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A flocculating strain of Kluyveromyces marxianus was used for alcoholic fermentation in a continuous bioreactor working with zero residual concentration in effluent. Specific kinetic parameters were improved by increasing dilution rate, which is similar to results obtained with ultrafiltration systems. Specific biomass accumulation rate had always a value greater than 92.5% of specific biomass growth rate and was independent of the dilution rate. Productivity is shown to be 12.5 times greater than in conventional continuous operation and is directly proportional to dilution rate. Maximum biomass concentration also presents a linear relationship with dilution rate. The largest obtained biomass concentration is 8 times greater than in a conventional continuous fermentor.  相似文献   

研究纤维素酸水解产生的4种副产物乙酸、甲酸、糠醛、5-羟甲基糠醛及发酵产物乙醇对Kluyveromyces marxianus 1727共发酵葡萄糖和木糖的影响。结果表明:5.0 g/L乙酸和1.0 g/L甲酸对葡萄糖和木糖共发酵具有明显的抑制作用;1.0 g/L糠醛和5-羟甲基糠醛基本不影响K.marxianus 1727发酵葡萄糖,且能够被K.marxianus1727转化为毒性相对较低的物质。由于5-羟甲基糠醛的转化速率慢,对K.marxianus 1727发酵木糖的抑制程度大于糠醛。乙醇对K.marxianus 1727发酵木糖具有抑制作用,当乙醇质量浓度大于20 g/L时,生物量及木糖利用率约是对照的44%和70%。  相似文献   

The feasibility of ethanol production using an enzymatic hydrolysate of pretreated cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear cactus) as carbohydrate feedstock was investigated, including a comprehensive chemical analysis of the cladode biomass and the effects of limited aeration on the fermentation profiles and sugar utilization. The low xylose and negligible mannose content of the cladode biomass used in this study suggested that the hemicellulose structure of the O. ficus-indica cladode was atypical of hardwood or softwood hemicelluloses. Separate hydrolysis and fermentation and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation procedures using Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 40 and 35 °C, respectively, gave similar ethanol yields under non-aerated conditions. In oxygen-limited cultures K. marxianus exhibited almost double the ethanol productivity compared to non-aerated cultures, although after sugar depletion utilization of the produced ethanol was evident. Ethanol concentrations of up to 19.5 and 20.6 g l?1 were obtained with K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae, respectively, representing 66 and 70 % of the theoretical yield on total sugars in the hydrolysate. Because of the low xylan content of the cladode biomass, a yeast capable of xylose fermentation might not be a prerequisite for ethanol production. K. marxianus, therefore, has potential as an alternative to S. cerevisiae for bioethanol production. However, the relatively low concentration of fermentable sugars in the O. ficus-indica cladode hydrolysate presents a technical constraint for commercial exploitation.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to study the effect of commercial cellulases (Celluclast 1.5 LFG) on Kluyveromyces marxianus CECT 10875 growth and ethanol production in SSF processes. Preliminary tests carried out in glucose (50 g/L) fermentation medium showed that high enzyme amounts (2.5-3.5 FPU/mL) could cause a negative effect on K. marxianus growth rate and viable cells number. However, the maximum ethanol production was not affected and about 86% of the theoretical (22 g/L) was reached in all cases independently of the enzyme dosage. In SSF experiments, cell viability was always affected by enzyme loading. Nevertheless, slight differences observed on cell viability during glucose fermentation processes with the detected concentrations of the additives did not justify the negative effect observed in SSF experiments.  相似文献   

