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甘肃白水江自然保护区大熊猫栖息地生境特征初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集了甘肃省白水江自然保护区2007~2009年监测数据的149个大熊猫活动痕迹点,利用SPSS软件对坡向、坡度、竹种盖度、竹子生长类型、竹子生长状况、海拔和水源7个生境特征变量进行主成分分析,结果显示诸变量的重要性由高到低依次为坡度、坡向、竹子生长状况、海拔、竹种盖度、竹子生长类型和水源,X2适合度检验各生境变量内部不同组分之间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01),表明影响该区大熊猫活动的主要环境因素首先是以坡向和坡度为代表的地形因素,其次为以竹子生长状况、海拔、竹种盖度、竹子生长类型为代表的食物和隐蔽因素,水源对大熊猫活动的影响不显著.  相似文献   

卧龙竹类非结构性碳水化合物与叶氮含量对海拔的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山地由于海拔变化导致的环境因子显著差异,成为研究植物环境适应性及其对全球气候变化响应的理想区域。以卧龙自然保护区内油竹子(Fargesia angustissima Yi)与华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida(Mitford)Keng f.ex Yi)为对象,沿海拔梯度研究了两种竹子在各自海拔分布区间内组织非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)含量、比叶面积(SLA)、以及基于单位叶面积和单位叶质量的叶氮含量(Narea,Nmass)。除油竹子叶NSC,Narea和华西箭竹Nmass随海拔升高不发生变化外,两种竹子其它调查因子对海拔的响应均是非线性的,反映了环境因子随海拔的非线性变化。所有调查因子对海拔的响应均表现出明显的种间差别,这一结果除了种间生理生态特性差别的原因外,可能意味着两竹种对温度的敏感性不同。高海拔种(华西箭竹)比(中)低海拔种(油竹子)对全球气候暖化可能更加敏感。  相似文献   

美丽箬竹是优良观赏经济竹种, 对环境生态因子变化具有很高的敏感性。设置种群密度、光照、施肥、水分等几种关键生态因子的不同处理, 比较其在异质性环境条件下光合、荧光特征差异, 以主成分分析法评价竹子对各生态因子的响应情况, 为竹子良种选育及高效培育技术研究提供依据。结果发现: (1)在不同生态因子的各处理条件下, 美丽箬竹光合生产能力、光合作用效率、光保护能力各有差异和优劣势, 有的处理光合生产力很高, 但光合作用效率却相对较低, 有的处理光保护能力很强, 但光合生产力却相对较低; (2)采用2鞭段上盆、不加遮阳网、基质肥料配比为8:1、隔6天定量浇1次水等处理条件下, 美丽箬竹光合、荧光生理表现最好。结论认为: (1)环境异质性可能是造成同一竹种的光合生产能力、光合作用效率以及光保护等生理过程发生复杂变化的重要原因; (2)美丽箬竹是一种喜光、喜肥、耐旱, 同时需要在适宜种群密度下才能良好生长的竹种; (3)竹种对环境因子的光合生理响应差异, 还可能与竹种长期环境选择和遗传进化有关, 其详细机制仍需深入研究。  相似文献   

宁南方竹和香竹两个竹种果实形态特征迄今未见正式报道;云南龙竹果实虽有报道,但形态描述与本文采集的种子标本差异较大,可能为竹种鉴定有误。本文根据在云南采集到的三个竹种的果实标本,对其特征进行了描述。研究结果将增进对竹子果实性状的认识,为今后竹亚科研究专著的修订工作提供更翔实的资料。  相似文献   

为了分析竹子枝-叶大小间的权衡关系,本研究对武夷山不同海拔典型竹种(毛竹、箬竹、肿节少穗竹、毛竿玉山竹和武夷山玉山竹)小枝的叶片总质量、茎质量、单叶质量和出叶强度等性状进行测定.结果表明: 随海拔升高,5个竹种间小枝上总叶质量与茎质量的异速生长指数呈显著下降趋势.竹种内,毛竹、箬竹和肿节少穗竹总叶质量与茎质量在不同海拔上均拥有共同异速生长指数(分别为0.94、0.85、0.84).毛竿玉山竹和武夷山玉山竹的叶茎质量也存在共同异速生长指数(0.79).除武夷山玉山竹外,竹子单叶质量与出叶强度之间均呈显著的负相关关系.5个竹种的单叶质量和出叶强度之间存在共同异速生长指数-1.12.总之,竹类植物的小枝总体上倾向于在低海拔环境中着生更多的叶片,而在高海拔生境下则投资更多的生物量到茎的构造上.尽管竹种间小枝的茎投资随海拔升高而增加,但其基于茎质量的出叶强度策略取决于叶片大小的构建而不是海拔生境差异.  相似文献   

