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自然公园功能分区方法研究——以黄山风景名胜区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马冰然  曾维华  解钰茜 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8286-8298
为了推进生态文明和美丽中国建设,合理利用自然资源,促进人与自然的和谐,我国提出"国家公园体制"并要求对保护地体系进行优化完善。功能分区作为保护地规划与管理中最相关的过程,是保护地体系优化的重要方面。自然公园作为多类型保护地的一个组成部分,其功能分区还存在着对生态与经济协调发展考虑不充分,缺乏综合性的分区研究等问题,不利于保护地的可持续发展。因此,为了推进保护地体系的优化与完善,从综合管理的角度出发,基于不可替代性、生态脆弱性、景观资源评价和经济建设的适宜性等方面提出了自然公园的功能分区方法,并以黄山风景名胜区为例进行了分区研究。本研究认为,自然公园的功能分区可包括生态保育区、景观保护区和经济发展区三个一级区,生态保育区可以分为核心生态保育区和重要生态保育区,景观保护区可以分为核心景观保护区和重要景观保护区,经济发展区可以分为游憩区、农业区和居住区。  相似文献   

面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标体系构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家公园具有生态系统保护、自然资源可持续利用等管理目标,这些管理目标的实现需要大量监测数据和信息的支持。对国家公园开展生态监测有助于了解国家公园内生态系统的动态变化并揭示管理活动的影响,从而为管理决策的规划和实施提供有用信息。为推动我国国家公园生态监测体系的建立,提出了面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标构建方法。该方法由确定国家公园生态监测目标、识别国家公园管理目标、识别国家公园关键生态过程、确定需要监测的生态过程并制定初始监测指标清单、确定最终监测指标清单5个部分组成。该方法在三江源国家公园进行了应用。三江源国家公园的管理目标包括生态系统保育、维持江河径流量持续稳定等13项,在区域、景观、生态系统和种群尺度上共识别出16个关键生态过程。通过匹配三江源国家公园的关键生态过程与管理目标,构建了一个由两级共93个指标组成的三江源国家公园生态监测指标体系,为三江源国家公园生态监测体系的构建奠定了基础。  相似文献   

乌恩  程静琦 《生物信息学》2019,26(10):54-59
在欧美、日本等国家及中国港台地区,环境解说已成为景观规划设计中的重要内容,如今,环境解说也已经引起了中国内地风景园林学界、业界的关注,但从对环境解说重要性的认知到规划、设计实践能力来看,环境解说还仅是中国景观规划设计表达中的一种“新语言”。从环境解说在景观规划设计中的重要性入手,结合实际案例阐述环境解说之于景观规划设计的重要性:环境解说系统能够使游客的景观理解更加深刻、丰富;对于保护地和国家公园、郊野公园等自然公园的规划设计,环境解说更是体现公园特色和个性的核心工作内容;按照传统风景观来看湿地等缺乏景观变化性、丰富性的自然空间,环境解说甚至可以成为公园游赏系统规划时的主要线索;环境解说具有辅助游客行为管理、提效资源环境保护的功能;优质的环境解说规划设计可以提升景观美感水平。  相似文献   

旅游开发对芜湖市森林公园植被与环境质量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以芜湖市各森林公园为例,采用游览频率、植被景观重要值、物种丰富度指数、旅游影响系数、环境质量重要值、伴人植物比例以及管理力度系数7项指标,对该市植被环境质量与旅游的关系进行了分析。结果表明:游览频率与植被景观重要值和丰富度指数成负相关;旅游影响系数、伴人植物比例与环境质量重要值及管理力度系数成负相关。同时探讨了旅游对环境质量及植被影响的规律性。  相似文献   

