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Heterochromatin and associated gene silencing processes play roles in development, genome defense, and chromosome function. In many species, constitutive heterochromatin is decorated with histone H3 tri-methylated at lysine 9 (H3K9me3) and cytosine methylation. In Neurospora crassa, a five-protein complex, DCDC, catalyzes H3K9 methylation, which then directs DNA methylation. Here, we identify and characterize a gene important for DCDC function, dim-3 (defective in methylation-3), which encodes the nuclear import chaperone NUP-6 (Importin α). The critical mutation in dim-3 results in a substitution in an ARM repeat of NUP-6 and causes a substantial loss of H3K9me3 and DNA methylation. Surprisingly, nuclear transport of all known proteins involved in histone and DNA methylation, as well as a canonical transport substrate, appear normal in dim-3 strains. Interactions between DCDC members also appear normal, but the nup-6dim-3 allele causes the DCDC members DIM-5 and DIM-7 to mislocalize from heterochromatin and NUP-6dim-3 itself is mislocalized from the nuclear envelope, at least in conidia. GCN-5, a member of the SAGA histone acetyltransferase complex, also shows altered localization in dim-3, raising the possibility that NUP-6 is necessary to localize multiple chromatin complexes following nucleocytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   

Polysialoganglioside GT1b, a keratinocyte membrane glycosphingolipid, inhibits normal keratinocyte adhesion and migration on a fibronectin matrix. The specificity of the inhibition for cells plated on a fibronectin matrix and competition of GT1b inhibition with peptide RGDS suggest that GT1b abrogates the α5β1/fibronectin interaction. We examined the effects of GT1b on the adhesion and migration of keratinocyte-derived cell lines and correlated GT1b responsiveness and α5β1integrin expression. GT1b (5 nM) significantly inhibited migration of normal human keratinocytes, immortalized keratinocytes, and squamous cell carcinoma SCC12F2 cells on fibronectin, but not on collagen I. Concentrations as high as 5 μM had no effect on SCC13 or HaCaT cells. Likewise, GT1b inhibited fibronectin-dependent cell adhesion of normal human keratinocytes, immortalized keratinocytes, and SCC12F2 cells, but had no effect on SCC13 or HaCaT cells. Flow cytometric and Western immunoblot analysis of integrin expression showed significantly decreased α5and β1integrin expression in SCC13 and HaCaT cells compared to normal keratinocytes, immortalized keratinocytes, and SCC12F2 cells. Incubation with TGF-β1 increased α5β1integrin expression and induced responsiveness to GT1b in HaCaT cells. These data imply that GT1b “response” requires sufficient expression of α5β1and further suggest that the mechanism of the inhibitory effect of GT1b involves GT1b/α5β1interaction.  相似文献   

