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Sorting of the prohormone POMC to the regulated secretory pathway necessitates the binding of a sorting signal to a sorting receptor, identified as membrane carboxypeptidase E (CPE). The sorting signal, located at the N terminus of POMC consists of two acidic (Asp10, Glu14) and two hydrophobic (Leu11, Leu18) residues exposed on the surface of an amphipathic loop. In this study, molecular modeling of CPE predicted that the acidic residues in the POMC-sorting signal bind specifically to two basic residues, Arg255 and Lys260, present in a loop unique to CPE, compared with other carboxypeptidases. To test the model, these two residues on CPE were mutated to Ser or Ala, followed by baculovirus expression of the mutant CPEs in Sf9 cells. Sf9 cell membranes containing CPE mutants with either Arg255 or Lys260, or both residues substituted, showed no binding of [125I]N-POMC1-26 (which contains the POMC-sorting signal motif), proinsulin, or proenkephalin. In contrast, substitution of an Arg147 to Ala147 at a substrate-binding site, Arg259 to Ala259 and Ser202 to Pro202, in CPE did not affect the level of [125I]N-POMC1-26 binding when compared with-wild type CPE. Furthermore, mutation of the POMC-sorting signal motif (Asp10, Leu11, Glu14, Leu18) eliminated binding to wild-type CPE. These results indicate that the sorting signal of POMC, proinsulin, and proenkephalin specifically interacts with Arg255 and Lys260 at a novel binding site, independent of the active site on CPE.  相似文献   

Chromogranins are a family of regulated secretory proteins that are stored in secretory granules in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells and released in response to extracellular stimulation (regulated secretion). A conserved N-terminal disulfide bond is necessary for sorting of chromogranins in neuroendocrine PC12 cells. Surprisingly, this disulfide bond is not necessary for sorting of chromogranins in endocrine GH4C1 cells. To investigate the sorting mechanism in GH4C1 cells, we made several mutant forms removing highly conserved N- and C-terminal regions of bovine chromogranin A. Removing the conserved N-terminal disulfide bond and the conserved C-terminal dimerization and tetramerization domain did not affect the sorting of chromogranin A to the regulated secretory pathway. In contrast, removing the C-terminal 90 amino acids of chromogranin A caused rerouting to the constitutive secretory pathway and impaired aggregation properties as compared with wild-type chromogranin A. Since this mutant was sorted to the regulated secretory pathway in PC12 cells, these results demonstrate that chromogranins contain independent N- and C-terminal sorting domains that function in a cell type-specific manner. Moreover, this is the first evidence that low pH/calcium-induced aggregation is necessary for sorting of a chromogranin to the regulated secretory pathway of endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Membrane carboxypeptidase E (CPE) is a sorting receptor for targeting prohormones, such as pro-opiomelanocortin, to the regulated secretory pathway in endocrine cells. Its membrane association is necessary for it to bind a prohormone sorting signal at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to facilitate targeting. In this study, we examined the lipid interaction of CPE in bovine pituitary secretory granule membranes, which are derived from the TGN. We show that CPE is associated with detergent-resistant lipid domains, or rafts, within secretory granule membranes. Lipid analysis revealed that these rafts are enriched in glycosphingolipids and cholesterol. Pulse-chase and subcellular fractionation experiments in AtT-20 cells show that the association of CPE with membrane rafts occurred only after it reached the Golgi. Cholesterol depletion resulted in dissociation of CPE from secretory granule membranes and decreased the binding of prohormones to membranes. In vivo cholesterol depletion using lovastatin resulted in the lack of sorting of CPE and its cargo to the regulated secretory pathway. We propose that the sorting receptor function of CPE necessitates its interaction with glycosphingolipid-cholesterol rafts at the TGN, thereby anchoring it in position to bind to its prohormone cargo.  相似文献   

