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Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is a multi-substrate cytoplasmic enzyme that regulates many important biological processes. Recently, some reports have implicated HDAC6 in viral infection. However, nothing is known about its regulation in virus-infected cells. The data presented here for the first time demonstrate the caspase-3-mediated cleavage of HDAC6 in influenza A virus (IAV)-infected cells. HDAC6 polypeptide contains the caspase-3 cleavage motif DMAD-S at the C-terminus, and is a caspase-3 substrate. The cleavage removes most of the C-terminal ubiquitin-binding zinc finger domain from HDAC6, which could be significant for HDAC6’s role in IAV-induced apoptosis in infected cells.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the interactions between proteasome inhibitor carfllzomib (CFZ) and histone deacety lase inhibitor vorinostat in Jurkat Tleukemia ceils. Coexposure of cells to minimally lethal concentrations of CFZ with very low concentration of vorinostat resulted in synergistic antiproliferative effects and enhanced apoptosis in Jurkat Tleukemia cells, accompanied with the sharply increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), the striking de crease in the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), the increased release of cytochrome c, the enhanced activation of caspase9 and 3, and the cleavage of PARP. The com bined treatment of Jurkat cells pretreated with ROS sca vengers Nacetylcysteine (NAC) significantly blocked the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, suggesting that ROS generation was a former event of the loss of mitochon drial membrane potential. Furthermore, NAC also resulted in a marked reduction in apoptotic cells, indicating a critical role for increased ROS generation by combined treatment. In addition, combined treatment arrested the cell cycle in G2M phase. These results imply that CFZ interacted syner gistically with vorinostat in Jurkat Tleukemia cells, which raised the possibility that the combination of carfflzomib with vorinostat may represent a novel strategy in treating Tcell Leukemia.  相似文献   

Matrix attachment region binding proteins have been shown to play an important role in gene regulation by altering chromatin in a stage- and tissue-specific manner. Our previous studies report that SMAR1, a matrix-associated protein, regresses B16-F1-induced tumors in mice. Here we show SMAR1 targets the cyclin D1 promoter, a gene product whose dysregulation is attributed to breast malignancies. Our studies reveal that SMAR1 represses cyclin D1 gene expression, which can be reversed by small interfering RNA specific to SMAR1. We demonstrate that SMAR1 interacts with histone deacetylation complex 1, SIN3, and pocket retinoblastomas to form a multiprotein repressor complex. This interaction is mediated by the SMAR1(160-350) domain. Our data suggest SMAR1 recruits a repressor complex to the cyclin D1 promoter that results in deacetylation of chromatin at that locus, which spreads to a distance of at least the 5 kb studied upstream of the cyclin D1 promoter. Interestingly, we find that the high induction of cyclin D1 in breast cancer cell lines can be correlated to the decreased levels of SMAR1 in these lines. Our results establish the molecular mechanism exhibited by SMAR1 to regulate cyclin D1 by modification of chromatin.  相似文献   

Dysferlin is a multi-C2 domain transmembrane protein involved in a plethora of cellular functions, most notably in skeletal muscle membrane repair, but also in myogenesis, cellular adhesion and intercellular calcium signaling. We previously showed that dysferlin interacts with alpha-tubulin and microtubules in muscle cells. Microtubules are heavily reorganized during myogenesis to sustain growth and elongation of the nascent muscle fiber. Microtubule function is regulated by post-translational modifications, such as acetylation of its alpha-tubulin subunit, which is modulated by the histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) enzyme. In this study, we identified HDAC6 as a novel dysferlin-binding partner. Dysferlin prevents HDAC6 from deacetylating alpha-tubulin by physically binding to both the enzyme, via its C2D domain, and to the substrate, alpha-tubulin, via its C2A and C2B domains. We further show that dysferlin expression promotes alpha-tubulin acetylation, as well as increased microtubule resistance to, and recovery from, Nocodazole- and cold-induced depolymerization. By selectively inhibiting HDAC6 using Tubastatin A, we demonstrate that myotube formation was impaired when alpha-tubulin was hyperacetylated early in the myogenic process; however, myotube elongation occurred when alpha-tubulin was hyperacetylated in myotubes. This study suggests a novel role for dysferlin in myogenesis and identifies HDAC6 as a novel dysferlin-interacting protein.  相似文献   

Bicoid directs anterior development in Drosophila embryos by activating different genes along the anterior-posterior axis. However, its activity is down-regulated at the anterior tip of the embryo, in a process known as retraction. Retraction is under the control of the terminal polarity system, and results in localized repression of Bicoid target genes. Here, we describe a Drosophila homolog of human SAP18, a member of the Sin3A/Rpd3 histone deacetylase complex. dSAP18 interacts with Bicoid in yeast and in vitro, and is expressed early in development coincident with Bicoid. In tissue culture cells, dSAP18 inhibits the ability of Bicoid to activate reporter genes. These results suggest a model in which dSAP18 interacts with Bicoid to silence expression of Bicoid target genes in the anterior tip of the embryo.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that nickel (Ni)-silenced expression of the URA3 gene in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and gpt transgene in G12 Chinese hamster cells. In both cases, close proximity to a heterochromatic region was required for gene silencing. Yeast exposed to Ni exhibited reduced acetylation of the lysine residues in the N-terminal tail of histone H4. Ni-induced silencing of the gpt gene in mammalian cells involved hypermethylation of promoter region DNA. Yeast do not employ DNA methylation to silence gene expression. To determine if histone deacetylation participates in Ni-induced silencing of the URA3 and gpt genes, we exposed yeast and G12 hamster cells to the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) prior to and concurrently with Ni. Treatment of yeast cells with 0.2-0.6mM NiCl(2) resulted in reduced expression of the URA3 gene as assessed by increased resistance to 1g/l 5-fluorotic acid (5-FOA). This effect was lessened when yeast were pre-treated with 50 microg TSA/ml. Similarly, treatment of G12 cells with 5 ng/ml TSA during and after exposure to 0.3 microg Ni(3)S(2)/cm(2) reduced silencing of the gpt gene as gauged by resistance to 10 microg/ml 6-thioguanine (6-TG). The ability of TSA alone and in combination with the DNA-demethylating agent (5-AzaC) to reactivate the gpt gene in Ni-silenced variants was also assessed. Although treatment with 100 ng/ml TSA for 48 h was partially effective in reactivating the gpt gene, treatment with 5 microM 5-AzaC was more efficacious. The greatest gpt gene reversion frequencies were observed following a sequential 5-AzaC/TSA treatment. Taken all together, our data from mammalian cells suggests that both DNA methylation and histone deacetylation participate in Ni-induced silencing of the gpt gene with DNA hypermethylation playing the more dominant role in maintaining the silenced state.  相似文献   

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