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Deinococcus radiodurans and other members of the genus Deinococcus are remarkable for their extreme resistance to ionizing radiation and many other agents that damage DNA. We have recently shown that recombinational processes participate in interplasmidic repair following in vivo irradiation. We now present direct studies on interchromosomal recombination among chromosomes irradiated in vivo during stationary phase (four chromosomes per cell). Following an exposure to 1.75 Mrad (the dose required to achieve a survival of 37%, which degrades the cells' four chromosomes into about 500 fragments), we determined that there may be as many as 175 crossovers per chromosome (700 crossovers per nucleoid) undergoing repair. In addition, these studies suggest that many of the crossovers occurring during repair are nonreciprocal.  相似文献   

M J Daly  O Ling    K W Minton 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(24):7506-7515
Deinococcus radiodurans R1 and other members of the eubacterial family Deinococcaceae are extremely resistant to ionizing radiation and many other agents that damage DNA. For example, after irradiation, D. radiodurans can repair > 100 DNA double-strand breaks per chromosome without lethality or mutagenesis, while most other organisms can survive no more than 2 or 3 double-strand breaks. The unusual resistance of D. radiodurans is recA dependent, but the repair pathway(s) is not understood. Recently, we described how a plasmid present in D. radiodurans (plasmid copy number, approximately 6 per cell; chromosome copy number, approximately 4 per cell) during high-dose irradiation undergoes extreme damage like the chromosome and is retained by the cell without selection and fully repaired with the same efficiency as the chromosome. In the current work, we have investigated the repair of two similar plasmids within the same cell. These two plasmids were designed to provide both restriction fragment polymorphisms and a drug selection indicator of recombination. This study presents a novel system of analysis of in vivo damage and recombinational repair, exploiting the unique ability of D. radiodurans to survive extraordinarily high levels of DNA damage. We report that homologous recombination among plasmids following irradiation is extensive. For example, 2% of Tcs plasmids become Tcr as a result of productive recombination within a 929-bp region of the plasmids after repair. Our results suggest that each plasmid may participate in as many as 6.7 recombinational events during repair, a value that extrapolates to > 700 events per chromosome undergoing repair simultaneously. These results indicate that the study of plasmid recombination within D. radiodurans may serve as an accurate model system for simultaneously occurring repair in the chromosome.  相似文献   

The Nudix hydrolases of Deinococcus radiodurans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
All 21 of the Nudix hydrolase genes from the radiation-resistant organism Deinococcus radiodurans have been cloned into vectors under the control of T7 promoters and expressed as soluble proteins in Escherichia coli. Their sizes range from 9.8 kDa (91 amino acids) to 59 kDa (548 amino acids). Two novel proteins were identified, each with two Nudix boxes in its primary structure, unique among all other known Nudix hydrolases. Extracts of each of the expressed proteins were assayed by a generalized procedure that measures the hydrolysis of nucleoside diphosphate derivatives, and several enzymatic activities were tentatively identified. In addition to representatives of known Nudix hydrolase subfamilies active on ADP-ribose, NADH, dinucleoside polyphosphates or (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphates, two new enzymes, a UDP-glucose pyrophosphatase and a CoA pyrophosphatase, were identified.  相似文献   

