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The relationship between nonreturn rates of bulls in a commercial artificial insemination program and in vitro induction of acrosome reactions in frozen-thawed spermatozoa by the calcium ionophore, A23187, was investigated. Washed spermatozoa from 3 to 5 ejaculates, collected from each of 23 Holstein bulls, were incubated for 1 h with 1 microM A23187. Acrosome reactions were determined by fluorescence microscopy. The percentage of increase in acrosome reaction in the ionophore-treated compared with control samples was significantly correlated to the 90-d nonreturn rate of the bulls (r = 0.86; P < 0.001). In a second experiment, a significant correlation was obtained between the fertility of bulls predicted on the basis of induced acrosome reaction and achieved 90-d nonreturn rate (r = 0.84; P < 0.005). No other assessments of semen quality (post-freezing motility, percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa) was significantly correlated with fertility. Finally, the regression between acrosome reaction induction obtained from young bulls was used to predict the fertility of mature bulls whose semen was in widespread use (actual versus predicted nonreturn rate, r = 0.88; P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

A study was designed to determine the in vitro fertilizing characteristics of bovine semen with a high percentage of spermatozoa with multiple nuclear vacuoles. In Experiment 1, a total of 620 oocytes was divided into 2 groups and inseminated with spermatozoa from 1 of 2 different bulls at a concentration of 2 × 105/ml. After Percoll washes, 73.5 ± 3.0% of spermatozoa from Bull A contained multiple nuclear vacuoles, while no sperm cells from Bull B contained vacuoles. After 19.5 ± 0.5 h of co-incubation of oocytes with spermatozoa, loosely attached sperm cells were removed by washing, and the oocytes were fixed between 2 poly-l-lysine coated glass slides. Mean (±SD) percentage of fertilization was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in Bull A (19.7 ± 7.0%) than in Bull B (67.6 ± 4.5%). In one-third of the oocytes fertilized by spermatozoa from Bull A, sperm head decondensation was incomplete and normal male pronucleus formation did not occur. All oocytes fertilized by Bull B had normally decondensed sperm heads. Although fewer (P < 0.05) spermatozoa from Bull A were bound to the zona pellucida than from Bull B, the percentage of vacuolated sperm cells bound to the zona pellucida (73.3 ± 7.8%) did not differ from that in the inseminate. The mean number of sperm cells binding to fertilized oocytes was higher than to unfertilized oocytes for both bulls (P < 0.05). In Experiment 2, 748 salt-stored oocytes (zonae) were inseminated with semen from the same 2 bulls to determine the ability of spermatozoa to penetrate the zona pellucida. The percentage of zonae penetrated by spermatozoa from Bull A (69.9 ± 3.5%; a mean of 2.4 ± 2.3 spermatozoa) was lower (P < 0.05) than from Bull B (96.5 ± 14.7%; a mean of 11.3 ± 9.9). Although the proportion of vacuolated sperm cells from Bull A that bound to the zona pellucida did not differ from that in the inseminate, the proportion of those penetrating the zona pellucida (52.7%) was lower (P < 0.05). In summary, vacuolated sperm cells apparently gained access to the oocyte and bound to the zona pellucida, but they penetrated the zona pellucida at a lower rate and apparently did not form normal male pronuclei.  相似文献   