国家公园保护管理的首要目的是有效保护国家重要自然生态系统原真性和完整性。我们提出了面向管理的中国国家公园原真性与完整性概念, 国家公园原真性是指国家公园内生态系统及构成国家公园价值或与国家公园价值紧密联系的自然与文化要素保持在原生状态, 强调“不受损”; 国家公园完整性是指国家公园具有足够面积和充分的组成要素, 以维持生态系统的结构、功能与过程, 维持自然区域的价值与特征, 强调“不缺失”。我们还提出了国家公园原真性和完整性评价框架, 从自然度、气候变化强度、传统文化及其载体的真实性、人类干扰程度、人与自然和谐关系的原真性5个方面评价国家公园原真性; 从生态系统组成完整性、生态系统结构完整性、生态系统功能完整性、景观组成要素完整性和文化景观的完整性5个层面评价国家公园完整性。此外, 我们还提出了国家公园原真性与完整性保护的建议, 包括重塑保护管理目标、更新保护管理理念与提升保护管理技术3个方面。国家公园原真性与完整性的讨论尚未成熟, 对评价指标设定、指标间的相互关系、保护管理技术等的研究均尚待深入。  相似文献   

额济纳天然绿洲景观健康评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在景观尺度上开展健康评价研究,不但可提供一个将自然生态过程与社会经济价值进行综合研究的基础,而且景观健康概念本身蕴含着在针对资源与环境问题开展研究时更为合适的时间和空间尺度.额济纳天然绿洲位于我国西北干旱内陆河黑河流域下游.近年来,随着黑河中、上游地区下泄地表径流量的减少,绿洲景观退化严重.基于研究区近十几年来的景观演变特征,分别从景观变化指标、生物物理指标、生态环境指标以及社会经济指标4个方面发展并构建了景观健康评价指标体系,制定了评价标准,并分别赋予了各指标相应的权重值,运用综合评判方法,得到了具有动态性、定量性的绿洲景观健康评价结果.结果表明, 研究区景观近10多年来总体的景观健康指数为0.3042,健康等级紧邻“濒危的”级别.该结果较为客观、真实地反映了当前额济纳天然绿洲景观的健康状况,说明近10多年来研究区的景观健康状况与较早时期相比趋于恶化, 发展态势表现出严重的不可持续性.  相似文献   

Grassland birds are in steep decline, with population declines reported in 74% of North American grassland species in the past 50 years. Declines are particularly severe in the eastern United States where they are influenced by habitat loss and alteration due to urbanization, forest regrowth, and agricultural intensification. The United States National Park Service maintains civil war battlefields in the eastern United States as historical and cultural parks that may also provide habitat refuge for grassland birds within an increasingly urbanized matrix. To assess the conservation importance of battlefield parks and the role of park management in sustaining grassland birds, we surveyed for 2 declining grassland-breeding species, eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna) and grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), at 242 points across 4 battlefield parks in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, USA, from 2014–2019 and in 2021. We modeled the effects of park management activities (prescribed fire, agricultural leases, and delayed harvest) and habitat and landscape characteristics on breeding-season occupancy. There was support for the influence of local habitat features, landscape, and management. Breeding-season occupancy of both species was consistently higher in hayfields and pasture than in row crops, and both species responded positively to hay and crop harvest delays intended for grassland bird conservation. Prescribed fire within the past 2 years had a positive effect on occupancy of grasshopper sparrows but did not influence eastern meadowlarks. Eastern meadowlarks responded to land cover at multiple spatial scales that are influenced by land use within and outside the parks. Management activities that maintain the parks' cultural goals, including partnerships between national parks and private agricultural operators, are likely to provide valuable habitat for these 2 obligate grassland birds.  相似文献   

建立国家公园体制对我国自然保护地体系改革以及生态文明建设具有重要意义。然而,我国国家公园建设却面临着创新管理体制、确定资源权属、健全法律体系等诸多挑战。对标国际先进经验将有助于识别我国现有基础与最优目标之间的差距,发现国家公园建设与管理的薄弱环节与努力方向,推动适合我国国情的国家公园建设路径与管理模式的探索。为此,系统梳理了世界上不同国家的国家公园管理经验,并对国际上国家公园管理的最优实践进行了归纳总结。在此基础上,综合考虑我国国家公园建设的自身特点,构建了包含体制建设、保障机制、资源环境管理、社区管理和科普教育5方面共18项指标的国家公园管理能力评价指标体系,并对各项指标的最优标准进行了界定。基于该指标体系,提出了国家公园管理能力综合评价方法。该方法运用层次分析法和专家打分法确定各项指标权重及得分,通过加权求和得到国家公园管理能力的综合评分。基于最优实践的国家公园管理能力评价方法体系,在短期内将有助于判断国家公园体制试点的管理基础与建设潜力,为我国国家公园的甄别与遴选提供科学依据,在长期将为国家公园管理有效性评估体系的构建奠定基础,为我国国家公园管理质量的提升提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

