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The ongoing characterization of novel species creates the need for a molecular marker which can be used for species- and, simultaneously, for mega-systematics. Recently, the use of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequence was suggested, as it shows a high divergence in sequence with an assumed conservation in structure. This hypothesis was mainly based on small-scale analyses, comparing a limited number of sequences. Here, we report a large-scale analysis of more than 54,000 currently known ITS2 sequences with the goal to evaluate the hypothesis of a conserved structural core and to assess its use for automated large-scale phylogenetics. Structure prediction revealed that the previously described core structure can be found for more than 5000 sequences in a wide variety of taxa within the eukaryotes, indicating that the core secondary structure is indeed conserved. This conserved structure allowed an automated alignment of extremely divergent sequences as exemplified for the ITS2 sequences of a ctenophorean eumetazoon and a volvocalean green alga. All classified sequences, together with their structures can be accessed at http://www.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/bioinformatik/projects/ITS2.html. Furthermore, we found that, although sample sequences are known for most major taxa, there exists a profound divergence in coverage, which might become a hindrance for general usage. In summary, our analysis strengthens the potential of ITS2 as a general phylogenetic marker and provides a data source for further ITS2-based analyses.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of ITS2 processing, a eukaryotic insertion between the 5.8S and LSU rRNA, remain largely elusive even in yeast. To delineate ITS2 structural and functional features which could be common to eukaryotes, we first produced phylo-genetically supported folding models in the vertebrate lineage, then tested them in deeper branchings and, more particularly, among yeasts. ITS2 comparisons between four Teleostei, a Chondrichthyes specimen and two jawless organisms have revealed a common folding architecture in four to five domains of secondary structure emerging from a preserved structural core. This folding, largely reminiscent of ITS2 architecture in mammals, is also preserved in amphibia and in chicken, despite dramatic sequence variations. Preferential conservation is located around a central loop and at the apex of a long stem in the ITS2 3'-half. Interestingly, these two independent structural features contain, respectively, the 3'-ends of the two transient rRNA precursors 8S and 12S RNA identified in mammals, suggesting a preservation of these intermediates of processing over the entire vertebrate group. Surprising similarities between the vertebrate ITS2 folding shape and that of invertebrates as well as protista have made intriguing the significant differences from the yeast model. A detailed comparative analysis including four relatively close species and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a deep yeast branching, has revealed an alternative phylogenetically supported four-domain folding presenting strong similarities to the vertebrate model. Remarkably, the two best conserved regions of vertebrates have unambiguously preserved counterparts which are also sites for internal processing in yeast. Therefore, molecular mechanisms involved in ITS2 excision in vertebrates and yeast might be more closely related than currently believed and might require a very similar trans -acting machinery.  相似文献   

The second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA from 73 specimens of Astigmata was analyzed by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. The length of the ITS2 region varied from 282 to 592 bp. The interspecific variation based on consensus sequences was more than 4.1%, while the intraspecific or intra-individual variation was from 0 to 5.7%. The variation between geographically separated populations (0–3.2%) was almost the same as the variation within strains. The sequences of the ITS2 region of Astigmata were concluded to be species-specific. The phylogenetic tree inferred from the ITS2 region supported Zachvatkins morphological classification in the subfamily Rhizoglyphinae. The species-specific ITS2 sequence is useful for the species identification of astigmatid mites and for studying low-level phylogenetic relationships.Chemical Ecology of Astigmatid Mites LXXVThis revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

Structural genomics meets phylogenetics and vice versa: Knowing rRNA secondary structures is a prerequisite for constructing rRNA alignments for inferring phylogenies, and inferring phylogenies is a precondition to understand the evolution of such rRNA secondary structures. Here, both scientific worlds go together. The rRNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region is a widely used phylogenetic marker. Because of its high variability at the sequence level, correct alignments have to take into account structural information. In this study, we examine the extent of the conservation in structure. We present (1) the homology modeled secondary structure of more than 20,000 ITS2 covering about 14,000 species; (2) a computational approach for homology modeling of rRNA structures, which additionally can be applied to other RNA families; and (3) a database providing about 25,000 ITS2 sequences with their associated secondary structures, a refined ITS2 specific general time reversible (GTR) substitution model, and a scoring matrix, available at http://its2.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de.  相似文献   