G R Bowman  A P Turkewitz 《Genetics》2001,159(4):1605-1616
The formation of dense core granules (DCGs) requires both the sorting of granule contents from other secretory proteins and a postsorting maturation process. The Tetrahymena thermophila strain SB281 fails to synthesize DCGs, and previous analysis suggested that the defect lay at or near the sorting step. Because this strain represents one of the very few mutants in this pathway, we have undertaken a more complete study of the phenotype. Genetic epistasis analysis places the defect upstream of those in two other characterized Tetrahymena mutants. Using immunofluorescent detection of granule content proteins, as well as GFP tagging, we describe a novel cytoplasmic compartment to which granule contents can be sorted in growing SB281 cells. Cell fusion experiments indicate that this compartment is not a biosynthetic intermediate in DCG synthesis. Sorting in SB281 is strongly conditional with respect to growth. When cells are starved, the storage compartment is degraded and de novo synthesized granule proteins are rapidly secreted. The mutation in SB281 therefore appears to affect DCG synthesis at the level of both sorting and maturation.  相似文献   

The portion of the mannose 6-phosphate receptor (nominal Mr 180000 under nonreducing conditions) protruding at the external side of the plasma membrane of fibroblasts and HepG2 cells is susceptible to trypsin. A series of membrane-bound fragments smaller in Mr by 20000-65000 is obtained after incubation of cells with trypsin. When membranes from fibroblasts and HepG2 cells are incubated with trypsin or Staphylococcus aureus proteinase, the receptor is degraded to a single membrane-bound product smaller in Mr by about 9000. In the presence of 0.1% Triton X-100 extensive degradation of the receptor by trypsin is observed. Furthermore, the receptor in isolated membranes is sensitive to carboxypeptidase Y, which causes a decrease in Mr by about 5000 and 9000 in the absence or presence of detergent, respectively. Mannose 6-phosphate receptor appears to be a transmembrane protein with multiple trypsin-sensitive sites within its larger external (luminal) and smaller C-terminal (cytosolic) portions of the molecule.  相似文献   