Two breeding trials were done to determine the effect of pyriform-shaped bovine spermatozoa on fertility. In breeding trial (1), heifers were superstimulated by injecting follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and randomly allotted to an affected Bull A (n = 21) or a Control Bull, C (n = 18). Semen from Bull A contained 85% pyriform spermatozoa while that from the Control Bull C contained 91% normal sperm and 2% pyriform spermatozoa. Fertilization rate was lower (P = 0.01) for Bull A (total of 63 ova/embryos; 68.5%) than for the Control Bull, C (total of 81 ova/embryos; 84.4%). In breeding trial (2), 37 oestrus-synchronized heifers were randomly allotted to Bull A (n = 19) or Bull C (n = 18). Pregnancy rates at Day 60 (37% and 61% for Bulls A and C, respectively; P = 0.22) and rate of embryo/fetal loss between Days 22 and 60 of pregnancy (23% and 8% for Bulls A and C, respectively; P = 0.55) were not different. In vitro experiments involving the same Bull A and another Control Bull, B, were designed to explain the mechanism of infertility caused by pyriform sperm. The mean (+/- SEM) number of sperm bound to the zona pellucida was lower (P < 0.05) for Bull A (24.6+/-1.2) than for the Control Bull, B (46.6+/-1.9) and the percentage of zonae penetrated by sperm from Bull A (56.0%) and Bull B (82.8%) was also different (P < 0.05). The percentage of pyriform sperm from Bull A bound to (53%), and penetrating (49%) the zona pellucida was lower (P < 0.05) than that in the inseminate (85%). Although fertilization rates (64.1% and 72.8%) were not different (P = 0.5), cleavage rates (48.2% vs. 74.1%) and morula production rates (24.8% vs. 37.7%) were less (P < 0.05) for Bull A than for Bull B, respectively. In summary, pyriform sperm had reduced capability to bind to and penetrate the zona pellucida, and zygotes (resulting from the fertilization of oocytes by pyriform sperm) appeared to have a reduced ability to initiate cleavage.  相似文献   

The advantage of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa is that samples can be stored in the refrigerator (+4 degrees C). Moreover, the storage of freeze-dried spermatozoa at ambient temperature would permit spermatozoa to be shipped easily and at low cost around the world. To examine the influence of the storage temperature on freeze-dried spermatozoa, we assessed the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa stored at different temperatures. Cauda epididymal spermatozoa were freeze-dried in buffer consisting of 50 mM ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, 50 mM NaCl, and 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). Samples of freeze-dried spermatozoa were stored at -70, -20, +4, or +24 degrees C for periods of 1 week and 1, 3, and 5 months. Sperm chromosomes were maintained well at -70, -20, and + 4 degrees C for 5 months, and oocytes fertilized with these spermatozoa developed to normal offspring. Moreover, the chromosomal integrity of spermatozoa stored at -20 or + 4 degrees C did not decrease even after 17 months. In contrast, the chromosomes of spermatozoa stored at +24 degrees C were maintained well for 1 month but became considerably degraded after 3 months. In addition, to investigate the cause of deterioration of sperm chromosomes during storage at +24 degrees C, spermatozoa were freeze-dried in buffer containing DNase I. The chromosomes of spermatozoa freeze-dried with 1 or 0.2 units/ml of DNase I, 100% or 72%, respectively, exhibited chromosomal abnormalities. Our findings suggest that freeze-dried spermatozoa can be stored long-term with stability at +4 degrees C, and the suppression of nucleases present in the buffer or spermatozoa during storage led to the achievement of long-term storage of freeze-dried spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa within one sample do not appear to complete the capacitation process at the same rate. This could reflect a population composed of cells of different absolute age and thus of different maturational state, or the existence of inherent programmed differences among subpopulations of spermatozoa in regard to their capacitation potential. To explore this question, hamster spermatozoa aged within the range of their viable life in the cauda epididymidis were assessed, in comparison with controls, for onset of the acrosome reaction (AR) and hyperactivation as a function of capacitation time in vitro. Aging spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis beyond the normal period did not synchronize onset of the AR among them. Such aging merely suppressed the ability of a major (late-reacting) segment of the motile population to react and, coincidentally, reduced their fertilization performance in vivo. Experiments using the calcium ionophore A 23187 indicate that these subtle epididymal aging effects reflected in the function--but not motility--of spermatozoa probably are exerted on the regulation of ion channels in the plasmalemma. We conclude that the asynchrony of onset of the AR and hyperactivation during capacitation probably reflects inherent or programmed differences among spermatozoa. The fact that moderate aging tends to suppress the ability of many motile spermatozoa to react and to fertilize in vivo suggests that an optimal functional state can persist in the cauda for not much longer than spermatozoa remain there before normal replacement by younger cells.  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸诱发人精子顶体反应及其受精能力   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Yuan YY  He CN  Shi QX 《生理学报》1998,50(3):326-332
本文的目的是为了探讨γ-氨基丁酸是否可激发人精子顶体反应,受主其可能的作用方式。实验采用金霉素荧光染色法,胞内游离C62+测定和精子穿透去透明带仓鼠卵试验,分别评价GABA诱发人精子AR及其穿卵能力。结果表明;GABA可诱发人获能精子发生AR,且随精子获得进程而显著增加,并存在明显的量效关系,该作用可被P4加强。  相似文献   

