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Fusarium virguliforme is a soil-borne pathogen that causes sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybean. SDS is an important disease that causes significant losses in soybean growing areas worldwide. Little is known about the interaction between F. virguliforme and soybean. We have developed a protoplast-based fungal transformation system for F. virguliforme . One of the applications of the transformation system was the production of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing fungal transformant. The GFP-expressing fungus can be used to study fungal infection processes including fungal penetration, colonization, and spread, especially at the early stages of disease development. Furthermore, in an attempt to increase the genetic resources available to identify and characterize fungal virulence genes involved in the F. virguliforme -soybean system, we generated random insertional mutations in F. virguliforme using restriction enzyme mediated integration.  相似文献   

Soybean is one of the most important crops grown across the globe. In the United States, approximately 15% of the soybean yield is suppressed due to various pathogen and pests attack. Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is an emerging fungal disease caused by Fusarium virguliforme. Although growing SDS resistant soybean cultivars has been the main method of controlling this disease, SDS resistance is partial and controlled by a large number of quantitative trait loci (QTL). A proteinacious toxin, FvTox1, produced by the pathogen, causes foliar SDS. Earlier, we demonstrated that expression of an anti-FvTox1 single chain variable fragment antibody resulted in reduced foliar SDS development in transgenic soybean plants. Here, we investigated if synthetic FvTox1-interacting peptides, displayed on M13 phage particles, can be identified for enhancing foliar SDS resistance in soybean. We screened three phage-display peptide libraries and discovered four classes of M13 phage clones displaying FvTox1-interacting peptides. In vitro pull-down assays and in vivo interaction assays in yeast were conducted to confirm the interaction of FvTox1 with these four synthetic peptides and their fusion-combinations. One of these peptides was able to partially neutralize the toxic effect of FvTox1 in vitro. Possible application of the synthetic peptides in engineering SDS resistance soybean cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were established in field microplots to examine the association between Heterodera glycines and the blue form of Fusarium solani in sudden death syndrome of soybean (SDS). Foliar disease symptoms occurred on more plants per plot, appeared 3 to 7 days earlier, and were more severe on plants grown in plots infested with F. solani + H. glycines than on those inoculated with F. solani only. Yields were suppressed only in treatments that included the nematode. Numbers of H. glycines cysts and second-stage juveniles were significantly lower in plots infested with F. solani + H. glycines than with the nematode alone. Fusarium solani was able to infect cysts and eggs.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Candida vulturna is a new member of the Candida haemulonii species complex that recently received much attention as it includes the emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen Candida...  相似文献   

The effects of the blue form of Fusarium solani, the causal agent of sudden death syndrome (SDS), on Heterodera glycines were examined in the greenhouse. Roots of soybean cv. Coker 156 were inoculated with either H. glycines alone or F. solani + H. glycines in combination. Population levels of H. glycines were reduced 47% in the presence of F. solani. Life-stage development of H. glycines increased 3% in 30 days in the presence of F. solani. Fusarium solani colonized epidermal and cortical cells adjacent to developing juveniles of H. glycines and the nematode-induced syncytia within the soybean root tissue. At 40 days after inoculation, F. solani was isolated from 37% of the cysts in soil recovered from the F. solani + H. glycines combination treatment. Fusarium solani significantly affected H. glycines population density, life-stage development, and succeeding populations.  相似文献   

