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Thermodynamic calculations provide the means to quantify the chemical disequilibrium inherent in the mixing of redeuced hydrothermal fluids with seawater. The chemical energy available for metabolic processes in these environments can be evaluated by taking into account the pressure and temperature dependence of the apparent standard Gibbs free energies of reactions in the S-H2-H2O system together with geochemical constraints on pH, activities of aqueous sulfur species and fugacities of H2 and/or O2. Using present-day mixing of hydrothermal fluids and seawater as a starting point, it is shown that each mole of H2S entering seawater from hydrothermal fluids represents about 200,000 calories of chemical energy for metabolic systems able to catalyze H2S oxidation. Extrapolating to the early Earth, which was likely to have had an atmosphere more reduced than at present, shows that this chemical energy may have been a factor of two or so less. Nevertheless, mixing of hydrothermal fluids with seawater would have been an abundant source of chemical energy, and an inevitable consequence of the presence of an ocean on an initially hot Earth. The amount of energy available was more than enough for organic synthesis from CO2 or CO, and/or polymer formation, indicating that the vicinity of hydrothermal systems at the sea floor was an ideal location for the emergence of the first chemolithoautotrophic metabolic systems.  相似文献   

Previous studies of hot (>80 degrees C) microbial ecosystems have primarily relied on the study of pure cultures or analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. In order to gain more information on anaerobic metabolism by natural communities in hot environments, sediments were collected from a shallow marine hydrothermal vent system in Baia di Levante, Vulcano, Italy and incubated under strict anaerobic conditions at 90 degrees C. Sulphate reduction was the predominant terminal electron-accepting process in the sediments. The addition of molybdate inhibited sulphate reduction in the sediments and resulted in a linear accumulation of acetate and hydrogen over time. [U-14C]- acetate was completely oxidized to 14CO2, and the addition of molybdate inhibited 14CO2 production by 60%. [U-14C]-glucose was oxidized to 14CO2, and this was inhibited when molybdate was added. When the pool sizes of short-chain fatty acids were artificially increased, radiolabel from [U-14C]-glucose accumulated in the acetate pool. L-[U-14C]-glutamate, [ring-14C]-benzoate and [U-14C]-palmitate were also anaerobically oxidized to 14CO2 in the sediments, but molybdate had little effect on the oxidation of these compounds. These results demonstrate that natural microbial communities living in a hot, microbial ecosystem can oxidize acetate and a range of other organic electron donors under sulphate-reducing conditions and suggest that acetate is an important extracellular intermediate in the anaerobic degradation of organic matter in hot microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The organic compounds synthesized in prebiotic experiments are racemic mixtures. A number of proposals have been offered to explain how asymmetric organic compounds formed on the Earth before life arose, with the influence of chiral weak nuclear interactions being the most frequent proposal. This and other proposed asymmetric syntheses give only slight enantiomeric excess and any slight excess will be degraded by racemization. This applies particularly to amino acids where half-lives of 10(5)-10(6) years are to be expected at temperatures characteristic of the Earth's surface. Since the generation of chiral molecules could not have been a significant process under geological conditions, the origins of this asymmetry must have occurred at the time of the origin of life or shortly thereafter. It is possible that the compounds in the first living organisms were prochiral rather than chiral; this is unlikely for amino acids, but it is possible for the monomers of RNA-like molecules.  相似文献   

