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SUMMARY 1. Following fish removal, the water quality in biomanipulated lakes often improves concomitant with decreased phosphorus (P) levels. Because the decrease in P concentrations derives most probably either directly or indirectly from fish, which are the main target of biomanipulation, this study examined the P release of 0+, 1+ and 2+ roach [Rutilus rutilus (L.)] and changes in the P release during summer in a shallow eutrophic lake in Finland. 2. The P release was separated into P derived from benthic and littoral food items and into recycled P derived from feeding on zooplankton, to estimate the contribution of net P additions to the water column by the fish to the increase in P concentrations of the lake water (75–110 mg P m?3) in summer 1991–96. 3. Individual P release of roach by both egestion and excretion was estimated with a bioenergetics model. The size of the roach population was estimated with a depletion method and the proportions of different age groups from catch samples, using a programme separating mixtures of normal distributions. The sensitivity of the release estimates to variation in the growth data was estimated with the jackknife technique. 4. The biomass‐specific P release by 0+ roach (0.36–0.54 mg P g?1 day?1) was higher than that by older roach (0.07–0.16 mg P g?1 day?1) throughout the summer. The P release by the whole roach population deriving from benthic and littoral food items (0.7–2.7 mg m?3 during July to August, representing a net addition to the water column) was 5–19 times lower in 1991–96 than the recycled P release deriving from zooplankton (8.9–25.7 mg m?3), and too low to explain the increase in the P concentration of the lake water during the summer. Because the biomass‐specific P release and roach diet composition vary with fish age, it is important to consider the age structure of fish populations to obtain correct estimates of P release and net additions to the water column. 5. The removal of roach by fishing diminished the roach stock greatly, but the fish‐mediated P release to the water column changed little. This effect was because of the high compensation capacity of the roach population, leading to high recruitment of young fish with higher biomass‐specific P release rates. 6. External loading is very low during summer months and therefore it cannot explain the increase in the P concentration of water during that time. Internal loading from the sediment might be as high as 10.2 mg P m?2 day?1, i.e. 50 times higher than the maximum net P addition by the total roach population.  相似文献   

Due to changes of discharge regime downstream of a dam reservoir, an alluvial natural stretch of the Warta River changed to a macrophyte‐dominated ecosystem. Large patches of submersed, aquatic macrophytes appeared in summer and their effect is analysed in this study. These patches contained enriched macroinvertebrate assemblages (epiphyton and benthos) and they were refuge for both zooplankton and young fishes released from the reservoir. Despite these altered conditions in this stretch, roach Rutilus rutilus, perch Perca fluviatilis and ruffe Gymnocephalus cernua dominated, as they did in the natural backwater. Fishes were sampled every 2 weeks from June to August, together with their food resources to assess the partitioning of the diet among small individuals of the three species in both stretches (the natural and affected ones). The aim of the analysis was to answer how animal food associated with water plants was partitioned between the species. In both stretches, G. cernua were primarily benthivorous, but epiphytic fauna, zooplankton and large‐sized benthic chironomid larvae replaced lack of many large, benthic insects in the tailwater. Levins' food breath index decreased from 0·36 in the backwater to 0·29 in the tailwater. An opposite trend was observed for P. fluviatilis occurring among macrophytes. Perca fluviatilis were competitors of R. rutilus and took food not only in or on the river bed, but also in the water column. They ate zooplankton and epiphytic fauna and Levins' index increased from 0·32 to 0·44 in the tailwater. Rutilus rutilus fed on adult insects, algae and plant fragments in the natural stretch. In the tailwater, these food types were chiefly complemented by zooplankton. Despite this, the niche breadth of R. rutilus was similar at the two sites. Abundance of food associated with the macrophytes appeared to facilitate cohabitation in the abundant fish populations, but P. fluviatilis appeared to benefit the most in the altered river stretch.  相似文献   

