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Being born directly into the aquatic environment creates unique challenges for the breathing muscles of neonatal cetaceans. Not only must these muscles be active at the instant of birth to ventilate the lungs, but their activities must also be coordinated with those of the locomotor muscles such that breathing takes place only at the water's surface. At least one major locomotory muscle of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) has been demonstrated to be well developed and, therefore, able to power the neonatal dolphin's early movements (Dearolf et al. [2000] J Morphol 244:203-215). Thus, because of the demands for coordinated behavior with the locomotor muscles, it is hypothesized that the breathing muscles of bottlenose dolphins, represented in this study by the diaphragm, will also demonstrate adult morphology at birth. However, histochemical and biochemical analyses demonstrate that neonatal dolphins have immature diaphragms, with only 52% of the adult slow fiber-type profile (neonates: 34% slow-twitch fibers; adults: 66% slow-twitch fibers). The developmental state of the dolphin diaphragm is compared to those of other neonatal mammals, using a muscle development index (% slow-twitch fibers in neonatal muscle / % slow-twitch fibers in adult muscle). Fiber-type profiles reported in the literature are used to calculate index values for the diaphragms of altricial rats, rabbits, and cats, intermediate baboons and humans, and precocial sheep and horses. The dolphin is not unique in having an immature diaphragm at birth; however, there is a positive relationship between the developmental state of the diaphragm and the overall developmental state of the neonate. The presence of type IIc ("undifferentiated") fibers in the diaphragms of altricial developers (e.g., rats, rabbits, and cats) is correlated with the slow contraction speeds recorded from their diaphragms. The diaphragms of neonatal horses and dolphins express little to no type IIc fibers and, thus, may have the ability to contract at the speeds required for their increased ventilation rates. These results lead to the modification of the criterion for evaluating the developmental state of a muscle at birth. Thus, the developmental state of a neonatal muscle should be based on both its value of Dearolf et al.'s (2000) developmental index, as well as the percentage of type IIc fibers found in that muscle.  相似文献   

The study of behavioral laterality in humans and nonhumans can contribute to our understanding of brain evolution and functional similarities across species. Few studies have focused on cetaceans. This report exams lateralized behaviors in two captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Observations were made by videotaping through a 90 × 150 cm underwater one-way Plexiglass mirror. Directional bias in swimming, “barrel-roll” maneuvers, and circular head movements was assessed for each subject. There was a strong clockwise bias in swimming direction and direction of “barrel-rolls,” but not circular head movements. The clockwise bias in swimming direction and “barrel-roll” maneuvers may be consistent with a rightward turning bias. Zoo Biol 16:173–177, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Longo, M.V., Goldemberg, A.L. and Díaz, A.O. 2011. The claw closer muscle of Neohelice granulata (Grapsoidea, Varunidae): a morphological and histochemical study. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 126–133. The claw closer muscle of Neohelice granulata was studied according to histological, histochemical, and morphometrical criteria. Adult male crabs in intermoult stage were collected from Mar Chiquita Lagoon (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Muscle fibers show evident striations and oval‐elongated nuclei with loose chromatin. The loose connective tissue among muscle fibers consists of cells and fibers embedded in an amorphous substance. Muscle histochemistry reveals two slow fiber types: ‘A’ and ‘B’. Prevailing A fibers are larger, and they usually show, with respect to B type, a weaker reaction to whole techniques. Fibers with short (SS), intermediate (IS), and long sarcomeres (LS) appear in the claw closer muscle, being the LS fibers predominant. Concluding, the histochemical and morphometrical characteristics of the claw closer muscle fibers of N. granulata are indicative of slow fibers. The slow A type (low resistant to fatigue) prevails.  相似文献   

The melon is a lipid‐rich structure located in the forehead of odontocetes that functions to propagate echolocation sounds into the surrounding aquatic environment. To date, the melon's ability to guide and impedance match biosonar sounds to seawater has been attributed to its unique fatty acid composition. However, the melon is also acted upon by complex facial muscles derived from the m. maxillonasolabialis. The goal of this study was to investigate the gross morphology of the melon in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and to describe how it is tendinously connected to these facial muscles. Standard gross dissection (N = 8 specimens) and serial sectioning (N = 3 specimens) techniques were used to describe the melon and to identify its connections to the surrounding muscles and blubber in three orthogonal body planes. The dolphin forehead was also thin‐sectioned in three body planes (N = 3 specimens), and polarized light was used to reveal the birefringent collagen fibers within and surrounding the melon. This study identified distinct regions of the melon that vary in shape and display locally specific muscle‐tendon morphologies. These regions include the bilaterally symmetric main body and cone and the asymmetric right and left caudal melon. This study is the first to identify that each caudal melon terminates in a lipid cup that envelopes the echolocation sound generators. Facial muscles of the melon have highly organized tendon populations that traverse the melon and insert into either the surrounding blubber, the connective tissue matrix of the nasal plug, or the connective tissue sheath surrounding the sound generators. The facial muscles and tendons also lie within multiple orthogonal body planes, which suggest that the melon is capable of complex shape change. The results of this study suggest that these muscles could function to change the frequency, beam width, and directionality of the emitted sound beam in bottlenose dolphins. The echolocation sound propagation pathway within the dolphin forehead appears to be a tunable system. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

