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Jeremiah O. Arowosegbe 《Anthropological Forum》2016,26(1):54-73
This article discusses the growing tension between constitutionally defined citizenship and socially accepted practices of “we–they dichotomies” as a turbulent component of the national question discourse in Nigeria. It examines the adoption of dual citizenship across the country as well as how this generates violent ethnic conflict. Importantly, while citizenship refers to one’s full membership of a sovereign political community acquired either by birth, naturalisation or any other process legitimised and recognised by the supreme law of the state, indigeneship, on the other hand, is a discriminatory policy employed by local or provincial governments for protecting the rights of their so–called indigenous populations to employment, political power and other resources of the regions or states against domination by alien populations and outsiders. It is argued that while such distinctions have been made possible inter alia by Nigeria’s multi–ethnic character, the ensuing struggles and tensions have been driven by the normless competition over resource allocation. These have especially been the case in instances where ethno–territorial cleavages have been the primary beneficiaries and targets of such resource allocation. This article discusses land as a major economic resource over which heated ethnic conflicts have taken place in Nigeria. Drawing on the conflicts between Hausa–Fulani pastoralists and Yoruba farmers in South–Western Nigeria, it examines the question of how disputed access to land and water has underlain an almost permanent basis of conflict in Nigeria as well as their implications for the country’s fledgling democracy. How does the struggle over land affect the articulation of the citizenship question in Nigeria? How have scarcity and competition over resources affected the contest over citizenship and the forging of nationhood among natives and settlers in South–Western Nigeria? How have colonial framings of socially accepted practices of indigeneship entrenched an understanding of the state in Nigeria as a representation of permanently defined subnational conceptions of ethnic citizenship? What role can the state in Nigeria play towards transforming the multiplicities of traditional societies into coherent political societies as a basis for (i) eliciting deference and devotion from the individual to the claims of the state, and ultimately for (ii) increasing cultural homogeneity, political integration and value consensus? Drawing on data generated from an ethnographic study carried out in South–Western Nigeria between October 2009 and March 2015, this study interrogates these questions. 相似文献
Previous studies of young people have revealed that the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) plays an important role in inductive reasoning. An fMRI experiment was performed in this study to examine whether the left DLPFC was involved in inductive reasoning of MCI patients and normal agings, and whether the activation pattern of this region was different between MCI patients and normal agings. The fMRI results indicated that MCI patients had no difference from normal agings in behavior per-formance (reaction time and accuracy) and the activation pattern of DLPFC. However, the BOLD re-sponse of the DLPFC region for MCI patients was weaker than that for normal agings, and the func-tional connectivity between the bilateral DLPFC regions for MCI patients was significantly higher than for normal agings. Taken together, these results indicated that DLPFC plays an important role in inductive reasoning of agings, and the functional abnormity of DLPFC may be an earlier marker of MCI before structural alterations. 相似文献
伊犁河流域红果小檗资源分布与形态调查 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
红果小檗(Berberis nummularia Bge.)系小檗科(Berberidaceae)小檗属(Berberis L.)植物,是新疆及中亚地区特有的植物物种之一.对伊犁河流域的药食兼用植物红果小檗(Berberis nummularia Bge.)的资源分布、形态特征、生态条件、繁殖特征及人工栽培等进行了综合调查、对植物各部位标本采集及采样分析研究,并对其药用价值、经济价值、生态价值、观赏价值、资源开发及保护管理等方面进行了系统地探讨,为民族药的发掘和整理、丰富中华民族中药宝库以及野生植物资源的保护和合理开发可持续性利用提供了科学依据. 相似文献
Iain J. Davidson-Hunt 《Human ecology: an interdisciplinary journal》2006,34(4):593-614
The purpose of this paper is to explore adaptive learning networks as a contemporary means by which new resource management knowledge can develop through social learning forums. The paper draws upon recent discussions within two disparate literatures on indigenous knowledge and network theory and is grounded in fieldwork with two Anishinaabe First Nations in northwestern Ontario. The paper has three objectives. First, problematize the principle of representation as a basic way of including the knowledge of indigenous peoples within natural resource and environmental management. Second, utilize network theory as a way to weave together adaptive learning by individuals into a cross-cultural social learning process. Finally, propose an adaptive natural resources and environmental framework that brings together, through a social learning process, the different ways individuals, indigenous peoples and resource managers, perceive environmental change. 相似文献
