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Establishing the anterior/posterior (A/P) boundary of individual somites is important for setting up the segmental body plan of all vertebrates. Resegmentation of adjacent sclerotomes to form the vertebrae and selective migration of neural crest cells during the formation of the dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves occur in response to differential expression of genes in the anterior and posterior halves of the somite. Recent evidence indicates that the A/P axis is established at the anterior end of the presomitic mesoderm prior to overt somitogenesis in response to both Mesp2 and Notch signaling. Here, we report that mice deficient for paraxis, a gene required for somite epithelialization, also display defects in the axial skeleton and peripheral nerves that are consistent with a failure in A/P patterning. Expression of Mesp2 and genes in the Notch pathway were not altered in the presomitic mesoderm of paraxis(-/-) embryos. Furthermore, downstream targets of Notch activation in the presomitic mesoderm, including EphA4, were transcribed normally, indicating that paraxis was not required for Notch signaling. However, genes that were normally restricted to the posterior half of somites were present in a diffuse pattern in the paraxis(-/-) embryos, suggesting a loss of A/P polarity. Collectively, these data indicate a role for paraxis in maintaining somite polarity that is independent of Notch signaling.  相似文献   

The paraxial mesoderm of the neck and trunk of mouse embryos undergoes extensive morphogenesis in forming somites. Paraxial mesoderm is divided into segments, it elongates along its anterior posterior axis, and its cells organize into epithelia. Experiments were performed to determine if these processes are autonomous to the mesoderm that gives rise to the somites. Presomitic mesoderm at the tailbud stage was cultured in the presence and absence of its adjacent tissues. Somite segmentation occurred in the absence of neural tube, notochord, gut and surface ectoderm, and occurred in posterior fragments in the absence of anterior presomitic mesoderm. Mesodermal expression of Dll1 and Notch1, genes with roles in segmentation, was largely independent of other tissues, consistent with autonomous segmentation. However, surface ectoderm was found to be necessary for elongation of the mesoderm along the anterior-posterior axis and for somite epithelialization. To determine if there is specificity in the interaction between ectoderm and mesoderm, ectoderm from different sources was recombined with presomitic mesoderm. Surface ectoderm from only certain parts of the embryo supported somite epithelialization and elongation. Somite epithelialization induced by ectoderm was correlated with expression of the basic-helix-loop-helix gene Paraxis in the mesoderm. This is consistent with the genetically defined requirement for Paraxis in somite epithelialization. However, trunk ectoderm was able to induce somite epithelialization in the absence of strong Paraxis expression. We conclude that somitogenesis consists of autonomous segmentation patterned by Notch signaling and nonautonomous induction of elongation and epithelialization by surface ectoderm.  相似文献   

