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绒属Caryomys原为Thomas(1911)命名的Microtus属中的一个新亚属,Hinton(1923)将它升格为独立属,但很快又于1926年否定了此属的存在,从此各国学者或认为它是属Clethrlonomys的同物异名,或认为它是绒鼠属Eothenomys的亚属,近70年间再无人承认此属名。本文通过对Campmys所包含的inez和eva两种的形态学及染色体核型进行研究,并与绒鼠属Eothenomys和属Clethrionomys代表种类的相关特征进行了比较分析,结果表明,inez和eva除在形态上与绒鼠属及属种类有一些明显差异外,在染色体核型上也有显著不同,主要表现在:inez及eva的染色体数目2n=54,且在常染色体中,其最大的一对染色体均为亚端部着丝粒染色体;而绒鼠属和属的染色体数目则为2n=56,且在常染色体中无此对端部着丝粒染色体。为此,作者认为应恢复Caryomxs属的分类地位。  相似文献   

八种沙鼠亚科和田鼠亚科啮齿动物阴茎的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文对我国仓鼠科沙鼠亚科和田鼠亚科8种啮齿动物的阴茎进行了比较解剖学研究。分析了两亚科的沙鼠属(Meriones)、大沙鼠属(Rhombomys)、田鼠属(Microtus)和绒鼠属(Eothenomys)4个属之间以及同属的种间异同。结果证明阴茎头(包括阴茎骨和软体结构)的形态结构具有属和种的稳定性和特异性,可以作为分类学研究的重要依据。  相似文献   

在内蒙古地区,由于野外食物条件的季节变化极为明显,许多种鼠类,特别是不冬眠鼠类,都形成了贮食习惯。对于长爪沙鼠(Merionesunguiculatus,简称沙鼠),夏武平等介绍了内蒙古宝昌县的田间沙鼠洞穴贮粮情况[1],赵肯堂描述过土默特旗田间沙鼠...  相似文献   

根据1981-1993年内蒙古鄂尔多斯荒漠草原年降水和四季降水、长爪沙鼠Meriones unguiculatus年均密度、4-5、10-11月密度监测资料,利用多元回归分析方法,得到如下结论:(1)年降水量,特别是夏季降水量,是影响鼠密度的一个主要因素,其标准回归系数关系方程为:(年均密度)'=0.6066(年降水量)'(P〈0.05)NMspr'=0.2055Rspr'+0.5312Rsum'  相似文献   

阴茎形态学特征是研究哺乳动物亲缘关系的有力工具,尤其是在近缘种之间。本试验选取鼩鼱科内的黑齿鼩鼱(Blarinella quadraticauda)、小纹背鼩鼱(Sorex bedfordiae)、大纹背鼩鼱(S. cylindricauda)、云南鼩鼱(S. excelsus)、四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)和灰麝鼩(Crocidura attenuata)6 个种共31 号阴茎标本观察其阴茎形态学特征。研究结果表明:这6 个种的阴茎均缺乏阴茎骨;在6 个种的阴茎横切面上,尿道靠近阴茎腹侧面为阴茎海绵体包裹,没有单独的尿道海绵体存在,输精管由阴茎海绵体包裹,在阴茎末端形成两条输精管侧支;黑齿鼩鼱的阴茎具有独特的舌状结构,可作为鉴定黑齿鼩鼱的一个重要特征,鼩鼱属内的小纹背鼩鼱、大纹背鼩鼱和云南鼩鼱的阴茎头界限很难观察到,而黑齿鼩鼱、四川短尾鼩和灰麝鼩的阴茎头则具有明显的界限。  相似文献   

应用阴茎骨形态指标划分黑腹绒鼠年龄的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘少英 《兽类学报》1994,14(4):281-285
用雄性阴茎骨近支基底高作频数分配将黑腹绒鼠指名亚种划分为5个年龄组,对各年龄组的体长、阴茎骨近支长和阴茎骨近支基底宽作t检验和F检验均有显著差异或极显著差异.表明以阴茎骨近支基底高划分黑腹绒鼠年龄组是可行的。  相似文献   

内蒙古北部荒漠草原啮齿动物的空间分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
米景川  尹君 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):314-316
内蒙古北部荒漠草原区地处荒漠与草原的过渡地带,是草原生态系统中较为独特的一种类型。该区不但植被类型独特,啮齿动物分布也有特殊性。因此,本文就荒漠草原中段的调查结果,对长爪沙鼠(Merionesunguiculatus)、赤颊黄鼠(Spermophil...  相似文献   

