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Yang Y  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2008,72(2):793-803
Proteins fold into unique three-dimensional structures by specific, orientation-dependent interactions between amino acid residues. Here, we extract orientation-dependent interactions from protein structures by treating each polar atom as a dipole with a direction. The resulting statistical energy function successfully refolds 13 out of 16 fully unfolded secondary-structure terminal regions of 10-23 amino acid residues in 15 small proteins. Dissecting the orientation-dependent energy function reveals that the orientation preference between hydrogen-bonded atoms is not enough to account for the structural specificity of proteins. The result has significant implications on the theoretical and experimental searches for specific interactions involved in protein folding and molecular recognition between proteins and other biologically active molecules.  相似文献   

A hierarchical methodology for ab initio structure prediction is extended to treat oligomeric proteins. Modifications are made to a united-residue (UNRES) force field and a Conformational Space Annealing (CSA) global search method. The computational cost of including additional chains and the increase in speed from symmetry optimizations are evaluated. The native structures of two oligomeric proteins from the CASP3 exercise, the retro-GCN4 leucine zipper and the synthetic domain-swapped dimer, were identified as the lowest-energy families resulting from the search of the proteins when rotational symmetry was imposed. Additional searches in different symmetries and oligomerization states were carried out, and the results indicate some problems in the thoroughness of the search and in the search of packing arrangements if symmetry constraints are not imposed.  相似文献   

Kai Zhu  Tyler Day 《Proteins》2013,81(6):1081-1089
Antibodies have the capability of binding a wide range of antigens due to the diversity of the six loops constituting the complementarity determining region (CDR). Among the six loops, the H3 loop is the most diverse in structure, length, and sequence identity. Prediction of the three‐dimensional structures of antibodies, especially the CDR loops, is an important step in the computational design and engineering of novel antibodies for improved affinity and specificity. Although it has been demonstrated that the conformation of the five non‐H3 loops can be accurately predicted by comparing their sequences against databases of canonical loop conformations, no such connection has been established for H3 loops. In this work, we present the results for ab initio structure prediction of the H3 loop using conformational sampling and energy calculations with the program Prime on a dataset of 53 loops ranging in length from 4 to 22 residues. When the prediction is performed in the crystal environment and including symmetry mates, the median backbone root mean square deviation (RMSD) is 0.5 Å to the crystal structure, with 91% of cases having an RMSD of less than 2.0 Å. When the prediction is performed in a noncrystallographic environment, where the scaffold is constructed by swapping the H3 loops between homologous antibodies, 70% of cases have an RMSD below 2.0 Å. These results show promise for ab initio loop predictions applied to modeling of antibodies. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The accuracy of model selection from decoy ensembles of protein loop conformations was explored by comparing the performance of the Samudrala-Moult all-atom statistical potential (RAPDF) and the AMBER molecular mechanics force field, including the Generalized Born/surface area solvation model. Large ensembles of consistent loop conformations, represented at atomic detail with idealized geometry, were generated for a large test set of protein loops of 2 to 12 residues long by a novel ab initio method called RAPPER that relies on fine-grained residue-specific phi/psi propensity tables for conformational sampling. Ranking the conformers on the basis of RAPDF scores resulted in selected conformers that had an average global, non-superimposed RMSD for all heavy mainchain atoms ranging from 1.2 A for 4-mers to 2.9 A for 8-mers to 6.2 A for 12-mers. After filtering on the basis of anchor geometry and RAPDF scores, ranking by energy minimization of the AMBER/GBSA potential energy function selected conformers that had global RMSD values of 0.5 A for 4-mers, 2.3 A for 8-mers, and 5.0 A for 12-mers. Minimized fragments had, on average, consistently lower RMSD values (by 0.1 A) than their initial conformations. The importance of the Generalized Born solvation energy term is reflected by the observation that the average RMSD accuracy for all loop lengths was worse when this term is omitted. There are, however, still many cases where the AMBER gas-phase minimization selected conformers of lower RMSD than the AMBER/GBSA minimization. The AMBER/GBSA energy function had better correlation with RMSD to native than the RAPDF. When the ensembles were supplemented with conformations extracted from experimental structures, a dramatic improvement in selection accuracy was observed at longer lengths (average RMSD of 1.3 A for 8-mers) when scoring with the AMBER/GBSA force field. This work provides the basis for a promising hybrid approach of ab initio and knowledge-based methods for loop modeling.  相似文献   