The nrDNA ITS1 of Picea is 2747-3271 bp, the longest known of all plants. We obtained 24 cloned ITS1 sequences from six individuals of Picea glehnii, Picea mariana, Picea orientalis, and Picea rubens. Mean sequence divergence within these individuals (0.018+/-0.009) is more than half that between the species (0.031+/-0.011) and may be maintained against concerted evolution by separation of Picea 18S-26S rDNA repeats on multiple chromosomes. Picea ITS1 contains three subrepeats with a motif (5'-GGCCACCCTAGTC) that is conserved across Pinaceae. Two subrepeats are tandem, remote from the third, and more closely related and significantly more similar to one another than either is to the third subrepeat. This correlation between similarity and proximity may be the result of subrepeat duplication or concerted evolution within rDNA repeats. In inferred secondary structures, subrepeats generally form long hairpins, with a portion of the Pinaceae conserved motif in the terminal loop, and tandem subrepeats pair with one another over most of their length. Coalescence of ITS1 sequences occurs in P. orientalis but not in the other species.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships in Primulaceae were investigated by analysis of nuclear rDNA ITS sequences. Thirty-four species of Primulaceae, two of Myrsinaceae and four outgroup taxa were analyzed. In accordance to the results of recently published papers on the phylogeny of Primulaceae we found the family to be paraphyletic and resolved the positions of some genera. Our results show (a) the rather basal position of Centunculus within Lysimachieae, the genus thus being rather distantly related to Anagallis, (b) the close relationship between Lysimachia sect. Lerouxia, Anagallis, Asterolinon, and Pelletiera, (c) the well-supported monophyly of a group consisting of the four genera Hottonia, Omphalogramma, Bryocarpum, and Soldanella, and (d) the affinity of Stimpsonia to the Myrsinaceae-Lysimachieae-Ardisiandra clade. The ITS sequence data do not provide sufficient information to resolve basal relationships within the Primulaceae s.l. There is evidence against the monophyly of the large genera Primula, Androsace, and Lysimachia. In contrast to the phylogenetic reconstructions based on plastid gene sequences, Cyclamen does not appear as a member of the Myrsinaceae-Lysimachieae clade, but its position remains unclear. Revised July 10, 2002; accepted November 21, 2002 Published online: March 20, 2003  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi are inhabitants of plants, living most part of their lifecycle asymptomatically which mainly confer protection and ecological advantages to the host plant. In this present study, 48 endophytic fungi were isolated from the leaves of three medicinal plants and characterized based on ITS2 sequence – secondary structure analysis. ITS2 secondary structures were elucidated with minimum free energy method (MFOLD version 3.1) and consensus structure of each genus was generated by 4SALE. ProfDistS was used to generate ITS2 sequence structure based phylogenetic tree respectively. Our elucidated isolates were belonging to Ascomycetes family, representing 5 orders and 6 genera. Colletotrichum/Glomerella spp., Diaporthae/Phomopsis spp., and Alternaria spp., were predominantly observed while Cochliobolus sp., Cladosporium sp., and Emericella sp., were represented by singletons. The constructed phylogenetic tree has well resolved monophyletic groups with >50% bootstrap value support. Secondary structures based fungal systematics improves not only the stability; it also increases the precision of phylogenetic inference. Above ITS2 based phylogenetic analysis was performed for our 48 isolates along with sequences of known ex-types taken from GenBank which confirms the efficiency of the proposed method. Further, we propose it as superlative marker for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships at different taxonomic levels due to their lesser length.  相似文献   

