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Summary The density, distribution and the pharmacologically produced changes of a formaldehyde-induced yellow supra-ependymal fluorescence in the lateral and third ventricles and in the aqueduct of the rat brain are described. The fluorescence consists of small spots or a thin spotted layer just above the ependymal cells. The highest fluorescence densities occur in the areas near the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle and in the interventricular foramen. A high to moderate density occurs in the lateral ventricles and in the aqueduct. Little or no fluorescence is seen above the hypothalamic areas bordering the third ventricle. The fluorescence rapidly fades upon irradiation with violet-blue light, disappears after treatment of the rats with reserpine or p-chlorophenylalanine, is intensified after nialamide or reserpine + nialamide, and does not change after -methyl-p-tyrosine.Electron microscopically supra-ependymal varicose nerves containing small (500 Å) and large (1000 Å) vesicles in the varicosities are observed in areas with supra-ependymal yellow fluorescence. A fine-structural cytochemical technique reveals the presence of a specific, chromaffine, reserpine-sensitive electron dense core in the small and large vesicles.The conclusion is drawn that a characteristically distributed population of supra-ependymal efferent nerve terminals containing an indolealkylamine, most probably 5-hydroxytryptamine, exists in the cerebral ventricles of the rat brain.The skilful assistance of Mr. R. Wybrecht and Mrs. G. Gschwind is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

KCl and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) evoke glutamate release from rat brain cortical nerve terminals by voltage clamping or by Na(+) channel-generated repetitive action potentials, respectively. Stimulation by 4-AP but not KCl is largely mediated by protein kinase C (PKC). To determine whether KCl and 4-AP utilise the same mechanism to release glutamate, we correlated glutamate release with release of the hydrophobic synaptic vesicle (SV) marker FM2-10. A strong correlation was observed for increasing concentrations of KCl and after application of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) or staurosporine. The parallel increase in exocytosis measured by two approaches suggested it occurred by a PKC-independent mechanism involving complete fusion of SVs with the plasma membrane. At low concentrations of 4-AP, alone or with staurosporine, glutamate and FM2-10 release also correlated. However, higher concentrations of 4-AP or of 4-AP plus PMA greatly increased glutamate release but did not further increase FM2-10 release. This divergence suggests that 4-AP recruits an additional mechanism of release during strong stimulation that is PKC dependent and is superimposed upon the first mechanism. This second mechanism is characteristic of kiss-and-run, which is not detectable by styryl dyes. Our data suggest that glutamate release in nerve terminals occurs via two mechanisms: (1) complete SV fusion, which is PKC independent; and (2) a kiss-and-run-like mechanism, which is PKC dependent. Recruitment of a second release mechanism may be a widespread means to facilitate neurotransmitter release in central neurons.  相似文献   

The optical isomers of apomorphine (APO) and N-propylnorapomorphine (NPA) were interacted with three biochemical indices of dopamine (DA) receptors in extrapyramidal and limbic preparations of rat brain tissue. There were consistent isomeric preferences for the R(-) configuration of both DA analogs in stimulating adenylate cyclase (D-1 sites) and in competing for high affinity binding of 3H-spiroperidol (D-2 sites) and of 3H-ADTN (DA agonist binding sites) in striatal tissue, with lesser isomeric differences in the limbic tissue. The S(+) apomorphines did not inhibit stimulation of adenylate cyclase by DA. The tendency for greater activity or higher apparent affinity of R(-) apomorphines in striatum may reflect the evidently greater abundance of receptor sites in that region. There were only small regional differences in interactions of the apomorphine isomers with all three receptor sites, except for a strong preference of (-)NPA for striatal D-2 sites. These results do not parallel our recent observations indicating potent and selective antidopaminergic actions of S(+) apomorphines in the rat limbic system. They suggest caution in assuming close parallels between current biochemical and functional, especially behavioral, methods of evaluating dopamine receptors of mammalian brain.  相似文献   