We determined the genome sequence of the type strain of Helicobacter canadensis, an emerging human pathogen with diverse animal reservoirs. Potential virulence determinants carried by the genome include systems for N-linked glycosylation and capsular export. A protein-based phylogenetic analysis places H. canadensis close to Wolinella succinogenes.Helicobacter canadensis is an emerging pathogen that has been isolated from four Canadian patients with diarrhea and an Australian patient with bacteremia (3, 10). Wild geese have been identified as a reservoir in Europe (12, 13), while in China, the organism has been isolated from the feces of wild rodents (5). H. canadensis has also been isolated from laboratory rabbits (11) and from Guinea fowl in France (8). Atypical isolates have been obtained from swine feces from The Netherlands and Denmark (6). To shed light on the virulence and colonization factors of H. canadensis and to reassess its phylogenetic status, we performed whole-genome sequencing of the type strain, H. canadensis strain MIT 98-5491/NCTC 13241.Single- and paired-end whole-genome shotgun sequencing was performed using 454 pyrosequencing technology, supplemented by Solexa sequencing. An initial assembly of the 454 single-end and paired-end data was created using a Newbler assembler (Roche), generating four scaffolds with an average size of 402 kb. The genome sequence was completed using a combination of BLASTX searches and analysis of the Solexa data, followed by confirmatory PCRs, PCR-assisted contig extension (1), and combinatorial PCR, with conventional and long-PCR protocols. Annotation was performed using GenDB (7).The genome of H. canadensis NCTC 13241 consists of a single circular chromosome 1,623,845 bp in length, with a G+C content of 34%. There are 1,535 protein-coding sequences (CDSs), 40 transfer RNAs, and three rRNA loci.Although phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences place H. canadensis in the genus Helicobacter (3), analysis of 23S rRNA sequences supports a clade containing H. canadensis and Wolinella succinogenes (2). Our own phylogenetic analysis using a concatenation of 482 conserved CDSs from the H. canadensis genome and related genomes provides strong support for a W. succinogenes/H. canadensis clade (data not shown), suggesting that the current taxonomy should be reevaluated.One hundred seventeen CDSs from H. canadensis have no detectable ortholog in eight other genome-sequenced epsilonproteobacteria. We found only one contiguous region of difference longer than 10 genes (ROD1; HCAN_0630-HCAN_0663). Most CDSs in ROD1 are of unknown function, although, curiously, the region carries three versions of asparagine synthetase and contains six homopolymeric tracts. A second region of difference (ROD2; HCAN_0479-HCAN_0496) shows homology to HHGI1, a pathogenicity island from Helicobacter hepaticus strain ATCC 51449 that contributes to virulence in H. hepaticus (4).The H. canadensis NCTC 13241 genome contains 29 potentially phase-variable genes with homopolymeric tracts, including several genes that, by homology, might be implicated in virulence, e.g., an immunoglobulin A protease (HCAN_0234) and two homologues of the vacuolating cytotoxin from Helicobacter pylori (HCAN_0457 and HCAN_714). The genome contains a capsular polysaccharide export locus similar to that in Campylobacter jejuni (9). Also, like C. jejuni, H. canadensis possesses genes encoding an N-linked glycosylation pathway, including two copies of PglB (HCAN_0729 and HCAN_0930).  相似文献   

Aureobasidium pullulans AY4 is an opportunistic pathogen that was isolated from the skin of an immunocompromised patient. We present here the draft genome of strain AY4, which reveals an abundance of genes relevant to bioindustrial applications, including biocontrol and biodegradation. Putative genes responsible for the pathogenicity of strain AY4 were also identified.  相似文献   

An altered β-tubulin gene that confers resistance to the fungicide benomyl was isolated from a genomic library of a UV-induced mutant of Cercospora kikuchii and used as a selectable marker for transformation. The level of benomyl resistance conferred to the transformants was at least 150-fold greater than the intrinsic resistance of the C. kikuchii recipient protoplasts. In the majority of cases, the tubulin fragment was integrated at the native β-tubulin locus, apparently by gene replacement or gene conversion. The frequency of transformation ranged from 0.2 to 6 transformants per μg of DNA, depending on the recipient strain. Transformation with linearized plasmid resulted in a higher frequency, without changing the type of integration event. Transformants were phenotypically stable after eight consecutive transfers on medium without benomyl. This is the first report of a genetic transformation system for a Cercospora species.  相似文献   

Recombination has an impact on genome evolution by maintaining chromosomal integrity, affecting the efficacy of selection, and increasing genetic variability in populations. Recombination rates are a key determinant of the coevolutionary dynamics between hosts and their pathogens. Historic recombination events created devastating new pathogens, but the impact of ongoing recombination in sexual pathogens is poorly understood. Many fungal pathogens of plants undergo regular sexual cycles, and sex is considered to be a major factor contributing to virulence. We generated a recombination map at kilobase-scale resolution for the haploid plant pathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. To account for intraspecific variation in recombination rates, we constructed genetic maps from two independent crosses. We localized a total of 10,287 crossover events in 441 progeny and found that recombination rates were highly heterogeneous within and among chromosomes. Recombination rates on large chromosomes were inversely correlated with chromosome length. Short accessory chromosomes often lacked evidence for crossovers between parental chromosomes. Recombination was concentrated in narrow hotspots that were preferentially located close to telomeres. Hotspots were only partially conserved between the two crosses, suggesting that hotspots are short-lived and may vary according to genomic background. Genes located in hotspot regions were enriched in genes encoding secreted proteins. Population resequencing showed that chromosomal regions with high recombination rates were strongly correlated with regions of low linkage disequilibrium. Hence, genes in pathogen recombination hotspots are likely to evolve faster in natural populations and may represent a greater threat to the host.  相似文献   

G Xie  Z Cui  Z Tao  H Qiu  H Liu  M Ibrahim  B Zhu  G Jin  G Sun  A Almoneafy  B Li 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(19):5479-5480
Pseudomonas fuscovaginae is a phytopathogenic bacterium causing bacterial sheath brown rot of cereal crops. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of P. fuscovaginae CB98818, originally isolated from a diseased rice plant in China. The draft genome will aid in epidemiological studies, comparative genomics, and quarantine of this broad-host-range pathogen.  相似文献   

