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Summary Herbivory can alter the balance between sources and sinks within a plant, and changes in the source-sink ratio often lead to changes in plant photosynthetic rates. We investigated how feeding by three insect herbivores affected photosynthetic rates and growth of goldenrod (Solidago altissima). One, a phloem-sap feeding aphid (Uroleucon caligatum), creates an additional sink, and the other two, a leaf-chewing beetle (Trirhabda sp.) and a xylem-sap feeding spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius) both reduce source supply by decreasing leaf area. Plants were grown outside in large pots and insects were placed on them at predetermined densities, with undamaged plants included as controls. All insects were removed after a 12-day feeding period. We measured photosynthetic rates both of damaged leaves and of undamaged leaves that were produced after insect removal. Photosynthetic rates per unit area of damaged leaves were reduced by spittlebug feeding, but not by beetle or aphid feeding. Conductance of spittlebugdamaged leaves did not differ from controls, but internal carbon dioxide concentrations were increased. These results indicate that spittlebug feeding does not cause stomatal closure, but impairs fixation within the leaf. Effects of spittlebug feeding on photosynthetic rates persisted after the insects were removed from the plants. Photosynthetic rates per unit area of leaves produced after insect removal on spittlegug-damaged plants were lower than control levels, even though the measurements were taken 12 days after insect removal. The measurement leaf on spittlebugdamaged plants was reduced in area by 27% relative to the controls, but specific leaf area (leaf area/leaf weight) was increased by 18%. Because of the shift in specific leaf area, photosynthetic rates were also examined per unit leaf weight, and when this was done there were no significant differences between control and spittlebug-damaged plants. Beetle and aphid feeding had no effects on the photosynthetic rate of the leaves produced after insect removal. Plant relative growth rates (in terms of height) were reduced by spittlebugs during the period that the insects were feeding on the plants. Relative growth rates of spittlebug-damaged plants were increased above control levels after insect removal, but these plants were still shorter than controls 17 days after insect removal. Beetles and aphids did not affect plant relative growth rates or plant height. Feeding by both spittlebugs and beetles reduced leaf area, and the effect of the spittlebug was more severe than that of the beetle. These results show that effects of herbivory on photosynthetic rates cannot be predicted simply by considering changes in the source-sink ratio, and that spittlebug feeding is more damaging to the host plant than beetle or aphid feeding.  相似文献   

Summary As clonal plants grow they move through space. The movement patterns that result can be complex and difficult to interpret without the aid of models. We developed a stochastic simulation model of clonal growth in the tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. Our model was calibrated with field data on the clonal expansion of both seedlings and established clones, and model assumptions were verified by statistical analyses.When simulations were based on empirical distributions with long rhizome lengths, there was greater dispersal, less leaf overlap, and less spatial aggregation than when simulations were based on distributions with comparatively short rhizome lengths. For the field data that we utilized, variation in rhizome lengths had a greater effect than variation for either branching angles or rhizome initiation points (see text). We also found that observed patterns of clonal growth in S. altissima did not cause the formation of fairy rings. However, simulations with an artificial distribution of branching angles demonstrate that fairy rings can result solely from a plant's clonal morphology.Stochastic simulation models that incorporated variation in rhizome lengths, branching angles, and rhizome initiation points produced greater dispersal and less leaf overlap than deterministic models. Thus, variation for clonal growth parameters may increase the efficiency of substrate exploration by increasing the area covered and by decreasing the potential for intraclonal competition. We also demonstrated that ramet displacements were slightly, but consistently lower in stochastic simulation models than in random-walk models. This difference was due to the incorporation of details on rhizome bud initiation into stochastic simulation models, but not random-walk models. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of deterministic, stochastic simulation, and random-walk models of clonal growth.  相似文献   

