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The ultrastructure of follicle cells in the ovary at different developmental stages ofBranchiostoma has been observed in detail with a transmission electron microscope. The results indicate that only one kind of follicle cell exists with structural features related to steroid hormone biosynthesis: (i) oval or round mitochondria with tubules; (ii) smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum; (iii) several large lipid droplets in the cytoplasm; (iv) a well developed Golgi complex and tubular rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, as can be found in mammalian theca interna cells. In addition, as steroid hormone synthesizing cells, they obviously play an important role in the phagocytosis of relict gametes and cellular debris and may have a nutritive function for the oocytes. They can produce abundant secretory granules in stages III-IV ovaries. In mature ovaries they transform into flat epithelial cells with numerous microfilaments which may play a role in ovulation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of follicle cells in the ovary at different developmental stages ofBranchiostoma has been observed in detail with a transmission electron microscope. The results indicate that only one kind of follicle cell exists with structural features related to steroid hormone biosynthesis: (i) oval or round mitochondria with tubules; (ii) smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum; (iii) several large lipid droplets in the cytoplasm; (iv) a well developed Golgi complex and tubular rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, as can be found in mammalian theca interna cells. In addition, as steroid hormone synthesizing cells, they obviously play an important role in the phagocytosis of relict gametes and cellular debris and may have a nutritive function for the oocytes. They can produce abundant secretory granules in stages III-IV ovaries. In mature ovaries they transform into flat epithelial cells with numerous microfilaments which may play a role in ovulation.  相似文献   

In mammals, the final number of oocytes available for reproduction of the next generation is defined at birth. Establishment of this oocyte pool is essential for fertility. Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development. After arriving at the gonad, the germ cells are called oogonia and develop in clusters of cells called germ line cysts or oocyte nests. Subsequently, the oogonia enter meiosis and become oocytes. The oocyte nests break apart into individual cells and become packaged into primordial follicles. During this time, only a subset of oocytes ultimately survive and the remaining immature eggs die by programmed cell death. This phase of oocyte differentiation is poorly understood but molecules and mechanisms that regulate oocyte development are beginning to be identified. This review focuses on these early stages of female germ cell development.  相似文献   

Follicle cell processes (FCP) are actin-based, tube-like structures that connect the developing oocyte to the follicle cells throughout oogenesis. They were first described in Selachians (sharks) where their suggested roles were facilitating the transport of metabolites to the developing oocyte and providing structural support to the large egg cells of sharks, an early stage in the evolution of viviparity. Subsequent studies found that FCP are absent in Rajiformes (skates), suggesting that FCP may have been novel structures specific to the sharks. Here, FCP in Hydrolagus colliei, a Chimaeriform, were described. The FCP of H. colliei differ morphologically from those previously described in sharks, but as they also contain actin, they presumably play similar roles provisioning the developing oocyte and providing structural support. The presence of FCP in the order Chimaeriformes suggests that their origin predates the split of the elasmobranchs and the holocephalans.  相似文献   

杜晓琪  赵博生 《四川动物》2011,30(3):344-347
为了探索文昌鱼S-腺苷高半胱氨酸水解酶AdoHcyase基因在文昌鱼组织中的表达分布情况,利用组织原位杂交技术,以地高辛标记的反义RNA为探针,检测了文昌鱼AdoHcyase基因在组织中的表达分布特点.结果表明,AdoHcyase基因在雌性文昌鱼的卵巢、肝盲囊和后肠杂交信号十分强烈,在内柱、鳃等组织中也有微弱信号表达,...  相似文献   

