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Immediately after far (254) nm and near (300--380 nm) UV light in small and moderate doses alcian blue sorption by glycocalix of Zaidela ascitic hepatoma cells decrease, which is indicative of destruction and solubilization. The effect of UV light on the cell surface is compared with the action of trypsin. Contribution of the damage of outer perimembrane layers to the lethal effect of UV light is discussed.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated previously that the synthesis of small nuclear RNA (snRNA) species U1 and U2 in human cells is very sensitive to UV radiation. In the present work, the UV sensitivity of U3, U4, and U5 snRNA synthesis is shown to be also high. The synthesis of U1, U2, U3, U4, and U5 snRNAs progressively decreased during the first 2 h after UV irradiation (this was not observed in polyadenylated RNA) and had not returned to normal rates 6 h after UV exposure. In contrast, the restoration of 5.8S rRNA synthesis began immediately after UV irradiation and was essentially complete 6 h later. A small fraction of U1 and U5 (and possibly U2 and U3) snRNA synthesis remained unaffected by high UV doses, when cell radiolabeling began 10 min after UV irradiation. The present data suggest that a factor other than the level of pyrimidine dimers in DNA (possibly, steps in the post-irradiation DNA repair process) plays an important role in the mechanism of UV-induced inhibition of U1-U5 snRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Fertilized and unfertilized mouse eggs were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy for evidence of mosaicism in the organization and concanavalin A-binding properties of their surface membranes. No obvious quantitative mosaicism in concanavalin A binding was noted. The egg membrane was microvillous over most of its surface, but was smooth in the region overlying the 2nd metaphase spindle of the unfertilized egg and on the polar body of the fertilized egg.  相似文献   

The brains of young adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were studied with the electron microscope to determine the full ultrastructural picture of two types of perivascular granular cell. One of these, referred to here as the type I cell and described by both light and electron microscopy by several authors, including ourselves, has been reported to be a mast cell (MC) almost identical to MCs outside the CNS. The other, referred to here as the type II cell and described by many authors under almost as many names, was dealt with fully by Ibrahim in several reports and regarded by him as a type of MC. It is felt that the results warrant the conclusions that the type I cells are indeed MCs, while the type II cells are closely allied to the type I cells and probably better adapted to the function they subserve in the CNS of mammals. The similarities between the two cell types probably outnumber the dissimilarities and even these have their counterparts in MCs outside the CNS. The problem of the possible confusion between the type II cells and macrophages, whether reportedly within vessel walls or in the form of modified or special 'pericytic' microglia, is discussed. It is concluded that there is no justification for regarding these cells as macrophages. Because of the similarity between the type II cells and MCs, and because of the high lipid content of the type II cells, it is suggested that these elements be called neurolipomastocytes or neurolipomastocytoid cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of actinomycin-D (AMD) and Adriamycin (ADRM) on the repair of radiation damage in Chinese hamster cells (V79) in plateau phase growth. Suppression of potentially lethal damage repair (PLDR) was observed in the presence of non-toxic levels of AMD and minimally toxic levels of ADRM. The suppression of PLDR by AMD persisted as long as the drug was present. Removal of AMD was followed by prompt repair of potentially lethal injury suggesting that suppression of PLDR by AMD was not accompanied by fixation of injury to a non-repairable state. On the other hand, irradiated cells exposed to ADRM eventually repair potentially lethal injury in the presence of drug after an initial delay. AMD, but not ADRM, inhibited repair of sublethal radiation damage.  相似文献   

The projection of knobby protuberances at the cell surface (zeiosis) is a general cellular response to cytochalasin D (CD), resulting from herniation of endoplasm through undefended places of the cortex during cell contractions and displacement of microfilaments induced by CD. Zeiosis is prevented by agents that interfere with the contractile response to CD, such as inhibitors of energy metabolism or cyclic AMP. The developed protrusions, which remain relatively stable in the presence of CD, contain chiefly mono- or subribosomes, and occasionally other organelles normally resident in endoplasm; compact microfilament felt occupies their bases and extends into their proximal stalks. Protein synthesis in the knobs is less than half of that in the polyribosome-containing endoplasm residual in the main body of the cell. Knobs first protrude singly near the margin of the contracting cells and rapidly cluster into small groups in the periphery even at lower temperature. The clusters then migrate centripetally and coalesce into a large aggregate near the apex of the immobilized and retracted cell: this movement is energy- and temperature-dependent. Aggregation is more prominent and stable in cell lines of epithelial derivation than in fibroblastic or other lines in which nuclear extrusion occurs more readily. The latter is regarded as a special manifestation of zeiosis. Macromarkers, such as latex spherules, migrate like the zeiotic knobs on the cell surfaces in the presence of CD. The aggregated knobs, although persistent for days in the presence of CD, are rapidly recessed after withdrawal of the agent as ruffling is resumed and the cells spread. These movements are discussed in terms of current concepts of mobility of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes were separated by centrifugation and grown for 48--72 h in TC 199 medium. Synchronous cells, obtained by the addition of colchicine, were treated with arabinosylcytosine (Ara-C), an antimitotic substance which is known to produce nuclear changes in vivo and in vitro. In this case, alterations in the nuclear envelope closely resembling the malignancy associated changes described in human leukaemic cells were observed. The results allow us to suggest that such alterations may be due to a cellular derangement involving the renewal of the nuclear envelope in th G1 phase of the mitotic cycle.  相似文献   