D2 dopamine receptors from bovine brain (caudate nucleus and olfactory tubercle) have been solubilized using sodium cholate/NaCl and their glycoprotein properties studied in terms of their interaction with wheat-germ agglutinin-agarose (WGA-agarose). Under optimal conditions about 65% of the applied D2 dopamine receptors bound to WGA-agarose and could be eluted with N-acetylglucosamine. The ability of receptors to adsorb to the affinity column was shown to be dependent on the cholate and salt concentrations used. Digestion of the membrane bound D2 dopamine receptors with neuraminidase prior to solubilisation reduced the ability of the receptors to bind to WGA-agarose (50% of applied receptors bound) whereas digestion with N-acetylglucosaminidase did not significantly affect binding to WGA-agarose. Digestion with the two enzymes together resulted in a larger decrease in binding to WGA-agarose than was seen with the two enzymes alone (40% of applied receptors bound). Stepwise elution of bound receptors from the WGA-agarose columns using 2.5 mM- and 100-mM-N-acetylglucosamine showed that about 40% of the bound receptors interacted with WGA-agarose in a low-affinity manner, the remainder showing a high-affinity interaction. Neuraminidase treatment reduced the low-affinity population suggesting that the interaction of oligosaccharides bearing sialic acid with WGA-agarose is of lower affinity and that higher-affinity binding is via N-acetylglucosamine. These data are discussed in terms of the heterogeneity of carbohydrate moieties on the D2 dopamine receptors within a brain region. In all the tests applied here, however, receptors from caudate nucleus and olfactory tubercle behaved identically so their glycosylation patterns must be very similar.  相似文献   

Cytosolic pH (pHi) was measured in presynaptic nerve terminals isolated from rat brain (synaptosomes) using a fluorescent pH indicator, 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). The synaptosomes were loaded with BCECF by incubation with the membrane-permanent acetoxy-methyl ester derivative of BCECF, which is hydrolyzed by intracellular esterases to the parent compound. pHi was estimated by calibrating the fluorescence signal after permeabilizing the synaptosomal membrane by two different methods. Synaptosomes loaded with 15-90 microM BCECF were estimated to have a pHi of 6.94 +/- 0.02 (mean +/- standard error; n = 54) if the fluorescence signal was calibrated after permeabilizing with digitonin; a similar value was obtained using synaptosomes loaded with 10 times less BCECF (6.9 +/- 0.1; n = 5). When the fluorescence signal was calibrated by permeabilizing the synaptosomal membrane to H+ with gramicidin and nigericin, pHi was estimated to be 7.19 +/- 0.03 (n = 12). With the latter method, pHi = 6.95 +/- 0.09 (n = 14) when the synaptosomes were loaded with 10 times less BCECF. Thus, pHi in synaptosomes was approximately 7.0 and could be more precisely monitored using the digitonin calibration method at higher BCECF concentrations. When synaptosomes were incubated in medium containing 20 mM NH4Cl and then diluted into NH4Cl-free medium, pHi immediately acidified to a level of approximately 6.6. After the acidification, pHi recovered over a period of a few minutes. The buffering capacity of the synaptosomes was estimated to be approximately 50 mM/pH unit. Recovery was substantially slowed by incubation in an Na-free medium, by the addition of amiloride (KI = 3 microM), and by abolition of the Nao/Nai gradient. pHi and its recovery after acidification were not affected by incubation in an HCO3-containing medium; disulfonic stilbene anion transport inhibitors (SITS and DIDS, 1 mM) and replacement of Cl with methylsulfonate did not affect the rate of recovery of pHi. It appears that an Na+/H+ antiporter is the primary regulator of pHi in mammalian brain nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The swelling of nerve terminals of rat brain in a hypotonic medium (230 mOsm) induced the potential-independent entrance of 45Ca2+ into synaptosomes and intrasynaptosomal mitochondria that changed the energy status of synaptosomes, the rate of O2 consumption and the content of ATP being decreased. The ratio ATP/ADP decreased from 6.5 +/- 0.26 (310 mOsm medium) to 3.1 +/- 0.18 (the medium 230 mOsm). Studies on the equilibrium distribution of K+ (86Rb+) and [3H]TPP+ showed that contents of these cations in the nerve terminals were virtually the same on incubation in both iso- and hypotonic media. This indicated that the swelling did not damage intrasynaptosomal mitochondria and plasma membranes of the synaptosomes. The inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation increased twofold the rate of glycolysis. The incubation of synaptosomes in calcium-free medium (230 mOsm) in the presence of EGTA (1 mM) prevented the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation and synthesis of ATP by the osmotic swelling. Ruthenium Red (10 microM) in the medium 230 mOsm inhibited the entrance of 45Ca2+ into the intrasynaptosomal mitochondria and normalized the oxidative phosphorylation to the control level (310 mOsm medium). The decrease in the energy potential of synaptosomes induced by the hypoosmotic shock is suggested to be associated with the increase in Ca2+ content in the cytoplasm, its transport into the mitochondria, and the inhibitory effect on oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of src family tyrosine kinases in regulating synaptic transmitter release from rat brain synaptosomes by using two assays that measure different aspects of synaptic vesicle exocytosis: glutamate release (that directly measures exocytosis of vesicle contents) and release of FM 2-10 styryl dye (that is proportional to the time the synaptic vesicle is fused to the plasma membrane). Depolarisation was induced by KCl (30 mM) or 4-aminopyridine (4AP: 0.3mM) to induce release by full fusion (FF) exocytosis, or by 1 mM 4AP to induce release by both FF and kiss-and-run (KR)-like exocytosis. The src family selective inhibitor, PP1 (10 microM), increased KCl and 0.3 mM 4AP-evoked Ca2+ -dependent release of glutamate, but had little effect upon exocytosis evoked by 1mM 4AP. PP1 did not affect the release of FM 2-10 under any of the depolarisation conditions used. PP1 also had no effect on overall intracellular calcium levels, as measured by FURA2, suggesting that the effects of the inhibitor are downstream of calcium entry. At the same concentration the inactive analogue of this compound, PP3, had no effect on any measure. Immunoblotting with an antibody to phosphotyrosine revealed that phosphorylation of many synaptosomal proteins was reduced by PP1. The immunoreactivity of three protein bands increased upon depolarisation and this increase was blocked by PP1. Phosphorylation of src at tyrosine-416 was reduced by PP1 but changes in its phosphorylation did not correlate with the effects of PP1 on release. These results suggest one or more members of the src family of tyrosine kinases is a negative regulator of the KR mode of exocytosis in synaptosomes, perhaps by tonically inhibiting KR under normal stimulation conditions.  相似文献   

