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Schall JD 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(11):R404-R406
New insight into how the brain makes a decision has come from a study of the effects of the decision-making process on an eye movement evoked by electrical stimulation of the frontal cortex. The accumulation of sensory evidence was found to cause a gradual commitment toward a choice.  相似文献   

Summary During their jamming avoidance response (JAR), weakly electric fish of the genusEigenmannia shift their electric organ discharge (EOD) frequency away from a similar EOD frequency of a neighboring fish. The behavioral rules and neural substrates for stimulus recognition and motor control of the JAR have been extensively studied (see review by Heiligenberg 1986). The diencephalic nucleus electrosensorius (nE) links sensory processing within the torus semicircularis and optic tectum with the mesencephalic prepacemaker nucleus which, in turn, modulates the medullary pacemaker nucleus and hence the EOD frequency. Two separate areas within the nE responsible for JAR-related EOD frequency rises and frequency falls, respectively, were identified by iontophoresis of the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate. Bilateral lesion of the areas causing EOD frequency rises resulted in elimination of JAR-related frequency rises above a baseline frequency obtained in the absence of a jamming stimulus. Similarly, bilateral lesion of the areas causing frequency falls resulted in a loss of JAR-related frequency falls below the baseline frequency. Whether these areas are also responsible for non-JAR-related frequency shifts is not known. The strength of response and spatial extent of the areas causing frequency shifts varied among fish and also varied in individual fish, reflecting the strength of JAR-related frequency shifts and the balance of activities in frequency-rise and frequency-fall areas. Local application of bicuculline-methiodide or GABA demonstrated a tonic inhibitory input to each area and suggests a reciprocal inhibitory interaction between the two ipsilateral areas, possibly accounting for much of the individual plasticity.The nE thus is a site for neuronal transformation from distributed, topographically organized processing within the laminated structures of the torus and tectum to discrete cell clusters which control antagonistic motor responses.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response - Df difference frequency between jamming signal and the fish's own EOD - nE nucleus electrosensorius - PPn prepacemaker nucleus  相似文献   

Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by gamma motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.  相似文献   

Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by &#110 motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.  相似文献   

We studied a specific sensory-motor pathway in the isolated leech ganglia. Pressure-sensitive mechanosensory neurons were stimulated with trains of action potentials at 5–20 Hz while recording the responses of the annulus erector motorneurons that control annuli erection. The response of the annulus erector neurons was a succession of excitatory postsynaptic potentials followed by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. The excitatory postsynaptic potentials had a brief time-course while the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials had a prolonged time-course that enabled their temporal summation. Thus, the net effect of pressure-sensitive neuron stimulation on the annulus erector neurons was inhibitory. Both phases of the response were mediated by chemical transmission; the excitatory postsynaptic potentials were transmitted via a monosynaptic pathway, and the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials via a polysynaptic one. The pattern of expression of this dual response depended on the field of innervation of the sensory neuron and it was under the influence of cell 151, a non-spiking interneuron, that could regulate the expression of the hyperpolarization. The interaction between pressure-sensitive neurons and annulus erector neuron reveals how sensory specificity, connectivity pattern and regulatory elements interplay in a specific sensory-motor network. Accepted: 6 November 1998  相似文献   

The induction of heat shock proteins (Hsps) serves not only as a marker for cellular stress but also as a promoter of cell survival, which is especially important in the nervous system. We examined the regulation of the constitutive and stress-induced 70-kD Hsps (Hsc70 and Hsp70, respectively) after sciatic nerve (SN) axotomy in the neonatal mouse. Additionally, the prevention of axotomy-induced SN cell death by administration of several preparations of exogenous Hsc70 and Hsp70 was tested. Immunohistochemistry and Western blot analyses showed that endogenous levels of Hsc70 and Hsp70 did not increase significantly in lumbar motor neurons or dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons up to 24 hours after axotomy. When a variety of Hsc70 and Hsp70 preparations at doses ranging from 5 to 75 microg were applied to the SN stump after axotomy, the survival of both motor and sensory neurons was significantly improved. Thus, it appears that motor and sensory neurons in the neonatal mouse do not initiate a typical Hsp70 response after traumatic injury and that administration of exogenous Hsc/Hsp70 can remedy that deficit and reduce the subsequent loss of neurons by apoptosis.  相似文献   

From Charcot to SOD1: mechanisms of selective motor neuron death in ALS   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cleveland DW 《Neuron》1999,24(3):515-520