Under defined conditions, in the presence of 10 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin, cauda epididymal rat spermatozoa displayed vigorous motility, and a high proportion (81%) of eggs were fertilized. In contrast, no fertilization was observed after omission of albumin, or replacement of the protein by 10 mg/ml of cytochrome c, beta-globulin, gamma-globulin, hemoglobin, lysozyme, and polyvinylpyrrolidone, and 5 mg/ml of ribonuclease. However, high motility occurred in suspensions containing 3 x 10(6) spermatozoa/0.1 ml of medium with cytochrome c, beta-globulin, or gamma-globulin. In medium with 1 mg/ml of ovalbumin, 7% (2/29) eggs were fertilized. Use of defatted albumin resulted in a higher rate of fertilization than unmodified albumin (87 vs 70%), and this difference approached statistical significance. No fertilization was obtained in the presence of albumin presaturated with cholesterol. These results suggest that: (a) rat sperm cells failed to capacitate in the absence of albumin; (b) the protein exerted more than a nonspecific macromolecular effect; and (c) lipids associated with albumin may modify its ability to promote sperm capacitation.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential micronutrient for mammals, being integral part of antioxidant system. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of selenium deficiency on in vitro fertilization (IVF) capacity of spermatozoa and on oxidative stress in these cells. Male C57BL/6N mice were maintained on selenium-deficient or selenium-sufficient diets (0.02 or 0.2 ppm of selenium as selenomethionine, respectively) for 4 months. Liver glutathione peroxidase activity measurements were used to confirm selenium deficiency. Sperm quality and IVF capability among both groups were evaluated. To assess oxidative damage, lipid peroxidation as malondialdehyde production was determined in spermatozoa as well as the testes. Ultrastructural analyses of spermatozoa nuclei using transmission electron microscopy were also performed. The percentage of eggs fertilized with sperm from selenium-deficient mice was significantly decreased by approximately 67%. This reduced fertilization capacity was accompanied by increased levels of lipid peroxidation in both the testes and sperm, indicating that selenium deficiency induced oxidative stress. Consistent with this finding, spermatozoa from selenium-deficient animals exhibited altered chromatin condensation. Deficiency in dietary selenium decreases the reproductive potential of male mice and is associated with oxidative damage in spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Previous reports indicate that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) would enhance the occurrence of acrosome reactions in sperm in vitro, but continuous exposure of those sperm to seminal plasma prevented a significant incidence of acrosome reactions. This study was designed to evaluate the interaction of GAGs and seminal plasma to promote acrosome reactions in bull sperm in vitro. Epididymal sperm required 22 hr to exhibit acrosome reactions in response to GAGs whereas only 9 hr were needed to achieve the same effect with washed ejaculated sperm. Exposure of epididymal sperm to seminal plasma for 20 min shortened the time for induction of the acrosome reaction to 9 hr. Scatchard analyses of displacement data suggested an alteration in the binding affinity of 3H-heparin to epididymal sperm membrane following the short-term exposure to seminal plasma. High doses (250 and 500 μg/ml) of heparin, heparan sulfate, and chondroitin-4-sulfate were without effect, but doses <100 μg/ml were stimulatory in terms of enhancing acrosome reactions. Compositional studies with seminal plasma revealed a total GAG content of 1.6 mg/ml, proportioned as 61.6% chondroitin sulfates, 17.6% heparin-like material, 0.3% hyaluronic acid, and 20.5% undetermined GAG. It is proposed that seminal plasma can alter the ability of sperm to respond to GAGs, and the high concentrations of GAGs endogenous to seminal plasma may prevent premature initiation of the membrane perturbations necessary for the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Improving the fertilizing ability of sex sorted boar spermatozoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sex sorting of spermatozoa by flow cytometry induces damage, since sperm cells are highly diluted, affecting their functionality and fertilizing ability. In this work it was investigated whether the concentration of sex sorted spermatozoa by the sedimentation method, rather than centrifugation, in combination with the presence of the seminal plasma protein PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer may improve their fertilizing ability. Spermatozoa were sorted by flow cytometry and collected in BTS with 10% of seminal plasma (group C: control) or with 1.5mg/mL of PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer (group H). Collected spermatozoa from each medium were split into two aliquots. One aliquot of each group was centrifuged (800 x g/5 min) just after sorting and stored 16-18 h at 17 degrees C (groups Cc and Hc) at 6 x 10(6)sperm/mL. The second aliquot was directly stored at 17 degrees C for 16-18 degrees C (group Cs and Hs). After storage the supernatant was discarded and the sedimented pellet adjusted to 6 x 10(6)sperm/mL. Membrane integrity, acrosome status and motility characteristics of spermatozoa from all groups were assessed. Post-weaning pre-ovulatory sows were inseminated by laparoscopy into the oviduct with 0.3 x 10(6) sex sorted spermatozoa to assess their ability to penetrate oocytes in vivo. Putative zygotes were collected 18 h after insemination by washing the oviduct. Penetration and monospermic rates were evaluated. After 16-18 h of storage, centrifuged spermatozoa collected with 10% seminal plasma or 1.5 mg/mL PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer after sex sorting showed lower (p<0.05) percentages of membrane integrity, motility and fertilization than sedimented spermatozoa. Overall, the presence of 10% seminal plasma or PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer did not affect the results. However, a positive effect of PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer (p<0.05) was observed in sedimented spermatozoa. Hence, our results indicate that the sedimentation method in the presence of PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer improves the in vivo fertilizing ability of sex sorted boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   

