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基于Penman-Monteith方程模拟青海云杉生长季日蒸腾过程 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)作为我国黄土高原与青藏高原地区的主要造林树种,对其林分蒸腾耗水特征的研究,能够更合理的指导该地区植被重建与林分调控,以加强林分的稳定性,提高水分利用效率。为了揭示青海云杉在生长季内的冠层蒸腾规律以及冠层整体气孔阻力与环境因子的响应,评价Penman-Monteith方程在青海云杉冠层尺度上的适用性,采用探针式热扩散茎流计(TDP)进行测定,同步长期监测了环境数据,利用反推法建立冠层整体气孔阻力(rsT)与环境因子之间的回归模型,结合Penman-Monteith方程模拟出青海云杉生长季的日蒸腾量,采用均方根误差、平均绝对误差和平均相对误差对蒸腾量的实测值与模拟值进行误差分析,以验证模型的准确性。得出的主要结论有:(1)生长季内青海云杉日蒸腾量随月份变化呈先增高后降低的趋势;各月蒸腾量占潜在蒸散量的比例为7月(79.68%) > 8月(72.71%) > 6月(72.53%) > 5月(67.08%) > 9月(66.48%) > 10月(64.29%);(2)树干液流对气象因子的滞后时间为0.5 h;(3)不同月份云杉冠层整体气孔阻力(rsT)与空气相对湿度(RH)呈正相关关系,与大气温度(T)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)呈负相关关系;(4)应用所建立的多因素回归模型结合Penman-Monteith方程对青海云杉蒸腾量进行模拟验证,累计平均相对误差为14.381%,平均绝对误差为0.160 mm,均方根误差为0.2。综上所述,Penman-Monteith方程在林分冠层尺度上有较好适用性根据所建立的多因素回归模型并结合Penman-Monteith方程,可以利用饱和水汽压差、温度和空气相对湿度三个气象因子较好地模拟日蒸腾过程。 相似文献
The effect of elevated carbon dioxide (600±50 cm3 m−3; C600) on growth performance, biomass production, and photosynthesis of Cenchrus ciliaris L. cv. 3108 was studied. This crop responded significantly by plant height, leaf length and width, and biomass production
under C600. Leaf area index increased triple fold in the crops grown in the open top chamber with C600. The biomass production in term of fresh and dry biomass accumulation increased by 134.35 (fresh) and 193.34 (dry) % over
the control (C360) condition where the crops were grown for 20 d. The rate of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance increased by 24.51 and
46.33 %, respectively, in C600 over C360 plants. In comparison with C360, the rate of transpiration decreased by 6.8 % under C600. Long-term exposure (120 d) to C600 enhanced photosynthetic water use efficiency by 34 %. Also the contents of chlorophylls a and b significantly increased in C600. Thus C. ciliaris grown in C600 throughout the crop season may produce more fodder in terms of green biomass. 相似文献
作物干旱指标对西北半干旱区春小麦缺水特征的反映 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
针对作物水分胁迫较为严重的西北半干旱区,应用CI301-PS光合作用仪对春小麦开花到乳熟期间的生理特征和环境因子进行了近1个月的观测, 并研究分析了3种作物干旱指标叶水势、作物水分胁迫指数以及气孔导度随时间变化和对气象因子的响应.发现干旱胁迫增加时,叶片水分减少,作物水分胁迫指数增大,叶水势降低,气孔导度有所减小.因此,气孔下腔的CO2浓度降低,作物净光合速率有所减小,不利于半干旱区小麦生物量的累积;三者相比,叶水势是反应西北半干旱区作物干旱最敏感的指标;受半干旱区逆湿现象的影响,9:00或之后一段时间观测叶水势和气孔导度对小麦等作物缺水状况反映得更客观. 相似文献
F.G.M.A. Khadr 《Photosynthetica》1999,36(4):525-531
The effect of Euphorbia scordifolia and Hordeum leporinum competition on leaf area development, radiant energy absorption, and dry matter production was evaluated in a field experiment.