The distribution of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive (NPY-IR) perikarya, fibers, and terminals was investigated in the brain of two species of hibernatory ground squirrels, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus and S. richardsonii, by means of immunohistochemistry. In the telencephalic and diencephalic structures studied, distinct patterns of NPY-IR were observed which were essentially identical in male and female animals of both species. No differences in amount or distribution of NPY-IR structures were observed between animals which had been in induced hibernation for several months before sacrifice in March/April and those sacrificed one week after their capture in May. In some brain structures (e.g., the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus), IR cell bodies were observed only after pretreatment with colchicine. NPY-IR perikarya and fibers were found in the cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus-putamen, and dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus. Dense fiber plexuses were seen in the lateral and medial parts of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. The numbers of IR perikarya observed in the medial part of the nucleus increased following intraventricular colchicine injections. The accumbens nucleus exhibited few IR cells and many fibers. Claustrum and endopiriform nuclei showed a considerable number of stained cells and fibers that increased in number and staining intensity in colchicine-treated ground squirrels. The induseum griseum showed a small band of IR cell bodies and varicose fibers. Bipolar of multipolar IR cells and varicose fibers were found in the basal nucleus of the amygdala. Dense fiber plexuses as well as IR terminals were seen in the median, medial, and lateral preoptic areas of the hypothalamus. Terminals and relatively few fibers were located in the periventricular, paraventricular, and supraoptic nuclei. The anterior, lateral, dorsomedial, and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei contained relatively large numbers of terminals and fibers. In the suprachiasmatic nuclei, dense terminals were distributed mainly in the ventromedial subdivision. In the median eminence, immunoreactive terminals were concentrated in the external layer, with fibers predominant in the internal layer. NPY-IR perikarya were observed only in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and only following colchicine treatment. In the epithalamus (superficial part of the pineal gland and habenular nuclei), varicose fibers appeared mainly in perivascular locations (pineal) or as a dense plexus (habenular nuclei). These results from ground squirrels are discussed in comparison to those obtained in other species and with regard to considerations of the physiological role of NPY.  相似文献   

Role of membrane cholesterol in direct and reversed function of Na+ -dependent glutamate transporters and exocytosis was investigated. The depletion of membrane cholesterol by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MebetaCD) resulted in a dose-dependent significant reduction of the L-[14C]glutamate uptake by synaptosomes. Treatment of synaptosomes with 15 mM MebetaCD caused a decrease in the velocity of L-[14C]glutamate uptake by 49 +/- 4% (P < or = 0.05). The depolarization stimulated Ca2+ -dependent glutamate release that occurred via reverse functioning of glutamate transporters decreased insignificantly for 1 min from 8.0 +/- 0.4% to 6.7 +/- 0.4% of total accumulated synaptosomal label after MebetaCD treatment. The depletion of membrane cholesterol resulted in a reduction of the depolarization evoked exocytotic release from 8.0 +/- 1.0% to 4.2 +/- 1.0% of total synaptosomal label. Thus, cholesterol depletion was found to decrease significantly the Na+ -dependent uptake and exocytotic release of glutamate.  相似文献   

