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The effects of deposits of commercial formulations of azinphos-methyl, an organophosphorous insecticide and acaricide, and pyrifenox, a systemic fungicide, on artificial surfaces on the survival and reproductive performance of codling moth adults, Cydia pomonella L., were examined in the laboratory. In contrast to pyrifenox, which did not influence the codling moth significantly, azinphos-methyl affected the insect in a number of ways: (1) it exhibited a strong direct insecticidal activity on adults, eggs and larvae; (2) at low concentrations, it decreased copulation significantly, as reflected by a reduction in the number of spermatophores contained per female; and it inhibited oviposition strongly; (3) at low concentrations moths copulated more often initially and produced more eggs than the controls. However, if the moths were kept in contact with the azinphos-methyl residues, they and their progeny died the following day so that the total number of eggs laid was reduced. Possible implications of the stimulatory effects, as well as repellency, of combined use of azinphos-methyl in the phermone mating disruption technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Cydia pomonella L. is an important insect pest of pome fruits worldwide. We have isolated and characterized 17 microsatellite loci from the enriched genomic libraries constructed using a biotin/streptavidin capture protocol. Among these loci, 11 were scored polymorphic when 50 individuals from a laboratory population were screened. Their alleles numbered two to four, with the observed heterozygosity (HO) ranging from 0.114 to 0.404. Successful amplification was obtained for all these loci when the designed primers were tested, showing the promise of use in genetic mapping and population studies.  相似文献   

Stacked wooden fruit bins are frequent overwintering sites for overwintering diapausing codling moth larvae. Control strategies against the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in South Africa have been hampered by the reinfestation of orchards from nearby stacked infested fruit bins and by the movement of infested bins between orchards. Worldwide, wooden fruit bins are systematically being replaced with plastic bins, however in South Africa this will not be accomplished in the near future. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of two recycled commercially available entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) species, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema feltiae, as well as of a local species, Steinernema yirgalemense, to disinfest miniature wooden fruit bins under controlled conditions in the laboratory. After dipping miniature bins loaded with codling moth larvae in a suspension of 25?IJs/mL of each of the three EPN species, under optimum conditions of temperature and humidity, the highest percentage of control was obtained using S. feltiae (75%). The addition of adjuvants significantly increased S. feltiae infectivity to >95%, whereas it did not result in a significant increase in H. bacteriophora or S. yirgalemense infectivity.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the fatty acid composition of the total lipid extracted from the whole body of Cydia pomonella L. larvae were determined by gas chromatography. The six most abundant fatty acids in both non-diapause and diapause larvae of codling moth were oleic (35%-39%), palmitic (23%-33%), linoleic (16%-30%), palmitoleic (5%-10%), stearic (1.5%-3.0%) and linolenic acids (1.0%-2.5%). This represents a typical complement of Lepidopteran fatty acids. The fatty acid composition of total lipid of C. pomonella larvae was related to diapause. In similarity to most other reports, the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids increased in diapause initiation state. The total lipid of diapause larvae contained more linoleic acid (25.8% vs. 16.1%) and less palmitic acid (24.7% vs. 33.4%), than that of non-diapause larvae. The weight percentage of linoleic acid (C 18:2) increased from 16% to 26% from early-August through early-September during transition to diapause, while palmitic acid (C16:0) decreased from 33% to 25% at the same time. These changes resulted in an increase in the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (UFA/SFA) from 1.72 in non-diapause larvae to 2.63 in diapause larvae.  相似文献   