正The World Health Organization(WHO) recommends neonatal Bacillus Calmette-Guerin(BCG) vaccination in countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis(TB),which has been practiced in more than 150 countries(WHO,2004).The prevalence of TB is a serious condition in China,ranking as the second in the high epidemic countries globally(WHO,2018).China initiated a neonatal BCG vaccination program in 1986 and reached an average vaccination rate of 99% in 2016 with a great success in preventing the incidence of TB(WHO,2018).Primary immunodeficiency dis-  相似文献   

安吉竹种园位于浙江西北有“中国竹乡”之称的安吉县境内,占地300余亩,收集了国内外近330种竹子,是我国目前规模最大,种类最全,数量最多的人工种植竹子示范区。同时,也是浙江大学的植物分类实习基地,湖州地区旅游的王牌景点。 安吉竹种园是一座名贵观赏竹种的大观园。每年都吸引了数万名游客前来欣赏竹子迷人的神  相似文献   

1999年昆明世博会“六大专题园”之一的竹园始建于1997年底,在短短的一年多时间里,移植成活竹种318种,隶属于41属,形成了景色秀美、收集竹种处世界领先的专题竹类植物园,这在植竹、建园史上均是一个奇迹。在专家的建议下,利用云南丰富的竹种资源,使竹园体现出竹类植物的多样性,以特色创园艺水平,以1999年举办这一园艺盛会为象征,引99个竹种,规模为1999丛,并按竹子的习性和类型划分成散生竹区、丛生竹区、大型竹区、高山竹区等4个竹子栽培区域和配置竹楼、竹亭、竹水榭等竹建筑的专题园。竹类在地球上的…  相似文献   

竹类果实的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹类植物属于禾本科中的竹亚科,全世界有一千多种。中国是世界上竹子分布最广、种类最多的国家之一,竹林总面积约340万公顷,竹类植物有30多个属,400多种和亚种。 众所周知,竹子的寿命为几年、几十年甚至上百年,但大多数竹种一生中只开花结果一次,结实后植株便枯萎死亡。由于竹子的果实并不常见,因此关于其形态,一般读者知道的不多。本文仅就笔者的认识谈谈竹类果实的多样性。 在禾本科中,禾亚科植物的果实比较单纯,几乎全为颖果,仅有极少例外者,如鼠尾粟属和穇属等果皮和种皮分离为囊果。然而,在竹亚科中果实的大小、形状、颜色、果皮与种皮是否粘合,甚至果实的类型等,却是多种多样的。  相似文献   

对世界取食、危害竹子的飞虱类昆虫的物种多样性、区系成分和分布特点进行了统计、分析,并对该类昆虫的分布格局及可能的起源与演化路径进行了初步研究。结果表明:截至目前全世界共记录竹子飞虱20属105种,均隶属于飞虱亚科,以凹距飞虱族为优势类群,有18属95种,分别占竹子飞虱属、种数的90%和90.5%,余下的为飞虱族的类群;竹子飞虱主要分布于东洋界(16属96种,占91.4%)和新热带界(6属13种,占12.4%),少数属种可渗透分布至古北界;竹子飞虱的特有属、种极为丰富,特有属13个,占竹子飞虱总属数的65%,特有种89个,比例高达84.8%;竹子飞虱可能起源于新生代第三纪的冈瓦纳古陆,东洋界的中国南部和南亚诸岛是竹子飞虱的现代分布和分化中心,新热带界的厄瓜多尔可能是竹子飞虱的又一现代分布和分化中心。  相似文献   

