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目的:观察坐骨神经慢性压榨损伤(CCI)致神经病理痛后,大鼠背根节神经元GABAA受体(γ-氨基丁酸A受体)激活电流的变化。方法:运用全细胞膜片钳技术记录CCI模型手术侧、手术对侧及假手术组大鼠背根神经节细胞GABAx受体激活电流,比较坐骨神经慢性压榨损伤后GABAA受体激活电流的变化。结果:①CCI模型组大鼠手术侧DRG神经元在不同浓度(0.1-1000μmol/L)GABAA受体激活电流幅值均显著小于假手术组。②CCI模型组大鼠手术对侧DRG神经元在不同浓度(0.01-1000μmol/L)GABAA受体激活电流幅值均显著大于手术同侧及假手术组。结论:在坐骨神经慢性压榨损伤的过程中,不仅损伤侧的DRG神经元GABAA受体激活电流显著减小,这种损伤同时还引起了手术对侧的DRG神经元GABA激活电流代偿性的增强,GABAA受体功能的改变导致的突触前抑制作用的减弱可能是神经病理痛产生的根本原因之一。  相似文献   

氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA)是哺乳动物中枢神经系统中的一种抑制性神经递质,它主要通过GABAA、GABAB和GABAC三种不同的受体介导其作用。GABAA和GABAC为离子型受体,而GABAB为G蛋白偶联受体。大量研究表明,GABAB受体与脑缺血后焦虑密切相关。本文对GABAB受体、GABAB受体与脑缺血后神经功能的关系、脑缺血后焦虑、GABAB受体与脑缺血后焦虑的关系及其相关治疗作一综述。  相似文献   

苍白球是基底神经节间接环路的重要核团,在机体正常及病理状态下调节运动功能。前期研究工作显示苍白球接受来自黑质纹状体轴突侧支的多巴胺能纤维支配。苍白球表达多巴胺D1和D_2样受体。本研究旨在采用多管微电极细胞外电生理记录技术,探讨多巴胺D_2样受体对正常及帕金森病模型大鼠苍白球神经元自发放电的直接调控效应。结果显示,在正常大鼠上,微压力给予多巴胺D_2样受体激动剂quinpirole对苍白球神经元自发放电发挥不同的电生理效应。在所记录的61个苍白球神经元,quinpirole可使24个神经元的放电频率增加(62.7±11.2)%,而使另外16个神经元放电频率降低(37.5±2.9)%,联合给予D_2样受体阻断剂sulpride可阻断quinpirole对苍白球神经元自发放电的调控效应。在6-羟基多巴胺(6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA)帕金森病模型大鼠损毁侧所记录的47个苍白球神经元中,quinpirole可使其中25个神经元的放电频率增加(64.2±10.1)%,而使另外11个神经元放电频率降低(51.9±6.2)%。以上结果提示,多巴胺D_2样受体双向调节苍白球神经元的自发放电活动;在帕金森病状态下,多巴胺D_2样受体仍具有双向调节苍白球神经元兴奋性的效应。  相似文献   

目的旨在探讨脑干听觉传入通路中GABA能神经递质及GABAA受体对电刺激位听神经传入冲动的影响.方法使用出生后0~5 d的ddy/ddy小鼠制备脑干切片.脑片经电压敏感染料NK3041染色,电刺激与脑片相连的位听神经残端.使用16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列测量光学信号.所采集的数据使用ARGUS50/PDA软件分析.结果多部位的光学记录方法显示了从位听神经到耳蜗核和前庭核的兴奋性传导的时间-空间分布.其中每一个光学成分由快峰电位样反应和慢反应组成.抑制性神经递质GABA可降低诱发的光学信号的快反应和慢反应,GABAA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱可增强这些反应.结论16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列可记录位听神经刺激诱发的多部位光学信号,每一个光学信号含有突触前及突触后电位成分.抑制性神经递质GABA和GJBAA受体拮抗剂可调节光学信号的兴奋性传导.  相似文献   