马克斯克鲁维酵母作为非常规酵母在燃料乙醇发酵中受到人们越来越多的关注。马克斯克鲁维具有天然的发酵戊糖的能力,但不同菌株的发酵能力存在较大差异。本研究比较了3株马克斯克鲁维菌株Kluyveromyces marxianus 9009/1911/1727(K.m 9009/1911/1727)在不同温度下的木糖和阿拉伯糖的发酵性能差异,结果发现不同发酵温度下,3株菌在耗糖速率、糖醇产率均表现出了显著的差异。菌株K.m 9009和K.m 1727在40℃下的发酵性能均优于30℃,这充分体现了马克斯克鲁维酵母的高温发酵优势。针对发酵差异,采用PCR方法获得3个不同菌株的戊糖代谢途径中的5种关键代谢酶(XR、XDH、XK、AR和LAD)的基因序列,并利用Clustalx 2.1进行了序列比对。结果显示3株菌的相关基因与文献中报道的1株克鲁维酵母的相应关键酶氨基酸编码序列相似性达98%以上,并且差异的氨基酸不在酶的关键位点处。在此基础上,通过Real-time实验,对木糖发酵差异最为明显的K.m 1727和K.m 1911的木糖代谢过程4个关键酶(XR、XDH、XK和ADH)的基因表达量进行测定,其结果显示对于耐热菌株K.m 1727,XDH和XK基因表达量低是导致木糖代谢过程中木糖醇积累、乙醇产量低的主要原因。最后,将所测得的马克斯克鲁维酵母的戊糖代谢关键酶序列与其他不同种属相比对,确定了其木糖和阿拉伯糖代谢途径,为进一步利用代谢工程方法提高戊糖发酵性能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers through a consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) strategy using the inulinase-producing yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus is an economical and competitive than that from a grainbased feedstock. However, poor inulinase production under ethanol fermentation conditions significantly prolongs the fermentation time and compromises ethanol productivity. Improvement of inulinase activity appears to be promising for increasing ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers by CBP. In the present study, expression of the inulinase gene INU with its own promoter in K. marxianus (K/INU2) was explored using the integrative cassette. Overexpression of INU was explored using chromosome integration via the HO locus of the yeast. Inulinase activity and ethanol were determined from inulin and Jerusalem artichoke tubers under fed-batch operation. Inulinase activity was 114.9 U/mL under aerobic conditions for K/INU2, compared with 52.3 U/mL produced by the wild type strain. Importantly, inulinase production was enhanced in K/INU2 under ethanol fermentation conditions. When using 230 g/L inulin and 220 g/L Jerusalem artichoke tubers as substrates, inulinase activities of 3.7 and 6.8 U/mL, respectively, were measured using K/INU2, comparing favorably with 2.4 and 3.1 U/mL, respectively, using the wide type strain. Ethanol concentration and productivity for inulin were improved by the recombinant yeast to 96.2 g/L and 1.34 g/L/h, respectively, vs 93.7 g/L and 1.12 g/L/h, respectively, by the wild type strain. Ethanol concentration and productivity improvements for Jerusalem artichoke tubers were 69 g/L and 1.44 g/L/h, respectively, from the recombinant strain vs 62 g/L and 1.29 g/L/h, respectively, from the wild type strain.  相似文献   

The fermentation characteristics of the novel, thermotolerant, isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus var marxianus were determined to evaluate its aptitude for use in an ethanol production process. Sustainable growth was not observed under anaerobic conditions, even in the presence of unsaturated fatty acid and sterol. A maximum ethanol concentration of 40 g L−1 was produced at 45°C, with an initial specific ethanol production rate of 1.7 g g−1 h−1. This was observed at ethanol concentrations below 8 g L−1 and under oxygen-limited conditions. The low ethanol tolerance and low growth under oxygen-limited conditions required for ethanol production implied that a simple continuous process was not feasible with this yeast strain. Improved productivity was achieved through recycling biomass into the fermenter, indicating that utilising an effective cell retention method such as cell recycle or immobilisation, could lead to the development of a viable industrial process using this novel yeast strain. Received 14 February 1998/ Accepted in revised form 19 May 1998  相似文献   

The potential of cashew apple bagasse as a source of sugars for ethanol production by Kluyveromyces marxianus CE025 was evaluated in this work. This strain was preliminarily cultivated in a synthetic medium containing glucose and xylose and was able to produce ethanol and xylitol at pH 4.5. Next, cashew apple bagasse hydrolysate (CABH) was prepared by a diluted sulfuric acid pretreatment and used as fermentation media. This hydrolysate is rich in glucose, xylose, and arabinose and contains traces of formic acid and acetic acid. In batch fermentations of CABH at pH 4.5, the strain produced only ethanol. The effects of temperature on the kinetic parameters of ethanol fermentation by K. marxianus CE025 using CABH were also evaluated. Maximum specific growth rate (μmax), overall yields of ethanol based on glucose consumption YP \mathord
/ \vphantom P S1 S1 \textGY_{{P \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {P {S_1 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {S_1 }}}^{\text{G}} and based on glucose + xylose consumption (Y P/S ), overall yield of ethanol based on biomass (Y P/X ), and ethanol productivity (P E) were determined as a function of temperature. Best results of ethanol production were achieved at 30°C, which is also quite close to the optimum temperature for the formation of biomass. The process yielded 12.36 ± 0.06 g l−1 of ethanol with a volumetric production rate of 0.257 ± 0.002 g l−1 h−1 and an ethanol yield of 0.417 ± 0.003 g g−1 glucose.  相似文献   