Zhou Q  Zhang X  Xu H  Xu B  Hua Y 《FEMS microbiology letters》2007,274(1):118-125
In Deinococcus radiodurans, RecBCD holoenzyme is not intact because of the absence of RecB and RecC, but a RecD-like protein does indeed exist. In this work, D. radiodurans recD disruptant was constructed and its possible biological functions were investigated. The results showed that disruption of the recD gene of D. radiodurans resulted in a remarkably increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide but had no apparent effect on the resistance to gamma and UV radiation. Furthermore, complementation experiments showed that Escherichia coli RecD, helicase domain or N-terminal domain of D. radiodurans RecD could not individually restore the resistant phenotype to hydrogen peroxide of the recD disruptant, whereas the complete D. radiodurans RecD protein could. Further studies showed that D. radiodurans RecD took part in antioxidant process by stimulating catalase activity and reactive oxygen species scavenging activity in D. radiodurans. These results suggest that D. radiodurans RecD has a new role in the antioxidant pathway.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA breaks, especially double-stranded breaks (DSBs), by activating the DNA damage response (DDR), which encompasses DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint signaling. The DNA damage signal is transmitted to the checkpoint machinery by a network of specialized DNA damage-recognizing and signal-transducing molecules. However, recent evidence suggests that DNA repair proteins themselves may also directly contribute to the checkpoint control. Here, we investigated the role of homologous recombination (HR) proteins in normal cell cycle regulation in the absence of exogenous DNA damage. For this purpose, we used Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells expressing the Fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicators (Fucci). Systematic siRNA-mediated knockdown of HR genes in these cells demonstrated that the lack of several of these factors alters cell cycle distribution, albeit differentially. The knock-down of MDC1, Rad51 and Brca1 caused the cells to arrest in the G2 phase, suggesting that they may be required for the G2/M transition. In contrast, inhibition of the other HR factors, including several Rad51 paralogs and Rad50, led to the arrest in the G1/G0 phase. Moreover, reduced expression of Rad51B, Rad51C, CtIP and Rad50 induced entry into a quiescent G0-like phase. In conclusion, the lack of many HR factors may lead to cell cycle checkpoint activation, even in the absence of exogenous DNA damage, indicating that these proteins may play an essential role both in DNA repair and checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans R1 and other members of this genus are able to repair and survive extreme DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation and many other DNA-damaging agents. The ability of R1 to repair completely > 100 double-strand breaks in its chromosome without lethality or mutagenesis is recA dependent. However, during the first 1.5 h after irradiation, recA+ and recA cells show similar increases in the average size of chromosomal fragments. In recA+ cells, DNA continues to enlarge to wild-type size within 29 h. However, in recA cells, no DNA repair is observed following the first 1.5 h postirradiation. This recA-independent effect was studied further, using two slightly different Escherichia coli plasmids forming adjacent duplication insertions in the chromosome, providing repetitive sequences suitable for circularization by non-recA-dependent pathways following irradiation. After exposure to 1.75 Mrad (17,500 Gy), circular derivatives of the integration units were detected in both recA+ and recA cells. These DNA circles were formed in the first 1.5 h postirradiation, several hours before the onset of detectable recA-dependent homologous recombination. By comparison, D. radiodurans strains containing the same E. coli plasmids as nonrepetitive direct insertions did not form circular derivatives of the integration units before or after irradiation in recA+ or recA cells. The circular derivatives of the tandemly integrated plasmids were formed before the onset of recA-dependent repair and have structures consistent with the hypothesis that DNA repair occurring immediately postirradiation is by a recA-independent single-strand annealing reaction and may be a preparatory step for further DNA repair in wild-type D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

Gene expression in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We previously reported that the Escherichia coli drug-resistance determinants aphA (kanamycin-resistance) and cat (chloramphenicol-resistance) could be introduced to Deinococcus radiodurans by transformation methods that produce duplication insertion. However, both determinants appeared to require dramatic chromosomal amplification for expression of resistance. Additional studies described here, confirming this requirement for extensive amplification, led us to the use of promoter-probe plasmids in which the E. coli promoter has been deleted, leaving only coding sequences for the marker gene. We find that the insertion of D. radiodurans sequences immediately upstream from the promoterless drug-resistance determinant produces drug-resistant transformants without significant chromosomal amplification. Furthermore, a series of stable E. coli-D. radiodurans shuttle plasmids was devised by inserting fragments of D. radiodurans plasmid pUE10 in an E. coli plasmid directly upstream from a promoterless cat gene. These constructions replicated in D. radiodurans by virtue of the pUE10 replicon and expressed the cat determinant because of D. radiodurans promoter sequences in the pUE10 fragment. Of three such constructions, none expressed the cat gene in E. coli. Similar results were obtained using a promoterless tet gene. Translational fusions were made between D. radiodurans genes and E. coli 5'-truncated lacZ. Three fusions that produced high levels of beta Gal in D. radiodurans were introduced into E. coli, but beta Gal was produced in only one. The results demonstrate that the E. coli genes cat, tet and lacZ can be efficiently expressed in D. radiodurans if a D. radiodurans promoter is provided, and that D. radiodurans promoters often do not function as promoters in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary: Deinococcus radiodurans is a robust bacterium best known for its capacity to repair massive DNA damage efficiently and accurately. It is extremely resistant to many DNA-damaging agents, including ionizing radiation and UV radiation (100 to 295 nm), desiccation, and mitomycin C, which induce oxidative damage not only to DNA but also to all cellular macromolecules via the production of reactive oxygen species. The extreme resilience of D. radiodurans to oxidative stress is imparted synergistically by an efficient protection of proteins against oxidative stress and an efficient DNA repair mechanism, enhanced by functional redundancies in both systems. D. radiodurans assets for the prevention of and recovery from oxidative stress are extensively reviewed here. Radiation- and desiccation-resistant bacteria such as D. radiodurans have substantially lower protein oxidation levels than do sensitive bacteria but have similar yields of DNA double-strand breaks. These findings challenge the concept of DNA as the primary target of radiation toxicity while advancing protein damage, and the protection of proteins against oxidative damage, as a new paradigm of radiation toxicity and survival. The protection of DNA repair and other proteins against oxidative damage is imparted by enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defense systems dominated by divalent manganese complexes. Given that oxidative stress caused by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is associated with aging and cancer, a comprehensive outlook on D. radiodurans strategies of combating oxidative stress may open new avenues for antiaging and anticancer treatments. The study of the antioxidation protection in D. radiodurans is therefore of considerable potential interest for medicine and public health.  相似文献   

