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本实验采用一种非放射性物质——碱性磷酸酶标记乙肝病毒HBV DNA制备分子探针。碱性磷酸酶在苯醌作用下与单链DNA联结,形成DNA和酶的共价复合物,即酶标探针。此探针通过分子杂交与待测DNA结合,与酶的底物作用显色,几小时内可观察结果,其最低检测量约为10pg。用此探针检测乙肝病人血清中的HBV DNA,与~(32)P标记的探针比较,酶标探针可检测出~(32)P标记探针检出率的95.7%。结果表明,所合成的酶标探针具有准确、简便、快速、安全而经济的优点,具有应用前景。  相似文献   

 用辣根过氧化物酶标记DNA的技术,制备了酶标基因探针。研究了酶标过程和产物的电泳行为;用斑点杂交和southern印迹杂交探测了单链、双链DNA,灵敏度可达pg水平,以此酶标的Y染色体特异的DNA片段作探针,进行了DNA杂交的性别分析,证明该探针能清楚地区别两性基因组DNA,这对基因的研究和诊断有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

启动子是基因表达调控的重要顺式元件,也是基因工程表达载体的一个重要元件。一个无启动子的带有UidA基因的质粒pPLGUS通过基因枪转化进tritordeum材料中,对转基因材料的多种不同组织进行了X-gluc显色来检测不同组织中的GUS活性,有一个株系的花药组织特异性启动子已被证明成功捕获,并通过PCR方法将其分离。提取叶片的总DNA作模板,上游使用水稻花药启动子分离的引物P1,以UidA基因的部分序列为下游引物P2,PCR扩增UidA基因的上游旁侧序列。已经获得一条长667 bp的目的片断,含有部分UidA基因的序列和一段UidA基因的上游旁侧序列,该序列中具有植物启动子的一些必备元件,初步断定它是一段花药组织特异性启动子序列。  相似文献   

水稻花粉组织特异性启动子捕获实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织特异性启动子是细胞分化、基因特异性表达、基因工程研究及实际应用中的重要工具。一个由带有U/dA基因而无启动子的pPLGUS改造成的质粒通过基因枪转化进水稻材料中,对转基因材料的多种不同组织进行了X—gluc显色检测GUS活性。对获得的15个独立转化株后代进行筛选,初步观察到其中多株GUS阳性。通过连续三代遗传分析,证明至少3株水稻花粉组织特异性启动子被成功捕获,为进一步研究应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在过去几十年来,世界上用分子水平分析的方法来研究人的基因失调已有许多报告,增加了很多新的知识,这些知识是由于生化的重组基因技术而来,用在单独的分析特异的基因、基因产物以及核酸结构分析编码,基因表达的规律,从而用以检测某些疾病,例如早期妊娠时测定血清或羊水中的基因紊乱,可以及时治疗或预防。  相似文献   

本文通过调整发光剂,氧化剂,发光增强剂的浓度,并加入一组辅助剂,改进了依赖过氧化物酶化学发光液的配方。并通过比较实验证明:该发光液的检测灵敏度高于其它原有的发光液,同时还发现合成后的酶标复合物可经CM-32离子交换柱阶段洗脱纯化,以提高杂交灵敏度。从而建立了一套直接酶标DNA探针-化学发光自显影分子杂交体系。其狭缝杂交灵敏度可达0.03pg。并利用该体系进行了单拷贝基因分析,Western印迹杂交  相似文献   

利用组织特异性分子标志物启动子调控Cre重组酶,研制了6种在不同组织中特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠.这些转基因小鼠的基因型鉴定均使用设计在Cre基因编码区的通用引物.为了特异性检测胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠,在大鼠胰岛素RIP启动子上和Cre基因上设计1对引物进行PCR扩增,并通过凝胶电泳进行分析.PCR结果显示,设计在Cre基因上的通用引物可以从6种不同组织特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠基因组DNA中扩增获得480 bp产物;利用本研究设计的特异性引物可以从胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠基因组DNA中扩增200 bp的目的条带.这一结果表明,利用特异性引物进行PCR反应,可有效地将胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠与其他多种组织的Cm重组酶转基因小鼠鉴别开来.  相似文献   

荧光酶标免疫分析在食品微生物检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
荧光酶标免疫分析是一种新型的快速检测微生物的方法,具有方便、快速、灵敏、准确等优点,已越来越多地被用于进出口食品中致病菌的检测。本文介绍了荧光酶标免疫分析法的原理、特点以及在食品微生物检测中的应用和未来发展方向。  相似文献   