The thickness of SPEV cells in monolayer with different cell densities was measured by means of 3-dimensional reconstruction from serial vertical sections. No significant changes in the mean cell thickness were detected despite the wide range of volume and cell density variations. UV absorption at different wave-lengths was measured in various sites of single cells. It is shown that the well known shift between peaks of the UV action spectrum for mammalian and bacteria cells may result from the cell self-shielding at short wavelengths.  相似文献   

Irradiation of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells in the presence of pheomelanin, i.e., red hair melanin (RHM), has been reported to produce extensive cell lysis. Irradiation in the presence of eumelanin, i.e., black hair melanin (BHM), or irradiation in the absence of either type of melanin did not produce this effect. We observed that RHM particles penetrated the cell membrane without apparent structural damage to the cell or the cell membrane. Irradiation of the cells in the absence of melanin did not produce any changes in the ultrastructure of the cells. Incubation of the cells in the dark in the presence of RHM produced only minor structural, mainly cytoplasmic changes. Irradiation of the cells in the presence of RHM produced extensive ultrastructural changes prior to complete cell lysis; these changes were more severe than the effects of incubation of the cells in the dark in the presence of RHM. When the cells incubated in the dark or irradiated in the presence of latex particles or either one of the eumelanins particles, viz. BHM or synthetic dopa melanin, these particles did not penetrate into the cells or produce any ultrastructural changes. These particles were in fact not even ingested by the cells.  相似文献   

Mouse interferon at 50–100 U/ml or higher concentrations inhibited cap formation of surface components on mouse lymphocytes induced by anti-lymphocyte serum, concanavalin A (ConA), phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA). Interferon from species other than mouse were not effective, suggesting that interferon itself in the preparations used was responsible for the observed effect. The inhibition was observed immediately after addition of interferon, without preincubation of cells with it. The effect was reversible, disappearing after a short lag when interferon was removed. The effect may thus be a reflection of a rapid change in cell membrane upon binding of interferon molecules. On the other hand, the cap formation by anti-immunoglobulin, anti-thy 1, 2, anti-H-2 sera and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) were not influenced by interferon at all, indicating that the inhibition by interferon was not a general phenomenon. The cap formations susceptible to interferon are those that are enhanced by pretreatment of cells with colchicine and are accompanied by marked uropod formation, but those insusceptible to interferon occur readily, becoming sharp spots which are then shed. It is suggested that interferon may modify the microtubule-containing structure, it it may selectively affect those membrane components that are anchored to it.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes of the tubular epithelium in the mouse kidney produced by dietary riboflavin deficiency were studied by electron microscopy and cytochemistry. In riboflavin deficient mouse kidney, the ultrastructural changes are localized to the pars recta of the proximal tubule. They comprise so called vacuolar degeneration on light microscopy, which consists of the formation of giant mitochondria and vacuoles. During the development of riboflavin deficiency, mitochondria decrease in number and enlarge in size through fusion. Sometimes they are larger than nuclei in size. The vacuoles observed in tubular epithelia are divided into two different groups according to their morphological characteristics and origins. One is derived from proliferated peroxisomes, and another from increased cytoplasmic bodies termed cytosomes and cytosegresomes. These increased vacuoles occupy almost all of cytoplasm. Cytochemical studies also reveal that these vacuoles are peroxisomes and lysosomes. These changes are reversible on supplementation with riboflavin.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the plasma membranes of cytolytical T lymphocytes (CTL) in their interaction with target cells (TC) was studied. Thirty to sixty minutes after the beginning of interaction shedding of the CTL plasma membrane was observed: its fragments shedded from a local (50–100 nm in diam.) area on the lymphocyte surface at the site opposite to the CTL contact region with TC. Oval structures of high electron density 10 to 40 nm in diam. were detected on the CTL surface. We designated them as “membranosomas” (MS). MS were in close apposition to the inner surface of the plasma membrane and showed projections of 2 to 3 nm in diam. and 5 to 6 nm long towards the outer surface of the plasma membrane. MS were separated from the CTL surface during clasmatosis or as component parts of “shedding” plasma membranes.  相似文献   

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