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随着生物技术与多肽合成技术的日臻成熟,越来越多的多肽药物被开发并应用于临床。因适应证广、安全性高且疗效显著,多肽药物目前已广泛应用于肿瘤、肝炎、糖尿病、艾滋病等疾病的预防、诊断和治疗,具有广阔的开发前景。简介多肽药物的来源与特点及制备方法,重点综述国内外多肽药物的研发概况、国外近年获准上市的主要多肽药物和我国自主研发并进入临床研究的主要多肽药物,旨在为该类新药的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Multi drug resistance is a major problem of the twenty first century. In order to combat this issue, there is an urgent need in the...  相似文献   

Stabilisation of protein/peptide drugs against thermal denaturation is a challenging problem, especially for liquid formulations. Various polysaccharides at high concentrations have been reported to improve stability of polypeptides, probably by providing a crowded environment which retards kinetic unfolding and resultant degradation. Levan is a fructose homopolysaccharide which is finding increasing use in pharmaceutical applications, but its use for protein drug stabilization remains meagre. In this study, we used levan for stabilizing a liquid preparation of a peptide antibiotic, bacitracin. We prepared liquid formulations of bacitracin with or without levan and subjected them to storage at 25 °C. The stored samples were then analysed over 120 days for denaturation and antibacterial activity. Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Circular Dichroism and High Performance Liquid Chromatography were used for evaluating the effect of levan on thermal denaturation of bacitracin. We found that levan at 2.5% w/v significantly preserved the antibacterial activity of bacitracin for 120 days as compared to plain buffered bacitracin, even when stored at 25 °C. Also, levan at high concentrations maintained the secondary structure and increased the melting temperature (Tm) of bacitracin in solution. Levan did not form covalent interactions or strong complexation with bacitracin. Based on this study, levan appears as a promising stabilizing agent for preparing liquid formulations of protein/peptide drugs that can be stored at room temperature.  相似文献   

概述了多肽和蛋白质药物的肺吸收机制和用于吸入给药的研究进展,并简要讨论了多肽和蛋白质药物在用于吸入给药时存在的问题及今后的发展方向,为多肽和蛋白质药物的吸入给药研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Hepcidin是一种富含半胱氨酸的新型抗菌肽,在哺乳动物肝脏中特异表达,具有抗细菌和真菌等抗菌肽的特性。更重要的是,其在机体铁代谢平衡的调节中起关键作用,并参与多种铁代谢紊乱疾病的发病机制。对Hepcidin的进一步研究,有助于开发治疗铁代谢异常疾病的新药物。  相似文献   

多肽/蛋白质类药物普遍存在体内半衰期短的问题,使其应用受到了限制。近年来,蛋白质半衰期的研究取得了很大的进展,许多技术已经被提出并测试延长治疗性蛋白的作用时间,如与其他蛋白基因融合(免疫球蛋白域或血清蛋白,如白蛋白)、与聚合物结合(PEG化修饰、聚唾液酸化、HEP化等)。这些技术主要基于本身较长的半衰期及循环机制调控以延长多肽/蛋白质类药物的半衰期。针对上述的多种长效化方式及相关产品进行了综述与讨论,以期为此类药物的长效化研究提供思路。  相似文献   

抗血小板治疗在血栓性疾病的防治中发挥重要作用,血小板膜糖蛋白 GP IIb/IIIa 受体的活化是血小板聚集的最终共同通路。目 前的研究发现,多种新型多肽能与 GP IIb/IIIa 受体特异性结合,从而发挥抗血小板聚集的药理作用。分类综述含有或类似 RGD 序列和非 RGD 序列的新型抗血小板多肽类药物研究进展。  相似文献   

蛋白质药物口服给药系统因其给药方便、顺应性好,逐渐成为一种最有前景的给药方式.从提高蛋白质药物生物利用度入手,综述采用结构修饰、吸收促进剂、酶抑制剂、结肠定位释药、脉冲式药物给药系统和受体介导靶向载体系统等方式,均可大大提高蛋白质药物的口服生物利用度和在胃肠道中的稳定性.  相似文献   

A survey of calcium metabolism in epileptic patients in a residential centre showed a subnormal serum calcium level in 22·5% of patients and a raised alkaline phosphatase in 29%. Hypocalcaemia was related to high dosage of anticonvulsant drugs, to multiple drug therapy, and to the use of individual anticonvulsant drugs in the following order, with decreasing order of importance: pheneturide, primidone, phenytoin, phenobarbitone. Subnormal serum calcium levels occurred more commonly in patients with a raised liver alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme than in those whose phosphatase was mainly of bone origin.Preliminary results of treatment with calciferol suggested that the disturbance of calcium metabolism was the result of vitamin D deficiency. It is possible that anticonvulsant drugs accelerate the breakdown of vitamin D by liver enzyme induction.  相似文献   