Lake Zwemlust, a small highly eutrophic lake, was biomanipulated without reducing the external nutrient loading, and the effects were studied for four years. In this paper we pay special attention to the shifts in relative distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the different trophic levels and to the changes in growth limitation of the autotrophs.Despite of the high external nutrient loads to the lake (ca 2.4 g P m–2 y–1 and 9.6 g N m–2 y–1), the effects of biomanipulation on the lake ecosystem were pronounced. Before biomanipulation no submerged vegetation was present in the lake and P and N were stored in the phytoplankton (44% N, 47% P), fish (33% N, 9% P) and in dissolved forms (23% N, 44% P). P and N contents in sediments were not determined. In the spring and summer following the biomanipulation (1987), zooplankton grazing controlled the phytoplankton biomass and about 90% of N and P were present in dissolved form in the water. From 1988 onwards submerged macrophyte stands continue to thrive, reducing the ammonium and nitrate concentrations in the water below detection levels. In July 1989 storage of N and P in the macrophytes reached 86% and 80%, respectively. Elodea nuttallii (Planchon) St.John, the dominant species in 1988 and 1989, acted as sink both for N and P during spring and early summer, withdrawing up to ca 60% of its N and P content from the sediment. At the end of the year only part of the N and P from the decayed macrophytes (ca 30% of N and 60% of P) was recovered in the water phase of the ecosystem (chiefly in dissolved forms). The rest remained in the sediment, although some N may have been released from the lake by denitrification.In summer 1990 only 30% of the N and P was found in the macrophytes (dominant species Ceratophyllum demersum L.), while ca 30% of N and P was again stored in phytoplankton and fish.  相似文献   

The growth, reproduction and condition of adults of the three dominant fish species (roach, Rutilus rutilus, (L.); perch, Perca fluviatilis, L. and ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus, (L.)) in the eutrophic Lake Aydat were studied over one year cycle. Compared to published data, the growth of R. rutilus and G. cernuus was about average, while that of P. fluviatilis was below average. Comparing to literature, the fecundity of R. rutilus and G. cernuus was low but their oocytes were large. In contrast, P. fluviatilis had a high fecundity but small oocytes. At the end of summer, an abrupt decrease in the condition was recorded only for perch, probably due to stress as a result of environmental conditions. The sex-ratio was in favour of females for the three studied species but, in contrast to G. cernuus, the sex-ratio of R. rutilus and P. fluviatilis increased significantly also with age. It is concluded that Lake Aydat is a more favourable environment for R. rutilus and G. cernuus than for P. fluviatilis.  相似文献   

The modelPCLAKE describes the phosphorus and nitrogen cycles within a shallow lake ecosystem, including the sediment and a simplified biological food web. All components are modelled in a generalized way rather than a very detailed one. This model has been applied to Lake Zwemlust, a small biomanipulated lake in The Netherlands. Formerly, this highly eutrophic lake was dominated by cyanobacteria and devoid of macrophytes. Biomanipulation was carried out in 1987 by pumping-out of the water, removal of all fish, and refilling of the lake with seepage water. The lake was restocked with some rudd, pike, zooplankton and seedlings of macrophytes, and then monitored up to 1992. Macrophytes developed rather quickly and reached their maximum biomass during the six-years period in 1989. Despite the continuously high nutrient (N and P) loading, algal biomass remained low due to nitrogen limitation, caused by competition with the macrophytes. From 1990 onwards, the macrophytes declined again and a species shift occurred, following an increase of herbivorous birds on the lake and the development of herbivorous fishes.Model simulations grossly reproduced the observed developments in Lake Zwemlust before and after the biomanipulation measures. The existence of multiple steady states at the same trophic state and the possible shift between them could be simulated well. This study also demonstrates the interrelation between system structure and the distribution and cycling of nutrients. It is concluded, that within general boundary conditions set by the trophic state of the system, the food web structure determines the actual nutrient flows and the occurrence of nutrient limitations of the primary producers. It is shown that both aspects can be integrated in one mathematical model. The long-term stability of the macrophyte dominance in the lake is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Research has often focused on the pelagic areas of lakes; the littoral zone has received less attention. The few studies concerning fish distribution in littoral habitats have concentrated on stands of submersed macrophytes, whereas other littoral habitat types have seldom been investigated. 2. This study aimed to predict the occurrence of juvenile fish in several littoral habitats of a shallow lake as a function of food availability, complexity of habitat structure, water depth and substrate. Habitats comprising reed, woody structures, and two open water areas differing in depth were sampled for fish and invertebrate biomasses on two shores, over 6 months and during both daylight and at night. 3. The juvenile fish community consisted almost exclusively of 0+ and 1+ roach and perch. There was a strong diel component in habitat use, with a predominant occurrence of fish in complex habitats (mainly woody structures) during the day, and a partial migration towards the open habitats at night, more strongly expressed in roach than in perch. 4. The diet of all fish groups was relatively constant over the seasonal cycle, and was independent of habitat. There was a higher degree of planktivory in roach than in perch, but both species fed on benthic macroinvertebrates to a substantial extent. 5. According to a logistic regression model, the biomass of potential food organisms in the different habitats had little predictive effect on the spatial distribution of the fish, whereas the structural complexity of the habitats combined with the diel cycle explained about 28% of the occurrence patterns in 0+ and 1+ perch and 1+ roach.  相似文献   

