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Introduced largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides spp.) and bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus spp.) are thought to threaten native aquatic organisms worldwide and hence their eradication has recently begun in Japan. Our previous studies suggested that the removal of largemouth bass increases native fish, shrimp, dragonflies, and exotic crayfish, but decreases macrophytes. To test this prediction, we removed the exotic fishes by draining farm ponds and compared the numbers of these organisms before and after the drain, as well as between drained and undrained ponds. The number of dragonfly Pseudothemis zonata, crayfish, shrimp, and goby increased rapidly after the drain, but the coverage of macrophyte declined. The reduction in macrophyte is assumed to be caused by increased herbivory by crayfish. The number of exuviae of damselfly Cercion calamorum and the total number of species of odonate also decreased after the drain. These decreases can be due to the reduction of macrophyte because reduced odonate species are known to use macrophytes as oviposition sites. Therefore, the removal of largemouth bass has a potential to cause negative effects on some native organisms. We propose that reduction of exotic crayfish should be considered when eradicating the exotic fishes.  相似文献   

The impact that an exotic species can have on the composition of the community it enters is a function of its abundance, its particular species traits and characteristics of the recipient community. In this study we examined species composition in 14 sites burned in fires fuelled by non‐indigenous C4 grasses in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. We considered fire intensity, time since fire, climatic zone of site, unburned grass cover, unburned native cover and identity of the most abundant exotic grass in the adjacent unburned site as potential predictor variables of the impact of fire upon native species. We found that climatic zone was the single best variable for explaining variation in native cover among burned sites and between burned and unburned pairs. Fire in the eastern coastal lowlands had a very small effect on native plant cover and often stimulated native species regeneration, whereas fire in the seasonal submontane zone consistently caused a decline in native species cover and almost no species were fire tolerant. The dominant shrub, Styphelia tameiameia, in particular was fire intolerant. The number of years since fire, fire intensity and native cover in reference sites were not significantly correlated with native species cover in burned sites. The particular species of grass that carried the fire did however, have a significant effect on native species recovery. Where the African grass Melinis minutiflora was a dominant or codominant species, fire impacts were more severe than where it was absent regardless of climate zone. Overall, the impacts of exotic grass‐fuelled fires on native species composition and cover in seasonally dry Hawaiian ecosystems was context specific. This specificity is best explained by differences between the climatic zones in which fire occurred. Elevation was the main physical variable that differed among the climatic zones and it alone could explain a large percentage of the variation in native cover among sites. Rainfall, by contrast, did not vary systematically with elevation. Elevation is associated with differences in composition of the native species assemblages. In the coastal lowlands, the native grass Heteropogon contortus, was largely responsible for positive changes in native cover after fire although other native species also increased. Like the exotic grasses, this species is a perennial C4 grass. It is lacking in the submontane zone and there are no comparable native species there and almost all native species in the submontane zone were reduced by fire. The lack of fire tolerant species in the submontane zone thus clearly contributes to the devastating impact of fire upon native cover there.  相似文献   

It has been found that coleoptiles of dark-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings undergo regular circumnutation in circular orbits with periods of about 180 min. Both clockwise and counter-clockwise movements were observed, but individual coleoptiles continued to rotate only in one direction. Light-grown seedlings did not show circumnutation. In fact, dark-grown seedlings were found to cease circumnutating in response to a pulse of red light (R). This light-induced inhibition of circumnutation was demonstrated to involve both a FR-inducible very-low-fluence response, solely mediated by phytochrome A, and a FR-reversible low-fluence response, mediated by phytochrome B and/or C. The R-induced inhibition of circumnutation showed temporal agreement with the R-induced inhibition of coleoptile growth, suggesting that the former results from the latter. However, about 25% of growth activity remained after R treatment, indicating that circumnutation is more specifically regulated by phytochrome. The R-treated coleoptile showed gravitropism. Investigation of the growth differential for gravitropic curvature revealed that gravitropic responsiveness was rather enhanced by R. The results suggested that gravitropism is not a cause of circumnutation. It remained probable, however, that gravity perception is a part of the mechanism of circumnutation. It is speculated that the circumnutation investigated aids the seedling shoot in growing through the soil.  相似文献   

