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研究了20种中国植食性螽斯的上颚与下颚内颚叶,结果表明,上颚粗壮,切齿较短,边缘锋利,种间形态差异较显著;臼齿部不规则,凹凸明显.下颚内颚叶均具2枚内颚叶齿,颚叶齿突较长,形态相似,推测下颚内颚叶不直接参与切割和研磨食物,主要起辅助性作用.  相似文献   

本文记述了上海地区弹尾目两新种,三齿颚毛Crossodonthina tridentiens sp. nov.和田村无尾Anurida tamurae sp. nov。前者由于具有三个基齿的上颚和下颚的内颚叶端部扁平很容易与本属的其他种类区分开。后者与Anurida kazuloae Tamurae, 1997相似,但可以根据弹器痕和雌性生殖板上刚毛的数目及各体节的毛序将二者区分开。模式标本存放于中科院上海昆虫研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

长颚(虫兆)属(Neanura)1893年由Mac Gillvary所建立,模式种为N.muscorum(Templeton)。该属为一大属,至1964年已记录了75种,5亚种。1967年底,massaud根据口器的结构,对该属进行了订正。他将该属中下颚呈简单的尖刺状,无缨状叶,上颚仅3—4端齿的种保留在该属内,而将上颚6齿以上,下颚复杂,有缨状叶的种列入别的属。经Massaud订正后的长颚(虫兆)属Neanura(s.str)共48种。目前该属已知种已超过55种。  相似文献   

记述了采白海南和浙江省的弹尾目疣[虫兆]科颚毛[虫兆]属Crossodonthina Yosii,2新种,海南颚毛yao C.hainana sp.nov.和天童颚毛yao C.tiantongshana sp.nov.。海南颚毛[虫兆]头部每侧有眼2个,弹器痕上有6根刚毛,非常容易与本属其它已知种类分开。天童颚毛[虫兆]与上海产的Crossodonthina tridentiens Yue&Yin,1999相似,两者的主要区别是:新种的上颚有两条长的、羽毛状分支和具5齿的片状突起,且基部齿长而细;下颚的内颚叶端部及近基部各有1齿;新种腹部第5节有3+3个疣状突起,而C.tridentiens有2+2个疣状突起;新种的爪部内侧有2个小齿,1个大齿,C.tridentiens只有1大齿。模式标本保存于上海生命科学研究院,植物生理生态所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

中国陕西圆颚切叶蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述采自陕西太白山的圆颚切叶蚁属StrongylognathusMayr1新种瘤点圆颚切叶蚁S.tylonum,sp.n.。该新种与卡氏圆颚切叶蚁S.karawajewiPisarski相似,但前者上颚外缘具4个小的疣突,并胸腹节末端具1对非常钝的小齿,腹柄节下方不具齿突,第1腹柄节顶端水平。文中提供了该属中国已知3种的检索表。  相似文献   

罗浮散白蚁Reticulitermes luofunicus,新种 兵蚁(图1—6,表Ⅰ—Ⅲ) 体大型,头淡黄色,上颚黑褐色,颚基、上唇、上唇基,触角堤脊黄褐色,胸部淡黄色,腹部色较淡,胸、腹各节背板均被稀长毛。 头部粗壮,两侧微弧形,头最宽位于中后部,近上颚基部最狭,后侧角宽圆,后缘圆弧出 (图1)。额峰微隆,但不高出后头背面,略有峰凹 (图2)。上颚甚粗壮,顶端内弯,左右上颚弯点位于颚内,右上颚内缘基部有齿突,外缘基部膨大。左上颚具波形齿突,颚基齿宽大,外缘基部顺斜扩大(图3)。触角16节,少数17节,节Ⅲ或节Ⅳ最短。上唇矛状尖型,长宽比约0.74,具端毛两根,多数仅见一根侧端毛,个别缺侧端毛或具两根发育不全的侧端毛(图4)。囟点黄褐色,位于额峰后凹处。后颏狭长,前部宽大,最宽为最窄三倍多,窄部两侧近似平行(图5)。  相似文献   