Segmentation of the vertebrate body axis is initiated through somitogenesis, whereby epithelial somites bud off in pairs periodically from the rostral end of the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). The periodicity of somitogenesis is governed by a molecular oscillator that drives periodic waves of clock gene expression caudo-rostrally through the PSM with a periodicity that matches somite formation. To date the clock genes comprise components of the Notch, Wnt, and FGF pathways. The literature contains controversial reports as to the absolute role(s) of Notch signalling during the process of somite formation. Recent data in the zebrafish have suggested that the only role of Notch signalling is to synchronise clock gene oscillations across the PSM and that somite formation can continue in the absence of Notch activity. However, it is not clear in the mouse if an FGF/Wnt-based oscillator is sufficient to generate segmented structures, such as the somites, in the absence of all Notch activity. We have investigated the requirement for Notch signalling in the mouse somitogenesis clock by analysing embryos carrying a mutation in different components of the Notch pathway, such as Lunatic fringe (Lfng), Hes7, Rbpj, and presenilin1/presenilin2 (Psen1/Psen2), and by pharmacological blocking of the Notch pathway. In contrast to the fish studies, we show that mouse embryos lacking all Notch activity do not show oscillatory activity, as evidenced by the absence of waves of clock gene expression across the PSM, and they do not develop somites. We propose that, at least in the mouse embryo, Notch activity is absolutely essential for the formation of a segmented body axis.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the paraxial mesoderm already exhibits a complex Hox gene pattern by the time that segmentation occurs and somites are formed. The anterior boundaries of the Hox genes are always maintained at the same somite number, suggesting coordination between somite formation and Hox expression. To study this interaction, we used morpholinos to knockdown either the somitogenesis gene X-Delta-2 or the complete Hox paralogous group 1 (PG1) in Xenopus laevis. When X-Delta-2 is knocked down, Hox genes from different paralogous groups are downregulated from the beginning of their expression at gastrula stages. This effect is not via the canonical Notch pathway, as it is independent of the Notch effector Su(H). We also reveal for the first time a clear role for Hox genes in somitogenesis, as loss of PG1 gene function results in the perturbation of somite formation and downregulation of the X-Delta-2 expression in the PSM. This effect on X-Delta-2 expression is also observed during neurula stages, before the somites are formed. These results show that somitogenesis and patterning of the anteroposterior axis are closely linked via a feedback loop involving Hox genes and X-Delta-2, suggesting the existence of a coordination mechanism between somite formation and anteroposterior patterning. Such a mechanism is likely to be functional during gastrulation, before the formation of the first pair of somites, as suggested by the early X-Delta-2 regulation of the Hox genes.  相似文献   

The formation of somites, reiterated structures that will give rise to vertebrae and muscles, is thought to be dependent upon a molecular oscillator that may involve the Notch pathway. hairy/Enhancer of split related [E(spl)]-related (her or hes) genes, potential targets of Notch signaling, have been implicated as an output of the molecular oscillator. We have isolated a zebrafish deficiency, b567, that deletes two linked her genes, her1 and her7. Homozygous b567 mutants have defective somites along the entire embryonic axis. Injection of a combination of her1 and her7 (her1+7) morpholino modified antisense oligonucleotides (MOs) phenocopies the b567 mutant somitic phenotype, indicating that her1 and her7 are necessary for normal somite formation and that defective somitogenesis in b567 mutant embryos is due to deletion of her1 and her7. Analysis at the cellular level indicates that somites in her1+7-deficient embryos are enlarged in the anterior-posterior dimension. Weak somite boundaries are often found within these enlarged somites which are delineated by stronger, but imperfect, boundaries. In addition, the anterior-posterior polarity of these enlarged somites is disorganized. Analysis of her1 MO-injected embryos and her7 MO-injected embryos indicates that although these genes have partially redundant functions in most of the trunk region, her1 is necessary for proper formation of the anteriormost somites and her7 is necessary for proper formation of somites posterior to somite 11. By following somite development over time, we demonstrate that her genes are necessary for the formation of alternating strong somite boundaries. Thus, even though two potential downstream components of Notch signaling are lacking in her1+7-deficient embryos, somite boundaries form, but do so with a one and a half to two segment periodicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One prominent example of segmentation in vertebrate embryos is the subdivision of the paraxial mesoderm into repeating, metameric structures called somites. During this process, cells in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) are first patterned into segments leading secondarily to differences required for somite morphogenesis such as the formation of segmental boundaries. Recent studies have shown that a segmental pattern is generated in the PSM of Xenopus embryos by genes encoding a Mesp-like bHLH protein called Thylacine 1 and components of the Notch signaling pathway. These genes establish a repeating pattern of gene expression that subdivides cells in the PSM into anterior and posterior half segments, but how this pattern of gene expression leads to segmental boundaries is unknown. Recently, a member of the protocadherin family of cell adhesion molecules, called PAPC, has been shown to be expressed in the PSM of Xenopus embryos in a half segment pattern, suggesting that it could play a role in restricting cell mixing at the anterior segmental boundary. RESULTS: Here, we examine the expression and function of PAPC during segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm in Xenopus embryos. We show that Thylacine 1 and the Notch pathway establish segment identity one segment prior to the segmental expression of PAPC. Altering segmental identity in embryos by perturbing the activity of Thylacine 1 and the Notch pathway, or by treatment with a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, leads to the predicted changes in the segmental expression of PAPC. By disrupting PAPC function in embryos using a putative dominant-negative or an activated form of PAPC, we show that segmental PAPC activity is required for proper somite formation as well as for maintaining segmental gene expression within the PSM. CONCLUSIONS: Segmental expression of PAPC is established in the PSM as a downstream consequence of segmental patterning by Thylacine 1 and the Notch pathway. We propose that PAPC is part of the mechanism that establishes the segmental boundaries between posterior and anterior cells in adjacent segments.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway plays essential roles during the specification of the rostral and caudal somite halves and subsequent segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm. We have re-investigated the role of presenilin 1 (Ps1; encoded by Psen1) during segmentation using newly generated alleles of the Psen1 mutation. In Psen1-deficient mice, proteolytic activation of Notch1 was significantly affected and the expression of several genes involved in the Notch signalling pathway was altered, including Delta-like3, Hes5, lunatic fringe (Lfng) and Mesp2. Thus, Ps1-dependent activation of the Notch pathway is essential for caudal half somite development. We observed defects in Notch signalling in both the caudal and rostral region of the presomitic mesoderm. In the caudal presomitic mesoderm, Ps1 was involved in maintaining the amplitude of cyclic activation of the Notch pathway, as represented by significant reduction of Lfng expression in Psen1-deficient mice. In the rostral presomitic mesoderm, rapid downregulation of the Mesp2 expression in the presumptive caudal half somite depends on Ps1 and is a prerequisite for caudal somite half specification. Chimaera analysis between Psen1-deficient and wild-type cells revealed that condensation of the wild-type cells in the caudal half somite was concordant with the formation of segment boundaries, while mutant and wild-type cells intermingled in the presomitic mesoderm. This implies that periodic activation of the Notch pathway in the presomitic mesoderm is still latent to segregate the presumptive rostral and caudal somite. A transient episode of Mesp2 expression might be needed for Notch activation by Ps1 to confer rostral or caudal properties. In summary, we propose that Ps1 is involved in the functional manifestation of the segmentation clock in the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   