Wysujack  Klaus  Kasprzak  Peter  Laude  Uwe  Mehner  Thomas 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):169-180
Pikeperch is an efficient predator in the pelagic zone of eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes and has, therefore, been used in several biomanipulation projects. Pikeperch stocking has also been part of the manipulation strategy in Feldberger Haussee, Germany. From 1996 to 1999, population development, growth and diet composition of pikeperch in Feldberger Haussee were studied. From 1996 to 1998, the population was dominated by two cohorts. Only in years with warm summers, recruitment from 0+ fish to older age-classes was successful. It appears likely that due to the relatively high depth of the lake the spawning period is delayed as a result of a slower temperature increase in spring. Therefore, 0+ pikeperch cannot benefit from the spring maximum of the zooplankton. This may be the reason for the slow growth and consequently, hampers the switch to piscivory for the majority of 0+ pikeperch. However, after becoming piscivorous, the pikeperch showed a reasonably good growth. Predation was mainly directed towards roach and 0+ perch, the major planktivores. The results of the present study confirm the role of pikeperch as an efficient predator of zooplanktivorous fish in open-water dominated lakes. Yet, it is suggested that the probability of successful recruitment of pikeperch in deeper, stratified lakes is reduced. Therefore, stable self-sustaining pikeperch populations cannot be expected in such lakes and regular stocking measures may be necessary even if a potential spawning stock exists.  相似文献   

Lázaro A  Hegland SJ  Totland O 《Oecologia》2008,157(2):249-257
The pollination syndrome hypothesis has provided a major conceptual framework for how plants and pollinators interact. However, the assumption of specialization in pollination systems and the reliability of floral traits in predicting the main pollinators have been questioned recently. In addition, the relationship between ecological and evolutionary specialization in pollination interactions is still poorly understood. We used data of 62 plant species from three communities across southern Norway to test: (1) the relationships between floral traits and the identity of pollinators, (2) the association between floral traits (evolutionary specialization) and ecological generalization, and (3) the consistency of both relationships across communities. Floral traits significantly affected the identity of pollinators in the three communities in a way consistent with the predictions derived from the pollination syndrome concept. However, hover flies and butterflies visited flowers with different shapes in different communities, which we mainly attribute to among-community variation in pollinator assemblages. Interestingly, ecological generalization depended more on the community-context (i.e. the plant and pollinator assemblages in the communities) than on specific floral traits. While open yellow and white flowers were the most generalist in two communities, they were the most specialist in the alpine community. Our results warn against the use of single measures of ecological generalization to question the pollination syndrome concept, and highlight the importance of community comparisons to assess the pollination syndromes, and to understand the relationships between ecological and evolutionary specialization in plant-pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Horppila  Jukka 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):215-220
The diel vertical migration of cladoceran zooplankton in LakeVesijärvi was studied after a distinct improvement of the waterquality following mass removal of fish. Four out of seven speciesshowed diurnal changes in vertical distribution. The two speciesdominating at 0–10 m, Bosmina crassicornis and Daphniacucullata, migrated reverse, while hypolimnetic Bosminalongispina and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula ascended at night.The migration did not cross the thermocline, suggesting thatzooplankton had a minor role in restricting the availability ofphosphorus for phytoplankton. The reverse migration in theepilimnion was likely connected to the feeding behaviour of thedominating planktivores. During night, smelt (Osmeruseperlanus (L.)) migrated from the hypolimnion to the surface tofeed on daphnids, while roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) thatinhabited the 5–15 m depth, was day-active and fed mainly on Bosmina. In the hypolimnion, the cladocerans used the low oxygenconcentration as a refuge and at night migrated to layers moreprofitable for feeding. This suggests that the predation by fishwas the ultimate factor of the vertical migration, but otherenvironmental factors determined its magnitude.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Piscivore stocking at artificially high densities and fishing are the two common approaches to reduce the amount of planktivorous and benthivorous fish in lake biomanipulation programmes. Both measures have advantages and disadvantages, but their relative efficacy has not previously been directly compared.
2. We calculated the average annual catch of roach and bream in a lake undergoing long-term biomanipulation (Feldberger Haussee, Germany) by seining each year between 1992 and 1998. We compared this value with a bioenergetics estimate of annual consumption rates of the dominant cohorts of piscivores, pikeperch and pike, in 1997 and 1998. We also determined species composition and length distribution of prey fish in stomachs of the piscivores.
3. Roach was the dominant prey species of both pikeperch and pike, whereas bream was rarely taken by either piscivorous species. Seining removed on average larger specimens of roach than were found in the stomachs of the piscivores.
4. Based on stocking densities of the piscivores, published mortality rates, and individual consumption rates, feeding of pikeperch and pike on roach exceeded the manual removal of roach by seining by a factor of 4–15 (biomass) in 1997 and 1998.
5. Based on these results, a combination of fishing and piscivore enhancement is recommended. Whereas the stocks of adult roach and bream have to be reduced mainly by fishing, the predation of piscivores should be directed predominantly towards the juvenile zooplanktivorous fish. Therefore, small size-classes of piscivorous fish should be promoted by fisheries management, including stocking and harvest regulations.  相似文献   

