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The capacity of several types of cell preparations to induce in vivo a state of memory for a secondary in vitro cytotoxic response against non-major-histocompatibility antigen was markedly reduced (on a per cell basis) by uv-irradiation. This indicated that memory induction requires metabolically active stimulator cells. An “adherent cell preparation” (AC) that was enriched for dendritic cells was among the most effective memory-inducing cell populations; but concanavalin A-activated nylon-wool-nonadherent spleen cells (Con A-NWT) or concanavalin A-activated unfractionated spleen cells (Con A-spl) were on the average equally effective. Normal unfractionated spleen cells (spl) or nonactivated nylon-wool-nonadherent cells (NWT) were markedly less effective on a per cell basis. This pattern of stimulatory activity was in line with the relative stimulatory activity of these cell types in primary cytotoxic responses in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and also in line with the relative capacity to induce IL-2-dependent proliferation in H-2D-incompatible T-cell populations (cf. W. Dröge et al., J. Immunol.132, 2749, 1984). These differences in the immunogenic potential and the requirement for metabolically active stimulator cells suggested that these cells stimulated the CTL system directly and not indirectly through antigen processing cells of the immunized host. Nevertheless, the secondary cytotoxic response after injection of low numbers of Con A-spl into H-2 heterozygous recipients, (BALB/c × BALB/b)F1, or into recipients with recombinant H-2 haplotype (A.J) was only preferentially but not exclusively restricted to the H-2 haplotype of the immunizing cell populations. Restriction was considerably more complete when AC were used for immunization.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic response of splenic Lyt-2+ T cells to class I H-2 alloantigen-bearing stimulator cells was analyzed under limiting dilution conditions. One of 50 to one of 200 nylon wool-nonadherent (FACS-purified), small Lyt-2+ spleen cells of B6 origin gave rise in vitro to a cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone that specifically lysed targets bearing bm1 alloantigen. This population of alloantigen-specific cytotoxic lymphocyte precursors (CLP) was activated by different types of bm1 stimulator cells with different efficiency: 2 X 10(5) nonfractionated spleen cells, 5000 normal peritoneal cells, 400 to 10(4) L3T4+ helper T blasts, or 2000 to 10(4) Lyt-2+ T blasts induced clonal growth of this CLP pool. Irradiated or mitomycin-treated small (L3T4+ or Lyt-2+) bm1-derived T cells were inefficient stimulator cells for this response. Supplementation of culture medium with (recombinant) interleukin 2 was necessary and sufficient to support clonal development of alloantigen-triggered CLP in the presence of allogeneic T blasts. Under these limiting dilution conditions, we observed comparable cloning efficiencies for (wild-type) Kb-allospecific splenic Lyt-2+ CLP from bm1 mice generated in response to either irradiated B6 spleen cells or inactivated B6-derived T cell lines (EL4 and RBL-5 lymphoma cells). The data indicate that normal T lymphoblasts as well as tumor T cell lines stimulate clonal development in vitro of class I H-2-allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the presence of interleukin 2.  相似文献   

In the absence of specific antigen stimulation, nonspecific killer cells were induced by culturing C57BL/6 lymph node or spleen cells with interleukin 2-containing supernatants. These supernatants were obtained from stimulation of either rat spleen cells with concanavalin A or a variant of the T cell lymphoma, EL4 (H-2b) with phorbol myristic acetate. The ability of the EL4 supernatant to induce nonspecific killer cells was abrogated by absorption with an interleukin 2-dependent T cell line or by concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cell blasts, but not by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated spleen cell blasts or by a non-interleukin 2-producing EL4 line. Partially purified interleukin 2 from EL4 supernatants could also support nonspecific killer cell induction. The induction of cytolytic cells by interleukin 2 is sensitive to gamma-irradiation and has a D omicron of 120 rad. The nonspecific killer cells induced are likely cytotoxic T lymphocytes; the majority of the precursor and effector cells bear the Thy-1 alloantigen marker. These nonspecific killer cells killed a broad spectrum of target cells, including concanavalin A- and lipopolysaccharide-induced splenic blasts of syngeneic or allogeneic mice, a syngeneic tumor, and a cloned allogeneic cytotoxic T cell line. The frequency of precursors for nonspecific killer cells in C57BL/6 lymph node and spleen cells are 1/7000 and 1/12,000, respectively. Clonal analyses revealed that these nonspecific killers exhibit heterogeneity with respect to their target cell specificities. The induction of nonspecific killers by interleukin 2-containing supernatants is partially dependent on nylon wool-adherent cells; in antigen-stimulated cultures the most specific killer cells were obtained from cultures in which nylon wool-nonadherent lymph node responder cells were stimulated with nylon wool-nonadherent allogeneic splenic stimulator cells that were treated with anti-Thy-1 antibody and complement. The relevance of these findings with respect to the frequencies and fine specificities of cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in interleukin 2-supplemented cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

