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The amphibian tongue contains two types of papilla which are believed to function in gustation and in the secretion of salivary fluid. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that columnar, filiform papillae are compactly distributed over nearly the entire dorsal surface of the tongue of the frog, Rana cancrivora, and fungiform papillae are scattered among the filiform papillae. Microridges and microvilli are distributed on the epithelial cell surface of the extensive area of the filiform papillae. Light microscopy shows that the apex of each filiform papilla is composed of stratified columnar and/or cuboidal epithelium and its base is composed of simple columnar epithelium. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that most of the epithelium of the filiform papillae is composed of cells that contain numerous round electron-dense granules 1–3 μm in diameter. Cellular interdigitation is well developed between adjacent cells. On the free-surface of epithelial cells, microridges or microvilli are frequently seen. Between these granular cells, a small number of ciliated cells, mitochondria-rich cells and electron-lucent cells are inserted. In some cases, electron-dense granules are present in the ciliated cells. At higher magnification, the electron-dense granules appear to be covered with patterns of spots and tubules. Overall, the morphology and ultrastructure of the lingual epithelium of the three species of Rana that have been studied are quite similar, but they can be easily distinguished from those of Bufo japonicus. Therefore, it appears that lingual morphology is phylogenetically constrained among members of the predominantly freshwater genus Rana to produce uniformity of papillary structure and this morphology persists in Rana cancrivora despite the distinct saline environment in which it lives. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuromast structure in Rana cancrivora larvae was observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Neuromast units, each being composed of two or three neuromasts, are arranged in several well-defined lines in the head, body, and tail regions. The structure of neuromasts in these three regions is basically identical. The neuromast is composed of sensory, sustentacular, and mantle cells. The top of each neuromast has a hillocklike appearance, and is surrounded by four to six epidermal cells with tight intercellular junctions. Long kinocilia and many stereocilia occur in the apex of the neuromasts and are surrounded by numerous microvilli. Numerous granules are present on the apical portions of the mantle and the sustentacular cells. Four or five trapeziform mantle cells are connected closely with each other to form the shell of the neuromast. Large intercellular spaces occur between the mantle cells and the cells of the inner epidermal layers, and between the cells of the inner epidermal layer. Thus, at the apical parts of the neuromast intercellular junctions are tight and the intercellular spaces are more dilated in more basal areas. Morphologically the neuromasts of R. cancrivora larvae resemble those of generalized pond anurans, based on the grouping of Lannoo (Journal of Morphology 191:115-129, 1987a), although larvae of this species inhabit brackish water.  相似文献   

Summary Salinity tolerance and histology of gills were studied in Rana cancrivora larvae. The tadpoles at the external gill stages (W stages 21–22) were able to survive in media containing up to 40% seawater, but died in water of higher salinity. Their external gills appear to have no critical role in adaptation to seawater. However, advanced tadpoles with internal gills (T-K stages I–XVIII) were able to tolerate 50% or higher seawater. In the internal gills, there are numerous mitochondriarich cells (MR cells) scattered on the ventral and lateral epithelia of the gill arches and the gill tufts in both freshwater-and seawater-acclimated tadpoles. In freshwater-acclimated tadpoles there are three types of MR cell: (1) microplicated, (2) microvillous, and (3) apically vacuolated. In tadpoles acclimated to dilute seawater, the ratio of type-1 to type-2 cells is lower, although all three types of MR cell are present. In 60%-seawater-acclimated tadpoles, a few MR cells with a lumen and concave cytoplasm at the apical membrane (type 4) are present. The changes in MR cell morphology under ambient conditions of low or high salinity may reflect alterations in the physiological roles of the gills with regard to transport of ions.  相似文献   