This article presents the use of continuous dynamic models in the form of differential equations to describe and predict temporal changes in biological processes and discusses several of its important advantages over discontinuous bistable ones, exemplified on the stick insect walking system. In this system, coordinated locomotion is produced by concerted joint dynamics and interactions on different dynamical scales, which is therefore difficult to understand. Modeling using differential equations possesses, in general, the potential for the inclusion of biological detail, the suitability for simulation, and most importantly, parameter manipulation to make predictions about the system behavior. We will show in this review article how, in case of the stick insect walking system, continuous dynamical system models can help to understand coordinated locomotion.  相似文献   

Recent development of optogenetics brought non‐invasive neural activation in living organisms. Transparent zebrafish larva is one of the suitable animal models for this technique, which enables us to investigate neural circuits for behaviors based on a whole individual nervous system. In this article we review our recent finding that suggests sensory‐motor coordination in larval zebrafish escape behavior. When water vibration stimulates mechanosensory Rohon‐Beard (RB) neurons, intra‐spinal reflex circuit launches contralateral trunk muscle contraction that makes rapid body curvature for turning. In addition, positional information of the stimulus is conveyed to supra‐spinal circuits, and then regulates the curvature strength for appropriate escape pathway from the threat. Sensory‐motor coordination is a fundamental feature to adapt behaviors to environment, and zebrafish larvae would be an excellent model for elucidating its neural backbones.  相似文献   

We previously identified a secreted glycoprotein, neural epidermal growth factor-like like 2 (NELL2), in a subtraction screen designed to identify molecules regulating sensory neurogenesis and differentiation in the chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG). Characterization of NELL2 expression during embryogenesis revealed that NELL2 was specifically expressed during the peak periods of both sensory and motor neuron differentiation, and within the neural crest was restricted to the sensory lineage. We now provide evidence for a function for NELL2 during neuronal development. We report here that NELL2 acts cell autonomously within CNS and PNS progenitors, in vivo, to promote their differentiation into neurons. Additionally, neuron-secreted NELL2 acts paracrinely to stimulate the mitogenesis of adjacent cells within the nascent DRG. These studies implicate dual functions for NELL2 in both the cell autonomous differentiation of neural progenitor cells while simultaneously exerting paracrine proliferative activity.  相似文献   

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From radial glia to pyramidal-projection neuron   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Degenerative processes within the nervous system are common features in disease entities such as dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT), Parkinson disease (PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a neurodegenerative disease with unknown etiology; widespread muscle wasting and respiratory failure lead to death within a few years. Denervation can be detected with electromyography and axonal deterioration monitored by motor unit number estimates. Several suggestions about the cause of ALS have emerged but no solid theory has yet precipitated. Lead or mercury exposure has been suggested. Exposure data alone cannot support this connection. Alterations in metal kinetics may underlie the deterioration of motor function observed in patients with ALS. In this review the role of metals in motor neuron disease is discussed. Both classic studies on exposure and recent understanding of metal binding proteins are considered. Aspects of peak exposure and excretion are merged toward an understanding of metal dynamics in ALS. An overview of chemical and electrophysiological investigations is given in the context of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

To determine the influence that an appropriate target cell has on the axonal structure of a presynaptic neuron in vivo, we examined the morphologies of individual Aplysia sensory neurons in dissociated cell culture in the presence or absence of identified target motor neurons. We find that an appropriate target, the motor cell L7, regulates the morphological differentiation of the presynaptic sensory neurons in two ways: the target induces the axons of the sensory neurons to develop a more elaborate structure and to form active zones, and the target guides the outgrowth of the sensory neurons. The influence of the appropriate target, L7, on the morphological differentiation of sensory neurons appears to be related to the formation of chemical synaptic connections between the sensory neurons and L7, since sensory neurons co-cultured with an inappropriate target motor neuron do not exhibit a comparable elaboration of their axonal processes.  相似文献   

