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后生动物非编码保守元件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯俊  李光  王义权 《遗传》2013,35(1):35-44
生物体基因组中除了编码序列之外, 还存在大量的非编码调控序列。比较基因组学研究发现:脊椎动物、尾索动物、头索动物、果蝇、线虫等基因组中存在保守的非编码调控序列。这些非编码保守元件通常分布在与转录调控发育相关的基因上下游区域, 作为基因调控网络核心的一部分, 常常在基因表达过程中扮演转录增强子的角色。文章总结了近年来有关后生动物非编码保守元件的发现和主要特点, 并进一步就非编码保守元件在大规模基因组倍增之后的演化及其在生物躯体图式进化过程中的影响进行了综述。  相似文献   

The sea lamprey is an important model organism for investigating the evolutionary origins of vertebrates. As more vertebrate genome sequences are obtained, evolutionary developmental biologists are becoming increasingly able to identify putative gene regulatory elements across the breadth of the vertebrate taxa. The identification of these regions makes it possible to address how changes at the genomic level have led to changes in developmental gene regulatory networks and ultimately to the evolution of morphological diversity. Comparative genomics approaches using sea lamprey have already predicted a number of such regulatory elements in the lamprey genome. Functional characterisation of these sequences and other similar elements requires efficient reporter assays in lamprey. In this report, we describe the development of a transient transgenesis method for lamprey embryos. Focusing on conserved non-coding elements (CNEs), we use this method to investigate their functional conservation across the vertebrate subphylum. We find instances of both functional conservation and lineage-specific functional evolution of CNEs across vertebrates, emphasising the utility of functionally testing homologous CNEs in their host species.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are main components of eukaryote genomes-up to 50% in some vertebrates-which can replicate and jump to new locations. TEs contribute to shape genome evolution, actively by creating new genes (or exons) or altering gene expression as consequence of transposition, and passively by serving as illegitimate recombinational hotspots. Analysis of amphioxus TEs can help to shed light on the ancestral status of chordate TEs and to understand genome evolution in cephalochordates and early vertebrates. The Branchiostoma floridae genome project has revealed that TE content constitutes ~28% of the amphioxus genome. Amphioxus TEs belong to more than 30 superfamilies, which represent a higher diversity than in vertebrates. Amphioxus TE families are also highly heterogeneous as generally none of their members are drastically more abundant than others, and none of the TEs seems to have suffered any massive expansion. Such diversity and heterogeneity make the amphioxus genome not to be particularly prone to major evolutionary changes mediated by TEs, and therefore favoring genomic evolutionary stasis. Comparison of TE diversity and content between amphioxus and vertebrates allows us to discuss whether or not a burst of TEs happened after the two rounds of whole-genome duplication that occurred during early vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

How random DNA mutations have established the diverse morphology of extant vertebrates is one of the major challenges in evolutionary biology. Thanks to the recent advancement in DNA sequencing technologies, the genome sequences of many non-model species have been determined, which allows us to address previously inaccessible questions about gene regulatory evolution in vertebrates. In particular, the genome sequences of non-teleost ray-finned fishes and cartilaginous fishes offer clues about when and how vertebrates gained developmental enhancers related to morphological traits that were required for the water-to-land transition. In this review, I examine the evolutionary origin of conserved non-coding elements (CNEs), which often function as tissue-specific developmental enhancers, and discuss how CNEs are related to gene regulatory changes that caused the major morphological transitions of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Vertebrate genomes contain thousands of conserved noncoding elements (CNEs) that often function as tissue-specific enhancers. In this study, we have identified CNEs in human, dog, chicken, Xenopus, and four teleost fishes (zebrafish, stickleback, medaka, and fugu) using elephant shark, a cartilaginous vertebrate, as the base genome and investigated the evolution of these ancient vertebrate CNEs (aCNEs) in bony vertebrate lineages. Our analysis shows that aCNEs have been evolving at different rates in different bony vertebrate lineages. Although 78-83% of CNEs have diverged beyond recognition ("lost") in different teleost fishes, only 24% and 40% have been lost in the chicken and mammalian lineages, respectively. Relative rate tests of substitution rates in CNEs revealed that the teleost fish CNEs have been evolving at a significantly higher rate than those in other bony vertebrates. In the ray-finned fish lineage, 68% of aCNEs were lost before the divergence of the four teleosts. This implicates the "fish-specific" whole-genome duplication in the accelerated evolution and the loss of a large number of both copies of duplicated CNEs in teleost fishes. The aCNEs are rich in tissue-specific enhancers and thus many of them are likely to be evolutionarily constrained cis-regulatory elements. The rapid evolution of aCNEs might have affected the expression patterns driven by them. Transgenic zebrafish assay of some human CNE enhancers that have been lost in teleosts has indicated instances of conservation or changes in trans-acting factors between mammals and fishes.  相似文献   

