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Book reviewed in this article: Alcock , J. (1971): Interspecific differences in Avian feeding behavior and the evolution of Batesian mimikry Murton , R. K. (1971): The significance of a specific search image in the feeding behaviour of the Wood Pigeon Peeke , Harman V. S., Michael J. Herz und James E. Gallagher Free , J. P. (1971): Stimuli eliciting mating behaviour of Bumblebee Sayler , Anne, und Michael Salmon (1971): An ethological analysis of communal nursing by the House Mouse Banerjee , U. (1971): An inquiry into the genesis of aggression in Mice induced by isolation Narayanan , C. H., M. W. Fox und V. Hamburger White , R. E. C. (1971): Wrats: a computer compatible system for automatically recording and transcribing behavioural data Dawkins , R. (1971): A cheap method of recording behavioural events for direct computer access Snyder , Noel F. R. und Helen A. (1971): Defences of the Florida Apple Snail Vessey , Stephen H. (1971): Free-ranging Rhesus Monkeys: behavioural effects of removal Wootton , R. J. (1971): Measures of the aggression of parental male three-spined Sticklebacks Grant , P. R. (1971): Interactive behaviour of Puffins Gehlbach , Frederick R., Julian F. Watkins II and James C. Kroll (1971): Pheromone trail-following studies of typhlopid Espmark , Yngve (1971): Individual recognition by voice in Reindeer mother-young relationship Plutchik , Robert (1971): Individual and breed differences in approach and withdrawal in dogs Russell , Eleanor M., und G. A. Pearce (1971): Exploration of novel objects by Marsupials Orr , Robert T. (1970): Animals in migration (Tierwanderungen) Horwich , Robert H. (1971): The ontogeny of social behavior in the Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Schöne , H., und H. A. Udo de Haes (1971): Space orientation in humans with special reference to the interaction of vestibular Gardner , Beatrice T. und R. Allen (1971): Two-way communication with an infant Chimpanzee Bondy , Stephen C., und Frank L. Margolis (1971): Sensory deprivation and brain development, the avian visual system as a model  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Alexander , B. K., und E. M. Roth (1971): The effects of acute crowding on aggressive behavior of Japanese Monkeys Brown , Jerram L. (1971): An exploratory study of vocalization areas in the brain of the Red winged Blackbird Hogan , Jerry A. (1971): The development of a hunger system in young chicks Castell , Rolf, und Carolyn Wilson (1971): Influence of spatial environment on development of mother-infant interaction in Pigtail Monkeys Yadava , R. P. S., und M. V. Smith (1971): Aggressive behaviour of Apis mellifera L. workers towards introduced queens Kovach , Joseph K. (1971): Ethology in the Soviet Union Wiepkema , P. R. (1971): Positive feedbacks at work during feeding Hafez , Mahmud, H. S. Salama und R. A. Tolba (1971): Reactions of the corn borer Schmidt , Robert S. (1971): A model of the central mechanisms of male Anuran acoustic behavior Davenport , R. K. und G. M. Rogers (1971): Perception of fotografs by apes ed. Carthy , J. D., und G. E. Newell (1968): Invertebrate receptors Rensch , Bernhard (1971): Probleme der Gedächtnisspuren Tinbergen , N. (1971): Clever gulls and dumb ethologists — or: the trackers tracked De Lannoy , J., und M. Wielerrians (1969): Le schéma du jeune congénère Gray , Annie P. (1971): Mammalian hybrids, a check-list with bibliography  相似文献   

Einarsson  S.  Soosalu  O.  Swensson  T.  Viring  S. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1972,13(3):446-448
Satisfactory conception rates of deep frozen boar spermatozoa were obtained, with insemination by way of the cervix, after thawing the deep frozen spermatozoa in boar seminal plasma, both in preliminary trials (Crabo & Einarsson 1971, Crabo et al. 1972 b) and in a large field trial (Einarsson et al. 1972). Fertility with pellet frozen boar spermatozoa, thawed without dilution, was reported by Graham et al. (1971 a, b) and Pursel & Johnson (1971).  相似文献   