观察比较了天牛科5亚科昆虫成虫口器的形态特征。结果表明:沟胫天牛亚科上颚切齿钝,花天牛亚科和天牛亚科中访花天牛上颚内缘具毛刷,沟胫天牛亚科和锯天牛亚科天牛不具毛刷;锯天牛亚科下颚内颚叶退化,沟胫天牛亚科、花天牛亚科、天牛亚科中内颚叶、外颚叶均发达,沟胫天牛亚科下颚须第4节纺锤状,锯天牛亚科、花天牛亚科棒状,天牛亚科形态多样;花天牛亚科和天牛亚科中访花天牛下唇唇舌发达,分2叶且膜质,其他亚科中唇舌均有骨化。锯天牛亚科天牛内颚叶退化,与其成虫阶段不取食有关,花天牛亚科和天牛亚科中访花天牛唇舌发达且成膜质,与访花习性有关。  相似文献   

文章首次记述了采自云南省临沧市沧源县勐角镇翁丁村南滚河自然保护区的蟋螽科Gryllacrididae小蟋螽属Microlarnaca长突小蟋螽M.dicrana的雌性,其与M.fansipan雌性较相似:下生殖板横宽,突起表面具不规则的骨化横褶,腹瓣基部具1对小圆叶;主要区别:前者下生殖板突起端部钝圆,后者突起的端部角形凹入。检视标本保存于大理大学昆虫生物医药研究院。  相似文献   

内蒙古始新世梳趾鼠类化石   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
王伴月 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(2):98-114,T001,T002
描述了4属10种梳趾鼠类化石(Gobiomys neimongolensis, G. exiguus(新种), G. cf.G.exiguus,G.asiaticus(新种),Gobiomys?spp.,Advenimus cf.A.bohlini,A.cf.A.burkei, Yuomys sp.和Protataromys sp.).以Mergenomys neimongolensis作属型种建了一新属,Gobiomys。其特征是:门齿孔大;具P3;颊齿齿冠低,主尖明显,但不膨大,齿凹开阔;P4/p4非臼齿化;上臼齿宽大于长,后脊较发育;M1和M2具内脊;下外脊和下次小尖位置偏外。G.exiguus的特点是:个体较小,上颌骨颧突根在P3之前,下臼齿缺下原失后臂舌部、下内尖臂和下前齿带.G.asiaticus的上颌骨颧突后缘在P3的外方;臼齿具较发达的齿脊;上臼齿较宽短,后小尖较弱;下臼齿具较发达的内尖臂和前齿带。 Gobiomyidae新科包括Gobiomys, Mergenomys,Youngomys和哈萨克斯坦的未命名的新属等4属,组成与梳趾鼠科相对的姐妹群。其主要特征是,下颌骨缺咬肌窝上嵴。颊齿低冠,近于丘形  相似文献   

云南省库蠓一新种(双翅目:蠓科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1965年采自云南省蒙自县的蠓类标本中,发现一新种库蠓,记述于下。角突库蠓Culicoides corniculus,新种 雌蠓 头部:两复眼光裸、分离,复眼间距约为1—1.5个小眼面直径的宽度,复眼间有上横缝。触角第Ⅲ、Ⅺ—ⅩⅠⅤ节具有感器,触角比约1.2。下颚须第3节端半部有一浅感窝。上颚齿约15个,外颚叶齿约16个,口甲上无小棘刺。  相似文献   

Analysis of the feeding apparatus of the stone crab, Menippe mercenaria (Brachyura, Xanthidae), has demonstrated that substantial internal and external morphological alterations occur at metamorphosis and suggests that the mastication of food shifts from the mandibles to the gastric mill at that time. These changes correspond to the changes in environment and diet that take place at metamorphosis, when the previously planktotrophic larvae begin benthic life. A detailed account of the structure and development of the mandibles is presented. The mandibles of all zoeal stages are similar: The incisor process has a series of teeth and denticles and the prominent molar process appears to be well adapted for grinding food. Megalopal mandibles are transitional but have the form that is typical of all subsequent stages: The expanded incisor process is rounded and toothless and the molar process is less prominent and has lost its grinding denticles. The cardiac stomach of the zoeal stages has no gastric mill; the medial and lateral teeth of the mill first appear in the megalopa. A very simple procedure is described for preparing larval mandibles for scanning electron microscopy using the molted exoskeletons from larval rearing experiments.  相似文献   

