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Previous studies have suggested a role of the homeodomain Six family proteins in patterning the developing vertebrate head that involves appropriate segmentation of three tissue layers, the endoderm, the paraxial mesoderm and the neural crest cells; however, the developmental programs and mechanisms by which the Six genes act in the pharyngeal endoderm remain largely unknown. Here, we examined their roles in pharyngeal pouch development. Six1-/- mice lack thymus and parathyroid and analysis of Six1-/- third pouch endoderm demonstrated that the patterning of the third pouch into thymus/parathyroid primordia is initiated. However, the endodermal cells of the thymus/parathyroid rudiments fail to maintain the expression of the parathyroid-specific gene Gcm2 and the thymus-specific gene Foxn1 and subsequently undergo abnormal apoptosis, leading to a complete disappearance of organ primordia by E12.5. This thus defines the thymus/parathyroid defects present in the Six1 mutant. Analyses of the thymus/parathyroid development in Six1-/-;Six4-/- double mutant show that both Six1 and Six4 act synergistically to control morphogenetic movements of early thymus/parathyroid tissues, and the threshold of Six1/Six4 appears to be crucial for the regulation of the organ primordia-specific gene expression. Previous studies in flies and mice suggested that Eya and Six genes may function downstream of Pax genes. Our data clearly show that Eya1 and Six1 expression in the pouches does not require Pax1/Pax9 function, suggesting that they may function independently from Pax1/Pax9. In contrast, Pax1 expression in all pharyngeal pouches requires both Eya1 and Six1 function. Moreover, we show that the expression of Tbx1, Fgf8 and Wnt5b in the pouch endoderm was normal in Six1-/- embryos and slightly reduced in Six1-/-;Six4-/- double mutant, but was largely reduced in Eya1-/- embryos. These results indicate that Eya1 appears to be upstream of very early events in the initiation of thymus/parathyroid organogenesis, while Six genes appear to act in an early differentiation step during thymus/parathyroid morphogenesis. Together, these analyses establish an essential role for Eya1 and Six genes in patterning the third pouch into organ-specific primordia.  相似文献   

The thymus and parathyroid glands in mice develop from a thymus/parathyroid primordium that forms from the endoderm of the third pharyngeal pouch. We investigated the molecular mechanisms that promote this unique process in which two distinct organs form from a single primordium, using mice mutant for Hoxa3 and Pax1. Thymic ectopia in Hoxa3(+/-)Pax1(-/-) compound mutants is due to delayed separation of the thymus/parathyroid primordium from the pharynx. The primordium is hypoplastic at its formation, and has increased levels of apoptosis. The developing third pouch in Hoxa3(+/-)Pax1(-/-) compound mutants initiates normal expression of the parathyroid-specific Gcm2 and thymus-specific Foxn1 genes. However, Gcm2 expression is reduced at E11.5 in Pax1(-/-) single mutants, and further reduced or absent in Hoxa3(+/-)Pax1(-/-) compound mutants. Subsequent to organ-specific differentiation from the shared primordium, both the parathyroids and thymus developed defects. Parathyroids in compound mutants were smaller at their formation, and absent at later stages. Parathyroids were also reduced in Pax1(-/-) mutants, revealing a new function for Pax1 in parathyroid organogenesis. Thymic hypoplasia at later fetal stages in compound mutants was associated with increased death and decreased proliferation of thymic epithelial cells. Our results suggest that a Hoxa3-Pax1 genetic pathway is required for both epithelial cell growth and differentiation throughout thymus and parathyroid organogenesis.  相似文献   

