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Exploring the elite al eles and germplasm acces-sions related to fiber quality traits wil accelerate the breeding of cotton for fiber quality improvement. In this study, 99 Gossypium hirsutum L. accessions with diverse origins were used to perform association analysis of fiber quality traits using 97 polymorphic microsatel ite marker primer pairs. A total of 107 significant marker-trait associations were detected for three fiber quality traits under three different environments, with 70 detected in two or three environments and 37 detected in only one environment. Among the 70 significant marker-trait associations, 52.86% were reported previously, implying that these are stable loci for target traits. Furthermore, we detected a large number of elite al eles associated simulta-neously with two or three traits. These elite al eles were mainly from accessions col ected in China, introduced to China from the United States, or rare al eles with a frequency of less than 5%. No one cultivar contained more than half of the elite al eles, but 10 accessions were col ected from China and the two introduced from the United States did contain more than half of these al eles. Therefore, there is great potential for mining elite al eles from germplasm accessions for use in fiber quality improvement in modern cotton breeding.  相似文献   

Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is responsible for a rate-limiting step in the synthesis of essential branched-chain amino acids. Resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides, such as trifloxysulfuron sodium (Envoke®), can be due to mutations in the target gene itself. Alternatively, plants may exhibit herbicide tolerance through reduced uptake and translocation or increased metabolism of the herbicide. The diverse family of cytochrome P450 proteins has been suggested to be a source of novel herbicide metabolism in both weed and crop plants. In this study we generated a mapping population between resistant and susceptible cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars. We found that both cultivars possess identical and sensitive ALS sequences; however, the segregation of resistance in the F2 progeny was consistent with a single dominant gene. Here we report the closely linked genetic markers and approximate physical location on chromosome 20 of the source of Envoke herbicide susceptibility in the cotton cultivar Paymaster HS26. There are no P450 proteins in the corresponding region of the G. raimondii Ulbr. genome, suggesting that an uncharacterized molecular mechanism is responsible for Envoke herbicide tolerance in G. hirsutum. Identification of this genetic mechanism will provide new opportunities for exploiting sulfonylurea herbicides for management of both weeds and crop plants.  相似文献   

Polyamines (mainly putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine (Spin)) have been widely found in a range of physiological processes and in almost all diverse environ- mental stresses. In various plant species, abiotic stresses modulated the accumulation of polyamines and related gene expression. Studies using loss-of-function mutants and transgenic overexpression plants modulating polyamine metabolic pathways confirmed protective roles of polyamines during plant abiotic stress responses, and indicated the possibility to improve plant tolerance through genetic manipulation of the polyamine pathway. Additionally, puta- tive mechanisms of polyamines involved in plant abiotic stress tolerance were thoroughly discussed and crosstalks among polyamine, abscisic acid, and nitric oxide in plant responses to abiotic stress were emphasized. Special attention was paid to the interaction between polyamine and reactive oxygen species, ion channels, amino acid and carbon metabolism, and other adaptive responses. Further studies are needed to elucidate the polyamine signaling pathway, especially polyamine-regulated downstream tar- gets and the connections between polyamines and other stress responsive molecules.  相似文献   

The extreme climate of the Canadian Prairies poses a major challenge to improve yield. Although it is possible to breed for yield per se, focusing on yield‐related traits could be advantageous because of their simpler genetic architecture. The Canadian flax core collection of 390 accessions was genotyped with 464 simple sequence repeat markers, and phenotypic data for nine agronomic traits including yield, bolls per area, 1,000 seed weight, seeds per boll, start of flowering, end of flowering, plant height, plant branching, and lodging collected from up to eight environments was used for association mapping. Based on a mixed model (principal component analysis (PCA) + kinship matrix (K)), 12 significant marker‐trait associations for six agronomic traits were identified. Most of the associations were stable across environments as revealed by multivariate analyses. Statistical simulation for five markers associated with 1000 seed weight indicated that the favorable alleles have additive effects. None of the modern cultivars carried the five favorable alleles and the maximum number of four observed in any accessions was mostly in breeding lines. Our results confirmed the complex genetic architecture of yield‐related traits and the inherent difficulties associated with their identification while illustrating the potential for improvement through marker‐assisted selection.  相似文献   