子午沙鼠种群数量动态及预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
子千沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)是荒漠和半荒漠地区常见的鼠种之一,作者于1991~、995年4~10月每月中旬,在内蒙古达拉特旗中国农业守草原研究所鄂尔多斯沙地草场改良试验站,利用直线夹日法在站内的流动消逝天,半流动消逝一,固定沙地,丘间滩地,林地和农田中开展了种群数量调查。6a共布放124245闪日,捕获鼠7498只,其中子午沙鼠1408只,在各种鼠中占18.77%,居第二位。  相似文献   

森林田鼠族(Myodini)是䶄亚科(Arvicolinae)的重要类群,广泛分布于整个全北区及东洋区部分区域,该族目前存在的分类学问题是缺乏化石标本、短时间的物种分化、有限分子样本和部分类群采样困难等综合因素影响的结果。近年中国森林田鼠族的系统分类研究成果主要有:(1)绒鼠属(Eothenomys)的采样和系统发育研究基本涵盖了全部类群,发现1新亚属和4新种,分别为川西绒鼠亚属(Ermites)和石棉绒鼠(Eothenomys shimianensis)、金阳绒鼠(E.jinyangensis)、美姑绒鼠(E.meiguensis)、螺髻山绒鼠(E.luojishanensis),原来被普遍接受的黑腹绒鼠福建亚种(E.melanogaster colurnus)、中华绒鼠康定亚种(E.chinensis tarquinius)、西南绒鼠康定亚种(E.custos hintoni)被证实为3个独立有效种,滇绒鼠(E.eleusis)、丽江绒鼠(E.fidelis)的种级分类地位进一步得到确认;大绒鼠贡山亚种(E.miletus confinii)和黑腹绒鼠滇西亚种(E.melanogaster libonotus)实为克钦绒鼠(E.cachinus)的同物异名。(2)基于形态和分子系统发育的研究支持恢复东亚䶄属(Craseomys)的属级分类地位,同时解决了䶄属(Myodes)的非单系起源问题;研究进一步证实山西䶄(Craseomys shanseius)应为棕背䶄的山西亚种(Craseomys rufocanus shanseius)。(3)高山䶄属(Alticola)的平颅高山䶄亚属(Platycranius)分类地位受到分子系统发育研究结果质疑,该亚属的唯一物种平颅高山䶄(Alticola strelzowi)与高山䶄属指名亚属物种聚在同一枝;库蒙高山䶄(A.stracheyi)实为斯氏高山䶄(A.stoliczkanus)的同物异名。基于近年系统分类研究结果,目前中国森林田鼠族分布有5属共30种。  相似文献   

白腹鼠属几个相似种的差异探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
到目前为止,安氏白腹鼠、川西白腹鼠、社鼠、针毛鼠作为独立种没有多大的争议。但在形态上,安氏白腹鼠与川西白腹鼠、川西白腹鼠与社鼠、社鼠与针毛鼠具有较大的相似性,差异微小,有大量的中间过渡类型。因此,要对这些种进行准确鉴定非常困难。本文首先对这4个种的阴茎形态进行了比较,发现它们确实是独立的种。它们之间的主要区别在于尿道小瓣形态、位置及阴茎骨形态和长短比例上:(1)安氏白腹鼠,外环层有明显的乳突,尿道小瓣分两叉,位置很低,阴茎骨近支显著长于远支;(2)川西白腹鼠,外环层光滑,尿道小瓣位置较高,阴茎骨近支很细而直,近支明显长于远支;(3)社鼠,尿道小瓣较小,位置很低,呈舌状,阴茎骨近支较粗,显著向腹面弯曲,远支粗大且较长,近支长略大于远支;(4)针毛鼠,尿道小瓣位置较高,呈舌状,阴茎骨近支较细弱,显著向腹面弯曲,远支粗大且较长。采用单因素方差分析发现,川西白腹鼠与社鼠在眶间宽、上齿列长和下齿列长等方面差异显著;社鼠和针毛鼠在后头宽、眶间宽和听泡长等方面差异显著;安氏白腹鼠与其他3个种均具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

本文对我国所产13种鼠科啮齿类进行了阴茎形态学的比较研究(包括阴茎骨和软体结构),探讨了在鼠科的家鼠属(Rattus)、姬鼠属(Apodemus)、小家鼠属(Mus)和巢鼠属(Micromys)4个属间以及同属不同种之间的差异。结果表明,阴茎的形态结构具有属和种的特异性和稳定性,可以为分类学的研究提供重要依据。  相似文献   