The crab-eating frog Rana cancrivora is one of only a handful of amphibians worldwide that tolerate saline waters. They typically inhabit brackish water of mangrove forests of Southeast Asia, but live happily in freshwater and can be acclimated to 75% seawater (25 ppt) or higher. We report here that after transfer of juvenile R. cancrivora from freshwater (1 ppt) to brackish water (10 -->20 or 20 -->25 ppt; 4-8 d) there was a significant increase in the specific activity of the key hepatic ornithine urea cycle enzyme (OUC), carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (CPSase I). At 20 ppt, plasma, liver and muscle urea levels increased by 22-, 21-, and 11-fold, respectively. As well, muscle total amino acid levels were significantly elevated by 6-fold, with the largest changes occurring in glycine and beta-alanine levels. In liver, taurine levels were 5-fold higher in frogs acclimated to 20 ppt. There were no significant changes in urea or ammonia excretion rates to the environment. As well, the rate of urea influx (J(in) (urea)) and efflux (J(out) (urea)) across the ventral pelvic skin did not differ between frogs acclimated to 1 versus 20 ppt. Taken together, these findings suggest that acclimation to saline water involves the up-regulation of hepatic urea synthesis, which in turn contributes to the dramatic rise in tissue urea levels. The lack of change in urea excretion rates, despite the large increase in tissue-to-water gradients further indicates that mechanisms must be in place to prevent excessive loss of urea in saline waters, but these mechanisms do not include cutaneous urea uptake. Also, amino acid accumulation may contribute to an overall rise in the osmolarity of the muscle tissue, but relative to urea, the contribution is small.  相似文献   

Ren Z  Zhu B  Ma E  Wen J  Tu T  Cao Y  Hasegawa M  Zhong Y 《Gene》2009,441(1-2):148-155
The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the crab-eating frog, Fejervarya cancrivora Gravenhorst (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae), was determined. The mt genome is 17,843 bp long and contains 13 protein-coding (ATP6, ATP8, COI-III, ND1-6 and 4L, and Cyt b) and two ribosomal RNA (12S and 16SrRNA) genes. Although metazoan mt genomes typically encode 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), the F. cancrivora mtDNA contains 23 tRNAs due to the presence of an extra copy of tRNA(Met). A major noncoding region and a prominent intergenic spacer corresponding to the control region and light-strand replication origin were also found. To confirm the phylogenetic position of F. cancrivora, we compared the gene arrangement with that of other anurans and performed phylogenetic analyses based on mt genomic data. The genome organization of F. cancrivora mtDNA differs from that of typical vertebrates and neobatrachian frogs but is identical with that of F. limnocharis, suggesting that the unique gene arrangement occurred in the common ancestor of the genus. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of the Fejervarya species used here as well as the dicroglossini clade. Although the family Ranidae as previously recognized (= Ranidae, Discoglossidae, and some other natatanuran families; sensu Frost et al., 2006) is shown as a clade in the maximum parsimony analysis, the maximum likelihood and the Bayesian analyses suggest the paraphyly of the Ranidae with respect to the families, Mantellidae and Rhacophoridae. Three-tandem duplications of gene regions followed by subsequent deletions of supernumerary genes were proposed to explain the evolution of the extra tRNA(Met) and translocation of ND5 from the original neobatrachian gene order.  相似文献   

Summary Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) is the main protein in normal human urine, and is found in the thick limb of the Loop of Henle in human kidney, and in other mammalian species. The skin of the frog, Rana temporaria, has similar physiological properties to this mammalian kidney tissue. In the present study, an immunohistological method involving an antibody to human THP was used to investigate the distribution of this distinctive protein in frog kidney and skin, and to compare its distribution with that found in the kidney tubules of rat and rabbit. THP-positive material was detected in the distal renal tubules and nephric duct of frogs, and was also located in the superificial epidermis of skin. It is suggested that its presence in amphibian skin is consistent with the hypothesis that THP is an important component of tissues that absorb sodium and chloride ions, but remain impermeable to water.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) zygosity of the field-collected frogs, Rana temporaria, was detected by progeny testing. Groups of sibling tadpoles were grafted with intrafamilial tail-tip allografts and the ratio of rapidly rejected allografts to slowly rejected ones was estimated. Twenty-five percent of parental frogs appeared to be MHC homozygotes. Thus, MHC homozygosity in natural frog populations seems to be considerably higher than in wild mouse populations.  相似文献   

Rana cancrivora Gravenhorst inhabits both fresh water and brackish water swamps and ditches in Singapore. Food items in the gut of frogs from both habitats have been examined. The diet of frogs collected near brackish water was predominantly crustacean and included crabs ( Sesarma spp.), while the diet of those collected near fresh water comprised mainly insects. Gut contents of frogs included all the small animal species found in the respective environments, the choice of prey appearing to be limited only by size.  相似文献   