We reviewed the 56 maternal deaths in British Columbia in 1971-78 and 1979-86 identified through the provincial Ministry of Health and compared the findings with data for the two preceding 8-year periods. The maternal death rate, defined as the number of deaths directly or indirectly related to pregnancy or delivery per 100,000 live births, decreased from 42 in 1955-62 to 5 in 1979-86. In the same interval the number of direct obstetric deaths decreased from 100 to 10 and the number of indirect deaths from 29 to 8. The number of deaths due to abortion decreased from 32 to 1. There was no change in the number of deaths among North American Indians. There was also no change in the number of deaths due to hypertension, most of which were avoidable; these findings have stimulated intensive teaching efforts to increase recognition and improve management of the problem. Review of maternal deaths can help identify deficiencies in the quality of care and can direct measures aimed at further reducing the maternal death rate.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Eisenberg , John F., Georg M. McKay und M. R. Jainudeen (1971): Reproductive Behavior of the Asiatic Elefant Gervet , Jacques, und Daniel Beaubaton (1971): Interaction entre facteurs internes et externes dans le déroulement d'un acte instinctif Schubert , Michael (1971): Untersuchungen über die reaktionsauslösenden Signalstrukturen des Fitis-Gesanges Schubert , Gudrun (1971): Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die artkennzeichnenden Parameter im Gesang des Zilpzalps Paschke , Richard E., Victor H. Denenberg und M. X. Zarrow (1971): Mice reared with Rats: an interstrain comparison of mother and “aunt” effects Lindauer , M., und H. Martin (1970): Zur Orientierung der Honigbiene innerhalb und außerhalb des Stockes Abel , E. F. (1971): Zur Ethologie von Putzsymbiosen einheimischer Süßwasserfische im natürlichen Biotop Szabo , Thomas (1970): Elektrische Organe und Elektrorezeption bei Fischen Grzimeks Tierleben (1971): Band 5: Fische 2 und Lurche. ed. B. Grzimek und W. Ladiges. Kindler-Verlag Alcock , John (1970): Punishment levels in the response of Blackcapped Chickadees Bongiorno , Salvatore F. (1970): Nest-site selection by adult Laughing Gulls Dathe , Elisabeth und Heinrich (1970): Bäreneltern wider Willen Kraus , C., M. Gihr und G. Pilleri (1970): Das Verhalten von Cuniculus paca Holst , Erich von (1971): Zur Verhaltensphysiologie bei Tieren und Menschen Lindauer , M. (1970): Lernen und Gedächtnis – Versuche an der Honigbiene Leyhausen , Paul (1970): Selbstmißverständnis und Zukunft des Menschen, die Gesellschaft am Scheidewege Leyhausen , Paul (1970): Dauert der Friede schon zu lange? Hughes , G. R. (1970): Further studies on marine turtles in Tongaland  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Kriston , Irmgard (1971): Zum Problem des Lernverhaltens von Apis mellifica L. gegenüber verschiedenen Duftstoffen. Z. vgl. Physiol. 74 , 169–189. Lauer , Josta, und Martin Lindauer (1971): Genetisch fixierte Lerndispositionen bei der Honigbiene Hölldobler , B. 1) (1971): Sex pheromone in the Ant Xenomyrmex floridanus Rosengren , Rainer (1971): Route fidelity, visual memory, and recruitment behaviour in foraging wood ants of the genus Formica Rüppell , Georg, und Elfriede Gösswein (1972): Die Schwärme von Leucaspius delineatus Gerlach , Richard (1971): Die Geheimnisse der Amphibien und Reptilien ed. Immelmann , Klaus, Jürgen Nicolai , Joachim Steinbacher und Hans E. Wolters Isenmann , P., und E. P. Jouvcntin (1970): Eco-éthologie du Manchot empereur (Aptenodytes forsteri) et comparaison avec le Manchot Adélie Brosset , A. (1971): Recherches sur la Biologie des Pycnonotidés du Gabon Isenmann , P. (1970): Contribution á l'étude de la zone de velage du Phoque de Weddell Zippelius , H.-M. (1971): Soziale Hautpflege als Beschwichtigungsgebärde bei Säugetieren Lorenz , Konrad (1971): Knowledge, beliefs, and freedom (Wissen, Glauben und Freiheit) Charles-Dominique , P., und R. D. Martin (1972): Behaviour and Ecology of nocturnal Prosimians/Comportement et Ecologie des Prosimiens nocturnes Dijk , D. E. van (1971): Anuran ecology in relation particularly to oviposition and development out of water  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Krafft , B. (1971): Contribution á la biologie et á l'éthologie d'Agelena consociata Grzimeks Tierleben, Band 6 (1971): Kriechtiere. Herausgeber B. Grzimek, H. Hediger, K. Klemmer, O. Kuhn, H. Wermuth Peterson , R., Guy Mountfort und P. A. D. Hollom Dossenbach , Hans, und Emil M. Bührer (1971): Von Liebe und Ehe der Vögel Hoogerwerf , A. (1970): Udjung Kulon, the land of the last Javan Rhinoceros Davenport , R. K., und Charles M. Rogers (1970): Intermodal equivalence of stimuli in Apes Charles-Dominique , P. (1971):Éco-éthologie des Prosimiens du Gabon Gautier , J.-P. (1971): Étude morphologique et fonctionnelle des annexes extralaryngées des Cercopithecinae Jungius , H. (1971): The Vicuña in Bolivia: The status of an endangered species Kühnelt , Wilhelm (1970): Grundriß der Ökologie Köhler , Wolfgang (1971): Die Aufgabe der Gestaltpsychologie Lorenz , Konrad Z. (1971): Die acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit Sielmann , Heinz (1970): Lockende Wildnis. Ins Reich der Drachen und Zaubervögel Hass , Hans (1971): In unberührte Tiefen. Bezwingung der tropischen Meere Kirchshofer , R. (1964): Tiere im Haus. Hallwag-Verlag  相似文献   