The genome of the thermophilic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor bescii encodes three multimodular enzymes with identical C-terminal domain organizations containing two consecutive CBM3b modules and one glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 48 (GH48) catalytic module. However, the three proteins differ much in their N termini. Among these proteins, CelA (or C. bescii Cel9A [CbCel9A]/Cel48A) with a GH9/CBM3c binary partner in the N terminus has been shown to use a novel strategy to degrade crystalline cellulose, which leads to its outstanding cellulose-cleaving activity. Here we show that C. bescii Xyn10C (CbXyn10C), the N-terminal GH10 domain from CbXyn10C/Cel48B, can also degrade crystalline cellulose, in addition to heterogeneous xylans and barley β-glucan. The data from substrate competition assays, mutational studies, molecular modeling, and docking point analyses point to the existence of only one catalytic center in the bifunctional xylanase/β-glucanase. The specific activities of the recombinant CbXyn10C on Avicel and filter paper were comparable to those of GH9/CBM3c of the robust CelA expressed in Escherichia coli. Appending one or two cellulose-binding CBM3bs enhanced the activities of CbXyn10C in degrading crystalline celluloses, which were again comparable to those of the GH9/CBM3c-CBM3b-CBM3b truncation mutant of CelA. Since CbXyn10C/Cel48B and CelA have similar domain organizations and high sequence homology, the endocellulase activity observed in CbXyn10C leads us to speculate that CbXyn10C/Cel48B may use the same strategy that CelA uses to hydrolyze crystalline cellulose, thus helping the excellent crystalline cellulose degrader C. bescii acquire energy from the environment. In addition, we also demonstrate that CbXyn10C may be an interesting candidate enzyme for biotechnology due to its versatility in hydrolyzing multiple substrates with different glycosidic linkages.  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas are highly invasive, proliferative, and resistant to treatment. Previously, we have shown that p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is a novel mediator of invasion of human glioma cells. However, the role of p75NTR in glioma proliferation is unknown. Here we used brain tumor-initiating cells (BTICs) and show that BTICs express neurotrophin receptors (p75NTR, TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC) and their ligands (NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and neurotrophin 3) and secrete NGF. Down-regulation of p75NTR significantly decreased proliferation of BTICs. Conversely, exogenouous NGF stimulated BTIC proliferation through α- and γ-secretase-mediated p75NTR cleavage and release of its intracellular domain (ICD). In contrast, overexpression of the p75NTR ICD induced proliferation. Interestingly, inhibition of Trk signaling blocked NGF-stimulated BTIC proliferation and p75NTR cleavage, indicating a role of Trk in p75NTR signaling. Further, blocking p75NTR cleavage attenuated Akt activation in BTICs, suggesting role of Akt in p75NTR-mediated proliferation. We also found that p75NTR, α-secretases, and the four subunits of the γ-secretase enzyme were elevated in glioblastoma multiformes patients. Importantly, the ICD of p75NTR was commonly found in malignant glioma patient specimens, suggesting that the receptor is activated and cleaved in patient tumors. These results suggest that p75NTR proteolysis is required for BTIC proliferation and is a novel potential clinical target.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(11):1530-1536
The transglycosylation activity of a novel α-glucosidase from the basidiomycetous yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous (formerly Phaffia rhodozyma) was studied using maltose as glucosyl donor. The enzyme synthesized oligosaccharides with α-(1  2), α-(1  4) and α-(1  6) bonds. Using 200 g/l maltose, the yield of oligosaccharides was 53.8 g/l, with prebiotic oligosaccharides containing at least one α-(1  6) linkage (panose, 6-O-α-glucosyl-maltotriose and 6-O-α-isomaltosyl-maltose) being the major products (47.1 g/l). The transglycosylatying yield was 3.6 times higher than the observed with the α-glucosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (53.8 vs. 14.7 g/l). Moreover, when increasing the maltose concentration up to 525 g/l, the maximum production of tri- and tetrasaccharides reached 167.1 g/l, without altering the percentage of oligosaccharides in the mixture. Compared with other microbial α-glucosidases in which the main transglycosylation product is a disaccharide, the enzyme from X. dendrorhous yields a final product enriched in trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides.  相似文献   

SLC30A8 encodes a zinc transporter ZnT8 largely restricted to pancreatic islet β- and α-cells, and responsible for zinc accumulation into secretory granules. Although common SLC30A8 variants, believed to reduce ZnT8 activity, increase type 2 diabetes risk in humans, rare inactivating mutations are protective. To investigate the role of Slc30a8 in the control of glucagon secretion, Slc30a8 was inactivated selectively in α-cells by crossing mice with alleles floxed at exon 1 to animals expressing Cre recombinase under the pre-proglucagon promoter. Further crossing to Rosa26:tdRFP mice, and sorting of RFP+: glucagon+ cells from KO mice, revealed recombination in ∼30% of α-cells, of which ∼50% were ZnT8-negative (14 ± 1.8% of all α-cells). Although glucose and insulin tolerance were normal, female αZnT8KO mice required lower glucose infusion rates during hypoglycemic clamps and displayed enhanced glucagon release (p < 0.001) versus WT mice. Correspondingly, islets isolated from αZnT8KO mice secreted more glucagon at 1 mm glucose, but not 17 mm glucose, than WT controls (n = 5; p = 0.008). Although the expression of other ZnT family members was unchanged, cytoplasmic (n = 4 mice per genotype; p < 0.0001) and granular (n = 3, p < 0.01) free Zn2+ levels were significantly lower in KO α-cells versus control cells. In response to low glucose, the amplitude and frequency of intracellular Ca2+ increases were unchanged in α-cells of αZnT8KO KO mice. ZnT8 is thus important in a subset of α-cells for normal responses to hypoglycemia and acts via Ca2+-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

