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Arginine vasopressin stimulates Na+-K+-ATPase activity located in the rat thick ascending limb of s'Henle loop. Mammalian hypothalamus appears to produce a factor capable of inhibiting Na+-K+-ATPase activity in a variety of tissues. The effect of a purified rat hypothalamic extract with and without AVP on rat renal Na+-K+-ATPase activity was evaluated by a cytochemical technique. The hypothalamic extract alone failed to affect basal Na+-K+-ATPase activity throughout renal segments after 10 min exposure. Na+-K+-ATPase activity stimulated by AVP (1–10 fmol l?1) for 10 min was inhibited by rat hypothalamic extract over the concentration range 10?7–10?3 U ml?1 in a dose-dependent manner. Complete inhibition of AVP-stimulated Na+-K+-ATPase activity occurred at a hypothalamic extract concentration of 10?3 U ml?1. Only Na+-K+-ATPase activity located in the renal medullary thick ascending limb was influenced by the rat hypothalamic extract.  相似文献   

The anti-diuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin (AVP) stimulates the activity of Na+K+ATPase in the rat renal medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (mTAL). Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) has been suggested to exert a tubular effect on the mammalian nephron, perhaps in part, by interacting with other hormones. In the present study, we investigated the effect of rat ANF with and without AVP upon mTAL Na+K+ATPase activity using cytochemical methods. ANF alone failed to inhibit or stimulate Na+K+ATPase activity in mTAL at any of the concentrations tested (10 nmol-0.1 pmol l-1). Unlike the rat hypothalamic digitalis-like factor, ANF (10 nmol-10 fmol l-1) did not inhibit Na+K+ATPase activity after stimulation with AVP (1 fmol l-1) for either 4 or 10 min. The results suggest that ANF does not exert an effect on mTAL, either alone or in conjunction with AVP.  相似文献   

Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation is reported to increase Na+,K+-ATPase activity. This increase was shown earlier to be stimulated by norepinephrine acting on alpha1-adrenoceptor. The involvement of a subtype of alpha1-adrenoceptor and the possible molecular mechanism of action of norepinephrine in increasing the enzyme activity were investigated using receptor agonists and antagonists, as well as stimulants and blockers of signal transduction pathway. It was observed that incubation of the homogenate with cyclic AMP, forskolin, A23187 (a calcium ionophore), or calmodulin alone did not stimulate the Na+,K+-ATPase activity. However, although the spontaneous activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase was not affected by prazosin, WB4101, heparin, W13, or cyclosporin A alone, each of them could prevent the norepinephrine-stimulated increase in the enzyme activity. Based on these results and our previous findings, it is proposed that norepinephrine acted on alpha1A-adrenoceptor and increased intracellular calcium, which in the presence of calmodulin activated a calmodulin-dependent phosphatase, calcineurin. This calcineurin possibly dephosphorylated Na+,K+-ATPase and increased its activity. The physiological significance especially in relation to rapid eye movement sleep deprivation is discussed.  相似文献   

In astrocytes the activity of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase pump maintains an inwardly directed electrochemical sodium gradient used by the Na+-dependent transporters and regulates the extracellular K+ concentration essential for neuronal excitability. We show here that incubation of cultured rat astrocytes with angiotensin II (Ang II) modulates Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Na+,K(+)-ATPase activation was mediated by binding of Ang II to AT1 receptors as it was completely blocked by DuP 753, a specific AT1 receptor subtype antagonist. Stimulation of Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity by Ang II was dependent on protein kinase C (PKC) activation because PKC antagonists abolished the inducing effect of Ang II and the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate enhanced transporter activity. Ang II stimulated translocation of PKC-delta but not that of other PKC isoforms from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. These results indicate that the activity of Na+,K(+)-ATPase in astrocytes is increased by physiological concentrations of Ang II and that the AT1 receptor subtype mediates the Na+,K(+)-ATPase response to Ang II via PKC-delta activation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of endothelins (ET-1 and ET-3) on 86Rb+ uptake as a measure of K+ uptake was investigated in cultured rat brain capillary endothelium. ET-1 or ET-3 dose-dependently enhanced K+ uptake (EC50 = 0.60 ± 0.15 and 21.5 ± 4.1 nM, respectively), which was inhibited by the selective ETA receptor antagonist BQ 123 (cyclo-d -Trp-d -Asp-Pro-d -Val-Leu). Neither the selective ETB agonists IRL 1620 [N-succinyl-(Glu9,-Ala11,15)-ET-1] and sarafotoxin S6c, nor the ETB receptor antagonist IRL 1038 [(Cys11,Cys15)-ET-1] had any effect on K+ uptake. Ouabain (inhibitor of Na+,K+-ATPase) and bumetanide (inhibitor of Na+-K+-Cl? cotransport) reduced (up to 40% and up to 70%, respectively) the ET-1-stimulated K+ uptake. Complete inhibition was seen with both agents. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), activator of protein kinase C (PKC), stimulated Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+-K+-Cl? cotransport. ET-1-but not PMA-stimulated K+ uptake was inhibited by 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride (inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange system), suggesting a linkage of Na+/H+ exchange with ET-1-stimulated Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+-K+-Cl? cotransport activity that is not mediated by PKC.  相似文献   