Summary We hypothesize that the tritrophic interaction between ants, the aphid Aphis jacobaeae, the moth Tyria jacobaeae, and the plant Senecio jacobaea can explain the genetic variation observed in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration in natural populations of S. jacobaea. The ant Lasius niger effectively defends S. jacobaea plants infested with A. jacobaeae against larvae of T. jacobaeae. S. jacobaea plants with A. jacobaeae which are defended by ants escape regular defoliation by T. jacobaeae. Plants with aphids and ants have a lower pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration than plants without aphids and ants. When these data are fitted to an existing theoretical model for temporal variation in fitness it is shown that varying herbivore pressure by T. jacobaeae in interaction with ants defending aphid-infested plants with a low pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration can lead to a stable polymorphism in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration. Costs of the production and maintenance of pyrrolizidine alkaloids are not accounted for in the model.Publication of the Meijendel-comité, new series no. 114  相似文献   

Summary Although insect herbivores have many well documented effects on plant performance, there are few studies that assess the impact of above-ground herbivory on below-ground plant growth. For a seven year period in which no large-scale herbivore outbreaks occurred, a broad spectrum insecticide was utilized to suppress herbivorous insects in a natural community dominated by Solidago altissima. Ramet heights, rhizome lengths, rhizome biomass, and the number of daughter rhizomes all were lower in the control plots than in the insecticidetreated plots. These effects should lead to a decrease in the fitness of genets in the control plots relative to the fitness of genets in the insecticide-treated plots. We also found that ramets in the control plots appear to have compensated for herbivory: the ratio of rhizome length to rhizome biomass was greatest in the control plots, which indicates that clones moved farther per unit biomass in these plots than in the insecticide-treated plots. Clonal growth models show that this shift in allocation patterns greatly reduced the magnitude of treatment differences in long-term clonal displacements.Previous work has shown, and this study verified, that clonal growth in S. altissima is well represented by random-walk and diffusion models. Therefore, we used these models to examine possible treatment differences in rates of clonal expansion. Although rhizome lengths were greater in the insecticide-treated plots, results from the models suggest that our treatments had little impact on the short- and long-term displacement of S. altissima ramets from a point of origin. This occurred because S. altissima ramets backtrack often, and thus, treatment differences in net displacements are less pronounced than treatment differences in rhizome lengths.  相似文献   

We studied the indirect effects of an aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum on density and performance of herbivorous insects through tending ants and modification of plant traits on a tall goldenrod Solidago altissima in Japan. To examine ant-mediated indirect effects of the aphid on the leafhopper and geometrid moth caterpillars, we conducted an experiment in which we manipulated aphid densities. The aphid decreased the density of these herbivorous insects through ant-mediated indirect effects, because honeydew scattered by the aphid-attracted ants that then removed them. To examine plant-mediated indirect effects of the aphid on two temporally separated insects, a scale insect and a grasshopper, we compared the density and performance of these herbivorous insects on aphid-inoculated plants and aphid-free plants. Aphid-induced plant modifications had different effects on the scale insect and grasshopper. The aphid indirectly decreased the density and survivorship of the scale insect. On the other hand, the number of grasshoppers increased as a result of the increased number of leaves and the increased nitrogen content induced by prior aphid feeding. However, aphid infestation did not affect the survival of the grasshopper. Thus, the aphid has large indirect effects on co-occurring herbivorous insects through the removal behavior of tending ants and on temporally separated herbivorous insects through changes in quality and quantity of the tall goldenrod.  相似文献   

Summary Members of the genus Solidago are among the most widely studied model systems in plant population biology. A comparative study of Solidago canadensis, S. altissima, and S. gigantea in an experimental garden showed that the three species had different patterns of shoot growth and development, leaf morphology and physiology, and biomass allocation at harvest. These differences were also found in the field. Contrary to some current taxonomic usage, our results show that S. canadensis should ecologically be treated as a separate taxon distinct from S. altissima, and that the latter may be grouped together with S. gigantea. Many of the biological differences between S. canadensis and the other two taxa, such as differential investment into sexual reproduction versus clonal growth, may be explained by differences in genet architecture. These architectures concern high compared to lower within-genet shoot density resulting from differences in rhizome lengths among the taxa (shorter in S. canadensis than in S. altissima and S. gigantea).  相似文献   