Ecological functions of volatile organic compounds in aquatic systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In terrestrial ecosystems, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are widely acknowledged as an important group of infochemicals. They play a major role in pollinator attraction by terrestrial plants and as insect pheromones. Furthermore, they are the mediating agent of so-called 'tritrophic interactions'. When plants are attacked by herbivorous insects, volatile signal substances are emitted, which act as attractants for parasitoids that kill the herbivores, thereby protecting the plant from herbivory. Despite the generally acknowledged importance of VOCs in terrestrial chemical ecology, their functions in aquatic food webs are largely unknown. VOCs produced by algae and cyanobacteria are a major concern in water processing, since aquatic primary producers are the reason for regularly encountered taste and odour problems in drinking water. Only very recently, research in aquatic chemical ecology has started to investigate possible ecological functions for the production of VOCs by algae and cyanobacteria. Volatile aldehydes released by wounded cells of marine planktonic diatoms seem to act as defensive compounds against herbivorous copepods on the population level. Just recently, it was found that VOCs released from benthic algae and cyanobacteria can be utilised as food and/or habitat finding cues by aquatic invertebrates such as freshwater gastropods and nematodes. Here, I review concepts and recent experimental studies on the ecological functions of such VOCs in aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the factors that lead to the liberation of volatile compounds is an essential prerequisite to properly assessing their ecological functions. It appears that (similar to terrestrial plant-herbivore interactions) VOCs can also play a steering role for both attraction and defence in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The availability of molecular probing technology in recent years has facilitated investigation of microbial community composition during bio-treatment of organic wastes. Particularly, it has allowed the study of microbial culture stability and correlation between stability and treatment performance. However, most studies to date have only addressed mixed cultures and there is limited information regarding single strain stability. Here we have investigated the microbial community dynamics in two bioreactors, each inoculated with a pure bacterial strain capable of degrading a recalcitrant substrate, namely Xanthobacter aut. GJ10 degrading 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) and Burkholderia sp. JS150 degrading monochlorobenzene (MCB). Universal and strain specific 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes were designed and used to follow strain stability. The bioreactor fed with DCE was functionally stable and the percentage of GJ10 cells in the community remained high (around 95% of total cells) throughout, even after introduction of foreign microorganisms. The bioreactor fed with MCB was also functionally stable, but in contrast to the DCE bioreactor, probing results revealed the disappearance of strain JS150 from the bioreactor within a week. The difference in behavior between the two systems is attributed to the specific pathway required to degrade DCE.  相似文献   

This article examines the geological evidence for the rise of atmospheric oxygen and the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis. The evidence for the rise of atmospheric oxygen places a minimum time constraint before which oxygenic photosynthesis must have developed, and was subsequently established as the primary control on the atmospheric oxygen level. The geological evidence places the global rise of atmospheric oxygen, termed the Great Oxidation Event (GOE), between ~2.45 and ~2.32 Ga, and it is captured within the Duitschland Formation, which shows a transition from mass-independent to mass-dependent sulfur isotope fractionation. The rise of atmospheric oxygen during this interval is closely associated with a number of environmental changes, such as glaciations and intense continental weathering, and led to dramatic changes in the oxidation state of the ocean and the seawater inventory of transition elements. There are other features of the geologic record predating the GOE by as much as 200–300 million years, perhaps extending as far back as the Mesoarchean–Neoarchean boundary at 2.8 Ga, that suggest the presence of low level, transient or local, oxygenation. If verified, these features would not only imply an earlier origin for oxygenic photosynthesis, but also require a mechanism to decouple oxygen production from oxidation of Earth’s surface environments. Most hypotheses for the GOE suggest that oxygen production by oxygenic photosynthesis is a precondition for the rise of oxygen, but that a synchronous change in atmospheric oxygen level is not required by the onset of this oxygen source. The potential lag-time in the response of Earth surface environments is related to the way that oxygen sinks, such as reduced Fe and sulfur compounds, respond to oxygen production. Changes in oxygen level imply an imbalance in the sources and sinks for oxygen. Changes in the cycling of oxygen have occurred at various times before and after the GOE, and do not appear to require corresponding changes in the intensity of oxygenic photosynthesis. The available geological constraints for these changes do not, however, disallow a direct role for this metabolism. The geological evidence for early oxygen and hypotheses for the controls on oxygen level are the basis for the interpretation of photosynthetic oxygen production as examined in this review.  相似文献   