A critical function of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef protein is the downregulation of CD4 from the surfaces of infected cells. Nef is believed to act by linking the cytosolic tail of CD4 to the endocytic machinery, thereby increasing the rate of CD4 internalization. In support of this model, weak binary interactions between CD4, Nef, and the endocytic adaptor complex, AP-2, have been reported. In particular, dileucine and diacidic motifs in the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef have been shown to mediate binding to a combination of the α and σ2 subunits of AP-2. Here, we report the identification of a potential binding site for the Nef diacidic motif on α-adaptin. This site comprises two basic residues, lysine-297 and arginine-340, on the α-adaptin trunk domain. The mutation of these residues specifically inhibits the ability of Nef to bind AP-2 and downregulate CD4. We also present evidence that the diacidic motif on Nef and the basic patch on α-adaptin are both required for the cooperative assembly of a CD4-Nef-AP-2 complex. This cooperativity explains how Nef is able to efficiently downregulate CD4 despite weak binary interactions between components of the tripartite complex.CD4, a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that serves as a coreceptor for major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules, is expressed on the surfaces of helper T lymphocytes and cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage (8). Primate immunodeficiency viruses gain access to these cells by virtue of the interaction of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) with a combination of CD4 and a chemokine receptor (63). This interaction causes a conformational change within the Env protein that promotes the fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane. Upon the delivery of the viral genetic material into the cytoplasm of the host cells, one of the first virally encoded proteins to be expressed is Nef, an accessory factor that modulates specific signal transduction and protein-trafficking pathways in a manner that optimizes the intracellular environment for viral replication (reviewed in references 21, 39, and 65). Perhaps the best characterized function of Nef is the downregulation of CD4 from the surfaces of the host cells (6, 22, 29, 45). CD4 downregulation prevents superinfection (6, 41) and enhances virion release (19, 38, 48, 66, 76), thereby contributing to the establishment of a robust infective state (24, 72).The mechanism used by the Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to downregulate CD4 has been the subject of extensive study, but only recently have the molecular details of this process begun to be unraveled. It is generally acknowledged that HIV-1 Nef accelerates the internalization of CD4 from the plasma membrane by linking the cytosolic tail of the receptor to the clathrin-associated endocytic machinery (1, 12, 20, 34, 40, 64). In support of this model, a hydrophobic pocket comprising W57 and L58 on the folded core domain of Nef binds with millimolar affinity to the cytosolic tail of CD4 (28) (all residues and numbers correspond to the NL4-3 variant of HIV-1 Nef used in this study). In addition, a dileucine motif (ENTSLL, residues 160 to 165) (10, 16, 26) and a diacidic motif (D174 and D175) (2) on the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef mediate an interaction of micromolar affinity with the clathrin-associated, heterotetrameric (α-β2-μ2-σ2) adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) complex (12, 20, 40, 49). These interactions draw CD4 into clathrin-coated pits that eventually bud inwards as clathrin-coated vesicles (11, 27). Internalized CD4 is subsequently delivered to endosomes and then to lysosomes for degradation (3, 23, 59, 64).Despite progress in the understanding of the mechanism of Nef-induced CD4 downregulation, several important aspects remain to be elucidated. Previous studies have shown that the Nef dileucine and diacidic motifs interact with a combination of the α and σ2 subunits of AP-2 (referred to as the α-σ2 hemicomplex) (12, 20, 40, 49), but the precise location of the Nef binding sites is unknown. It also remains to be determined whether Nef can actually bind CD4 and AP-2 at the same time. Indeed, the formation of a tripartite CD4-Nef-AP-2 complex in which Nef links the cytosolic tail of CD4 to AP-2 has long been hypothesized but has never been demonstrated experimentally. Given the relatively weak affinity of Nef for the CD4 tail (28) and AP-2 (12, 40), it is unclear how such a complex could assemble and function in CD4 downregulation.In this study, we have addressed these issues by using a combination of yeast hybrid, in vitro binding, and in vivo CD4 downregulation assays. We report the identification of a candidate binding site for the Nef diacidic motif on the AP-2 complex. This site, a basic patch comprising K297 and R340 on α-adaptin, is specifically required for Nef binding and Nef-induced CD4 downregulation. We also show that the Nef diacidic motif and the α-adaptin basic patch are required for the cooperative assembly of a tripartite complex composed of the CD4 cytosolic tail, Nef, and the α-σ2 hemicomplex. The cooperative manner in which this complex is formed explains how Nef is able to efficiently downregulate CD4 from the plasma membrane despite weak binary interactions between the components of this complex.  相似文献   