通过不同蝴蝶花(Iris japonica)起始源株密度的控制实验, 探讨源株对克隆植物蝴蝶花克隆繁殖、生长和生物量分配的影响。结果表明: 1)克隆数量特征: 1个起始源株处理(O)蝴蝶花新分株数显著高于2个起始源株(T)及4个起始源株处理(F), 而新分株死亡率显著低于后二者; 随着起始源株数增加(竞争增强), 一级与二级子株数显著降低。随着源株竞争增强, 克隆细根茎与根的长度、表面积、体积与根(茎)长密度逐渐降低。2)叶片特征: 随着源株竞争增强, 母株重度枯萎与总枯萎叶片数显著增加, 子株中度枯萎、重度枯萎与总枯萎叶片数显著增加; 源株竞争增强, 源株叶面积、源株与子株叶片数显著降低, 而源株叶面积比(leaf area ratio, LAR)显著增加。3)生物量及分配: 随着源株竞争增强, 细根茎、粗根茎、克隆繁殖、地上部分、地下部分及总生物量显著降低, 细根茎与地下部分分配降低, 母株粗根茎分配与地上部分分配显著增加。总的看来, 随着蝴蝶花源株竞争增强, 植株叶片生长状况受到更大的影响, 植株生长受限, 克隆繁殖减弱, 而其通过增加LAR, 提高叶片效率与增加母株粗根茎分配, 降低生长强度与消耗, 储备资源, 以待来年的生长与繁殖。  相似文献   

Herbaceous woodland species account for a significant amount of the biodiversity of temperate deciduous forests. A wide diversity of life-history strategies is known for woodland herbs, and several systems have been used to categorize the range of life-history characteristics. Clonal growth, one common feature of many woodland herbaceous species, provides several benefits including the ability to respond to disturbances by sharing resources among ramets. There is evidence that resource sharing is common among ramets of some species of woodland herbs but not others. Herbivory is a common form of disturbance among woodland herbs, but little is known about effects of the timing and intensity of herbivory. In this paper, we use an existing system of classification of life-history traits of clonal species to make predictions about how woodland herbs would respond to the timing and intensity of defoliation. Examples from a preliminary study in Maryland, USA, are used to demonstrate that the timing and intensity of herbivory can play an important role in determining patterns of future growth and resource allocation.  相似文献   

藤本植物开发利用价值的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据藤本植物的生态生物学特性及其在城市园林绿化中的应用,确定了评价藤本植物开发利用价值的目标层,包括株型、叶型及叶色、攀附能力、抗逆性、资源数量、利用程度等16个标准层指标的层次分析(AHP)评价模型.应用这一模型对中国科学院华南植物园引种栽培的81种藤本植物进行开发利用价值的综合评价.结果表明,首冠藤、蔓生金虎尾、锦屏藤、山蒟、异叶爬山虎等8种藤本植物有很高的开发利用价值,心叶蔓绿绒、东南爬山虎、砾叶粉藤、粉叶羊蹄甲等24种藤本植物有较高的开发利用价值,假蒟、樟叶木防已等19种藤本植物开发利用价值低.该评价模型及分析结果将为合理开发利用藤本植物资源提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Abstract Observations of the large earth bumblebee, Bombus terrestris (L.), in native vegetation were collated to determine the extent to which this exotic species has invaded Tasmanian native vegetation during the first 9 years after its introduction. The range of B. terrestris now encompasses all of Tasmania's major vegetation types, altitudes from sea level to 1260m a.s.L, and the entire breadth of annual precipitation in the state from more than 3200 mm to less than 600 mm. Observations of workers carrying pollen, together with the presence of large numbers of bumblebees at many localities across this range indicate that colonies are frequently established in native vegetation. Evidence that colonies are often successful was obtained from repeated observations of the species during more than 1 year at particular sites. Unequivocal evidence of colonies was obtained from six National Parks, including four of the five in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (WHA). Indeed, the species has been present in the WHA for at least as long as it has in the city of Hobart, where it was first recorded. In southwestern Tasmania, evidence of colonies was obtained up to 40km from gardens, 61 km from small towns and 93 km from large towns. Hence, contrary to previous suggestions, the species is established in the most remote parts of Tasmania and is not dependent on introduced garden plants. Given their strong record of invasion, it is likely that B. terrestris will form feral populations on the mainland of Australia and in many other parts of the world if introduced. Because of their likely negative impacts on native animals and plants, and potential to enhance seed production in weeds, the spread of bumblebees should be avoided.  相似文献   