The lymphocyte costimulator (CoS) is a lymphokine required for the activation of T cell responses to H-2 alloantigens or mitogen, CoS activity is found in the supernatant medium of Concanavalin A (Con A) stimulated spleen cells, In this paper we investigate the cellular requirements for CoS production by Con A-activated mouse spleen cells. Maximal lymphokine production in response to Con A depends on a co-operative interaction between T cells and a nylon wool-adherent cell present in the spleen of nude mice. T cells appear to be the major producers of CoS activity, doing so only in response to an initial inductive stimulus supplied by nude spleen cells. The inductive stimulus is found as a soluble factor in the supernatant of Con A-activated spleen cells, and can also be provided by stimulatory (S+), but not by non-stimulatory (S-), tumour cells H-2 identical with the responding T cells. The activation of lymphokine-producing T cells is thus a two-signal process, requiring both mitogen and an additional inductive signal. Once activated, homogeneous populations of T cells will release lymphokine in response to mitogen alone.  相似文献   

The stimulator cells for the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursor cells were studied in vivo and in microculture systems with limiting concentrations of helper factor (interleukin-2). We found in both cases that mixtures of irradiated spleen cells from athymic and euthymic donors of different haplotypes activated CTL responses preferentially against alloantigens which were carried by the euthymic donors. This applied also if athymic and euthymic donors shared parts of the H-2 gene complex. Stimulator cells from athymic and euthymic donors activated, on the other hand, equally strong responses in microcultures which were supplemented with additional helper factor or in conventional macrocultures. This and direct cell mixing experiments showed that the ineffective stimulation by the nude spleen cells in vivo and under conditions of limiting helper factor was not mediated by active suppression. Our experiments are therefore best explained by the assumption that cytotoxic responses under conditions of limiting helper factor require a close proximity between CTL precursor cells and helper T cells. This proximity may be most efficiently provided by the receptors of the CTL precursor cells when helper T cells serve as stimulator cells. Lymph node cells were consistently inferior to spleen cells as stimulator cells, and the nylon wool nonadherent fraction of spleen cells was on the average also inferior to unfractionated spleen cells, indicating that the stimulator T cells belong to a spleen seeking and partly nylon wool adherent T-cell subpopulation or require an additional cell type for optimal stimulation.  相似文献   

Effects of Con A-induced human mononuclear cells on the proliferative response of peripheral T cells were examined by using TNP-modified autologous lymphocytes as stimulator cells. Cells induced by incubation with Con A contained both suppressor cells and amplifier cells. The former were induced from nylon wool-nonadherent T cells and these precursor cells were sensitive to mitomycin treatment. On the other hand, amplifier precursor cells were nylon wool-nonadherent T cells and were resistant to mitomycin treatment. Cell proliferation was required for the induction of suppressor cells but not for the induction of amplifier cells. Con A-induced suppressor effector cells were both nylon wool-adherent and nonadherent cells, on the contrary, Con A-induced amplifier effector cells were nonadherent cells. A small number of macrophages enhanced the suppressive activity of nonadherent T cells when added at the induction phase of suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

Mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) between NZB responder spleen cells and Qa-1-disparate stimulator spleen cells were employed to determine the cellular requirements for the generation of primary anti-Qa-1 cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) responses. Although primary anti-Qa-1 cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL) were generated during H-2-homologous stimulation, anti-Qa-1 CTL were not detectable from MLC in which the stimulators were H-2 allogeneic. Anti-Qa-1 CTL also were not generated from MLC in which the stimulators were semiallogeneic. Thus, H-2 identity between responder and stimulator cells was not sufficient to permit the generation of primary anti-Qa-1 CTL when H-2 disparity was also present. The capacity for H-2 disparity to prevent anti-Qa-1 CML responses was further demonstrated in MLC containing both H-2-allogeneic and H-2-homologous stimulator cells. Therefore, in subsequent studies we employed NZB responders and H-2-homologous, Qa-1-disparate stimulators. When various subpopulations of stimulator cells were studied for their ability to induce anti-Qa-1 CTL, nylon wool-adherent cells were found to be potent stimulators, but nylon wool-nonadherent cells were not. Furthermore, depletion of macrophages from the stimulator population abrogated the generation of anti-Qa-1 CML responses, despite the presence of responder macrophages in the culture. In contrast, all fractionated subpopulations stimulated anti-H-2 CML responses. When macrophage-enriched cells were used as stimulators, anti-Qa-1 CTL could be generated with approximately 80-fold fewer stimulator cells than when unfractionated splenocytes were used as stimulators. These findings indicated that stimulator macrophages were essential for the generation of primary anti-Qa-1 CTL. Direct evidence for macrophage expression of Qa-1-antigens was obtained by using a Qa-1b-specific CTL clone. These studies provide i) the first evidence for Qa-1 expression on macrophages, ii) a basis for comparison of the cellular interactions necessary to generate CTL against H-2K/D-encoded vs Qa-1-encoded class 1 antigens, and iii) a model for investigating the mechanisms responsible for the immunodominance of H-2K/D alloantigens.  相似文献   

To investigate possibilities of augmenting tumor-specific immune responses against the highly metastatic murine lymphoma ESb, we tested the effects of the interferon inducer newcastle disease virus (NDV) or of interferon-alpha/beta as costimulator in mixed lymphocyte-tumor cell cultures (MLTC) on the tumor-specific cytolytic T cell (CTL) response. Both approaches, namely stimulation of ESb immune spleen cells with NDV-modified stimulator cells or with ESb stimulator cells and exogenous IFN-alpha/beta, led to a selective potentiation of tumor-specific CTL activity. The potent activation of tumor-specific CTL precursor (CTLP) required the simultaneous presence of the specific ESb tumor antigen--possibly to mediate a signal via the corresponding T cell receptor--and costimulators--possibly to mediate second activation signals. Increased CTL activity required only very low amounts of NDV or IFN-alpha/beta. The generation of CTL activity in the MLTC cultures could be blocked by antisera to IFN-alpha/beta, not, however by control sera. Similar effects were observed in vivo, suggesting that IFN-alpha/beta not only caused an increase in CTL activity, but was essential for the generation of CTL activity. The reduction of the generation of CTL by antiserum to IFN-alpha/beta could be overcome by excess interferon, especially when using ESb-NDV as stimulator cells.  相似文献   