One of the most important molecules for multiple sclerosis pathogenesis is α4 integrin, which is responsible for autoreactive leukocytes migration into the brain. The monoclonal antibody, natalizumab, was introduced to market for blocking the extravasation of autoreactive leukocytes via inhibition of α4 integrin. However, the disadvantages of antibodies provided a suitable background for other agents to be replaced with antibodies. Considering the profound advantages of aptamers over antibodies, aptamer isolation against α4 integrin was intended in the current study. The α4 integrin-specific aptamers were selected using cell-systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) method with human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293T overexpressing α4 integrin and HEK-293T as target and control cells, respectively. Evaluation of selected aptamer was performed through flow cytometric analysis. The selected clones were then sequenced and analyzed for any possible secondary structure and affinity. The results of this study led to isolation of 13 different single-stranded DNA clones in 11 rounds of selection which were categorized to three clusters based on common structural motifs and the equilibrium dissociation constant (K d) of the most stable structure was calculated. The evaluation of SELEX progress showed growth in aptamer affinity with increasing of the number of cycles. Taken together, the findings of this study demonstrated the isolation of α4-specific single-stranded DNA aptamers with suitable affinity for ligand, which can further be replaced with natalizumab.  相似文献   

1. l-alpha-Amino[6-(14)C]adipic acid has been prepared from the dl-amino acid by oxidation of the l-isomer with l-amino acid oxidase to alpha-oxo[6-(14)C]adipic acid and by transamination of the latter with l-glutamic acid in an extract of a Cephalosporium sp. prepared by ultrasonic treatment of the mycelium. 2. The optical configuration of small amounts of (14)C-labelled alpha-aminoadipic acid from the mycelium of the Cephalosporium sp. has been determined by treatment with l-amino acid oxidase and measurement of the proportion of radioactivity subsequently retained on a column of a strong cation-exchange resin. 3. alpha-Aminoadipic acid which had been labelled in the mycelium from [1-(14)C]acetate appeared to contain more than 99% of the l-isomer. 4. l-alpha-Amino[(14)C]adipic acid (sodium salt) was taken up much more rapidly than the d-isomer, or alpha-oxo[6-(14)C]adipic acid, by suspensions of washed mycelium of the Cephalosporium sp. in water. The pool of intracellular alpha-aminoadipic acid was expandable. 5. Intracellular products found to be labelled with (14)C from l-alpha-amino[(14)C]adipic acid were delta-aminovaleric acid, saccharopine, lysine, protein, compounds which behaved like penicillin N, cephalosporin C and deacetylcephalosporin C respectively on paper chromatography and electrophoresis, and a peptide whose amino acid residues include alpha-aminoadipic acid, cysteine and valine. 6. l-alpha-Amino[(14)C]adipic acid acted as a precursor of the delta-(d-alpha-aminoadipoyl) side chains of extracellular penicillin N and cephalosporin C. 7. (14)C from d-alpha-amino[(14)C]adipic acid was incorporated into penicillin N and cephalosporin C, but the incorporation was accompanied by a relatively high dilution of specific radioactivity and some l-alpha-amino[(14)C]adipic acid was found in the intracellular pool. 8. These findings are discussed in relation to the origin of the d- configuration of the alpha-aminoadipoyl side chain of the antibiotics.  相似文献   