This study was performed to analyse how a vegetative propagation pattern of plants affects the coexistence of species and subsequent species richness of the community. We compared community average clonal growth in the herbal communities of forests, wooded meadows, and open meadows in Laelatu, Estonia. The parameters used for the calculation of the community averages and measured for each species were ramet life span, rhizome branching, and clonal mobility. We also examined the intrinsic (i.e. independent of the environment) relationship between community clonal growth and plant species density. We found strong correlations between the environmental factors (productivity, light availability, and mowing regime) and community averages of clonal growth parameters, while species density was (negatively) correlated only with community average of rhizome increment. The community average of ramet life span decreased with the increasing biomass of the herb layer. No evidence was found to support the hypothesis that species-rich communities may consist of species with more contrasting mobility compared with species-poor communities. Independent of the effect of the environmental factors, species density was positively correlated with ramet density. There was intrinsic positive relationship between species density and community average of ramet life span at open meadow sites and intrinsic negative relationship between species density and community average of rhizome increment at wooded meadow sites. We conclude that in forest communities the capability of clonal plants to forage for light is favoured, while in unmown meadows a competitively strong phalanx growth form is advantageous. We established that ramet turnover increases and vegetative mobility decreases with increasing species diversity, although these two relationships depend strongly on the type of the studied community.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   

  • 1 The horse‐chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is a moth of unknown origin that has recently invaded Europe and severely defoliates the European horse‐chestnut, an important ornamental tree.
  • 2 Several indigenous parasitoids have colonized this new host, but parasitism remains low. One of the hypotheses suggested to explain the low parasitism is that candidate parasitoids emerge too early in spring to attack the first host generation and, thus, need early‐occurring leaf miners as alternate hosts. This hypothesis was tested by observing the synchronization between the phenology of the moth and that of its main parasitoids, and by comparing parasitism rates and parasitoid richness in different environments with various levels of biological diversity.
  • 3 In spring, the bulk of the parasitoids emerge at least 5 weeks before the occurrence of the first suitable larvae of C. ohridella whereas most parasitoid adults reared outdoors die within 5 weeks after emergence.
  • 4 Parasitism rates and parasitoid richness do not increase with biological diversity, suggesting that most parasitoids attacking the first generation of C. ohridella do not come from alternate hosts. Parasitism does not increase later in the year in the subsequent generations, when host‐parasitoid synchronization becomes less critical.
  • 5 We conclude that, although the spring emergence of parasitoids is not synchronized with the phenology of C. ohridella, the parasitoids attacking the first generation are probably old or late‐emerging adults of the overwintering generation. The lack of synchronization is probably not the only reason for the poor recruitment of native parasitoids by C. ohridella.

1. We used field surveys to compare the density and mesohabitat-scale distribution of the native coastrange sculpin ( Cottus aleuticus ) and the prickly sculpin ( C. asper ) in coastal rivers in north-western California, U.S.A., with and without an introduced piscivorous fish, the Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis . We also measured mortality of tethered prickly sculpin in a field experiment including river, habitat type (pools versus riffles) and cover as factors.
2. Average sculpin density ( C. aleuticus and C. asper combined) in two rivers without pikeminnow was 21 times higher than the average density in two rivers in a drainage with introduced pikeminnow. In riffles, differences in the density of sculpins among rivers could be linked to differences in cover. However, riffles in rivers without pikeminnow had an average sculpin density 77 times higher than rivers with pikeminnow, yet only nine times more cover. In pools, cover availability did not differ among rivers, but the density of sculpins in rivers without pikeminnow was 11 times higher than rivers with pikeminnow.
3. In the field experiment, mortality of tethered sculpin varied substantially among treatments and ANOVA indicated a significant River × Habitat × Cover interaction ( P  < 0.001). Overall, tethered prickly sculpin suffered 40% mortality over 24 h in rivers with pikeminnow and 2% mortality in rivers without pikeminnow, suggesting that predation is the mechanism by which the pikeminnow affects sculpins.
4. The apparent reduction in sculpin abundance by introduced pikeminnow has probably significantly altered food webs and nutrient transport processes, and increased the probability of extinction of coastrange and prickly sculpins in the Eel River drainage.  相似文献   

