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Efficient de novo folding of actins and tubulins requires two molecular chaperones, the chaperonin TRiC (or CCT) and its novel cofactor GimC (or prefoldin). Recent studies indicate that TRiC is exquisitely adapted for this task, yet has the ability to interact with and assist the folding of numerous other cellular proteins.  相似文献   

It has been recently hypothesized that BAG3 protein, a co-chaperone of Hsp70/Hsc70, is involved in the regulation of several cell processes, such as apoptosis, autophagy and cell motility. Following the identification of Hsc70/Hsp70, further BAG3 molecular partners such as PLC-γ and HspB8 were likewise identified, thus contributing to the characterization of the mechanisms and the biological roles carried out by this versatile protein. By using a His-tagged BAG3 protein as bait, we fished out and identified the cytosolic chaperonin CCT, a new unreported BAG3 partner. The interaction between BAG3 and CCT was confirmed and characterized by co-immunoprecipitation experiments and surface plasmon resonance techniques. Furthermore, our analyses showed a slower CCT association and a faster dissociation with a truncated form of BAG3 containing the BAG domain, thus indicating that other protein regions are essential for a high-affinity interaction. ATP or ADP does not seem to significantly influence the chaperonin binding to BAG3 protein. On the other hand, our experiments showed that BAG3 silencing by small interfering RNA slowed down cell migration and influence the availability of correctly folded monomeric actin, analyzed by DNAse I binding assays and latrunculin A depolymerization studies. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing a biologically relevant interaction between the chaperonin CCT and BAG3 protein, thus suggesting interesting involvement in the folding processes regulated by CCT.  相似文献   

TRiC/CCT is a highly conserved and essential chaperonin that uses ATP cycling to facilitate folding of approximately 10% of the eukaryotic proteome. This 1 MDa hetero-oligomeric complex consists of two stacked rings of eight paralogous subunits each. Previously proposed TRiC models differ substantially in their subunit arrangements and ring register. Here, we integrate chemical crosslinking, mass spectrometry, and combinatorial modeling to reveal the definitive subunit arrangement of TRiC. In vivo disulfide mapping provided additional validation for the crosslinking-derived arrangement as the definitive TRiC topology. This subunit arrangement allowed the refinement of a structural model using existing X-ray diffraction data. The structure described here explains all available crosslink experiments, provides a rationale for previously unexplained structural features, and reveals a surprising asymmetry of charges within the chaperonin folding chamber.  相似文献   