L Lake, a reactor cooling reservoir in South Carolina, USA was managed after filling to promote the development of healthy ecological communities similar to those in mature regional cooling reservoirs. Two types of biomanipulation were undertaken to achieve this goal, the introduction of typical southeastern US reservoir fishes (bluegill and largemouth bass) and artificial planting of native aquatic macrophytes. Fish assemblages were monitored by electrofishing from reservoir filling in 1986 until 1998. Multivariate analysis divided the fish samples into five sequential periods resulting from species replacements and additions. Small species that colonized L Lake from a feeder stream predominated in the first period but were mostly eliminated, as bluegill, largemouth bass, and other lentic species increased in the second period. A rapid increase in threadfin shad abundance characterized the third period, and small littoral zone and phytophilous fishes increased during the fourth and fifth periods coincident with the proliferation of aquatic macrophytes. Analysis of Bray-Curtis similarities and the species accumulation rate indicated that the rate of fish community change decreased with time and that fish community structure changed little during the last several years of the study. By the end of the study, community structure was similar to that in a nearby cooling reservoir that supported diverse and resilient biota. Biomanipulation contributed to the rapid establishment of lentic species and later increases in small littoral and phytophilous species suggesting that biomanipulation may be useful in accelerating fish community development in new cooling reservoirs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We examined whether a large stock of tilapia (>750 kg ha?1, in littoral areas >1300 kg ha?1), mostly Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Tilapia rendalli (Boulenger), could contribute to the eutrophication of a tropical reservoir (Lago Paranoá, Brasília, Brazil) by enhancing P‐loading. 2. We took advantage of an extensive fish kill (>150 tons removed) during May–August 1997 in a hypereutrophic branch of the reservoir to compare water quality characteristics 1 year before and after this event by means of BACI statistics. We also measured P‐excretion rates in laboratory trials to assess the P‐loading of the reservoir by the tilapia relative to tributary inputs and loading from a sewage treatment plant. 3. Concentrations of chlorophyll a (decline from 84 to 56 μg L?1, P=0.018) and total P (decline from 100 to 66 μg L?1, P < 0.001) decreased significantly in the branch of the reservoir affected by the fish kill, compared with a similar but unaffected branch that served as a control. Because P‐loading by both a sewage treatment plant and tributaries remained high after the incidence, the fish kill was likely to contribute to the observed water quality improvement. 4. Removing 150 tons of dead tilapia corresponded to 20 days of external total phosphorus load (TP‐load) to the branch, and resulted in a reduction of 5.1 kg P day?1 in internal recycling via tilapia excretion, which is equivalent to 12% of the external TP‐load. 5. Implementing professional tilapia cast‐net fisheries could be an efficient biomanipulation approach to improve water quality and limit the occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms and fish kills in hypereutrophic branches of Lago Paranoá and similar tropical lakes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We used an individual based modelling approach for roach to (i) simulate observed diel habitat shifts between the pelagic and littoral zone of a mesotrophic lake; (ii) analyse the relevance of these habitat shifts for the diet, activity costs and growth of roach; and (iii) quantify the effects of a hypothetical piscivore-mediated (presence of pikeperch) confinement of roach to the littoral zone on roach diet, activity costs and growth.
2. The model suggests that in the presence of pikeperch, roach shifts from zooplankton as the primary diet to increased consumption of less nutritious food items such as macrophytes, filamentous algae and detritus.
3. The growth of roach between May and October was predicted to be significantly higher in the absence of pikeperch, although the net activity costs were about 60% higher compared with the scenario where pikeperch were present.
4. These modelling results provide quantitative information for interpreting diel horizontal migrations of roach as a result from a trade-off between food availability and predation risk in different habitats of a lake.
5. Altering the habitat selection mode of planktivorous roach by piscivore stocking has the potential to reduce zooplankton consumption by fish substantially, and could therefore be used as a biomanipulation technique complementing the reduction of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