Mass of protein in the asymmetric unit of hexon crystals--a new method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An accurate determination of the protein content of the asymmetric unit can be made conveniently by cross-linking protein crystals with glutaraldehyde then replacing the mother-liquor with pure water. This technique when applied to crystals of adenovirus hexons suggests that the molecular weight assignments of Cornick et al. (1971) were too small and those of Franklin et al. (1971a,b) too large. Density analysis of native hexon crystals by the method of Colman &; Matthews (1971) gives results which are in excellent agreement with those obtained by the method introduced here.  相似文献   

Summary The model equations suggested by Wyman (1966) to explain Wittenberg's (1966) experiments on oxygen diffusion facilitated by haemoglobin have been studied by various authors. Kreuzer and Hoofd (1970) use a semi-analytical and numerical approach; Kutchaiet al. (1970) use a purely numerical approach; and Murray (1971) solved the equations analytically. Although the results they obtain are in good agreement with experiment, Kreuzer and Hoofd (1970) and Kutchaiet al. (1970) on the one hand and Murray (1971) and Murray and Wyman (1971) on the other use fundamentally different boundary conditions. This paper reconsiders the problem and proves that these different boundary conditions are equivalent for practically all situations of biological interest. The conclusion is that the simple algebraic result of Murray (1971) suffices for most experimental situations. In the extreme situations where his procedure is not applicable, which are distinguished in the text, the numerical scheme of Kutchaiet al. (1970) is recommended.P. J. M. would like to thank the Science Research Council for their financial support.  相似文献   