Review: cellular substrates of the eukaryotic chaperonin TRiC/CCT   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The TCP-1 ring complex (TRiC; also called CCT, for chaperonin containing TCP-1) is a large (approximately 900 kDa) multisubunit complex that mediates protein folding in the eukaryotic cytosol. The physiological substrate spectrum of TRiC is still poorly defined. Genetic and biochemical data show that it is required for the folding of the cytoskeletal proteins actin and tubulin. Recent years have witnessed a steady stream of reports that describe other proteins that require TRiC for proper folding. Furthermore, analysis of the transit of newly synthesized proteins through TRiC in intact cells suggests that the chaperonin contributes to the folding of a distinct subset of cellular proteins. Here we review the current understanding of a role for TRiC in the folding of newly synthesized polypeptides, with a focus on some of the individual proteins that require TRiC.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin TRiC (TCP-1 Ring Complex), also known as CCT (Cytosolic Chaperonin containing TCP-1), is a hetero-oligomeric complex consisting of two back-to-back rings of eight different subunits each. The general architecture of the complex has been determined, but the arrangement of the subunits within the complex remains an open question. By assuming that the subunits have a defined arrangement within each ring, we constructed a simple model of TRiC that analyzes the possible arrangements of individual subunits in the complex. By applying the model to existing data, we find that there are only four subunit arrangements consistent with previous observations. Our analysis provides a framework for the interpretation and design of experiments to elucidate the quaternary structure of TRiC/CCT. This in turn will aid in the understanding of substrate binding and allosteric properties of this chaperonin.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite exports numerous proteins into its host red blood cell (RBC). The trafficking of these exported effectors is complex. Proteins are first routed through the secretory system, into the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), a membranous compartment enclosing the parasite. Proteins are then translocated across the PV membrane in a process requiring ATP and unfolding. Once in the RBC compartment the exported proteins are then refolded and further trafficked to their final localizations. Chaperones are important in the unfolding and refolding processes. Recently, it was suggested that the parasite TRiC chaperonin complex is exported, and that it is involved in trafficking of exported effectors. Using a parasite‐specific antibody and epitope‐tagged transgenic parasites we could observe no export of Plasmodium TRiC into the RBC. We tested the importance of the parasite TRiC by creating a regulatable knockdown line of the TRiC‐θ subunit. Loss of the parasite TRiC‐θ led to a severe growth defect in asexual development, but did not alter protein export into the RBC. These observations indicate that the TRiC proteins play a critical role in parasite biology, though their function, within the parasite, appears unrelated to protein trafficking in the RBC compartment.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic group II chaperonin TRiC/CCT is a 16-subunit complex with eight distinct but similar subunits arranged in two stacked rings. Substrate folding inside the central chamber is triggered by ATP hydrolysis. We present five cryo-EM structures of TRiC in apo and nucleotide-induced states without imposing symmetry during the 3D reconstruction. These structures reveal the intra- and inter-ring subunit interaction pattern changes during the ATPase cycle. In the apo state, the subunit arrangement in each ring is highly asymmetric, whereas all nucleotide-containing states tend to be more symmetrical. We identify and structurally characterize an one-ring closed intermediate induced by ATP hydrolysis wherein the closed TRiC ring exhibits an observable chamber expansion. This likely represents the physiological substrate folding state. Our structural results suggest mechanisms for inter-ring-negative cooperativity, intra-ring-positive cooperativity, and protein-folding chamber closure of TRiC. Intriguingly, these mechanisms are different from other group I and II chaperonins despite their similar architecture.  相似文献   

von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is caused by loss of function of the VHL tumor suppressor protein. Here, we demonstrate that the folding and assembly of VHL into a complex with its partner proteins, elongin B and elongin C (herein, elongin BC), is directly mediated by the chaperonin TRiC/CCT. Association of VHL with TRiC is required for formation of the VHL-elongin BC complex. A 55-amino acid domain of VHL is both necessary and sufficient for binding to TRiC. Importantly, mutation or deletion of this domain is associated with VHL disease. We identified two mutations that disrupt the normal interaction with TRiC and impair VHL folding. Our results define a novel role for TRiC in mediating oligomerization and suggest that inactivating mutations can impair polypeptide function by interfering with chaperone-mediated folding.  相似文献   

Recombinant expression of actin in bacteria results in non-native species that aggregate into inclusion bodies. Actin is a folding substrate of TRiC, the chaperonin of the eukaryotic cytosol. By employing bacterial in vitro translation lysates supplemented with purified chaperones, we have found that TRiC is the only eukaryotic chaperone necessary for correct folding of newly translated actin. The actin thus produced binds deoxyribonuclease I and polymerizes into filaments, hallmarks of its native state. In contrast to its rapid folding in the eukaryotic cytosol, actin translated in TRiC-supplemented bacterial lysate folds with slower kinetics, resembling the kinetics upon refolding from denaturant. Lysate supplementation with the bacterial chaperonin GroEL/ES or the DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE chaperones leads to prevention of actin aggregation, yet fails to support its correct folding. This combination of in vitro bacterial translation and TRiC-assisted folding allows a detailed analysis of the mechanisms necessary for efficient actin folding in vivo. In addition, it provides a robust alternative for the production of substantial amounts of eukaryotic proteins that otherwise misfold or lead to cellular toxicity upon expression in heterologous hosts.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin CCT (chaperonin containing TCP-1) is the most complex of all chaperonins-an oligomeric structure built from two identical rings, each composed of single copies of eight different subunits. The arrangement of the eight subunits within each ring has been characterised for some time, but the phasing between the two rings remains unknown. Here, three-dimensional reconstructions generated by cryoelectron microscopy of complexes between CCT and either of two different monoclonal antibodies that react specifically with the CCTepsilon and CCTdelta subunits have been used to determine the phasing between the two chaperonin rings. The inter-ring arrangement is such that up/down inter-ring communication always involves two different CCT subunits in all eight positions, and the group of subunits concerned with the initiation and completion of the folding cycle cluster together both in the intra- and inter-ring arrangement. This supports a sequential mechanism of conformational changes between the two interacting rings.  相似文献   