To facilitate marker assisted selection, there is an urgent need to construct a saturated genetic map of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Four types of markers including SSR, SRAP, morphological marker, and intron targeted intron–exon splice junction (IT-ISJ) marker were used to construct a linkage map with 270 F2:7 recombinant inbred lines derived from an upland cotton cross (T586 × Yumian 1). A total of 7,508 SSR, 740 IT-ISJ and 384 SRAP primer pairs/combinations were used to screen for polymorphism between the two mapping parents, and the average polymorphisms of three types of molecular markers represented 6.8, 6.6 and 7.0%, respectively. The polymorphic primer pairs/combinations and morphological markers were used to genotype 270 recombinant inbred lines, and a map including 604 loci (509 SSR, 58 IT-ISJ, 29 SRAP and 8 morphological loci) and 60 linkage groups was constructed. The map spanned 3,140.9 cM with an average interval of 5.2 cM between two markers, approximately accounting for 70.6% of the cotton genome. Fifty-four of 60 linkage groups were ordered into 26 chromosomes. Multiple QTL mapping was used to identify QTL for fiber quality traits in five environments, and thirteen QTL were detected. These QTL included four for fiber length (FL), two for fiber strength (FS), two for fiber fineness (FF), three for fiber length uniformity (FU), and two for fiber elongation (FE), respectively. Each QTL explained between 7.4 and 43.1% of phenotypic variance. Five out of thirteen QTL (FL1 and FU1 on chromosome 6, FL2, FU2 and FF1 on chromosome7) were detected in five environments, and they explained more than 20% of the phenotypic variance. Eleven QTL were distributed on A genome, while the other two on D genome.  相似文献   



Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) accounts for about 95% of world cotton production. Improving Upland cotton cultivars has been the focus of world-wide cotton breeding programs. Negative correlation between yield and fiber quality is an obstacle for cotton improvement. Random-mating provides a potential methodology to break this correlation. The suite of fiber quality traits that affect the yarn quality includes the length, strength, maturity, fineness, elongation, uniformity and color. Identification of stable fiber quantitative trait loci (QTL) in Upland cotton is essential in order to improve cotton cultivars with superior quality using marker-assisted selection (MAS) strategy.


Using 11 diverse Upland cotton cultivars as parents, a random-mated recombinant inbred (RI) population consisting of 550 RI lines was developed after 6 cycles of random-mating and 6 generations of self-pollination. The 550 RILs were planted in triplicates for two years in Mississippi State, MS, USA to obtain fiber quality data. After screening 15538 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, 2132 were polymorphic among the 11 parents. One thousand five hundred eighty-two markers covering 83% of cotton genome were used to genotype 275 RILs (Set 1). The marker-trait associations were analyzed using the software program TASSEL. At p < 0.01, 131 fiber QTLs and 37 QTL clusters were identified. These QTLs were responsible for the combined phenotypic variance ranging from 62.3% for short fiber content to 82.8% for elongation. The other 275 RILs (Set 2) were analyzed using a subset of 270 SSR markers, and the QTLs were confirmed. Two major QTL clusters were observed on chromosomes 7 and 16. Comparison of these 131 QTLs with the previously published QTLs indicated that 77 were identified before, and 54 appeared novel.


The 11 parents used in this study represent a diverse genetic pool of the US cultivated cotton, and 10 of them were elite commercial cultivars. The fiber QTLs, especially QTL clusters reported herein can be readily implemented in a cotton breeding program to improve fiber quality via MAS strategy. The consensus QTL regions warrant further investigation to better understand the genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying fiber development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-397) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

矮秆陆地棉品种陆矮1号的生长发育特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以矮秆陆地棉品种陆矮1号为材料,以株高正常品系97004H和陆地棉遗传标准系TM-1为对照,通过田间试验,比较研究了不同品种的生长发育规律。结果表明:陆矮1号苗期形态与对照品种无显著差异,随着生育进程株高差异逐渐增大,现蕾后主茎日增长量极显著低于对照品种,日增长高峰与对照品种一致,但高峰期的日增长量则不到对照品种的一半,盛花期以后主茎基本停止生长;最终株高只有对照品种的1/2左右。单株果枝数及主茎伸长节间数显著少于97004H和TM-1,每果枝的果节数及果枝长度与对照相比有极显著差异,主茎第12节以下节间长度与对照品种无显著差异,上部节间显著短于对照品种。株高差异主要发生在盛蕾期以后,由中上部节间缩短引起。陆矮1号生育期较短,结铃部位和成铃时间集中。  相似文献   

An RFLP linkage map of Upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
 Ninety-six F2.F3 bulked sampled plots of Upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., from the cross of HS46×MARCABUCAG8US-1-88, were analyzed with 129 probe/enzyme combinations resulting in 138 RFLP loci. Of the 84 loci that segregated as co-dominant, 76 of these fit a normal 1 :  2 : 1 ratio (non-significant chi square at P=0.05). Of the 54 loci that segregated as dominant genotypes, 50 of these fit a normal 3: 1 ratio (non-significant chi square at P=0.05). These 138 loci were analyzed with the MAPMAKER∖ EXP program to determine linkage relationships among them. There were 120 loci arranged into 31 linkage groups. These covered 865 cM, or an estimated 18.6% of the cotton genome. The linkage groups ranged from two to ten loci each and ranged in size from 0.5 to 107 cM. Eighteen loci were not linked. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1998  相似文献   