周政 《生命科学》2009,(3):461-466
传统的核酸分析中常采用放射性元素、荧光色素以及酶标记等基因探针,这些探针都存在着一些不足之处。近年来,纳米金探针作为一种新型的基因探针,己引起了广泛的关注。该探针具有优良的光谱特征和光化学稳定性,对核酸的非特异吸附性小,与核酸等生物大分子结合后不改变生物分子的活性。将纳米金探针用于基因检测,具有操作简便、快速、安全、实验成本低等优点。本文就纳米金探针的发展过程、纳米金探针的制备、检测原理及其在基因分析中的应用等几个方面作了系统而全面地概述,同时介绍了纳米金探针的最新研究进展,并对其发展前景作了简要评述。  相似文献   

HRCA技术在转基因植物检测中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
超分支滚环扩增技术(Hyperbranched rolling cycle amplification, HRCA)在近几年中逐渐引起人们的注意,并越来越多的用于基础研究和实际检测中。在本文中我们对该技术在转基因植物检测中的应用情况作了较全面的探索;根据4种转基因植物中常用的外源基因或DNA片段设计了4条锁式探针(Padlock probe),利用质粒pKK2328中的一段序列作为锁式探针中的共同连接部分,并根据该共同的连接部分序列设计一对通用的HRCA引物;利用同位素标记的锁式探针对HRCA反应中的连接一步的特异性研究表明,只有当锁式探针和相应的检测靶DNA同时存在于连接体系中时,锁式探针才能被有效地进行连接,从线性分子变为环型分子,在没有相应靶DNA存在时锁式探针仅以线性形式存在;连接时间的研究表明,如果所检测的靶DNA是质粒或较短的DNA片段时,较短的连接时间(5~10min)就可以取得理想的最终检测效果,如果检测的靶DNA是复杂的植物基因组DNA时,连接时间需要较大程度的延长(30~60min)才能取得理想的最终检测结果;HRCA的反应时间研究表明,较长的反应时间可以明显增加最终产物的量;对Bst DNA聚合酶大片段酶用量的研究表明,在其它条件不变的情况下酶的用量可以在较大的范围内变化(0.5u~4u)而不影响最终检测结果;在上述研究的基础上,对转基因烟草进行实际检测,取得了与预期一致的理想结果。为了提高检测效率,仿效复合式PCR(Multiplex PCR,MPCR)的原理采用复合式HRCA(Multiplex HRCA, MHRCA)方法对转基因烟草进行检测,并利用反向点杂交进行结果分析,取得同预期完全一致的结果。我们的研究表明HRCA方法完全可以用于转基因植物的检测,而且其使用比MPCR技术更方便,效率更高。  相似文献   

高等植物启动子的研究进展   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
启动子是基因表达调控的重要顺式元件,综述了高等植物启动子的构成,包括转录起始位点、TATA框和上游启动子元件。并着重从组成型、组织特异型和诱导型启动子3个方面介绍了其结构特征、功能,以及它们在植物基因工程中的应用和研究进展,简述了双向启动子、可变启动子和串联启动子的研究情况,提出植物启动子研究中存在的问题与展望。  相似文献   