Assadi M  Sharpe JC  Snell C  Loh YP 《Biochemistry》2004,43(24):7798-7807
Prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) is a member of the subtilisin family of proteases involved in prohormone maturation in the granules of the regulated secretory pathway (RSP). It has been suggested that targeting of this enzyme to the RSP is dependent on its association with lipid rafts in membranes at the trans-Golgi network. Here, we investigate the orientation of PC2 in granule membranes and the role of the C-terminus in sorting of the enzyme to the RSP. Molecular modeling and circular dichroism showed that this domain of PC2 forms an alpha-helix and inserts into artificial membranes. Furthermore, we show that the C-terminus of PC2 can be biotinylated at the C-terminus in intact chromaffin granules, indicating that it is a transmembrane protein. To determine if the PC2 C-terminus is necessary for raft association and sorting, we transfected a chimera of CPEDelta15 (carboxypeptidase E without the last 15 residues) and the last 25 residues of PC2 (CPEDelta15-PC2), and a truncated PC2 mutant with the last 6 residues deleted (PC2Delta6) into Neuro2a cells. Whereas CPEDelta15 was not raft-associated or sorted to the RSP, addition of the 25 residues of PC2 C-terminus to CPEDelta15 restored raft association and localization to the RSP granules, as determined by immunocytochemistry. Deletion of the last 6 residues of PC2 eliminated lipid raft association and sorting of PC2Delta6 to the RSP. These results showed that the PC2 C-terminus confers raft association and is sufficient and necessary for sorting PC2 to the RSP.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which prohormone precursors are sorted to the regulated secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the presence of sorting signal(s) in proneurotensin/neuromedin N. The precursor sequence starts with a long N-terminal domain followed by a Lys-Arg-(neuromedin N)-Lys-Arg-(neurotensin)-Lys-Arg- sequence and a short C-terminal tail. An additional Arg-Arg dibasic is contained within the neurotensin sequence. Mutated precursors were expressed in endocrine insulinoma cells and analyzed for their regulated secretion. Deletion mutants revealed that the N-terminal domain and the Lys-Arg-(C-terminal tail) sequence were not critical for precursor sorting to secretory granules. In contrast, the Lys-Arg-(neuromedin N)-Lys-Arg-(neurotensin) sequence contained essential sorting information. Point mutation of all three dibasic sites within this sequence abolished regulated secretion. However, keeping intact any one of the three dibasic sequences was sufficient to maintain regulated secretion. Finally, fusing the dibasic-containing C-terminal domain of the precursor to the C terminus of beta-lactamase, a bacterial enzyme that is constitutively secreted when expressed in neuroendocrine cells, resulted in efficient sorting of the fusion protein to secretory granules in insulinoma cells. We conclude that dibasic motifs within the neuropeptide domain of proneurotensin/neuromedin N constitute a necessary and sufficient signal for sorting proteins to the regulated secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated decay accelerating factor (DAF) of human erythrocytes (Ehu) was analyzed for a C-terminal glycolipid anchoring structure. Automated amino acid analysis of DAF following reductive radiomethylation revealed ethanolamine and glucosamine residues in proportions identical with those present in the Ehu acetylcholinesterase (AChE) anchor. Cleavage of radiomethylated 70-kilodalton (kDa) DAF with papain released the labeled ethanolamine and glucosamine and generated 61- and 55-kDa DAF products that retained all labeled Lys and labeled N-terminal Asp. Incubation of intact Ehu with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC), which cleaves the anchors in trypanosome membrane form variant surface glycoproteins (mfVSGs) and murine thymocyte Thy-1 antigen, released 15% of the cell-associated DAF antigen. The released 67-kDa PI-PLC DAF derivative retained its ability to decay the classical C3 convertase C4b2a but was unable to membrane-incorporate and displayed physicochemical properties similar to urine DAF, a hydrophilic DAF form that can be isolated from urine. Nitrous acid deamination cleavage of Ehu DAF at glucosamine following labeling with the lipophilic photoreagent 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)diazirine ([125I]TID) released the [125I]TID label in a parallel fashion as from [125I]TID-labeled AChE. Biosynthetic labeling of HeLa cells with [3H]ethanolamine resulted in rapid 3H incorporation into both 48-kDa pro-DAF and 72-kDa mature epithelial cell DAF. Our findings indicate that DAF and AChE are anchored in Ehu by the same or a similar glycolipid structure and that, like VSGs, this structure is incorporated into DAF early in DAF biosynthesis prior to processing of pro-DAF in the Golgi.  相似文献   

Chromogranin B (CgB, secretogranin I) is a secretory granule matrix protein expressed in a wide variety of endocrine cells and neurons. Here we generated transgenic mice expressing CgB under the control of the human cytomegalovirus promoter. Northern and immunoblot analyses, in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry revealed that the exocrine pancreas was the tissue with the highest level of ectopic CgB expression. Upon subcellular fractionation of the exocrine pancreas, the distribution of CgB in the various fractions was indistinguishable from that of amylase, an endogenous constituent of zymogen granules. Immunogold electron microscopy of pancreatic acinar cells showed co-localization of CgB with zymogens in Golgi cisternae, condensing vacuoles/immature granules and mature zymogen granules; the ratio of immunoreactivity of CgB to zymogens being highest in condensing vacuoles/immature granules. CgB isolated from zymogen granules of the pancreas of the transgenic mice aggregated in a mildly acidic (pH 5.5) milieu in vitro, suggesting that low pH-induced aggregation contributed to the observed concentration of CgB in condensing vacuoles. Our results show that a neuroendocrine-regulated secretory protein can be sorted to exocrine secretory granules in vivo, and imply that a key feature of CgB sorting in the trans-Golgi network of neuroendocrine cells, i.e. its aggregation-mediated concentration in the course of immature secretory granule formation, also occurs in exocrine cells although secretory protein sorting in these cells is thought to occur largely in the course of secretory granule maturation.  相似文献   

Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM), an integral membrane protein essential for the biosynthesis of amidated peptides, was used to assess the role of cytosolic acidic clusters in trafficking to regulated secretory granules. Casein kinase II phosphorylates Ser(949) and Thr(946) of PAM, generating a short, cytosolic acidic cluster. P-CIP2, a protein kinase identified by its ability to interact with several juxtamembrane determinants in the PAM cytosolic domain, also phosphorylates Ser(949). Antibody specific for phospho-Ser(949)-PAM-CD demonstrates that a small fraction of the PAM-1 localized to the perinuclear region bears this modification. Pituitary cell lines expressing PAM-1 mutants that mimic (TS/DD) or prevent (TS/AA) phosphorylation at these sites were studied. PAM-1 TS/AA yields a lumenal monooxygenase domain that enters secretory granules inefficiently and is rapidly degraded. In contrast, PAM-1 TS/DD is routed to regulated secretory granules more efficiently than wild-type PAM-1 and monooxygenase release is more responsive to secretagogue. Furthermore, this acidic cluster affects exit of internalized PAM-antibody complexes from late endosomes; internalized PAM-1 TS/DD accumulates in a late endocytic compartment instead of the trans-Golgi network. The increased ability of solubilized PAM-1 TS/DD to aggregate at neutral pH may play an important role in its altered trafficking.  相似文献   

Although the functions of hormones and neuropeptides in the thymus have been extensively studied, we still do not know whether these intra-thymic humoral elements are released in a stimulated manner via the regulated secretory pathway or in a constitutive manner. Carboxypeptidase E (CpE) and chromogranin A (CgA) are functional and structural hallmarks of the regulated secretory pathway in (neuro)endocrine cells. Whereas we have previously shown a CgA-positive neuroendocrine population in the chicken thymus, the current study assesses the expression of CpE in the thymus, both at the mRNA and the protein level. Our immunohistochemical studies provide evidence for the co-existence of CgA and CpE in identical neuroendocrine cells in the thymus. CpE and CgA dual-positive cells have primarily been found in the transition zone between the cortex and medulla of the thymus, an area known to contain numerous arterioles and to be innervated by the autonomic nervous system. Our findings suggest that the diffuse neuroendocrine system serves as a relay for nervous stimuli delivered by the sympathetic and/or parasympathetic nervous system. Thus, these newly defined neuroendocrine cells might play an important role in the immuno-neuro-endocrine cross-talk in the thymus, potentially enabling thymopoiesis to be fine-tuned via the regulated secretory pathway by a variety of physical and environmental factors.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of a secretory protein and a transmembrane viral glycoprotein are compared by two different experimental approaches. (a) NH2-terminal sequence analysis has been performed on various forms of the transmembrane glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus synthesized in cell-free systems. The sequence data presented demonstrate that the nascent precursor of the glycoprotein contains a "signal sequence" of 16 amino acids at the NH2 terminus, whose sequence is Met-Lys-Cys-Leu-Leu-Tyr-Leu-Ala-Phe-Leu-Phe-Ile-(His-Val-Asn)-Cys. This signal sequence is proteolytically cleaved during the process of insertion into microsomal membranes prior to chain completion. The new NH2 terminus of the inserted, cleaved, and glycosylated membrane protein is located within the lumen of the microsomal vesicles and is identical to that of the authentic glycoprotein from virions. (b) Nascent chain competition experiments were performed between this glycoprotein, bovine pituitary prolactin (a secretory protein), and rabbit globin (a cytosolic protein). It was found that the nascent membrane glycoprotein, but not nascent globin, competed with nascent prolactin for membrane sites involved in the early biosynthetic event of transfer across membranes. These data suggest that an initially common pathway is involved in the biogenesis of secretory proteins and at least one class of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