At birth, the locomotor muscles of precocial, terrestrial mammals are similar to those of adults in both mass, as a percent of total body mass, and fiber-type composition. It is hypothesized that bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), marine mammals that swim from the instant of birth, will also exhibit precocial development of locomotor muscles. Body mass data from neonatal and adult dolphins are used to calculate Grand's (1992) Neural and Muscular Indices of Development. Using these indices, the bottlenose dolphin is a Condition "3.5" neonate, where Condition 4 is the documented extreme of precocial development in terrestrial mammals. Moreover, myosin ATPase (alkaline preincubation) analyses of the epaxial locomotor m. extensor caudae lateralis show that neonatal dolphins have fiber-type profiles very similar to those of adults. Thus, based on mass and myosin ATPase activity, muscle development in dolphins is precocial. However, succinic dehydrogenase and Nile red histochemistry demonstrate that neonatal dolphin muscle has mitochondrial and lipid distributions different from those found in adults. These data suggest that neonates have a lower aerobic capacity than adults. Dolphin neonates may compensate for an apparent lack of aerobic stamina in two ways: 1) by being positively buoyant, with a relatively increased investment of their total body mass in blubber, and 2) by "free-riding" off their mothers. This study investigates quantitatively the development of a dolphin locomotor muscle and offers suggestions about adaptations required for a completely aquatic existence.  相似文献   

Dolphins have adapted their anatomic structures to survive in the water environment and so far, the behaviour of their respiratory system during diving has not been fully understood, since they being protected species cannot be subjected to invasive analysis. Aim of this work is to model the tracheo-bronchial tree of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus to study its behaviour during diving by coupling experimental in vitro mechanical characterisation of airways tissues to finite element computational analyses. Furthermore, a comparison was performed between the mechanical behaviour of tracheo-bronchial trees of dolphins and that of the goat, a terrestrial mammal, whose conformation of the upper airways is similar to that of the human, to determine how different structures respond to pressure in a controlled experimental set-up. The comparison between the goat and dolphin airways' mechanical behaviour highlights a lower collapsibility of the dolphin structure due to higher stiffness, lack of musculature and irregular shape of cartilaginous rings. Our data showed that the air entrapped into the airways plays a key role in avoiding the collapse. This effect is enhanced when accounting for the air flow escaping the alveoli that start to collapse during descent, even at depth as shallow as 10m of sea water. The comparison between airways behaviour of marine and terrestrial mammals may help in shedding a light on the biomechanical behaviour of human airways during breath-holding diving.  相似文献   

Voltage-clamp experiments using the three-microelectrode voltage clamp technique were performed on ventroabdominal flexor muscles of the crustacean Atya lanipes. Potassium and chloride currents were found to underlie the normal, passive response of the muscle. Blocking potassium currents with tetraethylammonium and replacing chloride ions with methanesulfonate did not unmask an inward current. By treating the muscle with the sulfhydryl-alkylating agent 4-cyclopentene-1,3-dione an inward current was detected. The current induced by the agent is carried by Ca2+, since it is abolished in Ca(2+)-free solutions. The induced Ca2+ current is detected at about -40 mV and reaches a mean maximum value of -78 microA/cm2 at ca. -10 mV. At this potential the time to peak is close to 15 msec. The induced Ca2+ current inactivated with 1-sec prepulses which did not elicit detectable Ca2+ current; the fitted hx curve had a midpoint of -38 mV and a steepness of 5.0 mV. Measurements of isometric tension were performed in small bundles of fibers, and the effects of the sulfhydryl-alkylating agents 4-cyclopentene-1,3-dione and N-ethylmaleimide were investigated. Tetanic tension was enhanced in a strictly Ca(2+)-dependent manner by 4-cyclopentene-1,3-dione. The amplitude of K+ contractures increased after treatment with N-ethylmaleimide. It is concluded that Ca2+ channels are made functional by the sulfhydryl-specific reagents and that the increase in tension is probably mediated by an increase in Ca2+ influx through the chemically induced Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