Bamboos are a diverse and ecologically important group of plants that have the potential to modulate the structure, composition, and function of forests. With the aim of increasing the visibility and representation of bamboo in forest surveys, and to standardize techniques across ecosystems, we present a protocol for bamboo monitoring in permanent research plots. A bamboo protocol is necessary because measurements and sampling schemes that are well-suited to trees are inadequate for monitoring most bamboo species and populations. Our protocol suggests counting all bamboo culms (stems) in the study plot and determining bamboo dimensions based on two different approaches: (a) measuring a random subset of 60 culms and calculating the average dimensions or (b) measuring all culms. With data from 1-ha plots in the Peruvian Andes, we show that both approaches provide very similar estimates of bamboo basal area. We suggest including all mature culms rooted inside change the to each plot from all woody bamboo species with maximum diameters ≥1 cm. We also present recommendations on how to collect vouchers of bamboo species for identification. Data collected according to our proposed protocols will increase our understanding of regional and global patterns in bamboo diversity and the role of bamboo in forest dynamics.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):675-679
Bamboos are known as long-living monocarpic plants that exhibit synchronous flowering at long intervals. It has been reported that florivory has a critical effect on their seed production in bamboos, especially in small scale flowering patches. In this study, we aimed to determine species composition and life history of florivorous insects in multiple bamboo species. We collected the inflorescences of 12 bamboo species from 15 sites in Japan from 2017 to 2019 and recorded insect assemblages found in the flowers. Five different insect species were observed to feed on the flowers of bamboo species. Among these, the larvae of two Dicraeus species were the most widely observed florivorous insects of the bamboo species. The other insects included the larvae of Cecidomyiidae sp., which was frequently observed on Sasa species, and the other two insects were Epuraea submicrurula, and Dimorphopterus japonicus. These insects were oviposited on the florets during the budding period. In addition, predators and parasitoids were found in the bamboo flowers. Our findings suggest that the bamboos flowers were mainly consumed by dipteran larvae. Insect species composition and frequency varied among bamboo species and sites. Comparing the frequency of the florivorous insects among bamboo flowering patches, including mass flowering patches, in different areas is needed in future studies.  相似文献   

Bamboos are one of the most beautiful and useful plants on Earth. The genetic background and population structure of bamboos are well known, which helps accelerate the process of artificial domestication of bamboo. Partial sequences of six genes involved in nitrogen use efficiency in 32 different bamboo species were analyzed for occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The nucleotide diversity θw and total nucleotide polymorphisms πT of the sequenced DNA regions was 0.05137 and 0.03332, respectively. Both πnonsyn /πsyn and Ka/Ks values were <1. The nucleotide sequences of these six genes were inferred to be relatively conserved, and the haplotype diversity was relatively high. The results of evolutionary neutrality tests showed that the six genes were in line with neutral evolution, and that the NRT2.1 and AMT2.1 gene sequences may have experienced negative selection. An inter-SNP recombination event at the NRT2.1 gene in the all pooled sample, of all 32 bamboo species was the lowest at 0.0645, whereas the AMT gene recombination events were all >0.1. Estimation and analysis of linkage disequilibrium of five genes revealed that with the increase in nucleotide sequence length, the degree of SNP linkage disequilibrium decreased rapidly. We inferred the population genetic structure of 32 bamboo species based on the SNP loci of six genes with frequencies >18%. 32 bamboo species were divided into five categories, which indicated that the combined population of all bamboo species had obvious multivariate characteristics and was heterogeneous; red (Group 1) and green (Group 2) were the main groups.  相似文献   

