid compositions of heart, liver, muscle and brain in oviparous lizards, Phrynocephalus przewalskii, caught in the desert area of China. Significant differences could be observed in the contents of the total lipid and fatty acid compositions among different temperatures (4, 25 and 38 degrees C). The study showed that liver and muscle were principal sites of lipid storage. Triacylglycerol (TAG) mainly deposited in the liver, while phospholipids (PL) was identified as the predominant lipid class in the muscle and brain. Palmitic and stearic acid generally occupied the higher proportion in saturated fatty acids (SFA), while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) consisted mainly of 16:1n-7, 18:1n-9, 18:2n-6, 18:3n-3, 20:4n-6 and 22:6n-3 regardless of tissue and temperature. These predominant fatty acids proportion fluctuations caused by temperature affected directly the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids. There was a tendency to increase the degree of unsaturation in the fatty acids of TAG and PL as environmental temperature dropped from 38 to 4 degrees C, although the different extent in different tissues. These results suggested that lipid characteristics of P. przewalskii tissues examined were influenced by ambient temperature.  相似文献   

African mole-rats (family: Bathyergidae) are strictly subterranean mammals that reside in extensive networks of underground tunnels. They are rarely, if ever, exposed to light and experience muted temperature ranges. Despite these constant conditions, the presence of a functional circadian clock capable of entraining to external light cues has been reported for a number of species. In this study, we examine a social mole-rat species, Cryptomys hottentotus mahali, to determine if it possesses a functional circadian clock that is capable of perceiving light and ambient temperature cycles, and can integrate these cues into circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and core body temperature. Eight male and eight female, non-reproductive individuals were subjected to six cycles of varying light and temperature regimes. The majority of the individuals displayed daily rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature that are synchronised to the external light and temperature cycles. Furthermore, endogenous rhythms of both locomotor activity and core body temperature were displayed under constant conditions. Thus, we can conclude that C. h. mahali possesses a functional circadian clock that can integrate external light and temperature cues into circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and core-body temperature.  相似文献   

Renal responses to reducing dietary nitrogen were studied in four ewes during intravenous infusion of arginine vasopressin. The fall in urea excretion and in plasma urea concentration was accompanied by significant reduction in GFR and in urine osmolality. The fraction of filtered urea reabsorbed increased despite reduction in the urea U/P concentration ratio and this increase was sustained when the urea U/P ratio was further reduced at higher urine flows observed when the drinking water was replaced with saline. This procedure also sustained the RPF which in the absence of additional salt was significantly reduced on the low protein diet. It is suggested that the fall in GFR and the increase in the fraction of filtered urea reabsorbsed may contribute to nitrogen economy and that the increase in fractional reabsorption and the reduction in urine osmolality on the low protein diet provided evidence of active reabsorption of urea by renal tubules.  相似文献   

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