We examined the mechanism through which leptin increases Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the rat kidney. Leptin was infused under anaesthesia into the abdominal aorta proximally to the renal arteries and then Na+, K+-ATPase activity was measured in the renal cortex and medulla. Leptin (1 μg/kg min) increased Na+, K+-ATPase activity after 3 h of infusion, which was accompanied by the increase in urinary H2O2 excretion and phosphorylation level of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK). The effect of leptin on ERK and Na+, K+-ATPase was abolished by catalase, specific inhibitors of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, AG1478 and PD158780, as well as by ERK inhibitor, PD98059, and was mimicked by both exogenous H2O2 and EGF. The effect of leptin was also prevented by the inhibitor of Src tyrosine kinase, PP2. Leptin and H2O2 increased Src phosphorylation at Tyr418. We conclude that leptin-induced stimulation of renal Na+, K+-ATPase involves H2O2 generation, Src kinase, transactivation of the EGF receptor, and stimulation of ERK.  相似文献   

The influence of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment on the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Na+,K+-ATPase was determined during different time periods of reperfusion in rats exposed to global cerebral ischemia. Ischemic animals were either sacrificed or exposed to the first HBO treatment 2, 24, 48 or 168 h after ischemic insult (for SOD activities measurement) or immediately, 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 24, 48, 72 or 168 h after ischemic procedure (for Na+,K+-ATPase activities measurement). Hyperbaric oxygenation procedure was repeated for seven consecutive days. The results of presented experiments demonstrated the statistically significant increase in the hippocampal SOD activity 24 and 48 h after global cerebral ischemia followed by a decrease in the enzymatic activity 168 h after ischemic insult. In the ischemic rats treated with HBO the level of hippocampal SOD activity was significantly higher after 168 h of reperfusion in comparison to the ischemic, non HBO-treated animals. In addition, it was found that global cerebral ischemia induced a statistically significant decrease of the hippocampal Na+,K+-ATPase activity starting from 1 to 168 h of reperfusion. Maximal enzymatic inhibition was obtained 24 h after the ischemic damage. Decline in Na+,K+-ATPase activity was prevented in the animals exposed to HBO treatment within the first 24 h of reperfusion. Our results suggest that global cerebral ischemia induces significant alterations in the hippocampal SOD and Na+,K+-ATPase activities during different periods of reperfusion. Enhanced SOD activity and preserved Na+,K+-ATPase activity within particular periods of reperfusion, could be indicators of a possible benefitial role of HBO treatment in severe brain ischemia.  相似文献   

The pumping activity of the plasma membrane-bound Na+,K+-ATPase shows considerable variation during the cell cycle of mouse neuroblastoma Neuro-2A cells. Addition of external ATP at millimolar concentrations, which selectively enhances the plasma membrane permeability of Neuro-2A cells for sodium ions, stimulates the Na+,K+-ATPase pumping activity at all phases of the cell cycle from a factor of 1.05 in mitosis up to 2.2 in G1 phase. Determination of the number of Na+,K+-ATPase copies per cell by direct 3H-ouabain binding studies in the presence of external ATP shows a gradual increase in the number of pump sites on passing from mitosis to the late S/G2-phase by approximately a factor of 2. From these data the pumping activity per copy of Na+,K+-ATPase, optimally stimulated with respect to its various substrate ions, has been determined during the various phases of the cell cycle. This optimally stimulated pumping activity per enzyme copy, which is a reflection of the physicochemical state of the plasma membrane, is high in mitosis, almost twofold lower in early G1 phase, and increases gradually again during the other phases of the cell cycle. This shows that the observed regulation of Na+,K+-ATPase activity during the cell cycle is caused by a combination of three independent factors--namely variation in intracellular substrate availability (Na+), changes in number of enzyme copies per cell, and modulation of the plasma membrane environment of the protein molecules. The modulation of the optimal pumping activity per enzyme copy shows a good correlation (rho = 0.96) with the known modulation of protein lateral mobility during the cell cycle, such that a high protein lateral mobility correlates with a low enzyme activity. It is concluded that changes in plasma membrane properties take place during the Neuro-2A cell cycle that result in changes in the rate of protein lateral diffusion and Na+,K+-ATPase activity in directly correlated way.  相似文献   