中等多棘神经元(medium spiny neurons,MSNs)是纹状体的主要投射神经元,其细胞膜上表达的不同类型多巴胺(dopamine,DA)受体,分别参与基底神经节直接与间接两条运动神经通路功能的调节。近年来发现,纹状体相邻MSNs之间还存在突触连接,这种突触结构对直接或间接通路的电活动产生侧抑制效应(lateral inhibition),并通过其前馈作用进一步调节基底神经节信息输出核团的兴奋性。因此,纹状体MSNs的侧抑制效应对运动的精确调节具有重要意义。本文拟从纹状体神经元构筑与侧抑制突触效应、纹状体MSNs侧抑制突触效应参与基底神经节调控的生理学机制、MSNs侧抑制效应异常与帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)等方面对纹状体MSNs侧抑制效应与基底神经节功能调控的机制进行综述。  相似文献   

突触前代谢型谷氨酸受体调节神经递质的释放   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谷氨酸通过激活离子型受体(iGluR)介导快速兴奋性突触传递,参与脑内几乎所有生理过程。谷氨酸过量释放可导致与脑缺血,缺氧及变性疾病有关的兴奋毒作用,最终引起神经元的死亡。代谢型谷氨酸受体(mGluRs)是一个与G-蛋白偶联的受体家族,分三型共八个亚型。其中Ⅱ和Ⅲ型mGluRs主要位于突触前,发挥对谷氨酸释放的负反馈调节。Ⅲ型mGluRs中的mGluR7位于谷氨酸能末梢突触前膜的活性区,发挥自身受体的作用,对正常情况下突触传递过程的谷氨酸释放进行负反馈调节;而属于Ⅱ型的mGluR2及属于Ⅲ型的mGluR4和mGluR8,则位于远离突有膜活性区的外突触区,因而正常突触传递过程中释放的谷氨酸量不能激活它们。只有在突触传递增强的情况下才被激活,抑制递质的释放。国外,mGluRs还分布在GABA能纤维末梢,通过突触前机制抑制GABA的释放。对突触前膜受体尤其是位于外突触区的mGluRs受体的研究,将有可能开发出理想的工具药,从而预防和阻止谷氨酸过量释放引起的神经毒及神经元的死亡。  相似文献   

摄食是生命体赖以生存的基础生理活动,研究表明苯二氮卓类化合物可以通过增强食物的美味感而促进动物摄食。苯二氮卓受体是GABA_A受体复合物的一部分,苯二氮卓类激动剂能在GABA_A受体激活反应中,促进Cl-离子通道的开放和内流,从而调节脑内的抑制性神经传递。本文介绍了苯二氮卓类化合物的分类、促食欲过盛的药理学作用和脑内作用位点,了解苯二氮卓类化合物促食欲过盛的作用机制将为各种疾病引起的食欲减退病人提供治疗的理论依据。  相似文献   

多巴胺Ⅱ型受体在大脑基底神经节纹状体区域表达丰富,可反馈性调节突触前多巴胺合成并介导细胞信号转导。纹状体神经元突触可塑性受多巴胺Ⅱ型受体介导的cAMP/PKA和PLC信号通路调节,也是自主运动控制的神经基础。在运动性疲劳及以帕金森病为代表的运动功能障碍的中枢疾病中,多巴胺Ⅱ型受体通过平衡基底神经节直接通路和间接通路发挥重要作用。本文对多巴胺Ⅱ型受体在纹状体神经元突触可塑性和运动功能障碍中枢调控中的作用进行综述,为相关疾病的靶向干预和治疗提供理论基础。  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑离体脑薄片视上核神经元的全细胞记录   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在大鼠下丘脑薄片标本上对52例视上核神经元进行了全细胞膜片箝记录。膜被动及主动电生理参数测量如下:静息电位,59±8mV;输入阻抗,535±129MΩ;时间常数,32±9ms;动作电位幅度,99±11mV;超射值,37±13mV(n=39)。大多数神经元在接受去极化刺激时出现明显的慢后超极化电位或电流。我们发现,在电压箱状态下几乎所有的视上核神经元均接受兴奋性和/或抑制性突触传λ(n=13)。药理学实验表明,兴奋性突触后电流是由non-NMDA亚型谷氨酸受体介导,而抑制性突触后电流由GABAA受体介导。  相似文献   