The tissue-specific expression of transgenes is essential in plant breeding programmes to avoid the fitness costs caused by constitutive expression of a target gene. However, knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of tissue-specific gene expression and practicable tissue-specific promoters is limited. In this study, we identified the cis -acting elements of a tissue-specific promoter from rice, PD54O , and tested the application of original and modified PD54O and its cis -elements in the regulation of gene expression. PD54O is a green tissue-specific promoter. Five novel tissue-specific cis -elements (LPSE1, LPSE2, LPSRE1, LPSRE2, PSE1) were characterized from PD54O . LPSE1 activated gene expression in leaf and young panicle. LPSRE2 suppressed gene expression in leaf, root, young panicle and stem, and PSE1 suppressed gene expression in young panicle and stem. LPSRE1 and LPSE2 had dual roles in the regulation of tissue-specific gene expression; both functioned as activators in leaf, but LPSRE1 acted as a repressor in stem and LPSE2 as a repressor in young panicle and root. Transgenic rice plants carrying cry1Ac encoding Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin, regulated by PD54O , were resistant to leaf-folders, with no Cry1Ac protein found in endosperm or embryo. A reporter gene regulated by a series of truncated PD54O showed various tissue-specific expression patterns. Different fragments of PD54O fused with the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter suppressed 35S -regulated gene expression in various tissues. PD54O , truncated PD54O and the tissue-specific cis -elements provide useful tools for the regulation of tissue-specific gene expression in rice breeding programmes.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation, cloning and expression of a 2.8 kb promoter fragment of the Blec4 gene from pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska) and demonstrate that it is capable of directing the expression of the -glucuronidase coding region to the developing epidermal tissue of vegetative and floral shoot apices of transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. RegenSY). The Blec4 promoter represents a useful tool with which to target the expression of foreign genes to the epidermal layer of actively growing shoots. The activity of the Blec4 promoter in the epidermis of the shoot apex makes it particularly suitable for genetically engineering defense against insects and diseases that attack the growing shoot apex.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) can produce attaching and effacing (AE) lesions on intestinal epithelium in vitro and in vivo. A gene necessary to cause the AE lesion has been identified and designated Escherichia coli attaching and effacing A (eaeA) gene. In this study, an alkaline phosphatase (ALP)-conjugated oligonucleotide probe for the eaeA gene was developed and used to detect the eaeA gene among 163 strains of classical EPEC and 25 strains of EHEC O157. The prevalence rates of eaeA gene in the strains of classical EPEC and EHEC O157 were 51.5 and 100%, respectively. The eaeA-positive rate (60.0%) in strains of class I EPEC serogroups (O26, O55, O86, O111, O119, O125, O126, O127, O128ab, and O142) was significantly higher than that (22.9%) in strains of the class II EPEC serogroups (O18, O44, O114) (P<0.01). A total of 109 eaeA-positive classical EPEC and EHEC O157 were positive for fluorescent actin staining (FAS) assay, whereas 79 eaeA-negative classical EPEC were negative. Both the sensitivity and specificity of the eaeA probe versus the FAS assay positivity were 100%. Thus, use of the ALP-conjugated oligonucleotide probe for the eaeA gene would be specific and reliable in identifying the adherence capability of EPEC and EHEC.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana carries three functional copies of the chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (cab) gene which code for an identical mature protein. DNA sequence comparison of all three cab promoters indicated that cab2 and cab3 are more closely related compared to cab1. Although the highest degree of homology was found between the TATA box and -256 of cab3 promoter, suggesting that this region plays a major role in promoter function, this promoter regions are only 47% homologous. To study whether these promoters are regulated by identical cis-acting regulatory elements, the promoters were mutated by progressive deletions and the effects on the promoter activity were measured in either transformed plants or cultured cells. It was found that the minimum sequence necessary for the light-dependent tissue-specific promoter activity of the cab3 is the 89 bp DNA fragment (between -74 and -164) at the region of the TATA and the CCAAT boxes. However, an additional 45 bp DNA fragment (between -164 and -209) upstream of the CCAAT box was necessary for the full promoter activity in the leaves. The regulatory element in the 45 bp region appears to be a positive regulator or enhancer which is specific to photosynthetic cells, since the region did not enhance the promoter activity in cultured cells. This region contains an octamer, TGCCACGT (cab2) or TGCCACAT (cab3), which is similar to the previously identified element, TGACACGT from Arabidopsis cab1 promoter. The upstream regions of the cab promoters appear to contain additional elements which are functionally distinct in each promoter since the upstream region of cab1 activated a non-functional nos promoter whereas that of cab3 did not.  相似文献   

本实验旨在研究水稻光合作用蛋白中各基因的表达模式. 采用RT-PCR和定量real-time PCR数据分析水稻不同组织的mRNA表达水平.结果显示,PsaK和PsbR3基因仅在茎、叶等绿色组织表达,而胚、胚乳部分均不表达.通过其启动子克隆、植物表达载体构建,以及农杆菌介导转化后,GUS组织染化分析和GUS荧光定量分析表明,两启动子均为组织特异性优势表达,PsbR3启动报告酶GUS在叶片中的表达活性为Actin启动子的3.29倍,而PsaK启动报告酶GUS在叶片中的表达活性低于Actin启动子的.这些初步结果提示,PsbR3启动子决定水稻绿色组织茎叶的优势表达,PsbR3基因可能参与水稻光合作用.  相似文献   

制备了人IL-6受体cDNA 1.7 kb片段及其胞外区近膜侧区段0.5kb片段,分别用生物素标记制备了人IL-6受体基因探针,用斑点杂交分析了探针的灵敏度和特异性,并将探针用于四种白血病细胞系的原位杂交。结果表明,探针的灵敏度可达15~125pg/μl、特异性较好,所检测的四种细胞的IL-6受体mRNA表达水平与其细胞膜表面IL-6受体表达水平相一致。  相似文献   

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