The nucleoid of radioresistant bacteria, including D .  radiodurans , adopts a highly condensed structure that remains unaltered after exposure to high doses of irradiation. This structure may contribute to radioresistance by preventing the dispersion of DNA fragments generated by irradiation. In this report, we focused our study on the role of HU protein, a nucleoid-associated protein referred to as a histone-like protein, in the nucleoid compaction of D. radiodurans. We demonstrate, using a new system allowing conditional gene expression, that HU is essential for viability in D. radiodurans . Using a tagged HU protein and immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that HU protein localizes all over the nucleoid and that when HU is expressed from a thermosensitive plasmid, its progressive depletion at the non-permissive temperature generates decondensation of DNA before fractionation of the nucleoid into several entities and subsequent cell lysis. We also tested the effect of the absence of Dps, a protein also involved in nucleoid structure. In contrast to the drastic effect of HU depletion, no change in nucleoid morphology and cell viability was observed in dps mutants compared with the wild-type, reinforcing the major role of HU in nucleoid organization and DNA compaction in D. radiodurans .  相似文献   

RecA protein is considered to be the most important participant in the radiation resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans. However, it is still unclear how RecA contributes to the resistance. In this study, we identified a new recA mutation (recA424) in the DNA-repair deficient mutant strain KI696, the phenotype of which is remarkably different from mutant strain rec30 carrying recA670. The properties of the gene products from the recA mutants were compared. recA424 could not complement the deficiency in Escherichia coli RecA, as found for recA670. In vitro, neither RecA424 nor RecA670 could promote DNA strand exchange under conditions in which wild-type RecA promoted the reaction, indicating that both RecA424 and Rec670 are defective in recombination activity. RecA424 promoted the autocleavage reaction of LexA in vitro, whereas RecA670 did not. The intracellular LexA level in KI696 was decreased following gamma-irradiation. However, the LexA level in strain rec30 was constant irrespective of irradiation. These results indicate that RecA424 retains co-protease activity, whereas RecA670 does not. While strain rec30 is extremely radiation sensitive, strain KI696 is only slightly sensitive. Together, these observations suggest that the co-protease activity rather than the recombination activity of RecA contributes to radiation resistance in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

The regular surface layers (S-layers) of two Deinococcus radiodurans strains R1 and Sark, undergo limited proteolysis during preparation. This is due to cellular proteases that create strain-specific polypeptide patterns in SDS-PAGE. Proteolytic activity was detected in both vesicles of the outer membrane, as well as in the culture supernatant from both strains. The protease of the strain R1 was purified to homogeneity and characterized; it has been classified as a serine protease. The enzyme of strain Sark proved to be almost identical to the R1-protease with respect to both the molecular and the catalytic properties. Treatment of the regular surface layer proteins from both strains with the purified R1-protease revealed the strain-specific SDS-polypeptide patterns, indicating differences in the primary structure of the two proteins.  相似文献   

Analysis of the complete genome indicates that insertion sequences (ISs) are abundant in the radio-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans. By developing a forward mutagenesis assay to detect any inactivation events in D. radiodurans, we found that in the presence of an active mismatch repair system 75% of the mutations to trimethoprim-resistance (Tmp(R)) resulted from an IS insertion into the thyA coding region. Analysis of their distribution among the spontaneous Tmp(R) mutants indicated that five different ISs were transpositionally active. A type II Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Element (MITE), related to one of the deinococcal ISs, was also discovered as an insertion into thyA. Seven additional genomic copies of this MITE element were identified by BLASTN. Gamma-ray irradiation of D. radiodurans led to an increase of up to 10-fold in the frequency of Tmp(R) mutants. Analysis of the induced mutations in cells exposed to 10 kGy indicated that gamma-irradiation induced transposition of ISDra2 approximately 100-fold. A 50-fold induction of ISDra2 transposition was also observed in cells exposed to 600 J m(-2) UV-irradiation. Point mutations to rifampicin resistance (Rif(R)) were also induced by gamma-irradiation to reach a plateau at 2 kGy. The plateau value represented a 16-fold increase in the mutant frequency over the background. Although error-free repair strategies predominate in D. radiodurans, an upregulation of transposition, as well as induction of point mutations in cells recovering from DNA damage, provide a genetic variability that may have long-term evolutionary consequences on the fitness of this organism in its habitat.  相似文献   