Aim: To examine the diversity of Escherichia coli serotypes found in the intestinal contents of infants who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) compared with that in comparison infants. Methods and Results: Over the 3‐year period, 1989–1991, in South Australia and Victoria (Australia), a total of 687 E. coli isolates from 231 patients with SIDS (348 isolates), 98 infants who had died from other causes (144 isolates) and 160 healthy infants (195 isolates) were studied. The isolates from patients with SIDS were found to represent 119 different serotypes; the isolates from ‘other cause’ infants represent 97 different serotypes; and the isolates from healthy infants represent 117 different serotypes. The seven common serotypes isolated most frequently from infants with SIDS belonged to those associated with extra‐intestinal infections in humans. Compared to healthy infants (6%), these were found in significantly higher proportions among infants who died of other causes (13%, P < 0·05) or infants with SIDS (18·7%, P = 0·0002). Conclusions: Despite these sources yielding a wide variety of serotypes of E. coli, a pattern of certain potential pathotypes of E. coli being associated with SIDS is apparent. Significance and Impact of the Study: While SIDS remains one of the most important diagnoses of postneonatal death, its causes are still unexplained. If E. coli has a role in the pathogenesis of SIDS (as suggested by the pathotypes identified on the basis of serotype), further studies may reveal novel virulence factors that may clarify the role of this bacterium in SIDS.  相似文献   

B Li  Y Shi  M Ibrahim  H Liu  C Shan  Y Wang  M Kube  GL Xie  G Sun 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(16):4452-4453
Dickeya zeae is a phytopathogenic bacterium causing soft rot diseases in a wide range of economically important crops. Here we present the draft genome sequence of strain ZJU1202, which is the causal agent of rice foot rot in China. The draft genome will contribute to epidemiological and comparative genomic studies and the quarantine of this devastating phytopathogen.  相似文献   

An improved transformation protocol, utilizing selection for resistance to the herbicide bialaphos, has been developed for the plant pathogenic fungus Cercospora kikuchii. Stable, bialaphos-resistant transformants are recovered at frequencies eight times higher than those achieved with the previous system that was based on selection for benomyl resistance. In addition to C. kikuchii, this improved method can also be used to transform other species of Cercospora.  相似文献   

Wheat blue dwarf (WBD) disease is an important disease that has caused heavy losses in wheat production in northwestern China. This disease is caused by WBD phytoplasma, which is transmitted by Psammotettix striatus. Until now, no genome information about WBD phytoplasma has been published, seriously restricting research on this obligate pathogen. In this paper, we report a new sequencing and assembling strategy for phytoplasma genome projects. This strategy involves differential centrifugation, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, whole genome amplification, shotgun sequencing, de novo assembly, screening of contigs from phytoplasma and the connection of phytoplasma contigs. Using this scheme, the WBD phytoplasma draft genome was obtained. It was comprised of six contigs with a total size of 611,462 bp, covering ∼94% of the chromosome. Five-hundred-twenty-five protein-coding genes, two operons for rRNA genes and 32 tRNA genes were identified. Comparative genome analyses between WBD phytoplasma and other phytoplasmas were subsequently carried out. The results showed that extensive arrangements and inversions existed among the WBD, OY-M and AY-WB phytoplasma genomes. Most protein-coding genes in WBD phytoplasma were found to be homologous to genes from other phytoplasmas; only 22 WBD-specific genes were identified. KEGG pathway analysis indicated that WBD phytoplasma had strongly reduced metabolic capabilities. However, 46 transporters were identified, which were involved with dipeptides/oligopeptides, spermidine/putrescine, cobalt and Mn/Zn transport, and so on. A total of 37 secreted proteins were encoded in the WBD phytoplasma chromosome and plasmids. Of these, three secreted proteins were similar to the reported phytoplasma virulence factors TENGU, SAP11 and SAP54. In addition, WBD phytoplasma possessed several proteins that were predicted to play a role in its adaptation to diverse environments. These results will provide clues for research on the pathogenic mechanisms of WBD phytoplasma and will also provide a perspective about the genome sequencing of other phytoplasmas and obligate organisms.  相似文献   



Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) remains the leading cause of death among infants less than 1 year of age. Disturbed expression of some neurotransmitters and their receptors has been shown in the central nervous system of SIDS victims but no biological abnormality of the peripheral vago-cardiac system has been demonstrated to date. The present study aimed to seek vago-cardiac abnormalities in SIDS victims. The cardiac level of expression of muscarinic receptors, as well as acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity were investigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Left ventricular samples and blood samples were obtained from autopsies of SIDS and children deceased from non cardiac causes. Binding experiments performed with [3H]NMS, a selective muscarinic ligand, in cardiac membrane preparations showed that the density of cardiac muscarinic receptors was increased as shown by a more than doubled Bmax value in SIDS (n = 9 SIDS versus 8 controls). On average, the erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity was also significantly increased (n = 9 SIDS versus 11 controls).