Embryos that are homozygous for Splotch, a null allele of Pax3, have a severe neural crest cell (NCC) deficiency that generates a complex phenotype including spina bifida, exencephaly and cardiac outflow tract abnormalities. Contrary to the widely held perception that thymus aplasia or hypoplasia is a characteristic feature of Pax3Sp/Sp embryos, we find that thymic rudiments are larger and parathyroid rudiments are smaller in E11.5-12.5 Pax3Sp/Sp compared to Pax3+/+ embryos. The thymus originates from bilateral third pharyngeal pouch primordia containing endodermal progenitors of both thymus and parathyroid glands. Analyses of Foxn1 and Gcm2 expression revealed a dorsal shift in the border between parathyroid- and thymus-fated domains at E11.5, with no change in the overall cellularity or volume of each shared primordium. The border shift increases the allocation of third pouch progenitors to the thymus domain and correspondingly decreases allocation to the parathyroid domain. Initial patterning in the E10.5 pouch was normal suggesting that the observed change in the location of the organ domain interface arises during border refinement between E10.5 and E11.5. Given the well-characterized NCC defects in Splotch mutants, these findings implicate NCCs in regulating patterning of third pouch endoderm into thymus- versus parathyroid-specified domains, and suggest that organ size is determined in part by the number of progenitor cells specified to a given fate.  相似文献   

The thymus and parathyroids are pharyngeal endoderm-derived organs that develop from common organ primordia, which undergo a series of morphological events resulting in separate organs in distinct locations in the embryo. Previous gene expression and functional analyses have suggested a role for BMP4 signaling in early thymus organogenesis. We have used conditional deletion of Bmp4 or Alk3 from the pharyngeal endoderm and/or the surrounding mesenchyme using Foxg1-Cre, Wnt1-Cre or Foxn1-Cre. Deleting Bmp4 from both neural crest cells (NCC) and early endoderm-derived epithelial cells in Foxg1-Cre;Bmp4 conditional mutants resulted in defects in thymus-parathyroid morphogenesis. Defects included reduced condensation of mesenchymal cells around the epithelium, partial absence of the thymic capsule, a delay in thymus and parathyroid separation, and failed or dramatically reduced organ migration. Patterning of the primordia and initial organ differentiation were not affected in any of the mutants. Deleting Bmp4 from NCC-derived mesenchyme or differentiating thymic epithelial cells (TECs) had no effects on thymus-parathyroid development, while loss of Alk3 from either neural crest cells or TECs resulted in only a mild thymic hypoplasia. these results show that the processes of cell specification and morphogenesis during thymus-parathyroid development are independently controlled, and suggest a specific temporal and spatial role for BMP4-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during early thymus and parathyroid morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Eyes absent (Eya) genes regulate organogenesis in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Mutations in human EYA1 cause congenital Branchio-Oto-Renal (BOR) syndrome, while targeted inactivation of murine Eya1 impairs early developmental processes in multiple organs, including ear, kidney and skeletal system. We have now examined the role of Eya1 during the morphogenesis of organs derived from the pharyngeal region, including thymus, parathyroid and thyroid. The thymus and parathyroid are derived from 3rd pharyngeal pouches and their development is initiated via inductive interactions between neural crest-derived arch mesenchyme, pouch endoderm, and possibly the surface ectoderm of 3rd pharyngeal clefts. Eya1 is expressed in all three cell types during thymus and parathyroid development from E9.5 and the organ primordia for both of these structures failed to form in Eya1(-/-) embryos. These results indicate that Eya1 is required for the initiation of thymus and parathyroid gland formation. Eya1 is also expressed in the 4th pharyngeal region and ultimobranchial bodies. Eya1(-/-) mice show thyroid hypoplasia, with severe reduction in the number of parafollicular cells and the size of the thyroid lobes and lack of fusion between the ultimobranchial bodies and the thyroid lobe. These data indicate that Eya1 also regulates mature thyroid gland formation. Furthermore, we show that Six1 expression is markedly reduced in the arch mesenchyme, pouch endoderm and surface ectoderm in the pharyngeal region of Eya1(-/-) embryos, indicating that Six1 expression in those structures is Eya1 dependent. In addition, we show that in Eya1(-/-) embryos, the expression of Gcm2 in the 3rd pouch endoderm is undetectable at E10.5, however, the expression of Hox and Pax genes in the pouch endoderm is preserved at E9.5-10.5. Finally, we found that the surface ectoderm of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal region show increased cell death at E10.5 in Eya1(-/-) embryos. Our results indicate that Eya1 controls critical early inductive events involved in the morphogenesis of thymus, parathyroid and thyroid.  相似文献   