Elasmobranch fishes produce some of the largest oocytes known, exceeding 10 cm in diameter. Using various microscopy techniques we investigated the structural adaptations which facilitate the production of these large egg cells in three species of shark: the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, dusky smoothound, Mustelus canis and the little gulper shark, Centrophorus uyato. The ovarian follicle of elasmobranchs follows the typical vertebrate pattern, with one notable exception; the zona pellucida reaches extreme widths, over 70 μm, during early oogenesis. Contact between the follicle cells and the oocyte across the zona pellucida is necessary for oogenesis. We describe here a novel set of large, tube‐like structures, which we named follicle cell processes that bridge this gap. The follicle cell processes are more robust than the microvilli associated with the follicle cells and the oocyte plasma membrane and much longer. During early oogenesis the follicle increases in size relatively quickly resulting in a wide zona pellucida. At this stage the follicle cell processes appear taut, uniform and radially oriented. As oogenesis continues the zona pellucida narrows and the follicle cell processes change their orientation, appearing to wrap around the oocyte. The presence of the contractile protein actin within the follicle cell processes and their change in orientation may well be an adaptation for maintaining the integrity of these large oocytes. The follicle cell processes also contain electron dense material, identical to material found within the follicle cells, suggesting a role in the transport of metabolites to the developing oocyte. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. The localization of vitellogenin (Vg) remains untested in amphioxus. Western blotting analysis showed that mouse anti-amphioxus Vg sera cross-reacted with the crude extracts of the hepatic diverticulum and ovary, and humoral fluids, including blood and coelomic fluid, from specimens of Branchiostoma belcheri . Similarly, immunohistochemical staining also revealed that Vg is localized in the hepatic diverticulum, sub-intestinal vessels, and ovary in amphioxus. The hepatic diverticulum of amphioxus, like the vertebrate liver, synthesizes Vg, suggesting that amphioxus hepatic diverticulum is functionally equivalent to the vertebrate liver in respect of the synthesis of this compound. This agrees with the idea that amphioxus hepatic diverticulum is the precursor of vertebrate liver.  相似文献   

文昌鱼作为现存的与脊椎动物最接近的无脊椎动物,一直被作为研究生物进化和胚胎发育的典型材料.利用整体原位杂交方法对从文昌鱼肠cDNA文库克隆到的ycaCR基因进行基因的胚胎表达模式研究,结果显示该基因在早期胚胎发育阶段没有表达,在2天幼虫的原始消化道表达,暗示ycaCR基因可能在原始消化道内发挥生物学作用.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to look at the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and tomcie-stimulating hormone (FSH) on initiation of primordial follicle growth and differentiation in the ovary of newborn rat with a sensitive marker of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The results showed that more cuboidal granulosa cells (GC) were found in the ovary two days after injection of EGF. More proliferative GC were observed on D4. No such action of FSH on primordial follicles was demonstrated. Using in situ hybridization, inhibin a mRNA expression in GC was detected from D5, while FSH receptor (FSHR) mRNA expression started from D6 after birth. Both mRNAs increased following further development of the follicles. These results suggest that it is EGF, but not FSH, that may play a certain role in initiation of primordial follicle growth. FSH may be involved in further differentiation and growth of the early developmental follicles.  相似文献   


Caste-specific differentiation of the female honey bee gonad takes place in the fifth larval instar. In queen larvae most ovarioles exhibit almost simultaneous formation of numerous germ cell clusters within the first 20 h after the last larval molt. Ultrastructurally distinctive fusomal cytoplasm connects these cystocytes. Germ cell differentiation is accompanied by morphological changes in somatic components of the ovarioles, the follicle and the terminal filament cells. Subsequently, queen ovarioles elongate and differentiate basal stalks that coalesce in a basal calyx. A second round of mitotic activity was found to occur in the late prepupal and early pupal queen ovary. This round may elevate germ cell numbers composing each cluster to levels observed in follicles of adult honey bee queens. In contrast, germ cell cluster formation does not occur in most of the 120–160 ovarioles of the larval worker ovary, but instead many cells in such ovarioles show signs of impending degeneration, such as large autophagic bodies. DNA extracted from worker ovaries did not reveal nucleosomal laddering, and ultrastructurally, chromatin in germ cell nuclei appeared intact. In the 4–7 surviving ovarioles of the small worker ovary, germ cell clusters were found with ultrastructural characteristics identical to those in queen ovarioles. The temporal window during which divergence in developmental pathways of the larval ovaries initiates shortly after the last larval molt coincides with caste-specific differences in juvenile hormone titer which have long been considered critical to caste-specific morphogenesis.  相似文献   

RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) has been reported to be an effective reverse genetic approach for studying gene function in various organisms. To assess RNAi as a means of examining genes expressed in ovarian follicle cells for their involvement in embryonic dorsal-ventral patterning, we tested the ability of transgenically expressed double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) directed against the dorsal group gene windbeutel to generate phenotypic effects in the progeny of expressing females. We observed that expression in follicle cells under the control of Gal4 transcribed from the strong and widely expressed alphaTub84B or Actin5C promoters led to efficient dorsalization of progeny embryos. Surprisingly, a variety of strongly expressed follicle cell-specific Gal4 enhancer trap lines failed to elicit an RNAi phenotype in combination with the windbeutel-specific dsRNA. These results stress the importance of careful choice of expression system and of conditions for use in transgenic RNAi-mediated studies of gene function.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to look at the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) on initiation of primordial follicle growth and differentiation in the ovary of newborn rat with a sensitive marker of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The results showed that more cuboidal granulosa cells (GC) were found in the ovary two days after injection of EGF. More proliferative GC were observed on D4. No such action of FSH on primordial follicles was demonstrated. Using in situ hybridization, inhibin a mRNA expression in GC was detected from D5, while FSH receptor (FSHR) mRNA expression started from D6 after birth. Both mRNAs increased following further development of the follicles. These results suggest that it is EGF, but not FSH, that may play a certain role in initiation of primordial follicle growth. FSH may be involved in further differentiation and growth of the early developmental follicles.  相似文献   

用透射电镜对蕨类植物分枝紫其(Osmunda cinnamamae L. var.asiatica Fernald)卵发生进行了超微结构的研究.卵发生过程中,许多泡囊不仅移向细胞周围,而且在细胞质膜内排为一列,并通过胞吐作用聚集在细胞质膜外,它们释放或分泌嗜锇物质.观察到少数泡囊内含片层状结构的嗜饿物质紧贴于细胞质膜,似乎将其冲破.与此同时,在卵细胞和颈卵器壁之间形成分离腔,其宽度大于以往报道的真蕨类,在卵细胞质膜外出现额外的卵膜,其宽度大于蕨属和鳞毛蕨属.造粉体被大型常呈三角状半圆形或近椭圆形的淀粉粒所充满,当卵成熟时逐渐减少.核大型平扁状,核内出现2~3对平行的双层膜,紧贴核膜.未发现核外突.线粒体一度似不发育,最后恢复正常.  相似文献   

分株紫萁卵发生的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用透射电镜对蕨类植物分枝紫萁(Osmunda cinnamamae L. var. asiatica Fernald)卵发牛进行了超微结构的研究。卵发生过程中,许多泡囊不仅移向细胞周围,而且在细胞质膜内排为一列,并通过胞吐作用聚集在细胞质膜外,它们释放或分泌嗜锇物质。观察到少数泡囊内含片层状结构的嗜饿物质紧贴于细胞质膜,似乎将其冲破。与此同时,在卵细胞和颈卵器壁之问形成分离腔,其宽度大于以往报道的真蕨类,在卵细胞质膜外出现额外的卵膜,其宽度大于蕨属和鳞毛蕨属。造粉体被大型常呈三角状半圆形或近椭圆形的淀粉粒所充满,当卵成熟时逐渐减少。核大型平扁状,核内出现2-3对平行的双层膜,紧贴核膜。未发现核外突。线粒体一度似不发育,最后恢复正常。  相似文献   

Of all the stages of mammalian folliculogenesis, the primordial to primary follicle transition is the least understood. In order to gain new insights into this process, we have conducted a comprehensive morphological, morphometric and molecular study of ovarian organisation and early follicle development in the rabbit. The structure of ovaries collected from rabbits aged from 2–12 weeks (a period encompassing primordial follicle formation, activation and the first wave of folliculogenesis in this species) has been analysed by light microscopy and the follicles present have been measured and scored for their developmental stage. To establish useful molecular markers of activation, we have further classified follicles according to their expression of the proliferative marker, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and the zona pellucida protein, ZPB. The activation of primordial follicles is initiated immediately following their formation in the rabbit ovary and is characterised by oocyte growth, granulosa cell morphogenesis and increased granulosa cell mitosis. Enhanced ZPB protein expression at the oolemma is also associated with follicle activation and development. Few primordial follicles in the juvenile rabbit ovary are lost by atresia, as assessed by the TUNEL assay. The appearance of apoptotic granulosa cells is however coincident with the development of antral follicles. This study thus describes the temporal and spatial regulation of early follicular development in the post-natal rabbit ovary and, for the first time, shows that the primordial to primary transition in the juvenile rabbit is a highly ordered process occurring within quantifiable parameters.K.J.H. was supported by the Pest Animal Control CRC and Post Graduate scholarships from the Australian National University.  相似文献   

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