J E Rothman  F N Katz  H F Lodish 《Cell》1978,15(4):1447-1454
The membrane glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), synthesized in vitro in the presence of pancreatic microsomes, is glycosylated in two distinct steps while its polypeptide chain is nascent (Rothman and Lodish, 1977). We show here that unglycosylated glycoprotein, which accumulates in vivo following treatment of cells with tunicamycin and in vitro as a result of translation in the presence of detergent-treated microsomal membranes, is inserted normally as a transmembrane protein. This means that glycosylation, while normally occurring concurrently with insertion, is not required for insertion. Our experiments also show that the two steps in glycosylation correspond to the sequential transfer of preformed “core” oligosaccharides of typical structure to two Asn residues in the growing chain. The accumulation of unglycosylated glycoprotein in vitro is due to the fact that the completed transmembrane polypeptide cannot be glycosylated. The detergent treatment of microsomes impairs their rate of glycosylation so that chains are frequently completed before they can be glycosylated. This provides a simple explanation for certain types of heterogeneity often found in glycoproteins. We believe that the detergent treatment procedure results in the solubilization of the microsomal membrane followed by reconstitution. This is a prerequisite for the eventual purification of the membrane proteins and lipids involved in insertion and glycosylation of this model membrane protein.  相似文献   

Many endocrine and neuroendocrine cells contain specialized secretory organelles called dense core secretory granules. These organelles are the repository of proteins and peptides that are secreted in a regulated manner when the cell receives a physiological stimulus. The targeting of proteins to these secretory granules is crucial for the generation of certain peptide hormones, including insulin and ACTH. Although previous work has demonstrated that proteins destined to a variety of cellular locations, including secretory granules, contain targeting sequences, no single consensus sequence for secretory granule-sorting signals has emerged. We have shown previously that alpha-helical domains in the C-terminal tail of the prohormone convertase PC1/3 play an important role in the ability of this region of the protein to direct secretory granule targeting (Jutras, I. Seidah, N. G., and Reudelhuber, T. L. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 40337-40343). In this study, we show that a variety of alpha-helical domains are capable of directing a heterologous secretory protein to granules. By testing a series of synthetic alpha-helices, we also demonstrate that the presence of charged (either positive or negative) amino acids spatially segregated from a hydrophobic patch in the alpha-helices of secretory proteins likely plays a critical role in the ability of these structures to direct secretory granule sorting.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the cytoplasmic domain of the type I interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) may be a GTPase. This domain conserves segments of hydrophobic amino acids that suggest a structural relatedness to the ras protooncogene protein and other members of the GTPase superfamily, despite a lack of significant detectable sequence homology. When the hydrophobic segments of the IL-1R were aligned with similar segments of the GTPases, it became apparent that the IL-1Rs possess a number of conserved amino acids that represent plausible functional residues for base-specific binding of GTP, magnesium chelation, and phosphate ester hydrolysis. Furthermore, a segment of five contiguous residues were found that is identical between ras and the IL-1R, and which is positioned to form part of the guanine base binding pocket. If this model is correct, then the IL-1Rs possess a highly conserved effector protein binding region, but one that is entirely unrelated to the effector regions of other superfamily members. Therefore, if the IL-1R is indeed a GTPase, then its activation function may be directed to as-yet unrecognized effector target proteins, as part of a unique cellular signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P-450 enzyme which catalyses 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3 (cytochrome P-450(25] from pig kidney microsomes [Postlind & Wikvall (1988) Biochem. J. 253, 549-552] has been further purified. The specific content of cytochrome P-450 was 15.0 nmol.mg of protein-1, and the protein showed a single spot with an apparent isoelectric point of 7.4 and an Mr of 50,500 upon two-dimensional isoelectric-focusing/SDS/PAGE. The 25-hydroxylase activity towards vitamin D3 was 124 pmol.min-1.nmol of cytochrome P-450-1 and towards 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 it was 1375 pmol.min-1.nmol-1. The preparation also catalysed the 25-hydroxylation of 5 beta-cholestane-3 alpha,7 alpha-diol at a rate of 1000 pmol.min-1.nmol of cytochrome P-450-1 and omega-1 hydroxylation of lauric acid at a rate of 200 pmol.min-1.nmol of cytochrome P-450-1. A monoclonal antibody raised against the 25-hydroxylating cytochrome P-450, designated mAb 25E5, was prepared. After coupling to Sepharose, the antibody was able to bind to cytochrome P-450(25) from kidney as well as from pig liver microsomes, and to immunoprecipitate the activity for 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3 and 5 beta-cholestane-3 alpha,7 alpha-diol when assayed in a reconstituted system. The hydroxylase activity towards lauric acid was not inhibited by the antibody. By SDS/PAGE and immunoblotting with mAb 25E5, cytochrome P-450(25) was detected in both pig kidney and pig liver microsomes. These results indicate a similar or the same species of cytochrome P-450 in pig kidney and liver microsomes catalysing 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3 and C27 steroids. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified cytochrome P-450(25) from pig kidney microsomes differed from those of hitherto isolated mammalian cytochromes P-450.  相似文献   

