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调查表明,厦门菩提皮粉虱若虫发生高峰期分别在8月上旬(8月1日)、8月下旬(8月29日)、9月下旬(9月28日)和11月中旬(11月12日),卵的高峰期出现在7月下旬(7月26日)、8月下旬(8月29日)、9月下旬(9月28日)和10月下旬(10月31日)。在厦门一年可发生5代,其中第四代虫口数量达到全年高峰,菩提皮粉虱12月中旬开始越冬。  相似文献   

一、引言 百色在广西丘陵区与云南高原的交接地带,是右江河流两岸的典型低洼盆地(海拔自110—130米)。这个地区,一年内种早、晚两造玉米(有的也种一造中玉米),早玉米多在2月上旬至3月下旬播种,晚玉米7月上旬至8月下旬种植。玉米螟为害比海拔高的土石山区(海拔500—900米)和高寒山区(海拔1200—1500米)严重,晚玉米重于早玉米,早玉米常年被害株率在20—60%左右,晚玉米在40—95%,损失很大。 右江盆地玉米螟一年发生6个完整世代(个别有7代)。越冬代蛾出现在3月中旬至4月下旬,一代蛾在5月上旬至下旬,二代蛾在6月中旬至7月上旬,三代蛾在7月中旬至8月上旬,4代蛾在8月中旬至9月中旬,5代蛾在10月上旬至下旬,6代蛾(少数)在11月上旬至中旬。绝大部分以第6代幼虫在玉米、高粱、小米秆内越冬。 群众对王米不同播种期与玉米螟的为害关系说法不同:有的说提早播种能减轻受害;有的说推迟播种螟害轻。为了探索这个问题,我们于1962—1963年进行了考察,现将结果简报于下。  相似文献   

桑螟绒茧蜂的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不定期随机取样的方式 ,连续 3年就桑螟绒茧蜂ApantelesheterusiaeWilkinson对桑螟DiaphaniapyloalisWalker的自然寄生率进行了调查。结果表明 ,桑螟绒茧蜂在苏州一带的发生十分普遍 ,其自然寄生率为 2 2. 95 %~ 5 5. 41 % ,平均 3 3 . 99% ,全年各代都处于相对较高的水平 ,其中 9月份第 5代的自然寄生率最高 ,达 5 5 . 41 % ,是当地的优势天敌种群 ,对于桑螟的发生与危害具有明显的控制作用。该文报道了桑螟绒茧蜂的自然寄生情况及其成虫的生物学习性 ,为进一步开展桑螟的生物防治奠定了基础。  相似文献   

桑螟发生规律及防治策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过室内饲养和大田调查 ,证实湖州地区桑螟DiaphaniapyloalisWalker年发生以 5代为主 ,少数年份有 4代 ;桑螟成灾主要集中在第 4,5代。大田桑螟消长同气候、养蚕形式、天敌、防治水平有密切关系 ,不同年份之间发生时间、数量差异很大。桑螟防治方法 :以调整养蚕布局为主 ,辅以化学防治。在大批桑螟 3龄前用药是药剂防治的关键。药剂有 :40 %桑宝乳油 1 1 4mg kg,养蚕安全间隔期 6~ 8d。  相似文献   

孟国玲  何道 《昆虫知识》1998,35(2):94-97
黑胸茧蜂除寄生根红铃虫、梨小食心虫外,豆荚螟是又一发现的新寄主。黑胸茧蜂对棉红铃虫寄生率高,豆荚螟、梨小食心虫依序次之。在湖北,黑胸茧蜂越冬代于5月上、中旬开始羽化,5月中、下旬寄生第二代梨小食心虫,6月中、下旬越冬代大量羽化集中寄生春大豆上第二代豆荚螟,7月上、中旬转移至棉田寄生第一代棉红铃虫,8月上、中旬又向棉田四周的夏大豆田转移寄生第三代豆荚螟,9月上、中旬迁回棉田寄生第三代棉红铃虫直至越冬。  相似文献   