河流水质的景观组分阈值研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘珍环  李猷  彭建 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5983-5993
土地利用/覆被变化产生的区域生态环境负面效应已引起国内外研究者的广泛关注,其中,河流水质对景观组分变化的响应已在区域及更大尺度的研究中,成为热点。探讨河流水质的景观组分阈值,可以弥补非点源污染研究在区域尺度上的景观变化影响水质问题研究中的不足,而这是当前流域水环境管理及土地利用规划与管理的主要依据之一。从景观组分指数与水质指标出发,分析了当前研究的常用指标,认为:具有明确物理意义的景观组分指数,如不透水表面指数、植被指数等,受到水质的景观组分阈值研究的青睐;在水质指标中,水化学指标应用最为广泛,同时,表征水生生态系统条件的如生物类指标、综合生物类与非生物类指标,也逐渐受到重视,方兴未艾。尽管河流水质的景观组分阈值是当前的研究重点,但在区域以及更大尺度上,阈值的差异较大。在今后的研究中,水质退化的景观组分阈值还需在研究尺度、水质指标及阈值标准等问题上进一步深化,而景观格局指数的应用将会促进对水质退化受景观组分空间配置影响的研究。对水质的景观组分阈值研究进行综述,可以为区域尺度上开展水质保护、流域水环境管理及土地利用规划提供前沿信息。  相似文献   

2017年, 我国在部分国家公园体制试点区启动了国有自然资源资产管理体制试点, 旨在为国家公园等重要生态空间自然资源管理积累经验。2021年10月12日, 习近平主席宣布设立第一批国家公园。因此, 探讨国家公园的自然资源管理具有重要的现实意义, 可为未来资源环境领域的管理提供参考。本文对国家公园自然资源管理体制试点开展了调研。研究发现, 国家公园自然资源管理工作在机构设置、地方立法、权责划分等方面取得进展。我国已建立中央垂直管理、中央和地方共同管理、地方管理等国家公园自然资源管理体制, 各省级立法机构共出台了5部国家公园地方性法规, 为国家公园自然资源管理提供了法律依据。此外, 南山国家公园管理局和武夷山国家公园管理局印发了权责清单, 为国家公园自然资源管理职责划分做了有益探索。但还存在一些问题, 如国家公园自然资源管理体制映射关系复杂、自然资源权属需进一步厘清、顶层设计需进一步加快等。为此, 本文从构建集中统一管理体制、完善国家公园法治体系、厘清自然资源权属关系、有序开展社区人口转移等方面提出了建议, 以期为国家公园自然资源管理提供参考。  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in biodiversity conservation is to curb a further degradation and loss of high-quality habitats. In agricultural matrix landscapes, the detection of alternative habitats for habitat specialists may be a solution. Historic old parks or landscape gardens around manor houses and castles are cultural heritage of nobles, but their value in harbouring biodiversity is poorly acknowledged. Therefore we evaluated the potential of old rural parks to serve as a habitat for nemoral forest species. We recorded stand structure and the presence of forest biodiversity indicators in 74 closed-canopy stands of historic parks and compared them with 93 neighbouring mature forest remnants on ancient forest land. We estimated the importance of stand structure in relation to habitat type on biodiversity indicators. Finally we suggest single-value indicator-complexes for the cost-efficient assessment of the conservation value of forests and forest-like habitats. Park stands outclassed reference forests in several individual structural characteristics, and in combined indicators of habitat quality and biodiversity. Forests had higher estimates for the combined indicator of dead wood, but large-diameter dead wood types were more abundant in parks. Woodpeckers, several old-growth indicator epiphytes and forest herbs had successfully become established in planted forest-like park fragments. Old rural parks resemble high-conservation-value forests more than the best preserved contemporary forest remnants. After the century needed to overcome immigration delay, old parks do provide a refugium for temperate deciduous forest species. Consequently, biodiversity-targeted management should retain and enhance old-growth attributes in forests and on the peripheries of parks: e.g. preserving old trees to provide service for epiphytes, hollow trees and an understorey mosaic for birds and bats; dead wood elements for saproxylic insects and fungi; limited mowing frequency and increased cutting height for forest herbs. Forestry should enhance the recovery of mixed deciduous stands and avoid conifer plantations.  相似文献   