A total of 1468 young fish representing 66 taxa from the Sinnamary River, French Guiana was classified by complete cluster analysis of mean relative body width and mean relative body height into four groups. These had anguilliform, disciform, flat or intermediate body shapes and belonged chiefly to Gymnotiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Characiformes, respectively. Several of the taxa shifted from one to another body shape during ontogenesis. Seven diet groups were defined by complete cluster analysis. Among these, six groups were represented by carnivorous fish. The three most frequent groups had diets of (1) mainly insect larvae and small crustaceans, (2) insect larvae, and (3) predominantly terrestrial insects. The majority of the fish taxa showed ontogenetic diet shifts. Carnivorous fish usually switched from small-size prey, such as small crustaceans, to intermediate-size prey, such as insect larvae and/or to large-size prey, such as insects and/or fish. However, taxa differed in their capacities to switch from small prey to intermediate and/or to large prey. Taxa of different body shapes had significantly different diets. Disciform fish fed mainly on aquatic insect larvae and terrestrial insects but also, in small amounts, on small curstaceans. Most anguilliform taxa ate insect larvae. Individuals belonging to the depressiform or intermediate morphotype had varied diets ranging from plant debris and substratum to fish.  相似文献   

L. E. Miranda  H. Gu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,377(1-3):73-83
We studied dietary shifts in the early life stages of gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum, a dominant forage species in North American reservoirs. Larval fish and zooplankton samples were collected weekly during spring in Sardis Reservoir, Mississippi, USA. Diet and prey electivity data suggested the existence of three dietary niches during early life stages: microzooplankton (larvae ≤10 mm total length) in which microzooplankters comprised over 90% by number; crustacean zooplankton (larvae 11–25 mm) in which larval gizzard shad consumed substantial numbers of crustacean zooplankton; and microplankton (larvae >25 mm) in which gizzard shad shifted to filtering protozoans, rotifers, and phytoplankton. There was a high overlap (84%) between the diet of larval gizzard shad and crappies Pomoxis spp. during early May. Larval gizzard shad can potentially reduce microzooplankton density through predation, then shift to crustacean zooplankton and drive their density to decline, then revert to filtration of microzooplankton and exploit phytoplankton. Although, gizzard shad have the ability to influence trophic interactions in reservoir ecosystems, their influence may sometimes be masked by the intensity of bottom-up and top-down effects, as well as population and community interactions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A spatio-temporal individual-based model (IBM), including bioenergetic principles, is used to investigate how energy costs coupled to activity represent a variable fraction in a heterogeneous environment and how this is related to another energetic criterion, the potential individual growth, under the conditions of a structured environment. With this approach, it is possible to connect simulated spatio-temporal activity patterns with the energetic needs required for these activities. By using simple foraging rules and a modified random walk model it is possible to reproduce spatial distributions and length frequency distributions. The simulated spatial distribution of roach Rutilus rutilus in Lake Belau, Germany, results in a mean weekly activity multiplier [(standard metabolic rate + activity costs) (standard metabolic rate)−1] of 1–9 with deviations >100% during a simulated year. These deviations are of key importance to differences in the growth rate of individual simulated roach.