<正> 台湾稻螟Chilo auricilius Dudgeon在我县水稻每年都有不同程度发生,有的年份局部地区受害成灾,造成稻谷减产。因此,近几年来我们对台湾稻螟进行了研究及防治试验,其结果如下。 一、年生活史 台湾稻螟在我县一年发生五代,世代重叠,以老熟幼虫在稻秆或稻茬内越冬,越冬代螟蛾在3月上旬始见,3月下旬至4月中旬盛发,产卵于早造秧田和早插田,发生数量很少。第一  相似文献   

二化螟在豫南每年主要发生两代,个别发生一代或三代。通过饲养和测螟灯观察:越冬代蛾一般始见于4月下旬或5月初,盛发于5月中、下旬至6月初,终见期为6月中、下旬;第一代蛾一般始见于7月上旬,盛发于7月中、下旬,终见于8月上、中旬;第二代蛾一般始见于8月中、下旬,盛见于8月下旬,终见于8月底或9月中旬。今将各虫态历期和出现期分别制为表1和表2。  相似文献   

烟草粉斑螟的生物学特性及危害损失研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烟草粉斑螟是贮烟主要害虫之一,在安徽合肥每年发生3代,主要以老熟幼虫越冬。越冬、第1代,第2代成虫出现的高峰期分别为5月上旬,7月上、中旬.8月下至9月上旬。第1代卵的历期5-6天,幼虫平均历期56天,蛹的平均历期8.5天。麦蛾茧蜂Microbracon bebets Say寄生其幼虫,一种螨吸食其卵。实际损失率(y)与词查损失率(X)之间存在显相关,直线回归方程式为:y=1.26565x 9.12613×10^3(r=0.888879)。  相似文献   

本文首次对贵州省赤水地区新发现的一种主要产虫茶昆虫紫斑谷螟Pyralis farinalis Linnaeus进行了报道。结合野外调查和室内饲养的方法,对紫斑谷螟的形态特征和生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明,紫斑谷螟在赤水地区一年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在吐丝连缀茶叶形成的隧道内越冬。其中以越冬代历时最长,共经历约200d,越冬代成虫翌年4月下旬开始羽化;第1代历时最短,从5月上旬至7月上旬,仅经历约60d;第2代历时较长,从7月中旬到9月下旬,共经过约90d。  相似文献   

小波分析二点委夜蛾发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二点委夜蛾Proxenus lepigone(Moschler),属鳞翅目夜蛾科,主要分布于日本、朝鲜、俄罗斯和欧洲等地。我国于2005年7月在河北省夏玉米田首次发现。近年来,该虫发生范围不断扩大,为害程度日益加重。2011年二点委夜蛾在我国夏玉米产区严重暴发,虫情涉及6省47市302个区(县),面积近220万hm2。山东省2007年首次在德州市发现该虫为害玉米,2011年全省17个地市普遍为害严重。为更准确地确定该虫的发生代次、每代各虫态发生历期、发生盛期、发生高峰日等信息,适时准确监控发生时期,本文采用symlets小波函数变换滤除高频信息,对山东省多地点二点委夜蛾成虫诱虫数据进行分析,结果显示,二点委夜蛾在山东省一年发生4代,越冬代、1代、2代、3代,始见蛾日在3月底—4月上旬,越冬代成虫发生期在3月底至4月上中旬,1代发生期在4月上旬至6月中下旬,2代发生期在6月中旬至8月上中旬,3代发生期在8月上旬至9月中下旬,越冬代幼虫发生期在9月中旬至10月中下旬,10月下旬左右老熟幼虫做茧越冬。另外,通过调查和室内观察还发现高温环境不利于二点委夜蛾幼虫生长发育,7—8月份高温期,成虫致畸率较高。  相似文献   