Profile measurements (0-0.3, 0.3-0.6, 0.6-0.9, and >0.9 m above ground) of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR)
and leaf area index (LAI) by species were taken at four densities of E. scordifolia (0, 1, 4, and 12 plants per m2). APAR calculated for H. leporinum in mixed communities was 79, 77, and 49 % of the APAR in H. leporinum and LAI was reduced to 81, 65, and 37 %. LAI of H. leporinum was concentrated in the 0.3-0.6 m layer, while the taller E. scordifolia plants had the greatest LAI above 0.6 m. By absorbing radiant energy in the upper canopy, E. scordifolia reduced APAR penetrating to H. leporinum. Measurements of net photosynthetic and transpiration rates, leaf temperature, and stomatal conductance confirmed the importance
of competition for PAR for plant growth and metabolism.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Stomatal response to air humidity and its relation to stomatal density in a wide range of warm climate species 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mabrouk A. El-Sharkawy James H. Cock Ana Del Pilar Hernandez 《Photosynthesis research》1985,7(2):137-149
The gas exchange of 19 widely different warm climate species was observed at different leaf to air vapour pressure deficits (VPD). In all species stomata tended to close as VPD increased resulting in a decrease in net photosynthesis. The absolute reduction in leaf conductance per unit increase in VPD was greatest in those species which had a large leaf conductance at low VPDs. This would be expected even if stomata of all species were equally sensitive. However the percentage reduction in net photosynthesis (used as a measure of the relative sensitivity of stomata of the different species) was also closely related to the maximal conductance at low VPD. Similarily the relative sensitivity of stomata to changes in VPD was closely related to the weighted stomatal density or crowding index.The hypothesis is presented that stomatal closure at different VPDs is related to peristomatal evaporation coupled with a high resistance between the epidermis and the mesophyll and low resistance between the stomatal apparatus and the epidermal cells. This hypothesis is consistent with the greater relative sensitivity of stomata on leaves with a high crowding index.The results and the hypothesis are discussed in the light of selection, for optimal productivity under differing conditions of relative humidity and soil water availablility, by observation of stomatal density and distribution on the two sides of the leaf.Visiting scientist, plant physiologist and research assitant of the Cassava Program 相似文献
The studied evergreen forest dominated by Quercus ilex showed a leaf area index (LAI) of 4.5, of which 61 % was accumulated within the tree layer, 30 % within the shrub layer,
and 9 % within the herb layer. The leaves of all the species were ± horizontally oriented (41°), absorbing a relevant percentage
of incident irradiance. The high LAI drastically modified the quality and quantity of solar radiation on the forest underground.
The spectral distribution of the radiation under the forest was markedly deficient in blue and red wavelengths. The maximum
absorption in these spectral bands was found in spring, when net photosynthetic rate (P
) was at its maximum, and in summer, when new leaves reached 90 % of their definitive structure. The vertical radiation profile
showed an evident reduction of the red-far red ratio (R/FR). Radiation quality and quantity influenced leaf physiology and
morphology. Clear differences in leaf size, leaf water content per area (LWC) and specific leaf area (SLA) on the vertical
profile of the forest were observed. All the shrub species showed similar SLA (12.02 m2 kg-1, mean value). The ability to
increase SLA whilst simultaneously reducing leaf thickness maximized the carbon economy. The high chlorophyll (Chl) content
of shrub layer leaves (1.41 g kg-1, mean value) was an expression of shade adaptation. Both leaf morphology and leaf physiology
expressed the phenotypic plasticity. Q. ilex, Phillyrea latifolia and Pistacia lentiscus of the forest shrub layer showed wide differences in leaf structure and function with respect to the same species developing
under strong irradiance (low maquis): a 57 % mean increase of SLA and a 86 % mean decrease of PN. They showed high leaf plasticity.
Leaf plasticity implies that the considered sclerophyllous species has an optimum developmental pattern achieving adaptation
to environments.