The moor frog Rana arvalis is a lowland species with a broad Eurasiatic distribution, from arctic tundra through forest to the steppe zone. Its present-day range suggests that glacial refugia of this frog were located outside southern European peninsulas. We studied the species-wide phylogeographical pattern using sequence variation in a 682 base pairs fragment of mtDNA cytochrome b gene; 223 individuals from 73 localities were analysed. Two main clades, A and B, differing by c. 3.6% sequence divergence were detected. The A clade is further subdivided into two subclades, AI and AII differing by 1.0%. All three lineages are present in the Carpathian Basin (CB), whereas the rest of the species range, including huge expanses of Eurasian lowlands, are inhabited solely by the AI lineage. We infer that AII and B lineages survived several glacial cycles in the CB but did not expand, at least in the present interglacial, to the north. The geographical distribution and genealogical relationships between haplotypes from the AI lineage indicate that this group had two glacial refugia, one located in the eastern part of the CB and the other probably in southern Russia. Populations from both refugia contributed to the colonization of the western part of the range, whereas the eastern part was colonized from the eastern refugium only. The effective population size as evidenced by theta(ML) is an order of magnitude higher in the AI lineage than in the AII and B lineages. Demographic expansion was detected in all three lineages.  相似文献   

Summary In muscle fibers of the frog heart, junctions between outer membranes of adjacent mitochondrial profiles are occasionally found. In thin sections of embedded tissue and of mitochondrial pellets, the intermitochondrial junctional space is 5.4±0.15 nm; the external leaflets of the membranes are joined by periodic structures separated from each other by 16.3±0.29 nm. There are 65.3±2 periodic structures per m of membrane measured on a section perpendicular to the junction. After cryofracture, the outer membrane is cleaved into two parts. Closely packed, parallel rows of large particles and furrows are found either on the P-, or on the E-faces. The rows of particles are 11±0.3 nm thick and are separated from each other by 16.5±0.46 nm, their density being 65±2.28 per m of the membrane. In junctional areas, rows of particles on one membrane correspond with the furrows on the other membrane. Intermitochondrial junctions appear to be real structures and not artifacts due to preparation procedures. The conditions of their occurrence are discussed.  相似文献   

Interdigitating cells (IDC) of the thymic medulla of the frog, Rana temporaria, collected in the summer, were examined by electron microscopy. The most characteristic cytological features of IDC are voluminous electron-lucent cytoplasm and widespread interdigitations and invaginations of the cell membrane. IDC possess an excentrically located nucleus with pronounced nucleoli and a thin rim of a dense chromatine as well as a perinuclear area with characteristic tubulo-vesicular complex. In our material Birbeck granules were absent. Some IDC contain phagocytized material. A few transitional forms between monocytes and IDC were observed. On the basis of these observations it is highly probable that the amphibian IDC belong to the mononuclear phagocyte system.  相似文献   

Rana esculenta specimens were collected, during the last 13 years, in well-defined areas around Naples. The annual ovarian cycle shows distinct phases of recrudescence (starting September; vitellogenesis), breeding (late March-early July; egg deposition and active oogenesis) and quiescence (July-August; no follicular growth). Previtellogenic follicles are recruited for vitellogenesis in early September and in between two successive ovulatory waves. Breeding congregations are generally formed after a heavy rain fall and eggs are laid in standing waters, temporary or permanent. A maximum of three clutches of eggs is produced during the breeding season, at roughly monthly intervals. All mature females reproduce to some extent. Ovarian weight and clutch size are positively correlated to body weight. Depending upon the body size, the potential clutch size ranges from 1000 to 3500 eggs during the first wave of ovulation and it is notably smaller in the successive wave(s) of ovulation. Egg masses and tadpoles are left unprotected and mortality is high. The life cycle from the fertilized egg to completion of metamorphosis is 2 months and oogenesis in the ovary starts in the larva before the onset of metamorphic climax. Young females hatching from the first clutch of eggs may reach sexual maturity and breed in May the following year; those hatching from the last clutch require nearly 20 months to reach sexual maturity. The importance of some endocrine and exocrine factors for the regulation of ovarian activity and reproduction is discussed.  相似文献   

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