The daily exposure of a mouse to ultraviolet (uv) radiation causes a selective depletion of Ia-bearing adherent cells in that animal's spleen. This depletion manifests itself in functional deficiencies in the presentation of protein antigens and haptens to T cells. The present studies demonstrate a defect in splenic adherent cells (SAC) from uv-irradiated mice resulting in defective alloantigen presentation. We show that unfractionated splenocytes and SAC from uv-irradiated mice show decreased stimulatory activity in allogeneic MLR. We then utilize this phenomenon induced by uv radiation to characterize the stimulator cell in the M locus (Mls) determinant-driven MLR. We show that the stimulator cell in Mls determinant-driven MLR is an adherent cell and demonstrate that this stimulator cell bears Ia determinants by showing that whole spleen cells and SAC from mice treated with uv radiation are inefficient stimulators of the Mls determinant-driven MLR. The importance of the Ia determinant on the stimulator cells in Mls determinant-driven MLR is corroborated by the demonstration that a monoclonal antibody directed at this determinant fully blocks the Mls determinant-driven MLR. The significance of these studies to the problem of alloreactions in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Even moderate variations of the extracellular cysteine concentration were previously shown to affect T cell functions in vitro despite high concentrations of cystine. We therefore analyzed the membrane transport activities of T cells for cysteine and cystine, and the role of low molecular weight thiol in T cell-mediated host responses against a T cell tumor in vivo. A series of T cell clones and tumors including the highly malignant lymphoma L5178Y ESb and its strongly immunogenic variant ESb-D was found to express extremely weak transport activity for cystine but strong transport activity for cysteine. However, not all cells showed the expected requirement for cysteine (or 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME)) in the culture medium. One group of clones and tumors including the malignant ESb-lymphoma did not respond to changes of extracellular cystine concentrations and was strongly thiol dependent. This group released only little acid soluble thiol (cysteine) if grown in cystine-containing cultures. The other T cell lines, in contrast, were able to maintain high intracellular GSH levels and DNA synthesis activity in cystine-containing culture medium without cystein or 2-ME and released substantial amounts of thiol. This group included the immunogenic ESb-D line. Additional thiol-releasing ESb variants were obtained by culturing large numbers of L5178Y ESb tumor cells in cultures without cysteine or 2-ME. All of these ESb variants showed a significantly decreased tumorigenicity and some of them induced cytotoxic and protective host responses even against the malignant ESb parent tumor. Taken together, our experiments suggest that the host response against a tumor may be limited in certain cases by the failure of the stimulator (i.e., the tumor) cell to deliver sufficient amounts of cysteine to the responding T cells.  相似文献   

Two murine monoclonal antibodies reactive with porcine nylon wool-nonadherent T cells were examined by flow microfluorometry analysis for cellular distribution, and by functional analysis for their effect on MLR and CTL assays. The two determinants recognized, called PT4 and PT8, were shown to be expressed on almost mutually exclusive cell populations, with only 6 to 15% of T cells expressing both antigens. Among the 15% of nylon wool-nonadherent cells that did not express either PT4 or PT8, 5% were surface Ig+. In functional assays, cells that proliferated to PHA, hen egg lysozyme, and alloantigens were blocked by PT4 and were eliminated by PT4 and complement. PT4 and complement had no effect on CTL effectors or precursors. Reciprocally, PT8 blocked and PT8 and complement eliminated CTL effectors and precursors, but had no effect on proliferative responses. These results indicate that PT4 and PT8 define the porcine helper and cytotoxic T cell subsets, respectively.  相似文献   