As the United States and Australia struggle with contemporary crises over competing uses of rapidly depleting natural resources, there are striking parallels between American Indian and Australian Aboriginal communities demanding a place at the management table and offering culturally based understandings of and solutions for the ecosystems at risk. These efforts to integrate indigenous knowledge into mainstream natural resource management are part of larger legal and political debates over land tenure, the locus of control, indigenous self-governance, and holistic ecosystems management. 相似文献
鹞落坪自然保护区商城肥鲵的资源分布及生境选择 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2006~2008年在鹞落坪国家级自然保护区对商城肥鲵资源状况进行调查,并对商城肥鲵栖息地的部分生态因子进行了监测。结果表明:鹞落坪自然保护区内的黄栗园河、大石屋冲和小石屋冲三个地点发现有商城肥鲵的栖息,其栖息地海拔介于600~1200 m之间,分布数量较少,对栖息地的生境有着严格的要求,且显示出"斑块化"和"破碎化"的特点。本文在分析了保护区目前所存在问题的同时,提出了保护商城肥鲵的措施与对策。 相似文献
Much has been written about insect damage to standing crops, but an area that has received little attention within agricultural development, conservation, and primatological literature is that of primates and the potential damage they can cause to farmers' fields. This is likely to become an increasingly important issue for people interested in primates, as conservation projects adopt a more integrated approach to take account of local people's perspectives and needs. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of crop raiding by primates, particularly baboons, on farmers living around the southern edge of the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. I use data gathered during monthly farm surveys and informal discussion groups, along with time budget data, to demonstrate that 1) baboons can cause extensive damage to field crops, such as maize and cassava; 2) proximity of the farm to the forest edge and the presence or absence of neighboring farms affect the likelihood of any farm sustaining crop damage from baboons; and 3) in addition to the direct costs associated with crop losses attributed to baboon foraging activity, there are indirect costs of baboon crop raiding such as increased labor demands to protect crops from them and, occasionally, to replant crop stands badly damaged by baboons. These results have important implications for future primate conservation policy and practice. 相似文献
We study theoretically the effect of inter-habitat migration on the distribution of population sizes between two habitats, and compare this distribution with the expected ideal free distribution (IFD). Whenever emigration from the two habitats is asymmetric, or when there is a survival cost during migration, the resulting equilibrium distribution of population sizes deviates from the IFD. This result holds irrespective of emigration rule, even though a density-dependent fraction of emigrants generally produces a distribution closer to the IFD than a constant fraction of emigrants. Environmental stochasticity causes a linear relation between population sizes in the two habitats, with slope and intercept only identical to the IFD when net inter-habitat exchange is zero. The type and asymmetry of inter-habitat migration will influence how we should interpret data on population distribution in different habitats. The resulting resource matching is also critically contingent on the relative time-scales of population renewal and dispersal, and when population size is measured in relation to reproduction and dispersal. Therefore, data on population sizes cannot be used uncritically to assess habitat quality. 相似文献
浙江舟山五峙山列岛夏季繁殖水鸟资源及其分布动态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1989~2007年,对浙江舟山五峙山列岛自然保护区繁殖水鸟进行调查和监测,记录繁殖水鸟的种类、数量、分布及其繁殖生态。在五峙山列岛繁殖的水鸟主要有黑尾鸥Larus crassirostris、黄嘴白鹭Egretta eulophotes、小白鹭E.garzetta、中白鹭Mesophoyx intermedia、大凤头燕鸥Sterna bergii、黑枕燕鸥S.sumatrana和蛎鹬Haematopus ostralegus等7种。自1988年保护区建立以来,尤其是近年来,五峙山列岛繁殖水鸟的种类和珍稀鸟类黄嘴白鹭的繁殖数量呈上升趋势,其中黄嘴白鹭和大凤头燕鸥大繁殖群的出现大大提高了保护区的保护价值,不同年份间鸟类总体数量保持相对稳定。五峙山列岛繁殖水鸟的资源和分布动态呈现两个值得关注的现象:一方面,由于繁殖资源限制,繁殖种类间存在竞争替换;另一方面,不同繁殖年间繁殖水鸟在不同岛屿的分布数量存在较大的波动。其内在的影响因素值得进一步探讨,这对有针对性地制订保护和管理对策,降低黄嘴白鹭的竞争压力,最大限度地提高保护区繁殖水鸟的多样性具有重要价值。 相似文献
In the Indian state of Goa, communally owned agricultural land has persisted through indigenous state rule, colonial occupation
and postcolonial liberation. We show that in Goa, and indeed elsewhere in the world, communally owned land provides protection
against scarcity, risk, and state revenue demands in wet rice agriculture. When wet rice agriculture is the primary agricultural
activity, communally owned land is an effective way to utilize resources. These findings add to the literature that challenges
the inevitability of the tragedy of commonly owned resources.