竹子扩张生态学研究:过程、后效与机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
竹子是竹亚科植物的总称,在人类文化与经济活动中扮演着重要角色,然而竹子也会向其邻近的生态系统不断入侵扩张,引发一系列生态环境问题。该综述试图从竹子扩张过程、扩张后效、扩张机制等方面,总结竹子扩张生态学方面取得的研究进展,以期为生态系统保护提供参考。综述认为:(1)竹子扩张过程主要包括地下渗透、地上成竹、竞争排斥和优势维持4个阶段;(2)竹子扩张不同程度地会影响邻近生态系统的群落组成与结构、生物多样性、土壤性质、生态过程与功能,并造成生态景观的破坏;(3)竹子扩张既与其生长快速、繁殖力强、形态多样、集团协同等内禀优势有关,也与邻近生态系统可入侵性有关;竹子可通过遮光、机械损伤、凋落物抑制、养分竞争与化感作用等直接或间接的竞争方式排斥其他植物,且自然或人类干扰有利于竹子扩张。因此,竹子扩张机制符合"内禀优势-资源机遇-干扰促进"的生物入侵假说。建议在未来环境变化背景下,加强竹子对环境变化的响应与适应、竹林-阔(针)叶林界面特征、竹子扩张过程与格局、扩张生态效应评价、竹子扩张防控与合理利用等领域的研究。  相似文献   

Bamboos are useful to people wherever they grow, and in Jamaica,Bambusa vulgaris is no exception. Introduced in the 18th century, this bamboo is now well established, and has been put to a wide variety of uses from early on. This paper documents the past and present uses of bamboo in Jamaica.  相似文献   

Molecular diversity of bamboo-associated fungi isolated from Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bamboos are common and useful plants in Japan but little information is available about their endophytes. In this study, 257 fungal strains were isolated from bamboo tissues, and 71 representative strains were characterized by 18S rRNA gene and internal transcriber spacer region sequence analysis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the fungal isolates were located in Sordariomycetes and Dothideomycetes. Xylariales was the dominant group within bamboos. Several rRNA gene sequences were not similar to any current sequence in the database and might be a novel species or genera that could represent sources of novel biological compounds. These findings reveal that bamboos are a huge reservoir of microorganisms that should be extensively investigated.  相似文献   

杨晓东 《生物信息学》2019,26(4):116-119
中国古典园林中竹文化的研究对于弘扬我国优秀传统文化和提升现代园林中竹景观的文化内涵都具有重要意义,现有研究主要集中在竹的空间营造、种植形式等方面,而从品题学角度对传统私家园林中的竹文化系统研究得还比较薄弱。以明清时期江南私家园林的景点题名为研究对象,采用文献查询和实地调研相结合的方法,对江南园林中的竹景点、常见题名意象及其所表达的精神内涵进行研究。结果表明明清时期竹在江南私家园林景点题名中应用非常普遍,常见的题名意象主要表达了道家的隐逸思想、儒家的比德思想、佛教的心无思想和民俗吉祥思想。从中可以看出,明清时期文人阶层天人合一的哲学观、三教并存的宗教观和雅俗共赏的审美观。  相似文献   

竹子分子生物学研究进展(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对2003年以来的竹子分子生物学研究进展进行了综述,包括现代分子手段在竹子分类学研究中的开发与应用,鞭芽发育、快速生长、开花、抗逆等相关的重要功能基因研究,基因组测序和转录组测序,遗传转化体系的建立等。这些为今后竹子生物学的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   



With a high growth rate and biomass production, bamboos are frequently used for industrial applications and recently have proven to be useful for wastewater treatment. Bamboos are considered as Si accumulators and there is increasing evidence that silicon may alleviate abiotic stresses such as metal toxicity. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of metal concentrations and possible correlations with Si concentrations in plants.


This study presents, for the first time, reference values for silicon (Si), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in stems and leaves of various bamboo species grown under the natural pedo-climatic conditions of the island of Réunion (Indian Ocean).


A broad range of silicon concentrations, from 0 (inferior to detection limit) to 183 mg g?1 dry matter (DM), were found in stems and leaves. Mean leaf Cu and Zn concentrations were low, i.e. 5.1 mg kg?1 DM and 15.7 mg kg?1 DM, respectively. Silicon, Cu and Zn concentrations increased over the following gradient: stem base?<?stem tip?<?leaves. Significant differences in Si, Cu and Zn contents (except Zn in the stem) were noted between bamboo species, particularly between monopodial and sympodial bamboo species, which differ in their rhizome morphology. Sympodial bamboos accumulated more Si and Cu than monopodial bamboos, in both stems and leaves, whereas sympodial bamboos accumulated less Zn in leaves than monopodial bamboos.


The findings of this study suggest that a genotypic character may be responsible for Si, Cu and Zn accumulation in bamboo.  相似文献   

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