文昌鱼特异的基因倍增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蔚  宿兵  王义权 《遗传》2005,27(1):143-149
进化生物学和发育生物学的结合产生了一门新兴学科——进化发育生物学,近年来该领域研究取得了丰硕的成果。头索动物文昌鱼是现存生物中最近似于脊椎动物直接祖先的生物,在与脊椎动物分化后形态改变很小,其基因组未曾经历大规模的基因组倍增,在一定程度上反映了脊椎动物祖先型基因组的特征,但在漫长的独立进化历程中基因组自身还是经历了一些变化。本文介绍了在几例在文昌鱼支系中独立发生的基因倍增事件(Hox; Evx; HNF-3; Calmodulin-like),有力地揭示了文昌鱼虽然与脊椎动物直接祖先极其接近,但其基因组有其自身特性,不能简单地将之等同于脊椎动物直接祖先。Abstract: The union of the two complementary disciplines, developmental biology and evolutionary biology resulted in a new division of evolutionary developmental biology, namely “Evo-Devo”. Recently, the research on this field has been fruitful in understanding the origin and development of vertebrates. The cephalochordate amphioxus, which remains in relatively invariant morphology since the divergence from the vertebrate lineage, is the closest living relative to vertebrates. The vertebrate-like simple body plan and preduplicative genome provide amphioxus genes the privilege to serve as key landmark to understand morphological evolution. However, the amphioxus genome has not escaped evolution. In this paper several examples of independent gene (Hox; Evx; HNF-3 and Calmodulin-like) duplications in the cephalochordate lineage were summarized. These particularities and oddities remind the fact that amphioxus is not an immediate ancestor of the vertebrates but ‘only’ the closest living relative to the ancestor, with a mix of prototypical and amphioxus-specific features in its genome.  相似文献   

The new discipline of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) is facing the fascinating paradox of explaining morphological evolution using conserved pieces or genes to build divergent animals. The cephalochordate amphioxus is the closest living relative to the vertebrates, with a simple, chordate body plan, and a genome directly descended from the ancestor prior to the genome-wide duplications that occurred close to the origin of vertebrates. Amphioxus morphology may have remained relatively invariant since the divergence from the vertebrate lineage, but the amphioxus genome has not escaped evolution. We report the isolation of a second Emx gene (AmphiEmxB) arising from an independent duplication in the amphioxus genome. We also argue that a tandem duplication probably occurred in the Posterior part of the Hox cluster in amphioxus, giving rise to AmphiHox14, and discuss the structure of the chordate and vertebrate ancestral clusters. Also, a tandem duplication of Evx in the amphioxus lineage produced a prototypical Evx gene (AmphiEvxA) and a divergent gene (AmphiEvxB), no longer involved in typical Evx functions. These examples of specific gene duplications in amphioxus, and other previously reported duplications summarized here, emphasize the fact that amphioxus is not the ancestor of the vertebrates but 'only' the closest living relative to the ancestor, with a mix of prototypical and amphioxus-specific features in its genome.  相似文献   

Ascidians, or sea squirts, are lower chordates, and share basic gene repertoires and many characteristics, both developmental and physiological, with vertebrates. Therefore, decoding cis-regulatory systems in ascidians will contribute toward elucidating the genetic regulatory systems underlying the developmental and physiological processes of vertebrates. cis-Regulatory DNAs can also be used for tissue-specific genetic manipulation, a powerful tool for studying ascidian development and physiology. Because the ascidian genome is compact compared with vertebrate genomes, both intergenic regions and introns are relatively small in ascidians. Short upstream intergenic regions contain a complete set of cis-regulatory elements for spatially regulated expression of a majority of ascidian genes. These features of the ascidian genome are a great advantage in identifying cis-regulatory sequences and in analyzing their functions. Function of cis-regulatory DNAs has been analyzed for a number of tissue-specific and developmentally regulated genes of ascidians by introducing promoter-reporter fusion constructs into ascidian embryos. The availability of the whole genome sequences of the two Ciona species, Ciona intestinalis and Ciona savignyi, facilitates comparative genomics approaches to identify cis-regulatory DNAs. Recent studies demonstrate that computational methods can help identify cis-regulatory elements in the ascidian genome. This review presents a comprehensive list of ascidian genes whose cis-regulatory regions have been subjected to functional analysis, and highlights the recent advances in bioinformatics and comparative genomics approaches to cis-regulatory systems in ascidians.  相似文献   