Plant pathogenic fungi deploy secreted effectors to suppress plant immunity responses. These effectors operate either in the apoplast or within host cells, so they are putatively glycosylated, but the posttranslational regulation of their activities has not been explored. In this study, the ASPARAGINE-LINKED GLYCOSYLATION3 (ALG3)-mediated N-glycosylation of the effector, Secreted LysM Protein1 (Slp1), was found to be essential for its activity in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. ALG3 encodes an α-1,3-mannosyltransferase for protein N-glycosylation. Deletion of ALG3 resulted in the arrest of secondary infection hyphae and a significant reduction in virulence. We observed that Δalg3 mutants induced massive production of reactive oxygen species in host cells, in a similar manner to Δslp1 mutants, which is a key factor responsible for arresting infection hyphae of the mutants. Slp1 sequesters chitin oligosaccharides to avoid their recognition by the rice (Oryza sativa) chitin elicitor binding protein CEBiP and the induction of innate immune responses, including reactive oxygen species production. We demonstrate that Slp1 has three N-glycosylation sites and that simultaneous Alg3-mediated N-glycosylation of each site is required to maintain protein stability and the chitin binding activity of Slp1, which are essential for its effector function. These results indicate that Alg3-mediated N-glycosylation of Slp1 is required to evade host innate immunity.  相似文献   

Gene product 12 of bacteriophage T4, adhesin, serves to adhere the virus to host cells. Adhesin is a fibrous homotrimer, and a novel tertiary structure element, a -helix, is supposed to be a major structural feature of this protein. We have constructed two truncated gp12 mutants, 12N1 and 12N2, containing 221 and 135 N-terminal residues, respectively. When expressed in E. coli cells, these gp12 fragments formed labile -structural trimers. Another hybrid protein, 12FN, containing 179 N-terminal amino acid residues of gp12 fused to the C-terminal domain (31 amino acids) of T4 fibritin, was shown to have a trimeric proteolytically resistant a-helical structure. This structure is probably similar to that of fibritin, which has a triple -helical coiled-coil structure. Hence, we have demonstrated the possibility of global transformation of fibrous protein structure using fusion with a C-terminal domain that initiates trimerization.  相似文献   

Brugada syndrome (BrS) is an inherited autosomal dominant cardiac channelopathy. Several mutations on the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5 which are responsible for BrS lead to misfolded proteins that do not traffic properly to the plasma membrane. In order to mimic patient heterozygosity, a trafficking defective mutant, R1432G was co-expressed with Wild Type (WT) Nav1.5 channels in HEK293T cells. This mutant significantly decreased the membrane Na current density when it was co-transfected with the WT channel. This dominant negative effect did not result in altered biophysical properties of Nav1.5 channels. Luminometric experiments revealed that the expression of mutant proteins induced a significant reduction in membrane expression of WT channels. Interestingly, we have found that the auxiliary Na channel β1-subunit was essential for this dominant negative effect. Indeed, the absence of the β1-subunit prevented the decrease in WT sodium current density and surface proteins associated with the dominant negative effect. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated a physical interaction between Na channel α-subunits. This interaction occurred only when the β1-subunit was present. Our findings reveal a new role for β1-subunits in cardiac voltage-gated sodium channels by promoting α-α subunit interaction which can lead to a dominant negative effect when one of the α-subunits shows a trafficking defective mutation.  相似文献   

