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唐谊海  朱宝森 《蛇志》1993,5(1):28-28
青龙饮料是在蛇胆饮料基础上,采取新配方的保健饮料.为了探讨其保健功能是否优于蛇胆饮料,我们对小鼠进行了促生长和耐力对比试验。现将结果报道如下:1 材料与方法1.1 实验饮料:青龙饮料和蛇胆饮料是由沈阳龙宝保健食品制造公司生产。1.2 实验动物与分组:小鼠是由解放军  相似文献   

蛇胆为民间常用的一种中药材。其性味苦微甘。有行气祛痰、搜风祛湿、明目益肝、清热散寒之功效。蛇胆可制成蛇胆干、蛇胆酒、蛇胆丸或加工制成蛇胆陈皮、蛇胆胡椒、蛇胆半夏、蛇胆川贝、蛇胆南星等中成药。蛇胆的功用近年来在有关“蛇伤”的书中均有介绍,但对蛇胆的化学成分及其生理功用均未提及。为有利于蛇胆的利用,现根据文献记载作一简要介绍。蛇的胆汁的排泌及其化学成分与哺乳类十分相似。蛇的胆汁除含有胆汁酸盐(胆盐)外,尚含有磷酯、胆固醇及其酯、胆色素等。蛇胆汁的生理功用主要是帮助脂肪的消化、吸收与运输。因此,蛇在捕食后,…  相似文献   

1 处方:干蛇胆一至两个。2 主治:肛瘘3 用法:先将肛门周围洗净,然后将干蛇胆从瘘口慢慢送至瘘管底部(不贯通瘘管),如果瘘管贯通,则应将蛇胆贯穿整个瘘管,使蛇胆两端祼露在瘘管内外口之外。4 药理经过:用药后一至三天,蛇胆吸水肿胀,患者局部有微热肿痛感,继之胆汁渗出,作用于  相似文献   

张穗 《蛇志》1992,4(2):55-56
蛇胆是一种常见中药,它来源下眼镜蛇科及游蛇科等多种蛇类的胆.近年来,由于蛇胆来源困难,价格昂贵,已发现有人用鸡、鸭、鱼等动物胆冒充蛇胆或用机油(柴、汽、煤油)刺激蛇鼻腔或蛇体,使胆囊变大、充盈时取胆,使胆汁增多而质差.还有人将蛇胆多次浸泡在酒液中,然后把蛇胆与酒液分别出售,使胆汁稀薄而牟取暴利.蛇胆的鉴别有外观性状和薄层层析等方法,由于大部分基层单位尚无设备和条件,故未能开展薄层层析鉴别.因此蛇胆的外观性状鉴别成为必不可少的方法,现将十四种蛇胆及其常见伪充品的外观性状描述如下.(见表)供  相似文献   

真假蛇胆的简易鉴别四川省中医药研究所重庆分所刘志刚蛇胆是一种非常贵重的天然中药,由于其来源受自然资源影响,正日惭减少。因此,市场上常出现以鸡、鸭胆、黄鳝胆等假蛇胆或掺了蜂蜜的蜜蛇胆等伪劣商品。故有必要对其加以识别。其办法是从胆的外形、色泽、大小、胆管...  相似文献   

蛇胆是一种非常贵重的天然中药,由于其来源受自然资源的影响,现日越减少。市场上常出现以鸡胆、鸭胆、黄鳝胆等假蛇胆或掺了蜂蜜的蜜蛇胆等伪劣蛇胆,故有必要对其加以识别。通常简易的办法是从胆的外形、色泽、大小、胆管形状、胆汁稠度、气味等几方面鉴别。  相似文献   

实验用 ICP-AES 法测定了广东眼镜蛇蛇胆及鸡胆、猪胆、牛胆干粉中12种元素的含量.眼镜蛇蛇胆锌含量(11.7mg/100g.干粉)明显高于鸡胆(5.7mg/100g.干粉),而铝、铁含量明显低于鸡胆,其余元素含量与鸡胆基本接近.结果提示,眼镜蛇蛇胆中锌、铝、铁元素含量可作为蛇胆内在质量控制的一个有意义的指标.  相似文献   

蛇一身都是宝,除蛇毒外,要算蛇胆最名贵了。明代名医李时珍所著《本草纲目》曾描述五步蛇胆“主治(?)疮、杀下部虫、疗诸漏研敷之,若作痛杆杏仁摩之”;乌蛇胆“主治:大风痢疾、木舌胀塞”;蟒蛇胆“明目、去翳;疗大风”。蛇胆是传统中药材,性凉、味甘微苦、无毒。有祛风化痰、疗疳杀虫、清热明目这功效。我国每年有数十家制药厂生产“蛇胆陈皮末”“蛇胆川贝末  相似文献   