Previous studies have implicated Sonic hedgehog (Shh) as an important regulator of pharyngeal region development. Here we show that Shh is differentially expressed within the pharyngeal endoderm along the anterior-posterior axis. In Shh-/- mutants, the pharyngeal pouches and arches formed by E9.5 and marker expression showed that initial patterning was normal. However, by E10.5-E11.0, the first arch had atrophied and the first pouch was missing. Although small, the second, third, and fourth arches and pouches were present. The expression patterns of Fgf8, Pax1, and Bmp4 suggested that pouch identity was abnormal at E10.5 and that Shh is a negative regulator of these genes in the pouches. Despite the loss of pouch identity and an increase in mesenchymal cell death, arch identity markers were expressed normally. Our data show that a Shh-dependent patterning mechanism is required to maintain pouch patterning, independent or downstream of arch identity. Changes in the distribution of Bmp4 and Gcm2 in the third pouch endoderm and subsequent organ phenotypes in Shh-/- mutants suggested that exclusion of Shh from the third pouch is required for dorsal-ventral patterning and for parathyroid specification and organogenesis. Furthermore, this function for Shh may be opposed by Bmp4. Our data suggest that, as in the posterior gut endoderm, exclusion of Shh expression from developing primordia is required for the proper development of pharyngeal-derived organs.  相似文献   

The thymus and parathyroids originate from the third pharyngeal pouches, which form as endodermal outpocketings in the pharyngeal region beginning on embryonic day 9 (E9.0) of mouse development. Using organ-specific markers, we have previously shown that thymus and parathyroid-specific organ domains are established within the primordium prior to formation of the organs proper: Gcm2 expression defines the prospective parathyroid cells in the dorsal pouch from E9.5, while Foxn1 is expressed in the thymus domain from E11.25. Bmp (bone morphogenetic protein) signaling has been implicated in thymic epithelial cell differentiation and thymus organogenesis. In the present study, we report expression patterns of Bmp4 and Noggin, a Bmp4 antagonist, in the third pharyngeal pouch using two lacZ transgenic mouse strains. Results from this gene expression study revealed localization of Bmp4 expression to the ventral region of the third pharyngeal pouch endoderm at E10.5 and E11.5, in those cells that will express Foxn1 and form the thymus. Conversely, the expression of Noggin was confined to the dorsal region of the pouch and primordium at these stages, and thus appeared to be co-expressed with Gcm2 in the parathyroid domain. This represents the first detailed study of Bmp4 and Noggin expression during the early stages of thymus and parathyroid organogenesis.  相似文献   

Pbx1 is a TALE-class homeodomain protein that functions in part as a cofactor for Hox class homeodomain proteins. Previous analysis of the in vivo functions of Pbx1 by targeted mutagenesis in mice has revealed roles for this gene in skeletal patterning and development and in the organogenesis of multiple systems. Both RNA expression and protein localization studies have suggested a possible role for Pbx1 in pharyngeal region development. As several Hox mutants have distinct phenotypes in this region, we investigated the potential requirement for Pbx1 in the development of the pharyngeal arches and pouches and their organ derivatives. Pbx1 homozygous mutants exhibited delayed or absent formation of the caudal pharyngeal pouches, and disorganized patterning of the third pharyngeal pouch. Formation of the third pouch-derived thymus/parathyroid primordia was also affected, with absent or hypoplastic primordia, delayed expression of organ-specific differentiation markers, and reduced proliferation of thymic epithelium. The fourth pouch and the fourth pouch-derived ultimobranchial bodies were usually absent. These phenotypes are similar to those previously reported in Hoxa3(-/-) single mutants and Hoxa1(-/-);Hoxb1(-/-) or Hoxa3(+/-);Hoxb3(-/-);Hoxd3(-/-) compound mutants, suggesting that Pbx1 acts together with multiple Hox proteins in the development of the caudal pharyngeal region. However, some aspects of the Pbx1 mutant phenotype included specific defects that were less severe than those found in known Hox mutant mice, suggesting that some functions of Hox proteins in this region are Pbx1-independent.  相似文献   