植物中多氯联苯的来源、分布及代谢研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究植物中多氯联苯(PCBs)的来源、分布和代谢特点,可以更好地发挥植物在PCBs环境监测中的被动采样平台作用,丰富植物修复PCBs污染的基础理论。对植物中PCBs的来源途径方面的已有研究进行了总结,阐述了植物吸收PCBs的机制及影响因素,论述了植物不同部位中PCBs的分配特点,概括了PCBs的代谢机理和应用的研究现状,最后指出了目前存在的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Emerging issues of Antibiotic drug resistance have increased the mortality cases all around the world. To deal with the situation...  相似文献   

Saliva is a glandular secretion that is vital in the maintenance of healthy oral tissues. In this review we outline the high abundance salivary proteins, summarise the status of the salivary proteome and peptidome, the genetic origin and recognised functions of these proteins, the diseases associated with salivary disorders, and the emerging saliva-derived peptide therapeutics. Different proteomic approaches have reported the identification of over 1,300 proteins in saliva. However there are fewer than 100 high abundance proteins, identified by multiple methods including, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and HPLC combined with mass spectrometry. Analysis of the genes coding for the salivary proteins demonstrated a non-uniform chromosomal distribution with chromosome 4 having the largest proportion of genes expressed in salivary glands. Several diseases are associated with salivary disorders including Sjögren’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, dental caries and stress related disorders. Saliva as a diagnostic medium for various biochemical tests has provided a non-invasive and accessibility advantage over other more regularly tested body fluids such as blood and urine. To-date the emerging saliva-based therapeutics include artificial salivas and antimicrobial agents based on histatins and mucins.  相似文献   

Differences in the metabolic fate of antithyroid drugs influence the optimal frequency of administration and their therapeutic efficacy. 35S propylthiouracil differed from the 35S imidazoles (carbimazole and methimazole) in the more rapid absorption and excretion and the shorter biological half-life in the plasma of the former. Renal function may have a more important influence on the biological half-life of the drugs than thyroid status. Further work is required to determine the optimal frequency of administration for each compound.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes reorganize the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage in response to externally applied loads. Thereby, different loading characteristics lead to different biological responses. Despite of active research in this area, it is still unclear which parts of the extracellular matrix adapt in what ways, and how specific loading characteristics affect matrix changes. This review focuses on the influence of cyclic tensile strain on chondrocyte metabolism in vitro. It also aimed to identify anabolic or catabolic chondrocyte responses to different loading protocols. The key findings show that loading cells up to 3% strain, 0.17 Hz, and 2 h, resulted in weak or no biological responses. Loading between 3–10% strain, 0.17–0.5 Hz, and 2–12 h led to anabolic responses; and above 10% strain, 0.5 Hz, and 12 h catabolic events predominated. However, this review also discusses that various other factors are involved in the remodeling of the extracellular matrix in response to loading, and that parameters like an inflammatory environment might influence the biological response.  相似文献   

Cachexia is a weight-loss process caused by an underlying chronic disease such as cancer, chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or rheumatoid arthritis. It leads to changes in body structure and function that may influence the pharmacokinetics of drugs. Changes in gut function and decreased subcutaneous tissue may influence the absorption of orally and transdermally applied drugs. Altered body composition and plasma protein concentration may affect drug distribution. Changes in the expression and function of metabolic enzymes could influence the metabolism of drugs, and their renal excretion could be affected by possible reduction in kidney function. Because no general guidelines exist for drug dose adjustments in cachectic patients, we conducted a systematic search to identify articles that investigated the pharmacokinetics of drugs in cachectic patients.  相似文献   

介绍汤森路透Cortellis 竞争情报分析数据库报道的市场上高额的溶酶体贮积症和其他罕见疾病治疗药物的合作协议以及该领域某些重要的有前景的候选治疗药物。  相似文献   



Substantial residual cardiovascular risk remains after optimal LDL lowering in patients of established coronary artery disease. A number of therapeutic agents that raise HDL-C have been tested in clinical trials to cover this risk. However, the results of clinical trials are conflicting.


To determine whether raising HDL-C with pharmacologic therapies translates into beneficial cardiovascular outcomes and to find out if this change was proportional to the percentage change in HDL levels.


Electronic and printed sources were searched up to August, 2013 for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) using at least one of the HDL raising therapies for secondary prevention of adverse cardiovascular events over optimal LDL levels. Data from eligible studies were pooled for the following outcomes: all cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, hospitalization for unstable angina, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization and ischemic stroke. Mantel Haensnzel fixed effect model was used preferentially. Meta-regression was done to see the correlation of change in HDL levels and cardiovascular outcomes. Pooled odds ratios with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated.


A total of 12 RCTs including 26,858 patients with follow up period ranging from 1 year to 6.2 years were included in the analysis. Pooled analysis showed no significant difference in all-cause mortality between the treatment and control group (Pooled OR 1.07; 95% CI 0.98–1.16, p = 0.15). No significant difference was found between the groups for any of the secondary outcomes. Similarly no correlation was seen between percentage change in HDL and adverse cardiovascular outcomes on meta-regression analysis.


Increasing HDL levels via pharmacological manipulation beyond optimal lipid lowering therapy for secondary prevention is not beneficial.  相似文献   

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