In K+-free medium, epididymal sperm suspensions, whether washed free of epididymally-derived K+ or not, were unable to penetrate washed cumulus masses; some penetration of zona-free eggs was obtained with unwashed sperm suspensions, while washed samples were generally non-fertilizing. Within 5 min of K+ introduction, however, spermatozoa were able to fertilize intact eggs rapidly and synchronously, indicating that K+ was not required for capacitation. Measurements of extracellular K+ concentrations in these experiments indicate that 0.1-0.15 mM-K+ is sufficient to support sperm: egg fusion, but concentrations greater than 0.15 mM are required for penetration of cumulus-intact eggs. When medium of normal osmolality (318 mosmol) but elevated K+/Na+ ratio (27.7 mM/125 mM) was compared with control medium (2.7/150), the former promoted lower rates of penetration after both 30 and 120 min preincubation (8 and 10%, respectively) than those obtained with control medium (45 and 95%). Upon reduction to the ratio in control media, however, the fertilizing potential of these suspensions was equivalent to control samples: relatively slow and asynchronous penetration after 30 min preincubation (50%) and rapid, synchronous penetration after 120 min (92%). Thus there was no evidence of a shortening of sperm capacitation time, but rather a suppression of fertilizing potential in the presence of elevated K+. Uterine sperm samples recovered shortly after mating gave similar results when tested in these media 30 and 120 min after release from the male tract. Preincubation of epididymal samples in high K+ (27.7 mM) hyperosmolal media (368 mosmol) for 30 min significantly shortened sperm capacitation as shown by rapid penetration of intact eggs (94%) after reduction in osmolality, but this appeared to be a non-specific effect; high Na+ (175 mM) hyperosmolal medium had a similar effect (98% of eggs fertilized). Acrosome loss and hyperactivated motility were significantly lower in media with very low or very high K+ concentrations but, after alteration to control medium values, increased to levels similar to those obtained with control samples. It is proposed that the relatively high K+ concentrations found in female tract fluids (approximately 20-30 mM) may serve to modulate fertilizing potential of spermatozoa in vivo.  相似文献   

The effects of seven surfactants on spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, were studied. All these surfactants induced the acrosome reaction and inhibited the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa. There was a statistically significant correlation between the concentrations that induce the acrosome reaction and inhibit fertilization. The critical micelle concentrations (CMC) of surfactants in sea water were almost even and these values, which are inherent physical properties of surfactants, did not provide a direct measure of their inhibitory effect of fertilization. Among seven surfactants, p-menthanyl-phenol polyoxyethylene (8.8) ether (TS-88) with a characteristic hydrophobes was the most potent both in the induction of acrosome reaction and in the inhibition of fertilization. Various ethylene oxide adducts to p-menthanyl-phenol were also tested for the purpose of comparison. It is suggested that the effects of surfactants on sea urchin spermatozoa at low concentrations reflect their activity associated with the hydrophobic group inherent in each surfactant.  相似文献   