Mice with a targeted deletion of the Hoxa3 gene have defects of derivatives of the third branchial arch and pouch. To address the role of the Hoxa3 gene in parathyroid organogenesis, we examined the third pharyngeal pouch development by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using the secretory protein (SP)-1/chromogranin A antiserum, which recognizes the parathyroid from its initial formation onward. At embryonic day (E) 11.5, the SP-1/chromogranin A-immunoreactive primary rudiment of the parathyroid appeared in the cranial region of the third pharyngeal pouch of wild-type embryos. In Hoxa3-null mutants, the third pharyngeal pouch was normally formed but failed to differentiate into the parathyroid rudiment, showing no immunoreactivity for SP-1/chromogranin A. Classic studies using chick-quail chimeras have demonstrated that the ectomesenchymal neural crest cells are required for proper development of the pharyngeal pouch-derived organs, including the thymus and parathyroid glands. To visualize the migration and development of mesenchymal neural crest cells in Hoxa3 mutants, the heterozygotes were crossed with connexin43-lacZ transgenic mice in which beta-galactosidase expression was specific to the neural crest cells. In Hoxa3 homozygotes and in wild types, ectomesenchymal neural crest cells densely populated the pharyngeal arches, including the third one, and surrounded the third pouch epithelium. These results indicate that lack of the Hoxa3 gene affects the intrinsic ability of the third pharyngeal pouch to form the parathyroid rudiment and has no detectable effect on the migration of neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) is expressed in many domains of the developing embryo. Globally decreased FGF8 signaling during murine embryogenesis results in a hypomorphic phenotype with a constellation of heart, outflow tract, great vessel and pharyngeal gland defects that phenocopies human deletion 22q11 syndromes, such as DiGeorge. We postulate that these Fgf8 hypomorphic phenotypes result from disruption of local FGF8 signaling from pharyngeal arch epithelia to mesenchymal cells populating and migrating through the third and fourth pharyngeal arches. To test our hypothesis, and to determine whether the pharyngeal ectoderm and endoderm Fgf8 expression domains have discrete functional roles, we performed conditional mutagenesis of Fgf8 using novel Crerecombinase drivers to achieve domain-specific ablation of Fgf8 gene function in the pharyngeal arch ectoderm and endoderm. Remarkably, ablating FGF8 protein in the pharyngeal arch ectoderm causes failure of formation of the fourth pharyngeal arch artery that results in aortic arch and subclavian artery anomalies in 95% of mutants; these defects recapitulate the spectrum and frequency of vascular defects reported in Fgf8 hypomorphs. Surprisingly, no cardiac, outflow tract or glandular defects were found in ectodermal-domain mutants, indicating that ectodermally derived FGF8 has essential roles during pharyngeal arch vascular development distinct from those in cardiac, outflow tract and pharyngeal gland morphogenesis. By contrast, ablation of FGF8 in the third and fourth pharyngeal endoderm and ectoderm caused glandular defects and bicuspid aortic valve, which indicates that the FGF8 endodermal domain has discrete roles in pharyngeal and valvar development. These results support our hypotheses that local FGF8 signaling from the pharyngeal epithelia is required for pharyngeal vascular and glandular development, and that the pharyngeal ectodermal and endodermal domains of FGF8 have separate functions.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are crucial for the development of the endoderm of the pharyngeal pouches into the epithelia of thymus and parathyroid glands. Here we investigated the dynamics of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that take place at the earliest stages of thymic and parathyroid organogenesis using the quail-chick model together with a co-culture system capable of reproducing these early events in vitro. The presumptive territories of thymus and parathyroid epithelia were identified in three-dimensionally preserved pharyngeal endoderm of embryonic day 4.5 chick embryos on the basis of the expression of Foxn1 and Gcm2, respectively: the thymic rudiment is located in the dorsal domain of the third and fourth pouches, while the parathyroid rudiment occupies a more medial/anterior pouch domain. Using in vitro quail-chick tissue associations combined with in ovo transplantations, we show that the somatopleural but not the limb bud mesenchyme, can mimic the role of neural crest-derived pharyngeal mesenchyme to sustain development of these glands up to terminal differentiation. Furthermore, mesenchymal-derived Bmp4 appears to be essential to promote early stages of endoderm development during a short window of time, irrespective of the mesenchymal source. In vivo studies using the quail-chick system and implantation of growth factor soaked-beads further showed that expression of Bmp4 by the mesenchyme is necessary during a 24 h-period of time. After this period however, Bmp4 is no longer required and another signalling factor produced by the mesenchyme, Fgf10, influences later differentiation of the pouch endoderm. These results show that morphological development and cell differentiation of thymus and parathyroid epithelia require a succession of signals emanating from the associated mesenchyme, among which Bmp4 plays a pivotal role for triggering thymic epithelium specification.  相似文献   