Expression of the mouse Delta-like 1 (Dll1) gene in the presomitic mesoderm and in the caudal halves of somites of the developing embryo is required for the formation of epithelial somites and for the maintenance of caudal somite identity, respectively. The rostro-caudal polarity of somites is initiated early on within the presomitic mesoderm in nascent somites. Here we have investigated the requirement of restricted Dll1 expression in caudal somite compartments for the maintenance of rostro-caudal somite polarity and the morphogenesis of the axial skeleton. We did this by overexpressing a functional copy of the Dll1 gene throughout the paraxial mesoderm, in particular in anterior somite compartments, during somitogenesis in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The repeating pattern of the human vertebral column is shaped early in development, by a process called somitogenesis. In this embryonic process, pairs of mesodermal segments called somites are serially laid down along the developing neural tube. Somitogenesis is an iterative process, repeating at regular time intervals until the last somite is formed. This process lays down the vertebrate body axis from head to tail, making for a progression of developmental steps along the rostral-caudal axis. In this review, the roles of the Notch, Wnt, fibroblast growth factor, retinoic acid and other pathways are described during the following key steps in somitogenesis: formation of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and establishment of molecular gradients; prepatterning of the PSM by molecular oscillators; patterning of rostral-caudal polarity within the somite; formation of somite borders; and maturation and resegmentation of somites to form musculoskeletal tissues. Disruption of somitogenesis can lead to severe vertebral birth defects such as spondylocostal dysostosis (SCD). Genetic studies in the mouse have been instrumental in finding mutations in this disorder, and ongoing mouse studies should provide functional insights and additional candidate genes to help in efforts to identify genes causing human spinal birth defects.  相似文献   

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