Forrest LR  Woolf TB 《Proteins》2003,52(4):492-509
The recent determination of crystal structures for several important membrane proteins opens the way for comparative modeling of their membrane-spanning regions. However, the ability to predict correctly the structures of loop regions, which may be critical, for example, in ligand binding, remains a considerable challenge. To meet this challenge, accurate scoring methods have to discriminate between candidate conformations of an unknown loop structure. Some success in loop prediction has been reported for globular proteins; however, the proximity of membrane protein loops to the lipid bilayer casts doubt on the applicability of the same scoring methods to this problem. In this work, we develop "decoy libraries" of non-native folds generated, using the structures of two membrane proteins, with molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo techniques over a range of temperatures. We introduce a new approach for decoy library generation by constructing a flat distribution of conformations covering a wide range of Calpha-root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) from the native structure; this removes possible bias in subsequent scoring stages. We then score these decoy conformations with effective energy functions, using increasingly more cpu-intensive implicit solvent models, including (1) simple Coulombic electrostatics with constant or distance-dependent dielectrics; (2) atomic solvation parameters; (3) the effective energy function (EEF1) of Lazaridis and Karplus; (4) generalized Born/Analytical Continuum Solvent; and (5) finite-difference Poisson-Boltzmann energy functions. We show that distinction of native-like membrane protein loops may be achieved using effective energies with the assumption of a homogenous environment; thus, the absence of the adjacent lipid bilayer does not affect the scoring ability. In particular, the Analytical Continuum Solvent and finite-difference Poisson-Boltzmann energy functions are seen to be the most powerful scoring functions. Interestingly, the use of the uncharged states of ionizable sidechains is shown to aid prediction, particularly for the simplest energy functions.  相似文献   

Based on available experimental data and using a theoretical model of protein folding, we demonstrate that there is an optimal ratio between the average conformational entropy and the average contact energy per residue for fast protein folding. A statistical analysis of the conformational entropy and the number of contacts per residue for 5829 protein domains from four main classes (α, β, α/β, α+β) shows that each class has its own characteristic average number of contacts per residue and average conformational entropy per residue. These class-specific characteristics determine the protein folding rates: α-proteins are the fastest to fold, β-proteins are the second fastest, α+β-proteins are the third, and α/β-proteins are the last to fold.  相似文献   

Insect olfactory receptors (iORs) with atypical 7-transmembrane domains, unlike Chordata olfactory receptors, are not in the GPCR protein family. iORs selectively bind to volatile ligands in the environment and affect essential insect behaviors. In this study, we constructed a new platform (iORbase, https://www.iorbase.com ) for the structural and functional analysis of iORs based on a combined algorithm for gene annotation and protein structure prediction. Moreover, it provides the option to calculate the binding affinities and binding residues between iORs and pheromone molecules by virtual screening of docking. Furthermore, iORbase supports the automatic structural and functional prediction of user-submitted iORs or pheromones. iORbase contains the well-analyzed results of approximately 6 000 iORs and their 3D protein structures identified from 59 insect species and 2 077 insect pheromones from the literature, as well as approximately 12 million pairs of simulated interactions between functional iORs and pheromones. We also built 4 online modules, iORPDB, iInteraction, iModelTM, and iOdorTool to easily retrieve and visualize the 3D structures and interactions. iORbase can help greatly improve the experimental efficiency and success rate, identify new insecticide targets, or develop electronic nose technology. This study will shed light on the olfactory recognition mechanism and evolutionary characteristics from the perspectives of omics and macroevolution.  相似文献   