Hlinka O  Murrell A  Barker SC 《Heredity》2002,88(4):275-279
ITS2 sequences are used extensively in molecular taxonomy and population genetics of arthropods and other animals yet little is known about the molecular evolution of ITS2. We studied the secondary structure of ITS2 in species from each of the six main lineages of hard ticks (family Ixodidae). The ITS2 of these ticks varied in length from 679 bp in Ixodes scapularis to 1547 bp in Aponomma concolor. Nucleotide content varied also: the ITS2 of ticks from the Prostriata lineage (Ixodes spp.) had 46-49% GC whereas ITS2 sequences of ticks from the Metastriata lineage (all other hard ticks) had 61-62% GC. Despite variation in nucleotide sequence, the secondary structure of the ITS2 of all of these ticks apparently has five domains. Stems 1, 3, 4 and 5 of this secondary structure were obvious in all of the species studied. However, stem 2 was not always obvious despite the fact that it is flanked by highly conserved sequence motifs in the adjacent stems, stems 1 and 3. The ITS2 of hard ticks has apparently evolved mostly by increases and decreases in length of the nucleotide sequences, which caused increases, and decreases in the length of stems of the secondary structure. This is most obvious when stems of the secondary structures of the Prostriata (Ixodes spp.) are compared to those of the Metastriata (all other hard ticks). Increases in the size of the ITS2 may have been caused by replication slippage which generated large repeats, like those seen in Haemaphysalis humerosa and species from the Rhipicepalinae lineage, and the small repeats found in species from the other lineages of ticks.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of the study was to characterize the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of Peronospora parasitica (crucifer downy mildew) in order to evaluate their potential as molecular markers for pathogen identification. METHODS AND RESULTS: PCR amplification of ribosomal RNA gene block (rDNA) spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) performed in 44 P. parasitica isolates from different Brassica oleracea cultivars and distinct geographic origins, revealed no length polymorphisms. ITS restriction analysis with three endonucleases, confirmed by sequencing, showed no fragment length polymorphisms among isolates. Furthermore, ITS amplification with DNA isolated from infected host tissues also allowed the detection of the fungus in incompatible interactions. The combination of the universal ITS4 and ITS5 primers, for amplification of full ITS, with a new specific forward internal primer for ITS2 (PpITS2F), originates a P. parasitica specific amplicon, suitable for diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: As ITS2 regions of P. parasitica, B. oleracea, other B. oleracea fungal pathogens and other Peronospora species are clearly distinct, a fast and reliable molecular identification method based on multiplex PCR amplification of full ITS and P. parasitica ITS2 is proposed for the diagnosis of crucifer downy mildew. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The method can be applied to diagnose the disease in the absence of fungal reproductive structures, thus being useful to detect nonsporulating interactions, early stages of infection on seedlings, and infected young leaves packed in sealed plastic bags. Screening of seed stocks in sanitary control is also a major application of this diagnostic method.  相似文献   


Reactive oxygen species (ROS, partially reduced or activated derivatives of oxygen), are highly reactive and toxic and can lead to oxidative destruction of the cell. ROS production increases when plants are exposed to different kinds of stresses. The chief toxic effect of O2 ? and H2O2 resides in their ability to initiate cascade reactions that result in the production of the hydroxyl radical and other destructive species such as lipid peroxides. These dangerous cascades are prevented by efficient operation of the cell's antioxidant defenses. However, in addition to their role as toxic byproducts of aerobic metabolism, recently, a new role for ROS has been identified, i.e. the control and regulation of biological processes, such as growth, cell cycle, programmed cell death, hormone signaling, biotic and abiotic stress responses, and development. This review discusses the biochemical properties and sources and sites of ROS production, ROS-scavenging systems, and the role of ROS as signaling molecules.  相似文献   

During the pre-rRNA cleavage pathway, the excision of ITS2, a eukaryotic specific insertion, remains the most elusive processing step, even in yeast. Comparison of the ITS2 sequences in different organisms permits to reveal conservative, presumably functionally important elements as well as obtain new information about ITS2 divergence in evolution. We have cloned and sequenced the ITS2 of three lizard species, Agama caucasia (Agamidae), Darevskia armeniaca and Lacerta strigata (Lacertidae) and detected in them a set of specific and conservative structural elements employing secondary structure consensus for vertebrate ITS2. Furthermore, we have performed an alignment and comparative analysis of the ITS2 sequences for the two lizards families. It enables us to propose that modern lizard species formation in evolution was accompanied by ITS2 duplication in the rDNA of their common progenitors.  相似文献   