Gbetagamma dimer formation occurs early in the assembly of heterotrimeric G proteins. On nondenaturing (native) gels, in vitro translated, (35)S-labeled Ggamma subunits traveled primarily according to their pI and apparently were not associated with other proteins. In contrast, in vitro translated, (35)S-labeled Gbeta subunits traveled at a high apparent molecular mass (approximately 700 kDa) and co-migrated with the chaperonin CCT complex (also called TRiC). Different FLAG-Gbeta isoforms coprecipitated CCT/TRiC to a variable extent, and this correlated with the ability of the different Gbeta subunits to efficiently form dimers with Ggamma. When translated Ggamma was added to translated Gbeta, a new band of low apparent molecular mass (approximately 50 kDa) was observed, which was labeled by either (35)S-labeled Gbeta or Ggamma, indicating that it is a dimer. Formation of the Gbetagamma dimer was ATP-dependent and inhibited by either adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) or aluminum fluoride in the presence of Mg(2+). This inhibition led to increased association of Gbeta with CCT/TRiC. Although Ggamma did not bind CCT/TRiC, addition of Ggamma to previously synthesized Gbeta caused its release from the CCT/TRiC complex. We conclude that the chaperonin CCT/TRiC complex binds to and folds Gbeta subunits and that CCT/TRiC mediates Gbetagamma dimer formation by an ATP-dependent reaction.  相似文献   

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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag is the main structural protein driving assembly and release of virions from infected cells. Gag alone is capable of self-assembly in vitro, but host factors have been shown to play a role in efficient viral replication and particle morphogenesis within the living cell. In a series of affinity purification experiments, we identified the cellular protein Lyric to be an HIV-1 Gag-interacting protein. Lyric was previously described to be an HIV-inducible gene and is involved in various signaling pathways. Gag interacts with endogenous Lyric via its matrix (MA) and nucleocapsid (NC) domains. This interaction requires Gag multimerization and Lyric amino acids 101 to 289. Endogenous Lyric is incorporated into HIV-1 virions and is cleaved by the viral protease. Gag-Lyric interaction was also observed for murine leukemia virus and equine infectious anemia virus, suggesting that it represents a conserved feature among retroviruses. Expression of the Gag binding domain of Lyric increased Gag expression levels and viral infectivity, whereas expression of a Lyric mutant lacking the Gag binding site resulted in lower Gag expression and decreased viral infectivity. The results of the current study identify Lyric to be a cellular interaction partner of HIV-1 Gag and hint at a potential role in regulating infectivity. Further experiments are needed to elucidate the precise role of this interaction.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 Gag polyprotein contains a segment called p2, located between the capsid (CA) and nucleocapsid (NC) domains, that is essential for ordered virus assembly and infectivity. We subcloned, overexpressed, and purified a 156-residue polypeptide that contains the C-terminal capsid subdomain (CA(CTD)) through the NC domain of Gag (CA(CTD)-p2-NC, Gag residues 276-431) for NMR relaxation and sedimentation equilibrium (SE) studies. The CA(CTD) and NC domains are folded as expected, but residues of the p2 segment, and the adjoining thirteen C-terminal residues of CA(CTD) and thirteen N-terminal residues of NC, are flexible. Backbone NMR chemical shifts of these 40 residues deviate slightly from random coil values and indicate a small propensity toward an alpha-helical conformation. The presence of a transient coil-to-helix equilibrium may explain the unusual and necessarily slow proteolysis rate of the CA-p2 junction. CA(CTD)-p2-NC forms dimers and self-associates with an equilibrium constant (Kd = 1.78 +/- 0.5 microM) similar to that observed for the intact capsid protein (Kd = 2.94 +/- 0.8 microM), suggesting that Gag self-association is not significantly influence by the P2 domain.  相似文献   