We present a new four‐body knowledge‐based potential for recognizing the native state of proteins from their misfolded states. This potential was extracted from a large set of protein structures determined by X‐ray crystallography using BetaMol, a software based on the recent theory of the beta‐complex (β‐complex) and quasi‐triangulation of the Voronoi diagram of spheres. This geometric construct reflects the size difference among atoms in their full Euclidean metric; property not accounted for in a typical 3D Delaunay triangulation. The ability of this potential to identify the native conformation over a large set of decoys was evaluated. Experiments show that this potential outperforms a potential constructed with a classical Delaunay triangulation in decoy discrimination tests. The addition of a statistical hydrogen bond potential to our four‐body potential allows a significant improvement in the decoy discrimination, in such a way that we are able to predict successfully the native structure in 90% of cases. Proteins 2013; 81:1420–1433. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Schug A  Herges T  Wenzel W 《Proteins》2004,57(4):792-798
All-atom protein structure prediction from the amino acid sequence alone remains an important goal of biophysical chemistry. Recent progress in force field development and validation suggests that the PFF01 free-energy force field correctly predicts the native conformation of various helical proteins as the global optimum of its free-energy surface. Reproducible protein structure prediction requires the availability of efficient optimization methods to locate the global minima of such complex potentials. Here we investigate an adapted version of the parallel tempering method as an efficient parallel stochastic optimization method for protein structure prediction. Using this approach we report the reproducible all-atom folding of the three-helix 40 amino acid HIV accessory protein from random conformations to within 2.4 A backbone RMS deviation from the experimental structure with modest computational resources.  相似文献   

Shirota M  Ishida T  Kinoshita K 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1550-1563
In protein structure prediction, it is crucial to evaluate the degree of native-likeness of given model structures. Statistical potentials extracted from protein structure data sets are widely used for such quality assessment problems, but they are only applicable for comparing different models of the same protein. Although various other methods, such as machine learning approaches, were developed to predict the absolute similarity of model structures to the native ones, they required a set of decoy structures in addition to the model structures. In this paper, we tried to reformulate the statistical potentials as absolute quality scores, without using the information from decoy structures. For this purpose, we regarded the native state and the reference state, which are necessary components of statistical potentials, as the good and bad standard states, respectively, and first showed that the statistical potentials can be regarded as the state functions, which relate a model structure to the native and reference states. Then, we proposed a standardized measure of protein structure, called native-likeness, by interpolating the score of a model structure between the native and reference state scores defined for each protein. The native-likeness correlated with the similarity to the native structures and discriminated the native structures from the models, with better accuracy than the raw score. Our results show that statistical potentials can quantify the native-like properties of protein structures, if they fully utilize the statistical information obtained from the data set.  相似文献   

A FISH with a probe for telomeric and rDNA repeats and immunofluorescence with ANA CREST and antibodies to nucleolae protein B23 were used to study the three-dimensional (3D) organization of fibroblast interphase nuclei in two shrew twin species, Sorex granarius and Sorex araneus, of the Cordon race. Karyotypes of these species are composed of nearly identical chromosomal arms and differ in the number of their metacentrics and the structures of their terminal chromosome regions. In the short arms of S. granarius, 32 of the acrocentrics have large telomeres that contain an average of 218 kb telomere repeats, which alternate with ribosomal repeats. These regions also contain active nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). In contrast, in active NORs in S. araneus are localized at the terminal regions of 8 chromosomal arms (Zhdanova et al., 2005; 2007b). Here, we show that associations of chromosomes by telomeres and the contact of a part of the telomere clusters with the inner nuclear membrane and nucleolus characterize the interphase nuclei of both Sorex granarius and Sorex araneus. We also reveal the partial colocalization of telomere and ribosomal clusters and the spatial proximity of centomeric and telomeric regions in the interphase nuclei of S. granarius. It appears that only ribosomal clusters containing a sufficient number of active ribosomal genes exhibit a connection with the nucleolus. Nucleolus disassembly during the fibroblastís transition to mitosis and the role of the B23 protein in this process have been studied.  相似文献   

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