The dependency of induction of T cell cytotoxicity on lymphokines was studied. 1 X 10(5) nylon wool-purified thymic lymphocytes or 10(4) spleen cells were cultured with TNP-haptenated syngeneic UV-irradiated spleen cells in the presence of a variety of lymphokine preparations. Concanavalin A-induced spleen cell supernatants mediated strong cytotoxic responses in this system. Three other preparations, namely, a partially purified IL 2 preparation from PMA-stimulated EL-4 thymoma cells, a Con A-induced spleen cell supernatant that was absorbed with an IL 2-dependent cell line, and a Con A-induced supernatant that was dialyzed at pH 2 were all ineffective in mediating a cytotoxic response. In reconstitution experiments, cytotoxic responses were only obtained when either the absorbed preparation or the pH 2-treated preparation was mixed with the IL 2 preparation from EL-4 cells. No reconstitution occurred after mixing of the absorbed with the pH 2-treated preparation. pH 2 treatment of the absorbed preparation did not abolish its synergistic effect when added to the IL 2 preparation from EL-4 cells. These results led to the conclusion that activation of cytotoxic lymphocyte precursors requires at least two other lymphokines in addition to IL 2. One T cell cytotoxicity-inducing factor (TCF1) remained in Con A-induced supernatants after absorption with IL 2 receptor-bearing T cell line cells. It was pH 2-resistant and was not found in EL-4 supernatants. A second T cell cytotoxicity-inducing factor (TCF2) was pH 2-sensitive and was found in Con A-induced spleen cell supernatants as well as in interferon-free supernatants of PMA-stimulated EL-4 cells. This activity co-purified with IL 2. It was absorbed by the IL 2-dependent T cell line together with IL 2. IL 2 differs from TCF2 since it is pH 2-resistant.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether bone marrow (BM) cells contain a cell population with the capacity to induce an unresponsiveness of T cells specific to the BM self-H-2 class I antigens in vivo, i.e., veto cell population. Recombinant or congenic mice were infused intravenously with H-2-incompatible BM cells. One to several weeks later, donor H-2-and irrelevant H-2-specific responses in mixed lymphocyte reaction cultures of recipient T cells were assessed. Transfusion of H-2-incompatible BM of C57BL/10 (B10) recombinant strains caused a long-lasting cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) unresponsiveness to the donor class I antigens in recipient lymph node cells. When class I plus class II-disparate BM cells were transfused, an anti-donor class I CTL response and a response against a third-party class I antigen, which was presented on the stimulator cells coexpressing the donor class I and class II, were significantly suppressed. This linked suppression lasted for less than 2 weeks after transfusion. Transfusion of class I-alone-disparate BM induced the donor class I-specific CTL unresponsiveness, but not the linked suppression. The induction of linked suppression was prevented considerably by transfusing nylon wool-nonadherent BM or by treating recipients with cyclophosphamide 2 days before transfusion. An anti-third-party class I CTL response, stimulated in vitro with fully allogeneic spleen cells, was not hampered by the BM transfusion. Coculturing the lymph node (LN) cells obtained from the class I plus class II-disparate BM recipient with normal LN cells interfered with the generation of both anti-donor class I and anti-linked third-party class I CTL, whereas, coculturing LN cells from the class I alone-disparate BM recipient inhibited neither specificity of CTL generation. Transfusion of class I plus class II-disparate BM resulted in a significant suppression of the donor class II-specific proliferative response. In contrast, transfusion of class I alone-disparate BM did not suppress any proliferative responses, including even a "linked" third-party class II-specific response. Transfusion of bm 1, (B6 X bm 1)F1, or (bm 1 X bm 12)F1 BM to B6 did not induce unresponsiveness in bm 1-specific CTL responses. However, the transfusion resulted in a significant suppression of bm 1-reactive proliferative response of recipient LN cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The nature of infected stimulator cells in the in vitro secondary cytotoxic T cell response to ectromelia infection was investigated. It was found that macrophages were better stimulator cells than spleen cells. B cells (Ig-positive cells) were superior to T cells (Ig-negative cells) both on a relative proportion and on a cell-to-cell basis. Concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated lymphocytes were also effective stimulator cells but appeared to be slightly inferior to spleen cells. Spleen cells depleted of Ia-positive cells were markedly inferior to normal spleen cells as stimulators. It was also found that primary and secondary cytotoxic T cells were largely Ia-negative. These findings are discussed in relation to the likely events during T cell responses to infection in vivo.  相似文献   