We measured rhizome branching, clonal mobility, and ramet longevity of 98 meadow plant species. A cluster analysis applied to this dataset revealed nine clonal growth types that differ mainly by the ramet lifespan and vegetative mobility. Then we compared the abundance of these groups of clonal species between the three following plant communities: (1) open, (2) restored and (3) overgrown wooded meadows in the Laelatu-Nehatu-Puhtu Nature Reserve, Estonia. This is the first study where the quantitative values of belowground clonal traits have been measured for all species of a species-rich community. We show that species with annual ramets and with a low vegetative mobility were most abundant in open grasslands. The relative abundance of perennial species with annual ramets was positively correlated with shoot density and species diversity, indicating that high ramet turnover rates combined with a high genet longevity can positively affect species coexistence in meadow communities. Hence, this study provides evidence for the fact that the average values of clonal life-history parameters differ between these communities. Herb communities under forest canopy consist, in average, of species with ramets that live longer and are clonally more mobile than in the communities of open sites.  相似文献   

Clonal plants adaptively respond to abiotic stress, but to date little is known about under what circumstanses clonal integration is beneficial, or costly. To study the costs and benefits of clonal integration on clonal growth, we cultivated Zoysia japonica under three ratios of N:P (N:P ≈ 7, 14:1 and 21:1), and four types of stolon severing treatments (connected stolon CS, light severing LS, moderate severing MS, serious severing SS). The results showed that Z. japonica performed best at a low ratio of N:P (N:P ≈ 7:1). When the stolons were connected (CS), the growth of primary A‐ramets, multiple‐nodes and stolons benefited from clonal integration; however, the growth of primary B‐ramets on the primary stolons, A and B ramets was significantly reduced (p < 0.05). In the moderate stolon severing treatment MS7:1 (N:P ≈ 7:1), clonal integration appeared more cost effective than in all other treatments. On the whole, with increasing stolon severing intensity, the cost of clonal integration increased and the clonal growth of Z. japonica declined significantly. The pattern of biomass allocation may be useful for Z. japonica to adapt to the various environments, and clonal integration plays a significant role under adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Winter behavior of two native fishes (yellow perch, Perca flavescens, and killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus) and an exotic (goldfish, Carassius auratus) were studied in an outdoor experimental pond to quantify and link behavior to environmental conditions, and to identify interactions among the species that now co-occur in the wild. Killifish had high mortality and were not observed. However, contrary to our predictions, perch and goldfish had good overwinter survival and remained active in winter, and neither species spent most of their time in the warmest layer of the water column. Only two instances of aggression were seen: in both, goldfish charged perch. Both species were found principally in groups (schools); goldfish spent 18% of their time in multispecies groups. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cardamine hirsuta is a European species that was recently introduced into Japan and its wide distribution has been confirmed in the Kanto district. To understand mechanisms of the recent spread of C. hirsuta in Japan, a comparative study of the alien species and its native congeneric species, C. flexuosa, was conducted. Habitat preferences, phenology and seed germination were examined. Cardamine hirsuta and C. flexuosa showed distinctive habitat-preferences; the former was most common in open habitats created by recent man-made constructions, and the latter was common in rice paddy fields and surrounding areas. The results indicate that C. flexuosa is a year-long annual, with a mixed phenology of summer and winter germination and growth. Seed dormancy during summer was relatively weak for C. flexuosa, and some plants that germinated early in summer reproduced during the same summer–autumn period. Plants that germinated in late summer and autumn behaved as winter annuals. In rice paddy fields, C. flexuosa is a winter annual because germination is prevented by submergence during summer. Plants flower during the following spring and complete their life cycle before the fields are flooded for rice cultivation. Cardamine hirsuta showed strong seed dormancy during summer and behaved as a typical winter annual. Seeds of C. hirsuta were intolerant to submergence in water, a condition that breaks seed dormancy of C. flexuosa. The results explain the absence of C. hirsuta from rice paddy fields. It was concluded that the spread of C. hirsuta is attributable to the recent expansion of urban habitats created by human activity and has occurred without direct competition with C. flexuosa. Considering recent urbanization in many areas, it is suggested that C. hirsuta has been spreading rapidly in Japan.  相似文献   