An Fgf8 mouse mutant phenocopies human 22q11 deletion syndrome   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Deletion of chromosome 22q11, the most common microdeletion detected in humans, is associated with a life-threatening array of birth defects. Although 90% of affected individuals share the same three megabase deletion, their phenotype is highly variable and includes craniofacial and cardiovascular anomalies, hypoplasia or aplasia of the thymus with associated deficiency of T cells, hypocalcemia with hypoplasia or aplasia of the parathyroids, and a variety of central nervous system abnormalities. Because ablation of neural crest in chicks produces many features of the deletion 22q11 syndrome, it has been proposed that haploinsufficiency in this region impacts neural crest function during cardiac and pharyngeal arch development. Few factors required for migration, survival, proliferation and subsequent differentiation of pharyngeal arch neural crest and mesoderm-derived mesenchyme into their respective cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and glandular derivatives have been identified. However, the importance of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and pharyngeal endoderm function is becoming increasingly clear. Fibroblast growth factor 8 is a signaling molecule expressed in the ectoderm and endoderm of the developing pharyngeal arches and known to play an important role in survival and patterning of first arch tissues. We demonstrate a dosage-sensitive requirement for FGF8 during development of pharyngeal arch, pharyngeal pouch and neural crest-derived tissues. We show that FGF8 deficient embryos have lethal malformations of the cardiac outflow tract, great vessels and heart due, at least in part, to failure to form the fourth pharyngeal arch arteries, altered expression of Fgf10 in the pharyngeal mesenchyme, and abnormal apoptosis in pharyngeal and cardiac neural crest. The Fgf8 mutants described herein display the complete array of cardiovascular, glandular and craniofacial phenotypes seen in human deletion 22q11 syndromes. This represents the first single gene disruption outside the typically deleted region of human chromosome 22 to fully recapitulate the deletion 22q11 phenotype. FGF8 may operate directly in molecular pathways affected by deletions in 22q11 or function in parallel pathways required for normal development of pharyngeal arch and neural crest-derived tissues. In either case, Fgf8 may function as a modifier of the 22q11 deletion and contribute to the phenotypic variability of this syndrome.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and regulators of the FGF signalling pathway are expressed in several cell types within the cerebellum throughout its development. Although much is known about the function of this pathway during the establishment of the cerebellar territory during early embryogenesis, the role of this pathway during later developmental stages is still poorly understood. Here, we investigated the function of sprouty genes (Spry1, Spry2 and Spry4), which encode feedback antagonists of FGF signalling, during cerebellar development in the mouse. Simultaneous deletion of more than one of these genes resulted in a number of defects, including mediolateral expansion of the cerebellar vermis, reduced thickness of the granule cell layer and abnormal foliation. Analysis of cerebellar development revealed that the anterior cerebellar neuroepithelium in the early embryonic cerebellum was expanded and that granule cell proliferation during late embryogenesis and early postnatal development was reduced. We show that the granule cell proliferation deficit correlated with reduced sonic hedgehog (SHH) expression and signalling. A reduction in Fgfr1 dosage during development rescued these defects, confirming that the abnormalities are due to excess FGF signalling. Our data indicate that sprouty acts both cell autonomously in granule cell precursors and non-cell autonomously to regulate granule cell number. Taken together, our data demonstrate that FGF signalling levels have to be tightly controlled throughout cerebellar development in order to maintain the normal development of multiple cell types.  相似文献   