The normally weak murine T-cell proliferative response against autologous non-T stimulator cells (the autologous mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) was enhanced markedly by inclusion of the hydrophilic polymer, polyethylene glycol (PEG), into the culture medium. Potentiation of the autologous MLC was indicated on the basis of increased [3H]TdR incorporation by responding cells, as well as by the numbers of viable cells recovered from mixed cell cultures. PEG is not a polyclonal activator of T and/or B lymphocytes, since nylon wool nonadherent lymphoid cells (T cell-enriched fraction), nylon wool adherent cells (B cell-enriched fraction) and T cell-deficient “nude” spleen cells were not stimulated into DNA synthesis when cultured separately with PEG. Inclusion of 4% PEG into the culture medium was found to optimally enhance autologous MLC, although concentrations between 2 and 5% also significantly elevated responsiveness. At a responder/stimulator ratio of 1:2, autologous MLC yielded peak [3H]TdR incorporation after 5 days of culture. At lower ratios (1:1 and 2:1), however, Δ cpm of autologous MLC continued to increase over a culture period of 7 days. Enhanced responsiveness in the presence of PEG was observed in strains of mice representing a variety of H-2 haplotypes, indicating that at least the potential for autoreactivity of this type is a naturally occurring and widespread characteristic of murine species. An absolute requirement for purified T responder cells was necessary in the autologous MLC, since unseparated lymphoid cell responder LN or spleen cells demonstrated marked proliferation when cultured alone in medium containing PEG. The proliferation of T cells to autologous non-T cells within the same unseparated lymphoid cell preparation appears to be responsible for this phenomenon. Ia antigens expressed by the stimulator cells are involved in the induction of T-cell response, since anti-Ia sera added directly to the cultures inhibited the autologous MLC, but did not affect other T-cell responses to alloantigens or mitogens. Despite the marked proliferation observed in the autologous MLC performed in the presence of PEG, there was no generation of cytotoxic effector cells. Thus, PEG does not appear to add, or alter determinants on stimulator cells to an extent that they are recognized as foreign by precursor cytotoxic T cells. Although the mechanism of enhancement of autologous MLC by PEG is not totally defined, it appears, at least functionally, to promote cellular interactions that occur normally between T cells, B cells, and macrophages. In this respect, PEG will be a powerful and useful probe to dissect the cellular interactions that take place in autologous responses.  相似文献   