The larvae of a water scavenger beetle, Hydrophilus acuminatus, have strongly asymmetric mandibles; the right one is long and slender, whereas the left one is short and stout. The fine structure and embryonic development of the head capsule and mandibles of this species were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy, and asymmetries in shape were detected in these structures applying an elliptic Fourier analysis. The larval mandibles are asymmetric in the following aspects: whole length, the number, structure and arrangement of retinacula (inner teeth), and size and shape of both the molar and incisor regions. The larval head is also asymmetric; the left half of the head capsule is larger than the right, and the left adductor muscle of the mandible is much thicker than the right. The origin and developmental process of asymmetric mandibles were traced in developing embryos whose developmental period is about 270 h and divided into 10 stages. Mandibular asymmetries are produced by the cumulative effects of six stepwise modifications that occur from about 36% of the total developmental time onward. The significance of these modifications was discussed with respect to the functional advantages of asymmetries and the phylogeny of members of the Hydrophilidae.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of the rare and enigmatic cricetid genus Karydomys from the middle Miocene Ville Formation of the Hambach lignite mine in north-west Germany. The locality Hambach 6C has yielded the first substantial records of Karydomys from central Europe. For the first time, all molar positions are well-documented, including the previously unknown m2. The excellent molar material allows us to distinguish Karydomys wigharti sp. nov. from the western European species K. zapfei. Karydomys wigharti predominantly occurs at localities that are correlated with the upper part of the Mammalian Neogene biozone MN 5. The new finds are of palaeobiogeographic significance for the genus Karydomys , since Hambach 6C represents the north-westernmost outpost of terrestrial Miocene faunas in Europe. In addition, the locality has yielded the first lower jaws and incisors of the genus. Both the jaw morphology, and the ornamentation and microstructure of the incisor enamel offer new arguments for a systematic classification of Karydomys into the subfamily Democricetodontinae. We assume that the scarcity of the two large European Karydomys species can be explained by their special adaptation to wet habitats, which are poorly documented in the fossil record.  相似文献   

This study aims to reassess the claim that the eruption sequence of the permanent incisor and first permanent molar teeth of Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus is identical with that in modern Homo sapiens. Eight fossil hominid mandibles of equivalent dental developmental age were chosen for comparative study. Emphasis has been placed upon the comparative timing of events within the growth period rather than eruption sequence alone. The results of this study indicate that Homo sapiens and Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus share the same pattern of permanent molar and incisor eruption and that this is significantly different from the pattern of eruption shared by the great apes, Australopithecus africanus and Australopithecus afarensis.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been expressed during root development and periodontal tissue formation, whereas it is not known if these MMP molecules are enzymatically active to degrade the extracellular matrices (ECMs). The present study was designed to investigate the gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activity in rat molar root and incisor development. Three-week old rat mandibles were frozen and cut without fixation or decalcification and processed for in situ zymography using substrates gelatin and collagen. The enzymatic activity was assessed according to the intensity of fluorescence due to the lysis of the substrates. Odontoblasts, predentin, cementum, bone and the enamel matrix showed the high activity. The present study demonstrated MMP activity in calcified tissues using in situ zymography for the first time and the possible involvement of the MMP activity in molar root and incisor development and periodontal tissue formation.  相似文献   