Renal (Na + K)-ATPase was studied to ascertain whether it follows the pattern of adaptation of membrane-bound enzymes that are inhibited by acute ethanol exposure and develop greater activity after chronic ethanol treatment. A colony of rats was given 20 per cent (v/v) ethanol as sole drinking solution throughout gestation, lactation and following weaning. (Na + K)-ATPase and ouabain-insensitive Ca(2+)-ATPase activities were determined; regional distribution of these enzymes was assessed in renal cortex and outer medulla. Control rats drank tap water. (Na + K)-ATPase in whole homogenate of kidney increased with age in controls and ethanol-fed rats, but the latter showed higher values at every age studied. Between 15 and 60 days of age, the control group showed 2-fold increases in cortex and 5-fold in outer medulla, whereas ethanol-fed rats reached a 3-fold increase in the enzyme activity in both renal regions. Ca(2+)-ATPase showed the same time course in developing kidney of both groups. Chronic ethanol treatment of adult rats resulted in an increase of (Na + K)-ATPase activity in cortex and outer medulla, but no change in other ATPases. Since an earlier maturational development of renal (Na + K)-ATPase was displayed by ethanol-fed rats, underlying mechanisms that may account for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Phospholipid methylation was quantified in non-diabetic and streptozotocin diabetic rat erythrocytes. While the total mass of methylated lipids remained the same in both groups, the relative abundance of individual methylated lipid species differed significantly in diabetic erythrocytes. Moreover, incubation of erythrocytes membranes with S-adenosyl methionine, a substrate for methyl transferases, not only increased membrane lipid methylation but also decreased Na+, K+ ATPase activity significantly. These results suggest that phospholipid methylation may cause the observed depression of erythrocyte Na+, K+ ATPase activity in diabetes and could contribute to the altered rheology of erythrocytes in diabetes.  相似文献   

The Na+,K+-ATPase binds Na+ at three transport sites denoted I, II, and III, of which site III is Na+-specific and suggested to be the first occupied in the cooperative binding process activating phosphorylation from ATP. Here we demonstrate that the asparagine substitution of the aspartate associated with site III found in patients with rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism or alternating hemiplegia of childhood causes a dramatic reduction of Na+ affinity in the α1-, α2-, and α3-isoforms of Na+,K+-ATPase, whereas other substitutions of this aspartate are much less disruptive. This is likely due to interference by the amide function of the asparagine side chain with Na+-coordinating residues in site III. Remarkably, the Na+ affinity of site III aspartate to asparagine and alanine mutants is rescued by second-site mutation of a glutamate in the extracellular part of the fourth transmembrane helix, distant to site III. This gain-of-function mutation works without recovery of the lost cooperativity and selectivity of Na+ binding and does not affect the E1-E2 conformational equilibrium or the maximum phosphorylation rate. Hence, the rescue of Na+ affinity is likely intrinsic to the Na+ binding pocket, and the underlying mechanism could be a tightening of Na+ binding at Na+ site II, possibly via movement of transmembrane helix four. The second-site mutation also improves Na+,K+ pump function in intact cells. Rescue of Na+ affinity and Na+ and K+ transport by second-site mutation is unique in the history of Na+,K+-ATPase and points to new possibilities for treatment of neurological patients carrying Na+,K+-ATPase mutations.  相似文献   

A particulate (Na + K)-ATPase preparation from dog kidney bound [48V]-ortho-vanadate rapidly at 37°C through a divalent cation-dependent process. In the presence of 3 mM MgCl2 theK d was 96 nM; substituting MnCl2 decreased theK d to 12 nM but the maximal binding remained the same, 2.8 nmol per mg protein, consistent with 1 mol vanadate per functional enzyme complex. Adding KCl in the presence of MgCl2 increased binding, with aK 0.5 for KCl near 0.5 mM; the increased binding was associated with a drop inK d for vanadate to 11 nM but with no change in maximal binding. Adding NaCl in the presence of MgCl2 decreased binding markedly, with anI 50 for NaCl of 7 mM. However, in the presence of MnCl2 neither KCl nor NaCl affected vanadate binding appreciably. Both the nonhydrolyzable, ,-imido analog of ATP and nitrophenyl phosphate, a substrate for the K-phosphatase reaction that this enzyme also catalyzes, decreased vanadate binding at concentrations consistent with their acting at the low-affinity substrate site of the enzyme; the presence of KCl increased the concentration of each required to decrease vanadate binding. Oligomycin decreased vanadate binding in the presence of MgCl2, whereas dimethyl sulfoxide and ouabain increased it. With inside-out membrane vesicles from red blood cells vanadate inhibited both the K-phosphatase and (Na + K)-ATPase reactions; however, with the K-phosphatase reaction extravesicular K+ (corresponding to intracellular K+) both stimulated catalysis and augmented vanadate inhibition, whereas with the (Na + K)-ATPase reaction intravesicular K+ (corresponding to extracellular K+) both stimulated catalysis and augmented vanadate binding.  相似文献   