A genetic link between Tbx1 and fibroblast growth factor signaling   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Tbx1 haploinsufficiency causes aortic arch abnormalities in mice because of early growth and remodeling defects of the fourth pharyngeal arch arteries. The function of Tbx1 in the development of these arteries is probably cell non-autonomous, as the gene is not expressed in structural components of the artery but in the surrounding pharyngeal endoderm. We hypothesized that Tbx1 may trigger signals from the pharyngeal endoderm directed to the underlying mesenchyme. We show that the expression patterns of Fgf8 and Fgf10, which partially overlap with Tbx1 expression pattern, are altered in Tbx1(-/-) mutants. In particular, Fgf8 expression is abolished in the pharyngeal endoderm. To understand the significance of this finding for the pathogenesis of the mutant Tbx1 phenotype, we crossed Tbx1 and Fgf8 mutants. Double heterozygous Tbx1(+/-);Fgf8(+/-) mutants present with a significantly higher penetrance of aortic arch artery defects than do Tbx1(+/-);Fgf8(+/+) mutants, while Tbx1(+/+);Fgf8(+/-) animals are normal. We found that Fgf8 mutation increases the severity of the primary defect caused by Tbx1 haploinsufficiency, i.e. early hypoplasia of the fourth pharyngeal arch arteries, consistent with the time and location of the shared expression domain of the two genes. Hence, Tbx1 and Fgf8 interact genetically in the development of the aortic arch. Our data provide the first evidence of a genetic link between Tbx1 and FGF signaling, and the first example of a modifier of the Tbx1 haploinsufficiency phenotype. We speculate that the FGF8 locus might affect the penetrance of cardiovascular defects in individuals with chromosome 22q11 deletions involving TBX1.  相似文献   

Hes genes are required to maintain diverse progenitor cell populations during embryonic development. Loss of Hes1 results in a spectrum of malformations of pharyngeal endoderm-derived organs, including the ultimobranchial body (progenitor of C cells), parathyroid, thymus and thyroid glands, together with highly penetrant C-cell aplasia (81%) and parathyroid aplasia (28%). The hypoplastic parathyroid and thymus are mostly located around the pharyngeal cavity, even at embryonic day (E) 15.5 to E18.5, indicating the failure of migration of the organs. To clarify the relationship between these phenotypes and neural crest cells, we examine fate mapping of neural crest cells colonized in pharyngeal arches in Hes1 null mutants by using the Wnt1-Cre/R26R reporter system. In null mutants, the number of neural crest cells labeled by X-gal staining is markedly decreased in the pharyngeal mesenchyme at E12.5 when the primordia of the thymus, parathyroid and ultimobranchial body migrate toward their destinations. Furthermore, phospho-Histone-H3-positive proliferating cells are reduced in number in the pharyngeal mesenchyme at this stage. Our data indicate that the development of pharyngeal organs and survival of neural-crest-derived mesenchyme in pharyngeal arches are critically dependent on Hes1. We propose that the defective survival of neural-crest-derived mesenchymal cells in pharyngeal arches directly or indirectly leads to deficiencies of pharyngeal organs.  相似文献   