Summary Transplants of ten Solidago canadensis clones were grown under high and low competition in the field to determine whether clones differed in survival, growth, and reproduction under natural conditions. Transplants had higher probability of survival and flowering and were larger in all measures of size when competition was experimentally reduced. Clones differed in almost all these measures of success, but only when variance among transplants within clones was reduced by excluding transplants that experienced heavy herbivore damage. Differences among clones were more apparent under low competition than under high competition, despite higher coefficients of variation within clones under low competition. Adjusting transplant size for initial size (parent ramet rhizome mass) did not change these results, although clones did differ in parent rhizome mass. All of these results suggest that there is little potential for selection to discriminate among these clones. Despite the strong differences in transplant performance between the competition treatments and among clones, the clones did not differ in competitive ability-almost none of the clone x competition interactions were significant. In addition, the measures of success of each clone were usually positively correlated between the high and low competition treatments, suggesting there were no tradeoffs between performance under high and low competition for these clones.  相似文献   

Ocotea tenera (Lauraceae), an understory bird-dispersed tree, produces single-seeded fruits that vary in diameter from 1.4 to 2.4 cm. Much of the variation within a population at Monteverde, Costa Rica occurred within individual trees. The relative size of fruits produced by different trees remained generally constant over an 11-year period despite slight differences between years in the average size of fruits produced by a given tree.Fruit-eating birds could thus express their preferences for particular fruit size characteristics by choosing among trees that have distinct distributions of fruit diameters, and between individually variable fruits within trees. In a field study of individually marked fruits, birds removed 46.2% of fruits; the rest of the fruits were destroyed by invertebrate (25.3%) and vertebrate (4.3%) pulp-feeders or aborted by the plant after remaining ripe but uneaten for as long as 100 days (24.2%). The four major avian seed dispersers of O. tenera each have gape widths exceeding all but the largest fruits. Birds preferred plants with greater-than-average-sized fruits; within trees, they favored larger fruits, apparently because net pulp mass increases with fruit diameter. Fruits that ripened early in the season were more likely to be removed and were removed more quickly than late-ripening fruits.Based on mother-offspring regressions of mean fruit size, the phenotypic variation in fruit diameter in O. tenera is highly heritable, indicating the potential for an evolutionary response to selection by birds. Nonetheless, directional selection on fruit size or shape is likely to be inconsistent, constrained by genetic correlations, and weak compared to selection on traits like fecundity or phenology.  相似文献   

Individual animals frequently exhibit repeatable differences from other members of their population, differences now commonly referred to as ‘animal personality’. Personality differences can arise, for example, from differences in permanent environmental effects―including parental and epigenetic contributors―and the effect of additive genetic variation. Although several studies have evaluated the heritability of behaviour, less is known about general patterns of heritability and additive genetic variation in animal personality. As overall variation in behaviour includes both the among-individual differences that reflect different personalities and temporary environmental effects, it is possible for personality to be largely genetically influenced even when heritability of behaviour per se is quite low. The relative contribution of additive genetic variation to personality variation can be estimated whenever both repeatability and heritability are estimated for the same data. Using published estimates to address this issue, we found that approximately 52% of animal personality variation was attributable to additive genetic variation. Thus, while the heritability of behaviour is often moderate or low, the heritability of personality is much higher. Our results therefore (i) demonstrate that genetic differences are likely to be a major contributor to variation in animal personality and (ii) support the phenotypic gambit: that evolutionary inferences drawn from repeatability estimates may often be justified.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are being used widely for evaluating genetic relationships of crop germplasm. Differences in the properties of these two markers could result in different estimates of genetic relationships among some accessions. Nuclear RFLP markers detected by genomic DNA and cDNA clones and RAPD markers were compared for evaluating genetic relationships among 18 accessions from six cultivated Brassica species and one accession from Raphanus sativus. Based on comparisons of genetic-similarity matrices and cophenetic values, RAPD markers were very similar to RFLP markers for estimating intraspecific genetic relationships; however, the two marker types gave different results for interspecific genetic relationships. The presence of amplified mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA fragments in the RAPD data set did not appear to account for differences in RAPD- and RFLP-based dendrograms. However, hybridization tests of RAPD fragments with similar molecular weights demonstrated that some fragments, scored as identical, were not homologous. In all these cases, the differences occurred at the interspecific level. Our results suggest that RAPD data may be less reliable than RFLP data when estimating genetic relationships of accessions from more than one species.  相似文献   