On 27 January 2000, a struvite calculus was observed in the vagina during necropsy of a 138-cm-long female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) collected from the Stono River, South Carolina (USA). Vaginal calculi have been reported in other species of cetaceans but not in bottlenose dolphins. Urinary tract infection might have been an underlying cause of the calculus. While urinary tract inflammation was not detected by light microscopic evaluation of sections of the urinary tract, it is conceivable that sufficient time had lapsed following voiding of the calculus through the urethra for urinary tract infection to have resolved. To further define the prevalence and significance of urolithiasis, prosectors of dead stranded marine mammals are encouraged to closely observe their urinary and genital tracts for calculi and to submit them for quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

A little‐studied common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population inhabits the offshore waters surrounding Saint Paul's Rocks, a Brazilian marine protected area in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Five field expeditions (May 2011–May 2013) were conducted to characterize the habitat use, population size, and site fidelity of this population. Three different survey methods were employed: line‐transect surveys, land‐based surveys, and photo‐identification surveys. A population size of 23 individuals (19–28, CI 95%), which were present on most sampling days (>90% of surveys), was estimated. The maximum resighting interval of photo‐identified animals was 9 yr and 3 mo for five distinct individuals, based on data from nonsystematic efforts that have been ongoing since 2004. The dolphins exhibited strong site fidelity, as the minimum convex polygon (MCP, 95%) method revealed that they restricted their movements to a 0.5 km2 area across seasons and a 0.99 km2 area across years (95% kernel). The dolphins preferred shallow waters close to the archipelago (<1.2 km from the islands), especially on the eastern and southeastern sides, where oceanographic models have revealed persistent upwelling that may result from underwater currents and where food may be more predictably available.  相似文献   

Coastal and offshore bottlenose dolphins in California waters are currently assessed and managed as separate stocks. Recent molecular studies (of mtDNA haplotypes and microsatellites) have shown the two populations to be genetically differentiated. This study investigated cranial osteological differentiation of the forms. The sample analyzed included 139 skulls from live captures, direct takes, fishery bycatch, and strandings; the skulls were assigned to form based on collection locality or mtDNA haplotype. The coastal form differs from the offshore form mainly in features associated with feeding: larger and fewer teeth, more robust rostrum, larger mandibular condyle, and larger temporal fossa. This suggests that it may feed on larger and tougher prey than the offshore form. Differences between the forms in other features of the skull may reflect differences in diving behavior and sound production. Approximately 86% of the stranded specimens were estimated to be of coastal origin; based on relative estimated sizes of the two populations and assuming similar mortality rates, this suggests that a coastal carcass is about 50 times more likely to beach than an offshore one. The morphological differences between the two ecotypes indicate evolutionary adaptation to different environments and emphasize the importance of conserving the relatively small coastal population and its habitat.  相似文献   

A number of dolphin species, though highly mobile, show genetic structure among parapatric and sometimes sympatric populations. However, little is known about the temporal patterns of population structure for these species. Here, we apply Bayesian inference and data from ancient DNA to assess the structure and dynamics of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) populations in the coastal waters of the UK. We show that regional population structure in UK waters is consistent with earlier studies suggesting local habitat dependence for this species in the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic. One genetically differentiated UK population went extinct at least 100 years ago and has not been replaced. The data indicate that this was a local extinction, and not a case of historical range shift or contraction. One possible interpretation is a declining metapopulation and conservation need for this species in the UK.  相似文献   

Crude oligosaccharides were recovered from bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) colostrum after chloroform/methanol extraction of lipids and protein precipitation, and purified using gel filtration, anion exchange chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Their chemical structures characterized by NMR spectroscopy were as follows: GalNAc(beta1-4)[Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)]Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)Glc and Gal(alpha1-4)Gal(beta1-4)Glc. The monosialyltetrasaccharide and neutral trisaccharide have not previously been found as free forms in any natural sources including milk or colostrum, although these structures have been found in the carbohydrate units of glycosphingolipids GM2 and Gb3.  相似文献   