The eusphalerine single genus, Eusphalerum Kraatz contains about 230 species distributed in the Holearctic and Oriental regions. In East Asia, 74 species of the genus are studied and Zanetti reported six species from North Korea in 1993. They are known to feed pollen on flowers of shrubs and trees. As a result, they have peculiar molar structure. Members of the Eusphalerum are characterized by the combination of following features: body spindle‐shape and parallel‐side; eyes large and protruded, temple short; mandibles subtriangular and edentate, molar and scissorial area fused, medial surface of molar with grinding cones; maxillary palpomere 4 as wide as palpomere 3; antennae gradually wide apically, antennomere 10 almost as wide as long; tarsomeres 1–4 short and broad, ventral surface setose densely, tarsomere 5 as long as or longer than basal four combined. In this paper, we report four South Korean Eusphalerum species and provide illustrations of the diagnostic characters including first line drawings of spermatheca and accessary sclerite. The specimens studied are deposited in the Chungnam National University Insect Collection (CNUIC), Daejeon, Korea.  相似文献   

山西垣曲先炭兽类一新种   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文主要报道1983年9月,在山西省垣曲县寨里发现的一件较完整的先炭兽类老年个体上颌骨.带有颇为完整的左、右齿列. I~1-P~2 各齿前、后均有较长的齿隙. P~1、P~2、P~3 前的齿隙颌骨上,保留有乳前臼齿的齿槽.这块标本在大小及形态特征上,与目前所知先炭兽属 Anthracokeryx 中任何种都有相当大的差异.它代表了该属中的一个新种.  相似文献   

The mandibles in the first zoeal stage of five species of the burrowing shrimp genera Upogebia (infraorder Gebiidea) and Nihonotrypaea (infraorder Axiidea) have been examined by scanning electron microscopy. The general shape of the mandibles in Upogebia zoeae is similar to that in Anomura larvae; in Nihonotrypaea, it is intermediate between the mandibles of anomuran and caridean shrimp larvae. The asymmetry of the mandibles, which is more pronounced in Nihonotrypaea, is confirmed. Species-specific features of the structure of the incisor process are found in three Upogebia species, while two Nihonotrypaea species almost do not differ in the mandible structure in their zoea I larvae. The morphological features of the mandibles indicate differences in the diet of Upogebia and Nihonotrypaea larvae. Under natural conditions, zoea I of the studied Nihonotrypaea species may feed on diatoms, which should be taken into account when rearing these decapod larvae in the laboratory.  相似文献   

沟牙田鼠是分布于中国四川西部和甘肃南部的一种罕见小型啮齿动物,迄今标本收藏甚少,种、属地位存在异议,有人认为应并入田鼠属。我们根据四川九寨沟自然保护区采到的16号不同年龄、性别的沟牙田鼠,就其牙齿形态和成年雄性的阴茎结构与其它田鼠类作了比较,发现其成体和幼体在M3和M3形态上有很大不同。其他重要区别包括:上门齿宽大;下门齿外露部分很短,下门齿总长仅及下颌长的77%左右,远比其他田鼠小;M齿环呈圆弧形或豆形亦很特殊;成年雄性的阴茎骨近支烧瓶状,远支基部膨大与田鼠类差别很大。结果表明:沟牙田鼠属是有别于田鼠属的有效属。  相似文献   

在广东南岭自然保护区进行昆虫考察时发现多刺蚁属Polyrhachis 1新种,即:天井山多刺蚁P.tianjingshanensis,sp.nov.,隶属于多刺蚁属六刺多刺蚁亚属Myrmhopla。本新种与双色多刺蚁P.bicolor Smith相似,但触角、上颚和足均为黑色,前胸背板刺和并胸腹节刺粗长,远长于腹柄节刺,头、并腹胸和腹柄节具粗糙刻点。正模:工蚁,TL 11.5,HL 2.37,HW 2.23,CI 94,SL 3.43,SI 154,PW 1.83,AL4.75,ED 0.57;副模12工蚁:TL 11.4~11.7,HL 2.33~2.70,HW 2.20~2.73,CI 91~99,SL 3.37~3.65,SI 128~154,PW 1.77~2.03,AL 3.70~4.35,ED 0.53~0.63。正模:工蚁,广东南岭自然保护区天井山林场(24°41′N,112°59′E),450 m,2007-Ⅷ-18,侯占华采;副模:12工蚁,与正模同巢,侯占华采。模式标本保存于广西师范大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

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