Replication of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, a model for eukaryotic chromosomal replication, can be reconstituted in vitro using the viral helicase (large tumor antigen, or Tag) and purified human proteins. Tag interacts physically with two cellular proteins, replication protein A and DNA polymerase α-primase (pol-prim), constituting the viral primosome. Like the well characterized primosomes of phages T7 and T4, this trio of proteins coordinates parental DNA unwinding with primer synthesis to initiate the leading strand at the viral origin and each Okazaki fragment on the lagging strand template. We recently determined the structure of a previously unrecognized pol-prim domain (p68N) that docks on Tag, identified the p68N surface that contacts Tag, and demonstrated its vital role in primosome function. Here, we identify the p68N-docking site on Tag by using structure-guided mutagenesis of the Tag helicase surface. A charge reverse substitution in Tag disrupted both p68N-binding and primosome activity but did not affect docking with other pol-prim subunits. Unexpectedly, the substitution also disrupted Tag ATPase and helicase activity, suggesting a potential link between p68N docking and ATPase activity. To assess this possibility, we examined the primosome activity of Tag with a single residue substitution in the Walker B motif. Although this substitution abolished ATPase and helicase activity as expected, it did not reduce pol-prim docking on Tag or primosome activity on single-stranded DNA, indicating that Tag ATPase is dispensable for primosome activity in vitro.  相似文献   

Thrombin is a potent platelet agonist that activates platelets and other cells of the cardiovascular system by cleaving its G-protein-coupled receptors, protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1), PAR4, or both. We now show that cleaving PAR1 and PAR4 with α-thrombin induces heterodimer formation. PAR1-PAR4 heterodimers were not detected when unstimulated; however, when the cells were stimulated with 10 nm α-thrombin, we were able to detect a strong interaction between PAR1 and PAR4 by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. In contrast, activating the receptors without cleavage using PAR1 and PAR4 agonist peptides (TFLLRN and AYPGKF, respectively) did not enhance heterodimer formation. Preventing PAR1 or PAR4 cleavage with point mutations or hirugen also prevented the induction of heterodimers. To further characterize the PAR1-PAR4 interactions, we mapped the heterodimer interface by introducing point mutations in transmembrane helix 4 of PAR1 or PAR4 that prevented heterodimer formation. Finally, we show that mutations in PAR1 or PAR4 at the heterodimer interface prevented PAR1-assisted cleavage of PAR4. These data demonstrate that PAR1 and PAR4 require allosteric changes induced via receptor cleavage by α-thrombin to mediate heterodimer formation, and we have determined the PAR1-PAR4 heterodimer interface. Our findings show that PAR1 and PAR4 have dynamic interactions on the cell surface that should be taken into account when developing and characterizing PAR antagonists.  相似文献   



AMPK is a promising pharmacological target in relation to metabolic disorders partly due to its non-insulin dependent glucose uptake promoting role in skeletal muscle. Of the 2 catalytic α-AMPK isoforms, α2 AMPK is clearly required for stimulation of glucose transport into muscle by certain stimuli. In contrast, no clear function has yet been determined for α1 AMPK in skeletal muscle, possibly due to α-AMPK isoform signaling redundancy. By applying low-intensity twitch-contraction and H2O2 stimulation to activate α1 AMPK, but not α2 AMPK, in wildtype and α-AMPK transgenic mouse muscles, this study aimed to define conditions where α1 AMPK is required to increase muscle glucose uptake.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Following stimulation with H2O2 (3 mM, 20 min) or twitch-contraction (0.1 ms pulse, 2 Hz, 2 min), signaling and 2-deoxyglucose uptake were measured in incubated soleus muscles from wildtype and muscle-specific kinase-dead AMPK (KD), α1 AMPK knockout or α2 AMPK knockout mice. H2O2 increased the activity of both α1 and α2 AMPK in addition to Akt phosphorylation, and H2O2-stimulated glucose uptake was not reduced in any of the AMPK transgenic mouse models compared with wild type. In contrast, twitch-contraction increased the activity of α1 AMPK, but not α2 AMPK activity nor Akt or AS160 phosphorylation. Glucose uptake was markedly lower in α1 AMPK knockout and KD AMPK muscles, but not in α2 AMPK knockout muscles, following twitch stimulation.