Paul AxelrodEmail: |
多维度发展的文化线路理论对于整合地区文化遗产并提供整体性保护利用方法具有重要意义。有别于传统的文化遗产类型,文化线路通过整体性视角,将文化遗产资源在空间意义上的“点”延伸到“线”的层面,支持更大尺度范围内各区域遗产点之间的关联性,并在一个宏观且整体的线性空间尺度下认知与提升这些分散遗产点的重要性,从而达到整体保护的目的。以广东省江门市为例,基于文化线路定义、概念、构成条件及特征判读的研究,从时空变化性、历史功能性、文化交流性、多元整体性4个特征对江门文化遗产点进行分析与判读,梳理出江门文化遗产的历史文化脉络及其空间分布现状。从而为确立与展现具有“微观尺度遗产串联—宏观尺度文化认同”特征的江门华侨华人文化线路提供依据。 相似文献
陕西马家山自然保护区大中型兽类的资源及区系与生态分布 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马家山自然保护区(105°28′~105°40′E,32°50′~32°56′N)属秦岭西段的南坡山地。采用样线调查法和访问调查法,于2004年10~11月,对该保护区大中型兽类(包括灵长类、食肉动物和偶蹄动物)的资源、区系和生态分布进行了研究。该保护区共有23种大中型兽类,其中属我国Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级重点保护动物的兽类分别有5种和9种。它是秦岭物种多样性保护的关键地区之一。金丝猴和猕猴在此同域分布,大熊猫和羚牛四川亚种也分布于此地,该保护区是这4个珍稀濒危物种的一个新分布区。区内的23种兽类中没有古北界的区系成分,而属于东洋界成分的兽类有17种,占73.9%;其余6种为广布种,占26.1%。分析该区域23种兽类的生态分布发现,常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混交林中分别有16种、20种和12种动物活动。这些物种的垂直分布幅度有很大的差异。垂直分布幅度在海拔高差1000 m以上、500~1000 m、500 m以下的物种分别有5种、13种和5种。区内不同海拔带的兽类物种数随海拔升高的变化比较平稳,没有表现出明显上升或下降的规律性变化。 相似文献
Robert Wessing 《Anthropological Forum》2016,26(4):355-375
This article discusses a case of possession in East Java that took place in the context of an important customary ritual, the seblang dance. In the course of this ritual, villagers meet their obligations to the spirits of fertility that allowed them to use the land on which their village and fields are located. Considerable stress was caused by a potential dancer who, perhaps for religious reasons, declined to dance although she had been specifically chosen by the spirits. This was an unheard of situation, and was feared to put the welfare of the community at risk. Further stress was caused by perceived interference by government officials whose rejection of an alternate dancer for aesthetic reasons caused the village’s tutelary spirit to become angry, jeopardising the presentation of the ritual and thereby the welfare of the community. After two and a half hours of negotiation, during which narratives reflecting both tradition and the current situation were constructed and reconstructed, the village head resolved the immediate problem by appealing to the spirit’s civic position, though leaving the door open for further problems in the future. 相似文献
Conflict resolution in the Odonata: implications for understanding female mating patterns and female choice 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Ola M. Fincke 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1997,60(2):201-220
Predictions of mating patterns in animals have focused on males and how they compete for fertilizations by controlling females. With reference to the Odonata, a taxon in which mating requires cooperation of the female, the active role that females play in mating decisions is often ignored, leading to the premature conclusion that male coercion of females is common. A critical review of the outcome of sexual conflict among odonates leads me to alternative explanations of female mating patterns that need to be refuted before concluding that males coerce matings. Because Anisoptera males have greater control over tandem formation, they have a greater potential for coercion than Zygoptera males. However, Anisoptera females may simply be willing to remate more often if they receive insufficient sperm to fertilize an entire egg clutch. Contrary to prior assumptions, in both suborders, male defence of oviposition sites does not preclude females from choosing among sites or among males. I find that the evolution of non-aggressive sexual signals by males is a reliable indication that sexual conflict has been resolved in favour of female interests. Although I predict that the benefits to females of choice of male phenotype should rarely exceed the cost of such discrimination in Odonata, female choice is most likely to evolve in territorial species whose males must endure high physiological stress in order to mate, and when site quality is not a reliable predictor of the genetic quality of a potential mate. 相似文献