Expression of recA in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Deinococcus (formerly Micrococcus) radiodurans is remarkable for its extraordinary resistance to ionizing and UV irradiation and many other agents that damage DNA. This organism can repair > 100 double-strand breaks per chromosome induced by ionizing radiation without lethality or mutagenesis. We have previously observed that expression of D. radiodurans recA in Escherichia coli appears lethal. We now find that the RecA protein of D. radiodurans is ot detectable in D. radiodurans except in the setting of DNA damage and that termination of its synthesis is associated with the onset of deinococcal growth. The synthesis of Shigella flexneri RecA (protein sequence identical to that of E. coli RecA) in recA-defective D. radiodurans is described. Despite a large accumulation of the S. flexneri RecA in D. radiodurans, there is no complementation of any D. radiodurans recA phenotype, including DNA damage sensitivity, inhibition of natural transformation, or inability to support a plasmid that requires RecA for replication. To ensure that the cloned S. flexneri recA gene was not inactivated, it was rescued from D. radiodurans and was shown to function normally in E. coli. We conclude that neither D. radiodurans nor S. flexneri RecA is functional in the other species, nor are the kinetics of induction and suppression similar to each other, indicating a difference between these two proteins in their modes of action.  相似文献   

The action of free radicals on Deinococcus radiodurans carotenoids   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The possible role of carotenoids as free radical scavengers has not been completely elucidated. To gain further insight into the quenching of OH radicals by carotenoids, we used a feasible bacterial model, Deinococcus radiodurans, a red pigmented bacterium. We compared the action of H2O2 which produces in vivo OH radicals by a Fenton-type reaction on the parental and two mutant strains, i.e., a red pigmented and a colorless one. While the red pigmented bacteria were resistant to H2O2 action, the colorless strain was significantly more sensitive and its sensitivity was dose-dependent. In the red pigmented strains, H2O2 induced a significant decrease in one carotenoid (X5), which could be responsible for the antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

The conclusion based on transmission electron microscopy, "the tightly packed ring-like nucleoid of the Deinococcus radiodurans R1 is a key to radioresistance", has instigated lots of debates. In this study, according to the previous research of PprI’s crucial role in radioresistance of D. radiodurans, we have attempted to examine and compare the nucleoid morphology differences among wild-type D. ra-diodurans R1 strain, pprI function-deficient mutant (YR1), and pprI function-complementary strains (YR1001, YR1002, and YR1004) before and after exposure to ionizing irradiation. Fluorescence mi-croscopy images indicate: (1) the majority of nucleoid structures in radioresistant strain R1 cells ex-hibit the tightly packed ring-like morphology, while the pprI function-deficient mutant YR1 cells carrying predominate ring-like structure represent high sensitivity to irradiation; (2) as an extreme radioresistant strain similar to wild-type R1, pprI completely function-complementary strain YR1001 almost displays the loose and irregular nucleoid morphologies. On the other hand, another radioresistant pprI partly function-complementary strain YR1002’s nucleiods exhibit about 60% ring-like structure; (3) a PprI C-terminal deletion strain YR1004 consisting of approximately 60% of ring-like nucleoid is very sensi-tive to radiation. Therefore, our present experiments do not support the conclusion that the ring-like nucleoid of D. radiodurans does play a key role in radioresistance.  相似文献   

Salt-mediated multicell formation in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The highly radiation-resistant tetracoccal bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans exhibited a reversible multi-cell-form transition which depended on the NaCl concentration in the medium. In response to 0.8% NaCl addition into the medium, the pair/tetrad (designated 2/4) cells in a young culture grew and divided but did not separate and became 8-, 16-, and 32-cell units successively. In exponential growth phase, the cells divided in a 16/32 pattern. Potassium ions were equally effective as Na+ in mediating this multicell-formation effect; Mg2+, Li+, and Ca2+ also worked but produced less multiplicity. This effect appears to be species specific. This-section micrographs revealed that in a 16/32-cell unit, eight 2/4 cells were encased in an orderly manner within a large peripheral wall, showing five cycles of septation. Our results suggest the presence of a salt-sensitive mechanism for controlling cell separation in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