Zhou Z  Hartwieg E  Horvitz HR 《Cell》2001,104(1):43-56
We cloned the C. elegans gene ced-1, which is required for the engulfment of cells undergoing programmed cell death. ced-1 encodes a transmembrane protein similar to human SREC (Scavenger Receptor from Endothelial Cells). We showed that ced-1 is expressed in and functions in engulfing cells. The CED-1 protein localizes to cell membranes and clusters around neighboring cell corpses. CED-1 failed to cluster around cell corpses in mutants defective in the engulfment gene ced-7. Motifs in the intracellular domain of CED-1 known to interact with PTB and SH2 domains were necessary for engulfment but not for clustering. Our results indicate that CED-1 is a cell surface phagocytic receptor that recognizes cell corpses. We suggest that the ABC transporter CED-7 promotes cell corpse recognition by CED-1, possibly by exposing a phospholipid ligand on the surfaces of cell corpses.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of full-length homotetrameric single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein from Escherichia coli (SSB) has been determined to 3.3 A resolution and reveals that the entire C-terminal domain is disordered even in the presence of ssDNA. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence that the C-terminal domain of SSB may be inherently disordered. The N-terminal DNA-binding domain of the protein is well ordered and is virtually indistinguishable from the previously determined structure of the chymotryptic fragment of SSB (SSBc) in complex with ssDNA. The absence of observable interactions with the core protein and the crystal packing of SSB together suggest that the disordered C-terminal domains likely extend laterally away from the DNA- binding domains, which may facilitate interactions with components of the replication machinery in vivo. The structure also reveals the conservation of molecular contacts between successive tetramers mediated by the L(45) loops as seen in two other crystal forms of SSBc, suggesting a possible functional relevance of this interaction.  相似文献   

The binding of antigenic peptide to class II MHC is mediated by hydrogen bonds between the MHC and the peptide, by salt bridges, and by hydrophobic interactions. The latter are confined to a number of deeper pockets within the peptide binding groove, and peptide side chains that interact with these pockets are referred to as anchor residues. T cell recognition involves solvent-accessible peptide residues along with minor changes in MHC helical pitch induced by the anchor residues. In class I MHC there is an added level of epitope complexity that results from binding of longer peptides that bulge out into the solvent-accessible, T cell contact area. Unlike class I MHC, class II MHC does not bind peptides of discrete length, and the possibility of peptide bulging has not been clearly addressed. A peptide derived from position 24-37 of integrin beta(3) can either bind or not bind to the class II MHC molecule HLA DRB3*0101 based on a polymorphism at the P9 anchor. We show that the loss of binding can be compensated by changes at the P10 position. We propose that this could be an example of a class II peptide bulge. Although not as efficient as P9 anchoring, the use of P10 as an anchor adds another possible mechanism by which T cell epitopes can be generated in the class II presentation system.  相似文献   

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