Ecto-5'-nucleotidase is regarded as being the key enzyme in the formation of the neuromodulator adenosine from released ATP. However, the association of ecto-5'-nucleotidase with nerve terminals is not consensual. Only enzyme histochemical and biochemical studies, but not immunocytochemical studies, agree on a general synaptic location of the enzyme. To clarify this issue further we tested the effect of an antibody against ecto-5'-nucleotidase, previously used in immunocytochemical studies, on the activity of ecto-5'-nucleotidase in fractions of nerve terminals isolated from different areas of rat hippocampus. The specific activity of extracellular AMP catabolism was higher in synaptosomes from the CA3 area (0.81+/-0.06 nmol/min/mg of protein) than from synaptosomes from the CA1 area or the dentate gyrus or from the whole hippocampus (0.49-0.68 nmol/ min/mg of protein). The catabolism of AMP (10 microM) was equally inhibited (85-92%) in synaptosomes from whole hippocampus, CA1, CA3, or dentate gyrus by alpha,beta-methylene-ADP (100 microM) and equally unaffected by p-nitrophenyl phosphate (0.5 mM) or rabbit IgGs (100 microg/ml). However, the antiserum against ecto-5'-nucleotidase (100 microg/ml) inhibited extracellular AMP catabolism by 44% in CA3 synaptosomes but had little or no effect in synaptosomes from CA1, dentate gyrus, or whole hippocampus. A similar difference in the inhibitory potential of the antibody was observed between fractions of isolated 5'-nucleotidase binding to concanavalin A-Sepharose (70%) and fractions not retained by the lectin column (18%). Taken together, these results suggest that immunological isoforms of ecto-5'-nucleotidase exist in the rat hippocampal nerve terminals, with predominance in the CA3 area.  相似文献   

CCK/dopamine interactions in Fawn-Hooded and Wistar-Kyoto rat brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to compare the actions of CCK neuropeptides within the nucleus accumbens (N.Acc) of alcohol preferring (Fawn-Hooded, FH) and alcohol nonpreferring (Wistar-Kyoto, WKY) rats. CCK-8S (30-300 nM) facilitated the K(+) stimulated release of [(3)H]dopamine (DA) from N.Acc prisms in both rat strains, whereas CCK-4 (30 nM-1 microM) caused a significant decrease of evoked [(3)H]DA in the FH rat only. A scattered distribution of CCK-A and -B receptor immunopositive varicose fibers were visualized throughout the N.Acc of both rat strains along with a topographic distribution of CCK receptor positive cells throughout the ventral mesencephalon.  相似文献   

The properties of high affinity CCK8 binding sites of guinea-pig and rat brain cortex were compared using [3H]pCCK8. Large differences were observed, with the KD value being significantly higher in the rat (KD = 1.25 nM) than in guinea-pig brain (KD = 0.18 nM). Both sites exhibited different specificities for various CCK8 analogues, the selectivity factors KI rat/KI guinea-pig varied from 0.9 for CCK4 to 64 for cyclic CCK8-related compounds. Significant differences in the inhibition of [3H]pCCK8 binding by monovalent and nucleotides cations were also observed. These results could be explained by a difference in receptor environment or by a species difference in the proportion of CCK8 receptor-subtypes.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase, which catalyzes the initial step in catecholamine biosynthesis, is phosphorylated at serines 8, 19, 31, and 40 in intact pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells (Haycock, J.W. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11682-11691). After 32Pi labeling of rat corpus striata in vivo or rat corpus striatal synaptosomes, 32P incorporation into tyrosine hydroxylase occurred predominantly at serines 19, 31, and 40. Electrical stimulation (30 Hz, 20 min) of the medial forebrain bundle (containing the afferent dopaminergic fibers) increased 32P incorporation into each of the three sites. Brief depolarization of the synaptosomes with elevated [K+]o (20-60 mM, 5-30 s) or veratridine (50 microM, 2 min) produced a selective increase in 32P incorporation into Ser19. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (1 microM, 5 min) increased 32P incorporation into Ser31, and cAMP-acting agents such as forskolin (10 microM, 5 min) increased 32P incorporation into Ser40. In contrast, 32P incorporation into Ser8, which was usually detectable but very low, was not regulated either in vivo or in situ by any of the activators of signal transduction pathways. In synaptosomes, the only treatment found to increase Ser8 phosphorylation was okadaic acid (a protein phosphatase inhibitor), which increased 32P incorporation into all four phosphorylation sites. Thus, three different signal transduction systems appear to mediate the physiological regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation at three different sites.  相似文献   