Alternative proofs of some of KSHIRSAGAR's (1971) results on testing discriminant functions or canonical variables in the vector space of fixed variates are given. These results are derived in terms of the original variates unlike KSHIRSAGAR (1971) who derives the results by using random orthogonal transformations and triangular decompositions of the original matrix variates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the extent to which geographical variations in mortality from ischaemic heart disease and stroke in Britain are influenced by factors in early life or in adulthood. DESIGN--Longitudinal study of migrants. SUBJECTS--1% sample of residents in England and Wales born before October 1939 and enumerated at the 1971 census (the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys'' longitudinal study). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--18,221 deaths from ischaemic heart disease and 9899 deaths from stroke during 1971-88 were analysed by areas of residence in 1939 and 1971. These included 2928 deaths from ischaemic heart disease and 1608 deaths from stroke among individuals moving between 14 areas defined by the major conurbations and nine standard administrative regions of England and Wales. RESULTS--The southeast to northwest gradient in mortality from ischaemic heart disease was related significantly to both the 1939 area (chi 2 = 6.09, df = 1) and area in 1971 (chi 2 = 5.05, df = 1). Geographical variations in mortality from stroke were related significantly to the 1939 area (chi 2 = 4.09, df = 1) but the effect of area in 1971 was greater (chi 2 = 8.07, df = 1). The effect of 1971 area on mortality from stroke was largely due to a lower risk of death from stroke among individuals moving into Greater London compared with migrants to the rest of the South East region (chi 2 = 4.54, df = 1). CONCLUSIONS--Geographical variations in mortality from cardiovascular disease in Britain may be partly determined by genetic factors, environmental exposures, or lifestyle acquired early in life, but the risk of fatal ischaemic heart disease and stroke changes on migration between areas with differing mortality. The low risk of death from stroke associated with residence in Greater London is acquired by individuals who move there.  相似文献   

Data relating to the effect of intercalating drugs on the winding of the DNA helix is re-considered. Analyses by Paoletti &; Le Pecq (1971) of fluorescence depolarization, X-ray diffraction and molecular model building are reappraised. It is concluded that the helix is unwound by ~12 ° as proposed by Fuller &; Waring (1964). This refutes the recent suggestion by Paoletti &; Le Pecq (1971) that the intercalation winds the helix by ~13 °.  相似文献   

Summary Soluble organic matrices extracted from aragonitic skeletons produced by recent zooxanthellate and non-zooxanthellate scleractinian corals were studied after suitable hydrolyses, by HPLC chromatographies allowing characterization of their amino acid and monasaccharide compositions. Clear compositional differences can be correlated with the symbiotic or non-symbiotic character in both proteic (via Asp, Glu, Ala and Ser) and glucidic phases of soluble matrices (via GalN, GlcN and Gal), providing new criteria to assess the impact of photosynthetic metabolism on skeletal features of scleractinian corals.  相似文献   

The antigenic characteristics of enterovirus type 70 (EV 70) were investigated by means of cross and kinetic neutralization tests (NT). Twelve strains of EV 70 isolated in a period from 1971 to 1976 were analyzed using seven rabbit and one monkey hyper-immune sera. All the strains investigated were found to possess a common and prime variant antigens in varying proportions. Accordingly, EV 70 isolates were devided intratypically into three antigenic sub groups; (1) prototype-like (four strain from 1971 to 1972), (2) intermediate, G-10/72-like (two strains from 1972 to 1973), and (3) prime variant, G-2/74-like (six strains from 1974 to 1976) groups. Thus it was considered that EV 70 might represent a virus type with antigenic heterogeneity, and that antigenic drift from the prototype to the prime type may have occurred successively after 1971.  相似文献   

Im Gebiet der Stadt Brno, und zwar in Malomě?ice und Ob?any (Rangíergüterbahnhof) gefundene zwei wenig bekannte RuderalgesellschaftenChaenarrhino-Chenopodietum botryos Sukopp 1971 undPlantaginetum indicae Philippi 1971, wurden bearbeitet. Im beiderseitigen Vergleich entspricht die Struktur der angeführten Zönosen den vonSukopp (1971) aus West-Berlin undPhilippi (1971) von Karlsruhe veröffentlichten Assoziationsaufnahmen.  相似文献   