Gassmann AJ 《Oecologia》2005,145(4):575-585
Trade-offs can maintain genetic diversity and constrain adaptation; however, their magnitude may depend on ecological factors. I considered whether resistance to the herbicide triazine in Amaranthus hybridus (Amaranthaceae) imposed the trade-off of increasing susceptibility to herbivorous insects. I grew triazine-resistant and triazine-susceptible plants under contrasting levels of light and fertilization, and quantified susceptibility to herbivores using the specialist Disonycha glabrata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the generalist Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Resistance to triazine increased susceptibility to both species of herbivorous insects, as manifested by greater feeding preference, growth, and survival of herbivores. However, these effects were more pronounced with T. ni and for plants grown under high light. My results demonstrate the presence of a trade-off between resistance to triazine and susceptibility to herbivorous insects that may in turn impose an ecologically based fitness cost, and illustrate the potential for this cost to vary across environments.  相似文献   

Summary Argumentation is presented which indicates that the additive decomposition of the total genetic variation of a population into variation within and between (among) its subpopulations suffers from conceptual inconsistency. While the measurement of variation between subpopulations can be shown to be identical to the measurement of subpopulation differentiation, the notion of variation within subpopulations, when viewed as a single measurement, cannot be derived as an independent and cogent concept. Rather, it appears to be merely technically defined as the arithmetic difference between the total variation and the variation between subpopulations, and this difference happens to be non-negative for concave measures of variation such as the (statistical) variance or certain measures of genetic diversity. In order to overcome the conceptual inconsistency, variation between subpopulations could be regarded as subpopulation differentiation and the notion of variation within subpopulations could be replaced by measurements of the degree to which the variation in the total population is represented within the subpopulations. A complementary situation with respect to total variation is thus realized once more, and appropriate measures can be directly derived from existing ones.  相似文献   