Rat spermatozoa from the proximal caput, the proximal corpus, the middle corpus, and the distal cauda epididymidis were examined for their ability to bind to the zona pellucida after a 1-, 2.5-, or 4.5-h incubation at 34°C with rat eggs in cumulus. Caput spermatozoa did not bind to the zona after 1, 2.5, or 4.5 h of incubation. Corpus spermatozoa did bind to the zona, but the percentage of eggs with bound spermatozoa and number of bound spermatozoa per egg increased with the length of incubation. Cauda spermatozoa bound readily to the zona pellucida, and their zona binding ability did not change with longer incubations. It thus appears that rat spermatozoa gradually acquire the ability to bind to the zona pellucida in the corpus epididymidis. The zona-binding capacity of cold immobilized cauda spermatozoa, defined as the percentage of eggs with bound spermatozoa, increased with the number of spermatozoa incubated and reached a plateau characteristic of the endocrine status of the animal. After castration, zona-binding ability is progressively lost from day 3 until day 10 where it is nil. Testosterone supplementation maintains zona-binding ability to control levels. Similarly, fertilizing ability declines from day 5 after castration until day 10. Testosterone prevents this loss of fertilizing ability. It thus appears that the development of zona-binding ability during epididymal transit is, like the development of fertilizing ability, under androgen regulation. The close correlation between the onset of fertilizing ability and zona-binding ability during maturation, the loss of fertilizing ability and zona-binding ability after castration, and the recovery of both fertilizing ability and zona-binding ability with testosterone treatment suggests that the androgen-dependent development of zona-binding ability is an important component of the acquisition of sperm fertilizing ability during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

Numerous antioxidants have been added to cryopreservation media with varied success. The biguanide, metformin, commonly used for the treatment of type II diabetes, possesses properties impacting metabolism control that have not been yet assessed in cryopreservation protocols. The aim of this experiment was to; (i) determine the effect of metformin on fresh spermatozoa properties; and (ii) to assess positive or negative effects of metformin in post-thaw function and fertilizing capacity of mouse spermatozoa when used in cryopreservation media. The experiments have shown that the presence of metformin in fresh semen did not induce negative effects on spermatozoa quality, except a slight reduction in sperm motility at 5000 μM metformin. However, when metformin was included in a cryopreservation protocol, an improvement in the fertilization rate and a reduction in the percentage of abnormal zygotes after in vitro fertilization was observed. In conclusion, metformin did not affect sperm quality at low concentrations (50 μM), but its presence in the cryopreservation media could represent a benefit to improve the quality of frozen semen.  相似文献   

Several Mycoplasma species may adversely affect bovine spermatozoa viability and embryo development. Mycoplasma mycoides ssp. mycoides large-colony (LC) has been isolated from naturally aborted bovine fetuses and from bull semen. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether M. mycoides ssp. mycoides LC contaminated bovine ejaculates could (i) impair in vitro fertilizing ability of bull spermatozoa, (ii) impair embryo development, and (iii) evaluate potential spread by reproductive technologies. In the present study, spermatozoa of 10 fertile bulls were contaminated with M. mycoides ssp. mycoides LC, at a final concentration of 1.5 million CFU/ml and incubated for 60 min before evaluating spermatozoa motility and acrosome reaction inducibility with calcium ionophore. In addition, in vitro contaminated semen of a bull previously shown to have a good in vitro fertilizing ability, was used in an IVF procedure. Embryo development stage on Day-7 of culture was evaluated. Spermatozoa and embryos at morula and blastocyst stages were routinely processed for transmission electron microscopy observation. Both mean total and progressive motility decreased (P < 0.01 ) upon spermatozoa incubation with Mycoplasma. One-hour incubation with calcium ionophore increased the percentage of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa, although Mycoplasma contamination reduced calcium ionophore treatment efficacy (P < 0.05). Ultrastructurally, Mycoplasma microorganisms appeared as moderately electron-dense sphere-shaped particles, adhering to cell membranes. Sperm mid-piece sections showed numeric aberrations of the central singlets such as nine + zero or nine + one of the axonemal complex. Further morphological abnormalities included partial or total absence of dinein arms and radial fibers, with lack of the bridge and the central ring in 35.00 +/- 4.20% of contaminated cells, whereas these abnormalities were not observed in uninfected ones. The IVF trials showed that two-four cell blocks were higher (P < 0.05) in the infected group. Ultrastructure of Day-7 contaminated embryos showed Mycoplasma particles adhering and infiltrating the outer layer of the zona pellucida. Our investigations suggest that M. mycoides ssp. mycoides LC contaminating the bovine ejaculate induced adverse effects on in vitro spermatozoa-fertilizing ability and embryonic development. Some satisfactory quality transferable embryos could be produced in contaminated IVF systems. This could imply a potential transmission of this microorganism through reproductive technologies.  相似文献   

Sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction are essential for fertilization and they are considered as part of an oxidative process involving superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. In human spermatozoa, the amino acid L-arginine is a substrate for the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) producing nitric oxide (NO*), a reactive molecule that participates in capacitation as well as in acrosome reaction. L-arginine plays an important role in the physiology of spermatozoa and has been shown to enhance their metabolism and maintain their motility. Moreover, L-arginine has a protective effect on spermatozoa against the sperm plasma membrane lipid peroxidation. In this paper, we have presented, for the first time, the effect of L-arginine on cryopreserved bovine sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction and the possible participation of NOS in both processes. Frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa have been incubated in TALP medium with different concentrations of L-arginine and the percentages of capacitated and acrosome reacted spermatozoa have been determined. L-arginine induced both capacitation and acrosome reaction. NO* produced by L-arginine has been inhibited or inactivated using NOS inhibitors or NO* scavengers in the incubation medium, respectively. Thus, the effect of NOS inhibitors and NO* scavengers in capacitated and non-capacitated spermatozoa treated with L-arginine has also been monitored. The data presented suggest the participation of NO*, produced by a sperm NOS, in cryopreseved bovine sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are agents of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in females and males. Precise data about the presence, mechanism of infection and clinical significance of HPV in the male reproductive tract and especially in sperm are not available. Here we show that HPV can infect human sperm, it localizes at the equatorial region of sperm head through interaction between the HPV capsid protein L1 and syndecan-1. Sperm transfected with HPV E6/E7 genes and sperm exposed to HPV L1 capsid protein are capable to penetrate the oocyte and transfer the virus into oocytes, in which viral genes are then activated and transcribed. These data show that sperm might function as vectors for HPV transfer into the oocytes, and open new perspectives on the role of HPV infection in males and are particularly intriguing in relation to assisted reproduction techniques.  相似文献   

Quality and in vitro fertilizing ability of frozen-thawed cat semen collected by urethral catheterization (CT) or electroejaculation (EE) after medetomidine administration were compared. Sperm collection was performed by an urinary tomcat catheter and, 4 days apart, by electroejaculation from each of eight tomcats. Results showed that semen collected by CT was characterized by lower volume (10.5+/-5.3 microL, P<0.05), higher sperm concentration (1868.4+/-999.8 x 10(6)/mL, P<0.05) and lower pH (7.0+/-0.4, P<0.05) than that collected by EE (67.1+/-25.9 microL, 542.9+/-577.9 x 10(6)/mL, and 7.9+/-0.4, respectively). Spermatozoa characteristics after thawing at 0, 3 and 6h did not differ between the two methods of collection. Also cleavage rate and embryo production from oocytes fertilized with frozen-thawed spermatozoa collected by CT or EE showed no significant differences (P>0.05). In conclusion, the results obtained in the present study indicate that good quality freezable semen can be collected from cats by urethral catheterization after medetomidine administration. This new method of semen collection appears very useful in practice and, compared with the electroejaculation protocol, permits to obtain semen samples characterized by a higher concentration of spermatozoa, lower total volume and lower pH.  相似文献   

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