眼镜蛇蛇胆,有祛风化痰,清热解毒之功效。主治发热、咳嗽、痰多气喘、风湿骨痛等。传统常用好酒配为“蛇胆酒”,配中药制成“蛇胆陈皮末”和“蛇胆川贝末”等。而笔者父辈相传,用眼镜蛇(吹风蛇)胆配生姜制成“胆姜”治疗发热、惊风和慢支有特效。方法:即选用大块的生姜一块,用刀切成两块,姜中间稍挖为空心,再用眼镜蛇胆一个夹在姜中间,并用线固定好,挂在通风阴凉干燥处阴干后可入药。用时切碎并研为细粉,遇有发热咳嗽,关节痛者用酒或开水冲服,每次1—  相似文献   

酶促磷酸化法生产腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(以下简称ATP),多利用啤酒酵母、面包酵母等的酶系进行反应,尚未见到以酿酒酵母合成ATP的报道。我国有很多白酒厂,酿酒酵母取材容易,而且培养条件要求低,对糖的发酵力强,对酸和乙醇的耐受力较好。研究用酿酒酵母进行酶促磷酸化合成ATP适于白酒厂土法上马。  相似文献   

The stimulant effect of energy drinks is primarily attributed to the caffeine they contain. Many energy drinks also contain other ingredients that might enhance the tonic effects of these caffeinated beverages. One of these additives is guarana. Guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon whose seeds contain approximately four times the amount of caffeine found in coffee beans. The mix of other natural chemicals contained in guarana seeds is thought to heighten the stimulant effects of guarana over caffeine alone. Yet, despite the growing use of guarana as an additive in energy drinks, and a burgeoning market for it as a nutritional supplement, the science examining guarana and how it affects other dietary ingredients is lacking. To appreciate the stimulant effects of guarana and other natural products, a straightforward model to investigate their physiological properties is needed. The planarian provides such a system. The locomotor activity and convulsive response of planarians with substance exposure has been shown to provide an excellent system to measure the effects of drug stimulation, addiction and withdrawal. To gauge the stimulant effects of guarana we studied how it altered the locomotor activity of the planarian species Dugesia tigrina. We report evidence that guarana seeds provide additional stimulation over caffeine alone, and document the changes to this stimulation in the context of both caffeine and glucose.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine (CS) inhibits the stimulation of both T and B lymphocytes by certain agents, but not by others. Here we have studied the effects of the drug on the responses of murine B cells to T cell-derived B cell growth and differentiation factors. We show that activation of resting B cells by B cell-stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1) is resistant to CS, whereas stimulation by anti-Ig antibodies is not, which is in agreement with earlier findings. Furthermore, B cell proliferation elicited by co-stimulation with anti-Ig plus BSF-1 remains drug susceptible. In contrast, the stimulation of large (presumably preactivated) B cells by B cell growth factor II to synthesize DNA or to secrete Ig is inhibited by low concentrations of CS. These results therefore contrast with earlier findings with human B cells, and with those using T cells from various species, which showed that the responses of preactivated cells to growth factors are resistant to the drug. It thus appears that in the mouse CS can affect all stages of B cell stimulation.  相似文献   

为了研究蜜环菌饮料对小鼠机体功能的影响,采用环磷酰胺(CY)造模法制作小鼠免疫抑制模型,通过灌胃不同剂量蜜环菌饮料,研究对小鼠机体免疫功能的影响,同时通过测定实验小鼠肠道中细菌总数、大肠杆菌数、乳酸菌和双歧杆菌数等,分析不同剂量的蜜环菌饮料对肠道菌相的影响,最后对小鼠进行了急性毒性试验研究,以检测饮料有无毒副作用。结果表明蜜环菌饮料可明显提高小鼠脾脏和胸腺指数,促进脾脏及胸腺的发育,促进巨噬细胞的吞噬活性,明显增强小鼠的免疫功能,同时还能促进小鼠肠道有益菌的生长,改善肠道微生物区系环境,饮料没有对小鼠产生任何的毒副作用。证明蜜环菌饮料不仅增强机体免疫功能,同时还增强肠道功能,保持和促进机体健康。  相似文献   

Haber , Alan H., and Helen J. Luippold . (Oak Ridge National Laboratory,2 Oak Ridge, Tenn.) Effects of gibberellin on gamma-irradiated wheat. American Jour. Bot. 47(2): 140—144. Illus. 1960.–After receiving large doses of gamma rays, wheat grains can germinate and grow into small seedlings, either in water or in a solution of gibberellic acid, without undergoing any mitosis. Gibberellic acid stimulates growth of plants from grain given twice the dose that abolishes all detectable mitotic activity. Therefore, it must stimulate growth of these irradiated plants by cell expansion alone. Growth stimulation in shoots from such irradiated grain was reflected in increased dry matter content and other responses characteristic of gibberellin treatment. Comparison of the shoot height-dose curves for plants grown in water and those in gibberellin suggest that cell division per se does not contribute greatly to the gibberellin stimulation of growth in unirradiated young wheat seedlings. The effect of gibberellic acid on plants from grain irradiated sufficiently to prevent subsequent mitotic activity was on the total extent of growth, not only on the rate. The general ineffectiveness of gibberellin on mature tissues can not be attributed to the cells having reached the maximum size that they were potentially capable of attaining, but must be caused by a physiological incapacity of the cells to respond to gibberellin treatment. These results are discussed in connection with recent reports that stimulation of growth by gibberellin can be attributed solely to an increase in cell number.  相似文献   