The biocontrol potential of South African isolates of Heterorhabditis zealandica, Steinernema citrae, S. khoisanae, S. yirgalemense, and Steinernema sp., was evaluated against codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Codling moth was susceptible to all six nematode isolates at a concentration of 50 infective juveniles/insect (78–100% mortality). Low temperatures (10 h at 17°C; 14 h at 12°C) negatively affected larvicidal activity (≤3%) for all isolates. All tested isolates were most effective at higher levels of water activity (a w=1). The average a w50-values for all isolates tested was 0.94 (0.93–0.95), except S. khoisanae 0.97 (0.97–0.98). Regarding host-seeking ability, no positive attraction to host cues could be detected amongst isolates, except for H. zealandica. Three of the isolates, H. zealandica, S. khoisanae, and the undescribed Steinernema sp., were selected for field-testing and proven to be effective (mortality >50%). Insect containment methods used during field experimentation was shown to influence larvacidal activity, as different levels of mortality were obtained using various containment methods (wooden planks vs. pear tree logs vs. mesh cages). Pear tree logs were impractical. Predictive equations were subsequently developed, enabling future trials to be conducted using either planks or cages, enabling the prediction of the expected level of control on tree logs. All tested isolates therefore showed a certain degree of biological control potential, however, none of the experiments showed clear efficacy-differences amongst isolates. The study highlighted the importance of environmental factors to ensure the successful application of these nematodes for the control of diapausing codling moth larvae in temperate regions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The codling moth Cydia pomonella , one of the most important pest insects of apple fruit orchards worldwide, is regarded as a 'sedentary' insect, but the natural populations consist of both mobile and sedentary genotypes that display different dispersal capacity in the field. The current study investigated whether there is a fitness consequence of being mobile in this species by comparing two strains with contrasting levels of mobility obtained through bi-directional selection.
2. Female moths of the sedentary strain were significantly larger, laid more eggs during their lifespan, and both male and female moths of this strain lived longer, when compared with the mobile strain.
3. The age-specific fecundity of female moths from the sedentary strain was significantly greater, in particular between 3 and 5 days after emergence when the peaks of both oviposition and flight capacity occur, relative to the mobile moths, thereby leading to a greater reproductive function.
4. These differences resulted in different demographic parameters between the two strains. The sedentary strain had a significantly greater net reproductive rate ( R o ) and a higher intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r m ), although the generation time ( T ) was similar, hence requiring a shorter time to double the population size, in comparison to the mobile strain.
5. This study provides empirical evidence for the cost of being mobile in C. pomonella . Trade-offs between mobility and fitness might have contributed to the existence of genetic variance for dispersal behaviour in the natural populations and the maintenance of relative sedentariness in the species.  相似文献   

Spread pachytene nuclei of codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lep., Tortricidae) females of a Syrian strain (SY) were used to investigate chromomere patterns of chromosome bivalents and determine their length. The karyotype of female codling moths consists of 28 chromosome bivalents, of which seven are clearly distinguishable using chromosome length and the number and size of the chromomeres in the pachytene stage. One autosome bivalent has two nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) that are located at the opposite ends of the chromosome and appear as distinct structural landmarks. In female codling moths, the WZ sex chromosome bivalent was easily identified in pachytene oocytes according to the heterochromatic thread of the W chromosome. This study contributed to the knowledge and identification of pachytene chromosomes of female codling moths.  相似文献   

The potential of using an entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis zealandica Poinar, together with different test mulches (pine chips, wheat straw, pine wood shavings, blackwood and apple wood chips) to control diapausing codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) larvae was evaluated. Mesh cages were identified as a suitable larval-containment method. High levels of codling moth mortality were obtained when using pine wood shavings as mulch (88%) compared to pine chips, wheat straw, blackwood and apple wood chips (41–88%). Humidity (>95% RH) has to be maintained for at least 3 days to ensure nematode survival. It was also proven that nematodes had the ability to move out of infected soil into moist mulch, to infect the codling moth larvae residing at heights of up to 10 cm. Field experiments showed the importance of climatic conditions on nematode performance. Low temperatures (<15°C) recorded during the first trial resulted in low levels of control (48%), as opposed to the 67% mortality recorded during the second trial (temperatures ranged between 20 and 25°C). Low levels of persistence (<10%) were recorded in the mulches post-application. The study conclusively illustrated some of the baseline requirements fundamental to the success of entomopathogenic nematodes together with mulches for the control of codling moth.  相似文献   

Codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is the key pest of pome fruit in South Africa, and it’s control in apple and pear orchards relies on the application of insecticides and pheromone‐mediated mating disruption. Development of resistance to insecticides and placement of restrictions on the use of certain insecticides has made control of codling moth in South Africa increasingly problematic. The use of the sterile insect technique (SIT) as a control tactic for codling moth is under investigation as a potential addition to the current control strategy. We investigated the radiosensitivity of a laboratory strain of codling moth that was established from moths collected from commercial and organic orchards in the Western Cape, South Africa. Fecundity and fertility of this strain following radiation were consistent with values for the codling moth strain in the Canadian rearing facility in British Columbia. For both strains, the female codling moth was considerably more radiosensitive than the male. At a radiation dose of 100 Gy or higher, treated females were 100% sterile. The fertility of the South African strain was higher (86.3%) than for the Canadian strain (71.9%). This difference in fertility between the two strains was maintained when the dose of radiation was 100 Gy. However, the level of fertility was very similar between the two strains for doses ≥150 Gy. Therefore, based upon previously published work and the data from this study, an operational dose of 150 Gy is recommended for future codling moth SIT programmes in South Africa.  相似文献   