Genetic assessment was carried out on three Italian melon accessions by sequence and structural analysis of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) from three populations belonging to two Cucumis melo L. varieties (madras and tendral). Alignment of the 18S-5.8S-26S sequences from three melon accessions showed that there were three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one short insertion-deletion (indel) at the 5'end ITS1. An amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR-based analysis was successfully applied to the SNP markers of the ITS1 sequences for the fingerprinting analysis of three melon populations. Secondary structure models for each ITS1 were derived. The prediction of ITS1 RNA secondary structure from each accession was improved by detecting key functional elements shared by all sequences in the alignments. Our results demonstrated that the ITS1secondary structure models can be used to improve the preliminary genetic assessment of the three melon accessions, suggesting a new tool in plant fingerprinting analysis.  相似文献   

A bioassay method suitable for rapid mass screening of fermentation and synthetic organic compounds for insecticidal activity is described. The test, which uses first instars of susceptible black blow fly, Phormia regina (Meigen), in a bovine serum medium, detects insecticidal activity with reproducible results. It is capable of selecting the most active compound in structure-activity relationships by minimum effective dose concentration studies. The bioassay system is easy to operate and requires only a minute quantity of chemical compound.  相似文献   

The first step of any molecular phylogenetic analysis is the selection of the species and sequences to be included, the taxon sampling. Already here different pitfalls exist. Sequences can contain errors, annotations in databases can be inaccurate and even the taxonomic classification of a species can be wrong. Usually, these artefacts become evident only after calculation of the phylogenetic tree. Following, the taxon sampling has to be corrected iteratively. This can become tedious and time consuming, as in most cases the taxon sampling is de-coupled from the further steps of the phylogenetic analysis. Here, we present the ITS2 Workbench (http://its2.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/), which eliminates this problem by a tight integration of taxon sampling, secondary structure prediction, multiple alignment and phylogenetic tree calculation. The ITS2 Workbench has access to more than 280,000 ITS2 sequences and their structures provided by the ITS2 database enabling sequence-structure based alignment and tree reconstruction. This allows the interactive improvement of the taxon sampling throughout the whole phylogenetic tree reconstruction process. Thus, the ITS2 Workbench enables a fast, interactive and iterative taxon sampling leading to more accurate ITS2 based phylogenies.  相似文献   

In the present study, sequence and structural analysis of ITS2 region (the spacer segment between 5.8S and 28S rRNA of mature rRNA sequences) of 7 Culex species belonging to 5 different geographical locations was carried out. Alignment of the ITS2 sequence from the 7 species revealed 8 homologous domains. Four species namely C. vishnui, C. annulus, C. pipiens, C. quiquefasciatusshowed high sequence (98-100%) and RNA secondary structure similarity. The ITS2 similarity among different species is high despite their varying geographical locations. Several common features of secondary structure are shared among these species, with some of them supported by compensatory changes, suggesting the significant role by ITS2 as an RNA domain during ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) marajoara is a proven primary vector of malaria parasites in Northeast Brazil, and An. deaneorum is a suspected vector in Western Brazil. Both are members of the morphologically similar Albitarsis Complex, which also includes An. albitarsis and an undescribed species, An. albitarsis "B". These four species were recognized and can be identified using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, but various other methodologies also point to multiple species under the name An. albitarsis. We describe here a technique for identification of these species employing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers based on ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (rDNA ITS2) sequence. Since this method is based on known sequence it is simpler than the sometimes problematical RAPD-PCR. Primers were tested on samples previously identified using RAPD markers with complete correlation.  相似文献   