Hot compressed liquid water was used to treat switchgrass in a method called hydrothermolysis to disrupt lignin, dissolve hemicellulose, and increase accessibility of cellulose to cellulase. Three temperatures (190, 200, and 210 °C) and hold times (10, 15, and 20 min) were tested. Switchgrass treated at 190 °C for 10 min had the greatest xylan recovery in the prehydrolyzate. Less than 0.65 g/L glucose were released into the prehydrolyzate for all pretreatment conditions, indicating most glucose was retained as cellulose in the solid substrate. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and furfural formation in the prehydrolyzate were found to be less than 1 g/L for all treatments. The highest concentration of ethanol, 16.8 g/L (72% of theoretical), was produced from switchgrass pretreated at 210 °C and 15 min using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) at 45 °C with the thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus IMB4 and 15 FPU cellulase/g glucan.  相似文献   

Anaerobic batch fermentations of ricotta cheese whey (i.e. containing lactose) were performed under different operating conditions. Ethanol concentrations of ca. 22 g L−1 were found from whey containing ca. 44 g L−1 lactose, which corresponded to up to 95% of the theoretical ethanol yield within 15 h. The experimental data could be explained by means of a simple knowledge-driven biochemically structured model that was built on bioenergetics principles applied to the metabolic pathways through which lactose is converted into major products. Use of the model showed that the observed concentrations of ethanol, lactose, biomass and glycerol during batch fermentation could be described within a ca. 6% deviation, as could the yield coefficients for biomass and ethanol produced on lactose. The model structure confirmed that the thermodynamics considerations on the stoichiometry of the system constrain the metabolic coefficients within a physically meaningful range thereby providing valuable and reliable insight into fermentation processes.  相似文献   

Summary Kinetics of ethanol fermentation at varying sugar concentrations of Jerusalem artichoke tuber extract has been studied using Kluyveromyces marxianus cells immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads. A maximum ethanol concentration of 111 g/l was achieved at an initial sugar concentration of 260 g/l in 20 hours, when the immobilized cell concentration in the calcium alginate beads was 53.3 g dry wt./l bead volume. Ethanol yield remained almost unaffected by initial sugar concentration up to 250 g/l and was found to be about 88% of the theoretical. Maximum rate of ethanol production decreased from 22.5 g ethanol/l/h to 10.5 g ethanol/l/h while the maximum rate of total sugars utilization decreased from 74.9 g sugars/l/h to 28.5 g sugars/l/h as the initial substrate concentration was increased from 100 to 300 g/l. The concentration of free cells in the fermentation broth was low.  相似文献   

Factorial design and response surface analyses were used to optimize the production of inulinase (2,1-β-d-fructan fructanohydrolase, EC by Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 16045, using sucrose as carbon source. Effects of aeration, agitation and type of impeller (disk turbine, marine, pitched blade) were studied in a batch stirred reactor. Two factorial designs 22 were carried out. Agitation speed varied from 50 to 550 rpm (revolution per minute), aeration rate from 0.5 to 2.0 vvm (air volume/broth volume·minute). It has been shown that the enzyme production was strongly influenced by mixing conditions, while aeration rate was shown to be less significant. Additionally, the increase in the agitation speed is limited by the death rate, which increases drastically at high speeds, lowering the enzyme production. Also, the impeller type has significant influence in the production, the disk impeller at 450 rpm and aeration at 1.0 vvm led to an activity of 121 UI/mL, while the pitched blade was shown to be the best impeller for this process, leading to the best production, 176 UI/mL, at 450 rpm and 1.0 vvm. The maximum shear stress for inulinase production was about 0.22 Pa, since higher values cause higher cell death rates, affecting the enzyme production. The same results were confirmed with another microorganism, which was also sensible to shear stress. Therefore, it has been concluded that in some cases, mainly when the microorganism is sensible to shear stress, the interaction between mass transfer and mechanical stress should be considered in scale up processes.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces marxianus DMKU 3-1042, isolated by an enrichment technique in a sugar cane juice medium supplemented with 4% (w/v) ethanol at 35 degrees C, produced high concentrations of ethanol at both 40 and 45 degrees C. Ethanol production by this strain in shaking flask cultivation in sugar cane juice media at 37 degrees C was highest in a medium containing 22% total sugars, 0.05% (NH(4))(2)SO(4), 0.05% KH(2)PO(4), and 0.15% MgSO(4).7H(2)O and having a pH of 5.0; the ethanol concentration reached 8.7% (w/v), productivity 1.45 g/l/h and yield 77.5% of theoretical yield. At 40 degrees C, a maximal ethanol concentration of 6.78% (w/v), a productivity of 1.13 and a yield 60.4% of theoretical yield were obtained from the same medium, except that the pH was adjusted to 5.5. In a study on ethanol production in a 5l jar fermenter with an agitation speed of 300 rpm and an aeration rate of 0.2 vvm throughout the fermentation, K. marxianus DMKU 3-1042 yielded a final ethanol concentration of 6.43% (w/v), a productivity of 1.3g/l/h and a yield of 57.1% of theoretical yield.  相似文献   