农田景观格局对害虫天敌生态控害功能的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升农田景观的生态服务功能是当前景观生态学和害虫防治学的前沿研究热点.基于区域农田景观格局可显著调节植物-植食性昆虫-天敌之间相互关系的理论基础,本文系统概括总结了农田景观格局及其变化对农田重要天敌多样性与生态控害功能的影响.从不同天敌类群的角度,分析了农田景观格局对捕食性天敌、寄生性天敌、有益微生物及其生态控害功能的调控作用.同时,对优化农田景观作物布局、采取合理的植被生境管理策略进行了展望.本文可为应用植被生境管理提升农田景观中天敌的生态系统服务功能提供参考,进一步促进区域生态农业响应"化学农药减量施用"的战略目标提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

挠力河流域平原区湿地景观完整性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李玉凤  刘红玉  朱丽娟 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4857-4864
探讨一种景观完整性评价方法对湿地管理和保护非常重要.利用遥感和GIS技术,选择10个指标构建景观完整性指数,对挠力河流域平原区开展景观完整性评价.结果显示,1950年挠力河流域洪泛平原中的湿地景观完整性远好于2005年;人类活动影响越强的区域湿地景观完整性越差;2005年仅河岸带湿地景观比其它区域具有较好的景观完整性.由于景观完整性指数包涵了必要的景观结构和功能完整性特征信息,对评价景观尺度生态完整性,诊断生态受损区域,保护、恢复和管理湿地具有重要作用.  相似文献   

通过实地取样并选取植被景观特征指标,分析百花山旅游植被景观特征与环境因子的关系。结果表明,自然因子对植被景观特征的影响较小,但各植被景观特征值大都与其有一定的相关性。在人文因子中,游径宽度和伴人种比值与生态效应值形成显著负相关,说明植被景观受人为活动影响较大。由此可见,山岳型景区开展生态旅游时必须加强生态旅游的规划和管理,尽可能减少人为因素对植被景观的影响。  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性与害虫生态控制   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
郑云开  尤民生 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1508-1518
现代农业的一个重要特征就是人类对农田生态系统的干扰强度及频率不断增加,严重影响农业景观的结构及其生物多样性.农业景观结构的变化及其生物多样性的丧失,必然引起生态系统服务功能的弱化,不利于实施以保护自然天敌为主的害虫生态控制.农业的集约化经营导致自然生境破碎化,减少了农业景观的复杂性,使得作物和非作物变成一种相对离散化的生境类型和镶嵌的景观格局;破碎化的生境不仅会减少某些物种的丰度,还会影响物种之间的相互关系及生物群落的多样性和稳定性.非作物生境类型如林地、灌木篱墙、田块边缘区、休耕地和草地等,是一种比较稳定的异质化环境.非作物生境较少受到干扰,可以为寄生性和捕食性节肢动物提供适宜的越冬或避难场所以及替代猎物、花粉和花蜜等资源,因此,非作物生境有利于自然天敌的栖息和繁衍,也有利于它们迁入邻近的作物生境中对害虫起到调节和控制作用.景观的格局-过程-尺度影响农田生物群落物种丰富度、多度、多样性以及害虫与天敌之间的相互作用.从区域农业景观系统的角度出发,运用景观生态学的理论和方法来研究作物、害虫、天敌等组分在不同斑块之间的转移过程和变化规律,揭示害虫在较大尺度和具有异质性的空间范围内的灾变机理,可为利用农业景观生物多样性来保护农田自然天敌,实施害虫的区域性生态控制提供新的研究思路和手段.  相似文献   