He DF  Chen FJ  Zhou SC 《生理学报》2004,56(3):374-378
在SD大鼠上应用多顺利完成微电极方法,观察微电泳CABA及其受体的拮抗剂或激动剂对杏仁外侧核(LA)抑制皮层AⅠ神经元声反应效应的影响。结果显示,电泳GABA能抑制皮层AⅠ区神经元的电活动,电泳GABAA受体拮抗剂bicuculline(BIC)则能易化其反应;电刺激LA能抑制皮层AⅠ区听神经元声反应,电泳GABA产生类拟于刺激LA的抑制效应;LA对皮层AⅠ区神经的抑制效应能被BIC所翻转,而不能被什氨酸受体拮抗剂strychnine所翻转,电泳GABAB型受体例激动剂baclofen对神经元声反应无影响。上术结果表明,GABA可能是介民LA抑制皮层AⅠ区神经元声反应的最终递质,并且是通过GABAA受体作用的。  相似文献   

Some convulsant drugs elicit CNS excitation by blocking neuronal activity at GABAergic synapses whereas depressant compounds may result in the enhancement of GABAergic transmission. These effects are thought to involve drug actions at a multireceptor complex involving a benzodiazepine receptor, GABA receptor, picrotoxin receptor and a chloride ionophore. A radiolabeled convulsant, [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate [( 35S]-TBT) has been developed and used to characterize the binding to the "picrotoxin" or convulsant/barbiturate site. The microscopic distribution of the convulsant/barbiturate sites are reported in this communication, as demonstrated by receptor autoradiography after labeling tissue sections with [35S]-TBT. Comparison of the distribution of these sites with those of the benzodiazepine receptors show a close regional correlation in many areas. The convulsant/barbiturate sites and the benzodiazepine receptors, however, are unevenly distributed in the rat cerebellum and exist in separate lamina.  相似文献   

GABA Alters GABAA Receptor mRNAs and Increases Ligand Binding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Adenosine A2a receptors have been localized to GABAergic striatopallidal neurons, but their functional role is unknown. To address this question, the modulation of endogenous GABA release by adenosine A2a receptors was examined in slices of rat globus pallidus. The selective adenosine A2a receptor agonist CGS-21680 (3.0–10 n M ) significantly increased electrically stimulated release (overflow) of GABA, with 10 n M CGS-21680 resulting in a 44% increase compared with the control. Both the nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist 8-phenyltheophylline (10 μ M ) and the selective A2a receptor antagonist KF-17837 (100 n M ) abolished the CGS-21680-induced increase in GABA overflow. Higher concentrations of CGS-21680 (0.10–1.0 μ M ) decreased GABA overflow by ˜25%.8-Phenyltheophylline (10 μ M ) antagonized these effects, whereas KF-17837 (100 n M ) did not, suggesting actions of CGS-21680 on other adenosine receptors at these concentrations. These results demonstrate that activation of adenosine A2a receptors augments electrically stimulated release of GABA from globus pallidus slices and suggest a mechanism by which adenosine may modulate GABAergic output from the striatopallidal efferent system.  相似文献   