Aim This paper has two objectives. First, we examine how a variety of biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors influence the endemic and introduced arthropod richness on an oceanic island. Second, we look at the relationship between the endemic and introduced arthropod richness, to ask whether areas with high levels of endemic species richness deter invasions. Location The work was carried out on a young volcanic island, Terceira, in the Azores. Methods We used standard techniques to collect data on arthropod species richness. Environmental data were obtained from the CIELO climatic model and using GIS. The explanatory value of environmental variables on a small‐scale gradient of endemic and exotic arthropod species richness was examined with generalized linear models (GLMs). In addition, the impact of both endemic and exotic species richness in the communities was assessed by entering them after the environmental variable(s) to see if they contributed significantly to the final model (the hierarchical method). Results Abiotic (climatic and geomorphological) variables gave a better explanation of the variation in endemic species richness, whereas anthropogenic variables explained most of the variation in introduced species richness. Furthermore, after accounting for all environmental variables, part of the unexplained variance in the endemic species richness is explained by the introduced species richness and vice‐versa. That is, areas with high levels of endemic species richness had many introduced species. There is evidence of a somewhat inverse spatial distribution between a group of oceanic‐type, forest‐dwelling, endemic, relict arthropods and a group of more generalist endemic arthropods that are able to survive in disturbed marginal sites particularly rich in non‐indigenous species. Main conclusions Richness of endemic species is mainly driven by abiotic factors such as a climatic axis (oceanic‐type localities with lower temperatures and summer precipitations) and a binary variable CALD (location of sites in caldeiras or ravines), whereas richness of introduced species depends on disturbance related factors. However, after factoring out these major influences, there is a correlation between endemic and introduced richness, suggesting that – independent of the environmental and geographical factors that affect the distribution of endemic or introduced species – the richest endemic assemblages are more prone to invasion, due probably to a facilitation process. Inconclusive evidence suggests that non‐indigenous species are limited to those sites under anthropogenic influence located mainly near forest edges, but the rate of expansion of those species to high‐altitude, core pristine sites has still to be tested.  相似文献   

Remote island ecosystems are vulnerable to human disturbance and habitat destruction, yet they often have limited capacity to revegetate degraded habitats, especially with native species. To revegetate degraded island habitats, practitioners often rely on importing non‐native species, thereby increasing the number of introduced species on islands. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of sowing wild collected native seeds and locally sourced treatments for revegetating different eroded soil types (clay, peat, and sand) across the Falkland Islands. A seed mixture of 15 native species was sown with different supportive treatments (sheep dung, sheep dags [woolly off‐cuts], and geotextile matting [coir]) and their combinations. After 1 year, native seeds provided up to 70% plant cover and accrued 1.98 kg/m2 in biomass. Three key native species Elymus magellanicus, Poa flabellata, and Poa alopecurus occurred in 64, 50, and 50% of all sown plots. However, supportive treatments equally facilitated the colonization and establishment of non‐native species. At the same time, there was no difference in native plant cover and biomass across different treatments or soil types, although in the absence of supportive treatments there was little to no revegetation. Thus, locally sourced treatments (i.e. sheep dung and dags) may provide an equally effective but low‐cost alternative to imported treatments (i.e. geotextiles). We further discuss challenges of integrating revegetation using native seeds and livestock grazing on the Falkland Islands. Our study demonstrates that native species and local treatments can provide a rapid approach to revegetating degraded island habitats.  相似文献   

增温对莲子草属入侵植物与本地同属植物化学物质组成和天敌昆虫的影响 气候变暖影响植物生长和生理活动,然而气候变暖如何改变入侵植物化学物质组成并间接影响其与植食性昆虫互作还少有报道。本研究以入侵植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)及其本地同属 植物莲子草(A. sessilis)为对象,探究增温对其叶片化学物质组成的影响并进一步检验这些变化如何影响两 种植食性昆虫虾钳菜披龟甲(Cassida piperata)和斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)的生长发育。通过模拟增温实验,探究增温对空心莲子草和莲子草13个叶片化学物质的影响,并用其饲养两种植食性昆虫,测量它们的生长和发育时间。研究结果显示,增温显著改变了空心莲子草和莲子草叶化学物质组成;增温降低了空心莲子草叶片氮浓度,增加了莲子草叶片总黄酮和总酚浓度;增温对其它营养物质(果糖、蔗糖、总可溶性糖和淀粉)随物种和具体物质发生改变;采用增温处理的莲子草饲养的虾钳菜披龟甲蛹重和斜纹夜蛾幼虫重量,以及增温处理的空心莲子草饲养的斜纹夜蛾幼虫重量,显著低于对照不增温处理;此外,采用增温处理的莲子草饲养的斜纹夜蛾幼虫发育时间显著延长。这些结果表明,增温对植物化学物质组成的影响随物种发生变化,增温对入侵植物和本地植物化学物质组成的影响间接改变了其与植食性昆虫的互作关系。  相似文献   

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