As the sister group to vertebrates, amphioxus is consistently used as a model of genome evolution for understanding the invertebrate/vertebrate transition. The amphioxus genome has not undergone massive duplications like those in the vertebrates or disruptive rearrangements like in the genome of Ciona, a urochordate, making it an ideal evolutionary model. Transposable elements have been linked to many genomic evolutionary changes including increased genome size, modified gene expression, massive gene rearrangements, and possibly intron evolution. Despite their importance in genome evolution, few previous examples of transposable elements have been identified in amphioxus. We report five novel Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITEs) identified by an analysis of amphioxus DNA sequence, which we have named LanceleTn-1, LanceleTn-2, LanceleTn-3a, LanceleTn-3b and LanceleTn-4. Several of the LanceleTn elements were identified in the amphioxus ParaHox cluster, and we suggest these have had important implications for the evolution of this highly conserved gene cluster. The estimated high copy numbers of these elements implies that MITEs are probably the most abundant type of mobile element in amphioxus, and are thus likely to have been of fundamental importance in shaping the evolution of the amphioxus genome.  相似文献   

Chordates comprise three major groups, cephalochordates (amphioxus), tunicates (urochordates), and vertebrates. Since cephalochordates were the early branching group, comparisons between amphioxus and other chordates help us to speculate about ancestral chordates. Here, I summarize accumulating data from functional studies analyzing amphioxus cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) in model systems of other chordate groups, such as mice, chickens, clawed frogs, fish, and ascidians. Conservatism and variability of CRM functions illustrate how gene regulatory networks have evolved in chordates. Amphioxus CRMs, which correspond to CRMs deeply conserved among animal phyla, govern reporter gene expression in conserved expression domains of the putative target gene in host animals. In addition, some CRMs located in similar genomic regions (intron, upstream, or downstream) also possess conserved activity, even though their sequences are divergent. These conservative CRM functions imply ancestral genomic structures and gene regulatory networks in chordates. However, interestingly, if expression patterns of amphioxus genes do not correspond to those of orthologs of experimental models, some amphioxus CRMs recapitulate expression patterns of amphioxus genes, but not those of endogenous genes, suggesting that these amphioxus CRMs are close to the ancestral states of chordate CRMs, while vertebrates/tunicates innovated new CRMs to reconstruct gene regulatory networks subsequent to the divergence of the cephalochordates. Alternatively, amphioxus CRMs may have secondarily lost ancestral CRM activity and evolved independently. These data help to solve fundamental questions of chordate evolution, such as neural crest cells, placodes, a forebrain/midbrain, and genome duplication. Experimental validation is crucial to verify CRM functions and evolution.  相似文献   

With the imminent completion of the whole genome sequence of humans, increasing attention is being focused on the annotation of cis-regulatory elements in the human genome. Comparative genomics approaches based on evolutionary conservation have proved useful in the detection of conserved cis-regulatory elements. The pufferfish, Fugu rubripes, is an attractive vertebrate model for comparative genomics, by virtue of its compact genome and maximal phylogenetic distance from mammals. Fugu has lost a large proportion of nonessential DNA, and retained single orthologs for many duplicate genes that arose in the fish lineage. Non-coding sequences conserved between fugu and mammals have been shown to be functional cis-regulatory elements. Thus, fugu is a model fish genome of choice for discovering evolutionarily conserved regulatory elements in the human genome. Such evolutionarily conserved elements are likely to be shared by all vertebrates, and related to regulatory interactions fundamental to all vertebrates. The functions of these conserved vertebrate elements can be rapidly assayed in mammalian cell lines or in transgenic systems such as zebrafish/medaka and Xenopus, followed by validation of crucial elements in transgenic rodents.  相似文献   

This symposium focused on the evolution of chordate genomes, in particular, those events that occurred before the appearance of jawed vertebrates. The aim was to highlight insights that have come from the genome sequences of jawless chordates (lampreys, tunicates, and amphioxus) not only into evolution of chordate genomes, but also into the evolution of the organism. To this end, we brought together researchers whose recent work on these organisms spans the gap from genomics to the evolution of body forms and functions as exemplified by endocrine systems and embryonic development.  相似文献   

The origin of chordates and the consequent genesis of vertebrates were major events in natural history. The amphioxus (lancelet) is now recognised as the closest extant relative to the stem chordate and is the only living invertebrate that retains a vertebrate‐like development and body plan through its lifespan, despite more than 500 million years of independent evolution from the stem vertebrate. The inspiring data coming from its recently sequenced genome confirms that amphioxus has a prototypical chordate genome with respect to gene content and structure, and even chromosomal organisation. Pushed by joint efforts of amphioxus researchers, amphioxus is now entering a new era, namely its maturation as a laboratory model, through the availability of a large amount of molecular data and the advent of experimental manipulation of the embryo. These two facts may well serve to illuminate the hidden secrets of the genetic changes that generated, among other vertebrates, ourselves.  相似文献   