Meyer G  Clare R  Weber E 《Oecologia》2005,144(2):299-307
The mechanisms that allow introduced plants to become invasive are poorly understood. Here, we present a test of the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis, which holds that because specialized natural enemies may be absent from the introduced range, exotic plants may evolve to invest less in anti-herbivore defenses and thereby gain a competitive advantage over native plants. We grew Solidago gigantea plants derived from both the native range (North America) and the invasive range (Europe) in a common garden in the native range for 2 years. Half the plants were treated with insecticide to protect them from insect herbivores and the other half were exposed to insects that colonized the garden from nearby fields. Insect herbivore biomass was significantly higher on European plants than US plants in the first year but not the second. European plants were more heavily attacked by pathogens in both years of the study. When exposed to insect herbivores, US plants produced more seed than European plants, but when plants were protected from herbivores, seed production was equivalent between US plants and European plants. The presence of insect herbivores suppressed seed production of European plants much more than that of US plants, even though the level of herbivory experienced by European and US plants was similar in the second year, suggesting that the ability to tolerate herbivory was diminished in European plants. These results partially support the EICA hypothesis: plants from the introduced range were more susceptible to some natural enemies and benefited more from insect removal than plants from the native range. The prediction that European plants would perform better than US plants in the absence of insect herbivores was not supported. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Malus sieversii (Lebed.) M. Roem. is a wild progenitor species of the domesticated apple. It is found across a mountainous region of central Asia and has been the focus of several collection expeditions by the USDA-ARS-National Plant Germplasm System. This study used microsatellite variation at seven loci to estimate diversity and differentiation within M. sieversii using several complimentary approaches. Multilocus genotypes were amplified from 949 individuals representing seedling trees from 88 half-sib families from eight M. sieversii populations collected in Kazakhstan. Apportioning of genetic variation was estimated at both the family and site level. Analyses using a hierarchical model to estimate F st showed that differentiation among individual families is more than three times greater than differentiation among sites. In addition, average gene diversity and allelic richness varied significantly among sites. A rendering of a genetic network among all sites showed that differentiation is largely congruent with geographical location. In addition, nonhierarchical Bayesian assignment methods were used to infer genetic clusters across the collection area. We detected four genetic clusters in the data set. The quality of these assignments was evaluated over multiple Markov Chain Monte Carlo runs using both posterior likelihood and stability of the assignments. The spatial pattern of genetic assignments among the eight collection sites shows two broadly distributed and two narrowly distributed clusters. These data indicate that the southwestern collection sites are more admixed and more diverse than the northern sites.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 23 populations of Carthamus tinctorius L. and two populations of Carthamus lanatus L. in China was investigated using Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP). All populations could be uniquely distinguished by 30 primer combinations with 483 bands and 274 polymorphic bands which generated 57% of polymorphic ratio. Unweighed pair-group method of with arithmetical averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis enabled construction of a dendrogram for estimating genetic distances among different populations. The extreme variation was observed when No. 4 cultivated and No. 13 wild population of C. lanatus were grouped at GS = 0.58, and separated from 23 populations of C. tinctorius at GS = 0.10. The result suggested that the cultivated and wild populations of C. lanatus had close relationship with each other and far relationship with C. tinctorius. Dendrogram also revealed a large genetic variation in 23 C. tinctorius populations; different primer combinations allowed them distinctly distinguished one from others with relatively low genetic similarity. Furthermore, five typical representative fragments in C. lanatus were obtained by four most informative primer combinations, which provided a possibility to distinguish C. lanatus from the C. tinctorius evidently.  相似文献   

Summary Forty single-copy, nuclear probes of known chromosomal position were used to examine restriction fragment length polymorphism in the tomato genus Lycopersion. The probes were from three libraries: one cDNA, and two genomic libraries ne genomic made with EcoRI and the other with PstI. Total DNA from 156 plants representing eight species was cut with five different restriction enzymes and scored in 198 probe-enzyme combinations. Genetic distances between accessions (populations) and species were calculated from the resultant restriction patterns and proportion of shared bands. Accessions belonging to the same species largely clustered together, confirming their current classification. However, one mountain accession, classified as L. peruvianum var. humifusum (LA2150), was sufficiently distinct from the other accessions of L. peruvianum that it may qualify as a separate species L. esculentum and L. pimpinellifolium were the least clearly differentiated, possibly reflecting introgressive hybridization, known to have been promoted by man in recent history. Dendrograms constructed from cDNA versus genomic clones were nearly identical in their general grouping of species. The dendrograms revealed two major dichotomies in the genus: one corresponding to mating behavior [self-compatible (SC) versus self-incompatible (SI) species] and the other corresponding to fruit color (red versus green-fruited species). The ratio of withinversus between-accession diversity was much lower for SC species, indicating that most of the diversity within these species exists between populations, rather than within populations. Overall, the amount of genetic variation in the SI species far exceeded that found in SC species. This result is exemplified by the fact that more genetic variation could be found within a single accession of one of the SI species (e.g., L. peruvianum) than among all accessions tested of any one of the SC species (e.g., L. esculentum or L. pimpinellifolium). Results from this study are discussed in relationship to germ plasm collection/utilization and with regard to the use of RFLPs in tomato breeding and genetics.  相似文献   