The baculum is a nonappendicular bone found in the glans tissue of members of five orders of mammals. Its function during copulation is unknown. Anatomical examination of the baculum and corpus cavernosum in the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) shows that the two structures are connected by a layer of fibrocartilage, and that the distal tip of the corpus cavernosum swells during erection to surround the proximal end of the baculum. Microradiographs of bacula from sexually experienced males show that regions of the bone may be remodeling; these data suggest that the baculum is load-bearing. On the basis of this anatomy, I propose that the baculum increases the overall flexural stiffness of the penis during copulation by transferring bending and compressive forces from the distal end of the glans to the tensile wall of the corpus cavernosum. Forces on the distal end of the penis during copulation press the baculum against the corpus cavernosum, reducing its internal volume and increasing intracavernosal pressure and corpus cavernosum wall strains. Because the wall of the erect corpus cavernosum is reinforced with inextensible collagen fibers, an increase in wall strain will also increase wall tissue stiffness, and thereby increase the flexural stiffness of the corpus cavernosum.  相似文献   

The most widely accepted mechanism of male urethral development proposes that the urethral plate is elevated by urethral folds which fuse ventrally in a proximal-to-distal sequence. Unlike its proximal counterpart, the urethra which forms within the glans is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium and has a more controversial development. One theory supports the idea that fusion of the urethral folds extends all the way to the tip of the glans. Another theory suggests that a solid ectodermal in-growth of epidermis canalizes the glandar urethra. We hypothesized that the use of immunohistochemical staining and tissue recombinant grafting would delineate the epithelia involved and lend clues to their origin. Thirty-six human fetal phallic specimens of gestational ages 5-22 weeks were sectioned and stained immunohistochemically with antibodies raised against different cytokeratins. Evaluation of the sections showed that the urethral plate, an extension of the urogenital sinus, extended to the tip of the phallus and maintained patency and continuity throughout the process of urethral development. The entire urethra, including the glans portion, was formed by dorsal extension and disintegration of the urethral plate combined with ventral growth and fusion of the urethral folds. Sections of the distal glandar urethra showed no evidence of a solid ectodermal ingrowth. Rather, immunostaining results at different ages suggested differentiation of the endodermal urethral plate into a stratified squamous epithelium. To determine whether urothelium could be induced to express a stratified squamous phenotype, mouse fetal bladder epithelium was combined with rat fetal genital tubercle mesenchyme and grown under the renal capsule of athymic mice. The bladder epithelium differentiated into a stratified squamous epithelium. Thus, proper mesenchymal signaling may induce differentiation of urothelium into a stratified squamous phenotype, such as during development of the urethra of the glans penis.  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope was used to study the general morphology and orientation of keratinized papillae on the glans penis of the rat. The micrographs provided a novel view of the three-dimensional arrangement of the papillae on the surface of the glans in the normal state, during degeneration after castration, and during regeneration after treatment with testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Treatment with 19-hydroxytestosterone failed to stimulate regeneration. Both the morphology and the responsiveness of the spines to appropriate androgens reinforce the hypothesis that they play a role in the normal reproductive process.  相似文献   