The pharyngeal arches are separated by endodermal outpocketings, the pharyngeal pouches. These are structures of considerable importance; they are required to segregate the mesenchymal populations of each arch and to induce the formation of arch components, and they generate specific derivatives, including the parathyroid and the thymus. The pharyngeal pouches are first evident as localised sites at which the endoderm contacts the ectoderm, and they then expand along the proximodistal axis to generate the narrow, tight morphology of the mature pouch. We currently have no knowledge of the morphogenetic mechanisms that direct formation of the pharyngeal pouches. Here, in chick, we show that cells within the pharyngeal pouch endoderm have an abundance of apically located actin fibres that are networked within the endodermal sheet, via their insertion into N-cadherin adherens junctions, to form a web of supra-cellular actin cables. Cytochalasin D disruption of these actin structures results in the formation of aberrant pouches that fail to generate their normal slit-like morphology. This suggests that the process of pharyngeal pouch morphogenesis involves the constraining influence of these actin cables that direct expansion, within the pouch, along the proximodistal axis. These results, importantly, provide us with vital insights into how the pharyngeal pouches form their normal morphology. They also give evidence, for the first time, of actin cables functioning as constraints during complex vertebrate morphogenetic episodes.  相似文献   

Targeted inactivation of the mouse retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2/ALDH1a2), the enzyme responsible for early embryonic retinoic acid synthesis, is embryonic lethal because of defects in early heart morphogenesis. Transient maternal RA supplementation from E7.5 to (at least) E8.5 rescues most of these defects, but the supplemented Raldh2(-/-) mutants die prenatally, from a lack of septation of the heart outflow tract (Niederreither, K., Vermot, J., Messaddeq, N., Schuhbaur, B., Chambon, P. and Dollé, P. (2001). Development 128, 1019-1031). We have investigated the developmental basis for this defect, and found that the RA-supplemented Raldh2(-/-) embryos exhibit impaired development of their posterior (3rd-6th) branchial arch region. While the development of the first and second arches and their derivatives, as well as the formation of the first branchial pouch, appear to proceed normally, more posterior pharyngeal pouches fail to form and the pharyngeal endoderm develops a rudimentary, pouch-like structure. All derivatives of the posterior branchial arches are affected. These include the aortic arches, pouch-derived organs (thymus, parathyroid gland) and post-otic neural crest cells, which fail to establish segmental migratory pathways and are misrouted caudally. Patterning and axonal outgrowth of the posterior (9th-12th) cranial nerves is also altered. Vagal crest deficiency in Raldh2(-/-) mutants leads to agenesis of the enteric ganglia, a condition reminiscent of human Hirschprung's disease. In addition, we provide evidence that: (i) wildtype Raldh2 expression is restricted to the posteriormost pharyngeal mesoderm; (ii) endogenous RA response occurs in both the pharyngeal endoderm and mesoderm, and extends more rostrally than Raldh2 expression up to the 2nd arch; (iii) RA target genes (Hoxa1, Hoxb1) are downregulated in both the pharyngeal endoderm and mesoderm of mutant embryos. Thus, RALDH2 plays a crucial role in producing RA required for pharyngeal development, and RA is one of the diffusible mesodermal signals that pattern the pharyngeal endoderm.  相似文献   

Disruption of retinoic acid signaling causes a variety of pharyngeal arch artery and great vessel defects, as well as malformations in many other tissues, including those derived from the pharyngeal endoderm. Previous studies implied that arch artery defects in the context of defective RA signaling occur secondary to pharyngeal pouch segmentation defects, although this model has never been experimentally verified. In this study, we examined arch artery morphogenesis during mouse development, and the role of RA in this process. We show in normal embryos that the arch arteries form by vasculogenic differentiation of pharyngeal mesoderm. Using various genetic backgrounds and tissue-specific mutation approaches, we segregate pharyngeal arch artery and pharyngeal pouch defects in RA receptor mutants, and show that RA signal transduction only in pharyngeal mesoderm is required for arch artery formation. RA does not control pharyngeal mesodermal differentiation to endothelium, but instead promotes the aggregation of endothelial cells into nascent vessels. Expression of VE-cadherin was substantially reduced in RAR mutants, and this deficiency may underlie the arch artery defects. The consequences of disrupted mesodermal and endodermal RA signaling were restricted to the 4th and 6th arch arteries and to the 4th pharyngeal pouch, respectively, suggesting that different regulatory mechanisms control the formation of the more anterior arch arteries and pouches.  相似文献   

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