These results provide strong genetic evidence that α1 AMPK, but not α2 AMPK, Akt or AS160, is necessary for regulation of twitch-contraction stimulated glucose uptake. To our knowledge, this is the first report to show a major and essential role of α1 AMPK in regulating a physiological endpoint in skeletal muscle. In contrast, AMPK is not essential for H2O2-stimulated muscle glucose uptake, as proposed by recent studies.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) and some other oxidative guanine modifications are removed from the DNA by base excision repair, which is initiated by OGG1 protein. We have tested whether this repair is inducible in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), MCF-7 breast cancer cells and primary human fibroblasts by a pretreatment with the photosensitizer Ro19-8022 plus light, which generates predominantly 8-oxoG, or with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), which generates alkylated bases and abasic sites (AP sites). The results indicate that the repair rate of the oxidative guanine modifications induced by the photosensitizer was not increased if a priming dose of the oxidative or alkylating agent was applied 6 or 18h prior to a challenging dose, although pretreatments with both agents resulted in two-fold elevated glutathione levels as an indication for an adaptive response. Similarly, the activity of total protein extracts of the cells to incise at a single 8-oxoG residue in an oligonucleotide was unchanged. It has to be concluded that the repair of 8-oxoG is not inducible by oxidative or alkylation damage.  相似文献   

Lewis X (LeX, Galβ1–4(Fucα1–3)GlcNAc) is a carbohydrate epitope that is present at the nonreducing terminus of sugar chains of glycoproteins and glycolipids, and is abundantly expressed in several stem cell populations. LeX antigen can be used in conjunction with fluorescence-activated cell sorting to isolate neurosphere-forming neural stem cells (NSCs) from embryonic mouse brains. However, its function in the maintenance and differentiation of stem cells remains largely unknown. In this study, we examined mice deficient for fucosyltransferase 9 (Fut9), which is thought to synthesize most, if not all, of the LeX moieties in the brain. We found that the number of NSCs was increased in the brain of Fut9−/− embryos, suggesting that Fut9-synthesized LeX is dispensable for the maintenance of NSCs. Another α1,3-fucosyltransferase gene, fucosyltransferase 10 (Fut10), is expressed in the ventricular zone of the embryonic brain. Overexpression of Fut10 enhanced the self-renewal of NSCs. Conversely, suppression of Fut10 expression induced the differentiation of NSCs and embryonic stem cells. In addition, knockdown of Fut10 expression in the cortical ventricular zone of the embryonic brain by in utero electroporation of Fut10-miRNAs impaired the radial migration of neural precursor cells. Our data suggest that Fut10 is involved in a unique α1,3-fucosyltransferase activity with stringent substrate specificity, and that this activity is required to maintain stem cells in an undifferentiated state.  相似文献   

Glycosyl inositol phosphorylceramide (GIPC) sphingolipids are a major class of lipids in fungi, protozoans, and plants. GIPCs are abundant in the plasma membrane in plants, comprising around a quarter of the total lipids in these membranes. Plant GIPCs contain unique glycan decorations that include a conserved glucuronic acid (GlcA) residue and various additional sugars; however, no proteins responsible for glycosylating GIPCs have been identified to date. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana protein INOSITOL PHOSPHORYLCERAMIDE GLUCURONOSYLTRANSFERASE1 (IPUT1) transfers GlcA from UDP-GlcA to GIPCs. To demonstrate IPUT1 activity, we introduced the IPUT1 gene together with genes for a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase from Arabidopsis and a human UDP-GlcA transporter into a yeast mutant deficient in the endogenous inositol phosphorylceramide (IPC) mannosyltransferase. In this engineered yeast strain, IPUT1 transferred GlcA to IPC. Overexpression or silencing of IPUT1 in Nicotiana benthamiana resulted in an increase or a decrease, respectively, in IPC glucuronosyltransferase activity in vitro. Plants in which IPUT1 was silenced accumulated IPC, the immediate precursor, as well as ceramides and glucosylceramides. Plants overexpressing IPUT1 showed an increased content of GIPCs. Mutations in IPUT1 are not transmitted through pollen, indicating that these sphingolipids are essential in plants.  相似文献   

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