To investigate the response of key enzymes to nitrogen (N) rates in cotton fiber and its relationship with fiber strength, experiments were conducted in 2005 and 2006 with cotton cultivars in Nanjing. Three N rates 0, 240 and 480 kgN/hm2, signifying optimum and excessive nitrogen application levels were applied.The activities and the gene expressions of the key enzymes were affected by N, and the characteristics of cellulose accumulation and fiber strength changed as the N rate varied. Beta-1,3-glucanase activity in cotton fiber declined from 9 DPA till boll opening, and the beta-1, 3-glucanase coding gene expression also followed a unimodal curve in 12—24 DPA. In 240 kgN/hm2 condition, the characteristics of enzyme activity and gene expression manner for sucrose synthase and beta-1,3-glucanase in developing cotton fiber were more favorable for forming a longer and more steady cellulose accumulation process, and for high strength fiber development.  相似文献   

D. A. Graves  J. M. Stewart 《Planta》1988,175(2):254-258
Cotton fibers are single elongated cells that develop from epidermal cells of the ovule. The chronology of fiber differentiation was investigated using cultured ovules. Epidermal cells differentiate into fiber cells approx. 3 d before anthesis. When ovules were cultured on a defined medium, fiber growth could be initiated on ovules any time between 2 d preanthesis and the time of anthesis by adding indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellic acid to the medium. In the absence of phytohormones, fibers did not grow, and when ovules between 2 d preanthesis and anthesis were cultured without hormones past the day of anthesis and hormones then added, most ovules failed to produce fibers. The results define the timing of fiber differentiation from epidermal cells, and also define a window of time when differentiated cells are capable of further development. During this window, fiber cells are latent awaiting appropriate stimulation which in the intact plant is apparently associated with anthesis.Abbreviations GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Genetic diversity amongst 91 upland cotton accessions (50 maintainer, ‘B’ and 41 restorer ‘R’ lines) and three wild species viz., G. aridum, G. thurberi and G. anomalum was analyzed using SSR and RAPD markers. A total of 53 primers (30 SSR and 23 RAPD) were sampled for screening 94 accessions, of which 26 SSR and 17 RAPD primers were polymorphic. Average polymorphism detected by SSR, RAPD and SSR + RAPD markers was 72.5, 62 and 66.66 per cent, respectively. A unique marker CIR-200260 that distinguishes G. thurberi from all upland accessions has been identified. Similarity coefficient values within and between B and R lines ranged from 0.65–0.95, 0.61–0.98 and 0.53–0.93 for SSR and 0.72–0.98, 0.73–0.97 and 0.69–0.98 for RAPD markers. UPGMA cluster analysis was consistent with the pedigree and genotypic background of the accessions. RAPD and SSR matrices showed significant positive product moment correlation (r?=?0.93 and 0.92) with the RAPD + SSR combined data matrix, respectively. The result indicates a moderate level of genetic diversity in B and R accessions of upland cotton. Genetically diverse combinations were identified to further evaluate heterotic performance. The maintainer, AKH-108, AKH-118 and AKH-2173; and restorer AKH-31 and AKH 4943 accession were identified as most distinct and divergent, could be used as candidate parental genotypes in hybrid and varietal development programme and also development of mapping population for trait mapping in cotton.  相似文献   

选用纤维比强度形成存在温度敏感性差异的两个棉花品种(科棉1号:温度弱敏感型品种,苏棉15:温度敏感型品种)为材料,于2006—2007年在江苏南京设置大田分期播种试验,使棉纤维发育处于不同的温度条件,研究低温对棉纤维发育相关酶(蔗糖酶、蔗糖合成酶、磷酸蔗糖合成酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶)活性及相应基因表达的影响.结果表明:由晚播造成的低温(棉纤维发育期日均最低温分别为21.1、20.5和18.1 ℃)影响了纤维发育相关酶的活性变化,从而影响了棉纤维素累积和纤维比强度的形成.低温提高了纤维中蔗糖酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的活性,降低了蔗糖合成酶和磷酸蔗糖合成酶的活性.低温使Expansin、蔗糖合成酶基因的高表达时间延长,β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因的表达峰值出现时间延迟,且表达量降低.两个棉花品种的纤维素合成相关酶对低温的响应存在差异,温度敏感型品种(苏棉15)的酶活性的变化幅度明显高于温度弱敏感型品种(科棉1号), 可能是导致不同棉花品种纤维比强度形成存在温度敏感性差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

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