Permeabilized cells of Kluyveromyces marxianus CCY eSY2 were tested as the source of lactase in the ethanol fermentation of concentrated deproteinized whey (65–70 g/l lactose) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCY 10–13–14. Rapid lactose hydrolysis by small amounts of permeabilized cells following the fermentation of released glucose and galactose by S. cerevisiae resulted in a twofold enhancement of the overall volumetric productivity (1.03 g/l × h), compared to the fermentation in which the lactose was directly fermented by K. marxianus.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and pH on the kinetics of ethanol production by free and calcium alginate immobilized cells of Kluyveromyces marxianus grown on Jerusalem artichoke extract was investigated. With the free cells, the ethanol and biomass yields were relatively constant over the temperature range 25-35 degrees C, but dropped sharply beyond 35 degrees C. Other kinetic parameters, specific growth rate, specific ethanol production rate, and specific total sugar uptake rate were maximum at 35 degrees C. However, with the immobilized cells, ethanol yield remained almost constant in the temperature range 25-45 degrees C, and the specific ethanol production rate and specific total sugar uptake rate attained their maximum values at 40 degrees C. For the pH range between 3 and 7, the free-cell optimum for growth and product formation was found to be ca. pH 5. At this pH, the specific growth rate was 0.35 h(-1) and specific ethanol production rate was 2.83 g/g/h. At values higher or lower than pH 5, a sharp decrease in specific ethanol production rate as well as specific growth rate was observed. In comparison, the immobilized cells showed a broad optimum pH profile. The best ethanol production rates were observed between pH 4 and 6.  相似文献   

Aims: Developing an innovative process for ethanol fermentation from Jerusalem artichoke tubers under very high gravity (VHG) conditions. Methods and Results: A consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) strategy that integrated inulinase production, saccharification of inulin contained in Jerusalem artichoke tubers and ethanol production from sugars released from inulin by the enzyme was developed with the inulinase‐producing yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus Y179 and fed‐batch operation. The impact of inoculum age, aeration, the supplementation of pectinase and nutrients on the ethanol fermentation performance of the CBP system was studied. Although inulinase activities increased with the extension of the seed incubation time, its contribution to ethanol production was negligible because vigorously growing yeast cells harvested earlier carried out ethanol fermentation more efficiently. Thus, the overnight incubation that has been practised in ethanol production from starch‐based feedstocks is recommended. Aeration facilitated the fermentation process, but compromised ethanol yield because of the negative Crabtree effect of the species, and increases the risk of contamination under industrial conditions. Therefore, nonaeration conditions are preferred for the CBP system. Pectinase supplementation reduced viscosity of the fermentation broth and improved ethanol production performance, particularly under high gravity conditions, but the enzyme cost should be carefully balanced. Medium optimization was performed, and ethanol concentration as high as 94·2 g l?1 was achieved when 0·15 g l?1 K2HPO4 was supplemented, which presents a significant progress in ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Conclusions: A CBP system using K. marxianus is suitable for efficient ethanol production from Jerusalem artichoke tubers under VHG conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: Jerusalem artichoke tubers are an alternative to grain‐based feedstocks for ethanol production. The high ethanol concentration achieved using K. marxianus with the CBP system not only saves energy consumption for ethanol distillation, but also significantly reduces the amount of waste distillage discharged from the distillation system.  相似文献   

The thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus IMB3 was capable of utilising either iminodiacetate or nitrilotriacetate as a sole source of nitrogen for growth. Cell extracts contained iminodiacetate dehydrogenase and nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase activities, suggesting the presence in the yeast of orthologues of these bacterial enzymes. The activities were not detectable in complete medium-growth cells, nor in nitrogen-starved cells, suggesting an inducible biodedgradation pathway for biodegradation of these xenobiotics, which has not been previously reported in a eukaryotic cell system. This observation emphasises the hitherto unrealised importance of yeast strains in the biodegradation of xenobiotics in the environment.  相似文献   

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