Adequate moisture levels are required for nematode survival and subsequent efficacy as entomopathogens. Formulation of nematodes aimed at aboveground applications may assist in maintaining such moisture levels. In this study, we report the effects of a superabsorbent polymer formulation, Zeba® on the performance of an entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis zealandica Poinar, for controlling diapausing codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) larvae in cryptic habitats on trees. Water activity (aw-value) on bark was considered to be an indication of moisture levels on trees in cryptic habitats where codling moth larvae are known to occur, thereby influencing nematode efficacy. H. zealandica was only able to infect codling moth larvae at aw≥0.92, with aw50=0.94 and aw90=0.96. Laboratory experiments in which nematode concentration was investigated indicated a positive linear relationship between the concentration of nematodes applied and the level of control obtained, with the highest level of mortality recorded at 80 IJs/larva, requiring at least 4 h of conditions conducive to nematode activity to ensure infectivity and subsequent efficacy. Further experimentation showed that the use of the Zeba formulation, together with the nematodes, improved the level of control obtained at 60% and 80% RH in the laboratory and that it also enhanced the survival and infection-ability of the nematodes in the field. The study conclusively illustrates that the tested formulation assisted in maintaining adequate moisture levels on the application substratum, as required for nematode survival and subsequent efficacy.  相似文献   

A bin washing apparatus (drencher) was used to treat late-instar codling moth, Cydia pomonella Linnaeus-infested wooden fruit bins with the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae . Sentinel late-instar codling moth larvae were placed in strips of wood, made from dismantled bins, that were subsequently screwed into the corners of real bins before treatment. Pre-soaking the bins with water prior to treatment and covering the bins with a plastic tarp post-treatment, to maintain a high humidity, significantly increased sentinel codling moth mortality. Treatment for 1 min with 50 S. carpocapsae infective juveniles mL -1 water resulted in more than 80% mortality over 6 h in which the nematodes were continuously pumped through the drencher. The temperature of the water in the bin washer was ≤15°C and the chlorine in the city water was too low to harm the nematodes. The key disadvantage of washing the bins was the labour involved. It may be possible to reduce post-treatment holding time and increase codling moth mortality by holding the bins at a higher temperature post-treatment, however this parameter was not included in the study. The presence of the codling moth granulosis virus within the larvae did not influence the nematode-induced codling moth mortality over a range of concentrations and two temperatures in laboratory trials.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾性信息素的研究和应用进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella (L.)是我国重要的检疫害虫, 在我国仅分布于新疆和甘肃以西局部地区, 但一直保持向我国东部扩张的趋势。在国际上, 利用性信息素监测和迷向防治苹果蠹蛾已经成为一种切实可行并广泛应用的害虫管理技术。本文综述了苹果蠹蛾性信息素的成分鉴定、人工合成和应用情况的研究进展, 指出了目前存在的问题和应用前景, 以期为我国苹果蠹蛾的防控策略的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

A method for screening codling moth granulovirus (CpGV) formulation sensitivity to sunlight using specially prepared half apples and a solar simulator is described. The half apple preparation allows an even coverage of virus over the surface of the fruit that would not be possible using whole apples. Leaves and artificial medium were not usable for extended periods of exposure in the solar simulator due to excess drying. Fruit was sprayed with 10−3 and 10−5 dilutions of three commercial formulations of CpGV (Carpovirusine, Cyd-X, and Virosoft) and infested with codling moth neonates. Half of the sprayed fruit was exposed to 650 W/m2 for 4 h in an Atlas Suntest CPS solar simulator resulting in an accumulated radiant energy of 9.36 × 106 J/m2 before they were infested with neonate codling moth larvae. Spraying non-irradiated fruit with the 10−3 dilution of Cyd-X and Virosoft resulted in nearly 100% mortality of neonate larvae. Irradiation reduced viral activity by 71-98% at the 10−3 dilution and by up to 32% at the 10−5 dilution relative to non-irradiated fruit. The procedures utilized enabled good preservation of the fruit throughout the incubation period and minimized invasion of the fruit by plant pathogens and saprophytic organisms. This laboratory method for screening candidate formulations and potential UV protectants could conserve time and resources by eliminating adjuvants with less potential in laboratory tests and field testing only the most promising candidates. It also enables year-round testing.  相似文献   