Abstract: The legislative authorization of some United States national historical parks (NHP) includes maintaining an agricultural landscape as a management objective. This management objective can prove difficult to accomplish in some NHP given increasing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) densities. Our goal was to quantify the impact of white-tailed deer foraging on agricultural landscapes in forested NHPs in Maryland, USA. We monitored 12 and 13 corn (Zea mays) fields at 3 NHP during the 2003 and 2004, respectively. Each field had ***3 5 × 5-m fenced and unfenced plots along the edge and a similar set within the interior of the field. Within each plot we examined the number of stalks with corn, corn ear quality, and field weight prior to harvest. Fenced plots had higher weights of corn, more stalks with corn ears, and higher quality corn than unfenced plots. Estimates of silage yield based on crop weights indicate deer reduced silage yield in individual fields by 5-43% during the study period. Crop loss differed between years and fields, with plots in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal NHP sustaining the highest crop weight loss (28%). Eventual crop loss was correlated with proportion of corn plants browsed within 2 weeks of emergence. Some variability in loss between fields was due to landscape metrics, as fields surrounded by more forest experienced the highest loss. Our results indicate the NHP agriculture fields we studied receive significant deer damage to corn crops and may not be able to maintain mandated management without regulating deer numbers.  相似文献   

Biomass for bioenergy is debated for its potential synergies or tradeoffs with other provisioning and regulating ecosystem services (ESS). This biomass may originate from different production systems and may be purposefully grown or obtained from residues. Increased concerns globally about the sustainable production of biomass for bioenergy has resulted in numerous certification schemes focusing on best management practices, mostly operating at the plot/field scale. In this study, we compare the ESS of two watersheds in the southeastern US. We show the ESS tradeoffs and synergies of plantation forestry, i.e., pine poles, and agricultural production, i.e., wheat straw and corn stover, with the counterfactual natural or semi-natural forest in both watersheds. The plantation forestry showed less distinct tradeoffs than did corn and wheat production, i.e., for carbon storage, P and sediment retention, groundwater recharge, and biodiversity. Using indicators of landscape composition and configuration, we showed that landscape planning can affect the overall ESS supply and can partly determine if locally set environmental thresholds are being met. Indicators on landscape composition, configuration and naturalness explained more than 30% of the variation in ESS supply. Landscape elements such as largely connected forest patches or more complex agricultural patches, e.g., mosaics with shrub and grassland patches, may enhance ESS supply in both of the bioenergy production systems. If tradeoffs between biomass production and other ESS are not addressed by landscape planning, it may be reasonable to include rules in certification schemes that require, e.g., the connectivity of natural or semi-natural forest patches in plantation forestry or semi-natural landscape elements in agricultural production systems. Integrating indicators on landscape configuration and composition into certification schemes is particularly relevant considering that certification schemes are governance tools used to ensure comparable sustainability standards for biomass produced in countries with variable or absent legal frameworks for landscape planning.  相似文献   


Variation of the Italian agricultural landscape in relation to the evolution of the agronomic techniques.- The agricultural activity and the practices that are connected with it more or less directly, have been transformed during the history of mankind according to the evolution of the various societies and policies. These variations are with no doubt the most “responsible” of the evolution of the agricultural landscape. The agronomic techniques that were used in the ancient agricultural societies were initially rough, the land being used temporarly by nomadic people and then abandoned when fertility or weather were not favourable to crop growth and replaced with new fertile areas. Therefore the impact of ancient agriculture on the landscape was very limited, also because of the low population density.

The permanent agriculture developed with the beginning of the great civilisations when the rural environment begun to assume a more stable aspect. During the Reinassance the diversification of agricultural activities had beneficial effects on the landscape, that used to be very variable, both as a result of the mixed cropping systems and the multiple agronomic techniqies used.

The most important upsetting of the agricultural landscape occurred in the last century, when agriculture become an economic activity, with the same dignity of the other productive sectors and related advantages and disadvantages. In this paper the impact of the main aspects of agricultural activity on the agricultural landscape are analysed, with particular attention to the choices that farmers had to make about crops, livestock and management of the rural landscape.  相似文献   



This paper describes part of the first detailed environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) of Australian red meat (beef and sheep meat) production. The study was intended to assist the methodological development of life cycle impact assessment by examining the feasibility of new indicators for natural resource management (NRM) issues relevant to soil management in agricultural LCA. This paper is intended to describe the NRM indicators directly related to agricultural soil chemistry.  相似文献   

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