The extremely radiation resistant bacterium, Deinococcus radiodurans, contains a spectrum of genes that encode for multiple activities that repair DNA damage. We have cloned and expressed the product of three predicted uracil-DNA glycosylases to determine their biochemical function. DR0689 is a homologue of the Escherichia coli uracil-DNA glycosylase, the product of the ung gene; this activity is able to remove uracil from a U : G and U : A base pair in double-stranded DNA and uracil from single-stranded DNA and is inhibited by the Ugi peptide. DR1751 is a member of the class 4 family of uracil-DNA glycosylases such as those found in the thermophiles Thermotoga maritima and Archaeoglobus fulgidus. DR1751 is also able to remove uracil from a U : G and U : A base pair; however, it is considerably more active on single-stranded DNA. Unlike its thermophilic relatives, the enzyme is not heat stable. Another putative enzyme, DR0022, did not demonstrate any appreciable uracil-DNA glycosylase activity. DR0689 appears to be the major activity in the organism based on inhibition studies with D. radiodurans crude cell extracts utilizing the Ugi peptide. The implications for D. radiodurans having multiple uracil-DNA glycosylase activities and other possible roles for these enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

Immense volumes of radioactive wastes, which were generated during nuclear weapons production, were disposed of directly in the ground during the Cold War, a period when national security priorities often surmounted concerns over the environment. The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is the most radiation-resistant organism known and is currently being engineered for remediation of the toxic metal and organic components of these environmental wastes. Understanding the biotic potential of D. radiodurans and its global physiological integrity in nutritionally restricted radioactive environments is important in development of this organism for in situ bioremediation. We have previously shown that D. radiodurans can grow on rich medium in the presence of continuous radiation (6,000 rads/h) without lethality. In this study we developed a chemically defined minimal medium that can be used to analyze growth of this organism in the presence and in the absence of continuous radiation; whereas cell growth was not affected in the absence of radiation, cells did not grow and were killed in the presence of continuous radiation. Under nutrient-limiting conditions, DNA repair was found to be limited by the metabolic capabilities of D. radiodurans and not by any nutritionally induced defect in genetic repair. The results of our growth studies and analysis of the complete D. radiodurans genomic sequence support the hypothesis that there are several defects in D. radiodurans global metabolic regulation that limit carbon, nitrogen, and DNA metabolism. We identified key nutritional constituents that restore growth of D. radiodurans in nutritionally limiting radioactive environments.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical patterns of amino acid substitution in proteins of organisms living at moderate and high temperatures (mesophiles and thermophiles, respectively) are generally taken to indicate selection favoring different amino acids at different temperatures due to their biochemical properties. If that were the case, comparisons of different pairs of mesophilic and thermophilic taxa would exhibit similar patterns of substitutional asymmetry. A previous comparison of mesophilic versus thermophilic Methanococcus with mesophilic versus thermophilic Bacillus revealed several pairs of amino acids for which one amino acid was favored in thermophilic Bacillus and the other was favored in thermophilic Methanococcus. Most of this could be explained by the higher G+C content of the DNA of thermophilic Bacillus, a phenomenon not seen in the Methanococcus comparison. Here, I compared the mesophilic bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans and its thermophilic relative Thermus thermophilus, which are similar in G+C content. Of the 190 pairs of amino acids, 83 exhibited significant substitutional asymmetry, consistent with the pervasive effects of selection. Most of these significantly asymmetrical pairs of amino acids were asymmetrical in the direction predicted from the Methanococcus data, consistent with thermal adaptation resulting from universal biochemical properties of the amino acids. However, 12 pairs of amino acids exhibited asymmetry significantly different from and in the opposite direction of that found in the Methanococcus comparison, and 21 pairs of amino acids exhibited asymmetry that was significantly different from that found in the Bacillus comparison and could not be explained by the greater G+C content in thermophilic Bacillus. This suggests that selection due to universal biochemical properties of the amino acids and differences in G+C content are not the only causes of substitutional asymmetry between mesophiles and thermophiles. Instead, selection on taxon-specific properties of amino acids, such as their metabolic cost, may play a role in causing asymmetrical patterns of substitution.  相似文献   

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