The use of coimmobilized systems for treatment of toxic organic compounds has been proposed. The proposed approach combines the use of adsorbents and laboratory identified microorganisms immobilized in a protective permeable barrier to achieve a greater degree of control over the remediation process. This study was launched to understand the effect of adsorbents and changes in adsorption on the degradation of toxic compounds by coimmobilized systems. The specific case studied involved the degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by Arthrobacter (ATCC 33790) coimmobilized with powdered activated carbon within calcium alginate capsules.The design parameters studied included adsorbent content and type as well as the effect of solution pH and surfactant concentration on adsorption and biodegradation. It was found that the equilibrium adsorption behavior of PCP was strongly influenced by solution pH and surfactant concentration. A mathematical model was developed that combined the physical processes of mass transfer and adsorption with biological degradation of PCP. The model was used to predict the effect of various parameters on the degradation of PCP. Based on model predictions, the degradation of PCP. Based on model predictions, the degradation of PCP was strongly dependent on variations in adsorbent capacity and affinity for this contaminant.  相似文献   

Use of coimmobilized biological systems to degrade toxic organic compounds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The concept of coimmobilizing cell mass (and/or enzyme) and adsorbent in a hydrogel matrix for biodegradation of toxic organic chemicals was introduced. Under defined experimental conditions, the coimmobilized system using activated carbon and Phanerochaete chrysosporium was compared with nonimmobilized systems for the degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP). It was demonstrated that the coimmobilized system degraded PCP more effectively than the nonimmobilized system. A solid substrate included in the coimmobilized system could support the biodegradation. Isolation of the degrading agents from a model interrupting microorganism by the coimmobilized capsule membrane reduced the interference on the biodegradation. In simulated contaminated soil extract and sand, the coimmobilized system also exhibited higher degradative ability and stability than the nonimmobilized systems.  相似文献   

Experiments on hydrothermal degradation of Pyrococcus abyssi biomass were conducted at elevated pressure (40 MPa) over a 200–450 °C temperature range in sapphire reaction cells. Few organic compounds could be detected in the 200 °C experiment. This lack was attributed to an incomplete degradation of P. abyssi cells. On the contrary, a wide range of soluble organic molecules were generated at temperatures ≥350 °C including toluene, styrene, C8–C16 alkyl‐benzenes, naphthalene, C11–C16 alkyl‐naphthalenes, even carbon number C12–C18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, C15–C18 alkyl‐phenanthrenes and C8:0–C16:0 n‐carboxylic acids. The effect of time on the final organic composition of the degraded P. abyssi solutions at 350 °C was also investigated. For that purpose the biomass was exposed for 10, 20, 60, 90, 270 and 720 min at 350 °C. We observed a similar effect of temperature and time on the chemical diversity obtained. In addition, temperature and time increased the degree of alkylation of alkyl‐benzenes. This study offers additional evidence that a portion of the aliphatic hydrocarbons present in the fluids from the Rainbow ultramafic‐hosted hydrothermal field may be abiogenic whereas a portion of the aromatic hydrocarbons and n‐carboxylic acids may have a biogenic origin. We suggest that aromatic hydrocarbons and linear fatty acids at the Rainbow site may be derived directly from thermogenic alteration of material from the sub‐seafloor biosphere. Yet we infer that the formation and dissolution of carboxylic acids in hydrothermal fluids may be controlled by other processes than in our experiments.  相似文献   

Partitioning of a variety of organic compounds, the majority of which represent therapeutic drugs, was examined in an aqueous dextran–polyethylene glycol (Dex–PEG) two-phase system containing 0.15 M NaCl in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.3 and in an octanol–buffer (0.15 M NaCl in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.3) system. The possibility of introducing compounds to be partitioned in an aqueous two-phase system with dimethyl sulfoxide, and the effect of this solvent on the solute partitioning was explored. Relative hydrophobicity of the compounds was estimated and expressed in equivalent numbers of methylene units. Comparison of the results obtained for several subsets of compounds in the octanol–buffer and in aqueous Dex–PEG two-phase systems clearly demonstrates the advantage of aqueous two-phase partitioning for the hydrophobicity measurements over partitioning in octanol–buffer system.  相似文献   