Pathways to motor neuron degeneration in transgenic mouse models   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Robertson J  Kriz J  Nguyen MD  Julien JP 《Biochimie》2002,84(11):1151-1160
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an adult-onset neurological disorder characterized by the selective loss of motor neurons. A pathological hallmark of both sporadic and familial ALS is the presence of abnormal accumulations of neurofilament and peripherin proteins in motor neurons. In the past decade, transgenic mouse approaches have been used to address the role of such cytoskeletal abnormalities in motor neuron disease and also to unravel the pathogenesis caused by mutations in the gene coding for superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) that account for ~20% of familial ALS cases. In mouse models, disparate effects could result from different types of intermediate filament (IF) aggregates. Perikaryal IF accumulations induced by the overexpression of any of the three wild-type neurofilament proteins were quite well tolerated by motor neurons. Indeed, perikaryal swellings provoked by NF-H overexpression can even confer protection against toxicity of mutant SOD1. Other types of IF aggregates seem neurotoxic, such as those found in transgenic mice overexpressing either peripherin or an assembly-disrupting NF-L mutant. Moreover, understanding the toxicity of SOD1 mutations has been surprisingly difficult. The analysis of transgenic mice expressing mutant SOD1 has yielded complex results, suggesting that multiple pathways may contribute to disease that include the involvement of non-neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Gulf War Syndrome is a multi-system disorder afflicting many veterans of Western armies in the 1990–1991 Gulf War. A number of those afflicted may show neurological deficits including various cognitive dysfunctions and motor neuron disease, the latter expression virtually indistinguishable from classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) except for the age of onset. This ALS “cluster” represents the second such ALS cluster described in the literature to date. Possible causes of GWS include several of the adjuvants in the anthrax vaccine and others. The most likely culprit appears to be aluminum hydroxide. In an initial series of experiments, we examined the potential toxicity of aluminum hydroxide in male, outbred CD-1 mice injected subcutaneously in two equivalent-to-human doses. After sacrifice, spinal cord and motor cortex samples were examined by immunohistochemistry. Aluminum-treated mice showed significantly increased apoptosis of motor neurons and increases in reactive astrocytes and microglial proliferation within the spinal cord and cortex. Morin stain detected the presence of aluminum in the cytoplasm of motor neurons with some neurons also testing positive for the presence of hyper-phosphorylated tau protein, a pathological hallmark of various neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. A second series of experiments was conducted on mice injected with six doses of aluminum hydroxide. Behavioural analyses in these mice revealed significant impairments in a number of motor functions as well as diminished spatial memory capacity. The demonstrated neurotoxicity of aluminum hydroxide and its relative ubiquity as an adjuvant suggest that greater scrutiny by the scientific community is warranted.  相似文献   

Neurons transform time-varying inputs into action potentials emitted stochastically at a time dependent rate. The mapping from current input to output firing rate is often represented with the help of phenomenological models such as the linear-nonlinear (LN) cascade, in which the output firing rate is estimated by applying to the input successively a linear temporal filter and a static non-linear transformation. These simplified models leave out the biophysical details of action potential generation. It is not a priori clear to which extent the input-output mapping of biophysically more realistic, spiking neuron models can be reduced to a simple linear-nonlinear cascade. Here we investigate this question for the leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF), exponential integrate-and-fire (EIF) and conductance-based Wang-Buzsáki models in presence of background synaptic activity. We exploit available analytic results for these models to determine the corresponding linear filter and static non-linearity in a parameter-free form. We show that the obtained functions are identical to the linear filter and static non-linearity determined using standard reverse correlation analysis. We then quantitatively compare the output of the corresponding linear-nonlinear cascade with numerical simulations of spiking neurons, systematically varying the parameters of input signal and background noise. We find that the LN cascade provides accurate estimates of the firing rates of spiking neurons in most of parameter space. For the EIF and Wang-Buzsáki models, we show that the LN cascade can be reduced to a firing rate model, the timescale of which we determine analytically. Finally we introduce an adaptive timescale rate model in which the timescale of the linear filter depends on the instantaneous firing rate. This model leads to highly accurate estimates of instantaneous firing rates.  相似文献   

Mesoscopic neurodynamics: From neuron to brain   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Intelligent behavior is characterized by flexible and creative pursuit of endogenously defined goals. Intentionality is a key concept by which to link neuron and brain to goal-directed behavior through brain dynamics. An archetypal form of intentional behavior is an act of observation in space-time, by which information is sought for the guidance of future action to explore unpredictable and ever-changing environments. These acts are based in the brain dynamics that creates spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity, serving as images of goals, of command sequences by which to act to reach goals, and of expected changes in sensory input resulting from intended actions. Prediction of the sensory consequences of intended action and evaluation of performance is by reafference. An intentional act is completed upon modification of the system by itself through learning. These principles are well known among psychologists and philosophers. What is new is the development of nonlinear mesoscopic brain dynamics, by which the theory of chaos can be used to understand and simulate the constructions of meaningful patterns of neural activity that implement the process of observation. The design of neurobiological experiments, analysis of the resulting data, and synthesis of explanatory models require an understanding of the hierarchical nature of brain organization, here conceived as single neurons and neural networks at the microscopic level; clinically defined cortical and subcortical systems studied by brain imaging (for example, fMRI) at the macroscopic level, and self-organizing neural populations at an intermediate mesoscopic level, at which synaptic interactions create novel activity patterns through nonlinear state transitions. The constructive neurodynamics of sensory cortices, when they are engaged in pattern recognition, is revealed by learning-dependent spatial patterns of amplitude modulation and by newly discovered radially symmetric spatial gradients of the phase of aperiodic carrier waves in multichannel subdural EEG recordings.  相似文献   

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