Gao Y  Luo L  Liu H 《生理学报》2007,59(3):382-386
本研究旨在对Doucet等报道的定量检测大鼠单根近端肾小管Na^+-K^+-ATPase活性方法进行改进。取经过Ⅱ型胶原酶消化的大鼠肾脏皮质组织,在体视显微镜下手工分离单根近端肾小管,并测量其长度,经低渗和冻融处理后与[γ-^32P]ATP共同孵育,液闪法检测从[γ-^32P]ATP解离出的^32Pi,采用修正后的公式计算Na^+-K^+-ATPase活性。改良法与Doucet等的方法比较,测定单根近端肾小管Na^+-K^+-ATPase活性无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。改进后的方法节省试剂,操作简便、省时。  相似文献   

Euryhaline crustaceans tolerate exposure to a wide range of dilute media, using compensatory, ion regulatory mechanisms. However, data on molecular interactions occurring at cationic sites on the crustacean gill (Na+,K+)-ATPase, a key enzyme in this hyperosmoregulatory process, are unavailable. We report that Na+ binding at the activating site leads to cooperative, heterotropic interactions that are insensitive to K+. The binding of K+ ions to their high affinity sites displaces Na+ ions from their sites. The increase in Na+ ion concentrations increases heterotropic interactions with the K+ ions, with no changes in K0.5 for K+ ion activation at the extracellular sites. Differently from mammalian (Na+,K+)-ATPases, that from C. danae exhibits additional NH4+ ion binding sites that synergistically activate the enzyme at saturating concentrations of Na+ and K+ ions. NH4+ binding is cooperative, and heterotropic NH4+ ion interactions are insensitive to Na+ ions, but Na+ ions displace NH4+ ions from their sites. NH4+ ions also displace Na+ ions from their sites. Mg2+ ions modulate enzyme stimulation by NH4+ ions, displacing NH4+ ion from its sites. These interactions may modulate NH4+ ion excretion and Na+ ion uptake by the gill epithelium in euryhaline crustaceans that confront hyposmotic media.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies that bind native protein can generate considerable information about structure/function relationships, but identification of their epitopes can be problematic. Previously, monoclonal antibody M8-P1-A3 has been shown to bind to the catalytic (alpha) subunit of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase holoenzyme and the synthetic peptide sequence 496-HLLVMK*GAPER-506, which includes Lys 501 (K*), the major site for fluorescein-5'-isothiocyanate labeling of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase. This sequence region of alpha is proposed to comprise a portion of the enzyme's ATP binding domain (Taylor, W. R. & Green, N. W., 1989, Eur. J. Biochem. 179, 241-248). In this study we have determined M8-P1-A3's ability to recognize the alpha-subunit or homologous E1E2-ATPase proteins from different species and tissues in order to deduce the antibody's epitope. In addition the bacteriophage random peptide or "epitope" library, recently developed by Scott and Smith (1990, Science 249, 386-390) and Devlin et al. (Devlin, J. J., Panganiban, L. C., & Devlin, P. E., 1990, Science 249, 404-406), has served as a convenient technique to confirm the species-specificity mapping data and to determine the exact amino acid requirements for antibody binding. The M8-P1-A3 epitope was found to consist of the five amino acid 494-PRHLL-498 sequence stretch of alpha, with residues PRxLx being critical for antibody recognition.  相似文献   

An IgG fraction prepared from an antiserum against a holoenzyme preparation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase precipitated a single antigen when samples of holoenzyme were subjected to crossed immunoelectrophoresis but precipitated an additional, immunochemically-related antigen when a plasma membrane-enriched fraction was subjected to crossed immunoelectrophoresis under the same conditions. The immunochemically-related antigen could be extracted from the plasma membrane fraction with CHCl3:CH3OH.  相似文献   