The os penis of male C57BL/Tw mice given 5 daily injections of 100 micrograms tamoxifen (Tx) starting on the day of birth (day 0) was examined at ages of 5-60 days; the bones of males given Tx injections for 5 days starting at 0-10 days and of those given neonatal injections of 100 micrograms clomiphene or nafoxidine were examined at 60 days. In the control males given the vehicle alone, the proximal segment of the os penis, composed of a compact cell mass found at day 0, developed at 5 days into the membrane bone with bone marrow and hyaline cartilage; the distal segment, composed of mesenchymatous cells until 10 days, developed at 30 days into fibrocartilage characterized by a distribution of type I collagen. By contrast, in Tx mice, fibrocartilage in the distal segment, and hyaline cartilage characterized by a distribution of type II collagen, and bone marrow in the proximal segment disappeared by 30 days. The maximum area of the proximal and distal segments gradually increased with age in control mice, whereas the proximal segment area remained unchanged in Tx mice. In clomiphene and nafoxidine mice at 60 days, the proximal segment was composed of hyaline cartilage; however, the distal segment lacked fibrocartilage. Hyaline cartilage in the proximal segment and fibrocartilage in the distal segment disappeared in all 60-day-old mice given Tx starting within 5 days. Neonatal castration did not suppress the formation of bone marrow and fibrocartilage in the os penis, though the bone size was smaller than in the intact controls. Formation of spines on the glans penis skin was suppressed by Tx given within 5 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of histomorphology is a prerequisite for the understanding of function, variation, and development. In bats, as in other mammals, penis and baculum morphology are important in species discrimination and phylogenetic studies. In this study, nondestructive 3D‐microtomographic (microCT, µCT) images of bacula and iodine‐stained penes of Pipistrellus pipistrellus were correlated with light microscopic images from undecalcified surface‐stained ground sections of three of these penes of P. pipistrellus (1 juvenile). The results were then compared with µCT‐images of bacula of P. pygmaeus, P. hanaki, and P. nathusii. The Y‐shaped baculum in all studied Pipistrellus species has a proximal base with two club‐shaped branches, a long slender shaft, and a forked distal tip. The branches contain a medullary cavity of variable size, which tapers into a central canal of variable length in the proximal baculum shaft. Both are surrounded by a lamellar and a woven bone layer and contain fatty marrow and blood vessels. The distal shaft consists of woven bone only, without a vascular canal. The proximal ends of the branches are connected with the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa via entheses. In the penis shaft, the corpus spongiosum‐surrounded urethra lies in a ventral grove of the corpora cavernosa, and continues in the glans under the baculum. The glans penis predominantly comprises an enlarged corpus spongiosum, which surrounds urethra and baculum. In the 12 studied juvenile and subadult P. pipistrellus specimens the proximal branches of the baculum were shorter and without marrow cavity, while shaft and distal tip appeared already fully developed. The present combination with light microscopic images from one species enabled a more reliable interpretation of histomorphological structures in the µCT‐images from all four Pipistrellus species. J. Morphol. 276:695–706, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Reserpine was administered to an 8-yr-old Thoroughbred stallion at a dosage of 5 mg subcutaneously (s.c.) every 2 wk for a 2-mo period to control unmanageable behavior. Reserpine produced a satisfactory calming effect that lasted for about 2 wk. After the last injection, the stallion developed penile paralysis and was unable to retract his penis, resulting in paraphimosis and attendant penile edema. The prolapsed penis was reduced and kept within the prepuce by placing a purse string suture in the preputial orifice. Phenylbutazone was given orally (1 gm) and the stallion was exercised for 20 to 30 min twice daily. This treatment was continued for 20 d with little improvement. The purse string retention suture cut through the skin 5 d after the stallion was discharged from the clinic. The penis was then supported against the abdominal wall and the stallion was exercised by hand for 30 min each day. The stallion was not used for breeding within 34 mo after the last injection of reserpine. A breeding soundness examination was performed approximately 3 yr after the initial injury. At this time the stallion's penis was noted to extend 5 to 8 cm from the prepuce when in a detumescent state. Although the stallion protruded his penis when exposed to a mare in estrus, a full rigid erection was never attained. Examination of the penis revealed partial engorgement of the corpus cavernosum penis and a 2.5-cm-wide dorsal semi-circumferential depression of the penile shaft approximately 10 to 12 cm proximal to the glans penis. The penile shaft and glans penis distal to this depression were cooler than the proximal portion of the penis. Semen collection was attempted, aided by manual insertion of the penis into the artificial vagina. When serving the artificial vagina, no "belling" of the glans penis was observed, although ejaculation occurred. Semen evaluation indicated normal spermatozoal motility and morphology parameters. The stallion was able to breed several mares with manual assistance to guide the penis into the vagina and one mare was diagnosed pregnant.  相似文献   

The penis of elephant shrews (Mammalia: Macroscelididae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The penis of elephant shrews is very long, extending cranially to near the sternum where it emerges from a small caudally-pointing prepuce. The distal half of the penis lies free in a sheath and is termed the glans. In most species the corpus cavernosum is the main vascular body and extends to the tip of the penis while the corpus spongiosum around the urethra becomes much reduced distally, but in Rhynchocyon all vascular bodies are small and most of the penis consists of connective tissue. The distal tip of the penis is elaborated into various shapes, characteristic for each genus as currently defined. These penile features have more similarities with soricids and paenungulates than with archontans and lagomorphs but they are likely to be primitive characters and so should be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

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