TIMOTHY EARLE 《American anthropologist》2004,106(1):111-125
How did the emergence of hierarchical social structure that followed the domestication of plants and animals in the Neolithic actually come about? I suggest that material media were instrumental in this transformation, as culture was changed by incorporating such newmedia as landscape constructions and elaborate prestige objects. During the Neolithic transition in Thy, Denmark, local corporate groups formed, and, subsequently, Bronze Age chieftains came to power. Shifts in material culture suggest possible connections to these institutional changes, namely the materialization of property rights by burial monuments and permanent domestic architecture and the centralization of power through the controlled production of wealth objects. I conclude that, as part of social process, the nature of culture has been transformed by incorporating material culture with specific characteristics of scale, permanency, and control that were vital to institutional change. 相似文献
Nonhuman carnivores have historically been demonized, lethally controlled, and extirpated throughout many parts of the world—indeed, they bear the brunt of this in some places still today. To understand why this is still occurring, it is important to appreciate the historical events that have shaped and led to this situation. We use a qualitative case study in Namibia that draws on an archival review and eight months of ethnography to describe the widespread control of nonhuman carnivores in the country, from the 1800s to the present day. Calling upon Val Plumwood’s eco-feminist typology of domination of the “Other,” and integrating it with current advances in inter- sectional theory, we explain the apparent parallels in this process of domi- nation of Namibian nonhuman predators alongside its Indigenous peoples by European settlers. We discuss the process of colonization of predators and people, highlighting how perceived power differentials provided an ideal situation to dominate these presumed “Others.” We conclude with a number of recommendations that could begin to reconcile conflicts between people and predators, and between different groups of people. 相似文献
In the golden egg bug (Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill. Heteroptera:
Coreidae) females lay eggs on the backs of conspecifics, oftenon courting males. Although the bugs do not provide care tothe eggs, this decreases the risk of egg predation. As an effectmales carry many eggs which are not their own. The male andfemale interests are in conflict; females need to find an ovipositionsite, and male fitness depends on the obtained number of matings.
By using a very rare modeling approach, a supergame where theindividuals actions change payoffs over time, we show thatcombinations of reciprocating strategies where males obtaina mating in return for a carried egg can be stable. The valueof the mating, to males, is more important than the relatednessto the eggs in gaining their cooperation in carrying eggs. Females
may also take advantage of the males without reciprocating.This is especially likely if the probability of future meetingis high and the value of a mating is high for the male. Werelate our results to our own data from empirical studies andexperiments on the species. In the light of the results we discuss
the behavior of the bugs in relation to nuptial gifts. We alsodiscuss the general applicability of the supergame approach. 相似文献
长白山白鸡腰子国家级动植物科技示范园区植物资源 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
白鸡腰子属温带气候,植物资源丰富.经过近两年的调查研究,首次统计出白鸡腰子植物资源约为124科、343属、619种,约占长白山植物资源种数的25.54%.本文报道了白鸡腰子药用植物、观赏植物、野菜植物、野果植物、蜜源植物等17类植物资源相的情况.在调查研究过程中设计了不同坡向、不同海拔的样地,介绍了各资源相在三个不同景观带的分布情况,并列举出部分代表性植物,提出了开发利用和保护植物资源的一些建议,同时制作了一张光盘.为国内外研究白鸡腰子植物资源提供了第一手资料. 相似文献