It is the general hypothesis that the primary mode of action of ethanol is the alteration of membrane structure and function including the conformation of receptors and ion channels essential for neurotransmission and signal transduction. However, the issue of whether ethanol affects (Na+K)-ATPase under physiological conditions remains unsettled. In this study, adult mice were treated with a daily dose of 5 g/kg of ethanol for 28 days. The RNA was isolated from brain and the (Na+K)-ATPase mRNA level was determined using Northern blot analysis. We have found an increased expression of (Na+K)-ATPase -subunit in the chronically treated alcohol group as compared with that of controls. This result was further substantiated by increased protein phosphorylation as well as increased specific activity of this enzyme in the synaptosomal plasma membrane after chronic ethanol administration. Thus we have demonstrated that ethanol may directly affect (Na+K)-ATPase in vivo, leading to the increased synthesis of this enzyme through adaptive mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of 16 group-specific, amino acid-modifying agents were tested on ouabain binding, catalytical activity of membrane-bound (rat brain microsomal), sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated Na+,K(+)-ATPase, and Na+,K(+)-pump activity in intact muscle cells. With few exceptions, the potency of various tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, amino, and carboxy group-oriented drugs to suppress ouabain binding and Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity correlated with inhibition of the Na+,K(+)-pump electrogenic effect. ATP hydrolysis was more sensitive to inhibition elicited by chemical modification than ouabain binding (membrane-bound or isolated enzyme) and than Na+,K(+)-pump activity. The efficiency of various drugs belonging to the same "specificity" group differed markedly. Tyrosine-oriented tetranitromethane was the only reagent that interfered directly with the cardiac receptor binding site as its inhibition of ouabain binding was completely protected by ouabagenin preincubation. The inhibition elicited by all other reagents was not, or only partially, protected by ouabagenin. It is surprising that agents like diethyl pyrocarbonate (histidine groups) or butanedione (arginine groups), whose action should be oriented to amino acids not involved in the putative ouabain binding site (represented by the -Glu-Tyr-Thr-Trp-Leu-Glu- sequence), are equally effective as agents acting on amino acids present directly in the ouabain binding site. These results support the proposal of long-distance regulation of Na+,K(+)-ATPase active sites.  相似文献   

Reaction of a dog kidney (Na + K)-ATPase with pyridoxal phosphate, followed by borohydride reduction, reduced the catalytic activity when measured subsequently. The time course of inactivation did not follow a first-order process, and certain characteristics of the residual enzymatic activity were modified. Moreover, various catalytic activities were diminished differently: Na-ATPase activity was largely spared, K-phosphatase activity was diminished only by half that of the (Na + K)-ATPase, whereas (Na + K)-CTPase and Na-CTPase activities were diminished more. ATP, ADP, CTP, nitrophenyl phosphate, and Pi all protected against inactivation. Increasing salt concentrations increased inactivation, but KCl slowed and NaCl hastened inactivation when compared with choline chloride. Occupancy of certain substrate or cation sites seemed more crucial than selection of conformational states. For the residual (Na + K)-ATPase activity theK 0.5 for K+ was lower and theK 0.5 for Na+ higher, while the sensitivities to ouabain, oligomycin, and dimethylsulfoxide were diminished; for the residual K-phosphatase activity theK 0.5 for K+ was unchanged, the sensitivity to ouabain and oligomycin diminished, but the stimulation by dimethylsulfoxide increased. These properties cannot be wholly accommodated by assuming merely shifts toward either of the two major enzyme conformations.  相似文献   

采用常规生测方法和酶活力测定方法,初步研究了辣椒碱对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella L.的产卵忌避和拒食作用,及其对小菜蛾体内谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶、Na+,K+-ATP酶活性的影响,以期阐明辣椒碱对害虫的作用机制。结果表明,辣椒碱对小菜蛾表现出较强的产卵忌避活性和拒食活性。在6.25×104 mg/L浓度下,处理24 h辣椒碱对小菜蛾的非选择性产卵忌避率达96.55%,选择性产卵忌避率为84.30%;在相同浓度下,处理48 h辣椒碱对小菜蛾的非选择性拒食率达81.47%,选择性拒食率为69.69%。 另外,经1.25×105 mg/L辣椒碱不同时间处理后,小菜蛾体内的谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶酶活力和Na+,K+-ATP酶活力与对照相比均产生了波动,处理18 h时小菜蛾体内GSTs活力最高,为152.01 U·mg-1pro·min-1,处理1 h时小菜蛾体内Na+,K+-ATP酶活力最高,为19.99 U·mg-1pro·min-1。结果说明辣椒碱能够影响小菜蛾产卵和取食行为,并且对其体内的酶系也产生了影响。  相似文献   

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