The effect of phenolic compounds on hydrothermal oxidation of cellulose was studied using a batch reactor at 300 degrees C with H(2)O(2) as oxidant. Intermediate products, as well as the yields of acetic acid produced in the oxidation of cellulose, phenolic compounds, and cellulose-phenolic compound mixtures were examined. Phenolic compounds used were phenol, 1,4-benzenediol, 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol, and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol. In the case of oxidation of cellulose-phenolic compound mixtures, (1) formic acid, a basic oxidation product from carbohydrates, decreased considerably, (2) 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde and 2-furaldehyde, acid-catalyzed dehydration products from carbohydrates, appeared, and (3) the yield of acetic acid increased compared to that in the oxidation of cellulose. From these results, phenolic compounds seem to inhibit the oxidation of cellulose under hydrothermal conditions. The inhibition of the oxidation of cellulose by phenolic compounds seems to be related closer to the stability of phenolic compounds under oxidation conditions rather than the ease to remove phenolic hydrogen on the OH group.  相似文献   

A model for the origin of biochemistry at an alkaline hydrothermal vent has been developed that focuses on the acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) pathway of CO2 fixation and central intermediary metabolism leading to the synthesis of the constituents of purines and pyrimidines. The idea that acetogenesis and methanogenesis were the ancestral forms of energy metabolism among the first free-living eubacteria and archaebacteria, respectively, stands in the foreground. The synthesis of formyl pterins, which are essential intermediates of the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway and purine biosynthesis, is found to confront early metabolic systems with steep bioenergetic demands that would appear to link some, but not all, steps of CO2 reduction to geochemical processes in or on the Earth's crust. Inorganically catalysed prebiotic analogues of the core biochemical reactions involved in pterin-dependent methyl synthesis of the modern acetyl-CoA pathway are considered. The following compounds appear as probable candidates for central involvement in prebiotic chemistry: metal sulphides, formate, carbon monoxide, methyl sulphide, acetate, formyl phosphate, carboxy phosphate, carbamate, carbamoyl phosphate, acetyl thioesters, acetyl phosphate, possibly carbonyl sulphide and eventually pterins. Carbon might have entered early metabolism via reactions hardly different from those in the modern Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, the pyruvate synthase reaction and the incomplete reverse citric acid cycle. The key energy-rich intermediates were perhaps acetyl thioesters, with acetyl phosphate possibly serving as the universal metabolic energy currency prior to the origin of genes. Nitrogen might have entered metabolism as geochemical NH3 via two routes: the synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate and reductive transaminations of alpha-keto acids. Together with intermediates of methyl synthesis, these two routes of nitrogen assimilation would directly supply all intermediates of modern purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis. Thermodynamic considerations related to formyl pterin synthesis suggest that the ability to harness a naturally pre-existing proton gradient at the vent-ocean interface via an ATPase is older than the ability to generate a proton gradient with chemistry that is specified by genes.  相似文献   

Submarine hydrothermal systems on the early Earth may have been the sites from which life emerged. The potential for Strecker synthesis to produce biomolecules (amino and hydroxy acids) from starting compounds (ketones, aldehydes, HCN and ammonia) in such environments is evaluated quantitatively using thermodynamic data and parameters for the revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state. Although there is an overwhelming thermodynamic drive to form biomolecules by the Strecker synthesis at hydrothermal conditions, the availability and concentration of starting compounds limit the efficiency and productivity of Strecker reactions. Mechanisms for concentrating reactant compounds could help overcome this problem, but other mechanisms for production of biomolecules may have been required to produce the required compounds on the early Earth. Geochemical constraints imposed by hydrothermal systems provide important clues for determining the potential of these and other systems as sites for the emergence of life.  相似文献   

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