《Freshwater Biology》1972,2(3):285-287
Books Reviewed in this Article:
Graham, A. (1971) . British Prosobranch and Other Operculate Gastropod Molluscs .
Mills, D. (1971) . Salmon and Trout: A Resource, its Ecology, Conservation and Management .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Kramer , Peter (1970): Das Erkundungsverhalten und seine Beeinflußbarkeit durch Vorerfahrung bei der weißen Ratte Nielsen , Erik Tetens, und Hans Dreisig (1970): The behavior of stridulation in Orthoptera ensifera Zd'árek , Jan (1970): Mating behaviour in the Bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus L. Free , J. B. (1970): Effect of flower shapes and nectar guides on the behaviour of foraging Honeybees Free , J. B., und Ingrid H. Williams (1970): Exposure of the Nasonov gland by Honeybees Raveling , Dennis G. (1970): Dominance relationships and agonistic behavior of Canada Geese in winter Oortmerssen , G. A. van (1971): Biological significance, genetics and evolutionary origin of variability in behaviour within and between inbred strains of mice Coulon , J. (1971): Influence de l'isolement social sur le comportement du Cobaye Abu Gideiri , Y. B. (1971): The development of locomotory mechanisms in Bufo regularis Guthrie , R. D. (1971): A new theory of mammalian rump patch evolution Todt , Dietmar (1971): Zur gesanglichen Reaktion der Schmätzerdrossel Kovach , Joseph K. (1971): Effectiveness of different colors in the elicitation and development of approach behavior in Chicks Golani, I. , und H. Mendelssohn (1971): Sequences of precopulatory behavior of the Jackal Mayr , E. (1967): Artbegriff und Evolution. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Gerh. Heberer. Verlag Paul Parey Peters , Paul J. (1970): Orb web construction: Interaction of speder Núñez , Josué A. (1970): The relationship between sugar flow and foraging and recruiting behaviour of Honeybees Brian , M. V. (1970): Communication between queens and larvae in the Ant Neese , V. (1968): Zur optischen Orientierung der Augenmutante ?chartreuse” Gibson , R. N. (1970): The tidal rhythm of activity of Coryphoblennius galerita Oppenheimer , John R. (1970): Mouth breeding in fishes Le Resche , Robert E., und William J. L. Sladen (1970): Establishment of pair and breeding site bonds by young known-age Adelie Penguins Miselis , Richard, und Charles Walcott (1970): Locomotor activity rhythms in homing Pigeons Heymer , Armin (1970): Die Funktion der Kaudalstacheln bei Aeschna-Larven beim Beuterang und Aggressionsverhalten weber, I ., und C. Vogel (1970): Sozialverhalten in ein- und zweigeschlechtigen Langurengruppen  相似文献   

《Freshwater Biology》1972,2(2):177-179
Books Reviewed in this Article:
Hardisty, M. W. and Potter, I. C. (Eds) (1971) . The Biology of Lampreys.
Luther, H. and Rzoska, J. (Eds) (1971) . Project Aqua: a Source Book of Inland Waters Proposed for Conservation.  相似文献   

目的:建立佛波酯(PMA)诱导人中性粒细胞NETS形成的方法,并研究NETS的结构组成。方法:提取人中性粒细胞,使用10、30、90 n M的PMA分别刺激细胞2、3、4 h,采用核酸染料sytox green染色后,通过共聚焦显微镜检测和比较各组NETS的形成情况,并通过活性氧(ROS)探针对NETS进行荧光染色,对弹性蛋白酶(Elastase)、髓过氧化物酶(MPO)和组蛋白H3(Histone H3)进行免疫荧光染色。结果:PMA低于30 n M刺激细胞4 h都不会产生NETS,90 n M刺激3 h就会形成NETS,使用90 n M刺激中性粒细胞4 h后,其形成的NETS含量最高,显著高于30 n M刺激4 h及90 n M刺激3h(P0.05)。免疫荧光染色结果显示NETS结构上含有大量ROS和Elastase,含有少量MPO,几乎不含Histone H3。结论:90 n M PMA刺激中性粒细胞4 h可促进NETS形成,其含有大量ROS和Elastase。  相似文献   

《Freshwater Biology》1972,2(1):83-85
Ghose, T. K. and Fiechter, A. (Eds) (1971) . Advances in Biochemical Engineering I .
Brinkhurst, R. O. and Jamieson, B. G. M. (1971) . Aquatic Oligochaeta of the World .
Macan, T. T. (1970) . Biological Studies of the English Lakes .  相似文献   

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