The incidence of legionellosis, caused by the bacteria Legionella which are commonly found in the environment, has been increasing in New Jersey (NJ) over the last decade. The majority of cases are sporadic with no known source of exposure. Meteorological factors may be associated with increases in legionellosis. Time series and case-crossover study designs were used to evaluate associations of legionellosis and meteorological factors (temperature (daily minimum, maximum, and mean), precipitation, dew point, relative humidity, sea level pressure, wind speed (daily maximum and mean), gust, and visibility). Time series analyses of multi-factor models indicated increases in monthly relative humidity and precipitation were positively associated with monthly legionellosis rate, while maximum temperature and visibility were inversely associated. Case-crossover analyses of multi-factor models indicated increases in relative humidity occurring likely before incubation period was positively associated, while sea level pressure and visibility, also likely preceding incubation period, were inversely associated. It is possible that meteorological factors, such as wet, humid weather with low barometric pressure, allow proliferation of Legionella in natural environments, increasing the rate of legionellosis.  相似文献   

Temperature and relative humidity of air within and above potato crops were recorded throughout the growing seasons of 1951-8, with wet- and dry-bulb mercury-in-steel thermographs. Diurnal periodicity curves of successive weeks showed that conditions within the crop changed, relative to those above, as the crop grew. When much bare ground was exposed, the air within the crop was warmer and less humid at midday than at 4 ft. above ground, particularly in dry and sunny weather. The growth of the foliage and the amount of sunshine and rain determined how quickly this pattern was replaced by one with smaller temperature differences and crop humidity slightly in excess of that above it, at all times of day. Rain on crops with dense foliage almost completely eliminated temperature differences and gave relative humidities over 90% that persisted in the crop for a larger proportion of each day than in the screen. Finally, as the disease defoliated the crop and again exposed the soil, the relationship partly reverted to that early in the season.
Above the crops, curves of the number of hours per day with relative humidity not less than 90%, rose and fell with the passing of wet spells. At first this was also true within crops, but when foliage was dense the rise in relative humidity after rain often persisted through intervals of dry weather. Such conditions usually preceded the appearance of potato blight in epidemic proportions by 1–3 weeks. It is difficult to account for the regularity of blight outbreaks by seasonal climatic changes, and although many factors are probably involved, changes in ecoclimate seem important. When knowledge about the response of Phytophthora infestans is related to the meteorological observations and to the dates of blight outbreak, the growth of potato crops seems often to be self-destructive, because it progressively modifies the immediate environment to favour the spread of the crop's most destructive pathogen.  相似文献   

The widely held view that in cold weather one feels colder when the atmosphere is damp than when it is dry was investigated on clothed subjects. Subjective coldness and dampness, determined by a panel of six people who walked about half a mile in the open in winter, were compared with measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and other meteorological variables. The panellists comments showed that when the weather is cold, people think it is damp when the sky is overcast, irrespective of relative humidity. However, when this factor has been allowed for there still appears to be some correlation between subjective dampness and relative humidity. Relative humidity does appear to have an effect on how cold one feels at low temperatures, but only to a limited extent, and in the opposite direction to popular belief.  相似文献   

Known as the four famous carps in China, black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) are commercially important fish species with a high production in China. To reveal the relationships between meteorological conditions and the natural spawning behavior of these fishes, we considered six meteorological factors (including wind, rainfall, temperature, air pressure, sunshine hours and humidity) and the weather conditions in 80 spawning events. The results showed that the spawning activities were more likely to be activated in consecutive rainy days or days when weather changed drastically, while the spawning activities showed no tendency for the weather type except consecutive rainy days. Our analyses also showed that the average rainfall in the initial spawning days is higher than that in the spawning time windows (the time from the earliest spawning activity to the latest spawning activity), while other meteorological elements remained at more or less the same values in both time periods; spawning activity tended to happen in days when the average air pressure was going down or the average temperature going up, while the other meteorological elements showed no consistent tendency.  相似文献   