Pallidal dopamine, GABA and the endogenous opioid peptides enkephalins have independently been shown to be important controllers of sensorimotor processes. Using in vivo microdialysis coupled to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and a behavioral assay, we explored the interaction between these three neurotransmitters in the rat globus pallidus. Amphetamine (3 mg/kg i.p.) evoked an increase in dopamine, GABA and methionine/leucine enkephalin. Local perfusion of the dopamine D(1) receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (100 μM) fully prevented amphetamine stimulated enkephalin and GABA release in the globus pallidus and greatly suppressed hyperlocomotion. In contrast, the dopamine D(2) receptor antagonist raclopride (100 μM) had only minimal effects suggesting a greater role for pallidal D(1) over D(2) receptors in the regulation of movement. Under basal conditions, opioid receptor blockade by naloxone perfusion (10 μM) in the globus pallidus stimulated GABA and inhibited dopamine release. Amphetamine-stimulated dopamine release and locomotor activation were attenuated by naloxone perfusion with no effect on GABA. These findings demonstrate a functional relationship between pallidal dopamine, GABA and enkephalin systems in the control of locomotor behavior under basal and stimulated conditions. Moreover, these findings demonstrate the usefulness of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as an analytical tool when coupled to in vivo microdialysis.  相似文献   

The effect of various chronic dopaminergic treatments in 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) monkeys on the brain gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) /benzodiazepine receptor complex and GABA content was investigated in order to assess the GABAergic involvement in dopaminomimetic-induced dyskinesia. Three MPTP monkeys received for one month pulsatile administrations of the D1 dopamine (DA) receptor agonist SKF 82958 whereas three others received the same dose of SKF 82958 by continuous infusion. A long acting D2 DA receptor agonist, cabergoline, was given to another three animals. Untreated MPTP as well as naive control animals were also included. Pulsatile SKF 82958 relieved parkinsonian symptoms but was also associated with dyskinesia in two of the three animals whereas animals treated continuously with SKF 82958 remained as untreated MPTP monkeys. Chronic cabergoline administration improved motor response with no persistent dyskinesia. MPTP treatment induced a decrease of 3H-flunitrazepam binding in the medial anterior part of caudate-putamen and an increase in the internal segment of globus pallidus (GPi) which was in general unchanged by pulsatile or continuous SKF 82958 administration. Throughout the striatum, binding of 3H-flunitrazepam remained reduced in MPTP monkeys treated with cabergoline but was not significantly lower than untreated MPTP monkeys. Moreover, cabergoline treatment reversed the MPTP-induced increase in 3H-flunitrazepam binding in the GPi. GABA concentrations remained unchanged in the striatum, external segment of globus pallidus and GPi following MPTP denervation. Pulsatile but not continuous SKF 82958 administration decreased putamen GABA content whereas cabergoline treatment decreased caudate GABA. No alteration in GABA levels were observed in the GPe and GPi following the experimental treatments. These results suggest that: (1) D2-like receptor stimulation with cabergoline modulates GABA(A) receptor density in striatal subregions anatomically related to associative cortical afferent and (2) the absence of dyskinesia in dopaminomimetic-treated monkeys might be associated with the reversal of the MPTP-induced upregulation of the GABA(A)/benzodiazepine receptor complex in the Gpi.  相似文献   

Collybistin (Cb) is a brain-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor that has been implicated in plasma membrane targeting of the postsynaptic scaffolding protein gephyrin found at glycinergic and GABAergic synapses. Here we show that Cb-deficient mice display a region-specific loss of postsynaptic gephyrin and GABA(A) receptor clusters in the hippocampus and the basolateral amygdala. Cb deficiency is accompanied by significant changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity, due to reduced dendritic GABAergic inhibition. Long-term potentiation is enhanced, and long-term depression reduced, in Cb-deficient hippocampal slices. Consistent with the anatomical and electrophysiological findings, the animals show increased levels of anxiety and impaired spatial learning. Together, our data indicate that Cb is essential for gephyrin-dependent clustering of a specific set of GABA(A) receptors, but not required for glycine receptor postsynaptic localization.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity for γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase (GABA-T), a degradation enzyme for GABA, was localized by immunocytochemistry in the rat neostriatum and the globus pallidus using a monoclonal antibody. Immunoreactivity for GABA-T was found primarily in interneurons and in the neuropilar elements in the neostriatum. Many of GABA-T-immunoreactive neurons were found to display parvalbumin immunoreactivity. This indicates many of the GABA-T-immunoreactive neurons are striatal GABAergic interneurons. Occasionally, GABA-T-immunoreactive glial cells were found. In the globus pallidus, many pallidal neurons also displayed GABA-T immunoreactivity and many of the immunoreactive neurons were seen to express parvalbumin immunoreactivity. Immunoreactivity for GABA-T was also detected in the neuropil of the globus pallidus. The present results indicate the GABAergic interneurons in the neostriatum and a subpopulation of pallidal neurons play an important role in metabolic degradation of GABA in the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