The unavailability of the reproductive structure and unpredictability of vegetative characters for the identification and phylogenetic study of bamboo prompted the application of molecular techniques for greater resolution and consensus. We first employed internal transcribed spacer (ITS1, 5.8S rRNA and ITS2) sequences to construct the phylogenetic tree of 21 tropical bamboo species. While the sequence alone could grossly reconstruct the traditional phylogeny amongst the 21-tropical species studied, some anomalies were encountered that prompted a further refinement of the phylogenetic analyses. Therefore, we integrated the secondary structure of the ITS sequences to derive individual sequence-structure matrix to gain more resolution on the phylogenetic reconstruction. The results showed that ITS sequence-structure is the reliable alternative to the conventional phenotypic method for the identification of bamboo species. The best-fit topology obtained by the sequence-structure based phylogeny over the sole sequence based one underscores closer clustering of all the studied Bambusa species (Sub-tribe Bambusinae), while Melocanna baccifera, which belongs to Sub-Tribe Melocanneae, disjointedly clustered as an out-group within the consensus phylogenetic tree. In this study, we demonstrated the dependability of the combined (ITS sequence+structure-based) approach over the only sequence-based analysis for phylogenetic relationship assessment of bamboo.  相似文献   

Pfiesteria piscicida is a harmful bloom-forming alga that has received a great deal of attention due to its potential association with large fish kills and neurological problems in humans. Since the discovery of Pfiesteria, several other Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates (PLDs) have also been identified. Genetic identification and phylogenetic relationships among the PLDs commonly utilize sequence data from the genes and spacers of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) operon. Of these, the internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) have been previously shown to fold into secondary structures that are critical for proper ribosomal processing. In this study, we modeled the secondary structure of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) from 16 PLDs (as well as an outgroup taxon) using phylogenetic comparative methods and minimum free energy. The secondary structural models predicted for these dinoflagellates consisted of four paired helices separated by five unpaired regions, consistent with those reported from many eukaryotes. All of the structures were highly stable (ΔG = ?66.1 to ?122.3 kcal·mol at 37 °C) and several structural characters were found to be conserved either across the PLDs or were specific to monophyletic subgroups, strengthening previously inferred phylogenetic relationships among taxa. Additionally, an 18 bp motif was identified in the PLDs whose position corresponds to a ribosomal processing site described from other eukaryotes. Potential applications of these ITS2 secondary structures include utility in strain and species identification, phylogenetic inference and serving as a tool for identifying and excluding rDNA pseudogenes when assessing biodiversity within the PLDs.  相似文献   

Sequence variation of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) was examined for populations of the malaria vector Anopheles nuneztovari collected in Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Suriname, and Brazil. Mosquitoes from Colombia and Venezuela had identical ITS2 sequences and were distinguished from sequences in other populations by three insertion/deletion events (indels) and by one transversion. The length of the ITS2 was 363-369 bp, and it had a G+C content of 55.3%- 55.7%. Variation in the length of the ITS2 between and within populations was due to indels in simple repeats. ITS2 consensus sequences were similar or identical for samples from the following three groups: (1) Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela; (2) Suriname and northern Brazil; and (3) eastern and central Brazil. The presence of two different consensus sequences from a single location near Manaus, Brazil, suggests that populations from eastern Brazil and those from Suriname converge in this region of the Amazon Basin. These data show that putative cryptic species of An. nuneztovari are distinguished by very minor differences in DNA sequence of the ITS2 region.   相似文献   

The ITS regions of 5 species in Aegilops sect. Sitopsis, the possible donors of Bgenome of common wheat, were amplified by PCR, cloned and sequenced. The phylogenetic relationships among 5 species in Aegilops sect. Sitopsis were constructed based on ITS1 + ITS2 sequences. The results demonstrated that Ae. speltoides was a distinct species in Aegilops sect. Sitopsis. The average of the pairwise distances between Ae. speltoides and the other four species was three times as high as that among the latter four. Ae. speltoides was the earliest lineage of the section under question. Relationship between Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis was the closest in Aegilops sect. Sitopsis. Sequence of ITS regioncould be used as a molecular marker to identify origin of B-genome in polyploid wheats.  相似文献   

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