Using photo‐identification data, bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) populations can be differentiated based on their use of particular estuaries or coastal habitats. Questions remain, however, about the validity of such fine‐scale population partitioning and whether the resulting assemblages utilize unique forage bases. To address the issue of forage base use, stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N) and sulfur (δ34S) were analyzed from skin tissues (n= 74) of bottlenose dolphins sampled seasonally along the coast and in three estuaries near Charleston, South Carolina. Autumn values of δ34S, δ15N, and δ13C and summer values of δ34S indicated that dolphins sampled from these four assemblages utilized unique forage bases, despite limited sample sizes. Likewise, autumn and spring differences in δ15N and δ13C values were evident in the North Edisto River, and in δ34S from dolphins sampled from all three estuarine assemblages; no seasonal differences were identified in the coastal assemblage. Results demonstrate the importance of considering spatial and temporal variation in forage base when developing local management plans for bottlenose dolphin and highlight the discriminatory power of δ34S for estuarine and coastal marine mammals. These results also suggest that stable isotopes could be developed as a complementary tool for photo‐identification based partitioning of bottlenose dolphin populations.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that skeletal muscle secrets proteins referred to as myokines and that exercise contributes to their regulation. In this study, we propose that chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 (CXCL10) functions as a novel myokine. Initially, we stimulated differentiated C2C12 myotubes with or without electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) to identify novel myokines. Cytokine array analysis revealed that CXCL10 secretion was significantly reduced by EPS, which was further confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis. Treadmill experiments in mice identified significant reduction of Cxcl10 gene expression in the soleus muscle. Additionally, contraction-dependent p38 MAPK activation appeared to be involved in this reduction. Furthermore, C2C12 conditioned medium obtained after applying EPS could induce survival of MSS31, a vascular endothelial cell model, which was partially attenuated by the addition of recombinant CXCL10. Overall, our findings suggest CXCL10 as a novel exercise-reducible myokine, to control endothelial cell viability.  相似文献   

Evoked potential audiograms were measured in 13 Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gilli) to determine the variability in hearing sensitivity and range of hearing. The auditory evoked potential system used a transducer embedded in a suction cup to deliver sinusoidal amplitude modulated tones to each dolphin through the pan region of the lower right jaw. Evoked potentials were recorded noninvasively using surface electrodes, and hearing thresholds were estimated by tracking the amplitude of the envelope following response, an evoked potential that is phase‐locked to the stimulus modulation rate. Frequencies tested ranged from 10 to 180 kHz in each animal. Variability in the range of hearing and age‐related reductions in hearing sensitivity and range of hearing were consistent with those observed in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. Comparison of audiograms to a captive population of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins demonstrated that the Pacific bottlenose dolphins tested in this study had significantly lower thresholds at frequencies of 40 and 60–115 kHz. Differences in thresholds between the groups are unlikely to be due to methodological factors.  相似文献   

Fabienne D  Helen B 《Zoo biology》2012,31(2):137-150
Environmental enrichment is often used to improve well-being and reduce stereotyped behaviors in animals under human care. However, the use of objects to enrich animal environments should not be considered to be effective until its success has been scientifically demonstrated. This study was conducted at Asterix Park in France in April 2009. The study investigated the use of 21 familiar objects with a group of six bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). The dolphin trainers introduced four different objects into the dolphin pool every day on a rotating basis. Using a focal-object sampling method, we collected and analyzed data from twenty-one 15 min sessions. The results revealed a positive correlation between interest behaviors and interactive behaviors. Some dolphins had "favorite toys". However, only 50% of objects elicited manipulative behaviors. These findings demonstrate that dolphins do not treat all objects provided to them as "toys". Behavioral changes in the animals subsequent to the introduction of objects do not necessarily indicate an enrichment effect of the objects; rather, the motivation for the dolphins' behaviors toward the objects must be investigated. The animals' behavior must be considered in light of the social context and of the animals' individual behavioral profiles. The relevance of a constructivist approach to evaluating the effectiveness of enrichment programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Mammalian body condition is an important individual fitness metric as it affects both survival and reproductive success. The ability to accurately measure condition has key implications for predicting individual and population health, and therefore monitoring the population‐level effects of changing environments. No consensus currently exists on the best measure to quantitatively estimate body condition in many species, including cetaceans. Here, two measures of body condition were investigated in the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). First, the most informative morphometric body condition index was identified. The mass/length2 ratio was the most appropriate morphometric index of 10 indices tested, explaining 50% of the variation in condition in stranded, male porpoises with different causes of death and across age classes (n = 291). Mass/length2 was then used to evaluate a second measure, blubber cortisol concentration, as a metabolic condition marker. Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid hormone involved in the regulation of lipolysis and overall energy balance in mammals, and concentrations could provide information on physiological state. Blubber cortisol concentrations did not significantly vary around the girth (n = 20), but there was significant vertical stratification through the blubber depth with highest concentrations in the innermost layer. Concentrations in the dorsal, outermost layer were representative of concentrations through the full blubber depth, showed variation by sex and age class, and were negatively correlated with mass/length2. Using this species as a model for live cetaceans from which standard morphometric measurements cannot be taken, but from which blubber biopsy samples are routinely collected, cortisol concentrations in the dorsal, outermost blubber layer could potentially be used as a biomarker of condition in free‐ranging animals.  相似文献   

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