Michael L. Cain 《Oecologia》1990,82(2):201-209
Summary For the rhizomatous perennial, Solidago altissima, I identified clonal fragments in the field, mapped ramet spatial locations, and documented patterns of ramet recruitment, growth, and mortality. Parent ramet size influenced the size and number of daughter ramets produced, and small ramets had lower survivorship and fecundity than large ramets. Similarly, small rhizomes tended to develop into small ramets, and ramets that survived to produce daughter ramets had longer parent-daughter rhizome connections than ramets that did not survive. In addition, most ramets that died during the growing season were connected to (genetically identical) ramets that persisted. There were large size inequalities among rhizomes, ramets, and clonal fragments. Inequalities in the size of ramets increased during the early part of the growing season, then decreased at the end of the season; similar patterns were observed for the growth of clonal fragments. In both instances, the decrease in size inequality could be attributed to the mortality of small individuals (ramets or clonal fragments). I found little evidence that ramet size hierarchies were structured by intraspecific competition. For example, path analyses and randomization tests indicated that size variation among S. altissima ramets was influenced little by the size of their near neighbors (but was influenced by parent size and rhizome size). In addition, within-season variation for the relative size and growth rate of individual ramets led to poor correlations between early and final ramet size; this result suggests that there was no stable hierarchy of dominant and suppressed ramets. I discuss implications of my results for contrasting interpretations of clonal plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was examined in three diploid taxaChionographis japonica var.japonica, var.kurokamiana, andC. koidzumiana and three tetraploid taxaC. japonica var.kurohimensis, ssp.hisauchiana, and ssp.minoensis. Results show thatC. japonica var.kurokamiana is genetically closer toC. koidzumiana than to var.japonica. In the tetraploid taxa, fixed heterozygosities were found at several loci, and this supports the hypothesis that these taxa are allotetraploids. Furthermore, the tetraploid taxa have many unique alleles not found in the diploid taxa. This suggests that sufficient time has passed since the origin of tetraploids for new mutations to have been fixed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of pistachio genetic diversity is necessary for the formulation of appropriate management strategies for the conservation of these species. We analysed amplified fragment length polymorphisms in a total of 216 pistachio accessions, which included seven populations from three wild species (Pistacia vera, Pistacia khinjuk and Pistacia atlantica subsp. kurdica) and most of the important cultivars from Iran, together with some foreign cultivars. High levels of genetic diversity were detected within the Iranian cultivars, and they showed a clear separation from foreign cultivars, as revealed by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging and supported by analysis of molecular variance. The lowest amount of polymorphism was observed in P. atlantica subsp. kurdica, which showed the lowest number of total bands as compared to the other species. This revealed strong genetic erosion of P. atlantica subsp. kurdica, which reflected a severe decline in habitat and over-exploitation. Based on these findings, strategies are proposed for the genetic conservation and management of pistachio species and cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in male and female transmission of the translocated extra chromosome (5R3R) was studied in a tertiary trisomic of rye (Secale cereale L.). In two F5 lines derived from a single F4 line, female transmission was lower than in five others derived from another F4 line. This could be caused by genetic factors or by the strong inbreeding depression in these lines, leading to low viability of trisomic progeny. After selfing, male transmission was estimated as very low, but this was primarily based on the occurrence of tetrasomics that probably have a very poor viability. In testcrosses with disomic female parents, male transmission was much higher (up to 27%), without variation within F5 lines. One F5 line showed significantly higher male transmission than any of the seven tested, including a sister line from the same F4. This was consistent in the F6. Apparently high male transmission is genetically determined. There was a positive correlation with recombination of the marker ti (tigrina) on the extra chromosome and the normal 5R chromosomes. At the first meiotic metaphase, trivalents and quinquivalents were frequent in the trisomics. Assuming loss of univalents, 40% of the microspores should carry the translocated extra chromosome. In most lines, more than 40% were found at pollen mitosis. Observations on timing of pollen mitosis showed a delayed development in aneuploid spores, with clear differences between plants, but no correlation with male transmission. The cause of reduced male transmission and the expression of genetic variation therein can, therefore, not be found in meiotic behaviour or delayed microspore development. Pollen germination and tube growth may be more important.  相似文献   

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