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton abundance and composition in the hypertrophic man-made Lake Arancio was analyzed, based on a programme of weekly sampling from May 1990 to November 1991 and supported by measurements of limnological parameters. The highest value of phytoplankton biomass (78 mg l–1) was observed in October 1990, during a bloom of the desmid Closterium limneticum var. fallax, while the lowest (0.15 mg l–1) was measured in April 1991. During spring, autumn and winter 1990, species of the genus Closterium dominated the community, in the sequence: C. aciculare, C. limneticum var. fallax, C. limneticum. The summer community was more diverse with the predominance of organisms belonging to Chlorophyceae (Chlamydomonas, Eudorina, Coelastrum) and Cyanophyceae (Microcystis, Anabaena). In spring 1991, there was a long clear-water phase during which small green algae (Ankyra, Oocystis) and cryptomonads dominated. Subsequently, the summer season was characterized by a clear sequence of dominants, drawn, in turns, from species belonging to: Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae. The physics of the reservoir and its depth, owing to filling/draining constraints in a summer-arid climate, appeared to play a key role in the dynamics of phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth of smelt Osmerus eperlanus was studied in the Kiihkelyksenselkä basin in the eutrophic Lake Hiidenvesi, southern Finland. The growth of age 1+ and 2+ year smelts was very low probably due to the discontinuous supply of large invertebrates Chaoborus flavicans and Mysis relicta . Diet shift back to zooplankton in autumn, suggested the existence of a bottleneck in the growth of these age groups. Slow growth rate was further intensified by the onset of maturity at age 2 years, combined with the high diet and habitat overlaps between similar‐sized 1+ and 2+ year smelts. Older 3+ and 4+ year smelts shifted to piscivory, i.e . cannibalism, during the growing season, which was seen as rapid increases in their growth rates.  相似文献   

Juveniles of five species of cyprinids of body length 15–90 mm as well as juvenile perch, Perca fluviatilis L., were fed on living natural zooplankton over periods of 2 or 3 days. For all species the correlation of the daily ration (% body weight) with body weight showed a maximum curve. The maximum was reached at a body weight (wet weight) of 0.6 g for Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) and 0.1 g for a group consisting of varying numbers of Rutilus rutilus (L.), Abramis brama (L.) and Alburnus alburnus (L.). For L. leuciscus , the maximum was 220% body weight (wet weight), corresponding to 40% on a dry weight basis. For the mixed species group the maximum was about 500% (wet weight) and about 140% on a dry weight basis. The highest daily ration coincided with the occurrence of the spring bloom of zooplankton.  相似文献   

1. According to previous field studies in the biomanipulated Bautzen reservoir (Germany), a midsummer decline of the dominating zooplankter, Daphnia galeata, was suggested to be initiated by a simultaneous occurrence of low fecundity of the daphnids and a selective feeding of underyearling fish on mature daphnids. The timing of both processes was assumed to be triggered by spring water temperature. However, the field data were not appropriate for testing whether yearly differences in spring warming are strong enough to control the predation rate of underyearling fish on daphnids.
2. By combining field data on fish growth, feeding and population mortality, the daily uptake of Daphnia by a virtual population of underyearling perch (Perca fluviatilis) was simulated. In addition, the daily predatory mortality of mature daphnids was calculated independently. Scenarios with a warm and a cold spring were compared. Furthermore, the delayed warming of a pelagic zone of a lake versus a littoral one was simulated. Sensitivity of the simulation to changes in five parameters was tested.
3. In both the warm spring scenario and the littoral warming scenario, more daphnids in general and more mature daphnids in particular were eaten, compared with the cold spring and pelagic scenarios. The predatory mortality of mature daphnids was driven by the increasing gape size of growing fish such that in warmer years the fish reach earlier the size at which they can eat mature daphnids.
4. The simulation was most sensitive to changes in daily mortality rate of the fish and to the size at maturity of the daphnids. Since at least the fish mortality is also temperature‐dependent via the growth rates of fish, the predation rate of perch on D. galeata in Bautzen reservoir is substantially increased during a warm spring. This underlines the assumption that even a slight global warming may have a decisive influence on food web processes due to the fine‐scaled patterns of trophic interactions in lakes.  相似文献   

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