This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Impatiens capensis 《Flora》2004,199(6):524-530
Leaf transpiration rates of Impatiens capensis were measured beneath a broadleaved deciduous forest canopy over successive growing seasons using a steady-state porometer. The transpiration measurements, which continued into early autumn, provided a framework for assessing whether I. capensis exhibits stomatal opening in response to the autumnal increase in available direct-beam radiation reaching the forest floor. The deciduous canopy LAI (leaf area index) decreased from a growing season maximum of 3.94 m2 m−2, while the understory I. capensis population located along a stream channel maintained LAI values ranging from 0.58 to 1.05 m2 m−2 late into the growing season. Late morning and early afternoon leaf transpiration rates during the months of June and July averaged about 8 μg cm−2 s−1, with a mean stomatal conductance of 0.5 cm s−1. In August, leaf transpiration averaged almost 12 μg cm−2 s−1, with stomatal conductance exceeding 1.5 cm s−1. However, beginning in early to mid-September, before canopy leaf-fall, the persistent green leaves of I. capensis exhibited a sharp decline in transpiration, possibly a result of decreasing vapor pressure deficits or non-lethal physiological damage induced by cold stress. This physiological decline offsets any advantage that could have been gained by the increased exposure to direct-beam radiation after canopy leaf-fall in mid-October. Although green leaf area and seed-bearing capsules may persist until the first frost in October or early November, there is no evidence of stomatal opening suggestive of carbon assimilation for enhanced seed development during this early autumn period. We conclude that the persistent green leaf area of I. capensis fails to exploit the increase in available direct-beam radiation in the final stage of its life cycle. 相似文献
玉米群体内太阳光辐射垂直分布规律研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
在实验观测的基础上,对玉米群体内总辐射、光合有效辐射(光量子通量)随高度以及叶面积指数的变化规律进行了分析探讨,结果显示,在玉米群体的顶部和底部,叶面积指数较小,而在中部和中上部,叶面积指数较大,在140~200 cm的高度层内,叶面积指数约占群体叶面积指数总量的53%以上.在160~180 cm的高度内叶面积指数出现峰值;太阳光辐射在玉米群体内垂直分布随高度的减小而减少,表现为“S“型变化曲线;太阳辐射透过率在不同高度层上随叶面积指数的增加而减小,表现为指数关系,即Rt=Ae -BLAI. 相似文献
20世纪80年代以来东亚飞蝗在我国再度猖獗危害,及时、准确地监测东亚飞蝗的危害状况,对于东亚飞蝗的有效防治有重要意义.以河北省黄骅市为研究区,从光学模型的建立机理为着眼点,定量分析和对比了4种由植被冠层孔隙度反演LAI的算法.结果表明,LAI与植被指数之间呈明显的正相关关系,即随着LAI的增大,植被指数也在增大;在4种估算方法中,LAI-2000算法最适用于研究区植被LAI的估算.此外,还分析了LAI与飞蝗发生面积的关系,发现两者呈负相关.并在此基础上建立了飞蝗发生面积的预测模型,即:ALO=-aln(LAI)+b,其中,a、b为调节系数. 相似文献
Gross primary productivity and transpiration flux of the Australian vegetation from 1788 to 1988 AD: effects of CO2 and land use change 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We present a novel approach to estimating the transpiration flux and gross primary productivity (GPP) from Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, leaf functional types, and readily available climate data. We use this approach to explore the impact of variations in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ([CO2]) and consequent predicted changes in vegetation cover, on the transpiration flux and GPP. There was a near 1 : 1 relationship between GPP estimated with this transpiration flux approach and that estimated using a radiation‐use efficiency (RUE) approach. Model estimates are presented for the Australian continent under three vegetation–[CO2] scenarios: the present vegetation and hypothetical ‘natural’ vegetation cover with atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) of 350 μmol mol?1 (pveg350 and nveg350), and for the ‘natural’ vegetation with [CO2] 280 μmol mol?1 (nveg280). Estimated continental GPP is 6.5, 6.3 and 4.3 Gt C yr?1 for pveg350, nveg350 and nveg280, respectively. The corresponding transpiration fluxes are 232, 224 and 190 mm H2O yr?1. The contribution of the raingreen and evergreen components of the canopy to these fluxes are also estimated. 相似文献
Variability in leaf gas-exchange traits in thirteen soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) genotypes was assessed in a field experiment conducted at high altitude (1 950 m). Leaf net photosynthetic rate (P
N) exhibited a high degree of variability at all the growth stages studied. P
N and other gas-exchange parameters exhibited a seasonal pattern that was similar for all the genotypes. P
N rate was highest at seed filling stage. P
N was positively and significantly associated with aboveground dry matter and seed yield. The area leaf mass (ALM) exhibited a strong positive association with leaf P
N, aboveground dry matter, and seed yield. The positive association between ALM, P
N, and seed yield suggests that this simple and easy to measure character can be used in breeding programmes as a surrogate for higher photosynthetic efficiency and eventually higher yield. 相似文献