In the present study, it has been shown for the first time that cardiac muscarinic receptor overexpression is associated with SIDS. The increase of acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity appears as a possible regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Halomonas stevensii is a Gram-negative, moderately halophilic bacterium causing environmental contamination and infections in a dialysis center. Here we present the 3.7-Mb draft genome sequence of the type strain (S18214(T)) of H. stevensii, which will give insight into the pathogenic potential of H. stevensii.  相似文献   

Erwinia amylovora causes the economically important disease fire blight that affects rosaceous plants, especially pear and apple. Here we report the complete genome sequence and annotation of strain ATCC 49946. The analysis of the sequence and its comparison with sequenced genomes of closely related enterobacteria revealed signs of pathoadaptation to rosaceous hosts.Erwinia amylovora, a plant-associated member of the Enterobacteriaceae, causes fire blight, a devastating disease of rosaceous plants, especially pear and apple (6). The complete genome of Ea273 (ATCC 49946), a virulent strain isolated from an infected apple tree in New York State, was sequenced. Total DNA was extracted and prepared in pMAQ1 shotgun libraries. The complete shotgun sequence was obtained by using dye terminator chemistry in ABI 3730 automated sequencers and contains 88,457 reads (11.12-fold coverage), yielding a theoretical coverage of the genome of 99.99%. The sequence was assembled, finished, and annotated as described previously (1, 5), using Artemis (4) to collate data and facilitate annotation.The genome of E. amylovora consists of a circular chromosome of 3,805,874 bp and two plasmids, AMYP1 (28,243 bp) and AMYP2 (71,487 bp). Coding regions in the chromosome account for 85.1% of the total sequence, with 3,483 identified coding sequences (CDS). Two hundred fifty-four (7%) of the CDSs do not have any matches in current NCBI databases; 114 (3.3%) correspond to conserved hypothetical proteins. Forty-nine CDSs (1.4%) are similar to genes from mobile elements such as integrases, transposases, and bacteriophages, and 110 CDSs (3.2%) were classified as pseudogenes due to interruptions or truncations of the CDSs. The remaining 2,956 annotated CDSs include among other categories genes involved in biosynthesis of the cellular envelope and modifications of surface proteins (299 CDSs [11%]) and genes involved in signal transduction and regulation (228 CDSs [8%]). Seven rRNA operons and 78 tRNA sequences were identified in the chromosome; two new clusters were identified (AMY1550-1575 and AMY2648-2676) that resemble the T3SS-encoding SSR-1 island of Sodalis glossinidius (2), and four clusters that contain genes for biosynthesis of flagella, which based on their location might be regulated independently.The smaller plasmid, AMYP1, had been reported as pEA29 (3); its sequence is nearly identical to the one reported here. The larger plasmid, AMYP2, renamed pEA72 for consistency in nomenclature, contains 87 predicted CDSs, with two predicted mobile-element-related CDSs and one pseudogene. Among the CDSs with annotated functions are a cluster of genes (AMYP2_49 to AMYP2_62) that encode a putative type IV fimbrial system (pil genes).The genome of E. amylovora is only 3.8 Mb long, whereas most free-living enterobacteria, including plant pathogens, have genomes of 4.5 Mb to 5.5 Mb. Comparison of the genome of Ea273 with the sequenced genomes of 15 closely related enterobacteria identified 21 lineage-specific regions, which might be considered genomic islands. E. amylovora has many more predicted pseudogenes, relative to other enterobacteria with similar lifestyles. Given its size and the preponderance of pseudogenes, genome reduction may have occurred via mutational inactivation and subsequent deletion with the following consequences: E. amylovora has fewer genes involved in anaerobic respiration and fermentation than are found in typical related enterobacteria; this likely result in a reduced capacity to live in anaerobic environments.The genome sequence of E. amylovora has revealed clear signs of pathoadaptation to the rosaceous plant environment. For example, T3SS-related proteins are present that are more similar to proteins of other plant pathogens than to proteins of closely related enterobacteria. These include type III effectors, homologous to those of plant-pathogenic pseudomonads, which confer virulence to E. amylovora in plants, and a sorbitol-metabolizing cluster that may confer a competitive advantage for survival in rosaceous plants. The reduced genome size and erosion or loss of genes involved in anaerobic respiration and nitrate assimilation are remarkable, relative to other plant- and animal-pathogenic members of the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

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