The present studies were undertaken to define the contribution of the autologous or syngeneic mixed-leukocyte reactions (AMLR/SMLR) to the cellular proliferation observed in unfractionated spleen cell cultures. Proliferation was studied in whole, untreated 6-day murine spleen cell cultures supplemented with syngeneic serum. These cultures exhibited relatively low but significant levels of cellular proliferation as measured by uptake of radioactive thymidine ([3H]TdR). Treatment of spleen cells with monoclonal anti-Thy 1.2 antibody and complement before culture, the addition of specific anti-I-A monoclonal antibodies to the cultures or removal of Ia+ adherent cells before initiation of culture all inhibited the proliferative response significantly. Thus, the autologous proliferation of untreated and unfractionated spleen cells manifests the main characteristics of the AMLR/SMLR, namely, its dependence on T (responder) and Ia+ (stimulator) cells and specific inhibition by anti-I-A antibodies. A marked augmentation in cellular proliferation was observed in unfractionated spleen cell cultures treated for the initial 24 hr of culture with 5 X 10(-6) M indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis. Conversely, the addition of 7 X 10(-9) M prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) to these cultures depressed cellular proliferation. This suppression of autologous splenic cell proliferation induced by PGE1 could be partially reversed by the addition of concanavalin A-induced lymphokine (LK) preparations early in the culture. These findings indicate that (a) the proliferation of unfractionated spleen cell cultures occurring in the absence of exogenous stimulatory signals is due largely to an ongoing AMLR, and (b) biologically active mediators with opposing influences, namely, prostaglandins and immunostimulatory LK, participate in the regulation of the AMLR.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which provide direct evidence for a strong suppressive effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The experiments also tested the hypothesis that PGE2 inhibits cytotoxic responses exclusively by preventing the helper T cells from producing interleukin 2 (IL-2). In support of this hypothesis we found that indomethacin enhanced cytotoxic responses in the absence but not in the presence of concanavalin A-activated spleen cell supernatant (CSCS) indicating that the endogenously produced prostaglandin(s) inhibited primarily the production of IL-2. However, the addition of PGE2 to microcultures was found to inhibit in a dose-dependent manner the activation of cytotoxic responses against I-region compatible stimulator cells even in the presence of CSCS. This inhibition was not observed in the presence of I-region incompatible stimulator cells, indicating that the inhibitory effect of PGE2 did not result from a general toxic effect on the culture. The results argue against the notion that PGE2 inhibits cytotoxic responses exclusively by preventing the production of IL-2.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which interferon (IFN) pretreatment of effector cells augments natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) was examined by determining whether IFN has any effect on the production of natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF). NKCF are released into the supernatant of co-cultures of murine spleen cells and YAC-1 stimulator cells, and their lytic activity is measured against YAC-1 target cells. It was demonstrated that pretreatment of effector cells with murine fibroblast IFN or polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (pIC) resulted in the release of NKCF with augmented lytic activity. Evidence indicated that the IFN-induced augmentation of NKCF activity required protein synthesis during the IFN pretreatment period, because concurrent pretreatment with both IFN and cycloheximide abrogated the IFN effect. Protein synthesis, however, is not required for the production of base levels of NKCF because emetine pretreatment of normal spleen cells did not result in a decrease in NKCF production. Furthermore, substantial levels of NKCF activity could be detected in freeze-thaw lysates of freshly isolated spleen cells. Cell populations enriched for NK effector cells, such as nylon wool-nonadherent nude mouse spleen cells, produced lysates with high levels of NKCF activity, whereas lysates of CBA thymocytes were devoid of NKCF activity. Pretreatment of spleen cells with either IFN or pIC resulted in an augmentation of the NKCF activity present in their cell lysates. Taken altogether, these findings suggest that freshly isolated NK cells contain preformed pools of NKCF. Pretreatment of these cells with IFN causes de novo synthesis of additional NKCF and/or activation of preexisting NKCF. According to our model for the mechanism of NK CMC, target cell lysis is ultimately the result of transfer of NKCF from the effector cell to the target cell. The evidence presented here suggests that the IFN-induced augmentation of NK activity could be accounted for by an increase in the synthesis, activation, and/or release of NKCF.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine the cause(s) of the reduced T-cytotoxic-cell response observed in senescent mice. The cytotoxic cells studied developed in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) of 6 × 106 C57B1/6J (H-2b) spleen cells from mice of various ages which were stimulated by doses of irradiated Balb/c (H-2d) cells giving responder to stimulator ratios of 10:10 and 10:1. The cytotoxic response, as determined in a 51Cr-release assay against P815 (H-2d) mastocytoma cells in culture, declines with age. This age-related decline is more pronounced with the lower dose of stimulator cells (10:1). The cytotoxic response developing in 10:10 and 10:1 MLC of spleen cells from young mice is comparable in magnitude, whereas the lower dose (10:1) is much less stimulatory in cultures of spleen cells from mice above 12 months of age. In order to better understand this age-dependent decline in cytotoxic response, the affinity of effector cells to their target and the percentage of cytotoxic cells which develop in the cultures of spleen cells from mice of various ages were determined. The affinity of cytotoxic cells developing in 10:10 MLC does not change with age. The affinity of cytotoxic cells developing in 10:1 MLC from young mice is significantly higher than the affinity of those developing in 10:10 MLC. This dose-dependent increase in affinity is not apparent in 20-month-old mice, which show equal affinity of cytotoxic cells in 10:10 and 10:1 MLC. The percentage of cytotoxic cells in the cultures was found to decrease with age. This decrease was more pronounced after 10:1 stimulation. Thus the decline with age in cytotoxic response can be attributed to a decrease in number of functional cytotoxic cells developing in MLC cultures, regardless of stimulator cell dose and a decrease in affinity for target cells at low stimulator cell doses.  相似文献   

The present study has demonstrated that the Con A-activated cell-mediated autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) is not associated with the generation of cytotoxic effector cells that kill autologous targets. Thus, the suppression of antibody production of PWM stimulated lymphocytes by autologous Con A-activated suppressor cells cannot be explained by detectable cytotoxicity. We have further demonstrated that the stimulator cell in this system is a nonadherent non-T cell.  相似文献   

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