1 Infestation by the blackcurrant leaf midge Dasineura tetensi and galling incidence on a susceptible (cv. ‘Öjebyn’) and a moderately resistant (cv. ‘Storklas’) blackcurrant genotype was studied in the field for two midge generations in the same growing season. On the resistant genotype gall initiation is delayed. 2 The relation between infestation and galling incidence showed considerable variation between the two generations. Galling symptoms produced by the second midge generation were weak on the resistant as compared with the susceptible blackcurrant. 3 Because larval development of that generation coincided with a period of dry and warm weather, it is possible that larvae on the resistant genotype suffered desiccation to a greater extent than larvae on the susceptible genotype where gall development was stronger. 4 The possible interaction of relative humidity and expression of resistance was investigated in controlled environment experiments. The resistant ‘Storklas’ and a susceptible (‘7801–31’) currant genotype were studied at two constant relative humidities, 30 and 70%. 5 Larvae of D. tetensi suffered from higher mortality and reduced growth rate on both genotypes in the low humidity environment. 6 There was also a significant plant genotype by humidity interaction on larval performance; no galls were produced and no larvae completed development on the resistant currant at low humidity. 7 There was a trend for a positive correlation between larval length and larval density on a plant at low humidity but not at high humidity.  相似文献   

Field observations of air and surface temperatures, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind were performed in the daytime hours of the warm season around a pond of 4 ha, located in Begin Park, in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel. Observations were carried out at screened meteorological stations on four randomly selected days, all associated with moderate heat stress. Two of them, one representing a warm and dry day, and other, representing a sultry day, are analyzed in detail. At the downwind side of the pond, lower temperatures, a higher relative humidity and a lower heat stress index were observed consistently when compared with stations located upwind of the pond. This effect is regarded here as the "lake effect". The fact that no significant change was noted in the water vapor pressure during most of the daytime hours indicates that the lake effect was related mainly to cooling rather than to moisture transport from the pond. A positive relationship was found between the lake effect and wind speed in both types of weather. The maximum effect of the wind's speed on the lake effect was observed at midday, at which time the temperature drop reached 1.6 degrees C, while the relative humidity rose by 6%. As a result, the heat stress index dropped by 0.8-1.1 degrees C. It is suggested that the temperature drop induced by the pond during the warmest hours of the day was mainly the result of a truncation of the sensible heat flux from the underlying surface when the air, which had previously passed over hot surfaces, swept over the relatively cool water. During the late afternoon and evening hours, when the water became warmer than the surrounding surfaces, latent heat cooling resulting from evaporation became the dominant source of the lake effect, and the lake effect resulted in increasing heat stress. It is concluded that even small bodies of water have a relieving effect on humans in the daytime hours, within the range of 40 m, under both dry and humid hot weather conditions.  相似文献   

Climate change may modify species distribution to higher latitudes, resulting in potential changes of parasite diversity and transmission dynamics in areas where animals might not be locally adapted to these new parasite species. In addition, climate change may increase the frequency and severity of infestations of parasites that are already present in a region, by promoting the development and survival of infectious stages. Over the last decades, the number of moose (Alces americanus) infested by winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus) has increased in eastern Canada, possibly because milder climatic conditions are increasing winter tick survival. Our main objective was to determine which meteorological variables are more likely to influence winter tick load on moose. We compiled several weather variables that may limit winter tick survival and explored which weather variables, or their interactions, influenced the winter tick load of 4,100 hunted moose from 2013 to 2019 in Québec, Canada along a latitudinal gradient. Winter tick load in fall decreased with the maximum number of consecutive days in spring with average daily temperatures below −15°C and with the number of consecutive days in summer with a relative humidity <80% when snowmelt in spring was earlier. These results suggest that cold temperatures and prolonged periods of low humidity, amplified by early snowmelt, limit the survival of adult female ticks and eggs, thus limiting their subsequent load on moose during the following fall. With climate change, precipitation increases and warm temperatures occur earlier in spring and are more frequent in summer. Our results suggest that climate change may have a positive long-term influence on winter tick abundance in the environment and thereby increase winter tick load on moose, which could lead to a significant decrease in moose body condition and survival.  相似文献   