Within the vertebrate lineage, a high proportion of duplicate genes have been retained after whole genome duplication (WGD) events. It has been proposed that many of these duplicate genes became indispensable because the ancestral gene function was divided between them. In addition, novel functions may have evolved, owing to changes in cis-regulatory elements. Functional analysis of the PAX2/5/8 gene subfamily appears to support at least the first part of this hypothesis. The collective role of these genes has been widely retained, but sub-functions have been differentially partitioned between the genes in different vertebrates. Conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) represent an interesting and readily identifiable class of putative cis-regulatory elements that have been conserved from fish to mammals, an evolutionary distance of 450 million years. Within the PAX2/5/8 gene subfamily, PAX2 is associated with the highest number of CNEs. An additional WGD experienced in the teleost lineage led to two copies of pax2, each of which retained a large proportion of these CNEs. Using a reporter gene assay in zebrafish embryos, we have exploited this rich collection of regulatory elements in order to determine whether duplicate CNEs have evolved different functions. Remarkably, we find that even highly conserved sequences exhibit more functional differences than similarities. We also discover that short flanking sequences can have a profound impact on CNE function. Therefore, if CNEs are to be used as candidate enhancers for transgenic studies or for multi-species comparative analyses, it is paramount that the CNEs are accurately delineated.  相似文献   

The genome of the amphioxus is on the horizon. With Linda Holland and Jeremy Gibson-Brown at the forefront, with all the amphioxus community behind, and with the Joint Genome Institute, the amphioxus genome will see the light this year, 2006. Hope that it will reflect the "prototypical" preduplicative genome of vertebrates. It may answer definitively what the human genome did not: Are we vertebrates octaploid? Will it shed light on the novelties that helped non-chordates to be chordates? And more, will amphioxus, with a simpler genome, be developed to a senior "experimental model system", allowing the testing of molecular functions in a non-duplicated genome background and allowing genetic modification to "recapitulate" evolution? Thanks to an outstanding collaboration between labs, the laboratory culture of amphioxus is underway after years of hard work in the field. 2007 looks promising for amphioxus research.  相似文献   

The discovery in invertebrates of ciliary photoreceptor cells and ciliary (c)-opsins established that at least two of the three elements that characterize the vertebrate photoreceptor system were already present before vertebrate evolution. However, the origin of the third element, a series of biochemical reactions known as the "retinoid cycle," remained uncertain. To understand the evolution of the retinoid cycle, I have searched for the genetic machinery of the cycle in invertebrate genomes, with special emphasis on the cephalochordate amphioxus. Amphioxus is closely related to vertebrates, has a fairly prototypical genome, and possesses ciliary photoreceptor cells and c-opsins. Phylogenetic and structural analyses of the amphioxus sequences related with the vertebrate machinery do not support a function of amphioxus proteins in chromophore regeneration but suggest that the genetic machinery of the retinoid cycle arose in vertebrates due to duplications of ancestral nonvisual genes. These results favor the hypothesis that the retinoid cycle machinery was a functional innovation of the primitive vertebrate eye.  相似文献   

Many conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) in vertebrate genomes have been shown to function as tissue-specific enhancers. However, the target genes of most CNEs are unknown. Here we show that the target genes of duplicated CNEs can be predicted by considering their neighbouring paralogous genes. This enables us to provide the first systematic estimate of the genomic range for distal cis-regulatory interactions in the human genome: half of CNEs are >250 kb away from their associated gene.  相似文献   

田靖  赵志虎  陈惠鹏 《遗传》2009,31(11):1067-1076
比较基因组学的研究发现: 人类基因组中约5%的序列受到选择压力的限制, 但编码序列只占其中很小一部分, 约3.5%是保守、非编码序列。这些保守非编码元件具有重要功能。可能在染色质构型(高级结构)、DNA转录和RNA加工等不同水平参与了基因的表达调控, 与哺乳动物的形态发生和人类疾病相关。文章简要综述了保守非编码元件的识别、功能及验证、起源演化以及与人类疾病的关系。  相似文献   

This review examines the basal chordate, amphioxus, as a simple model for providing insights into the development and evolution of the vertebrates, with which it shares many features, including a pharynx perforated with gill slits, a dorsal nerve cord, segmented muscles, and a notochord. Conversely, amphioxus is simpler than vertebrates in lacking neural crest and paired cephalic sensory organs. Amphioxus embryos are less derived than those of vertebrates, because it lacks large quantities of yolk and/or extra-embryonic tissues. Embryogenesis involves only a simple folding of tissue layers. In addition, the amphioxus genome lacks the large-scale gene duplications of vertebrates. However, in spite of the comparative simplicity of amphioxus, its developmental mechanisms are proving to be highly conserved with those of vertebrates. Thus, studies of amphioxus development can shed light on similar, but more complex, development of vertebrates. Such studies are especially interesting for their insights into the genetic basis of craniofacial birth defects in humans.  相似文献   

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