We have found high-affinity binding (site-A) and low-affinity binding (site-B) of benzodiazepines to membrane homogenates of embryonic chick brain and spinal cord. A new technique was developed to permit the determination of complete electrophysiological dose-response curves on single neurons in cell culture, eliminating cell-to-cell variability as a problem that complicates the interpretation of pooled data. The electrophysiological potencies and binding affinities of a series of benzodiazepines correlate well for site-A but not for site-B or the micromolar site reported in adult rat brain. Site-A and the electrophysiological response are sensitive to photoaffinity blockade with flunitrazepam (FNZM) by about 75% while site-B is resistant to blockade. The FNZM-photolinked benzodiazepine receptor/GABA receptor complex is not chronically potentiated and thus exists in an ‘unpotentiated’ state. These experiments suggest that site-A in embryonic CNS membranes corresponds to a functional benzodiazepine receptor/GABA receptor complex in spinal cord cell cultures.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that GABA(B) receptors play more than a classical inhibitory role and can function as an important synaptic maturation signal early in life. In a previous study, we reported that GABA(B) receptor activation triggers secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and promotes the functional maturation of GABAergic synapses in the developing rat hippocampus. To identify the signalling pathway linking GABA(B) receptor activation to BDNF secretion in these cells, we have now used the phosphorylated form of the cAMP response element-binding protein as a biological sensor for endogenous BDNF release. In the present study, we show that GABA(B) receptor-induced secretion of BDNF relies on the activation of phospholipase C, followed by the formation of diacylglycerol, activation of protein kinase C, and the opening of L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels. We further show that once released by GABA(B) receptor activation, BDNF increases the membrane expression of β(2/3) -containing GABA(A) receptors in neuronal cultures. These results reveal a novel function of GABA(B) receptors in regulating the expression of GABA(A) receptor through BDNF-tropomyosin-related kinase B receptor dependent signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Wang  X.S.  Ong  W.Y. 《Brain Cell Biology》1999,28(12):1053-1061
The distribution of the GABA transporter GAT-1 was studied by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy in the monkey basal ganglia. Dense staining was observed in the globus pallidus externa and interna, intermediate in the subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra, and light staining in the caudate nucleus and putamen. Staining was observed in axon terminals, but not cell bodies. Electron microscopy showed that the GAT-1 positive axon terminals formed symmetrical synapses, suggesting that they were the terminals of GABAergic neurons. Comparison of areas high in GAT-1 protein with that of GABA showed a good correlation between the density in neuropil staining for GAT-1, and that of GABA.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism of influence of neuromodulators on interdependent activity of neurons in the diverse basal ganglia nuclei is suggested. According to modulation rules, an activation of postsynaptic Gs- or Gq/11-(Gi/0-) protein coupled receptors promotes induction of long-term potentiation (depression) of excitatory inputs to different neurons and augmentation (lowering) of their activity; an activation of presynaptic Gs- or Gq/11-(Gi/0-) protein coupled receptors promotes a rise (decrease) of release of GABA and co-peptides from striatal terminals and glutamate release from subthalamic terminals in the globus pallidus and output nuclei. It follows from the modulation rules that, since identical receptors are present on striatal neuron and their axon terminals, effects of neuromodulator action in diverse basal ganglia nuclei can be summarized. Neuromodulators released from striato-nigral and striato-pallidal fibers could promote interdependent activity of neurons in "direct" and "indirect" pathways through the basal ganglia due to convergence of these fibers on cholinergic interneurons and pallido-striatal cells.  相似文献   

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