The frequency of bronchial asthma in Nairobi is related to meteorological parameters such as relative humidity, rainfall, dew point temperature, hours of sunshine and dry bulb temperature. Two seasons were taken for study: one cold season (May–August 1975) and one relatively warm season (December 1975–March 1976). It was found that significant correlations occurred at a lag of 2 or 3 days, but not at a lag of 4 or 5 days. Cold and wet weather during the cold season and heat of the day and dryness of the atmosphere during the warm season aggravate asthma in Nairobi.. The frequency of asthmatic attacks is about the same during the two seasons, but the intensity of suffering of a greater majority of patients is more in cold and wet weather than in warm and dry weather. 20–25% of the patients do not feel any relationship between weather and their asthmatic troubles. Nearly twice as many patients suffer from cough with the production of sputum in the cold season than in the warm season. About three times as many patients suffer from bronchospasm in the cold season than in the warm season. Severe asthmatic attacks occur almost equally in both the seasons.  相似文献   

目的:相关性分析近两年上海的气象因素及心力衰竭发病患者之间的关系,探讨影响心力衰竭高发的天气气候条件,为开展疾病预防和干预提供了理论和实践依据。方法:前瞻性统计2011年1月-2012年12月上海市胸科医院急诊的心力衰竭人数,并与同期气温,气压,湿度等气象资料进行相关性分析。结果:温度、气压、湿度对心衰的发生具有显著的影响。心力衰竭数与平均气温、最高气温、最低气温呈显著负相关,而与日平均气压呈显著正相关。前期相对湿度变化与心衰数显著相关。温度对心力衰竭数的影响具有滞后效应。结论:气温、气压及湿度与心力衰竭发病有明显相关,揭示了急性呼吸系统感染高发的天气气候条件,为开展疾病预防和干预提供了理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

A classification of daily weather types is used to obtain typical deviations of daily maximum and minimum air temperatures, global radiation, amount of precipitation, mean daily relative humidity at 1400 hours local time, meteorological water balance, grass minimum temperature at a height above the turf of 5 cm and duration of daily leaf wetness for SW Germany (Stuttgart area) from the corresponding monthly means. The period of reference was the growing season from May to September for the 5 years 1980–1984. Medium-range weather forecast maps for the ground surface and the 850 hPa level are issued daily for 5 days in advance by the medium-range weather forecasting centre at Reading (ECMWF). The forecasts are valid for Western Europe and have been used to transform the forecasted flow pattern and air pressure distribution, both on the ground and at the 850 hPa level into Central European weather types, following the classification mentioned above. The seasonal variability (from May to September) has been found to be small enough to be able to present the results as a single table for the whole vegetation period. The deviation of the forecasted values from the observed values are compared, using as test period the 1988 and 1989 seasons. The forecasts were: (i) persistency forecasts (the same deviations are forecasted for the next 5-days period); (ii) supposed weather types during the next 5 days, derived from ECMWF with expected deviations of the meteorological elements from the seasonal mean; and (iii) real weather types, classified officially from the German Weather Service using mean deviations of the meterological elements from the seasonal means. The means obtained on the 5-day deviations are discussed. The values were, for exemple, 2 K for minimum temperature, about 3 K for maximum temperature, 20% of the values for global radiation, 1.5 mm for the amount of daily precipitation and 16% for the daily duration of leaf wetness. The mean relative deviations differed between the various meterological elements, being smaller for elements mainly related on the macro-/mesoscale than for elements such as minimum temperatures that are mainly related to the microclimate.  相似文献   

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