The recent evidence from literature testify to functional asymmetry of the structures belonging to the limbic system: hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus. Predominant activation of the right hippocampus and right amygdala during perception and memorizing of visual picturesque images and solving the tasks provoking emotional stress, apparently, concerns the functional specialization of the right hemisphere in general. The leading role of the left hypothalamus in provocation of food, sexual, and defensive responses was experimentally verified. This finding is in line with the functional role of the left hemisphere in genesis of motivational states.  相似文献   

Amphiphysin I (amphI) is dephosphorylated by calcineurin during nerve terminal depolarization and synaptic vesicle endocytosis (SVE). Some amphI phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) have been identified with in vitro studies or phosphoproteomics screens. We used a multifaceted strategy including 32P tracking to identify all in vivo amphI phosphosites and determine their relative abundance and potential relevance to SVE. AmphI was extracted from 32P-labeled synaptosomes, phosphopeptides were isolated from proteolytic digests using TiO2 chromatography, and mass spectrometry revealed 13 sites: serines 250, 252, 262, 268, 272, 276, 285, 293, 496, 514, 539, and 626 and Thr-310. These were distributed into two clusters around the proline-rich domain and the C-terminal Src homology 3 domain. Hierarchical phosphorylation of Ser-262 preceded phosphorylation of Ser-268, -272, -276, and -285. Off-line HPLC separation and two-dimensional tryptic mapping of 32P-labeled amphI revealed that Thr-310, Ser-293, Ser-285, Ser-272, Ser-276, and Ser-268 contained the highest 32P incorporation and were the most stimulus-sensitive. Individually Thr-310 and Ser-293 were the most abundant phosphosites, incorporating 16 and 23% of the 32P. The multiple phosphopeptides containing Ser-268, Ser-276, Ser-272, and Ser-285 had 27% of the 32P. Evidence for a role for at least one proline-directed protein kinase and one non-proline-directed kinase was obtained. Four phosphosites predicted for non-proline-directed kinases, Ser-626, -250, -252, and -539, contained low amounts of 32P and were not depolarization-responsive. At least one alternatively spliced amphI isoform was identified in synaptosomes as being constitutively phosphorylated because it did not incorporate 32P during the 1-h labeling period. Multiple phosphosites from amphI-co-migrating synaptosomal proteins were also identified, including SGIP (Src homology 3 domain growth factor receptor-bound 2 (Grb2)-like (endophilin)-interacting protein 1), AAK1, eps15R, MAP6, alpha/beta-adducin, and HCN1. The results reveal two sets of amphI phosphosites that are either dynamically turning over or constitutively phosphorylated in nerve terminals and improve understanding of the role of individual amphI sites or phosphosite clusters in synaptic SVE.  相似文献   

In rat striatal synaptosomes incubated with [14C]tyrosine, the evolution of 14CO2, taken as a measure of dopamine synthesis, was inhibited by exogenous dopamine and by the dopaminergic receptor agonist ADTN. The inhibition was not counteracted by dopaminergic receptor antagonists (haloperidol, sulpiride, pimozide or domperidone). Instead, it was prevented by dopamine uptake blockers, suggesting that dopamine and ADTN (a substrate of the dopamine carrier) acted once inside the nerve endings and not through activation of autoreceptors on their external membrane. The dopamine uptake inhibitors nomifensine, benztropine and cocaine increased 14CO2 evolution from incubated striatal synaptosomes. Depolarization with KCl also increased dopamine synthesis and this action was potentiated when the reuptake of the released catecholamine was prevented by carrier blockers. The rate of dopamine synthesis was lowered when synaptosomal dopamine was raised upon incubation with monoamine oxidase inhibitors or with l-DOPA. The inhibition was counteracted by dopamine reuptake blockers. The data suggest that dopamine synthesis in striatal nerve endings is under the inhibitory control of the transmitter recaptured following release.  相似文献   

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