Laryngectomized patients use indwelling silicone rubber voice prostheses, placed in a surgically created fistula in between the trachea and the esophagus, for voice and speech rehabilitation. At the esophageal side, these voice prostheses rapidly become colonized by a thick biofilm consisting of a variety of oral and skin bacteria and yeasts, and on average, after 3–4 months a prosthesis has to be replaced. In this study, the influence of caffeinated soft drinks on biofilm formation on silicone rubber voice prostheses has been investigated in a modified Robbins device. Robbins devices were first inoculated with the total cultivable microflora from an explanted voice prosthesis for 3 d, after which the devices were perfused three times daily over a 12 day period with 650 ml of either phosphate buffered saline or carbonated mineral water (controls), caffeinated soft drinks (two types), or a decaffeinated and a sugar‐free version of one of the caffeinated soft drinks. At the end of a day, during the experimental period, the devices were filled with growth medium for 30 min. Both caffeinated soft drinks reduced bacterial prevalence in the biofilms to 1–5% of the control, while yeasts thrived in voice prosthetic biofilms exposed to caffeinated soft drinks. Neither the controls, nor the decaffeinated soft drink, nor the sugar‐free version of this showed these effects on bacterial prevalence.  相似文献   

热休克与ConA激活对T淋巴细胞的双重作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为模拟天然免疫条件下,病毒等抗原对T淋巴细胞激活同时伴有体温升高的环境,我们建立了人外周血T淋巴细胞体外激活和热休克的模型。热休克对ConA激活细胞中多肽的合成既有协同也有抑制作用。ConA激活细胞受热休克的影响较静止细胞小,而其热休克蛋白(HSP)的诱导合成则较强,为了解HSP在淋巴细胞中的作用提供了线索。  相似文献   

A novel variant of S49 mouse lymphoma cells is described which is resistant to growth arrest and cytolysis by dibutyryl cyclic AMP but, in contrast to previously described variants, has normal cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The variant is also resistant to N6-monobutyryl cAMP but is sensitive to killing by 8-bromo cAMP and cholera toxin. Extracts of the variant appear to contain wild type levels of both O2'-butyrylesterase and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activities. Accumulation of exogenous [3H]dibutyryl cyclic AMP is reduced in the variant suggesting a defect in either uptake or secretion of the analog or its metabolic products. Accumulation of cyclic AMP in variant cells after stimulation of adenylate cyclase with either isoproterenol or cholera toxin is also reduced compared with wild type cells, although cyclase activity of membranes prepared from the variant cells is normal. Extracellular accumulation of cyclic AMP after stimulation of variant cells with isoproterenol is greater than that found with wild type cells. It is concluded that the variant has an alteration in its cyclic AMP secretion mechanism resulting in more efficient extrusion of cyclic AMP than in wild type cells.  相似文献   

目前,在功能运动饮料中测定水溶性维生素含量的研究相对较少,为此,本研究开发了一种通过胶束动电毛细管色谱法(MEKC)测定几种能量饮料和运动饮料中水溶性维生素的方法,并根据背景电解质组成(硼酸盐含量, p H值,表面活性剂类型等)和其他MEKC参数研究维生素的分离,以及对可能干扰维生素测定的干扰化合物进行了研究。研究显示,背景电解质为pH值8.5,50 mmol/L硼酸盐,50 mmol/L SDS和5%MeOH时,可有效地检测出能量和运动饮料中的水溶性维生素含量。该方法可成功地检测各种能量和运动饮料中的水溶性维生素,并可用于软饮料行业的质量控制。  相似文献   

Summary: A turbidostatic continuous culture apparatus is described, which has been used to determine the effect of variations in carbonation, benzoic acid and pH on the growth rate of a soft drink spoilage yeast. Results are presented and a model is derived which, it is believed, enables the spoilage potential of many carbonated soft drinks to be predicted.  相似文献   

Wounds were made at various times of the year on the trunks and large branches of apple trees with a 1 in. bit and treated with a number of organic compounds in lanoline paste. The healing of these wounds was followed through two growing seasons by tracing and measuring the area of exposed wood at different times after wounding.
Callus growth was practically confined to the summer months. Development of callus was improved by applications of lanoline, and the lanoline effect could be further enhanced in the early part of the first growing season following treatment by the addition of certain growth-stimulating compounds including 4-chloro-3:5-dimethylphenoxyacetic acid and 2:4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Indolyl-3-butyric acid probably also caused some stimulation. After the period of initial stimulation the rate of callusing was approximately the same on treated as on untreated wounds.  相似文献   

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