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF) is regulated by oxygen-dependent prolyl hydroxylation. Of the three HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHD1, 2 and 3) identified, PHD3 exhibits restricted substrate specificity in vitro and is induced in different cell types by diverse stimuli. PHD3 may therefore provide an interface between oxygen sensing and other signalling pathways. We have used co-purification and mass spectrometry to identify proteins that interact with PHD3. The cytosolic chaperonin TRiC was found to copurify with PHD3 in extracts from several cell types. Our results indicate that PHD3 is a TRiC substrate, providing another step at which PHD3 activity may be regulated.  相似文献   

Myofibrils of the skeletal muscle are comprised of sarcomeres that generate force by contraction when myosin-rich thick filaments slide past actin-based thin filaments. Surprisingly little is known about the molecular processes that guide sarcomere assembly in vivo, despite deficits within this process being a major cause of human disease. To overcome this knowledge gap, we undertook a forward genetic screen coupled with reverse genetics to identify genes required for vertebrate sarcomere assembly. In this screen, we identified a zebrafish mutant with a nonsense mutation in mob4. In Drosophila, mob4 has been reported to play a role in spindle focusing as well as neurite branching and in planarians mob4 was implemented in body size regulation. In contrast, zebrafish mob4geh mutants are characterised by an impaired actin biogenesis resulting in sarcomere defects. Whereas loss of mob4 leads to a reduction in the amount of myofibril, transgenic expression of mob4 triggers an increase. Further genetic analysis revealed the interaction of Mob4 with the actin-folding chaperonin TRiC, suggesting that Mob4 impacts on TRiC to control actin biogenesis and thus myofibril growth. Additionally, mob4geh features a defective microtubule network, which is in-line with tubulin being the second main folding substrate of TRiC. We also detected similar characteristics for strn3-deficient mutants, which confirmed Mob4 as a core component of STRIPAK and surprisingly implicates a role of the STRIPAK complex in sarcomerogenesis.  相似文献   

The capsid protein (CA) of the mature human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) contains an N-terminal beta-hairpin that is essential for formation of the capsid core particle. CA is generated by proteolytic cleavage of the Gag precursor polyprotein during viral maturation. We have determined the NMR structure of a 283-residue N-terminal fragment of immature HIV-1 Gag (Gag(283)), which includes the intact matrix (MA) and N-terminal capsid (CA(N)) domains. The beta-hairpin is unfolded in Gag(283), consistent with the proposal that hairpin formation occurs subsequent to proteolytic cleavage of Gag, triggering capsid assembly. Comparison of the immature and mature CA(N) structures reveals that beta-hairpin formation induces a approximately 2 A displacement of helix 6 and a concomitant displacement of the cyclophylin-A (CypA)-binding loop, suggesting a possible allosteric mechanism for CypA-mediated destabilization of the capsid particle during infectivity.  相似文献   

To facilitate folding and assembly of different proteins, chaperonin GroEL requires the presence of its helper protein GroES. Using a photochemical cross-linking approach, we show that GroES and newly synthesized pre-beta-lactamase (pre-beta lac) contact with each other only within the ternary complex with GroEL. Possibly owing to this contact GroES is able to directly influence the pre-beta lac/GroEL interaction. Furthermore, the cross-linking of pre-beta lac to GroES suggests that the binding of the protein ligands to GroEL occurs near the GroES binding site, known to be in the central hole space of GroEL.  相似文献   

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