Seventeen trials were conducted using traps baited with kairomone-based lures to evaluate female removal (FR) as an effective management tactic for codling moth, Cydia pomonella, L., in organic pear, Pyrus communis L., production in Italy and USA during 2019–2020. Studies included paired plots (0.4–1.4 ha) treated with or without 60 traps ha−1 in cultivars Bartlett and Abate Fétel. Paired plots were also treated together with or without mating disruption (MD) and with similar spray programmes. Three-, four-, and five-component lures were used with several trap types: green, clear or green/white bucket traps and orange delta traps. The three-component lure consisted of (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (sex pheromone, PH), (E,Z)-2,4-ethyl decadienoate (pear ester, PE) and acetic acid (AA); the four-component lure was PE, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT), 6-ethenyl-2,2,6-trimethyloxan-3-ol (pyranoid linalool oxide, LOX), and AA, and the five-component lure had PH added. Preliminary studies were also conducted to evaluate the trapping efficacy of non-saturating bucket traps. A clear bucket trap baited with PE/DMNT/LOX + AA captured 97-fold more codling moth females than an orange delta trap baited with PH/PE. However, female captures did not differ between traps when both were baited with the four-component lure. Fruit injury from codling moth was significantly reduced with the implementation of FR in both pear production regions. At harvest, mean fruit protection in the USA studies was 65% and 27% in Italy. This difference was likely associated with the four-component lure being less effective in Italy than in the USA. Nevertheless, results demonstrate that FR can be a useful approach to remove females immigrating into orchards and as a new tactic to reduce pest pressure in selected areas of orchards allowing both MD and organic insecticide programmes to be more effective. Further studies should investigate the cost-benefit of matching the intensity of FR to variable pest pressures.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Levels of HSP70 protein of fifth-instar codling moth [ Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)] are determined after conditioning at 35 °C for different times and also after recovery at 22 °C. Protein samples from larvae conditioned for different times are separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis electrophoresis. Sub-lethal thermal conditioning at 35 °C for 40 min, 2, 6 and 18 h induces new protein bands in the extracts from treated codling moth larvae. Immunodetection with an antibody to a heat-inducible HSP70 indicates a stronger reaction after 35 °C for 2, 6 and 18 h than after 35 °C for 40 min or control and, during the recovery period at 22 °C, the level of heat shock protein decreases. Conditioning of fifth-instar codling moths at 35 °C also induces thermotolerance in the insects and necessitates longer times at a lethal temperature to ensure mortality. Thermotolerance is correlated with the accumulation of heat inducible HSP70 protein.  相似文献   

The control program of codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in the Río Negro and Neuquén Valley is intended to neonate larvae. However, adults may be subjected to sublethal pesticide concentrations generating stress which might enhance both mutation rates and activity of the detoxification system. This study assessed the exposure effects of chlorpyrifos on target enzyme and, both detoxifying and antioxidant systems of surviving adults from both a laboratory susceptible strain (LSS) and a field population (FP). The results showed that the FP was as susceptible to chlorpyrifos as the LSS and, both exhibited a similar chlorpyrifos‐inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The FP displayed higher carboxylesterase (CarE) and 7‐ethoxycoumarine O‐deethylase (ECOD) activities than LSS. Both LSS and FP showed an increase on CarE activity after the exposure to low‐chlorpyrifos concentrations, followed by enzyme inhibition at higher concentrations. There were no significant differences neither in the activities of glutathione S‐transferases (GST), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) nor in the reduced glutathione (GSH) content between LSS and FP. Moreover, these enzymes were unaffected by chlorpyrifos. In conclusion, control adults from the FP exhibited higher CarE and ECOD activities than control adults from the LSS. AChE and CarE activities were the most affected by chlorpyrifos. Control strategies used for C. pomonella, such as rotations of insecticides with different modes of action, will probably delay the evolution of insecticide resistance in FPs from the study area.  相似文献   

The codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a serious pest of pome fruit worldwide. In an effort to reduce the use of pesticides to control this pest, the sterile insect technique (SIT) is used or considered for use as a component of area‐wide integrated pest management programmes. Rearing codling moths through diapause has been shown to improve the competitiveness of sterile moths released in orchards, and provides management alternatives that would allow mass‐rearing facilities to increase their yearly production of sterile moths. Because radiosensitivity in insects can be influenced by numerous biological factors, laboratory tests were conducted to examine whether the response to increasing doses of radiation, as expressed in the fecundity and fertility of cohorts of moths, is similar for adult moths mass‐reared through diapause or through standard (non‐diapause) production protocols. Our data revealed that the effect of increasing doses of radiation on fecundity and fertility of codling moths reared through both rearing strategies was similar. In the case of fertility, this is a particularly important finding for the expanded application of codling moth SIT. If mass‐rearing facilities use year‐round diapause rearing, the dose required to treat the insects prior to release will be similar to that used when codling moths are reared through standard production protocols.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of predation on clutch size and egg dispersion in the codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella (L.) were experimentally studied in an orchard by recording survival of eggs glued onto different substrates.
  • 2 Egg mortality due to sucking insects was readily distinguishable from that due to chewing insects.
  • 3 In both the field and laboratory, females preferred to deposit eggs singly on the uppersides of leaves.
  • 4 Eggs on the uppersides of leaves and on fruit survived significantly better than did those on the undersides of leaves or on twigs.
  • 5 Egg losses were highest during the early part of the flight season.
  • 6 The smallest (one egg) and largest (nine eggs) clutches, associated with one egg-bearing leaf per twig, both suffered the lowest rates of predation. Factors selecting against oviposition on fruits and production of large clutch sizes are presented and discussed.

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